Download - Beaudesert An enduring vision The School Development Plan ......Our Vision • Further underpinned our children’s learning with outstanding class and specialist teachers, part of

Page 1: Beaudesert An enduring vision The School Development Plan ......Our Vision • Further underpinned our children’s learning with outstanding class and specialist teachers, part of

BeaudesertAn enduring vision

The School Development Plan

Through 2025

Page 2: Beaudesert An enduring vision The School Development Plan ......Our Vision • Further underpinned our children’s learning with outstanding class and specialist teachers, part of

Our School

Beaudesert Park is an independent weekly, flexi-boarding and day Prep school with Pre-prep department offering continuous education for girls and boys aged 3 to 13.

Beaudesert Park offers a high achieving, academically aspiring education, coupled with a flexible approach to after school care and boarding. The happy family atmosphere, which upholds traditional standards, is clearly evident. Beaudesert is independent of any senior school and parents and children are given unbiased support to help them choose and prepare for their next stage of education. Most children move on to a wide range of the best independent senior schools at the end of Year 8, with very high levels of success in both Common Entrance and Scholarship exams.

The purposeful, nurturing and supportive environment ensures children leave having gained not only an outstanding all-encompassing education but also confidence, friendships and memories which will last a lifetime.

To be a world class co-educational, day and boarding Prep school, with outstanding teaching and learning, unrivalled pastoral care, excellent spacious facilities that encourage broad opportunities for all children to develop their unique strengths and passions, and an experience that prepares and equips every Beaudesertian for all that lies ahead in an ever-changing world.

We wish to continue to offer a secure and nurturing environment for all our children, in which they have the confidence to learn from taking risks and making mistakes, while also opening their eyes to the world beyond their own, in order to develop compassion and understanding of others, and an ambition to live lives which are rich and fulfilled.

In all that we do in the next five years, ensuring Beaudesertians continue to enjoy happy, purposeful and varied school days, building excellent character, strong morals and lifelong friendships will remain at the heart.

Our Mission Statement

Beaudesert Park aims to provide a friendly, purposeful,

stimulating educational environment in which all

members of the school are actively encouraged to achieve

their true potential.

Our Vision

Page 3: Beaudesert An enduring vision The School Development Plan ......Our Vision • Further underpinned our children’s learning with outstanding class and specialist teachers, part of

• Further underpinned our children’s learning with outstanding class and specialist teachers, part of a happy, fulfilled and cohesive staff body;

• Achieved consistently impressive Common Entrance and Scholarship results, as well as excellent rates of success at the newer Pre Test stage;

• Changed our weekly timetable in 2019 to create a calmer and more purposeful feel to the school day;

• Developed the breadth of the curriculum, ensuring ongoing teaching of the creative subjects throughout all year groups, to produce balanced and well-rounded children who can find areas of individual strength and passion;

• Cultivated an excellent programme of team and individual sports for children as well as a wide array of further activities for children to choose and enjoy;

• Increased flexible boarding opportunities to develop independence, social skills and friendships while helping prepare children who move on to boarding senior schools;

• Established mental health provisions for children including a counsellor for children needing additional support and play therapy for younger children;

• Introduced parental seminars on important pastoral topics;

• Encouraged children to develop a sense of community, responsibility, charity and giving;

• Developed the role of Class Representatives and expanded the purpose of the Friends of Beaudesert;

• Introduced an outstanding virtual learning environment to maintain the highest levels of learning whether at home or at school;

• Improved our facilities including the Performing Arts Centre in 2015, the Library in 2016 and the Qube classroom block in 2017;

• Expanded our teaching of environmental matters as well as improving our own day-to-day environmental management including energy use, waste, water, plastics and food.

In the last five years we have...

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The Academic Curriculum

Ensure that the teaching and learning at Beaudesert Park is aspirational, stimulating and broad, preparing Beaudesertians for the ever-changing world that awaits them beyond Prep school.

• Develop our curriculum to ensure Beaudesertians learn how to be good learners, including collaboration, critical thinking, communication skills, initiative, flexibility and resilience;

• Ensure an understanding of the process of learning and a growth mindset approach that underpins all teaching and learning throughout the school;

• Review and develop the teaching of the core skills of literacy and numeracy, ensuring that a focus on securing the basic foundations is our first priority;

• Adapt our curriculum and wider opportunities in Years 7 and 8, to prepare our children to be the best learners, leaders and thinkers they can be in the years ahead;

• Protect and further develop opportunities for all forms of creativity in the curriculum;

• Develop Engineering within the D.T. curriculum;• Review the use of technology within teaching, with

a focus on developing the use of new technologies to harness opportunities for creativity, collaboration, independent learning and research, and critical thinking;

• Develop and embrace all opportunities within the academic curriculum for children to learn about and develop a respect for diversity and difference;

• Enhance the teaching of environmental matters and sustainability in all year groups;

• Ensure all our children receive outstanding preparation for senior school assessment and transition;

• Review our curriculum to ensure it takes into account the developing nature of the future working world, including developing an early understanding of possible career pathways.

