



    ICET CODE: BIMK 2nd Internal Exam Syllabus


    Name of the Faculty : S.RIYAZ BASHA

    Units covered : 2.5 to 5 Units(2nd Internal Syllabus)

    E-Mail Id :[email protected]


    UNIT-3 The Financing Decision |BALAJI INST OF I.T AND MANAGEMENT 1


    SYLLABUS * Standard Discounting Table and Annuity tables shall be allowed in the examination

    1. The Finance function: Nature and Scope. Importance of Finance function – The role in

    the contemporary scenario – Goals of Finance function; Profit Vs Wealth maximization .

    2. The Investment Decision: Investment decision process – Project generation, Project

    evaluation, Project selection and Project implementation. Capital Budgeting methods–

    Traditional and DCF methods. The NPV Vs IRR Debate.

    3. The Financing Decision: Sources of Finance – A brief survey of financial instruments.

    The Capital Structure Decision in practice: EBIT-EPS analysis. Cost of Capital: The

    concept, Measurement of cost of capital – Component Costs and Weighted Average Cost.

    The Dividend Decision: Major forms of Dividends

    4. Introduction to Working Capital: Concepts and Characteristics of Working Capital,

    Factors determining the Working Capital, Working Capital cycle-Management of Current

    Assets – Cash, Receivables and Inventory, Financing Current Assets

    5. Corporate Restructures: Corporate Mergers and Acquisitions and Take-overs-Types of

    Mergers, Motives for mergers, Principles of Corporate Governance.


    Financial management –V.K.Bhalla ,S.Chand

    Financial Management, I.M. Pandey, Vikas Publishers. Financial Management--Text and Problems, MY Khan and PK Jain, Tata McGraw- Hill


    Financial Management , Dr.V.R.Palanivelu ,S.Chand

    Principles of Corporate Finance, Richard A Brealeyetal., Tata McGraw Hill.

    Fundamentals of Financial Management, Chandra Bose D, PHI

    Financial Managemen , William R.Lasheir ,Cengage.

    Financial Management – Text and cases, Bringham&Ehrhardt, Cengage.

    Case Studies in Finance, Bruner.R.F, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.

    Financial management , Dr.M.K.Rastogi ,Laxmi Publications


    UNIT-3 The Financing Decision |BALAJI INST OF I.T AND MANAGEMENT 2




    The cost of capital is the rate of return the company has to pay to various suppliers. There is a

    variation in the cost of capital due to the fact that different levels of investment carry different

    levels of risk, which is compensated for, by different levels of return on investment.

    There are two main sources of capital for a company viz. shareholders and lenders. The cost

    of equity and cost of debt are the rates of return that need to be offered to the shareholders

    and lenders for supplying capital.

    “The cost of capital is the minimum required rate of earnings of the cut-off rate for capital


    “The cost of capital is the minimum required of return the hurdle or target rate the cut-off

    rateor the financial standard of performance of a project.”

    “The project cost of capital is the minimum required rate of return on funds committed to

    theproject which depends on the friskiness of its cash flows.”

    “The firms cost of capital means overall or average required rate of return on the aggregate of

    investment projects”.


    The determination of the firm’s cost of capital is important from the point of view of both

    capital budgeting as well as capital structure planning decisions.Cost of capital is a concept of

    vital importance in the financial decision making. It is useful as astandard for

    1. Evaluating investment decisions: The primary purpose of measuring the cost of capital is

    its use as a financial standard for evaluating the investment projects.

    a. In NPV method the investment project is accepted it has positive NPV. The projects

    NPV are calculated by discounting its cash flows by the cost of capital. Positive NPV

    makes a net contributing to the wealth of shareholders.

    b. If the project has zero NPV it means that its cash flows have yielded a return just equal

    to the cost of capital and acceptance or rejecting of the project does not affect the

    wealth of shareholders.


    UNIT-3 The Financing Decision |BALAJI INST OF I.T AND MANAGEMENT 3

    c. In the I.R.R. method the investment project is accepted if it has an internal rate of return

    greater than the cost of capital.

    d. The cost of capital is the minimum required rate of return on the investment project that

    keeps the present wealth of shareholders unchanged cost of capital represent a financial

    standard for allocation the firm funds supplied by owners and creditors in the most

    efficient manner.

    2. Designing Debt Policy: The debt policy of a firm is significantly influenced by the cost

    consideration debt helps to save taxes as interest on debt is a tax deductible expense. The

    interest tax should reduce the overall cost of capital though it also increases the financial risk

    of the firm.

    In designing the financing policy the proportioned debt and equity in the capital structure

    thefirms aims at maximizing the firm value by minimizing the overall cost of capital.

    The cost of capital can also useful in deciding about the methods of financing at a point of


    Ex. Cost may be compared in choosing between leasing and borrowing.

    3. Appraising the financial performance of top management: The cost of capital

    framework can be used to evaluate the financial performance of top management. It involves

    a comparison of actual profitability of the investment projects undertaken by the firm with the

    project overall cost of capital and the appraisal of the actual cost incurred by management in

    rising the required funds.The cost of capital also plays a useful role in a dividend decision

    and investment in current assets.



    The cost of capital consists of the following elements:

    1. cost of equity

    2. cost of retained earnings

    3. cost of preference shares

    4. cost of debt

    5. weighted average cost of capital


    UNIT-3 The Financing Decision |BALAJI INST OF I.T AND MANAGEMENT 4

    I.)Cost of equity: the funds required for the project are raised from equity shareholders. These

    funds need not be repayable during the lifetime of the company. Hence it is a permanent

    source of fund. If the business is doing well the ultimate beneficiaries are the equity

    shareholders (ESH). On other hand, if the company comes for liquidation due to losses, the

    ultimate sufferers are also equity shareholders. Sometimes they may not get their investment

    back during the liquidation process. That’s why equity share capital is also known as ‘risk


    Profits after tax less dividends paid to preference shareholders are the funds available

    to ESH. These funds have been re-invested in the company and therefore, these retained

    funds should be included in the cost of equity.

    Cost of equity may be defined as the minimum rate of return that a company that must

    earn on its equity financed portion so that the market value of share remain unchanged.

    Methods of valuation:

    The following methods are used in calculation of cost of equity.

    a) Dividend yield method: This method is based on the assumption that the market value of

    share is directly related to the future dividends on the shares. Another assumption is that

    the future dividend per share is expected to be constant. It does not allow for any growth

    in future dividends. But in reality the shareholders expects the return from his equity

    investment to grow over time.


    Thus Ke = -------


    Where Ke= Cost of equity

    D1 = annual dividend per share

    PE = Market price per share

    b) Dividends Growth Model: In this method an allowance for future growth in dividend is

    added to the current year dividend. It is recognized that the current market price of a

    share reflects expected future dividends. This model is also known as Gordon dividend

    growth model.


    UNIT-3 The Financing Decision |BALAJI INST OF I.T AND MANAGEMENT 5

    D1 + g

    Ke = ------------



    Do (1+g)+g

    Ke= -----------------


    Where Ke= cost of equity

    D1 = current dividends per ES

    G=growth in expected dividend

    PE = Market price per ES

    c) Price earning model: It takes into consideration the earnings per share (EPS) and

    market price of share (MPS). It is based on the assumption that it the earnings are not

    disbursed as dividends and kept as retained earnings are not disbursed earnings will causes

    future growth in the earnings of the company as well as an increase in the market price of

    the share. In calculation of equity share capital the EPS is divided by the current market



    Thus Ke= ------


    Where Ke = cost of equity

    E = current EPS


    d) Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM): William F.Sharpe developed the CAPM. He

    emphasized the risk factor in portfolio theory.


