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Beginner Global Messenger Training



Name Where are you from? How long in Special Olympics? Question: What would you do with a room

full of money?

Introduce your partner…

Objectives of WorkshopWhy are we here today? Learn about ALPs & Special

Olympics Learn how to create a speech Deliver a 1 – 2 minute speech Encourage Global Messengers to

seek speaking opportunities

Athlete Leadership Programs

Athlete Choice

Meaningful positions

Training for existing leadership

Athlete Leadership Programs

Global Messenger Governance Athletes as Volunteers

(Coaches & Officials)

Your Responsibility

As an athlete As a mentor As staff As a family member As a Board member

Your Role as a Representative

What is your most important role as a

representative of Special Olympics?– Educate/Promote in an articulate,

knowledgeable, convincing manner– Know the facts about Special


At the Tip of your Tongue

Key Elements of the Philosophy– All abilities can participate in sports,

can achieve, do have value Selling Points/the Brand

– Special Olympics changes lives– Special Olympics inspires all– Special Olympics creates heroes– Special Olympics celebrates

differences Mission

MissionYear-round sports Year-round sports


MissionAthletic Athletic


MissionOlympic-type Olympic-type


MissionChildren and Children and adults (eight adults (eight years old or years old or older) with older) with intellectual intellectual disabilitiesdisabilities








MissionShare gifts, skillsShare gifts, skills

And friendshipAnd friendship

With their familiesWith their families

Mission Statement: Voting

Children/Adults Children/Adults

Competition Competition

Olympic-type Olympic-type

Sharing gifts, skills & Sharing gifts, skills & Friendship…Friendship…

Year-round Year-round

intellectual disabilitiesintellectual disabilities

Courage Courage

Physical fitness Physical fitness

Joy Joy

Sports TrainingSports Training

The Mission of Special Olympics

The mission of Special Olympics is to provide year-round sports training and

athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and

adults with intellectual disabilities, giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical

fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills,

and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes and the community.

What makes Special Olympics Unique?

• No charge to athletes• Awards for all• Advancement to higher levels of

competition• All ability levels• Divisioning

All abilities can participate in sports, can achieve, & have value

Unique: Divisioning

The Stork Stand!The Stork Stand!

Unique: Athlete Advancement

Overview of athlete advancement criteria

Special Olympics Facts• For people with intellectual disabilities• For athletes 8 years and older• Worldwide – Programs in over 150

countries• Offers 26 official sports• Year-round• Sports training AND competition

opportunities• Team AND individual sports

The Mission of Special Olympics

Describe what the Mission means to you in one sentence.

Role of a Global Messenger Be attentive during the workshop Understand Special Olympics Learn ways to provide information Prepare and Practice a 2 to 3 minute speech Demonstrate the ability to give a public

speech Maintain contact with mentor and Special

Olympics staff Represent Special Olympics professionally

Role of the mentor Know the athlete Understand Special Olympics Provide support as needed Commit to working with the athlete Allow the Global Messengers to express

themselves Provide constructive feedback Stay in touch with Special Olympics staff Represent Special Olympics professionally

What’s wrong here?

PresentationWinning Behavior Smile! Be Friendly & Courteous Not too loud - Not too long Know your audience Personal space Arrive on time Appropriate dress Tools for Talks

Special Olympics AudiencesWho needs to know about Special Olympics? Schools Community Families Other athletes Sponsors Who else?

Preparing for a SpeechWhy should I give a speech? To tell people about Special Olympics

What type of speech will I give? Informative – Persuasive – Recruitment –


Who am I talking to?

Parts of a SpeechFive W’s and H

WhoWhat WhenWhereWhy How

Parts of a Speech




Parts of a SpeechOpening: Greet your audience Your name Purpose of speech

Parts of a SpeechBody:The Facts

Parts of a SpeechClosing:Ask for somethingThank youSmile

Your First SpeechWhat Special Olympics means to me Choose your audience Identify what you would like to tell them Write a 2 – 3 minute speech Practice speech

Speech TimeConstructive FeedbackHow did you feel?


What is one thing you learned today from this workshop?

What will you do when you go home?