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  • 8/4/2019 Beading Projects


    Step 1: Cut a 30 cm long art wire, string 3 beads and cross the wire back on the 2nd and 3rd beadand pull to tighten, make sure the 3 bead is tighten in the middle of the wire so that you havetwo equal length of wire on each side remaining.

    Step 2: Continue to add 4 beads and cross the wire through al l 4 beads.

    Step 3: Continue adding 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 beads (ref: step 2)

    Step 4: String 8 to 10 beads (depending on your bead size) on each side of the remaining art wire andcross both left and right wire through the first beadMake 5 petal of 14 beads and 4 larger petal of 16 beads (additional row of 16 beads)

    Step 5: Take two small petal and tie them onto a floral wire as the rose bud.

    Then follow by wrapping and tie another 3 around the rose bud.

    Lastly wrap the last 4 larger petal around the rose to form the outer petal.

  • 8/4/2019 Beading Projects


    Beaded Dragonfly Brooch :

    What you need:

    1) Seed beads of two different colors (size 11/0)2) Beading wire (30 gauge or 25 gauge if your bead holesize is bigger)

    Step 1:

    (Body) Start by cutting a piece of

    wire, around 25 to 30cm long.

    Make sure you fold the wire into

    half to mark the middle point of the

    wire and you will be working with

    both ends of this wire.

    Starting with the tail of the

    dragonfly body, pick up two beadswith one end of the wire, pass the

    other end of the wire through the

    last added bead (remember to pull


    Continue the tail by adding one

    bead at a time and cross the wires

    and pull tight. Repeat until you

    have 10 beads lining up in a row

    (see picture on step 2) or if you

    prefer a shorter tail you can stop at

    7 beads.

    Step 2:

    Continue the body by adding two

    beads each time now, cross the wire

    back through both added beads and

    pull tight. Repeat this two bead step

    again. (which means two rows of

    two - look at step 3 picture)

    Step 3:

    Continue the body by adding three

    beads each time now, cross the wire

    back through all three added beads

    and pull tight. Repeat this three

    bead step again two more times.

    (which means three rows of three

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    beads - look at step 4 picture)

    Step 4:

    Now that you have the idea, we will

    go a little faster: now add two beads

    like step 2 and then add 3 beads

    (note: this 3 beads should be of

    mixed color as the two at the side

    are for the eyes - you can use black

    or red) Pull tight and for the excess

    wires, try to go back through the

    two beads at the bottom of the

    eyes, better still try to go back as

    far as you can go and then cut away

    the excess.

    Step 5:

    (The Wings - Top Wings) Start off by

    cutting a piece of wire around 50 to

    60 cm long, fold to find the centerpoint of the wire.

    Start by adding two beads on one

    end of the wire, then another 3

    beads but hold on to the three

    beads and pass the other end of the

    wire through these 3 beads, pull


    Continue expanding the wing by

    adding 4, then 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9, 9, 9,

    9, 9, 8, 7, 5, 3. (see the step 6

    picture for a better idea)

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    Step 6:

    Remember to end off by tugging the

    excess wires back through the

    bottom row (5 beads row) beforecutting away the excess.

    This is the one of the top wings so

    you have to make two of this, by

    repeating step 5 again.

    Step 7:

    The bottom wing: quite similar to

    step 5, cut a wire slightly shorter

    around 40 to 50cm, find the center

    of the wire, and start the same way

    as step 5.

    2 beads, then 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 8,

    8, 8, 6, 4. (see picture on the right

    for a better idea)

    Remember to make 2 of this too for

    the two bottom wings.

    Step 8:

    Joining: Cut a short 10 cm piece of

    wire, pass it through the two beads

    of the tip 2 beads of the top wing,

    make sure you balance out the wire

    on both ends.

    Take a look at the BODY of the

    dragonfly and you will find wire

    loops on the side of it (illustrated in

    the diagram by blue line). Pass each

    end of the wire from the wing

    through two different wire loop

    holes on the BODY, after passing

    through the loops, you can twist the

    two wire together once and then

    pass the two ends of the wire back

    through the 2 beads (Blue Color)

    from the wing (if you can pass the

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    wires back further the better - Make

    sure you pull tight in the whole

    process) then cut away the excess.

    Tie the other side of the top wing

    the same way.