The Broader Curriculum

Continue to offer our children the broadest experiences in order to develop well-rounded individuals with a variety of interests and passions.

• Preserve and develop the excellent variety and breadth of optional extra-curricular activities available;

• Develop further opportunities for children to enjoy learning core life skills such as cookery and gardening;

• Ensure that our ‘sport for all’ philosophy is protected and developed, with all children benefitting from sporting opportunities at Beaudesert.

• Increase the number of sports experienced by children throughout the school, with a particular focus on enhanced choice and developing a wider range of individual sporting opportunities to support the excellent team sport provision;

• Ensure activities throughout the school develop creative, sporting, cerebral, recreational and emotional development for children of all ages.

In the next five years we will...

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Boarding and Pastoral Care

Enhance the excellent pastoral care that our children already receive, with a focus on wellbeing and mental health, and further develop the boarding provision within the school.

• Continue to provide training and staffing throughout the school in order to fully support our children’s wellbeing and good mental health;

• Develop layers of support for child wellbeing and mental health support, and introduce more parent seminars throughout the school;

• Develop and embed systems to track pupils’ wellbeing and attitudes to learning;

• Enhance a cohesive House system, which runs from Pre-prep through to Year 8, developing opportunities for leadership, mentorship and peer support;

• Continue to support and develop the boarding life of the school, with excellent flexible options available and a focus on developing more weekly boarding for those who wish.


Preserve the highest standards of teaching and support throughout the school through staff recruitment, appraisal and wellbeing.

• Continue to attract and retain the very best teachers and support staff to the school;

• Develop and implement a whole school Staff Wellbeing Policy and Procedures;

• Ensure all staff are fully supported in all matters, including the wellbeing, health and personal development, with development of the school’s HR provision;

• Further embed the school’s appraisal process for teachers throughout the whole school;

• Introduce an appraisal system for non-teaching and support staff;

• Focus whole school INSET on excellence in teaching and learning, new technologies in learning, and child wellbeing and mental health.

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Community, Charity and Diversity

Further develop in all pupils a sense of social responsibility, an understanding of diversity and preparation for the world that awaits beyond Beaudesert.

• Retain our strong culture of charity and fundraising for a wide range of local, national and international charities;

• Increase opportunities for pupil involvement and giving to community projects and local charity work;

• Further enhance our children’s awareness of diversity through our teaching, curriculum, resources and display, extra-curricular activities and visiting speakers;

• Seek available opportunities to make specialist school resources, facilities and teaching available to others within the local community;

• Continue to look to fulfil our charitable aim to widen opportunities for access to a Beaudesert education.

Communications and Digital Development

Preserve and develop our high standards of communication, ensuring our ongoing reputation as one of the leading Prep schools in the country.

• Review and improve, where necessary, the communication of all matters of children’s academic and pastoral development;

• Further develop our annual parent survey to help inform all aspects of school development planning;

• Review the school website to ensure it fully espouses the school’s core values and ethos;

• Develop and share the distinct identity of the Pre-prep and Year 7 and 8, ensuring the special values of both are actively celebrated and communicated;

• Develop the school’s use of social media platforms for communication and marketing;

• Embed and develop the role of the Year Group Reps;• Continue to engage with wider communities;• Promote increased links with our Alumni.

Resources and Facilities

Develop and improve facilities for the enhancement of all teaching, learning and development of character.

• Complete a full refurbishment of all necessary classrooms, including the integration of technology to enhance teaching;

• Develop the provision for Learning Support;• Introduce facilities to enhance the teaching of

outdoor learning, environmental studies and food technology;

• Continue to invest in the development of sporting facilities, including for the provision of a wider array of individual and team sports, and other physical pursuits;

• Refurbish the boarding house;• Increase resources for outdoor play, notably for Pre-

prep playtime;• Consider matters of environmental footprint, energy

efficiency and sustainability in all developments of resources and facilities.

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Environment and Sustainability

Ensure that issues relating to sustainability and understanding and protecting the environment are fully integrated into all aspects of school life and planning.

• Commission, develop and begin to implement a full Environment and Sustainability Plan;

• Introduce an Eco-Council, led by pupils, with representatives from all year groups in the school;

• Join the Eco Schools Programme;• Integrate increased opportunities for outdoor

learning, with a focus on the local and global environment and matters of sustainability, into the curriculum throughout the school;

• Appoint a member of staff with particular responsibility for coordinating the environmental curriculum.

Governance and Management

Continue to make sure that excellent governance and management supports the prosperous development of the school and all members of the Beaudesert community.

• Develop further awareness of our governing body, including the role they play;

• Ensure all members of the school’s management team are supported and able to successfully fulfil their roles for the benefit of all within the school community;

• Maintain full compliance with regard to all regulatory matters, including ISI regulations, the Independent School Standards, EYFS regulations, and the National Minimum Standards for Boarding;

• Restrict annual fee rises to an affordable level, while retaining our distinctive place within the local and national Prep school market.

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Beaudesert Park School,Minchinhampton,

Gloucestershire GL6 9AF01453 832 072

[email protected]