    UNIT-3 The Financing Decision |BALAJI INST OF I.T AND MANAGEMENT 6

    Risk refers to possibility of variation in the expected returns of the investor’s portfolio risk

    consists of both systematic risk and unsystematic risk. Systematic risk affects the entire stock

    market. For example wars, political situation influence the downward of upward movement

    of stock exchange. On the other hand, the unsystematic risk happens to a company or any

    industry due to shortage of raw-materials, technological changes, change in the preference of

    customers etc.,

    The CAPM divides the cost of equity into two components, the near risk-free return available

    on investing in govt. bonds and an additional risk premium for investing in a particular share

    or investment. This a additional risk premium comprises the average return on the overall

    market portfolio and the beta (or risk) factor of particular investment. Putting this all together

    the CAPM assess the cost of equity for an investment as follows:

    Ke=Rf + Bi(Rm-Rf)

    Where Ke = cost of equity

    Rf = risk – free rate of return

    Rm = average market return

    Bi= risk of the investment.

    II) Cost of retained earnings: These are the funds accumulated over the years. These

    retained profits are now distributed to the shareholders, become the company can use these

    funds for further profitable investment opportunities. The cost of retained earnings is an equal

    to the income that they would otherwise obtain by placing these funds in alternative

    investment. It the retained earnings are distributed to the equity shareholders will attract

    personal taxation and therefore, the cost of retained earnings is calculated as follows:

    Kr = Ke (1-T)

    Where Kr = cost of retained earnings

    Ke = cost of equity


    UNIT-3 The Financing Decision |BALAJI INST OF I.T AND MANAGEMENT 7

    T= tax rate of individuals

    III. Cost of preference shares: the cost of preference share is the cost of return that must be

    earned on preference capital financed investments, to keep unchanged the earnings available

    to equity share holders.

    A. Cost of irredeemable preference shares: the cost of irredeemable preference

    share capital is the rate of preference dividend, also called the coupon rate

    dividend by net issue proceeds.

    I (1-T)

    Kd = -----------


    Where Kd= cost of debt

    I = annual interest payment

    T = tax rate

    Np = net proceeds from the issue of debentures, bonds, term loans etc.


    1. Marginal cost of capital:-Current rate of interest on long term debt or normal rate of

    return is treated as firms marginal cost of capital. It is also termed as explicit cost.

    Marginal cost of capital, the weighted average cost of capital is computed for the sources of

    finance already employed by the firm. If the company undertakes new projects or expansion

    schemes. It may be required to compute the cost of raising new funds and not the historical

    costs incurred in the past. The weighted average cost of capital of the expansion programmes

    or new projects is called the marginal cost of capital. Thus, the weighted average cost of new

    or incremental capital is known as marginal cost of capital.


    UNIT-3 The Financing Decision |BALAJI INST OF I.T AND MANAGEMENT 8

    To finance its new projectors, a company should raise funds proportionally in accordance

    with the optimum capital structure. When a company raises funds to finance its new projects

    in the same proportion as it has for the company as a whole, and the component costs remain

    unchanged, there will be no difference between the average cost of capital (of the total funds)

    and the marginal cost a capital(new funds). But the marginal cost of capital would rise

    whenever any component cost increases. The rationale for using the marginal cost of capital

    as an investment criterion is to maximize the value of equity shares of the company.

    2. Average Cost of Capital:-Average cost of capital is the weighted average of the costs of

    each component of funds used by the firm. The composite cost of capital is the weights being

    the proportion of each source of funds in the capital Structure. In financial decision making

    the term cost of capital is used in this sense. This approach enables the corporate management

    to maximize the profits and wealth of the equity shareholders by investing funds in projects

    earning in excess of the cost of its capital mix.

    The following steps are involved in the computation of weighted average cost of capital:

    Calculate the specific costs of various sources of finance, viz debt, preference equity etc.

    Multiply the cost of each source by its proportion in the capital structure.

    Add the weighted costs of all sources of funds to arrive at the weighted or composite cost of



    What is weighted average cost of capital? Illustrate your answer with imaginary figures.

    a) Meaning of Weighted Average Cost of Capital: A company has to employ owner’s funds

    as well as creditors funds to finance its projects so as to make the capital structure of the

    company balanced and to increase the return to the shareholders. The total cost of capital is

    the aggregate of costs of specific sources. In financial decision making, the concept of

    composite cost is relevant. The composite cost of capital is the weighted average of the costs

    of various sources of funds, weights being the proportion of each source of funds in the

    capital structure. It should be remembered, that it is weighted average, and not the simple

    average, which is relevant in calculating the overall cost of capital. The composite cost of all

    capital lies between the least and the most expansive funds. This approach enables the

    maximization of corporate profits and the wealth of the equity shareholders by investing the

    funds in a projects earning in excess of the cost of its capital- mix.


    UNIT-3 The Financing Decision |BALAJI INST OF I.T AND MANAGEMENT 9

    Weighted average, as the name implies, is an average of the costs of specific source of capital

    employed in a business, properly weighted by the proportion, they hold in the firm’s capital


    Weighted Average, How to calculate? Though the concept of weighted average cost of

    capital is very simple, yet there are so many problems in the way of its calculations. Its

    computation requires:

    i) computation of weights to be assigned to each type funds; and

    ii) assignment of costs to various sources of capital

    once these values are known, the calculation of weighted average cost becomes very simple.

    It may be obtained by adding up the products of specific cost of all types of capital multiplied

    by their appropriate weights.

    In financial decision making, the cost of capital should be calculated on after tax basis.

    Therefore, the component costs to be used to measure the weighted cost of capital should be

    after tax costs.

    Computation of weights: the assignment of weights to specific sources of funds is a difficult

    task. Several approaches are followed in this regard but two of them are commonly used i.e.,

    book-value approach and market value approach. As the cost of capital is used as a cut- off

    rate of investment projects, the market value approach is considered better because of the

    following reasons:

    i) it evaluates the profitability as well as the long term financial position of the firm.

    ii) The investors always consider the committing of his funds to an enterprise and an

    adequate return on his investment. In such cases, book values are of little


    iii) It does not indicate the true economic value of concern.

    iv) It considers price level changes. But as the market value fluctuates widely and

    frequently, the use of book value weights is preferred in practice because,

    v) The firm sets its targets in terms of book value.

    vi) It can easily be derived from published accounts and

    vii) The investors generally use the debt-equity ratio on the basis of published figures

    to analyze the riskiness of the firms.

    Determining the type of capital structure: the next problem in calculating the weighted

    average cost is the selection of capital structure from which the weights are obtained. There

    may be several possibilities i.e,.,


    UNIT-3 The Financing Decision |BALAJI INST OF I.T AND MANAGEMENT 10

    a) current capital structure either before or after the projected new financing

    b) marginal capital structure i.e, proportion of various types of capital in total of

    additional funds to be raised at certain time and

    c) Optimal capital structure. All may agree that firms do seek optimum capital structure

    i.e., the capital structure that minimizes the average cost of capital.


    UNIT-3 The Financing Decision |BALAJI INST OF I.T AND MANAGEMENT 11


    UNIT-3 The Financing Decision |BALAJI INST OF I.T AND MANAGEMENT 12


    UNIT-3 The Financing Decision |BALAJI INST OF I.T AND MANAGEMENT 13


    The term dividend refers to that part of profits of a company which is distributed by the

    company among its shareholders after execution of retained earnings. It is the reward of the

    shareholders for investments made by them in the shares for the company. And In other

    words, it is the return that a shareholder gets from the company out of profit on his


    According to the Institute of Chartered Accountant of India, “A dividend is distribution to

    shareholders out of profit or reserves available for this purpose”.