    Step 9:

    Joining the bottom wings: It's

    almost the same, by:

    Cut a short 10 cm piece of wire,

    pass it through the two beads of the

    tip 2 beads of the top wing, make

    sure you balance out the wire on

    both ends.

    Pass the top end of the wire through

    the same wire loop as the the top

    wing's bottom wire had pass

    through in step 8, and the bottom

    wire through the wire loop below


    After passing through the loops, you

    can twist the two wire together once

    and then pass the two ends of the

    wire back through the 2 beads (Blue

    Color) from the wing (if you can

    pass the wires back further the

    better - Make sure you pull tight in

    the whole process) then cut away

    the excess.

    Tie the other side of the bottom

    wing the same way.



    You can now tie on the brooch pin

    (the thin long type with two hole)

    using nylon strings (0.25mm) pass

    the string through the top 2 green

    beads on the body (just below the

    eyes) and pass both end of the

    string through the top brooch pin

    hole and back through the bottom

    hole of the brooch pin, then pass

    the string back through the bottom

    2 green beads of the body, tie and

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    cut off excess.

    You can also attach a pendant hook

    to make this beaded dragonfly into

    a pendant or anything else you can

    thing of.

    Spider pin


    Always Remember to pull tight on EVERY STEP.

    Cut a piece of line around a meter long.

    Add 2 black beads at the middle of the wire (balance out both ends of the wirewith the 2 beads at the center).Add on 3 more black beads on the left wire and crisscross the right wire throughthis 3 beads as shown.

    Step 2:

    Now you get the basic idea so we will go a little faster.Continue to add on beads to crisscross both wires as follows:Add 5 black - crisscross wires through this 5 beads.Add 1 black, 4 red, 1 black - crisscross wires through this 6 beads.Add 3 black, 2 red, 3 black - crisscross wires through this 8 beads.Add 2 black, 4 red, 2 black - crisscross wires through this 8 beads.Add 7 black - crisscross wires through this 7 beads.Add 5 black - crisscross wires through this 5 beads.

    Add 3 black - crisscross wires through this 3 beads.Add 2 silver white (blue in pictorial) - crisscross wires through this 2 beads.Add 3 black - crisscross wires through this 3 beads.Add 3 black - crisscross wires through this 3 beads.Add 3 black - crisscross wires through this 3 beads.Add 1 black, 1 silver white, 1 black - crisscross wires through this 3 beads.

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    Step 3:

    Remember there should be no space in your beaded work, the space shown in thepictorial is only to give clearer instruction, always pull tight.

    From where you left off at step 2, take the left (red) wire, add on one silver whitebead, two black beads, loop the wire back through the first added black bead andthe silver white bead, then further back through the silver white bead and theadjacent black bead from the last step of step 2 (as shown in this pictorial wherethe red arrow comes out of)Do the same for the right wire but in opposite direction.

    Step 4:

    If you still have plenty of wire left, continue but if it seems too short now, you cantie off, cut away the excess and add a new wire by passing it through the twosilver white beads and balance both ends out to continue.

    Continue from step 3, crisscross both wires through the two silver white beads onthe row below where you stopped.On each side of the wire, add 14 or more black beads (depending on how long youwant your spider's leg to be), loop the wire back through the 13 beads, cross thewire further into the next bottom row of 3 black beads as shown.

    Step 5:Now you will be repeating something similar to step 4.

    Start adding beads the same way, after looping back and exiting, always cross the

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    wire through the bottom row of beads from the body just like step 4.

    Do this for both sides and all 8 legs.

    Always remember to pull tightly, now you can tie off or just keep looping theremaining wires back through the piece to hide and secure the pieces and you can

    cut away the excess with out the need to tie off when you have looped backthrough the piece enough.

    For attaching of brooch pin, refer to step 10 of this instruction link: (BeadedDragonfly Brooch)

    Red RibbonRemember to pull tight on every step.

    Cut a piece of wire around one meter long.String on the crystal at the middle of this wire (measure and even out bothend of the wire so that they are of equal length).

