Download - Bamford Chapel and Norden URC magazine June 2015



Bamford Chapel


Norden URC




In our devotion we will come together to express our joy, love and thanks through worship.

We shall share our praise and dedicate it to God.


Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit we will show compassion and love by understanding, supporting and meeting the spiritual, the physical and the emotional needs of others.


We are called as Christians to share the good news; living as examples of Christ in our everyday lives we can spread the word and love of Jesus.


We as a church have a responsibility as Christians to encourage people to know God and to enable them to develop their relationship with Him through prayer, discussion, study and learning.


We welcome to our church family those who want to belong. We show our love for others by sharing acts of fellowship in God’s name.



2nd June

8.00 pm Fellowship Core Group

Thursday 4th June

7.30 pm Elders’ Meeting


7th June

10.30 am Family Worship with Holy Communion

Led by Revd Richard Bradley

6.00 pm Evening Worship

Led by Joan Warner


14th June

10.30 am Family Worship

Led by Rev Richard Bradley

12 noon Special Church Meeting on Church

Modification Works

6.00 pm Evening Worship

Led by Revd Richard Bradley

Wednesday 17th June

8.00 pm Worship Core Group


21st June

10.30 am Family Worship

Led by Walter Brisk

6.00 pm Evening Worship with Holy Communion

Led by Revd Richard Bradley

Wednesday 24th June

1.15 pm Monthly Midweek Communion Service

In the Lounge


28th June

10.30 am Family Worship

Led by Joanne Ackroyd

6.00 pm Evening Worship

Led by Margaret Ogden


Message from the Manse

I am excited with the discussions about the church modifications and I am excited because of the mission opportunities that are going to be open to us stemming from them. I want to start by thanking Simon Wareing for his continued help and support. When I start to worry about timescales or questions of a technical nature I speak to Simon and he puts my mind at ease. I

also want to thank Stuart Dean for his time, expertise and ideas on design. I think those who were present at the Church Meeting will back me up when I say that Stuart’s design and ideas were impressive to say the least! I want to say thanks for the questions and comments made at the Church Meeting on the 17 th May. I found it a helpful meeting to hear views expressed but I am conscious that there are people who are still unsure of some of the alterations being suggested. To you I want to ask if you will please speak to me. I am happy to arrange to visit anyone or set aside time for a meeting of likeminded people who may still be unsure of the ideas being suggested. I want your voice to be heard and for your comments to be shared. I know it is not easy to speak up at Church Meetings, especially if you have an opinion or view that is contrary to the majority. If you fall into this category please contact me and speak to me. As I said at the Church Meeting I do not want to slow the decision-making process down, but I do want us to make a decision soon, so that we can get the appropriate permissions from the Listed Buildings Advisory Committee and from the Area Pastoral Committee, which will allow us to do the alteration works at the same time as the roof is being done. I am suggesting that we hold a special Church Meeting after the


service on Sunday 14th June with the agenda item being a presentation of the ideas and for us to make a decision on the final scheme of works for the Church modifications. To reiterate what I said at the Church Meeting, we are looking at a phased scheme of works. Phase 1 is all the works related to the internal chapel works (i.e. in the sanctuary). The discussions and decision on the works outside of the chapel itself are being called Phase 2 works. It is an exciting time in the life of the church. Doing the work will allow greater flexibility for worship; flexibility that is not possible at present due to the fixed pews. It will be for the Elders and Church Meeting to decide what can and what cannot happen in church outside of worship. In closing I want to offer this prayer:

Loving God, Thank you for the resources you have blessed us with

as a church - for the people, for the talents, for the gifts.

We thank you for the buildings and for our finances. Help us to listen to the promptings of the Holy Spirit

that we may make the right decision in the life of this your Church.

May we be a truly missional church that longs to serve the community in which we are

set. To your praise and glory we pray.


