Download - Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible · Lake Illawarra High School Fortnightly Newsletter study program they are looking after their physical and 173-179 Reddall Parade Lake Illawarra

Page 1: Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible · Lake Illawarra High School Fortnightly Newsletter study program they are looking after their physical and 173-179 Reddall Parade Lake Illawarra

Lake Illawarra High School Fortnightly Newsletter

173-179 Reddall Parade Lake Illawarra NSW 2528 T 4296 3844 F 4296 3948 E [email protected]

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Issue 46 Term 3 2016 Week 3

A very warm welcome to Term 3 at Lake Illawarra


First of all an update on how some of our wonderful

students, whom I mentioned at the end of last term,

went in their chosen fields of excellence.

Congratulations go to Josh and Blake Dowell and Sam

Hooper who excelled while representing NSW CHS in

Rugby League. All boys’ teams made it to the final,

unfortunately going down in close, hard fought games.

Blake was named Man of the Match in the semi -final

while Sam was named in the All Australian U/15s

team. This is an exceptional effort from all of these


Also Lauren Berwick is currently touring the

battlefields of Belgium and France as part of the

Premiers Award Scholarship group. From what I have

seen on her blog she is having some incredible


Well done to these wonderful young people.

Term 3 is another very exciting and busy term at Lake

Illawarra. For Year 12 students it will be their final

term at high school. We wish them all the very best in

their Trial exams and encourage them all to remain

focused and committed to the journey they began in

Year 11. It is important that in this demanding time that

students ensure that in conjunction with a well-planned

study program they are looking after their physical and

mental health by getting plenty of sleep, eating a

healthy diet and engaging in some physical activity. It

is also time to seek out any additional supports from

teachers to gain the best possible result.

For Year 10 it is a very special term where subject

selections are made for their HSC. It is very important

that parents and students gather all information to make

informed choices about the patterns of study they

would like for Year 11 and 12. Students will be

provided with a booklet that outlines broad options,

requirements for the award of the HSC, subject

outlines, fees and information about assessment. When

choosing, it is essential that students select subjects that

they enjoy, are good at and that they have a genuine

interest in learning. It is not wise to choose subjects

based on what a friend likes or that are not attainable.

Year 8’s will also undergo the process of choosing their

electives for Year 9 and 10 and although they should be

mindful of what they may like to study in Year 11 and

12 it is also an opportunity to try some courses that they

are inquisitive about and may develop an interest in.

Just a reminder that students who attend school

regularly are more likely to be successful at school and

have a better career and life choices than students who

are often absent from school. If a student misses as

little as 8 days in a school term from Year 7 by the time

they finish Year 12 they will have nearly missed a Year

of school.

It is also essential that students arrive at school on time

and attend all lessons to ensure they maximize all

learning opportunities and maintain a connection with

class routines.

Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible Mrs Powell, Mr Munn and Mrs Coleman

Deputy Principal


Tony Hicks


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Again a group of students were involved in work

experience during the last week of Term 2. Students

attended various places and all had a wonderful and

interesting time in areas of interest such as Retail, Early

Childcare, Construction, Automotive and Engineering.

Students who missed out have the opportunity to do a

week’s work experience in week 10 of Term 3.

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Students applying to university for 2016 have some

dates to remember and to be organised prior:

Early Admissions to UOW open 1st August

UAC applications (compulsory if applying to any

university) open 3rd


UOW open day 13th

August - chance to make final

decisions of courses

The careers newsletter with additional information has

been sent to students school email and can also be

accessed by the Lake Illawarra High School Careers

website ( )

Year 12 students have been invited to participate in

individual interviews to discuss future options and to

assist in any enquiries of career pathways. A booklet on

Post School options has been provided to all who

attend. Lake Illawarra High School Careers website

It has information to assist future planning and the Lake

Illawarra High School Facebook page is also useful

with jobs relevant for high school students.



Year 10 students have the opportunity to practice their

skills and prepare for future interviews by taking part in

the Mock Interview Day on the 11th

August. Students

are expected to have a resume, portfolio and cover

letter prepared for a ‘pretend’ employer based on a

chosen advertisement. Preparation for the Mock

Interview Day has begun through all English classes

and students will receive additional interview skills and


Thankfully, various people from the community,

including Employment and Apprenticeship Agencies,

Defence Force, local businesses and Shellharbour Club

have volunteered their time and expertise to speak and

listen to the students. This will give all who participate

a real life experience of an interview. Feedback and

overall evaluation of the ten-minute impression in these

interviews will be provided to students, which will

assist them in preparing for future interviews when

applying for jobs.

