Download - AY A — April 24, 2016 Welcome to worship at … AY A — April 24, 2016 Welcome to worship at Redeemer! A Newsletter



FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER — April 24, 2016 Welcome to worship at Redeemer!

A Newsletter for Members and Friends

of Redeemer Lutheran Church

Redeemer’s Mission… inviting all people to become

students, believers and followers of Jesus Christ.

We are pleased to have you with us today. We want to help make your time with us more worshipful by providing you with the following information: Welcome Center: in the narthex, please take home a water bottle with

information about Redeemer as our gift for first time visitors.

Service of Friendship Cards: in pew racks, please sign and pass to the center aisle during the offering

Large Print Orders of Service: available from an usher

Children’s Activity Bags: in the narthex, contain simple activities for children to do during the worship service

Children’s Bulletins: in the narthex or from an usher, provide activities for older children to do during the service

Fellowship Time: coffee is served in the narthex

Restrooms: men’s, women’s and family restrooms are down the west hallway, an additional women’s restroom is down the middle hallway

Changing Tables: located in the family restroom and in the women’s restroom down the middle hallway

Questions? Please ask an usher, they would be happy to help.

Church Nursery Available at all services;

located in the Nursery room off the middle hallway; for children

Kindergarten age and younger, staffed by volunteers.

King’s Kids & Sunday School Each family is encouraged to complete a

registration form and leave it with your child’s teacher or in the church office. Completing a

form will help us keep accurate and up to date information concerning the children and how

we can best serve them.


These collection items can be left in the narthex outside the offices:

FOR THE YOUTH Inkjet printer cartridges FOR THE CHILD CARE Our Family Labels for Learning FOR THE PRESCHOOL Econo Foods receipts Campbell’s Soup Labels FOR THE LWML Cancelled stamps for Missions FOR THE HOSPITALS & BAY CLIFF Can Tabs RETURNABLE CANS & BOTTLES are being accepted by the high school youth. Please leave them by the pop machine in the gym.

Collection Items

Life Walk

Please consider walking or sponsoring a walker for Care Clinic’s 2016 Life Walk, on May 14. Funds raised help in the care, education and nurturing of Care Clinic clients. The Care Clinic has had 1,069 client visits in 2015! Your support does amazing things and literally changes lives. Life Walk paper pledge sheets are available at the Care Clinic or register to walk on line at:

Monday, May 2, 2016, 6:00 p.m.

All women and girls of Redeemer are invited – young, old, and in between, single, married, and their friends – for this fun evening of fellowship. Every female is a ‘Daughter of the King!’ We’ll enjoy good food, spiritual mentoring, and entertainment. We are happy to announce that Milo Birch will provide our entertainment for the night. Milo is 11 years old, plays the piano and keyboard and writes his own music. The sign-up sheets are posted on the Women’s Ministry bulletin board. We are looking for women to bring a hot dish, salad, dessert or to help with set up, hosting, or beverages. If you are in need of transportation to the banquet or someone to sit with, please call Donna Fegan at 249-2114.

Daughters of the King Banquet

(WCP) Women Crafting for a Purpose shoe cutting party will be held on Monday, April 25. Participants are asked to bring a pair of blue jeans, scissors, and $5 to cover shipping, a shoemaker’s wage and supplies for sewing and foot clinics in Uganda. The shoe pieces and money will be shipped to Uganda where local shoe makers will sew together the shoes using the parts that we cut out with soles made out of recycled bicycle tires. Contact Donna Fegan at 249-2114 with any questions. Go to to learn more about this important ministry.

Women Crafting for a Purpose



Silent Auction

Get your bids in! Auction ends during our Spring

Cookout on Sunday, April 24.

Prayer Chain

Redeemer’s Prayer Chain is looking for volunteers to become prayer partners. A prayer partner is notified of a prayer request by their choice of an email or a phone call. You then pray using the prayer that you’ve received. Jeannette Hauver is the Prayer Chain coordinator. She receives prayer requests from the blue Prayer Chain Request cards in the pews, by phone, by email or in person. More information will be distributed at a gathering on Wednesday, May 11 at 6:30 pm, honoring current Prayer Partners and those interested in becoming a Prayer Partner. Contact Jeannette Hauver at 226-6808 or [email protected] if you want more information or can’t attend the meeting about this important ministry.