Your Servant in Christ, Richard


News of the Family

Concerns, some continuing, are expressed for:

the family of Marjorie Goodwin; Joan Holt; Molly

Brierley; Margaret Entwistle; Betty Ainsworth;

Marjorie Farrington; Angela and John Hall; Hayley

Merchant; Jenny and Steve Brandon; Andrew Aspinall; Geoff Haywood;

Frank McClean and the family of Pat McClean; Hilda Howard. Work

your healing spirit Lord through the lives of these people named here

and those un-named who need your solace.

We also share in the achievements of those within our church family.

Sue Blackwell has recently completed the first stage of her dental

nurse examinations and later this month will sit the second stage of

those exams. Results are due in late July and assuming Sue is

successful she has already secured a position as a dental nurse within


Felicity Crompton will be known to many of you as a member of our

Junior Church family, but less well known are her gymnastic abilities

which she hones at our local hotbed of talent, Sparks

gym. This year she has been awarded the British

Gymnastics National Grade 2 in Gymnastics, which

required her to show capability in 5 specific areas.

The first 4 were Floor, Beam, Asymmetric Bars and

the Vault. The fifth discipline is not for the faint-

hearted so look away now if you struggle to touch your toes and

haven’t done a cartwheel this millennium. Consider the strength and

suppleness required for “Range and Conditioning Strength”. Naturally

Felicity passed with flying colours. Well done!

We share in the joy of birthdays each week during worship in our

family time, significant ones or not, and we particularly mention the

significant birthdays of Joan Warner who turned 70 last month and


Vera Morley who turned 100, also last month.

Vera has lived through 2 world wars and much

besides; let us not forget how valuable the

experiences of the elderly members of our

congregation are in informing the direction our

church takes and in being witness to what changes

we have already undergone.

Turning from lives well-lived to those just beginning, we give thanks

to the fantastic news that Kate and David Healey are expecting their

first baby in early November. Son and daughter-in-law to Diane and

Graham Healey and brother and sister-in-law to Sarah and John

Finnigan, the new baby Healey will be sibling to Jack and a cousin to

many, thanks to Kate’s large extended family, including to Mark and

James Finnigan who are members of our junior church family. May

Kate’s pregnancy be smooth running and enjoyable for her.

If you were never any good at sitting exams spare a

thought for our young people who have recently sat

or are still sitting exams: all the primary school

children in year 6 who sat their SATs (“Statutory

Assessment Tests”) in mid May; our GCSE students

still sitting lots of exams into June having started them in mid May;

and finally our A level students, seeking the grades they require for

the next stage of their lives.

And finally, sticking with education, we hope that the youngest of our

children have been offered places at their first choice pre-school

settings, likewise for those who have recently been offered places in

reception, the first stage of their school career. If you have any news that you would like to be included in the

magazine, please pass details to Sarah Finnigan either in person, by

email to: [email protected] or by telephone (0780) 361 8165.


All Together Lester Amann (from Parish Pump) considers why Jesus chose the disciples… What can you achieve - with God’s help? Why, do you think, did Jesus choose 12 men to be His disciples?’ What was the point, as Jesus was a miracle worker and a very eloquent speaker. He could walk on water; change water into wine; multiply food for thousands of people; heal the sick and forecast future events. So why did Jesus choose some fishermen, a tax collector and a few lesser known guys to be with Him everywhere?

Doesn’t it appear odd that Jesus wanted disciples who, as time passed, were slow to learn; argumentative; frightened; amazed and puzzled? Right from the start of His ministry Jesus must have known He was bringing together a motley group of characters who would not understand Him; doubt Him; and let Him down. Surely, Jesus would have been better off going it alone without having the hassle and frustration! Well, what is amazing, is that Jesus decided to limit Himself. He wanted the fellowship of close friends to share their good and bad times. He wanted to be involved with them no matter what happened. He enjoyed meal-times, discussions and, no doubt, a joke or two! Jesus came from Heaven to show that in God’s Kingdom there is togetherness.


