Download - Bachelor of Architecture (B.Sc) of Architecture_B_Sc_Fact Sheet.pdf · U.S. professional degree programs in architecture offered by institutions with U.S.

Page 1: Bachelor of Architecture (B.Sc) of Architecture_B_Sc_Fact Sheet.pdf · U.S. professional degree programs in architecture offered by institutions with U.S.

P R O G R A M O V E R V I E W  


Dr. Susan Schaefer Kl iman Program Director

susan.kl [email protected](202) 274-5774


The Bachelor of Architecture (B.Sc Arch) program stresses the importance of design as a tool for creating sustainable urban environments through research-based academic col laboration with partners in the health professions, nutr it ion science, environmental studies, water resource management, agriculture and Cooperative Extension Services. A major focus is the relationship between architecture and urban agriculture, as we str ive to provide leading edge ideas on farming and food security in urbanized areas.

Our land grant center, the Center for Architectural Innovation and Bui lding Science (CAIBS) offers a research and community service agenda that uti l izes the University ’s human resources and capital assets to support the Distr ict of Columbia’s mission of providing affordable and energy efficient shelter to its cit izens.

D E G R E E R E Q U I R E M E N T S :

Aspire. Accomplish. Take on the World. i tec ture

The B.Sc Arch degree program is four years long and requires 120 credit hours to complete.

Upon graduating with the B.Sc Arch, students can then advance to UDC's Master of Architecture [M’Arch (track I)] program. This degree is for students with a pre-professional degree in architecture and can be completed it three semesters. I t requires 49 credit hours to complete.

Page 2: Bachelor of Architecture (B.Sc) of Architecture_B_Sc_Fact Sheet.pdf · U.S. professional degree programs in architecture offered by institutions with U.S.

P R O G R A M   C U R R I C U L A


STATEMENT OF ACCREDITATION In the United States, most state registration boards require a degree from an accredited professional degree program as a prerequisite for licensure. The National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB), which is the sole agency authorized to accredit U.S. professional degree programs in architecture offered by institutions with U.S. regional accreditation, recognizes three types of degrees: the Bachelor of Architecture, the Master of Architecture, and the Doctor of Architecture. A program may be granted an eight-year, three-year, or two-year term of accreditation, depending on the extent of its conformance with established educational standards. Doctor of Architecture and Master of Architecture degree programs may require a preprofessional undergraduate degree in architecture for admission. However, the preprofessional degree is not, by itself, recognized as an accredited degree. The NAAB grants candidacy status to new programs that have developed viable plans for achieving initial accreditation. Candidacy status indicates that a program expects to achieve initial accreditation within six years of achieving candidacy, if its plan is properly implemented. In order to meet the education requirement set forth by the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards, an applicant for an NCARB Certificate must hold a professional degree in architecture from a program accredited by the NAAB; the degree must have been awarded not more than two years prior to initial accreditation. However, meeting the education requirement for the NCARB Certificate may not be equivalent to meeting the education requirement for registration in a specific jurisdiction. Please contact NCARB for more information.The University of the District of Columbia, Department of Architecture and Urban Sustainability, is in candidacy for the following NAAB-accredited degree program: M. Arch. (pre-professional degree + 37 graduate credits) – 2015 M. Arch. (non-professional degree + 90 graduate credits) – 2015

Initial Candidacy granted: 2013

Continuation of Candidacy granted: 2015

Next visit for initial accreditation: 2017

Projected year of initial accreditation: 2017