Download - Bai Tap Ve Thi Tuong Lai Don 68279

  • 7/23/2019 Bai Tap Ve Thi Tuong Lai Don 68279


    Th Tng Lai n

    I. Hon thnh cc cu sau:

    1. A: There's someone at the door.

    B: I _________________________ (get) it.2. Joan thinks the onser!ati!es _________________________ ("in) the ne#t ele$tion.%. A: I&m mo!ing hose tomorro".

    B: I _________________________ ($ome) and hel o.

    *. I+ she asses the e#am, she _________________________ (-e) !er ha.

    . I _________________________ (-e) there at +or o'$lo$k, I romise./. A: I&m $old.

    B: I _________________________ (trn) on the +ire.

    0. A: he's late.B: on't "orr she _________________________ ($ome).

    3. The meeting _________________________ (take) la$e at / .m.

    4. I+ o eat all o+ that $ake, o _________________________ (+eel) si$k.15. The _________________________ (-e) at home at 15 o'$lo$k.

    II. Hon thnh cc cu sau:

    1. I'm a+raid I _________________________ (not 6 -e) a-le to $ome tomorro".

    2. Be$ase o+ the train strike, the meeting _________________________ (not 6 take) la$e at 4


    %. A: 7o and tid or room.

    B: I _________________________ (not 6 do) it8

    *. I+ it rains, "e _________________________ (not 6 go) to the -ea$h.

    . In m oinion, she _________________________ (not 6 ass) the e#am.

    /. A: I'm dri!ing to the art, "old o like a li+t9

    B: Oka, I _________________________ (not 6 take) the -s, I'll $ome "ith o.

    0. e _________________________ (not 6 -) the $ar, i+ he $an't a++ord it.

    3. I'!e tried e!erthing, -t he _________________________ (not 6 eat).

    4. A$$ording to the "eather +ore$ast, it _________________________ (not 6 sno") tomorro".

    15. A: I'm reall hngr.

    B: In that $ase "e _________________________ (not 6 "ait) +or John.

    III. Hon thnh cc cu sau:

    1. ____________________ (the 6 $ome) tomorro"9

    2. ;hen ____________________ (o 6 get) -a$k9%. I+ o lose or

  • 7/23/2019 Bai Tap Ve Thi Tuong Lai Don 68279


    4. There&s someone at the door, ____________________ (o 6 get) it9

    15. o" ____________________ (he 6 get) here9 Hng