This world can get messy, troubled and nasty, and it is into this cauldron that Jesus came to be involved with its problems. He wanted to share His mission of love and compassion, participating with others, to change places of darkness into God’s healing light. He chose ordinary people, with their weaknesses, anxieties, hang-ups and faults to fill them with His Spirit and transform them into workers for God. Today, Jesus works with us, despite our frailty and stubbornness. He patiently draws alongside us to change our attitudes and behaviour so that we show God’s love wherever we are. Jesus came to build His church: a community of believers who would work and serve together to change society for good. So let’s be aware of the Holy Spirit’s direction and be encouraged that we are all partners together.

Help to carry one another’s burdens, and in this way

you will obey the law of Christ. (Galatians 6:2)

Miscellaneous Musings on Life

Anger is just one letter short of danger.

The ability to speak several languages is an asset, but to be able to hold your tongue in one language is priceless.

People treat the Ten Commandments like a history test,

they attempt only three.


Christian Aid As I hurriedly write this short report, I

am in the midst of opening and counting

all the money that has been collected by

our volunteers during Christian Aid

Week. It is a daunting task which Peter Sutton has done for a

number of years and Ian Sturrock before that. I now can

imagine the hours of work that it entailed. For me the task is

being made easier thanks to the very clever counting machine

recently purchased by the church.

My first job, on opening the envelopes (trying not to tear strips

off any of the notes that are within!!), is to check for any

foreign coins because they completely confuse the machine!

(So far I have 10 which isn't bad from the 15 bags I have

emptied so far). Then I put all the coins in the top of the

machine and it cleverly sorts them into trays according to their

value and counts them at the same time! On pressing another

switch it will then give me a report of how many coins there

were in each of the trays so that I can record that on a counting


After opening several bags, I can then put back in, say, all the

£1 coins and I can instruct it to count out 20 of them so that I

can then put these in a money bag ready to go to the Post

Office. I then repeat the process for all the other coins.

I just thank God for the clever person who designed the

machine. I thank Him too for the 32 people from our church

and the 18 from St Michael's who volunteered to help with the


distribution and collection of the envelopes. Last year

£12million was raised across the country and we have all done

our bit to help them meet that target again. As I recently said in

a service, we can all make a difference to the lives of others as

we put into practice the words of Jesus to "love our neighbour

as we love ourselves."

Before I finish, more thanks are due to the few people who

joined in with the Count Your Blessings project during Lent. A

special thanks to Rebecca Gooding who donated over £20 of

her own money as she was challenged to think about those less

fortunate than herself using the app on her mobile phone. The

most challenging day for her was when she had to give 10p for

every hoodie she owned; she hadn't realised how many she

had. Well done Rebecca, I was proud of you for sticking at it.

Margaret Ogden


Just to say how touched I was, following my

recent burglary, for the beautiful tulips and

good wishes I received from

the church members.

Having your support made

all the difference!

Kind regards, Susan Travis


The story so far – I’m Meerkat Moses and I’m the look-out at chapel. The GIAM (the GREAT I AM) says there are some important messages that you’ve forgotten. He’s going to give me one each month to pass on. We’ve had three so far:

Love the GIAM, Love everyone and love yourself! Do not go compare – be what GIAM has created you to be Encourage one another

SIMPLES, SIMPLES, SIMPLES! Now just recently my mates, the chair mice Romi, Cori, Gali, Ephi and Phili and the flower stand mice Coli and Thessi have been getting worried! They know there’s something new and big going to happen here soon in our house (well GIAM’s house). There’s lots of measuring and meetings going on and plans being drawn and pictures being shown on the screen.

Coli and Thessi started the panic; if the pews go, will all the other furniture have to go? Well then the chair mice got into a flat spin and thought they’d hide behind the organ screen if it looked like anyone was going to get rid of them. Absolute pandemonium!!

