Download - Autosport development journalists

In July 2015, Autosport talent development writers have appeared in:
Sunday Express Sunday 19th July 2015 Aaron Rook: Race to get money out of ailing Lotus Formula One after court order
Forbes Sunday 19th July 2015 Aaron Rook: Lotus Formula One Team Chased For Nearly $1 Million Of Unpaid Bills
The Independent Tuesday 21st July 2015 Aaron Rook: Bianchi crash made my quit the sport, says team owner
i Tuesday 21st July 2015 Aaron Rook: Bianchi crash was the end for Marussia says owner
The Observer Sunday 26th July 2015 Lucy Morson: Meet the biggest winner in the history of Formula One racing - CVC Capital Partners
Forbes Monday 27th July 2015 Lucy Morson: CVC Becomes Formula One’s Most Successful Owner With $4.4 Billion Haul