    Dividends can be classified in various forms. Dividends paid in the ordinary course of

    business are known as profit dividends. While dividends paid out of capital are known

    Liquidation dividends.

    Dividends may also be classified on the basis of medium in which they are paid:


    UNIT-3 The Financing Decision |BALAJI INST OF I.T AND MANAGEMENT 14


    i. Equity Dividend: Dividend paid on equity shares called as equity dividend. Generally

    dividend on equity shares is recommended by the Board of Directors depending upon profit

    of the company. Rate of dividend is not fixed. It depends upon the recommendation of

    directors which in turn depends upon the profit and future requirement of funds of the

    company. Because the Directors has freedom regarding quantum and time of payment of


    ii. Preference Dividend: Preference dividend is the dividend paid to preference shareholders.

    The preference dividend is paid at pre-determined rate and like equity shares, dividend on

    preference shares is also recommended by the Board of Directors. As the name suggest

    preference dividend gets priority over equity dividend. Equity dividend is paid only after

    payment of shares on preference dividend. The board does not have power to reduce the rate

    of dividend, however they can recommend higher dividend on preference shares.


    i. Cash Dividend: A cash dividend is a usual method of paying dividends. Payment of

    dividend in cash results in outflow of funds and reduces the company’s net worth, though the

    shareholders get an opportunity to invest the cash in any manner they desire. This is why the

    ordinary shareholders prefer to receive dividends in cash. But the firm must have adequate

    liquid resources at its disposal or provide for such resources so that its liquidity position is not

    adversely affected on account of cash dividends.

    ii. Bonus Share/Stock Dividend: Stock dividend means the issue of bonus shares to the

    existing shareholders. If a company does not have liquid resources it is better to declare stock

    dividend. Stock dividend amounts to capitalization of earnings and distribution of profits

    among the existing. Shareholders without affecting the cash position of the firm.

    iii. Bond Dividend: A Bond dividend promise to pay the shareholders at a future specific

    date. In case a company does not have sufficient funds to pay dividends in cash, it may issue

    notes or bonds for amounts due to the shareholders. The objective Bond dividend bears

    interest and is accepted as collateral security.


    UNIT-3 The Financing Decision |BALAJI INST OF I.T AND MANAGEMENT 15

    iv. Property Dividend: Property dividends are paid in the form of some assets other than

    cash. They are distributed under exceptional circumstances and are not popular in India.

    v. Composite Dividend: When dividend is paid partly in the form of cash and partly in other

    form, it is called as composite dividend. This is not a new technique for payment of dividend

    it is a combination of earlier discussed techniques.


    i. Interim Dividend: Generally dividend is declared at the end of financial year, but

    sometime company pays dividend before it declares dividend in its annual general meeting.

    In other words, we can say that it is dividend paid between two annual general meetings.

    Generally it is paid when company’s Board thinks that company has earned sufficient/huge

    profit. In such a case Directors should be very careful because at the end of year profit may

    fall short than what was expected by them.

    ii. Regular Dividend: Dividend declared in Annual General Meeting is called as Regular

    dividend. Every year company declares dividend in its Annual General Meeting.

    iii. Special Dividend: A sound dividend policy should be formed in such a way that rate of

    dividend should not be changed frequently year to year. Rate of dividend should be static.

    However, wherever there is any huge/abnormal/extra profit, company should declare it as

    special dividend. So that the shareholders do not expect for the same in each year, the basic

    purpose of this special dividend is to convey the shareholders that this is a special dividend

    and will not be paid every year.


    1. Regular Dividend Policy: Payment of dividend at the usual rate is termed as regular

    dividend. The investors such as retired persons, widows and other economically weaker

    person prefer to get regular dividends.

    Advantages of Regular Dividend Policy:-

    A regular dividend policy offers the following advantages:

    i) It establishes a profitable record of the company.

    ii) It creates confidence among the shareholders.

    iii) It aids in long-term financing and renders financing easier.


    UNIT-3 The Financing Decision |BALAJI INST OF I.T AND MANAGEMENT 16

    iv) It stabilizes the market value of shares.

    v) The ordinary shareholders view dividends as a source of funds to meet their day-to-day

    living expenses.

    vi) If profits are not distributed regularly and are retained, the shareholders may have to

    pay a higher rate of tax in the year when accumulated profits are distributed.

    However, it must be remembered that regular dividends can be maintained only be

    companies of long standing and stable earnings. A company should establish the regular

    dividend at a lower rate as compared to the average earnings of the company.

    2. Stable Dividend Policy: The term ‘stability of dividends’ means consistency or lack of

    variability in the stream of dividend payments. In more precise terms, it means payment of

    certain minimum amount of dividend regularly. A stable dividend policy may be established

    in any of the following three forms:

    i) Constant Dividend per Share: Some companies follow a policy of paying fixed

    dividend per share irrespective of the level of earnings year after year. Such firms, usually,

    create a ‘Reserve for Dividend Equalization’ to enable them pay the fixed dividend even in

    the year when the earnings are not sufficient or when there are losses. A policy of constant

    dividend per share is most suitable to concerns whose earnings are expected to remain

    stable over a number of years.

    ii) Constant Pay-out Ratio: Constant pay-out ratio means payment of a fixed percentage

    of net earnings as dividend every year. The amount of dividend in such a policy fluctuates

    in direct proportion to the earnings of the company. The policy of constant pay-out is

    preferred by the firms because it is related to their ability to pay dividends.

    iii) Stable Rupee Dividend plus Extra Dividend: Some companies follow a policy of

    paying constant low dividend per share plus an extra dividend in the years of high profits.

    Such a policy is most suitable to the firm having fluctuating Earnings from year to year.

    Advantages of Stable Dividend Policy:-

    A stable dividend policy is advantageous to both the investors and the company on

    account of

    the following:

    i. It is sign of continued normal operations of the company.

    ii. It stabilizes the market value of shares.


    UNIT-3 The Financing Decision |BALAJI INST OF I.T AND MANAGEMENT 17

    iii. It creates confidence among the investors

    Iv. It meets the requirements of institutional investors who prefer companies with stable


    3. Irregular Dividend Policy: Some companies follow regular dividend payments on

    account of the following:

    i. Uncertainty of earnings

    ii. Unsuccessful business operations

    iii. Lack of liquid resources

    iv. Fear of adverse effects of regular dividends on the financial standing of the company

    4. No Dividend Policy:A company may follow a policy of paying no dividends presently

    because of its unfavorable working capital position of on account of requirements of funds of

    future expansion and growth.


    Briefly explain about Measurement of cost of capital of cost of capital?

    What is Dividend? Elucidate major forms of dividend?

    Cost of capital, weighted average cost of capital related Problems?


    UNIT-3 The Financing Decision |BALAJI INST OF I.T AND MANAGEMENT 18


  • Financial Management M.B.A -II –SEMESTER-R17

    UNIT-4 Introduction to Working Capital |BALAJI INST OF I.T AND MANAGEMENT 1



    * Standard Discounting Table and Annuity tables shall be allowed in the examination

    1. The Finance function: Nature and Scope. Importance of Finance function – The role in the

    contemporary scenario – Goals of Finance function; Profit Vs Wealth maximization .

    2. The Investment Decision: Investment decision process – Project generation, Project

    evaluation, Project selection and Project implementation. Capital Budgeting methods–

    Traditional and DCF methods. The NPV Vs IRR Debate.