Now I was sure there must be something in THE BOOK about panicking & worrying but it’s a BIG BOOK and I knew the mice would all have nervous breakdowns before I could find anything to calm them down. So I waited till Rev Richard (I’ve sussed out that he’s got a lot to do with stuff that goes on in this place) had set up the thingy that puts pictures on the screen one Sunday morning and disappeared again and I grabbed my chance! Three months look-out duty is long enough to learn how to find things on the machine.

Meerkat Moses (not the Meerkat Manor Family)

Mystery Messenger from the GIAM Things you’ve forgotten IT’S ALL SO SIMPLES!!


So I googled (think that’s the word I’ve heard) FEAR in the BOOK. You’ll never guess! ‘FEAR NOT’ is the most repeated instruction from the GIAM in the whole BOOK! In fact one man called Lloyd Ogilvie says there are 366 ‘Fear nots’ in THE BOOK – one for every day of the year and an extra for Leap Year. Mind you – he covers his back and says it’s the idea of ‘fear not’ and not the actual words themselves, so he counts instructions about not worrying or being anxious as well.



I suppose it’s pretty obvious. If GIAM has made us all, loves us all and has a plan for us all, then He won’t want us to be frightened of anything cos He’s sorting it all. We don’t need to worry about the PAST, because everything that’s already happened has become part of the plan for each of us. We don’t need to worry about the PRESENT because GIAM’s right here with us. We don’t need to worry about the FUTURE because GIAM’s there waiting for us.

So to stop the mice panicking I told each of them to find something like ‘fear not’ in THE BOOK that would make them feel better. This is what they found:

Romi Do not worry about your life, what you will eat, drink, wear. (Matthew 6: 25-34) Cori So do not fear, for I am with you, do not dismayed, for I am your God (Is 41:10) Gali Fear not, for I have redeemed you, I have called you by name, (is 43:1) Ephi Don’t be afraid, just believe (Mark 6: 36) Phili In God I trust, I will not be afraid (Psalm 56: 4) Coli Do not let your heart be troubled and do not be afraid (John 14:27) Thessi Perfect love (of God) drives out fear (1 John 4: 18)

Remember: Message 4: FEAR NOT! SIMPLES!!! (but maybe not easy)

Love from Meerkat Moses (and the furniture mice) Pp Giam




A list of the usual stalls we run will be under the clock in the coffee area. Please put your name

against the stall you wish to organise. Also the list of items for the Hamper.

New ideas are needed; if you can arrange something different please add to the list or see Lyn Jefferies. It could be a stall or a game to entertain the children;

we need new ideas and lots of people to help.

Julie Platt needs lots of help with catering.

The following donations are required:-


Weekday Opportunities for Learning and Sharing Fellowship You are welcome to join any of the following Exploring Groups

Further details of all Services and Groups may be found on the Sunday Notice Sheet and at:-

Monday Focus on Prayer Group: 8.00 pm in the crèche

Tuesday Home Group – Discipleship Explored: Fortnightly 2nd, 16th & 30th June 8.00 pm in the Manse

Monday Home Group: 8.00 pm at the home of Addie & Barbara Redmond

Wednesday Exploring the Bible: 7.30 pm at the home of Ray Atkins, 8 Greenwich Close

Monday Monthly Joy Group: 1st & 29th June Meal at Dolce Vita 6.30 pm (optional). Meeting 7.30 pm at 17 Bamford Mews

Thursday Morning Weekly: Community ‘drop-in ‘coffee morning from 10.00am Thursday Evening Monthly: Ladies Fellowship, 7.45, subs £3 open to all Ladies. Next meeting - 11th June – Evening Meal (p.18)

Tuesday Stillness and Sharing: 1st & 3rd Tuesday in the month 2nd & 16th June 2.15pm in the Lounge

Sunday Evening Youth Groups: Koinonia 6.00—7.00 pm God Squad 7.30—8.30 pm

If anyone would be interested in taking over

the organisation of the Garden Party in 2016

please see Lyn Jefferies, who will provide you

with all the necessary information. The first

person who contacts Lyn gets the job, so get in

there quick to avoid the rush!