Flowers in the chancel this week are given to the glory of God by Max and Cindy Holloway in celebration of their 35th wedding anniversary!


Do you need to clean out some closets or drawers?

We are looking for children’s clothing in sizes 0 to Youth 14/16

plus toys, books and infant items.

(No car seats or cribs please.)

Donations accepted May 2 through May 6.

The sale will be held on Saturday, May 7 from 9 a.m. to 1 clothingp.m.


WEDNESDAY 9:30 AM WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY Led by Deaconess Betty — Location Classroom 2A & B

“Breathe” Begins April 20 Join us as we dig into scripture with author Priscilla Shirer. Books will be available at the class session for $10.


Adult Study Led by Mark Mankowski

and Tom Buck Location: Church Library


Men’s Study Meets Year Round

Led by Pastor Steve — Location: Chapel Lounge


Adult Study Led by Pastor Steve and Pastor Chad

Location: Fellowship Hall (gym) 9:30 a.m. “Glory Days” by Max Lucado. Maybe you’re feeling a little stuck. Caught in a rut. You may be wondering. Is this as good as the Christian life gets? Join us for this video-based study by best selling author Max Lucado as he draws on the scriptural account of Joshua. These days are glory days. Your past is past, your future is bright, God’s promises are true and his Word sure. With God as your helper, you will be all he wants you to be. Do all he wants you to do, and receive all he wants you to receive. These days are glory days.


“Vanishing Grace” 7 pm What ever happened to the Good News?

In this intriguing video-based study hosted by Philip Yancy, Yancy shows the desperate need our world has for grace, and how Christians can truly make the Gospel Good News again. In this study we will explore what kind of news is good to a culture that thinks it has rejected the Christian version. We will examine illuminating stories of how faith can be expressed in ways that disarm even the most cynical critics.

Weekly Bible Study Opportunities


Jerry Garceau 4/24 Chelsea Greenleaf 4/24 Randy Osstyn 4/24 Logan Paulsen 4/24 Marionnah Rader 4/24 Sabrina Stanley 4/24 Elsie Basal 4/25 Logan Grim 4/25 Judith Swanson 4/25 Noah Blandford 4/26 Payton Bullock 4/26 Jon Kus 4/26 Maxwell LaForais 4/26 Jackson Seitz 4/26 Brita VanOsdol 4/27 Greta VanOsdol 4/27 Kara Benz 4/28 Sarah Sandstrom 4/28 Cindy Engle 4/28 Ben Humpula 4/28 Evan Dickerson 4/29 Jasper Prunick 4/29 Derek Sandstrom 4/29 Meredith Connon 4/30 Gillian Erdmann-Lipp 4/30 Jeff Mincheff 4/30 Addilyn Sheltrow 4/30 Kaylie Snow 4/30 Amy Kaiser 5/1 Calleigh McMillan 5/1 Kari Nasi 5/1 Paula Saari 5/1 Ryan Sleeter 5/1

Sun., Apr. 24

8:30 am 9:30 am 10:30 am 10:45 am 11:45 am 1 pm

Service of Praise Education Hour Coffee Fellowship Worship Spring Cookout and Silent Auction Ends Chamber Chorale Rehearsal

Mon., Apr. 25

10 am 1 pm 4:30 pm 6:30 pm

Little Lambs Staff Meeting Faith Moves Women’s Crafting for a Purpose

Tues., Apr. 26

10 am 6 pm 7 pm

Little Lambs Confirmand & Parent Banquet Divorce Care

Wed., Apr. 27

7 am 9:30 am 5 pm 6:45 pm 7 pm

Men’s Breakfast Bible Study Women’s Bible Study Endowment Committee Elder’s Meeting Adult Choir

Thurs., Apr. 28

4:30 pm 7 pm 7 pm

Kid’s Club Bible Study Praise Choir

Fri., Apr. 29

10 am 6 pm

Little Lambs AA Meeting

Sat., Apr. 30

5 pm 5 pm

King’s Kids Service of Praise with Communion

Sun., May 1

8:30 am 9:30 am 10:30 am 10:45 am 1 pm

CONFIRMATION SUNDAY Service of Praise with Communion Education Hour Coffee Fellowship Worship with Communion Chamber Chorale Rehearsal











Acts 11:1-18

1The apostles and the brothers

throughout Judea heard that the Gentiles also had received the word of God.

