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The personalization privacy paradox: An exploratory study of decision makingprocess for location-aware marketing☆

Heng Xu a,⁎, Xin (Robert) Luo b,1, John M. Carroll a,2, Mary Beth Rosson a,3

a College of Information Sciences and Technology, The Pennsylvania State University, 316H IST Building, University Park, PA 16802, United Statesb Anderson School of Management, The University of New Mexico, 1924 Las Lomas NE, MSC05 3090, Albuquerque, NM 87131, United States

a b s t r a c ta r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:Received 24 October 2009Received in revised form 13 August 2010Accepted 17 November 2010Available online 27 November 2010

Keywords:Privacy decision makingPersonalization privacy paradoxLocation-aware marketing (LAM)Covert personalizationOvert personalization

Despite the vast opportunities offered by location-aware marketing (LAM), mobile customers' privacyconcerns appear to be a major inhibiting factor in their acceptance of LAM. This study extends the privacycalculus model to explore the personalization–privacy paradox in LAM, with considerations of personalcharacteristics and two personalization approaches (covert and overt). Through an experimental study, weempirically validated the proposed model. Results suggest that the influences of personalization on theprivacy risk/benefit beliefs vary upon the type of personalization systems (covert and overt), and thatpersonal characteristics moderate the parameters and path structure of the privacy calculus model.

© 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Recent advances in mobile communication technologies havepresented decision-makers (e.g., marketing managers) with a newform of advertising channel: location-aware marketing (LAM). LAMhas been defined as targeted advertising initiatives delivered to amobile device from an identified sponsor that is specific to thelocation of the consumer [62]. With the increasing popularity of thenew generation of GPS-enabled smartphones [1], marketers canutilize this emerging technological ground to deliver personalizedmarketing messages based on consumers' geographical locations andprediction of their needs, and to reach mobile consumers throughtheir mobile devices on a geographically targeted basis.

Location-based services (LBS) revenues are expected to grow from$1.7 billion in 2008 to $14 billion by 2014 [1]. Many LBS providers seeLAM as the cornerstone of their business models [1]. Despite the vastopportunities offered by LAM, many merchants and consumers are

still skeptical about the idea. Besides the overarching concerns onlimited indoor location technology and a fragmented locationecosystem, another important impeding factor is privacy-relateduser acceptance issues [1]. The potential intrusion of privacy becomesan important concern for mobile users who carry GPS-enabledsmartphones [10]. Therefore, it is important to understand howconsumers will respond to LAM in terms of their recognition andunderstanding of this double-edged sword: To consumers, on the onehand, they may identify great values in receiving customizedmessages galvanizing their intended purchases, while on the otherhand privacy concerns about disclosing personal information inexchange for promotional messages may turn them away. Thispersonalization-versus-privacy predicament mirrors a paradoxwhere consumers give out their private information with subjectiveexpectations that the associated service provider will personalizetransactions based on their profiles and trust that the provider will notindiscriminately share their personal information [16]. In literature, ithas been effusively noted that personalization is partly dependent onconsumers' willingness to share their personal information and usepersonalized services whereas the consumers like to receive and/orobtain these services by giving out as little information as they could[16,57]. In this research, we attempt to examine such a centralparadox for marketers investing in LAM: although the level ofpersonalization increases the value of LAM, it also increases thelevel of privacy concerns.

The objective of this paper is to explore the relationships betweenpersonalization and privacy through the theoretical framework of

Decision Support Systems 51 (2011) 42–52

☆ The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the National ScienceFoundation under grant CNS-0716646. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions orrecommendations expressed herein are those of the researchers and do not necessarilyreflect the views of the National Science Foundation.⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 814 867 0469; fax: +1 814 865 6426.

E-mail addresses: [email protected] (H. Xu), [email protected] (X.(R.) Luo),[email protected] (J.M. Carroll), [email protected] (M.B. Rosson).

1 Tel.: +1 505 277 8875; fax: +1 505 277 7108.2 Tel.: +1 814 863 2476; fax: +1 814 865 6426.3 Tel.: +1 814 863 2478; fax: +1 814 865 6426.

0167-9236/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.dss.2010.11.017

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privacy calculus, with the considerations of interpersonal differences.Specifically, we seek to identify the antecedents to perceived benefitsand risks of information disclosure as well as the consequences ofthose on purchase intention in the specific context of LAM. In addition,acknowledging that LAM in different personalization forms yieldsdistinct psychological appeals of information disclosure to consumers[60], we seek to examine the differential effects of alternativeprotocols for locating client devices on the mobile consumerperceptions and behaviors. To offer personalized services that aretailored tomobile consumers' activity contexts, LAM providers deliverinformation content through mobile communication and positioningsystems in two ways — covert-based and overt-based mechanisms. Inthe covert-based approach (i.e., push-based or proactive LBS), location-sensitive content is automatically sent by marketers to individualsbased on covertly ‘observing’ their behaviors through trackingphysical locations of their mobile devices [62,67]. In the overt-basedapproach (i.e., pull-based or reactive LBS), individuals requestinformation and services based on their locations and marketersonly locate users' mobile devices when they initiate requests, e.g., auser might request a list of nearby points of interest [62,67].

