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Bariatric Surgery

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Bariatric Surgery

“Bariatric surgery is a weight loss surgery performed on extremely obese people.”

Bariatric surgery is a weight loss surgery performed on extremely obese people to help them

lose weight. The operation is done in the stomach and intestine region by removing a portion of

the stomach or by reducing the size of the stomach with a gastric band.

It can be also done by re-routing the small intestine to the stomach pouch surgery. This surgery

is mainly performed on people who cannot lose weight easily through normal weight loss

exercises or on people suffering from serious health problems in relation to obesity.

Intake of food is restricted after the surgery because it interruptsthe digestion of food in the

stomach preventing the body from absorbing nutrients, calories and vitamins which in return

help in weight loss. It is said that the surgery reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes and lowers the

death rate of people suffering from severe obesity. Get detailed information about the surgery

from Apollo Spectra to know if it is a viable option for you. There are four types of bariatric

surgery and each type has its own advantage and disadvantages. The types are mentioned


Gastric Bypass -A small pouch on top of the stomach is created by using a special

surgical stapler and is connected directly to a part of the small intestine. It helps in

bypassing the food and bowel directly to the intestine.

Sleeve Gastrectomy - Removes a part of the stomach, making the stomach smaller.

Adjustable Gastric Band -A small bracelet is placed around the stomach to reduce the

intake of food.

Bilopancreatric Diversion With Duodenal Switch -This is very similar togastric bypass. It

involves two components, a small pouch is created by removing a portion of the

stomach and later a portion of the small intestine is bypassed.

Long-Term Side Effects

The side effects highly depend on the age, surgical procedure, the amount of body fats

excluded and the doctor. Depending on the kind of bariatric surgery, there can be long-term

complications. For instance, there can be bowel obstruction, which is caused due to the limited

open passageway for digested food waste to move through the small or large intestine. There is

also the dumping syndrome, which is likely to happen after surgery that includes the removal of

some part of the stomach. It may cause nausea, diarrhoea or vomiting.

Bariatric surgery can lead to the formation of gallstones, malnutrition, hernias, ulcers and

vomiting. There were also some rare cases of deaths due to the surgery.

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