Bamford Chapel and Norden URC become

Dementia Friends!

The Ministry Core Group welcomed an audience of 35 people mostly from Chapel to an interactive session about how we can help people with dementia to live well. The speaker Alison Roberts told us about the following:

The Dementia Friends Initiative

Dementia Friendly Communities

The different types of dementia

How someone with dementia might present

How we might support people with dementia

Alison also provided some important facts to remember:

Dementia is an umbrella term for a collection of symptoms

Dementia is a progressive disease or illness which affects the brain

Dementia is not a natural part of getting old

Dementia is treatable but not curable

Dementia is not just about losing memory

Dementia can cause language problems, difficulties


with problem solving etc.

Treatment of dementia is focussed on alleviating symptoms

Each person with dementia is individual

It is possible to live well with dementia

Alison asked that we try to do the following:

REMEMBER THE ME IN DEMENTIA always thinking of the individual and how we can help them.

TAKE SOME INDIVIDUAL ACTION FOLLOWING THE TRAINING e.g. encourage others to become Dementia Friends, take a little extra time to help someone with dementia, being patient with someone who is struggling with money in shop.

During the session we were on our feet for an exercise to encourage us to think about how differently we all see the world and even played bingo! The session provoked much discussion and we were all given a Dementia Friends badge and encouraged to think about how we will turn our learning into actions.

Anyone who wants to know more about the services for those with dementia in Rochdale is welcome to contact Alison Roberts. For more Dementia Friends Sessions check out the Dementia Friends website.

Email [email protected]

Tel. 07809 349671 or 0161 342 0797


Seven Reasons to Pray

Even though God knows all our needs,

Scripture stresses the necessity of prayers.

Here are seven reasons why we are

encouraged to pray regularly.

1. Prayer connects us to God and God’s power. Changes

take place when we pray. Sometimes the issue is

transformed, at other times we are the ones changed.

Either way, God’s power is at work.

2. Prayer is a way of sharing our burden. Some problems

are difficult to share with another human being. The

issue may involve deep guilt or shame, making it difficult

to confide in a friend. In such cases, prayer can help

ease the burden.

3. Prayer puts into words what troubles us. No difficulty

can be resolved until it is identified and articulated.

4. Prayer reduces feelings of helplessness. Rather than

feeling as though life is out of control, when we pray we

take the first step to reclaiming our lives and putting

order into chaos.

5. Prayer is a powerful reminder that we are not alone.

Life’s troubles often leave us feeling isolated, lonely and

vulnerable. Prayer reminds us that we are not facing

difficulty alone.


6. Prayer generates courage. We

become strengthened and more

confident as a result of prayer.

7. Prayer provides us with a sense

of direction. Rather than merely

being tossed about on life’s sea,

we receive insight, guidance and

direction from prayer.

Prayer of Hope - By Daphne Kitching

Father, Thank you that nothing is impossible with you.

When circumstances seem to conspire, when situations are entrenched, when relationships feel fragile,

help us to remember that you are the God who breaks through barriers,

who opens eyes and transforms lives of even the most unlikely people.

Help us to remember Paul - who he was and what he became –

to be encouraged and full of hope and thanks,

In Jesus name, Amen.


Ladies Fellowship May 2015 Annual General Meeting

& Pot Luck Supper

Our Annual General Meeting held on May 14th provided an entertaining review of the previous year. With sudden and unexpected changes to the evening after our Co-ordinator became ill (Get Well Soon Lesley), it proved how well the committee work together to enable proceedings to run smoothly (sort of!). Grateful thanks and a large plant were given to Angela Smith who stepped down from the committee. Angela had served on the committee for 9 years and had been responsible for arranging all the outings. Her abilities will be sadly missed. An explanation of how the committee organise the programme was also given, by relaying who was responsible for each past event. We are now looking for new members to join the committee to help us plan and keep up the varied programme of events. We have limited the number of years service on the committee to three – although this could be longer if they so wish. In June the ladies will be going to the Marina Bar & Grill at Hollingworth Lake for their customary evening meal and get-together. Our August outing will see us travelling to Ness Gardens then on to Port Sunlight with a guided tour and afternoon tea. Monies for the trip should be paid by 28th June. Ladies are reminded that supplies of cakes are requested for the Garden Party on July 11th when we will be providing a Cake Stall.