The contribution of this study lies in its focus on examining thepersonalization privacy paradox through a privacy calculus lens, fortwo different personalization approaches (i.e., covert versus overt), todifferent individuals (reflected by interpersonal differences such asprevious privacy invasion experiences, personal innovativeness, andcoupon proneness), and in an understudied technological phenom-enon (i.e., LAM). In an effort to advance this line of research [62,67],this study furthers the theoretical contribution by incorporating theconditions and constraints (i.e., “under what personalizationapproaches”, “to whom”, and “about what technology”), which werepreviously neglected, into the understanding of personalizationprivacy paradox. Thus, this exploratory study opens new avenues ofresearch and pragmatically calls for LAM practitioners' attentions tocovert and overt personalization strategies and interpersonaldifferences.

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. We firstpresent the conceptual foundation for this research, describing thecalculus perspective of information privacy. This is followed by adescription of the research hypotheses, research methodology, andfindings. The paper concludes with a discussion of the key results,directions for future research, and implications of the findings.

2. Conceptual foundation and research hypotheses

Information privacy has been generally defined as the ability of theindividual to control the terms under which personal information is

acquired and used [64]. The calculus perspective of informationprivacy is especially evident in works of analyzing privacy issues[23,25]. A general implication from these studies is that consumerscan be expected to behave as if they are performing a calculus (risk–benefit analysis) in assessing the outcomes they will receive as aresult of information disclosure [23]. In this research, we examine theprivacy personalization paradox through the privacy calculus lens andargue that the influences of personalization on the privacy calculusand willingness to disclose personal information in LAM depend onthe type of personalization approaches (covert versus overt) as wellas personal characteristics. Fig. 1 presents the research model.

2.1. Understanding the personalization privacy paradox through thecalculus lens

Drawing on the exchange theory [33], Culnan and Bies [23]introduced the concept of “second exchange” to explain the privacycalculus as a utilitarian exchange whereby personal information isgiven in return for the value such as higher quality of services [23].Applying this second exchange framework to the LAM context, wemay interpret the information disclosure in LAM as an exchangewhere consumers disclose their personal information and locationdata in return for added value such as personalized ads that will bedelivered based on their context and location. LAM can provide a userwith the contextualization value by sending the user with relevantpromotional information based on the user's interests, activities,locations, and the time of the day [34]. One of the key factors of usingLAM is the value of personalization that adds to the user experiencesand smoothness of interactions [34]. Personalization has beengenerally defined as “the ability to provide content and services thatare tailored to individuals based on knowledge about their prefer-ences and behaviors” [2]. Consumers may be motivated to disclosetheir personal information in exchange for personalized services and/or information access. Personalization is gained when LAM aretailored to individual customers' interests, location, identity, activityand time [34]. Thus LAM is ideal for marketers to channel theirmarketing opportunities into customized wireless content deliveryfor mobile consumers. Therefore, we hypothesize:

Hypothesis 1. Personalization is positively related to perceivedbenefits of information disclosure.

It has been suggested by prior studies that personalized informa-tion and services have significant privacy implications because oflarge amounts of personal data collected for performing personaliza-tion [40]. In the LAM context, geographical location information often







Perceived Benefits of Info


Privacy Calculus

Purchase Intention


Covert vs. Overt

Perceived Risks of Info


Willingness to have personal information

used in LAM

Perceived Value of Info Disclosure

H8, H9H10b


Previous Privacy Experience

Personal Innovativenes

Coupon Proneness

Interpersonal Differences


H10d, H10e

Moderating Effects

Direct Effects

Fig. 1. The conceptual model.

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reveals the position of a person in real time, rendering the potentialintrusion of privacy a critical concern [11]. Improper handling ofconsumer location data and other personal information could result inthe discovery and tracking of consumer identity and behavior, whichmay be used for unsolicited marketing, price discrimination orunauthorized access [40]. In the context of mobile commerce, it hasbeen shown that consumers' privacy concerns were raised when theywere presented with a personalized shopping list that was derivedfrom their previous purchasing history [41,55]. Despite the addedvalue provided by personalized information and services, consumersare concerned about their personal information collected and used toperform personalization [4,58]. Therefore, we hypothesize:

Hypothesis 2. Personalization is positively related to perceived risksof information disclosure.

2.2. Outcomes of the privacy calculus

The notion of the privacy calculus suggests that consumers, whenrequested to provide personal information to firms, would perform arisk–benefit analysis that accounts for inhibitors and drivers ofinformation disclosure [4]. The outcome of such calculus is consideredto be the cumulative effect of risks and benefits, which is analogous tothe construct of perceived value [79]. Adapting Zeithaml's definition[69] into the context of current research, we define perceived value ofinformation disclosure as the individual's overall assessment of theutility of information disclosure based on perceptions of privacy risksincurred and benefits received. As discussed earlier, individuals arelikely to agree to give up a degree of privacy in return for potentialbenefits related to information disclosure. To the extent that theanticipation of benefits provides direction for choice behavior throughenhancing the perceived value of various outcomes, a higherexpectation of benefits should amplify the overall assessment of theutility of information disclosure. Therefore, we hypothesize:

Hypothesis 3. The perceived benefit of information disclosure ispositively related to perceived value.