    Add on 4 seed beads one one end of the wire and crisscross the other endthough this 4 beads - always remember to pull tight.Continue adding beads this way,5 beads - crisscross - pull tight,6 beads - crisscross - pull tight,7 beads - crisscross - pull tight,8 beads - crisscross - pull tight,9 beads - crisscross - pull tight,10 beads - crisscross - pull tight, (for the next 7 rows keep the bead numberat 10 which means repeat this 10 beads row another 7 times - with a totalof 8 rows of 10 beads per row)

    Then start decreasing,9 beads - crisscross - pull tight,8 beads - crisscross - pull tight,7 beads - crisscross - pull tight,6 beads - crisscross - pull tight,5 beads - crisscross - pull tight,4 beads - crisscross - pull tight,

    Step 2:

    Continuing from step 1, crisscross the wires though the same crystal asshown.

    Then repeat step one again on the opposite side - for the other side of theribbon bow.

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    Ending by crisscrossing at back the crystal then tie off.

    Step 3:

    The ribbon tail: Cut a new piece of wire, starting point is marked with ablack dot.Pass this wire through the wire from previous beading of the ribbon shownbelow the crystal with green line.

    Add one bead on each side of the wire, add two more on one side andcrisscross the other end though this two beads.Continue by adding:3 beads - crisscross - pull tight,4 beads - crisscross - pull tight,

    5 beads - crisscross - pull tight,6 beads - crisscross - pull tight,7 beads - crisscross - pull tight,8 beads - crisscross - pull tight,8 beads - crisscross - pull tight,8 beads - crisscross - pull tight,

    Now the tail part:work on one side of the tail first, taking the left wire, add on 4 beads, stringit back through the 4 beads on top (from the 8 beads row above) looping itback through the new added 4 beads again.Add 3 beads, loop the wire back through the 4 beads added before this, loopthrough the new added 3 beads again.

    Add 2 beads, loop the wire back through the 3 beads added before this, loopthrough the new added 2 beads again.Add 1 bead, loop the wire back through the 2 beads added before this, nowyou can try looping the wire all the way back up the 3, 4, 5 (you do not needto tie off, as it is already secured by all the looping back, just cut away theexcess wire)

    Repeat this on the other side of the tail (the right wire)

    Repeat this step 3 with a new piece of wire on the other side of the ribbontail.

    For adding on the brooch pin on the back, refer to the last step ofdragonflybrooch instruction.

  • 8/4/2019 Beading Projects


    Beaded Angel Ornament

    What you need:

    1) One Pearl or White round crystal bicone (5mm)*2) Silver white glass seed beads (size 11/0)*3) Green glass seed beads (size 11/0)*

    4) Beading string and wire (25 gauge) 0.25mm*5) One 3mm bead of any kind (as this will be hidden)*6) one eye pin and any loop or hooks - depending on whatyou want to

    make, pendant - pendant hook, earrings - earring

    hook... etc...

    *Note: you can always adjust the sizes of the beads, pearland string with the appropriate proportion, which means youcan use larger seed beads but you will need a bigger pearl

    and thicker string.



    Before you start, always remember to pull tighton every step.

    The Hat:Cut a piece of string around one third meter long.

    Click here and follow step 1, 2 and 3 of theinstruction there.After that, tie off and string excess strings backthrough the piece to hid it and strengthen theknot.Set this aside for later use.


    The Body:Cut a piece of string around a meter long

    Repeat what you did from step 1 (but do not tieoff or cut away excess strings)ORYou can do exactly the same in step 1 andcontinue with a new piece of string.

    Your starting string for this step should be eachend coming out of a bead that is next to eachother and forming a slightly V shape (shown inthe pictorial where the red and black line meetand start off)

    Take the right (black) line, add on 5 seed beads,cross the left (red) line through the last addedbead, continue to pass the previous line (black)through the next two beads (that forms the VShape) on it's path.

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    Step 3:

    This is similar with step 2 except for the number ofbeads added.

    Take the bottom (red) line, add on 4 seed beads,

    cross the top (black) line through the last addedbead, continue to pass the previous line (red)through the next two beads (that forms the VShape) on it's path.

    Step 4:

    Repeat step 3 two more times, before starting onthe last bead circle, after the final looping throughthe V Shape beads, loop he line (red through onemore bead that is pointing outwards).

    Last bead circle: Add on 3 beads on the right line(black) instead of the usual 4 beads, cross the left

    / bottom line (red) through the last added bead,cross the previous line (black) through the nextbead from step 2 that's on it's path.

    Pull tight and you should have a round coneshape.

    Step 5:

    Now you will repeat step 2 again (adding 5 beadsthe same way, but looping the line after thatthrough one bead beside it not two).