    3. The Financing Decision: Sources of Finance – A brief survey of financial instruments. The

    Capital Structure Decision in practice: EBIT-EPS analysis. Cost of Capital: The concept,

    Measurement of cost of capital – Component Costs and Weighted Average Cost. The Dividend

    Decision: Major forms of Dividends

    4. Introduction to Working Capital: Concepts and Characteristics of Working Capital, Factors

    determining the Working Capital, Working Capital cycle-Management of Current Assets –

    Cash, Receivables and Inventory, Financing Current Assets

    5. Corporate Restructures: Corporate Mergers and Acquisitions and Take-overs-Types of

    Mergers, Motives for mergers, Principles of Corporate Governance.


    Financial management –V.K.Bhalla ,S.Chand

    Financial Management, I.M. Pandey, Vikas Publishers. Financial Management--Text and Problems, MY Khan and PK Jain, Tata McGraw- Hill


    Financial Management , Dr.V.R.Palanivelu , S.Chand

    Principles of Corporate Finance, Richard A Brealey etal., Tata McGraw Hill.

    Fundamentals of Financial Management, Chandra Bose D, PHI

    Financial Managemen , William R.Lasheir ,Cengage.

    Financial Management – Text and cases, Bringham & Ehrhardt, Cengage.

    Case Studies in Finance, Bruner.R.F, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.

    Financial management , Dr.M.K.Rastogi ,Laxmi Publications

  • Financial Management M.B.A -II –SEMESTER-R17

    UNIT-4 Introduction to Working Capital |BALAJI INST OF I.T AND MANAGEMENT 2




    Working capital is the life blood of a business. Just as circulation of blood is essential in the

    human body for maintaining life, working capital is very essential to maintain the smooth

    running of a business. No business can run successfully without an adequate amount of working


    Working capital refers to that part of firm’s capital which is required for financing short term or

    current assets such as cash, marketable securities, debtors, and inventories. In other words

    working capital is the amount of funds necessary to cover the cost of operating the enterprise.

    Meaning: Working capital means the funds (i.e.; capital) available and used for day to day

    operations (i.e.; working) of an enterprise. It consists broadly of that portion of assets of a

    business which are used in or related to its current operations. It refers to funds which are used

    during an accounting period to generate a current income of a type which is consistent with

    major purpose of a firm existence.


    The following are the some of the definitions given for working capital by experts in the areas of


    “ the sum of current assets is the working capital of a business”.-J.S.Mill.

    “Working capital has ordinarily been defined as the excess of current assets over current

    liabilities”. – C.W. Gerstenberg.

    Definition of Working Capital: “Working Capital sometimes called as Net Working Capital is

    represented by the excess of current assets over the current liabilities and identified the relatively

    liquid portion to total enterprise capital which constitutes a margin of buffer for maturing

    obligations within the ordinary operating cycle of the business”.

    ‘Working Capital is a excess of current assets over current liabilities’.

  • Financial Management M.B.A -II –SEMESTER-R17

    UNIT-4 Introduction to Working Capital |BALAJI INST OF I.T AND MANAGEMENT 3


    To ensure optimum investment in current assets.

    To strike balance between the twin objectives of liquidity and profitability in the use of


    To ensure adequate flow of funds of current operations.

    To speed up flow of funds or to minimize the stagnation of funds.

    Businesses with a lot of cash sales and few credit sales should have minimal trade

    debtors. Supermarkets are good examples of such businesses;

    Businesses that exist to trade in completed products will only have finished goods in

    stock. Compare this with manufacturers who will also have to maintain stocks of raw

    materials and work-in-progress.

    Some finished goods, notably foodstuffs, have to be sold within a limited period because

    of their perishable nature.

    Larger companies may be able to use their bargaining strength as customers to obtain

    more favorable, extended credit terms from suppliers. By contrast, smaller companies,

    particularly those that have recently started trading (and do not have a track record of

    credit worthiness) may be required to pay their suppliers immediately.

    Some businesses will receive their monies at certain times of the year, although they may

    incur expenses throughout the year at a fairly consistent level. This is often known as

    “seasonality” of cash flow. For example, travel agents have peak sales in the weeks

    immediately following Christmas.

    Working capital needs also fluctuate during the year. The amount of funds tied up in

    working capital would not typically be a constant figure throughout the year.

    Only in the most unusual of businesses would there be a constant need for working

    capital funding. For most businesses there would be weekly fluctuations.

  • Financial Management M.B.A -II –SEMESTER-R17

    UNIT-4 Introduction to Working Capital |BALAJI INST OF I.T AND MANAGEMENT 4


    A)On The Basis of Concept:-On the basis of concept, working capital is classified as

    gross working capital and net working capital. This classification is important form the point of

    view of the financial manager.

    i) Gross Working Capital:- The term working capital refers to the gross working capital and

    represents the amount of funds invested in current assets.


    ii) Net working Capital:- The term working capital refers to the net working capital. Net

    working capital is the excess of current assets over current liabilities.


    Kinds of Working Capital

    On The Basis of Concept On The Basis of time

    Gross Working



    Working Capital

    Permanent or

    Fixed working


    Temporary or

    Variable Working


    Regular Working



    Working Capital

    Seasonal Working


    Special Working


  • Financial Management M.B.A -II –SEMESTER-R17

    UNIT-4 Introduction to Working Capital |BALAJI INST OF I.T AND MANAGEMENT 5

    B)On The Basis of Time:-On the basis of time, working capital may be classified as

    permanent of fixed working capital and temporary or variable working capital.

    i) Permanent or Fixed Working Capital:-Permanent of fixed working capital is the

    minimum amount which is required to ensure effective utilization of fixed facilities and

    for maintaining the circulation of current assets. There is always a minimum level of

    current assets, which is continuously required by the enterprise to carry out its normal

    business operations. For example, every firm has to maintain a minimum level of raw

    materials, work-in-process, finished goods and cash balance. This minimum level of

    current assets is called permanent or fixed working capital as this part of capital is

    permanently blocked in current assets. As the business grows the requirements of

    permanent working capital also increase due to the increase in current assets. The

    permanent working capital can further be classified as regular working capital and

    reserve working capital required ensuring circulation of current assets from cash to

    inventories, from inventories to receivables and form receivables to cash and so on

    a) Regular Working Capital:- this is the amount of working capital required for

    the continuous operations of an enterprise. It refers to the excess of current assets

    over current liabilities. Any organization has to maintain a minimum stock of

    materials. Finished goods and cash to ensure its smooth working and to meet its

    immediate obligations.

    b) Reserve Working Capital:- Reserve working capital is the excess amount over

    the requirement for regular working capital which may be provided for

    contingencies that may arise at unstated period such as strikes, rise in prices,

    depression, etc.,

    ii) Temporary or variable Working Capital:-Temporary or variable working capital is the

    amount of working capital which is required to meet the seasonal demands and some special

    exigencies. Variable working capital can be further classified as seasonal working capital and

    special working capital.

    a) Seasonal Working Capital:- Seasonal working capital is required to meet the

    seasonal needs of the enterprise such as, a textile dealer would require large

    amount of funds a few months before Diwali.

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    b) Special Working Capital:- Special working capital is that part of working

    capital which is required to meet special emergency such as launching or

    extensive marketing campaigns for conducting research, etc.

    Differences between Temporary and Permanent Working Capital:- In the following figure

    we can see the differences between the Temporary and Permanent Working capital in case of

    two firms like Constant Firm and growing firm.


    Working Capital will be defined as that excess of current assets over current liabilities of a firm.