Privacy risk has been defined as the degree to which an individualbelieves that a high potential for loss is associated with the release ofpersonal information to a firm [28,44]. Prior privacy literature [28,44]has identified sources of organizational opportunistic behaviors,including insider threat or unauthorized access, selling personaldata to, or sharing information with business associates, or other thirdparties. It has been argued, particularly inmanagement literature, thatrisk is positively related to value [46]. This contention dictates thathigher rewards (monetary values in terms of compensation) areattributed to activities with higher risks (firm's uncertainties). Yet thisnotion departs from the arena of LAM where regular consumers,instead of an organization's top executives, differ from the CEO interms of risk taking. In the context of LAM, improper handling ofpersonal information could result in the mining of location data andidentity [30,63], which may enhance the visibility of consumerbehavior and increase the scope for situations that may be personallyembarrassing to them [9,19]. Therefore, consumers' assessments ofthe utility of information disclosure will be low if they sense that thereexist high risks of privacy invasion. Hence, we hypothesize:

Hypothesis 4. The perceived risk of information disclosure isnegatively related to perceived value.

According to the economic theory of utility, individuals try toachieve maximum utility or satisfaction through the choice object,given their resource limitations. Perceived value, therefore, representsan overall estimation of the choice object for the decision making.Once a value has been internalized, it becomes a criterion fordeveloping and maintaining the intention toward relevant objects

and situations [48,66].Thus, the cognitive aspect of a person'sattitudes may largely consist of expectations about how her valuesare served through the agency of the attitude object [38,66]. Hence,we expect a similar relationship between perceived value ofinformation disclosure and positive attitudes toward informationdisclosure in the LAM context:

Hypothesis 5. Perceived value of information disclosure is positivelyrelated to willingness to have personal information used in LAM.

Previous advertising research has shown that the degree to whichconsumers accept the marketing messages is the best predictor ofsales effects [32]. Recent empirical studies have highlighted thepositive relationship between attitude toward advertising andpurchase intention in many of the online shopping empiricalresearches [37,39]. Hence, we argue that mobile consumers who arewilling to have their personal information used in LAM should be veryinterested in marketing promotions in their vicinity and thus they aremore likely to make a purchase. Therefore, we hypothesize:

Hypothesis 6. Willingness to have personal information used in LAMis positively related to purchase intention.

2.3. Influences of individual characteristics

Scholars have argued that privacy relevant beliefs and technologyacceptance should be better related to individuals' own experiencesand characteristics rather than be regarded as a global consequence oftechnology use per se [65]. Thus another hypothesized source ofinfluences in the research framework is related to individualcharacteristics. In this research, the individual characteristics weexamine are previous privacy invasion experience, personal innova-tiveness and coupon proneness.

When customers provide their information to online companies, a“social contract” is initiated when there are expectations of socialnorms (i.e., generally understood obligations) that govern thebehavior of those involved [14]. One generally understood socialcontract is that firms will undertake the responsibility to manageconsumers' personal information properly [51]. Consumers mayconsider such an implied contract breached if they think theirpersonal information has been misused [21,51]. In the context ofonline marketplaces, it has been found that an online consumer'sperceived contract violation by a single online seller could lead to theperception of contract violation by the entire community of onlinesellers [49]. Thus, individuals who have been exposed to or have beenthe victim of personal information abuses could have strongerconcerns regarding information privacy [59]. Therefore, we arguethat previous experiences of privacy invasion should increaseindividuals' risk perceptions of information disclosure in LAM.

Hypothesis 7. Previous privacy invasion experience is positivelyassociated with perceived risk of information disclosure.

Two individual-specific traits are examined in this research. First,personal innovativeness, defined as willingness of an individual to tryout new technology [3], has long been examined in the research ofinnovation diffusion and technology adoption. As an individual-specific trait, Rogers [54] noted that individuals with higher innova-tiveness exhibit certain characteristics and behaviors such as activeinformation seeking, greater exposure to mass-media, and lessreliance on subjective evaluation of other members in their socialcircle about the innovation. This implies that those who are moreinnovative are likely to disclose personal information to try out LAMthan others. Second, as another individual-specific trait, couponproneness is defined as the propensity to respond to a purchase offer[43]. We argue that people who enjoy collecting conventional orelectronic coupons might be more likely to accept LAM. Hence, we

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hypothesize that the coupon form of the promotional informationpositively affects users' willingness to have personal information usedin LAM:

Hypothesis 8. Personal innovativeness is positively associated withwillingness to have personal information used in LAM.

Hypothesis 9. Coupon proneness is positively associated withwillingness to have personal information used in LAM.

