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Look at the picture and read the story. Write some words to complete the sentences about the story. You can use 1, 2, 3 or 4 words.

My name’s Bill and I’m a painter. It can be a difficult job when the weather’s bad but I still like it.

Well, yesterday I went to paint a house for a woman called Mrs Hill but when I got to the house

there was no-one in. I decided to start painting because it was a big house and I had just two days

to finish it.

At about midday I stopped for lunch and went to a café round the corner. I asked for burger and

chips. That’s my favourite meal. But there were no burgers so I had fish and chips instead. Well, I

was eating my food when a woman phoned me. She said, ‘Where are you?’ and I answered, ‘I’m

having my lunch!’ I was surprised because she was very unfriendly and she didn’t say she liked my


At two o’clock I went back to the house but there was still no-one there! Then I saw a woman in

the garden of the house next door. She looked very angry so I said ‘What’s the matter?’. Her

answer made me feel terrible. She said ‘I’m waiting for a man to paint my house. He said he’d come

this morning but he hasn’t arrived yet.’ ‘What’s your name?’ I asked her. ‘Mrs Hill’ she said! I was

painting the wrong house! I picked up my paint and brushes and ran away!

examples Bill’s job is sometimes difficult if the weather isn’t nice.

Yesterday Bill was going to paint Mrs Hill’s house.

1 When Bill arrived at the house there __________________________ at home.

2 Bill wanted to start work because there were only __________________________ to do the job.

3 Bill ate __________________________ for lunch.

4 Bill thought the woman sounded __________________________ on the telephone.

5 Bill felt __________________________ when the woman in the garden answered his question.

6 The woman was waiting for someone to __________________________ .

7 Bill suddenly understood that he was painting __________________________.

Look at the picture and read the sentences. Write yes or no.

Examples: The queen looks unhappy. NO

It is autumn and the leaves on the trees are brown, red and yellow. YES

a. The three people who are taking pictures are all wearing belts. ____

b. The little girl in front of the man is holding some flowers. ____

c. The man who is riding behind the queen is on a motorbike. ____

d. The man who is wearing a jacket with stripes is reading a newspaper. ____

e. The men on the white horses have tall hats and are wearing boots. ____

f. Some people are sitting outside the café. ____

g. On the balcony there are a lot of children with flags in their hands. ____

Page 2: bass

Read the text and circle the best answer. Mark and Katy are friends. The lessons are finished and they are talking outside the school.... Mark: Hello, Katy. Where are you going? Katy: a. Yes, I’m going home. b. I’m going into town. c. I went into town yesterday.

1. Mark: Why are you going there? 4. Mark: So, what did you do? Katy: a. By bus. Katy: a. I didn’t answer all the questions. b. To return some books to the library. b. Yes, we did. c. On my way home. c. I don’t think so.

2. Mark: Did you have a test? 5. Mark: When is Mr. Moody giving you the results? Katy: a. Yes, it was very difficult. Katy: a. Yes, please. b. Yes, there was a History test. b. No, he isn't. c. No, I don’t like tests. c. Next Monday.

3. Mark: Was it difficult? Mark: Ok, good luck! Katy: a. Yes, I’m good at History. Katy: Thanks, see you! b. Yes, it did. c. Yes, it was.

Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines.

1. These are made of metal. You cut food like bread and fruit with them. ________

2. Loud music comes out of these boxes. _________

3. You use this to hold wood together. It’s a small piece of metal, sharp at one end and flat

at the other. _________

4. I bought a new ____________ to clean the furniture. ________

5. This is the day before Thursday. _________

6. These are the main parts of a tree that grow out from the middle part. __________

7. You need this tool with metal teeth for cutting wood. _____________

8. This is one of the days of the weekend. ___________

9. Most people have three of these a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. ___________

10. This is a group of people watching a play. __________

11. When something is not curved or crooked. ___________

12. When you need to get to a high place, use this thing with steps. ____________

13. This is what women put on their faces to look pretty at a party. ___________

Read the text. Choose the right words and write them on the lines. Come to London

There are many famous places to visit in London. The most famous, perhaps, is ‘Buckingham Palace’ 1________

it’s the Queen’s home. ‘Tower Bridge’ is over 100 years old and you 2________ see it from one of the boats on

the ‘River Thames’.

London 3_________ lots of things for families to do together.

4_____________ you want to go shopping, Harrods

is London’s most famous store but it’s very expensive. You’ll find that markets sell some very nice things and are

5___________ cheaper. And you must visit ‘Hamleys’

6___________ is London’s best toy shop.

What about food? There are many restaurants in London 7____________ the ‘Rainforest Café’ is very good for

children. When you go inside you 8____________ see paintings of jungle animals everywhere! And in summer it’s

nice to have 9__________ picnic in one of London’s lovely, green parks. When it’s rainy, go to the cinema at the

science museum and 10

___________ a rocket go up into space! London’s a great place for a holiday!

Example to for by

1 when because while 6 what that which

2 can like want 7 but so or

3 is has gives 8 have would will

4 Before Then If 9 a an the

5 very much most 10 watching watch watched

Read the letter and write the missing words. Write one word on each line.

Dear Karen,

I’m _______ a lovely time here with my grandparents. I’m staying ______ their flat which is by the

sea. The flat is small but I don’t mind. Every morning we _______ to the beach.

My grandmother usually lies down and _______ magazines.

I always sit in the sand ______ my grandfather and we make sandcastles. Last night we ______ a beach

party! Grandad made a fire and Grandma cooked our meal.

Next weekend we’re ________ to camp on the beach.

See you soon,







a ladder





an audience


a nail

feather duster