    The 4 bead RAW: Followed by taking the right

    (black) line, add two seed beads, cross the otherline (red) through the last added bead, pass theprevious line (black) through the next two beadson it's path.

    Step 6:

    Now you will repeat step 3 (adding 4 beads thesame way, but looping the line after that throughone bead beside it not two).Then repeat the 4 bead RAW from step 5.Keep repeating in this order:- Step 3 (with the looping difference);- 4 bead RAW from step 5;

    - Step 3 (with the looping difference);- 4 bead RAW from step 5;- Step 3 (with the looping difference)Then finally the ending 4 bead RAW, but this timeyou only need to add on one bead and crisscrossboth lines through the very first bead added fromstep 5 (where you repeated step 2).Further loop the line (black) all the way through 5beads on it's path.

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    Further loop the line (red) all the way through thenext two beads on it's path.So that the two lines crosses and come out of themiddle bead at the very bottom as shown.

    Step 7:

    Now you see which line is longer, take that line

    (let's say it's the red line);Take the red line, add on 5 green color beads;loop the line through the center bead (blue) of thenext big bead circle;Add on 5 green color beads;loop the line through the center bead (blue) of thenext big bead circle;Add on 5 green color beads;loop the line through the center bead (blue) of thenext big bead circle;Add on 5 green color beads;loop the line through the center bead (blue) of thenext big bead circle;

    Add on 5 green color beads;Tie off at the yellow dot, remember if you want tostrengthen your knot and piece, loop the linesback through the piece (no specific order).

    Step 8:


    Now that you have the complete dress cone, toadd on the wings:Look for the top part (which you made in step 2following) cut a piece of wire around 1/3 meterlong, pass it through one of the bead on the verytop of the dress cone;

    Balance out both ends of the wire.Take one side, add on 13 green beads and loopthe wire back through the bead on the body whereyou started on.Take the other side, do exactly the same.Tie off the wire and loop it back into the piece sothat you have a more secure knot.Shape the wings out of the two wired bead circle.

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    Step 9:

    Putting it together:

    Take the eye pin, put on a 3mm bead;Put on the body of the angel (represented by the

    big inverted U);Put on the large Pearl;Put on the Beaded Cap from step 1;using round head pliers, twist the end of the eyepin into a wire circle and add on the accessoryparts you need.

    Beaded Flower Brooch :

    What you need:

    1) Craft wire.

    2) seed beads and bugle (hexagon) beads of the samecolor3) One 8mm round crystal

    Step 1:

    Cut a piece of wire around 1/2 meter (as it is

    hard to attach new wire in the middle of the


    String 3 seed beads on to the center of the

    piece of wire, cross the wire at the two beads

    on the left and right side. (make sure the

    wire is balanced out and of the same length

    on both side, then pull tight)

    Step 2:Continue to add 3 bugle (hexagon) beads and

    crisscross both end of wires through this 3

    beads. (remember to pull tight)

    Step 3:Continue to add 4 bugle (hexagon) beads and

    crisscross both end of wires through this 4

    beads. (remember to pull tight)

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    Step 4:

    Continue to add 5 bugle (hexagon) beads and

    crisscross both end of wires through this 5

    beads. (remember to pull tight)

    Repeat this step again - adding another 5

    beads, crisscross and pull tight.

    Step 5:Now start to decrease, add 4 bugle (hexagon)

    beads and crisscross both end of wires through

    this 4 beads. (remember to pull tight)

    Step 6:

    Getting the idea? decrease by adding 3, then 2

    then finally 1 last bugle (hexagon) bead - this

    makes one petal. (Do not cut away the excess


    Make 5 of these petals.

    Step 7:

    Making the center of the flower brooch: Cut

    another piece of wire, string a seed bead at

    the center and string both ends through the

    8mm round crystal.

    Pull tight and split up the two wire by pulling

    one to each side.

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    Step 8:

    Do this if you are using a brooch pin with two

    holes on the plate:

    Start tying on the petals, this may take some

    practice: tie the two wire of each petals onto

    the two wire of the center crystal's two wire

    (sometimes tying both wire from one petal

    onto the same side of the wire from thecenter crystal).

    OR if you are using the round plate brooch

    pin back with multiple holes:

    You can - just simply tie all the wires to the

    center crystal wires without splitting them,

    which means you will end up with one chunk

    of wires tied only at the tip near the crystal.