2.4. Moderating impacts of personalization approaches

2.4.1. Covert versus overt personalization approachesTo offer personalized ads that are tailored to mobile users' activity

contexts, marketers and advertisers gather personal location infor-mation through mobile communication and positioning systems intwo ways — covert and overt approaches [60]. In the covert approach,marketers send relevant ads to users by covertly ‘observing’ theirbehavior through tracking physical locations of their mobile devices.With these data, personalization systems tailor the ads based on theuser's known proximity to a store or merchant. Haag et al. [31]describes a covert-based application that pushes video rentalinformation to customers: whenever appearing in the vicinity of aparticipating video store, the customer's mobile phone triggers asystem within the video store that evaluates that customer's rentalhistory against store inventory. If the system indicates an availablevideo will be of interest, it sends a text message to the customer'smobile phone with the rental details on the film.

Different from the covert approach, the overt personalizationsystems only locate users' mobile devices when they initiate therequests. This type of LAM may be seen in some ‘on demand’ serviceswhere the user dials or signals a service provider for specificinformation/service such as the coupons for the nearest Starbucksstore. In this approach, location information is ephemeral and usefulonly to complete the transaction requested (e.g., sending coupons ofthe nearest Starbucks to the user). One example was a servicelaunched by ZagMe in the United Kingdom [12]. By calling a numberor sending a text message to activate location tracking, customerscould receive promotional information and coupons through textmessages based on their geographical location in a designated mall.

2.4.2. Impacts on the association between personalization and privacycalculus

As discussed earlier, higher levels of personalization should lead tohigher level of perceived benefits of information disclosure. However,this relationship is likely to be contingent on the type of personal-ization approaches. The covert approach enables a higher level offlexibility and mobility because it allows delivery of dynamic contentdirectly to a pre-determined and intended group of users in real timewithout any explicit efforts by users [35]. Hence, comparing to theovert-based LAM, the covert-based LAM should increase the level oftimeliness and locatability of information access as the covertpersonalization systems enable users to obtain their needed infor-mation as soon as it is available [35]. Moreover, for the covert-basedLAM, a user may perceive higher level of personalization value whenthe service content adapts itself automatically based on the user'sprofile without the user's involvement. Thus service providers coulddeliver a greater quantity of personalized promotional informationand coupons based on customers' interests, geographical locations,and time of day. Therefore, the covert-based LAM should have theadvantages of improving the timeliness and locatability of personal-ized information delivery, which should amplify the impacts ofpersonalization on perceived benefits of information disclosure. Thus,we hypothesize:

Hypothesis 10a. The predicted positive association between person-alization and perceived benefits of information disclosure will bestronger when the personalization approach is covert than when it isovert.

As prior studies have confirmed that the ability of the consumer tocontrol the disclosure of personal information could offset the risk ofpossible negative consequences [26], we contend that the level ofcontrol over the interaction may moderate the relationship betweenperceived privacy risk and intention to disclose personal information.We further presuppose that different levels of control over thedisclosure of personal information accordingly vary in the context ofLAM [30,42,63]. In essence, in the overt-based LAM where theconsumer's decision to initiate contact with the marketer is volitional,the consumer exercises greater control over the interaction aslocation of the consumer is surrendered exclusively to complete thetransaction requested [35,62]. The covert-based LAM departs from theovert-based LAM because the consumer's location is constantlytraceable and relevant commercial information is automatically sentto the consumer's mobile device according to his/her location andpreviously stated preferences [35,62]. As such, the covert-based LAMentails less control and less effort than the overt-based LAM whichwarrants higher levels of consequent time and cognitive investmentto manage personal information. Despite the fact that the covert-based LAM may reduce the consumer's information processing andretrieval efforts, users might have to encounter the increasing amountof potentially irrelevant information. Therefore, it is conjectured thatthe covert-based LAM would be more intrusive to individual privacyand tend to interrupt the consumer because the consumer has lesscontrol over his/her interactions with service providers. This leads tothe following hypothesis in regard to the impact of privacy riskperceptions:

Hypothesis 10b. The predicted positive association between person-alization and perceived risks of information disclosure will bestronger when the personalization approach is covert than when itis overt.

2.4.3. Impacts on the individual characteristicsThe personalization approaches may also act as a moderator that

influences the relationship between privacy risk perceptions andinterpersonal differences. As discussed earlier, the individual character-istics we examine in this research are previous privacy invasionexperience, personal innovativeness and coupon proneness. In termsof previous privacy invasion experience, since the covert-based LAMwould potentially trigger higher risk perceptions of informationdisclosure, individuals who have encountered privacy invasions shouldbe more aware of undesirable consequences in the covert-based LAMbased on previous experience. Thus those who encountered privacyinvasions before should have higher privacy risk perceptions in thecovert-based LAM. Hence, we hypothesize:

Hypothesis 10c. The predicted positive association between previousprivacy invasion experience and perceived risk of informationdisclosure will be stronger when the personalization approach iscovert than when it is overt.