Linda Kerford


Church Flowers

Donations for flowers in May have been received from:

Margaret Ogden

Diane Healey

Frank Mc Clean in memory of Pat

Jean Foster

Addie Redmond

A Thought for Fathers’ Day

Fathers help you cope with stress

Fathers play a unique role in the mental health of their children later in life. Those

who have had good and fond relationships with their fathers tend to be less emotional when coping with stressful incidents. The study, carried out at California State

University, concluded: “Perhaps having attentive and caring parents equips children with the experiences and skills necessary to more successfully navigate their relationships with other people.”


God’s Answer for You

For all the negative things we have to say to ourselves, God has a positive answer for it. You say: It's impossible. God says: All things are possible. (Luke 18:27) You say: Nobody really loves me. God says: I love you. (John 3:16 & John 13:34) You say: I can't go on. God says: My grace is sufficient. (II Corinthians 12:9 & Psalm 91:15)

You say: I can't figure things out. God says: I will direct your steps. (Proverbs 3:5-6) You say: I can't do it. God says: You can do all things. (Philippians 4:13)

You say: I'm not able. God says: I am able. (II Corinthians 9:8) You say: It's not worth it. God says: It will be worth it. (Romans 8:28)


You say: I can't forgive myself. God says: I FORGIVE YOU. (I John 1:9 & Romans 8:1) You say: I can't manage. God says: I will supply all your needs. (Philippians 4:19) You say: I'm afraid. God says: I have not given you a spirit of fear (II Timothy 1:7) You say: I'm always worried and frustrated. God says: Cast all your cares on ME. (I Peter 5:7) You say: I don't have enough faith. God says: I've given everyone a measure of faith. (Romans 12:3)

You say: I'm not smart enough. God says: I give you wisdom. (I Corinthians 1:30)

You say: I feel all alone. God says: I will never leave you or forsake you. (Hebrews 13:5)

Exercise daily - walk with the Lord.

Never give the devil a ride - he will always want to drive.

Most people want to serve God - but only in an advisory position.



It is said that the membership of any organisation is

made up of four sets of bones.

There are the wishbones who spend all

their time wishing someone else would do

the work.

Along with them are the jawbones who

do all the talking about the work and do

very little else.

Another group is the knucklebones who

knock everything that anyone else tries to


But most valuable are the

backbones who get under

the load and actually do

the work.

To which set do you belong?


For our Children and Young People





Linda Peacock 01706 522593

[email protected]

Martyn James 01706 868885

[email protected]


Joan Ashton 01706 360395

[email protected]


Articles to be handed in by: Sunday 14th June

Magazine to be completed by: Thursday 25th June

Magazine distributed: Sunday 28th June


BAMFORD CHAPEL & NORDEN United Reformed Church

Charity - Reg’d No 1128387


The Manse, Norden Road,


OL11 5PQ Telephone: 01706 369622

Minister : Rev Richard Bradley

Email: [email protected]

Church Secretary: John Lapworth Telephone: 01706 632460

Email: [email protected]

Wedding Secretary: John Lapworth

Telephone: 01706 632460 Email: [email protected]

Lettings Manager: Linda Kerford Telephone: 01706 624256

Email: [email protected]

Times of Services: Family Worship : 10.30 am : Holy Communion 1st Sunday in month Evening Worship : 6.00 pm : Holy Communion 3rd Sunday in month