‘As always, I am here to help you.’

Rhonda Willingham - Careers Adviser

We suspect that nits/head lice are present in the

hair of some students within Lake Illawarra

High School.

Please check your child’s hair for nits/lice

tonight using the methods recommended in

information from NSW Health



If you find any eggs or lice please commence

treatment as recommended.

Further information on head lice is available on

the NSW Health website (details above) or

through the Department’s website at


We appreciate your assistance in this regard.

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Date Title Description Start Time

End Time

5/08/2016 AIME Junior Program AIME Junior Program

5/08/2016 Fundraiser for basketball court repairs

Fundraiser for basketball court repairs

5/08/2016 Yr11 Chemistry - UOW Yr11 Chemistry - UOW - McKinlay 8:30:00 14:00:00

8/08/2016 Top Blokes - Pds 3-4 Top Blokes - Pds 3-4 - Selected yr9/10 boys - Common room

9/08/2016 Jet Program Jet Program

10/08/2016 Friends program - Pds 3&4 Friends program - Pds 3&4 - Selected yr7/8 10:40:00 12:25:00

11/08/2016 Year10, Mock interviews

12/08/2016 Smith Family Employer Mentor Day

Smith Family Employer Mentor Day - Yr. 11 work studies.

12/08/2016 Yr10 & 11 International Food Buffet

Yr10 & 11 International Food Buffet - Sydney

12/08/2016 Excursion to Wollongong Town Hall

Excursion to Wollongong Town Hall - 25 students yr7,8&9 - Miss Nicholson

15/08/2016 Trial HSC Exams

15/08/2016 Top Blokes - Pds 3-4 Top Blokes - Pds 3-4 - Selected yr9/10 boys - Common room

16/08/2016 Trial HSC Exams

16/08/2016 Jet Program Jet Program

16/08/2016 Year 8 Bush camp Year 8 Bush camp

17/08/2016 Trial HSC Exams

17/08/2016 Year 8 Bush camp Year 8 Bush camp

17/08/2016 Friends program - Pds 3&4 Friends program - Pds 3&4 - Selected yr7/8 10:40:00 12:25:00

18/08/2016 Trial HSC Exams

18/08/2016 Year 8 Bush camp Year 8 Bush camp

19/08/2016 Trial HSC Exams

19/08/2016 AIME Junior Program AIME Junior Program

20/08/2016 Trial HSC Exams

21/08/2016 Trial HSC Exams

22/08/2016 Trial HSC Exams

22/08/2016 Top Blokes - Pds 3-4 Top Blokes - Pds 3-4 - Selected yr9/10 boys - Common room

23/08/2016 Trial HSC Exams

23/08/2016 Jet Program Jet Program

23/08/2016 Trades Road Show Trades Road Show - Five Islands Secondary College - Yrs. 9/10 Willingham/Unicomb

24/08/2016 Trial HSC Exams

24/08/2016 Friends program - Pds 3&4 Friends program - Pds 3&4 - Selected yr7/8 10:40:00 12:25:00

25/08/2016 Trial HSC Exams

25/08/2016 Staff Meeting PL - Mind Matters 14:00:00 15:30:00

26/08/2016 Trial HSC Exams

29/08/2016 Top Blokes - Pds 3-4 Top Blokes - Pds 3-4 - Selected yr9/10 boys - Common room

30/08/2016 Jet Program Jet Program

30/08/2016 ICAN Meeting - Willingham ICAN Meeting - Willingham

31/08/2016 Taste of Tafe Taste of Tafe day - Yr. 10 - Willingham/Unicomb

31/08/2016 Friends program - Pds 3&4 Friends program - Pds 3&4 - Selected yr7/8 10:40:00 12:25:00

1/09/2016 Year 11 Biology Excursion - McKinlay

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To celebrate NAIDOC week this year, Year 7 students

learned some background information about Aboriginal

art and then specifically focused on this year’s

NAIDOC theme of ‘Song Lines’.

To set the scene, all of Year 7 gathered in the drama

room to once again listen to the fabulous song written

and composed by staff and students from our school

that was performed last term at a special event in

Wollongong. The song is based on our local area and in

particular, the black swans that inhabit the lake near our

school. We also looked at the story of the Black Swan,

as narrated by Lorraine Brown, which describes how

white swans lost all their feathers and eventually

became black swans.

Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the performance by Mr

Davidson (on guitar) and vocalists Kyarna Cruse,

Maddison Goldberg and Lakeesha Davis

Lonesborough. Year 7 then split into several groups,

where, after learning about Papunya dot painting

techniques, they decorated boomerangs to symbolically

represent the Black Swan story. If you are visiting the

school for any reason, be sure to drop in and have a

look at all the finished boomerangs currently on display

in the administration gallery area.

Last term, Lake Illawarra High School athletes

participated in the Southern Illawarra Zone Athletics

Carnival. This carnival was organised by our school

and our students, despite not having a school carnival to

refine their skills in competition, demonstrated a

commitment to representing the school with pride and

displaying the qualities of excellent sportsmanship.

We are proud to announce that many of our students

also made it through to the Regional Athletics Carnival,

which will be help in Canberra in August. At this

carnival, our students will compete against other zones

for a place at the State Athletics Carnival. More

information will be provided about this carnival and its

results in future newsletters.

I would like to thank all staff who assisted me in

organising this carnival, as well as our student

assistants who helped run events and our school

catering team for their efforts. Congratulations to the

following competitors, who represented our school in

an excellent manner at the Zone Athletics Carnival, and

to those students who made it through to the Regional

and State Carnivals:

15 Years Girls 100m – Molly McDonald

14 Years Girls Discus - Keely Kopara

15 Years Girls 400m – Amelia Harkness

15 Years Girls 1500m – Amelia Harkness

15 Years Girls Long Jump - Amelia Harkness

15 Years Girls Shot Put – Hayley Waine

16 Years Girls 1500m – Erin Curry

15 Years Girls Long Jump – Lucy Northey

14 Years Girls 500m – India Akonnah

12 Years Boys 100m – Ryan Dragarski

12 Years Boys 200m - Ryan Dragarski

12 Years Boys High Jump - Ryan Dragarski

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12 Years Boys shot Put – Andrew Crombie

15 Years Boys 100m – Blake Dowel and Sam Hooper

15 Years Boys 200m – Blake Dowel and Sam Hooper

15 Years Boys High Jump – Blake Dowel

15 Years Boys Long Jump – Blake Dowel

15 Years Boys Shot Put – Blake Dowel

17 Years Boys 200m – Logan McMahon

17 Years Boys Long Jump – Logan McMahon

17 Years Boys 400m – Zac Slaon

17 Years Boys High Jump - Logan McMahon and Jack


17 Years Boys shot Put – Damon Kennedy

17 Years Boys Discuss Ryan Waine

I would also like to make a special mention to Jarrod

Dyer who has been selected in the NSW Multi Class

Development Squad. Jarrod recently competed in a

swim meet in Ulladulla and broke a swimming record

for the 200m Backstroke which was set in 1997 at a

time of 3.03.09. Jarrod blitzed this time, setting a new

record time of 2.43.82. Due to these performances at

the 2016 Australian Open and Age Swimming

Championships and other selection meets, he has been

selected in the 2016 Swimming NSW Multi Class

(MC) Development Squad. As a Multi Class

Development Squad member he will attend two Squad

Days, on June 4 and September 1. All the best Jarrod

In the last edition I wrote about three of our students

who made the NSW combined High School rugby

League team, these Boys were Sam Hooper and Blake

Dowel in the Under 15’s and Josh Dowel in the Opens.

All of the boys represented their school and state with

pride and all were lucky enough to make it to the finals,

unfortunately the losing these games. However, during

this carnival, I am happy to announce that Blake was

named man of the match during the semi-finals and

Sam was named in the Australian Secondary School

Boys Rugby League team, as the starting five eighth.

Congratulations to all three boys for their



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The Illawarra South Coast Sub-Branch of the

Children’s Book Council of Australia kindly sponsored

an author to visit our school. Will Kostakis is a popular

writer of young adult fiction. In 2005, he won the

Sydney Morning Herald Young Writer of the Year

award for a collection of short stories. The First Third,

his second novel, made multiple shortlists including the

Prime Minister’s Literary Awards, and won the Gold

Inky at the 2014 Inky Awards.

Will Kostakis ran workshop type presentations for two

of our Year 10 English classes, the Year 11 Advanced

English class and 7K. He showed our junior students

the importance of descriptive writing in their narrative

responses and offered our senior students strategies for

success in the creative writing section of their

examinations, specifically the HSC examinations.

The students were captivated by his amusing anecdotes.

They enjoyed interacting with an expert who gave them

practical examples of ways to improve their creative


We have a few copies of Will’s novels in our library

and the English Faculty has bought a class set of his

second novel, The First Third, if anyone is interested in

reading his work.