The positive relationships between individual-specific traits(personal innovativeness and coupon proneness) and willingness tohave personal information used in LAM may be moderated by thepersonalization approaches. It has been suggested in the literaturethat any innovation is associated with greater risk, uncertainty, andimprecision [61]. Rogers [54] argued that innovators and earlyadopters are able to cope with higher level of uncertainty. As such, amore innovative individual should be more likely to cope with higherrisks inherent in the covert-based LAM, and thus should developmorepositive attitudes toward the information disclosure in the covert-

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based LAM as compared to a less innovative individual. In terms ofcoupon proneness, since the covert-based LAM could potentiallydeliver more numbers of coupons or promotional messages based onusers' physical locations, individuals who have higher level of couponproneness should be more willing to have personal information usedin the covert-based LAM. Hence, we hypothesize:

Hypothesis 10d. The predicted positive association between person-al innovativeness and willingness to have personal information usedin LAM will be stronger when the personalization approach is covertthan when it is overt.

Hypothesis 10e. The predicted positive association between couponproneness and willingness to have personal information used in LAMwill be stronger when the personalization approach is covert thanwhen it is overt.

3. Research method

3.1. Scale development

To the extent possible, we adapted constructs from measurementscales used in prior studies to fit the LAM context (see Appendix A).Purchase intention (PINT) is a common effectiveness measure andoften used to anticipate a response behavior. Respondents were oftenasked to evaluate an advertisement or product and then indicate theirintention to purchase [8]. We used two items to measure thelikelihood that subjects would purchase a product [53]. Willingnessto have personal information used in LAM (WPI) was assessed based ontwo questions adapted from Culnan and Armstrong [22]. Andperceived benefits of information disclosure (BEN) was measured withthree items taken from Unni and Harmon [62]. Perceived value ofinformation disclosure (VAL) was assessed based on three items takenfrom Kim et al. [38]. Consistent with prior privacy literature [25], weoperationalized perceived risks of information disclosure (RISK) as asingle-dimensional construct and defined it as the expectation oflosses associated with the release of personal information. Wemeasured personalization (PER) using three seven-point Likert scaleitems to reflect how much the LAM can be tailored to individuals'preferences, location and needs [68]. With regard to personalcharacteristics, personal innovativeness (INNV) was assessed withitems taken from Agarwal and Prasad [3], coupon proneness (COUP)was measured with four questions taken from Lichtenstein et al. [43],and previous privacy experience (PPRE) was measured with questionsadapted from Smith et al. [59].

3.2. Experiment design

We conducted an experiment to test the proposed model. LAM inour experiment was introduced as the personalized advertisingservices on mobile phones that have the ability to determine a user'sgeographical locations. This study was designed as a one-factorialexperiment manipulating personalization approach (covert andovert) with participants randomly assigned to one of the two groups.One specific covert-based scenario and one overt-based scenario, i.e.,location-aware Mobile Coupon (M-Coupon) services described inHaag et al. [31] and Buckley [12], were adapted in this study to havetwo balanced experiment scenarios. The covert-based M-Couponservice would involve recruiting consumers by service registrationand interest subscription: consumers could register their mobilephone numbers and subscribe to a list of merchants that provided M-Coupon services, based on their interests and preferred period of timefor receiving coupons. Profiling information would then be used totarget the subscribers, and their mobile phones would be sent relatedpromotional information when they came within the vicinity of theirfavorite stores. In the overt-based scenario, when consumers wanted

to look for promotional information or coupons from merchants,they could dial a certain number and their location would be detectedautomatically via their mobile phones. The requested coupons fromthe nearest merchants would then be delivered to their mobilephones via text messages.

3.3. Participants

A total of 545 undergraduate and graduate students were recruitedin a large university. The recruitment advertisement provided somebackground about the study without revealing the experimentaldetails, and specified that participants must own a mobile phone toparticipate in the experiment. Specific demographic information ofparticipants is given in Appendix B. Most of our participants had usedmobile devices for at least two years (92%).While somemight expressconcern about the use of student subjects, we do not think that thislimits the generalizability of the results. In this study, universitystudents are naturally a part of the population of interest, and they areactive users of wireless applications. As mobile devices and mobileapplications have become part of young people's daily routines [50],we believed that the use of university students as potential LAM userswas appropriate.

3.4. Procedure and task

At the start of each experimental session, the subjects were told thatall instructions were provided online and that they should read theinstructions carefully and complete the experiment independently.After logging into our experiment system, all participants began theexperiment by answering a pre-session questionnaire about theirpersonal information and characteristics. As commonly used inmarketing experiments that investigate consumer behavior, a coverstory was provided to all the participants. They were told that location-awareM-Coupon service would soon be introduced in the local market,and their feedback would be very important for the evaluation ofthe service. Next, the subjects were randomly assigned to either thecovert-based or the overt-based LAMscenarios. The subjectswere askedto assume the role of an M-coupon service subscriber and werepresented with the scenarios of using the covert-based or the overt-based M-Coupon service, which took the form of the interactive flashanimation. Then the subjects were asked to complete a post-sessionquestionnaire on the research constructs.

4. Data analysis and results

To address the threat of a common method bias [52], weperformed Harman's single factor test by simultaneously loading allitems from the combined dataset in the factor analysis using Varimaxrotation. All indicators showed high factor loadings and low cross-loadings. Each principal component explained almost an equalamount of the 72% total variance, ranging from 7% to 13%. Thisindicates that our data do not suffer from common method bias.