    This time don't twist the wires together, just

    string them through the round brooch pin

    with multiple holes as deem fit, twist, tie off

    and cut away the excess.

    You can always glue on a piece of cloth

    material cut the same size as the back of the

    brooch pin and hid the wires.

    Beaded Butterfly Brooch :

    What you need:

    1) Seed beads of two different colors (size 11/0)2) Beading wire (30 gauge or 25 gauge if your bead hole

    size is bigger)Click to see bigger picture

    Step 1:

    Note: The green color beads represents

    the silver white bead and the blue color

    beads represents the turquoise color

    beads (you can use any color

    combination you like)

    (Body) I'll go a little faster for thisone as it's pretty similar to thedragonfly brooch instruction,please refer to it by clicking on the

    above link if there's any problem.

    Start by cutting a piece of wire,around 30 to 40 cm long. Makesure you fold the wire into half tomark the middle point of the wireand you will be working with bothends of this wire.

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    Starting with the tail of thedragonfly body, pick up threebeads with one end of the wire,pass the other end of the wirethrough the last two added beads(remember to pull tight).

    Continue the tail by adding threebeads and passing both wiresthrough all three beads, continueto repeat the 3 beads as shown for6 times.Follow by adding two beads andcrossing both wires through thistwo beads.

    (Antennas) you have to work onone wire at a time now, let startwith the right wire - add one bead(place it around 1 inch away fromthe last row of beads) loop thewire back through the right sidebead from the last added row ortwo beads. Now twist the wire sothat the antenna is formed.Repeat this for the left side wire.

    Step 2:

    (The Wings - Top Wings) Start off

    by cutting a piece of wire around 1

    m long, fold to find the center point

    of the wire.

    Start by adding three beads on oneend of the wire, then another four

    beads but hold on to the three

    beads and pass the other end of the

    wire through these 4 beads, pull


    Continue expanding the wing by

    adding 5 (one green, one blue and

    three green) see the third row in

    the picture.

    Followed by:6 beads (one green, two blue and

    three green)

    7 beads (one green, one blue, one

    green, one blue and three green)

    8 beads (one green, one blue, two

    green, one blue and three green)

    9 beads (two green, one blue, one

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    green, one blue and four green)

    10 beads (three green, two blue

    and five green)

    11 beads (four green, one blue and

    six green)

    11 beads (eleven green)10 beads (five green, one blue and

    four green)

    9 beads (four green, two blue and

    three green)

    8 beads (three green, three blue

    and two green)

    7 beads (three green, two blue and

    two green)

    6 beads (three green, one blue and

    two green)

    4 beads (four green)2 beads (two green)

    Remember to pull tight and leave

    the wires as you can use the wires

    to tie it onto the body later.

    Make two of this top wing.

    Step 3:

    The bottom wing: Starting with the

    bottom of the wing, pick up four

    beads with one end of the wire,

    pass the other end of the wire

    through the last two added beads,

    add two more beads and pass both

    ends of the wire through this two

    beads. (remember to pull tight).

    Continue by adding 3 beads (one

    green, one blue and one green).

    Leave the right side wire and using

    the left wire, add four green beads

    and one blue bead, loop the wire

    back through the last two green

    beads. (remember to pull tight)

    Continue the wing on step 4.

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    Step 4:

    Now continue by adding beads:

    (below color order is from right to


    9 beads (two green, two blue, five


    10 beads (two green, three blue,five green)

    11 beads (two green, four blue, five


    12 beads (three green, three blue,

    six green)

    12 beads (three green, two blue,

    seven green)

    12 beads (three green, one blue,

    eight green)

    11 beads (nine green, one blue, one

    green)10 beads (five green, one blue, four


    9 beads (two green, one blue, six


    8 beads (eight green)

    Remember to pull tight and leave

    the wires as you can use the wires

    to tie it onto the body later.

    Make two of this bottom wing.

    Step 5:

    Joining: The top wings: Using the

    wire left from the top wing beading,

    pass, pass the right / top wire

    through the top wire loop from the

    BODY and pass the left / bottom

    wire through the third loop

    (counting from top down), pull tight

    and pass the wires back through

    the top row (3 beads) and second

    top row (4 beads), now you can cut

    away the excess - no need for


    Tie the other side of the top wing

    the same way.