2So when Peter went up to

Jerusalem, the circumcised believers criticized him

3and said,

"You went into the house of uncircumcised men and ate with them."

4Peter began and explained

everything to them precisely as it had happened:

5"I was in the city of

Joppa praying, and in a trance I saw a vision. I saw something like a large sheet being let down from heaven by its four corners, and it came down to where I was.


looked into it and saw four-footed animals of the earth, wild beasts, reptiles, and birds of the air.

7Then I

heard a voice telling me, 'Get up, Peter. Kill and eat.'

8"I replied, 'Surely not, Lord!

Nothing impure or unclean has ever entered my mouth.'

9"The voice spoke from heaven a

second time, 'Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.' 10

This happened three times, and then it was all pulled up to heaven again.

11"Right then three men who had

been sent to me from Caesarea stopped at the house where I was staying.

12The Spirit told me to have

no hesitation about going with them. These six brothers also went with me, and we entered the man's house.

13He told us how he had

seen an angel appear in his house and say, 'Send to Joppa for Simon who is called Peter.

14He will bring

you a message through which you and all your household will be saved.'

15"As I began to speak, the Holy

Spirit came on them as he had come on us at the beginning.


I remembered what the Lord had said: 'John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.'

17So if God gave them the

same gift as he gave us, who believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I to think that I could oppose God?"

18When they heard this, they had

no further objections and praised God, saying, "So then, God has granted even the Gentiles repentance unto life."










Revelation 21:1-7

1Then I saw a new heaven and a

new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.

2I saw

the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband.

3And I

heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God.

4He will wipe every tear

from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."

5He who was seated on the

throne said, "I am making everything new!" Then he said, "Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true."

6He said to me: "It is done. I am

the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the spring of the water of life.

7He who overcomes will inherit

all this, and I will be his God and he will be my son. John 16:12-22

12"I have much more to say to

you, more than you can now bear. 13

But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own;

he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.

14He will bring glory to me by

taking from what is mine and making it known to you.

15All that

belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will take from what is mine and make it known to you.

16"In a little while you will see me

no more, and then after a little while you will see me."

17Some of his disciples said to

one another, "What does he mean by saying, 'In a little while you will see me no more, and then after a little while you will see me,' and 'Because I am going to the Father'?" 18

They kept asking, "What does he mean by 'a little while'? We don't understand what he is saying."

19Jesus saw that they wanted to

ask him about this, so he said to them, "Are you asking one another what I meant when I said, 'In a little while you will see me no more, and then after a little while you will see me'?

20I tell you the truth, you will

weep and mourn while the world rejoices. You will grieve, but your grief will turn to joy.

21A woman

giving birth to a child has pain because her time has come; but when her baby is born she forgets the anguish because of her joy that a child is born into the world.


with you: Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy.


WORSHIP INFORMATION AND SERVANTS Saturday, April 23, 5:00 p.m.

Worship Supplement Page 1 Acolyte: Ella Lillie Ushers: Donna Brege, Cole Arntsen, Sue Nunez, Sandy Pritchett, Mary Umstead Greeter: Media Team: Rob Brege Scrip: Judy Morse Nursery: Jennifer Snyder Musicians: Donna Fegan, Julie Larson, Jeff Phelps, Steve Scheel, Deaconess Betty Knapp

Sunday, April 24, 8:30 a.m. Worship Supplement Page 1 Acolyte: Will Holder Ushers: Kelley Coughlin, Linda Boyle, Harry & Sue Erickson, Kim Marsh & Donna Taylor Greeter: Miller & Kathy Schuck Media Team: Julie Higbie Scrip: Rich Demboski Nursery: Donnie Berglund Musicians: Donna Fegan, Julie Larson, Jeff Phelps, Steve Scheel, Deaconess Betty Knapp

Sunday, April 24, 10:45 a.m. Worship Supplement Page 9 Acolyte: Elise Heide Ushers: Max Holloway, Dorance Brege, Ron Neaves, Jason Welch Reader: Pat Goldsworthy Greeter: Bob & Sheryl Morrison Media Team: Thayer Yates Scrip: Kay Beauchamp Coffee: Donna Taylor Nursery: Donna Brege Organist: Lois DeWell


Redeemer Lutheran Church The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

