Download - Axial Skeleton Lab Guide - Lab Guides.pdf · SKELETAL COMPONENTS The skeletal system is comprised of 2 subdivisions: axial and appendicular. AXIAL SKELETON Skull:

Page 1: Axial Skeleton Lab Guide - Lab Guides.pdf · SKELETAL COMPONENTS The skeletal system is comprised of 2 subdivisions: axial and appendicular. AXIAL SKELETON Skull:

Axial Skeleton


Tuberosity Rounded area on bone often roughened for muscle attachment.

Tubercle Rounded projection on bone. This is called a ‘tuberosity’ on the femur.

Crest Ridgeline of bone for muscle attachment.

Spine Pointed process projecting from bone as a site of muscle attachment.

Condyle Knob-like rounded projection, often smooth, as a part of a joint.

Epicondyle Projected area located above a condyle where muscles can attach.

Ramus Beam of bone.

Head Enlarged area on a narrow neck.

Facet Slightly depressed area on bone that articulates with another bone.

Fossa More pronounced dip on the bone.

Meatus Tunnel-like passageway.

Foramen Large opening though bone or bony features.

Fissure Narrow opening like a crack.

Page 2: Axial Skeleton Lab Guide - Lab Guides.pdf · SKELETAL COMPONENTS The skeletal system is comprised of 2 subdivisions: axial and appendicular. AXIAL SKELETON Skull:

SKELETAL COMPONENTS The skeletal system is comprised of 2 subdivisions: axial and appendicular. AXIAL SKELETON

Skull: cranial and facial bones Vertebral Column: Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar, Sacrum, Coccyx Rib Cage: True, False, Floating Ribs and Sternum


Upper and Lower Limbs Attachment girdles: pelvic and pectoral girdles

Bones and features are written/spoken as: Transverse process of the 5th thoracic vertebra. Ischial tuberosity of the right ischium. Mastoid process of the left temporal bone.


Mandible – jaw bone - Ramus – wide vertical beam of bone on the posterior aspect of the body - Mandibular condyle – place where ‘jaw’ articulates with temporal bone - Angle – posterior ‘corner’ of jaw - Mandibular notch – ‘U’ shaped area anterior to mandibular condyle - Body – lateral and anterior portion of chin - Mental Foramen – holes on the chin - Alveolar margin – place where teeth go - Mandibular foramen – hole inside the ramus

Maxillae – upper jaw and hard palate

- Palatine process – anterior part of hard palate - Alveolar margin – where sockets for teeth are

Palatine – posterior part of hard palate Nasal – bridge of nose Vomer – medial division of nasal cavity, divides nose R/LL

Lacrimal – medial wall of orbit

- Lacrimal fossa –tears to enter nasal

Zygomatic – cheek bone o Temporal process – projects toward temporal bone

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Sutures - Coronal suture - Sagittal suture - Squamous suture - Lambdoid suture - Occipitomastoid suture

Frontal Bone – forehead and eyebrow ridge

Parietal Bones – (2) – posterior to frontal bone

Temporal Bones – (2) deep to the ears (‘tempo’)

- Zygomatic Process – posterior aspect of cheekbones - Styloid Process – pointy process inferior to external auditory meatus - External auditory canal – tunnel for hearing - Mandibular fossa – dipped in area for mandible to hinge (TMJ) - Carotid Canal – opening for internal carotid artery

Occipital Bone – back and base of head, inferior to the parietal bones

- Foramen magnum– massive hole at the bottom of skull for spinal cord - Occipital condyles– rounded projections that rest on the first cervical vertebra - External occipital protuberance– bump on the back of the head

Ethmoid Bone – inside skull, roof of the nasal cavity

- Crista galli – looks like a shark’s fin - Cribriform plate – has holes like a

cribbage board - Superior and middle nasal conchae –

delicate ‘shelves’ within the nasal cavity

Sphenoid Bone – inside skull, forming the anterior-middle section of the ‘floor’

- Optic foramina (2) – where optic nerves enter skull from eye

- Sella turcica – ‘Turkish saddle’ to contain (seat) the pituitary gland

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Cervical Vertebrae – (7) vertebrae of the neck - Atlas – ‘yes’ bone and holds up skull - Axis - ‘no’ - *Transverse foramen – holes for vertebral


Thoracic Vertebrae – (12) vertebrae that attach to ribs - *Costal facet – surface where ribs articulate,

slight depression

Lumbar Vertebrae – (5) vertebrae of lower back - *Body (huge) – massive mass of bone to support

torso and upper body

Sacrum – (5 fused) posterior aspect of pelvis

Coccyx – (4 fused) tail bone

Vertebra Features (found on all vertebra) - Body – large anterior surface for bearing

weight - Vertebral Foramen– prominent hole for spinal

cord - Transverse Processes – lateral beams of bone - Spinous Process – posterior projection of bone - Intervertebral Foramen – between adjacent

vertebrae where nerves leave spinal cord - Superior and inferior articulating processes –

protrusions of bone above and below



Thoracic Vertebrae

Lumbar Vertebrae

Cervical Vertebrae

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Sternum – breast bone, attachment for true ribs and clavicle - Manubrium –looks like the ‘knot of a tie’ - Body – main portion - Xiphoid process – small inferior tip from body,

watch out for this when doing CPR

True ribs – (7) ribs that have direct attachment from thoracic vertebrae to sternum

