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Beacon market in China中国 beacon 市场

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How do Beacons work?

Beacon is a small wireless device transmitting a continuous radio signal.

The signal is detected by nearby smart devices via Bluetooth SmartTM.

Smart devices receives the ID number of a beacon in range and sends that number to the cloud server.

The server checks what action is assigned to that ID number and responds.

beacon 如何工作 ?


附近的智能设备会通过Bluetooth SmartTM 获取信号。

智能设备获取一定范围内的beaconID号码,并把 ID号码发送到“云“。

服务器检查被分配到 ID号码的操作,并进行回复。

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E-commerce level data analysis and targeting in offline environments

Imagine interacting with a customer in a physical store the way you interact with a user on an e-commerce platform. You know what the person is looking at, for how long, and on top of that you can interact with him or her! Want to send a special offer? Info about the merchandise? Engage the audience with a game or a story?

Why should you care?

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Beacon 实质上市改造线下场景到线上场景。因此在欧美大多数品牌,比如宝马,麦当劳,希尔顿都已经通过 beacon提高顾客体验,并同时增加了自身的营业收入。

商业影响Impact on the bottom line

Increase your revenue by enhancing user experience, optimize operations

Beacons essentially transform the offline world into an online world, and that’s why countless brands (BMW, Virgin Airways, Walgreens, and McDonald’s to name a few) are already using it to enhance customers’ experience, and get tons of data on how to improve that experience to increase revenue.

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中国的情况呢?What’s up in China?

中国的某些互联网巨头已经采用了该技术,然而整体市场活力还小。于是腾讯很快的使微信和 beacon 一体化,但最终发现这个一体化并没有意义。据称万达已在每一个商场都部署了 beacon ,所以敬请期待他们的 O2O 项目吧。一般来说,一些别的小发展国家,比方说马来西亚,对 Beacon 技术有更高的采用率。

Big players embrace this technology, while overall market activity very small. Tencent quickly enabled Wechat integration with beacons but it got the whole thing wrong. According to rumours, Wanda already deployed thousands of beacons in all their shopping malls so prepare for some crazy O2O. Generally speaking, much smaller developing countries have higher adoption rate i.e. Malaysia.

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Retail is just one use case of beacons. Our customers use beacons at events (American car shows), museums (de Young museum in San Francisco), public transportation systems (Helsinki), airports (Amsterdam), smart cities (Barcelona), hotels, hospitals, elderly care…

使用方式与实例 Use cases

各行各业会使用 beacon技术。我们的客户把产品应 用 于活动,博物馆,公共交通,机场,智能城市,酒店,医院,养老院等不同场所。

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Thank you for your attention!

Contact details 联系方式

Filip Zielinski 菲利普 186-1064-9075 [email protected]