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    Step 6:

    Joining: the bottom wings:Again using

    the excess wires left from beading

    the bottom wing, pass the left wire

    through the loop on the BODY just

    below the top wing and pass the

    right wire through the sixth or

    seventh loop of the top wing

    counting from the body outwards.

    Pull tight and pass the wires back

    through the top row (8 beads) on

    the bottom wing and second top

    row (9 beads), now you can cut

    away the excess - no need for


    Tie the other side of the top wing

    the same way.

    Step 7:

    Now you can tie on the brooch pin

    (please refer to the dragonfly

    brooch instruction - step 10

    More projects to be found in the below categories:

    Beaded Poodl eDog Instruct i on

    Beaded Poodle Dog:

    What you need:

    1) Fishing line (0.25 mm)2) 163 beads / pearls / crystal and 3 black bead / crystal.

    3) Scissors

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    Step 1: String pearls and cross the fishing line as shown and pull tight to make one.Make 5 of these cubes.

    Beaded Poodle Dog - He adStep 2: Take one of the above cube and string one black and 3 white pearls through one of the bottom pearls

    from the cube. (the snout)

    Continue to add 10 pearls and string back the same pearl again. (the ear)

    String the line through the 2 pearls on the same side of the cube, add a black bead and string back

    the same pearl again.

    Repeat the same thing on the opposite side of the cube to form another ear.

    Step 3: Turn the head to see the back.You can tie a knot now and cut away excess line.Use a craft wire to string through the bottom pearl at the back of the head and string 3 pearls to

    make the neck. (the reason to use wire is for the neck to stand up)

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    Beaded Poodle Dog - BodyStep 4: String 4 pearls and crisscross through the 4th pearl and repeat this 12 times.

    String 2 pearls and string back to the first pearl as shown. (it should look like a huge ring when you're


    Step 5: Continue from step 4, string the two lines through the two beads beside the crossing bead.Add one pearl (in the empty area) crisscross through this pearl and continue stinging the two lines

    through the next two ascending pearls.

    Continue to do this adding pearls as you go along unti l you reach the end, you crisscross through the

    last middle pearl.

    Repeat the above on the opposite side of this 3d rectangle.

    Putting it together - Beaded Poodle DogStep 6:

    Attach the head where you had the wire sticking out, wire through one of the end pearl of the body


    Attach a tail (3 pearls) using wire on the opposite wire on the far end.

    Using wire, string through the near opposite pearl of the head / tail.

    Adding 5 pearls to each end, and string through any pearl from the cube you did in step one to form

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    the paw.

    do this for all four legs.

    Beaded Free Form Bracelet :

    What you need:

    1) Nylon Fishing line (0.25 mm).

    2) seed beads3) Scissors

    Step 1:

    Cut a line around 2 meter in length (as it is hard to attach new line in the

    middle of the work)

    This is the loop for the clasps to go through: String around 18 to 21 beads

    to form a bead circle. (depending on the size of your beaded ball clasps -

    full instruction on the clasps at: Beaded Clasps Instruction)

    Step 2:

    After the first step you will realize you are working on a double thread, this

    is for a stronger piece.

    Start adding six to eight beads at a time and looping both thread backthrough the first added bead of each new bead ring. Continue to do thisand make sure you pull each new finished bead ring tight towards theclasps loop by pulling at the bead that is used for crossing the line on the


    Do not attempt to arrange each new beaded ring in the same direction as itis meant to be free form, looking sort of crumpled up. Continue adding

    beads to form bead rings until you have reached the length you desire(measure around your wrist).

    Step 3:

    Attaching the beaded clasps head: When you have reached the length of

    bracelet you desire, crisscross the two thread through any one of the beads

    from the beaded ball clasps you have made using the l ink to the beaded

    clasps instruction from step 1, tie off and string the excess threads back

    through the beaded ball to make sure the lines do not loosen in time.

    Beaded 3-D Turtle

    What you need:

    1) Crystal Bicones (17pcs 5mm blue; 12pcs 5mm pink;

    10pcs 4mm blue;

    2pcs 4mm black; 1pc 4mm red; 1pc 3mm blue)

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    2) Beading string (nylon or wire) 0.25mm



    Before you start, always remember to pull tight onevery step.Cut a piece of thread around half a meter long.The starting point is marked with a green dot in thepicture.Click on this link for instruction on this step if you havenot done RAW before: Right Angle Weave

    Then scroll down to follow the instruction that says:Flat Right Angle Weave using double thread stringing method

    Make one with the blue 5mm bicones and one with the

    pink 5mm bicones. (tie off the blue crystal piece andstring the thread back through the piece to hide the thread.

