Download - Automatic Bottle Filling System Using Plc Conveyor Modela

  • 8/12/2019 Automatic Bottle Filling System Using Plc Conveyor Modela




    A thesis submitted i !u"!i""met #! the $e%ui$emet !#$ the &'&$d #! the de($ee #! B&)he"#$ #! E(iee$i( *E"e)t$#i)s + Ist$umet&ti#,

    Faculty of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering

    Aarupadai Veedu Institute of Technology (Vi&-&.& Missi#Ui/e$sit-,

  • 8/12/2019 Automatic Bottle Filling System Using Plc Conveyor Modela




    0I he$eb- de)"&$ed th&t this thesis tit"ed 1Aut#m&ti) B#tt"e Fi""i( W&te$ S-stem Usi( PLC2is the $esu"t #! m- #' e!!#$t e3)e4t &s )"e&$"- st&ted i $e!e$e)es the s#u$)e #! $e!e$e)e5

    Signature :- ame of Author :- !!!!!!D&te 67 !!!!!

  • 8/12/2019 Automatic Bottle Filling System Using Plc Conveyor Modela



    To my beloved father, mother, brother and sister

  • 8/12/2019 Automatic Bottle Filling System Using Plc Conveyor Modela



    Fi$st #! &""8 I '#u"d "i.e t# th&. L#$d 9RISHNA !#$ HIS !i$m h&ds i (uidi( me i the )#u$se #! )#m4"eti(this thesis '$iti(: It is b- HIS ($&)e &d me$)- th&t I &m &b"e t# #bt&i the $ese&$)h # 4"&i( 4$#;e)t 'ithi su)h &s"imited time:

    Se)#d8 I '#u"d "i.e t# e34$ess m- ($&titude &d th&.s t# m- F&)u"t- Assist&ts8 M$s: M:CHITRA + L:Chit$&8 !#$ his4$#!essi#&" (uid&)e8 'isd#m8 edu$&)e8 &d/i)es m#ti/&ti# &d e)#u$&(emet du$i( his su4e$/isi# 4e$i#d:Th&. -#u s# mu)h !#$ the isi(hts &d e)#u$&(emet she h&s (i/e t# me: With#ut his 4&tie)e &d /&"u&b"e&ssist&)e8 the 4$#;e)t &d thesis '#u"d #t h&/e bee the s&me &s 4$eseted he$e:

    Besides th&t8 I '#u"d "i.e t# )#/e- m- th&.s t# m- be"#/ed 4&$ets8 M$: Umesh P$&s&d Si(h &d M$s:P##&m Si(h !#$ the &d/i)e &d (i/e &"" su44#$t t# me i de/e"#4i( this 4$#;e)t:

    M- !e""#' !$ieds sh#u"d &"s# be $e)#(i

  • 8/12/2019 Automatic Bottle Filling System Using Plc Conveyor Modela




    N#'&d&-s8 the &44"i)&ti# #! PLC is 'ide"- .#' &d use i this di(it&" '#$"d PLC2s &44"i)&ti# is #b/i#us"-

    &44"ied &t the idust$i&" se)t#$: N#$m&""-8 the PLC2s th&t h&/e bee used &t the idust$i&" !ie"d is usu&""- t# )#t$#" &

    me)h&i)&" m#/emet eithe$ #! the m&)hie #$ he&/- m&)hie i #$de$ t# )$e&te & e!!i)iet 4$#du)ti# &d &))u$&te

    si(&" 4$#)essi(: I this 4$#;e)t8 & dis)ussi# &b#ut PLC &44"i)&ti# 'i"" be e34"&ied i m#$e det&i"s &d s4e)i!ied:

    Whe$eb-8 & m&)hie th&t used t# 4$e4&$e &ut#m&ti) !i""i( '&te$ it# the b#tt"e is !u""- )#t$#""ed b- the PLC CPM=A8

    'hi)h &)ts &s the he&$t #! the s-stem: The s-stem se%ue)e #! #4e$&ti# is desi(ed b- "&dde$ di&($&m &d the

