Download - Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union Progress/Results General presentation 20 December, 2010.

Page 1: Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union Progress/Results General presentation 20 December, 2010.

Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union


General presentation20 December, 2010

Page 2: Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union Progress/Results General presentation 20 December, 2010.


1. The Council Presidency

2. Belgian priorities: progress/results

3. Conclusion

Page 3: Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union Progress/Results General presentation 20 December, 2010.

1. The Council presidency 1.1. Main Characteristics

• Represents and is responsible for the functioning of the Council

• Influences the direction of EU policy

Main Tasks:ProgrammingOrganizing and chairing meetings of all Council

bodiesGuardian of the respect of the rules of

ProcedureFormulating compromisesNegotiating agreements with the European


Page 4: Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union Progress/Results General presentation 20 December, 2010.

1.2. Logistical challenges

• 29 Council +16 Informal Council sessions• More than 500 meetings and conferences in

different EU areas• ASEM 8 : 4-5 Oct. 2010 (Most important

political summit with third countries (48 Heads of State / Government))

• EU-Africa Summit: 29-30 Nov. 2010, Libya• European Development Days: December 6-7

2010• Budget 74 million € + 16 million € for security

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2.Belgian Priorities

2.1. Five clusters of major importance

2.2. A transversal theme: implementation of the Lisbon treaty

Page 6: Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union Progress/Results General presentation 20 December, 2010.

2.Belgian Priorities 2.1. Five clusters of major importance

2.1.1. Combating the economic & financial crisis

2.1.2. Reinforcing the social dimension of the EU

2.1.3. Implementing the Stockholm Program Action Plan in matters of Justice & Home Affairs

2.1.4. Environment and Climate

2.1.5. External dimension: enlargement and common trade

Page 7: Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union Progress/Results General presentation 20 December, 2010.

2.1.1. Combating the economic & financial crisis

i. Short term measuresii. Medium term measures

=>financial measures and economic governance

iii. Long term structural measures

=> Europe 2020

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Governance: Progress/Results

- September: Follow-up of the task force on strengthening budgetary discipline, increase of European economic coordination and governance (European Semester)

- October/December: final report Task force and decision on further follow-up (permanent mechanism for financial stability) + decision to change the Lisbon treaty

Budget + structural reform plans

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Finance: Progress/Results

- Adoption of legislation on financial regulation and supervision (September: agreement PRES-EP – by 1.1.11 financial control structures for banks, insurance companies and financial markets)

- Directive on hedge funds and on private equity

- Coordination of EU-views on Global Governance (G-20, IMF, WB)

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Other points: Progress/Results

- European patent – language regime=> reinforced cooperation

- Directive on untimely payments by public sector to companies (publication early 2011) => SME’s, 30-60 days, 8%

Page 11: Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union Progress/Results General presentation 20 December, 2010.

Europe 2020: Progress/Results

- Discussion on flagship initiatives of COM- National objectives: discussions with

Commission first week of October - Governance: in December stock-taking

exercise- growth and jobs aimed at a knowledge economy- five objectives- 75% of labour participation 20-64 y- 3% GDP to R&D- 20-20-20 norm environment- education -drop out prevention to less than10%; 3rd level education to 40%-social inclusion/poverty reduction (206)Flagships: digitalisation, jouth mobility, innovation, industrial policy, reinforcement of internal market and commercial strategies

Page 12: Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union Progress/Results General presentation 20 December, 2010.

2.1.2. Reinforcing the social dimension of the EU

- 2010 = European year for the struggle against poverty

Page 13: Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union Progress/Results General presentation 20 December, 2010.

Progress/Results (EPSCO)

- Employment strategy in the context of EU 2020 : adoption of the targets of a new employment strategy

- Governance of EU Employment strategy - Evaluation of national reform programmes

on employment (European semester) - Directive on fake parmaceutical products- Directive on transborder health care

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2.1.3. Implementing the Stockholm Action Plan (April 2010) on Justice &

Home Affairs

- more and better cooperation in: - police and customs - civil and penal law- international terrorism and organized crime - migration and asylum- recognition of judicial decisions


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- Asylum package: good progress to get by end 2012 a common EU asylum system (directive on LT Residents)

- Criminal matters: dir. human trafficking (based on Convention Co of E)

- Home affairs/terrorism: agreement EU/US on financial information; start negotiations exchange passenger information

- Justice: proposal on cooperation in field of divorce legislation,proposal on right of information in penal procedures

Page 16: Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union Progress/Results General presentation 20 December, 2010.

2.1.4. Environment and Climate

- October 2010 (Nagoya) – biodiversity =>1/4,1/8,1/3

- December 2010 (Cancun) – CO² reduction- Coherence with other fields:

• Green transportation• Energy• Fiscal policies

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- Nagoya: action programme => 20 measures (protected areas, …)

- Presentation of the EU at Cancun - Development of a balanced package for

Cancun=> compromise package adopted

- Legislation on green transportation and energy in preparation (Eurovignette, use of dangerous substances in electric utensils)

2 degrees maxClimate fund 75 bilDe-forestification: moneyTechno transfert

Page 18: Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union Progress/Results General presentation 20 December, 2010.

2.1.5.External dimension: Enlargement and common trade policy

Enlargement- Many countries at different stages- Process with different phases- Conditionality

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- Iceland 27/7: start of negotiations

- Croatia: work in progress (temporary closure of 5 chapters – food security and financial control); further progress on 22/12

- Turkey: pave the way for the opening of a new chapter

- Montenegro: candidate status (14/12)

- Serbia: decision to ask an opinion to Commission on candidate status (25/10)

- …

Turkey: reforms (state aid) and customs union agreement
Page 20: Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union Progress/Results General presentation 20 December, 2010.

Common trade policy: Progress/Results

- Free trade agreement EU-South-Korea 1.6 billion custom duties less and less non-tariff obstacles (pharmacy, food, cars, …)

- Start negotiations with Malaysia (free trade)

- Start negotiations with China (geographical indications)

- Agreement within Council on measures to increase trade with Pakistan

- Progress on Accession Russia to WTO

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Belgium will have to implement the Treaty of Lisbon and make it work

European External Action Service.

New rules concerning the budget.

European Citizens’ initiative

Help new institutions to work.

2.2. A ‘transversal’ theme: implementation of the Lisbon Treaty

Page 22: Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union Progress/Results General presentation 20 December, 2010.

EEAS: Progress/Results

- decision on organization and functioning- financial regulation- staff regulation- budget 2010 + 2011

1 December 2010 : formal start of EEAS28 HOM’s appointed

Page 23: Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union Progress/Results General presentation 20 December, 2010.

European Citizens’ initiative: Progress/Results

- Agreement reached on outstanding questions

Minimum age = age to vote EP

No uniform form

Page 24: Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union Progress/Results General presentation 20 December, 2010.

Budget: Progress/Result

- Budgetary re-examination of expenses and revenues to plan the financial frame 2014-2020.

- No agreement in November on budget 2011 – Supplementary questions of EP on « own means » and its role in future discussions

- December: agreement

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Other points: Progress/Results

- Comitology directive (agreement in Council on control by member states on executive competencies of Commission)

Advice and investigation

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3. Conclusion

Mission accomplished Thanks to

- serving EU interests

- acting as a honest broker

- Good cooperation within the EU-27

- Good relations with EP and Commission