False ribs – (3) ribs that have an indirect attachment to sternum via costal cartilage

Floating ribs – (2) no attachment to sternum, only attached at thoracic vertebrae



Sternal border

Vertebral attachment






6 7 1

2 3


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Clavicle – (2) collar bone - Sternal end – end that articulates with the sternum - Acromial end – end that articulates with the scapula

Scapula – (2) shoulder blade - Glenoid cavity (fossa) – surface or ‘cup’ for ‘shoulder’ joint - Acromion (Acromial process) – posterior lateral process, largest bony feature - Coracoid process – anterior lateral process, smaller than acromial process - Spine – prominent horizontal bony feature on posterior aspect - Inferior angle – inferior point or triangle - Subscapular fossa – anterior surface (underneath scapula) - Medial border – edge of scapula that faces toward the vertebral column - Lateral border – edge of scapula that is under the glenoid cavity


Sternal end

Acromial end

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Sacrum Coccyx Ossa Coxae – (2) made of 3 separate bones (although it looks like a single bone)

Ossa Coxae Main feature of the ossa coxae (all 3 bones together) is the Acetabulum or ‘hip socket’.

Ischium – most inferior portion, you are sitting on it! - Ischial tuberosity – roughened part that you sit

on, site of muscle attachment - Lesser sciatic notch - Ischial spine – bump below greater sciatic notch - Ischial ramus – beam of bone, anterior

Ilium – the hip or ‘flared out’ bowl of pelvis

- Iliac fossa – basin or ‘scooped out’ medial aspect - Iliac crest – superior ridgeline where hands rest

on your hips - Greater sciatic notch - Anterior superior iliac spine - Anterior inferior iliac spine - Posterior superior iliac spine - Posterior inferior iliac spine

Pubis – anterior portion of ossa coxae

- Superior ramus – beam of bone extending posterior - Inferior ramus – beam of bone extending down





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Appendicular Skeleton - Appendages UPPER EXTREMITY ARM

Humerus – upper arm, technically the ‘arm’ - Head – smooth rounded proximal surface - Anatomical neck – ridge behind smooth head - Greater tubercle – large rough bump lateral to head - Lesser tubercle – smaller rough bump lateral to head - Intertubecular (bicipital) groove – between tubercles - Deltoid tuberosity – roughened rise along the shaft - Medial epicondyle – medial, process, above joint - Lateral epicondyle – lateral bump above joint - Trochlea – looks like a spool of thread - Capitulum – round, lateral to the trochlea - Olecranon fossa – posterior distal dip


Ulna – ‘forearm’ bone on the medial (pinky) side - Olecranon process – ‘hook’ on proximal end, ‘elbow’ - Coronoid process– anterior proximal end, lower part of ‘wrench’ - Trochlear notch – anterior-facing scooped out surface - Radial notch – lateral-facing scooped out surface - Styloid Process – pointy feature at the most distal portion

Radius – ‘forearm’ bone on the lateral (thumb) side

- Head – looks like a golf tee - Radial tuberosity– proximal medial end - Ulnar notch – distal end, tiny scooped out surface - Styloid process – pointy feature at the most distal portion

Carpals – (8) wrist

- Scaphoid – articulates with radius - Lunate – articulates with ulna - Triquetral – distal to lunate (between lunate & hamate) - Pisiform – pointy, most medial, on top of triquetral - Trapezium – most lateral, at base of thumb - Trapezoid – medial to trapezium - Capitate – between trapezoid and hamate - Hamate – medial bone next to metacarpals

Metacarpals – (5) hand

Phalanges – (14) fingers

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Femur – ‘thigh bone’ - Head – spherical area on proximal end - Neck – skinny part on proximal end - Greater trochanter – large bump lateral to head - Lesser trochanter – bump inferior, posterior to head - Gluteal tuberosity – roughened area posterior diaphysis - Medial epicondyle – bony bump felt on medial knee - Lateral epicondyle – bony bump felt on lateral knee - Medial condyle– smooth surface on medial, distal end - Lateral condyle – smooth surface on lateral, distal end - Intercondylar fossa (notch) – dip between

condyles on posterior distal aspect Patella –sesamoid bone, fulcrum for quadricep muscle, ‘knee cap’

Tibia –primary weight bearing bone of the lower leg, ’shin’ - Intercondylar eminence – point sticking straight up

at proximal end - Tibial tuberosity – roughened area on upper

anterior part of shin - Medial malleolus – medial ankle bump

Fibula – smaller bone lateral to the tibia

- Lateral malleolus – lateral ankle bump - Head – rounded proximal end

Tarsal bones – (7) ankle bones

- Talus – articulates with tibia - Calcaneus – heel - Cuboid – anterior to calcaneus, lateral foot - Navicular – anterior to calcaneus, medial foot - Medial cuneiform – base of medial metatarsal - Intermediate cuneiform – base of second metatarsal - Lateral cuneiform – base of third metatarsal

Metatarsals – (5) foot Phalanges – (14) toes