    You can tie a knot just to keep the crystals in place for thepink piece but you need to bead further with both of the

    threads, so do not cut them off - it's ok not to tie off too

    but tying to secure is advice for RAW beginners)




    Continuing from step 1, I have changed the readthread color to blue as there will be red crystalsrepresenting the pink crystals and red thread color willnot show.

    First, remember to turn the pink crystal piece 90

    degrees so that it is a +shape and the blue crystalpiece is still at the X shape.

    The blue piece is the stomach of the turtle and thepink piece is the shell of the turtle.

    Start tying the two pieces together using the threadfrom the pink crystal piece. The green dot is thestarting point or the point where you left off at step 1.Pass the thread through the pink crystal on the rightside as shown by the black line, crisscross both threadblue and black through the two blue crystal from theblue piece as shown - Important: remember that youshould be tying the two pink crystal with the wider gapwith the two blue crystal with the smaller gap so that

    the two pieces are not exactly adjacent on top of oneanother but a + on top of the X.

    After tying this two piece together, tie off the threadsthat you were using for tying and string the remainderback through your beaded creation to secure and hidethe thread (no specific order) you should have the pinkpiece forming a half sphere on top of the blue piece.

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    Step 3:


    Cut a new piece of thread around 1/3 meter long, (thered dot is the starting point) string on three blue 4mmbicones followed by a red 4mm bicone (mouth of turtle)and cross both threads through this red bicone.

    Add one 4mm blue bicone on each side of the threadand add one more to crisscross both threads.Add one 4mm black bicone (eyes of the turtle) on eachside of the thread and add one more blue 4mm biconeto crisscross both threads.Add one 4mm blue bicone on each side of the threadand crisscross both threads back through the firstbicone (with the red dot), you can opt to tie a knot forsecuring the piece but do not cut the remainder awayas you still need them in the next step.

    Step 4:

    Putting Everything together:

    Continuing from step 3, the crystal which you ended offat were marked with green.Turn the body of the turtle belly up (blue crystals facingup) placing the head piece at the blue body where thegap is larger as shown.

    On the right (red) thread, string it through the 5mmblue bicone of the body on the right, add one 5mm bluecrystal for the front right claw, string the thread backthrough the bottom two blue crystal on the body.Add one 5mm blue crystal for the back right claw,string the thread through the next blue crystal from thebody.Add one 5mm, one 4mm, one 3mm blue crystal (for thetail) then pass the thread back through the 4mm and5mm crystals that you just added and further throughthe next blue crystal from the body.Add one 5mm blue crystal for the back left claw, stringthe thread through one blue crystal from the body(leave this string for the moment).On the left (black) thread, string it through the 5mmblue bicone of the body on the left, add one 5mm bluecrystal for the front left claw, string the thread backthrough the bottom one blue crystal on the body.Now the two threads meet, you can now tie off and

    string the excess back into the turtle piece in way youlike, just to hide the lines and make the knot staystronger.

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    Beaded Crystal Ring

    What you need:

    1) 4mm crystal bicones2) Silver white glass seed beads (size 11/0)3) Beading string 0.25mm

    Step 1:

    Before you start, always remember to pull tight on everystep.

    Cut a piece of thread around a meter long.Add one crystal, one bead, one crystal at the middle of thestring.(look at the left side first) Add 4 beads on the left (red) line,loop the line back through the first bead of the 4 beadsadded as shown with the red line arrow.Repeat this with the right side by adding 4 beads on theright (black) line and loop through the first bead of the 4beads added.

    Step 2:Add one crystal on each side of the line and one bead tocrisscross both lines, shown where the two arrows arecoming out of.

    Step 3:Continue to add one bead on each side of the line and onebead to crisscross both lines, shown where the two arrowsare coming out of.

    Step 4:

    This step is similar with step 1.Add one crystal on each side of the lines.Add 4 beads on the left (red) line, pass the line back throughthe first bead added.Add 4 beads on the right (black) line, pass the line backthrough the first bead added.

    Step 5:

    Keep repeating step 3 then step 4 until you reached the ringlength / size you want.

