Download - Awesome manifesto by provadis

Page 1: Awesome manifesto by provadis


#3 Hero

no.5 act with

Six: Keep your promises

#10 Work with soul

#No9 tell your #7 do what you 8

#3 Create!# 2 G e t







Care about the detail

Create something worth being part of. Help people to do work that matters and �nd purpose in what they do. Help your customers to buy into something that is meaningful to them, your industry or humanity - Think Big!

Confront the realities. To act on blind faith and proceed regardless of the facts is fruitless. Without knowing the facts you can’t capitalise on opportunities or prepare for challenges. When you are well informed you can act from a position of strength.

It’s not about you. It’s about them. Focus on helping your customersto get what they want and need. Solve their problems and delight them. They can’t help seeing you as anything but awesome.

Make a di�erence. Find new and better ways to do things. Take a risk. Disrupt. Invent. Adapt. Improve.

Plan. Use the process to debate; understand the facts; and gather insights on which to make decisions. Finish the important things you start. Be consistent with who you are. Stick to your principles.

Be who you say you are. Do what you say you will. Make sure your promises genuinely live through your activities, processes, people, communication, products & services.

Choose to be great at what you do. Give 100% to what’s most important.And if it’s not important don’t do it. Don’t just muddle through. Give your all to rocking the world. Make every move count.

Your customers are interested in what you bring to the table, what you o�er that no one else can. Focus on what you are best at, the di�erence that you make. Tell stories. Be human, be kind, be empathetic.

You cannot be successful unless you have passion for what you do. Passion is contagious. It will sweep everyone else up in your wake. If you don’t love what you do, �nd something that you do love.




The di�erence between good and great lies in attention to detail. Notice the imperfections in your service or product. Commit to improvethem. Care about the last 100 yards as much as the start.

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