4.1. Analysis strategy

A second-generation causal modeling statistical technique —

partial least squares (PLS), was used for data analysis in this research.PLS is well suited for highly complex predictive models [17]. Priorresearch that applied PLS [36] has claimed that PLS is best suited fortesting complex relationships by avoiding inadmissible solutions andfactor indeterminacy. This makes PLS suitable for accommodating therelatively complex relationships among various constructs in currentresearch. To test the influences of information delivery mechanisms,we split the datasets into two subsets and thus the measurement andthe structural models were tested twice: once for the covert-basedsubset and the other for the overt-based subset.

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4.2. Evaluating the measurement model

Weevaluated themeasurementmodel byexamining the convergentvalidity and discriminant validity of the research instrument. Conver-gent validity is the degree to which different attempts to measure thesame construct agree [20]. In PLS, three tests are used to determine theconvergent validity of measured reflective constructs in a singleinstrument: Cronbach alpha, composite reliability of constructs, andaverage variance extracted by constructs. Nunnally [47] proposed 0.7 asan indication of adequate Cronbach alpha. We assessed item reliabilityby examining the loading of each item on the construct, and foundthat the reliability score for all the items exceeded the criterion of 0.707(see Appendix A). PLS computes composite reliability of constructs bytaking into account relationships among constructs. As shown inTable 1a and b, composite reliabilities of constructs with multipleindicators exceeded Nunnally's [47] criterion of 0.7. The varianceextracted by constructs was computed based on the extent to which allitems measuring a construct actually tap into the same underlyingconstruct. The average variances extracted for the constructs were all

above Fornell and Larcker's [29] criterion of 50%. These tests support theconvergent validity of the measurement model.

Discriminant validity is the degree to which measures of differentconstructs are distinct [13]. To test discriminant validity, the squareroot of the variance shared between a construct and its measuresshould be greater than the correlations between the construct and anyother construct in the model. Table 1a and b reports the results ofdiscriminant validity whichmay be seen by comparing the diagonal tothe non-diagonal elements. All items in our experiment fulfilled therequirement of discriminant validity.

4.3. Testing the structural model

After establishing the validity of the measures, we tested thestructural paths in the research model using PLS. We conductedhypothesis tests by examining the sign and significance of the pathcoefficients. Each hypothesis should be tested based on the sign andstatistical significance for its corresponding path in the structuralmodel. Table 2 presents the results of hypothesis testing. The

Table 1




































































































































































a. Overt

b. Covert

Table 2Results of the structural model.

Hypotheses Coefficient Supported

Covert m=267 Overt n=278

H1: Personalization→perceived benefits of info disclosure 0.62⁎⁎ 0.25⁎⁎ YesH2: Personalization→perceived risks of info disclosure 0.29⁎⁎ 0.06 Partially supported for covertH3: Perceived benefits of info disclosure→perceived value of info disclosure 0.56⁎⁎ 0.48⁎⁎ YesH4: Perceived risks of info disclosure→perceived value of info disclosure −0.32⁎⁎ −0.20⁎⁎ YesH5: Perceived value→willingness to disclose info 0.60⁎⁎ 0.56⁎⁎ YesH6: Willingness to disclose info→purchase intention 0.47⁎⁎ 0.41⁎⁎ YesH7: Previous privacy experience→perceived risks of info disclosure 0.20⁎⁎ 0.07 Partially supported for covertH8: Personal innovativeness→willingness to disclose info 0.19⁎⁎ 0.11⁎ YesH9: Coupon proneness→willingness to disclose info 0.15⁎⁎ 0.04 Partially supported for covert

⁎ Significant at 5% level of significance.⁎⁎ Significant at 1% level of significance.

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explanatory power of the structural model is assessed based on theamount of variance explained in the endogenous construct (i.e.,purchase intention). Our structural models for covert and overtapproaches could explain 39.7% and 35.8%, respectively, of thevariance for purchase intention. This greatly exceeded 10%, whichwas suggested by Falk and Miller [27] as an indication of substantiveexplanatory power.

Our results indicate that personalization was positively related toperceived benefits of information disclosure for both covert and overtapproaches (H1 was supported). In support of H3 and H4, the positiverelationship between perceived benefits of information disclosure andperceived value, and the negative relationship between privacy riskand perceived value were found significant in both covert and overtapproaches. Perceived value of information disclosure was positivelyrelated to willingness to have personal information used in LAM(WPI) (H5 was supported); WPI was found to positively relate topurchase intention (H6 was supported). The proposed impact ofpersonalization on privacy risk was significant in the covert approachbut insignificant in the overt approach (H2 was partially supported).

H7, H8 and H9 postulate the influence of personal characteristicson privacy risk and WPI. In support of H8, the positive relationshipbetween personal innovativeness and WPI was found significant inboth covert and overt approaches. However, the proposed impact ofprecious privacy experience on privacy risk was significant in thecovert approach but insignificant in the overt approach (H7 waspartially supported). Also, the proposed impact of coupon pronenesson WPI was significant in the covert approach but insignificant in theovert approach (H9 was partially supported).