    The following are components of working capital which comprise of current assets and current


    Examples of current assets are:





    1. Bills Payable.

    2. Sundry Creditor or Accounts Payable.

    3. Accrued or Outstanding Expenses.

    4. Short term loans and advances.

    5. Dividends Payable.

    1. Cash in hand and bank balances.

    2. Bills Receivables.

    3. Sundry Debtors.

    4. Short term loans and advances.

    5. Inventories of Stock:




    Constant Permanent Capital


    Increasing Permanent Capital



    g C


    ital (R




    g C


    ital (R


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    6. Bank over Draft.

    7. Provision for Taxation.

    Raw Materials.

    Work – in – Process.

    Stores and Spares

    Finished Goods.

    6. Temporary Investment of Surplus funds.

    7. Prepaid Expenses, Accrued Income.


    The distinction between gross working capital and net working capital does not in any

    way undermine the relevance of the concepts of either gross or net working capital. A financial

    manager must consider both of them because they provide different interpretations. The gross

    working capital denotes the total working capital or the total investment in current assets. A

    firm should maintain an optimum level of gross working capital. On the other hand Net working

    capital means the excess of current assets over current liabilities.

    Gross Working Capital = Total of Current Assets

    Net Working Capital = Current Assets – Current Liabilities


    The features of working capital distinguishing it from the fixed capital are as follows:

    (1)Short term Needs: Working capital is used to acquire current assets which get converted into

    cash in a short period. In this respect it differs from fixed capital which represents funds locked

    in long term assets. The duration of the working capital depends on the length of production

    process, the time that elapses in the sale and the waiting period of the cash receipt.

    (2) Circular Movement: Working capital is constantly converted into cash which again turns

    into working capital. This process of conversion goes on continuously. The cash is used to

    purchase current assets and when the goods are produced and sold out; those current assets are

    transformed into cash. Thus it moves in a circular away. That is why working capital is also

    described as circulating capital.

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    (3) An Element of Permanency: Though working capital is a short term capital, it is required

    always and forever. As stated before, working capital is necessary to continue the productive

    activity of the enterprise. Hence so long as production continues, the enterprise will constantly

    remain in need of working capital. The working capital that is required permanently is called

    permanent or regular working capital.

    (4) An Element of Fluctuation: Though the requirement of working capital is felt permanently,

    its requirement fluctuates more widely than that of fixed capital. The requirement of working

    capital varies directly with the level of production. It varies with the variation of the purchase

    and sale policy; price level and the level of demand also. The portion of working capital that

    changes with production, sale, price etc. is called variable working capital.

    (5) Liquidity: Working capital is more liquid than fixed capital. If need arises, working capital

    can be converted into cash within a short period and without much loss. A company in need of

    cash can get it through the conversion of its working capital by insisting on quick recovery of its

    bills receivable and by expediting sales of its product. It is due to this trait of working capital

    that the companies with a larger amount of working capital feel more secure.'

    (6) Less Risky: Funds invested in fixed assets get locked up for a long period of time and

    cannot be recovered easily. There is also a danger of fixed assets like machinery getting obsolete

    due to technological innovations. Hence investment in fixed capital is comparatively more risky.

    As against this, investment in current assets is less risky as it is a short term investment.

    Working capital involves more of physical risk only, and that too is limited. Working capital

    involves financial or economic risk to a much less extent because the variations of product

    prices are less severe generally. Moreover, working capital gets converted into cash again and

    again; therefore, it is free from the risk arising out of technological changes.

    (7) Special Accounting System not needed: Since fixed capital is invested in long term assets,

    it becomes necessary to adopt various systems of estimating depreciation. On the other hand

    working capital is invested in short term assets which last for one year only. Hence it is not

    necessary to adopt special accounting system for them.


    1)Nature of Business:- the working capital requirements of a firm basically depend upon the

    nature of its business. Public utility undertakings like Electricity, Water Supply and Railways

    need very limited working capital because they offer cash sales only and supply services, not

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    products and as such no funds are tied up in inventories and receivables. On the other hand

    trading and financial firms require less investment in fixed assets but have to invest large

    amount sin current assets like inventories, receivables and cash; as such they need large amount

    of working capital.

    2)Size of Business / Scale of Operations:- the working capital requirements of a concern are

    directly influenced by the size of its business which may be measured in terms of scale of

    operations Greater the size of a business unit, generally larger will be the requirements of

    working capital.

    3)Production Policy:- In certain industries the demand is subject to wide fluctuations due to

    seasonal variations. The requirements of working capital, in such cases, depend upon the

    production policy.

    4)Manufacturing Process / Length of Production Cycle:- In manufacturing business, the

    requirements of working capital increase in direct proportion to length of manufacturing process.

    Longer the process period of manufacturing, larger is the amount of working capital required.

    5)Seasonal Variations:- In certain industries raw material is not available throughout the year.

    They have to buy raw materials in bulk during the season to ensure an uninterrupted flow and

    process then during the entire year.

    6)Working Capital Cycle:- In a manufacturing concern, the working capital cycle starts with

    the purchase of raw material and ends with the realization of cash from the sale of finished

    products. This cycle involves purchase of raw materials and stores, its conversion into stocks of

    finished goods through work-in-progress with progressive increment of labour and service costs,

    conversion of finished stock to sales, debtors and receivables and ultimately realization or cash

    and this cycle continues again from cash to purchase of raw material and so on. The speed with

    which the working capital completes once cycle determines the requirement of working capital

    longer the period of the cycle larger is the requirement of working capital.

    7)Rate of Stock Turnover:- There is a high degree of inverse co-relationship between the

    quantum of working capital and the velocity or speed with which the sales are affected. A firm

    having a high rate of stock turnover will need lower amount of working capital as compared to a

    firm having a low rate of turnover.

    8)Credit Policy:- The Credit Policy of a concern in its dealings with debtors and creditors

    influence considerably the requirement6s of working capital a Concern that purchases its

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    requirements on credit and sells its products /services on cash requires lesser amount of working

    capital. On the other hand a concern buying its requirements for cash and allowing credit to its

    customers, shall need larger amount of working capital as very huge amount of funds are bound

    to be blocked up in debtors or bills receivables.

    9)Business Cycles:- Business cycle refers to alternate expansion and contraction in general

    business activity. In a period of boom i.e., when the business is prosperous, there is a need for

    larger amount of working capital due to increase in sales, rise in prices, optimistic expansion of

    business, etc. on the contrary in the times of depression i.e., when there is a down swing of the

    cycle, the business contracts sales decline, difficulties are faced in collections from debtors and

    firms may have a large amount of working capital lying idle.

    10)Rate of Growth of Business :- the working capital requirements of a concern increase with

    the growth and expansion of its business activities. Although, it is difficult to determine the

    relationship between the growth in the volume of business and the growth in the working capital

    of a business. Yet it may be concluded that for normal rate of expansion in the volume of

    business, we may have retained profits to provide for more working capital but in fast growing

    concerns, we shall require larger amount of working capital.

    11)Earning Capacity and Dividend Policy:- Some firms have more earning capacity than

    others due to quality of their products, monopoly conditions, etc. such firms with high earning

    capacity may generate cash profits form operations and contribute to their working capital. The

    dividend policy of a concern also influences the requirements of its working capital.

    12)Price Level Changes:- Changes in the price level also affect the working capital

    requirements. Some firms may be affected much while some others may not be affected at all

    by the rise in prices.

    13)Tax Level:- The first appropriation out of profits is payment or provision for tax. Taxes

    have to be paid in advance on the basis of the profit of the preceding year. Tax liability is, in a

    sense, short term liability payable in cash. An adequate provision for tax payments is, therefore,

    an important aspect of working capital planning. If tax liability increases, it leads to an increase

    in the requirement of working capital and vice versa.