    4$#($&mmi( #! this 4$#;e)t b- usi( C>7P$#($&mme$ s#!t'&$e: Ses#$ usu&""- 4"&-s its /it&" 4&$t &s & i4ut si(&"

    t$&smitte$ !#$ the PLC i this s-stem: Du$i( this 4$#;e)t ses#$ h&s bee used t# dete)t the b#tt"e 4#siti# th&t m#/e

    &"#( the )#/e-#$ be"t &t the "#' s4eed 'hi"e the m&)hie #4e$&tes: The i4ut si(&" th&t h&s bee set !$#m the

    ses#$ t# the PLC h&s bei( m&de &s & $e!e$e)e: Si(&" i #$de$ t# dete$mie the #ut4ut si(&" th&t e3&)t"- & s&me

    'ith the PLC 4$#($&mmi( "&(u&(e b&sed # the use$ $e%ui$emet: Beside th&t8 the e"e)t$#i)s &d e"e)t$i) de/i)es

    th&t usu&""- bee )#t$#""ed b- the PLC &$e "i.e & m#t#$8 4um48 ses#$8 )#/e-#$ be"t8 bu

  • 8/12/2019 Automatic Bottle Filling System Using Plc Conveyor Modela




    #$A%TE TIT'E


    TIT'E %AEi)E#'AATI*ii)E)I#ATI*iiiA#+*,'E)EETi"A.STA#T"

    TA.'E *F #*TETS"i'IST *F TA.'ESi/'IST *F FI0ES/'IST *F A%%E)I1S/ii

    2 .A#+*0) *F %*3E#T2

    2!2 Introduction22!2!2 *pen-'oop Systems42!2!4 #lose-'oop Systems52!4 %ro6lem Statement72!5 %ro8ect *68ecti"e92! Scope of %ro8ect92!7 Implementation of %ro8ect;2!9 Thesis *utline

  • 8/12/2019 Automatic Bottle Filling System Using Plc Conveyor Modela


    4 'ITEAT0E EVIE,2=

    4!2 $istory of %'#2=4!4 ,hat is %'#>244!5 'adder 'ogic254!5!2 'adder 'ogic Input24!5!4 'adder 'ogic *utput274! %rogramming2;4!7 *peration of %'#2.0 shows the ladder diagram of the system.

    The system in the ladder diagram form ill 6e programmed into %'#! *nce theprograms ha"e 6een donloaded into %'# it can 6e monitored in the )iagram,orBspace during e/ecution! Furthermore the #1-programmer pro"ides on-lineediting functions during e/ecution! ote that the on-line editing is not possi6lein un mode! All acti"ities occurs can 6e o6ser"ed using the #1-programmer!

  • 8/12/2019 Automatic Bottle Filling System Using Plc Conveyor Modela


    Figure 7!: 'adder )iagram

    CH#P!E% )

  • 8/12/2019 Automatic Bottle Filling System Using Plc Conveyor Modela


    IN#L %E"L!

    As mentioned in Chapter 2 and Chapter >, all the system of the desired pro6ect was implemented andthe results of the systems illustrated in this Chapter ;. 9uring the operation, all actiities that occur

    can be obsered by computer using CG&Programmer. The system needs to debug along the way and

    fine tune if necessary. Test run the system thoroughly until if is safe to be operated.

    ).1 !+e Protot0pe

    The prototype as mainly 6uilt 6y com6ining the mechanical design and theelectrical designs! The system reuire three e/ternal )# poer supply for inputoutput de"ices to A# poer supply for supplying pump and %'# and one ?V6attery for 6uDDer!

    The pictures 6elo sho that the prototype of system from different "ie:-

  • 8/12/2019 Automatic Bottle Filling System Using Plc Conveyor Modela


    ).2 !+e iring "0stem

  • 8/12/2019 Automatic Bottle Filling System Using Plc Conveyor Modela


    .efore running the system thoroughly ensure that the input and iring arecorrectly connected according to the IC* assignment to a"oid any unantedaccidents! *nce confirmed the operation of the Automatic Filling ,ater Systemusing %'# can 6e started!