Hypotheses related to the moderating effects of covert versusovert personalization approaches (H10a–H10e) were tested with themulti-group analysis suggested by Chin [17,18]. The multi-groupanalysis was conducted by testing the effects of the personalizationapproaches with the PLS-generated path coefficients and theirstandard errors. The results of these tests are shown in Table 3. Insupport of H10a and H10b, the positive relationship betweenpersonalization and perceived benefits of information disclosureswas stronger for the covert approach (t (543)=14.94, pb0.01); andthe positive relationship between personalization and privacy riskswas also stronger for the covert approach (t (543)=4.57, pb0.05).H10c on the positive relationship between previous privacy experi-ence and privacy risks (t (543)=2.01, pb0.05), H10d on the positiverelationship between personal innovativeness and intention to use (t(543)=2.08, pb0.05), and H10e on the positive relationship betweencoupon proneness and intention to use (t (543)=2.60, pb0.01) wereall shown stronger for the covert approach.

4.4. Further analyses on purchase intention: spontaneous versusdeliberate purchases

Drawing on Baumgartner's [6] typology of purchase intentions, wefurther analyzed the purchase intention for those subjects who

indicated their purchase intentions in this study (i.e., their ratings onpurchase intentions were higher than the neutral value of 4). In histypology of purchase intentions, Baumgartner [6] categorizes twodistinct forms of purchase intentions:

1) Deliberate purchases: these purchases are typically classified asbeing predictable, repeatable, and routine and usually include:a) extended purchase (e.g., making a purchase based on objective,

logical criteria and for utilitarian reasons);b) symbolic purchase (e.g., making a purchase to project a certain

image or because it meets with social approval);c) repetitive purchase (e.g., making a routine purchase or buying

something because you are loyal to it);d) hedonic purchase intention (e.g., buying something because

you like it).2) Spontaneous purchases: these purchases are typically classified as

being unpredictable, non-repeatable, and non-routine and usuallyinclude:

a) promotional purchase (e.g., buying something because it is onsale);

b) exploratory purchase intention (e.g., buying something out ofcuriosity or because of a desire for variety);

c) casual purchase intention (e.g., buying something withoutthinking much);

d) impulsive purchase intention (e.g., buying something onimpulse).

We used a multiple-answer question “you decide to buy the movieticket because…” to gainmore insights based on the types of purchaseintention classified by Baumgartner [6]. Among those subjects whoseratings on purchase intentions were higher than the neutral value of 4(see Fig. 2): 39% of the subjects in the covert scenario and 20% of themin the overt scenario were spontaneous purchases; 9% of the subjectsin the covert scenario and 32% of them in the overt scenario weredeliberate purchases. It appears that the covert-based LAM is more

Fig. 2. Spontaneous versus deliberate purchase behaviors.

Table 3Results on moderating impact of covert versus overt personalization approach.

Hypotheses Coefficient (standard error) t Supported

Covert m=267 Overt n=278

H10a: Personalization→perceived benefits of info disclosure (covertNovert) 0.62 (0.047) 0.25 (0.048) 14.94⁎⁎ YesH10b: Personalization→perceived risks of info disclosure (covertNovert) 0.29 (0.067) 0.06 (0.068) 4.57⁎⁎ YesH10c: Previous privacy experience→perceived risks of info disclosure (covertNovert) 0.20 (0.066) 0.07 (0.059) 2.01⁎ YesH10d: Personal innovativeness→ intention to use (covertNovert) 0.19 (0.039) 0.11 (0.052) 2.08⁎ YesH10e: Coupon proneness→ intention to use (covertNovert) 0.15 (0.043) 0.04 (0.063) 2.60⁎⁎ Yes

⁎ Significant at 5% level of significance.⁎⁎ Significant at 1% level of significance.

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likely to trigger consumer spontaneous purchases. Limited by thesimulated LAM experience, the influences of the covert-based LAM onspontaneous purchase in our study could be largely under-estimated.Despite this, the results have indicated that the covert-based LAM hasthe potential to trigger spontaneous purchases.

5. Discussions and implications

5.1. Discussion of findings

The goal of this study was to investigate the dynamics of privacy–personalization paradox when dealing with the disclosure of personalinformation in the LAM context. Toward this end, we constructed aconceptual model that features the roles of the covert and the overtpersonalization approaches as well as personal characteristics inindividuals' privacy decision making process. Through a privacycalculus lens, we argued that personalization approaches andpersonal characteristics should influence the way individuals balancebetween the utility gained by disclosing personal information in LAMand the disutility of the adverse effects of such an action. In addition,our results provided some preliminary evidence to indicate that thecovert-based LAM was more likely to entice spontaneous purchases.

The results also suggested that personalization can somehowoverride privacy concerns for both covert-based and overt-based LAM.Among the hypotheses on the relationships between personalizationand perceived benefits/risks of information disclosure, the consumers'value for personalization (path coefficient for PER→BEN is 0.62) wasalmost two timesmore influential than their concerns for privacy (pathcoefficient for PER→RISK is 0.29) in the covert-based LAM; and theproposed relationship between personalization and privacy risks wasinsignificant in the overt-based LAM. These results suggested thatconsumers could more likely regard LAM as valuable if advertisingmessages are perceived to be relevant and customized to their context.