    14)Other Factors;-Certain other factors such as operating efficiency, management ability,

    irregularities to supply, import policy, asset structure, importance of labour, banking facilities,

    etc., influence the requirements of working capital.

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    The working capital requirement of a firm depends, to a great extent upon the operating cycle of

    the firm. The duration of time required to complete the sequence of events right from purchase

    of raw material goods for cash to the realization of sales in cash is called the operating cycle or

    working capital cycle. It can be determined by adding the number of days required for each

    stage in the cycle. In case of manufacturing concerns, working capital is required to cater to the

    following needs of business in order:

    a)Operating Cycle Manufacturing Firm:-

    1. Raw materials are to be purchased for cash.

    2. Production process converts raw materials into work-in-process.

    3. Work-in-process in converted into finished goods, during course of time through

    production process.

    4. Finished goods are converted into accounts receivable (debtors and bills receivable)

    through sale.

    5. Accounting receivable are realized into cash in due course of time.

    Operating Cycle of a Manufacturing concern

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    The above operating cycle is repeated –again and again over the period depending upon

    the nature of the business and type of product etc. the duration of the operating cycle for the

    purpose of estimating working capital is equal to the sum of the duration allowed by the


    b) Operating Cycle of Non-Manufacturing Firm:- Non-Manufacturing firms are wholesalers,

    retailers, service firms which do not have manufacturing process. They will have direct

    conversion of cash into finished goods and then into cash. In other words, they purchase

    finished goods from manufacturing firm and sell them either cash or credit if they sell goods on

    credit the process will like in the following figure.

    Operating Cycle of a Trading Concern

    Finished Goods (1)


    s (2


    Debtors (3)



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    c) Operating Cycle of Service and Finance Firm

    Working capital cycle can be expressed as: =R+W+F+D-C where

    R = Raw material storage period = Average Stock of raw materials

    Average cost of production per day

    W = Work in progress holding period = Average work in progress inventory

    Average cost of production per day.

    F = Finished goods storage period =Average stock of finished goods

    Average cost of goods sold per day

    D = Debtor collection period = Average Book Debts

    Average credit sales per day

    C = Credit period availed = Average trade creditors

    Average credit purchase per day

    Debtors Cash

    Operating Cycle of Service and Finance Firm

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    Working capital management involves the management and control of the gross current assets.

    And the current assets mainly comprise cash, sundry debtors (also known as accounts receivable

    (ARs) and bills receivable (BRs)) and inventories. Thus the working capital management

    comprises the management of all those components individuals and collectively too.

    Working capital refers to the excess of current assets over current liabilities.

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    A. CASH MANAGEMENT: identify the cash balance which allows for the business to

    meet day to day expenses but reduces cash holding costs.

    B. RECEIVABLES MANAGEMENT: identify the appropriate credit policy i.e., credit

    terms which all attract customers such that any impact on cash flows and the cash

    conversion cycle will be offset by increased revenue and hence return on capital.

    C. INVENTORY MANAGEMENT: identify the level of inventory which allows for

    uninterrupted production but reduces the investment in raw materials and minimizes re-

    ordering costs and hence increases cash flow.

    A.CASH MANAGEMENT: Cash is one of the current assets of a business. It is needed at all

    times to keep the business going. A business concern should always keep sufficient cash for

    meeting its obligations. Any shortage of cash will hamper the operation of a concern and any

    excess of it will be unproductive. Cash is the most unproductive of all the assets. While fixed

    assets like capacity cash in hand will not add anything to the coercer. Cash in a broader sense

    includes coins currency notes cheques bank drafts and also marketable securities and time

    deposits with banks.


    The amount of cash for transaction requirements is predictable and depends upon a variety of

    factors which are as follows.

    1. Credit Position of The Firms: the credit position influences the amount of cash required in

    two distinct ways.

    If a firms credit position is sound it is not necessary to carry a large cash reserve for


    Components of working capital management

    Management of cash Management of receivables

    Management of inventory

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    If a firm finance its inventory requirements with trade credit its cash requirements are

    considerably smaller since the firm can synchronize the credit terms it gives to its

    customers with eh terms it receives.

    2. Status Of Firm’s Receivable: the amount of time required for a firm to convert its

    receivable into cash also affects the amount of cash needed and of course, reduces total

    working capital employed. In other words the longer the credit terms the slower the turn

    over. When flow out is not synchronized with turn over a firm must carry amounts of cash

    relatively larger than would otherwise be required.

    3. Status of Firms Inventory Account: the status of a firms inventory account also affects the

    amount of cash tied up at any one time. For example, if one business firm carries two

    months inventory on hand and another firm carries only one month’s supply the former has

    twice as much investment in inventory and will normally be called up on to maintain a

    larger investment in cash in order to finance its acquisition.

    4. Nature of Business Enterprise: the nature of firms demand definitely affects the volume of

    cash required. For example, a firm whose demand is volatile needs a relatively larger cash

    reserve than one whose demand is stable.

    5. Management’s Attitude towards Risk: a more conservative management will hold a larger

    cash reserve than one that is less conservative. The former usually demands more liquidity

    than the latter and consequently does not experience the same degree of efficiency.

    6. Amount of Sales In Relation To Assets: another characteristic affecting the level of cash is

    the amount of sales in relation to assets. Firms with large sales relative to fixed assets are

    required to carry larger cash reserves. This is the result of having larger sums invested in

    inventories and receivable.

    7. Cash Inflows and Cash Outflows: every firm has to maintain cash balance because its

    expected inflows and outflows are not always synchronized. The timings of the cash inflows

    may not always match with the timing of the outflows. Therefore a cash balance is required

    to fill up the gap arising out of difference in timings and quantum of inflows and outflows.

    8. Cost of Cash Balance: another factor to be considered while determining the minimum

    cash balance is the cost of maintaining excess cash or of meeting shortage of cash. There is

    always an opportunity cost of maintaining excessive cash balance. If a firm is maintaining

    excess cash then it is missing the opportunities of investing these funds in a profitable way.

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    Cash management refers to management of cash balance and the bank balance including the

    short terms deposits. For cash management purposes the term cash is used in this broader sense,

    i.e., it covers cash equivalents and those assets which are immediately convertible into cash.

    Even if a firm is highly profitable its cash inflows may not exactly match the cash outflows. He

    has to manipulate and synchronize the two for the advantage of the firm by investing excess

    cash if any as well as arrangement funds to cover the deficiency.

    1. Meeting the Payment Schedule: in the normal course of business firms to make

    payments of cash on a continuous and regular basis to suppliers of goods, employees and

    so on. At the same time there is a constant inflow of cash through collections from

    debtors. The importance of sufficient cash to meet the payment schedule can hardly be

    over emphasized.

    2. Minimizing Funds Committed To Cash Balance: the second objectives of cash

    management are to minimize cash balances. In minimizing the cash balances two

    conflicting aspects have to be reconciled. A high level of cash balances ensures prompt

    payment together with all the advantages. But it also implies that large funds will remain

    idle as cash is a non earning asset and the firm will have to forego profits. A low level of

    cash balances on the other hand may mean failure to meet the payment schedule. The

    aim of cash management should be to have an optimal amount of cash balances.


    It is an estimate of cash receipts from all sources and cash payments for all purposes and the net

    cash balances during the budget period. It ensures that the business has adequate cash to meet its

    requirements as and when these arise. It indicates cash excesses and shortfalls so that action may

    be taken in advance to invest any surplus cash or to borrow funds to meet any shortfalls.