1700 West Fair Avenue Marquette, MI 49855

906-228-9883 FAX 906-228-8912

Email: [email protected] Web Site:

Rev. Steve A. Hulke, 249-8433 Rev. Chad Ott, 273-0280

Deaconess Betty Knapp, 228-5180 DCE Anna Dauffenbach, 228-3047

Rev. Paul Weber, Emeritus Redeemer Campus Ministry 228-3047 Carmen Albert, Preschool & Child Care

Director 228-5439 Carl Pace, Gift Planner 204-5399

Lois DeWell, Organist Dawn Betts, Adult Choir Director Donna Fegan, Women’s Ministry

Director 249-2114 Kathy Enright, Kid’s Club Coordinator

458-5343 Pam Ott, King’s Kids Coordinator




General Fund $10,940. Gathered to Grow $1,400. (Total given to Gathered to Grow to date: $455,018.)


Vacation Bible

School June 27—July 1, 2016

9 am—12 pm

Leader Recruitment

Center Leaders for


Indicate below your interest in leading or helping with a particular Elementary Center:

Music (Sing & Play Rock and Cave Quest Closing)

Video Story (KidVid Cinema)

Bible Story (Deep Bible Quests)

Science Projects & Crafts (Imagination Station)

Games (Spelunker Sports & Games)

Snacks (Cavern Cafe)

Photographer (Spotlight VBS)

Center Leaders for


Indicate below your interest in leading or helping with a particular Preschool Center:

Preschool Program Director

Bible Story (Bible Adventures & Missions)

Video Story (KidVid Cinema)

Crafts (Crafts & Play)

Games (Games)

Crew Leaders: Needed: 60-70

Age: 7th Grade (in Fall 2016) through Adult

Job: help crew of 5-7 kids actively participate in the centers, facilitate discussions, and join in the fun!

Preschool Crew Leader Elementary Crew Leader

Crew Captains:

Needed: 6 Preschool, 8 Elementary

Age: Adult

Job: oversee 6-8 preschool crews or 10-11 elementary crews, guide them through their day, troubleshoot as needed, step in to aid a crew leader when required.

Preschool Crew Captain Elementary Crew Captain

Additional Staff:

Media Team Photographer PowerPoint and/or Movie Maker

Developer Office Help Registration Sales Team VBS Nurse/First Aid Decorations & Set Up

Name: __________________________________________

Phone: _________________________________________

Email: __________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________



The Pastor Weber Scholarship for High

School Youth to attend Camp Luther was

established in honor of Pastor Weber’s

30 years of service to Redeemer

congregation. This scholarship is

designed for high school youth, grades 9-

12, who want to attend Camp Luther in

Three Lakes, WI.

If you are a high school student and plan

to attend Camp Luther this summer,

please submit the form below to the

church office by May 1, 2016. If multiple

requests are received, a drawing will be

made for the recipient of the $300

scholarship. (Please note: high school

students are eligible to receive the

“regular” Camp Luther Scholarship

should they not be drawn for the Weber


Camp Luther Scholarship Opportunities

Weber Camp Luther Scholarship for High School Youth

Name: ___________________________

Dates registered for Camp: ___________

Current High School Grade: __________

Phone: ___________________________

Email: ___________________________

Address: _________________________

Parents’ Signature: _________________

Your parents’ signature gives permission to have your name submitted for the scholarship drawing. Return this form to the church office by May 1, 2016.



Redeemer has a Camp Luther Scholarship Fund that provides scholarship monies for children attending Camp Luther in Three Lakes, WI. All kids—from the preschooler to the high school senior—are eligible to request scholarship funds.

If funds are available the scholarship fund awards up to 50% of the cost of camp per child. To apply for these monies, complete the form below and return it to the church office by May 1, 2016.

Redeemer Camp Luther Scholarship Fund

Name: __________________________

Dates registered for Camp: __________

Current Grade: ___________________

Phone: __________________________

Email: __________________________

Address: ________________________

Parents’ Signature: ________________

Return this form to the church office by May 1, 2016.

Donations to the Redeemer Camp

Luther Scholarship Fund are always

welcome. Your gift will give children an

opportunity of a lifetime to experience

Camp Luther, God’s beautiful outdoors,

and the blessings of a Christian camping


To make a donation, please designate

“Camp Luther Scholarship Fund” on your

Offering Envelope.