  • 8/12/2019 Automatic Bottle Filling System Using Plc Conveyor Modela




    An Automatic Filling ,ater System using %'# has 6een successfully constructedand designed 6y applying all the concept of control system at this pro8ect! Thesystem that is produced can 6e modified to 6e 6etter if some of the electricalde"ices and system are upgraded and impro"ed!

    .1 Conc*usion

    The theory and concept of the automatic filling ater system is 6ased on thecontrol system! In electrical design the features and functions of the electricalcomponents are reuired to determine the system reuirement! Furthermorethe theoretical of the iring system is reuired for connecting the inputs andoutputs de"ices to %'#! In programming design understandings of the desiredcontrol system and ho to use the 'adder )iagram to translate the machineseuence of operation are the most important parts 6ecause it ha"e directeffect on the system performance! The main aim in this process is to apply %'#to design automatic filling ater system and all o68ecti"es in this pro8ect eresuccessfully done as planned! Finally the 6asis control system and logic designapply in this pro8ect can 6e used as a references to design other applications ofautomation system and also can 6e used as a teaching material for theIndustrial #ontrol su68ect!

    .2 !%E %ECO''EN(#!ION

    Actually, a lot of weakness from the pro6ect can be taken as future works so that the improed system

    will be better in terms of performance. %o that, there are seeral recommendations or suggestions that

    we can take to increase performance in this pro6ect. The performance of Automatic 'illing @ater%ystem can be increased based on two recommendations which areH

    The system that is proposed now is using only one sensor that is (R sensor to detect positionof bottle. (t will be better if we add more sensors in this system like a flow sensor to detect water

    flow or use leel sensor to detect water leel. Thus, the system will be more sensitie as there will be

    more sensing points

    !esides using PLC as controller, the other controller can be used in this future work is likeicrocontroller. *oweer, many factors must be considered like cost, practically and others.

  • 8/12/2019 Automatic Bottle Filling System Using Plc Conveyor Modela



    "1$ %iemens. IBasic Of PLCs %T?P $ Lug, J. N. %., @alker, . @., and Paul, R. P. 41:#

  • 8/12/2019 Automatic Bottle Filling System Using Plc Conveyor Modela




  • 8/12/2019 Automatic Bottle Filling System Using Plc Conveyor Modela


  • 8/12/2019 Automatic Bottle Filling System Using Plc Conveyor Modela


  • 8/12/2019 Automatic Bottle Filling System Using Plc Conveyor Modela


  • 8/12/2019 Automatic Bottle Filling System Using Plc Conveyor Modela


  • 8/12/2019 Automatic Bottle Filling System Using Plc Conveyor Modela


  • 8/12/2019 Automatic Bottle Filling System Using Plc Conveyor Modela


  • 8/12/2019 Automatic Bottle Filling System Using Plc Conveyor Modela


  • 8/12/2019 Automatic Bottle Filling System Using Plc Conveyor Modela


  • 8/12/2019 Automatic Bottle Filling System Using Plc Conveyor Modela


  • 8/12/2019 Automatic Bottle Filling System Using Plc Conveyor Modela


  • 8/12/2019 Automatic Bottle Filling System Using Plc Conveyor Modela


  • 8/12/2019 Automatic Bottle Filling System Using Plc Conveyor Modela


  • 8/12/2019 Automatic Bottle Filling System Using Plc Conveyor Modela


  • 8/12/2019 Automatic Bottle Filling System Using Plc Conveyor Modela


  • 8/12/2019 Automatic Bottle Filling System Using Plc Conveyor Modela


  • 8/12/2019 Automatic Bottle Filling System Using Plc Conveyor Modela



  • 8/12/2019 Automatic Bottle Filling System Using Plc Conveyor Modela


  • 8/12/2019 Automatic Bottle Filling System Using Plc Conveyor Modela


  • 8/12/2019 Automatic Bottle Filling System Using Plc Conveyor Modela


  • 8/12/2019 Automatic Bottle Filling System Using Plc Conveyor Modela


  • 8/12/2019 Automatic Bottle Filling System Using Plc Conveyor Modela