    According to GUTHMEN AND DOUGAL cash budget is an estimate of cash receipts and

    disbursements for a future period of time.


    1. Helps in Determining Future Cash Requirements: cash budget helps in estimating the

    future cash requirements. It is estimated how much cash will be needed for different activities in

    a period.

    2. Help In Making Plans: cash budget helps in making plans. It gives reality and possibility on


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    3. Planning Suitable Investment Of Surplus Cash: in cash budget declared as surplus as per

    the cash budget the financial manager will study the amount of surplus future requirements of

    cash and also take into consideration the chance factor.

    4. Helps In Cash Control And Liquidity Of The Enterprises: by preparing cash budget one

    can controlled over cash misuse of cash be stopped by preparing cash budget. It also helps the

    liquidity of cash.


    1. opening cash balance

    2. estimated cash receipts

    Cash sales

    Cash collection from debtors

    Interest received from investments

    Cash inflow on issue of new securities

    Raising of loans

    Sales of assets



    3. total receipts available during the month (1+2)

    4. estimated cash payments

    payment for cash purchases

    payment to Sunday creditors for credit purchases

    payment for wages and salaries

    payments for other administrative expenses

    payment in the nature of capital expenditure

    loan repayment

    dividend payment

    payment of interest on loan

    5. total cash payments

    6. closing cash balance (3-4)





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    EXAMPLES: Prepare a cash budget for the months of June, July, and august 2014 from the

    following information:

    opening cash balance in June 7,000

    cash sales for June 20,000 July 30,000 and august 40,000

    wages payable 6,000 every month

    interest receivable 500 n the month of august

    Purchase of furniture for 16,000 in July.

    Cash purchases for June 10,000 July 9,000 and august 14,000.

    Cash budget

    (For the period June to August 2014)

    Particulars June July August

    opening cash balance

    add: cash receipts (estimated)

    cash sales









    Total receipts 27,000 41,000 50,500

    Less: cash payments (estimated)

    Cash purchases

    Payment of wages

    Purchases of furniture








    Total payment 16,000 31,000 20,000

    Closing balance (surplus/deficit)

    (total receipts – total payments)




    Note: the closing cash balance in June will be the opening cash balance in July


    Accounts receivables are simply extensions of credit to the firm’s customers allowing

    them a reasonable period of time in which to pay for the goods. Most firm treat account

    receivables as a marketing tool to promote sales and profits. The receivables constitute a

    significant portion of the working capital and are important elements of it.

    The receivables emerge whenever goods are sold on credit and payments are deferred by

    customers. Receivables are a type of loan extended by a seller to the buyer to facilitate

    the purchase process. As against the ordinary type of loan the trade credit in the form of

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    receivable is not a profit making service but an inducement or facility to the buyer

    customer of the firm.

    According to HAMPTON receivables are asset accounts representing amount owned to

    firm as a result of sale of goods or service in ordinary course of business.

    According to Bobert N. Anthony accounts receivables are amounts owed to the business

    enterprise, usually by its customers. Sometimes it is broken down into trade accounts

    receivables; the former refers to amounts owed by customers and the latter refers to

    amounts owed by employees and others.

    Thus receivables are forms of investment in any enterprise manufacturing and selling

    goods on credit basis large sums of funds are tied up in trade debtors. Hence a great deal

    of careful analysis and proper management is exercised for effective and efficient

    management of receivables to ensure a positive contribution towards increase in turnover

    and profits.

    Receivables management is the process of making decisions relating to investment in

    trade debtors. Certain investment in receivables is necessary to increase the sales and the

    profits of a firm. But at the same time investment in this asset involves cost

    considerations also. Further there is always a risk of bad debts too.


    The objectives of receivables management are to improve sales eliminate bad debts and reduce

    transaction costs incidental to maintenance of accounts and collection of sale proceeds and

    finally enhance profits of the firm. Credit sales help the organization to make extra profit. It is a

    known fact firms charge a higher price when sold on credit compared to normal price.

    1. Book Debts Are Used As A Marketing Tool For Improvement Of Business: if the firm

    wants to expand business it has to necessarily sell on credit. After a certain level additional sales

    do not create additional production costs due to the presence of fixed costs. So the additional

    contribution totally goes towards profit improving the profitability of the firm.

    2. Optimum Level of Investment In Receivables: to support sales it is necessary for the firm to

    make investment in receivables. Investment in receivables involves costs as funds are tied up in

    debtors. Further there is also risk in respect of bad debts too. On the other hand receivables bring

    returns. If so till what level investment is to be made in receivables? Investment in receivables is

    to be made till the incremental costs are less than the incremental return.

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    In the other words the objectives of receivables management is to promote sales and profits until

    that point is reached where the return on investment in further funding receivables is less than

    the cost of funds raised to finance that additional credit.


    The following factors directly and indirectly affect the size of receivables.

    1. Stability of Sales: in the business of seasonal character total sales and the credit sales will go

    up in the season and therefore volume of receivable will also be large. On the other hand if a

    firm supplies goods on installment basis its balance in receivables will be high.

    2. Size and Policy of Cash Discount: it is also important variable in deciding the level of

    investment in receivables. Cash discount affects the cost of capital and the investment in

    receivables. If cost of capital of the firm is lower in comparison to the discount to be allowed

    investment in receivables will be less. If both are equal it will not affect the investment at all. If

    cost capital is higher than cash discount the investment in receivables will be larger.

    3. Bill Discounting and Endorsement: if firm has any arrangement with the banks to get the

    bills discounted or if they re-endorsed to third parties, the level of investment in assets will be

    automatically low. If bills are honored on due dates the investment will be larger.

    4. Terms Of Sale: a firm may affect its sales either on cash basis or on credit basis. As a matter

    of fact credit is the soul of a business. It also leads to higher profit level through expansion of

    sales. The higher the volume of sales made on credit the higher will be the volume of receivables

    and vice-versa.

    5. Volume of Credit Sales: it plays the most important role in determination of the level of

    receivables. As the terms of trade remains more or less similar to most of the industries. So a

    firm dealing with a high level of sales will have large volume of receivable.

    6. Collection Policy: the policy practice and procedure adopted by a business enterprise in

    granting credit deciding as to the amount of credit and the procedure selected for the collection

    of the same also greatly influence the level of receivables of a concern. The more lenient or

    liberal to credit and collection policies the more receivables are required for the purpose of


    7. Collection Collected: if an enterprise is efficient enough in encasing the payment attached to

    the receivables within the stipulated period granted to the customer. Then it will opt for keeping

    the level of receivable low. Whereas enterprise experiencing undue delay in collection of

    payments will always have to maintain large receivables.

    8. Quality of Customer: if a company deals specifically with financially sound and credit

    worthy customers then it would definitely receive all the payments in due time. As a result the

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    firm can comfortably do with a lesser amount of receivables than in case where a company deals

    with customers having financially weaker position.


    The dictionary meaning of inventory is stock of goods. The word inventory is understood

    differently by various authors. In accounting language it may mean stock of finished goods only.

    In a manufacturing concern it may include raw materials work in process and stores etc.


    inventories as tangible property,

    Held for sale in the ordinary course of business

    In the process of production for such sale or

    To be consumed in the process of production of goods or services for sale.

    According to Bolten S.E., inventory refers to stock pile of product a firm is offering for sale and

    components that make up the product.