I would also like to thank the Illawarra South Coast

sub-branch for their kind donation of novels to our

library. One of their representatives, Margaret Wolfe,

paid us a visit carrying two bags of newly published

novels that our students are sure to enjoy.

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As a PBL (Positive Behaviour Learning) school LIHS rewards students who are respectful, responsible and safe in every setting.




Term 3 will continue to see the PBL message encouraged in every faculty. Our

Safe, Respectful and Responsible Learning principles are continually developing

throughout the whole school.

Focus Value: RESPECT

Focus of the Fortnight is:

Week 3: We show respect when we are in the right place at the right

time. Students will be in the right place at the right time while doing

the right thing in class.

Week 4: We show respect when we do the right thing at the right time.

Students will place rubbish in the bin.

Vivo Rewards

Vivo’s are such a positive part of Lake Illawarra High School.

Above all, keep checking your Vivo tally and notify the library staff to claim your


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e Education Act 1990 requires your child to attend

school each day that instruction is provided unless

prevent for doing so by sickness or another approved

reason. The Principal will only grant leave for the

following instances:

Sickness where the absence is satisfactorily

explained as being due to illness

Misadventure or unforseen event

Domestic necessity such as serious illness of an

immediate family member

Attendance at funerals

Recognise religious festivals or ceremonial


If a student is absent, a note explaining the absence

should be handed in to the roll call teacher on the first

day of their return. The explanation should contain:

1. Date that the note was written;

2. Student’s name

3. Days/dates the student was absent from school

4. The reason why the student was absent

5. The signature of the student’s parent or


Students can collect an absence note book from their

roll call teacher or the Front Office Staff. This makes

absence note writing easy as it ensures all relevant

information is given to the school.

Parent/s and caregivers are required by law to provide a

written or verbal explanation to the Principal within

seven days of any absence as to why their child was not

at school. It is important that the school receives a

written or verbal explanation because:

1. It is the parent’s legal obligation to explain their

child’s absence within seven days

2. It is a requirement that the school investigate all

unexplained absences

3. It is the way the school knows your child was

legitimately absent and not truanting from


Failure to explain your child’s absences within seven

days of their occurrence will result in an unjustified

absence being recorded. This will be displayed on your

child’s report.

It is important for parents to make attending school a

priority. Allowing children days off for birthdays, to

look after younger children, to go shopping, to keep

you company or because they were tired from a late

night, not only send the wrong message to your child, it

is against the law.

Children who get used to having days off school for

these kinds of reasons develop an attitude that their

attendance at school is not very important. This can

become a big issue as a child gets older.

An attendance rate of 95% or above is a good target.

This equates to no more than three days absent per


A reminder to parents to notify the school about your child’s health

We welcome information from parents about your

child's health, even if you are not requesting specific

support from our school. Our school asks for medical

information when you enrol your child. It is also

important that you let us know if your child’s health

care needs change or if a new health condition


Information about allergies, medical conditions such as

asthma and diabetes and other health care related issues

(including prior conditions such as medical procedures

in the last 12 months) should be provided to the school

by parents. Please provide this information in writing to

the principal. This will greatly assist our school in

planning to support your child’s health and wellbeing.

Please also remember to notify staff in the school office

of any changes to your contact details or to the contact

details of other people nominated as emergency


We appreciate your assistance in this regard and assure

you that any information you provide the school will be

stored securely and will only be used or disclosed in

order to support your son or daughter’s health needs or

as otherwise required by law.

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Justified reasons


appointment – must provide evidence, such as

a Doctor’s/Dentist certificate or letter

Appointment with

other health care professional or similar service –

must provide evidence, such as an appointment

card or letter

Special family

circumstances – note/verbal

explanation must be provided

Bus delayed – school will check

to verify

Interview with

Principal, Deputy/Assistant

Principal, Counsellor or other school

personnel – staff involved must inform the front


Unjustified reasons

Sleeping in/

alarm not going off

Missed the bus

Traffic/ road


Walked to


Waiting for


Minding sibling


Other similar


Please note: A note from a parent or verbal explanation from parent who drops student at school for any reasons listed above as ‘unjustified’ DOES NOT make the reason ‘justified’.

Payments can be made using either a Visa or

MasterCard credit or debit card. The payment page

is accessed from the front page of the schools

website by selecting $ Make a payment Items that

can be paid include voluntary school contributions,

subject contributions, excursions, sales to students

and creative and practical arts activities (these

include band, drama and dance). There is also a

category called other this to cover items not covered

in the previous headings, other can be used to make

a complete payment of a school invoice. When you access the $ Make a payment you must


the students name, and

class and reference number OR

the students name, and

Date of birth.