    Joining:Add one bead on the left line, pass this line through the veryfirst bead from step 1 (in the middle of two crystals), add onemore bead to crisscross both lines through.Loop the lines back and tie off. After tying off, do not cut offthe excess right away, pass the lines back through the piece(no specific order), this is to ensure a more secure knot and

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    Beaded Snow Flake Pendant

    What you need:

    1) Silver white small round seed beads (size 11/0)2) Clear Crystals - 23pcs 4mm crystals; 12pcs 3mmcrystals.3) Beaded string (nylon or wire) 0.25mm Click on image for

    larger view

    Step 1:

    Cut a piece of thread around a meter long.String on 6 4mm crystals. Cross both ends of the thread atthe last added crystal as shown.Remember to balance out both end of the threads - bothend of the thread should be the same length and yourbeaded ring should be at the middle of the thread.

    Step 2:

    On the right (black) string, add on one seed bead, a 3mmcrystal, a seed bead, a 4mm crystal, a seed bead, a 4mmcrystal, a seed bead, a 4mm crystal. Cross the stringthrough the second seed bead added (where you see thetwo black lines cross) and continue to add one 3mm crystaland one last seed bead.Cross this same thread through the 4mm crystal from thefirst crystal circle you formed on step 1 (where the blackline shows coming out of).On the left (red) string, cross this string though the lastseed bead added.

    Step 3:

    This step is almost the same as step 2 but just to repeat itone more time.On the Right (Red) string, add on one 3mm crystal, a seedbead, a 4mm crystal, a seed bead, a 4mm crystal, a seedbead, a 4mm crystal. Cross the string through the first seedbead added (where you see the two red lines cross) andcontinue to add one 3mm crystal and one last seed bead.Cross this same thread through the 4mm crystal from thefirst crystal circle you formed on step 1 (where the red lineshows coming out of).On the left (red) string, cross this string though the lastseed bead added.

    Step 4:

    Now we'll go a bit faster.

    On the right (black) string, add on one 3mm crystal, a seedbead, a 4mm crystal, a seed bead, a 4mm crystal, a seedbead, a 4mm crystal. Cross the string through the secondseed bead added (where you see the two black lines cross)and continue to add one 3mm crystal and one last seedbead.Cross this same thread through the 4mm crystal from the

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    first crystal circle you formed on step 1 (where the black lineshows coming out of).On the left (red) string, cross this string though the lastseed bead added.

    You will be repeating step 3 next. (this should be easy even

    just looking at the illustration)

    Next repeat the above instruction in this step one more timeuntil you reached the joining part (remember not to add thevery last seed bead that you are suppose to add whenrepeating the step 3) as you will be crisscrossing both stringthrough the very first seed bead added on step 2 (where yousee the two colored line arrow crisscross).

    Note: if you want to add a hook to wear as a pendant, replacethe second last 4mm crystal that you were suppose to add with

    the pendant hook.

    Now you can tie off and you have your beaded crystalsnowflake pendant!

    Beaded Earring

    What you need:

    1) Short Silver White bugle (size: 11/0)2) 2 Large pearl (12mm)3) 2 Small pearl (4mm)

    4) White Sewing thread and needle5) Earring hooks (2pcs)

    Step 1:

    Cut a piece of thread around a meter long, string it intothe needle hole and balance out the two ends.

    Pass the threaded needle through the big pearl, leavingaround 2 inches of thread behind.

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    Step 2:

    Add around 10 to 13 beads, measuring around the halfsphere of the pearl to make sure enough beads are addedto wrap half sphere of the pearl.

    Pass the needle back through the pearl the same way -from bottom up.

    Pull on both ends (the needle end and the 2 inches threadend) to tighten.

    continue to add the same number of beads and sewthrough the pearl the same way until you have wrapped theentire pearl.

    Step 3:

    Continue to add 2 beads and 1 small pearl. (left picture)

    Add 2 or 3 beads to wrap around the half sphere of the small

    pearl, keep sew wrapping around the small pearl just like what

    you did with the big pearl until you have wrapped the wholesmall pearl.

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    Step 4:

    Add the earring hook on by passing the needle through theloop at the end of the earring.

    Loop the needle back into the piece by going back throughthe small pearl, 2 beads and all the way through so that itcomes out from the very bottom of the large pearl.

    Tie the threads (one end the 2 inch thread left from step 1and the other end the thread from the needle. (tie a deadknot and cut away excess).

    Make the other side of the earring by repeating step 1 to4.