    1. Raw Material: It includes direct material used in manufacture of a product. The purpose of

    holding raw material is to ensure uninterrupted production in the event of delaying delivery. The

    amount of raw materials to be kept by a firm depends on various factors such as speed with

    which raw materials are to be ordered and procured and uncertainty in the supply of these raw


    a. Direct Material: direct material is the primary classification for raw materials in

    manufacturing operations. It is directly related to the final product. It is only the material

    that after manufacturing processes are applied ships out to a distributor or the final

    customer. If e.g., company manufacture hammers then steel would be its primary direct


    b. Indirect Material: indirect material is the class of material in the manufacturing process

    that does not actually ship to the customer as part of the final product.

    For Example, The gas used to heat the furnaces that melt the steel in the manufacture of

    hammers is an indirect material. Similarly the water that cools the metal is also an indirect


    2. Work In Progress: in includes partly finished goods and materials held between

    manufacturing stages. It can also be stated that those raw materials which are used in production

    process but are not finally converted into final product are work in progress.

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    3. Consumable: consumables are products that consumers buy recurrently i.e., items which get

    used up or discarded. For example, consumable office supplies are such products as paper pens,

    file folders post it notes computer disks and toner or ink cartridges.

    4. Finished Goods: the goods ready for sale or distribution comes under this class. It helps to

    reduce the risk associated with stoppage in output on account of strikes breakdowns shortage of

    material etc.

    5. Stores And Spares: this category includes those products which are accessories to the main

    products produced for the purpose of sale. For example, stores and spares items are bolt nuts

    clamps, screws, etc.


    1. Characteristics of the Manufacturing System: the natures of the production process the

    product design and production planning and plant layout have significant affect on inventory


    a. Degree Of Specialization And Differentiation Of The Products At Various Stages: the

    degree of changes in the nature of the product from raw material to final product at various

    stages of transformation viz. final assembly and packaging determines the nature of

    inventory control operation, for example, if nature of product remains more or less same at

    various stages of production then economics can be achieved by keeping the right balance

    of stock of semi finished product.

    b. Process Capability and Flexibility: process capability is characterized by processing

    time of various operations example; the replenishment lead time directly influences the

    size of inventory. Inventory policy should aim towards balancing the production flexibility

    capability inventory levels and customer service needs.

    c. Production Capacity and Storage Facility: the capacity of production system as well as

    the nature of storage facilities considerably affects the inventory policy of an organization

    e.g., capacity for heating oil production in an oil refinery is governed in part by its

    distribution system. Similarly production the cost of facility is high then it sets a limit on

    the storage capacity.

    d. Quality Requirements: quality is the performance of the product as per the commitment

    made by producer to the customer. The qualities required for various factors are quality of

    material manpower machine and management. The quality requirements of material

    directly affect the inventory decision.

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    e. Nature of the Production System: it is characterized by the number of manufacturing

    stages and the inter relationship between various production operations e.g, in product line

    system inventory control is simpler than in job type system.

    2. Amount of Protection against Storages: there is always variation in demand and supply of

    product. The protection against such unpredictable variations can be done by means of buffer


    a. Changes In Size And Frequency Of Orders: The amount of product sold in large number

    of orders of small size can be operated with fewer inventories.

    b. Unpredictability Of Sales: if there are too many fluctuations in demand of product then

    these can be held only by flexible and large capacity of inventory operations.

    c. Costs Associated With Failure To Meet Demands: When there is heavy penalty on any

    delay in fulfillment of any order then inventory should be large.

    d. Accuracy Frequency And Detail Of Demand Forecasts: fluctuations in stock exist when

    forecasts are not exact. The responsibility of forecast errors for inventory needs should be

    clearly recognized.

    e. Breakdown: protection against breakdown or other interruptions in production

    3. Organizational Factors: there are certain factors which are related to the policies traditions

    and environment of any enterprise.

    Labor relation policies of the organization

    Amount of capital available for stock

    Rate of return on capital available if invested elsewhere.

    4. Other Factors: these are related to the overall business environment of the region viz,


    Strike situation in communication facilities

    Wars or some other natural calamities like famines floods etc.


    Several techniques of inventory management are in use and it depends on the convenience of the

    firm to adopt any of the techniques. What should be stressed however is the need to cover all

    items of inventory and all stages i.e, from the stage of receipt from suppliers to the stage of their

    use. The techniques most commonly used are the following.

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    1. ECONOMIC ORDER QUANITY (EOQ): EOQ is a quantity of inventory which can

    reasonably be ordered economically at a time. It is also known as standard order quantity,

    economic lot size, or economical ordering quantity. In determining this point ordering costs and

    carrying costs are taken into consideration. Ordering costs are basically the cost of getting an

    item of inventory and it includes cost of placing an order. Either of these two costs affects the

    profits of the firm adversely and management tries to balance these two costs.

    The balancing or reconciliation point is known as economic order quantity. The economic order

    quantity can also be determined with the help of a graph. Assuming that inventory is allowed to

    fall to zero and then immediately replenished the average inventory becomes EOQ/2. EOQ

    model can be presented as in. it can be seen that ordering cost of an item is decreasing as the size

    the order is increasing. This happens because total number of orders for a particular item will

    decrease resulting in decrease in total order cost. As a result carrying cost is increasing because

    firm keeps more items in stock. The trade off of these two costs is attained at a level at which

    total annual cost is least. At this level order size is designated as economic order quantity.

    Inventory management techniques

    Economic order quantity

    ABC analysis

    Just in time

    Reorder levels

    VED analysis

    Inventory turnover

    Inventory control of spares and slow moving items

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    The quantity may be calculated with the help of the following formula


    EOQ =


    Where, D = annual quantity used (in limits)

    A = cost of placing an order (fixed cost)

    H = cost of holding one unit


    While calculating EOQ the following assumptions are made,

    Supply of goods is satisfactory. The goods can be purchased whenever these are needed.

    The quantity to be purchased by the concern is certain

    The prices of goods are stable. It results to establish carrying costs.

    EXAMPLE 6, a company uses annually 12,000 units of raw material costing 1.25 pr unit.

    Placing each order costs 15 and the carrying costs are 15% per year per unit of the average

    inventory. Find the economic order quantity.

    SOLUTION: Here

    D = 12,000 units

    A = 15 per unit

    C = 1.25 per unit

    Now h = ic = 15% per year per unit of average inventory

    = 0.15 x 1.25 = 0.1875


    EOQ =



    EOQ = = 1,385 units


    2. RE-ORDERED LEVEL: this is that level of materials at which a new order for supply of

    materials is to be placed. The concept of re-order point is basically related with lead time

    demand. The problem is that demand can never be accurately projected over the lead time. This

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    point is fixed somewhere in between the maximum and minimum inventory levels in such a way

    that the quantity of materials available between the minimum and this point may be sufficient to

    meet the production requirement upon the time fresh suppliers are received. This point can be

    determined by taking into account the following.

    Rate of usage, i.e, average quantity consumed in one unit of time, i.e, day week etc.

    Safety or buffer stock level.

    There are a number of methods for demand forecasting. Once we know the demand in lead time

    re-order level can be easily determined mathematically.


    4. VED analysis: in VED analysis the items are classified on the basis of their critically to the

    production process or other services. In the VED classification of materials V stands for vital

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    items without which the production process would come to a standstill. The VED analysis is

    done mainly in respect of spare parts.

    5. JUST IN TIME: just in time production is defined as a philosophy that focuses attention on

    eliminating waste by purchasing or manufacturing just enough of the right items just in time. It

    is a Japanese management philosophy applied in manufacturing which involves having the r ight

    items of the right quality and quantity in the right place and at the right time.

    6. INVENTORY TURNOVER: this ratio is computed by dividing the cost of goods sold by the

    average inventory. This ratio is usually expressed as x number of tim