These details are entered each time you make a

payment as student information is not held within

the payment system. There is also the option to enter

the Student Registration Number and Invoice

number if you are aware of them, these are optional


This is a secure payment system hosted by Westpac

to ensure that your credit/debit card details are

captured in a secure manner, these details are not

passed back to the school.

You have the ability to check and change any details

of the payment before the payment is processed.

Receipts can be emailed and/or printed.

Details of the payments are passed daily to the

school where they will be receipted against your

child’s account. As a receipt has been issued from

the payment page a further receipt will not be issued

by the school.

For any enquiries regarding the Online Payment

process please contact the School Administration



Ria Douglas


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Benson is proudly sponsored by:

McGrath Estate Agents

Now servicing your area Phone: (02) 4232 2888

Email: [email protected] Call today for a FREE market update

If you would like to place an ad for your business in

our newsletter please phone the school on 4296 3844

for more information.

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NOTICES Lake Illawarra High School does not receive or accept any paid advertising for Community Notices. Also, we have no way of checking the bona fides of any information

received. We encourage parents/caregivers to make all necessary checks prior to involving their children in activities listed

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Lake Illawarra High School would like to thank you for supporting our fundraising in 2015 with

your purchase of an Entertainment™ Membership. Since your Membership has now expired,

please continue to support us by buying a NEW 2016 | 2017 Membership today!

Not all good things must come to an end. Renew your Entertainment™ Membership now

and continue to enjoy valuable offers for everything you like to do – but hurry, they’re selling

fast! The new 2016 | 2017 Entertainment™ Membership is bigger and better than ever, with

valuable offers from all of your favourites, plus great new businesses you’re going to love.

20% of every membership sold contributes to our School. Help us achieve our goal by sharing this

link with your Friends and Family. Thanks for your support!

“I absolutely love the digital book we bought one last year and have bought one again

this year. I have saved $565 so far from my last book!” – Bev P

The more Entertainment™ Memberships we sell, the more funds we raise to support St Lake

Illawarra High School

Please contact us for more information about our fundraising, or how to get your Entertainment™


Lake Illawarra High School

Ria Douglas


Thank you for your kind support.

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Children, aged 3 years to 16 years intersted in joining our

Centre for the upcoming season you can register Every Sunday in August at the Myimbarr Community Park,

Wattle Road Flinders between 1pm and 3pm

Registration Fees are:

August Early Bird - $100 per athlete

The above mentioned fee applies only Durng August after which the registration fee will be $110.00 per


If you are new to Little Athletics anyone of the following documents are required




Should you require any further information please feel free to contact us via email at [email protected]

Visit Lake Illawarra’s Official Website:

Join us on Facebook at lakeillawarra.littleathletics

Register online at to save time.

*please note that online registrations will incur an administration fee

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Colour Ya World Colour (type) Run is coming to Shellharbour!

Early Bird Cheap Tickets available until Friday 16 September.

We were hoping to get a notice put into your parent Newsletter / email?

This hugely popular event has already stopped off at all corners of Australia and on Saturday 26th November it’s time for the whole family to

party! Colour Ya World is coming to Reddall Reserve, Lake Illawarra and party animals of all ages, shapes and sizes will be running, dancing and

singing across 5k of colour. Our volunteers will coat participants with liquids and powders of blue, green, pink, purple, and yellow until their

faces, shirt and body come out silk screened like a tie-dyed hippie on the other side. In exchange for the volunteers time we contribute to

their nominated charity, club or school.

Each section of the run adds a new explosion of colour until participants cross the finish line into a final rainbow of colour with the main event,

the DJ dance and “Colour Throw” Party. During the “Colour Throw” participants will dance, party and sing to a DJ playing the latest tunes

whilst throwing packets of colour into the air! Entry includes a Colour Ya World event T-shirt, Colour Bomb and a Colour Ya World Headband.

You can enter as an Individual, a Family or a Team so grab you neighbour, your bestie or your granny and get ready to Party!!

Early Bird prices start at $25 for kids, under 6 run for free.

To register for the event go to

Let me know if this is ok to be put in your newsletter, or if you need any more information regarding this event.

Kind Regards

Rhianon Roulstone

Marketing and Social Media | | Colour Ya World by Elite Energy Pty Ltd | "Making Events Memorable"

M: 0431140618 | B: 02 4423 7775 | E: [email protected] |