Although the empirical results provided overall support for theresearch model, they also revealed a few unexpected relationships thatwere not consistent with what we had hypothesized. While theproposed positive association between personalization and privacyrisks was significant in the covert model, such relationship was notsignificant in the overt model. Drawing on prior research, we arguedthat the influences of personal characteristics in affecting privacy risksandwillingness to disclose informationwouldbedifferent for the covertand the overt personalization approaches. Our results confirmed thatthe impact of personal innovativeness on willingness to discloseinformationwas significant for both covert and overt models. However,the influences of previous privacy experience on users' privacy riskperceptions varied under different personalization models: previousprivacy experience had an impact on increasing users' privacy riskperceptions in the covertmodel but this was not the casewith the overtmodel. Likewise, coupon proneness had an impact on enhancing users'willingness to disclose personal information in the covert model but itseffect was not significant in the overt model.

As to the insignificance of personalization and previous privacyexperience in increasing users' privacy risk perceptions for the overt-based LAM, a possible explanation is because of the higher level ofcontrol inherent in the overt-based LAM. As discussed earlier, usersexercise greater control over the interaction in the overt-based LAM:the decision to initiate contact with a merchant is volitional, andlocation information is disclosed only to complete the transactionrequested. Thus, even for individuals who have been exposed to orhave been the victim of personal information abuses, they may notworry toomuch about their privacy because of higher levels of controlover releasing personal information. A plausible explanation for theinsignificance of coupon proneness is that the use of the overt-basedLAM is initiated by a well-defined need or desire, and to the extentthat users seek fulfillment of their needs, the importance of thecoupon proneness as an additional impetus diminishes.

5.2. Limitations and future research

It has been generally acknowledged that research on informationsystems can be carried out in a wide range of settings and by a varietyof strategies [7]. Moreover, Dennis and Valacich [24] indicate thatthere is no perfect research because different strategies carrycomparative strengths and weaknesses. As research on LAM is inthe early stages, our exploratory efforts represent one of the firstattempts to examine LAM personalization approaches and itsinfluences on the personalization privacy paradox. So this studyinevitably suffers from several limitations.

McGrath [45] argues that all empirical designs are subject to inhere limitations because of the trade-offs between various researchdesigns. According to his contention in respect to the researchdilemma in three dimensions, we are aware that, as our object is togain precision and control in the contrived settings, there is acorresponding loss of generalizability and realism. Researchers areencouraged to build upon our work and overcome its limitations intheir future studies. First, the scenarios used in the study represent asimplification of all the covert-based and the overt-based LAM, whichmay limit the generalizability of our findings. Future work couldexamine the applicability of our findings to different LAM applica-tions. Second, the value of LAM (especially for the covert-based LAM)could depend on how well a marketer or service provider anticipatesthe needs of consumers. For the purposes of this study, we assumethat LAM matches consumer needs with high accuracy of locationdetection. Future research may examine how these factors may affectconsumers' attitudes toward LAM.

Third, although we restricted our examination of risk-relatedfactors only to privacy, a more comprehensive examination of risksthat affect value perceptions is needed. Fourth, since earlier studieshave shown that mobile advertising could be more effective forfrequently purchased, low-cost products than for more expensiveproducts [5], it is important to investigate the effectiveness of LAM fordifferent types of products in future research. Related to this area isthe potential for LAM to trigger spontaneous purchases. Although thesubjects in this study may fall in the target market for LAM, thegeneralizability of this research to the general population is likely tobe affected. Future research should be conducted with a more diversesample for improved generalizability. Finally, future research maylook into the possibility of further strengthening the extantinstrument items such as Perceived Value of Information Disclosure(VAL) employed for this study in a different context.

5.3. Contributions and implications

Through the causal modeling of antecedents affecting personalinformation disclosure in LAM and purchase intention, our findingsprovide preliminary theoretical insights and empirical evidence intothe dynamic structural relationships of these factors under twodifferent types of personalization approaches. As pointed out by Chanet al. [15], there is a lack of research examining the role oftechnological attributes in influencing the theoretical developmentof privacy. This study attempts to fill in this gap by looking into theimpacts of the covert and the overt personalization approaches (asone technological attribute) on users' privacy reactions to LAM.Findings from this research can help technology promoters andwebsite operators better understand the personalization privacyparadox in other contexts such as social advertising [56]. Thetheoretical framework developed in this study can be applied inother personalization technologies or systems to assess its applica-bility across different contexts.

The current study strives to further extend prior research onprivacy calculus in several ways. First, the findings of this studysuggest that the conventional understanding of privacy as a calculuscan be applied to explain to the personalization privacy paradox in the

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new LAM context. Serving as a starting point for future research inpersonal privacy, this research is an initial examination of issuesrelating to the roles of the covert and the overt personalizationapproaches as well as personal characteristics in the individuals'privacy decision making process. Second, the findings in this studyhighlight the contextual nature of privacy decision-making. Thefinding that the association between personalization and privacy riskswas significant only in the covert-based LAM indicates that theconceptual structure of personalization privacy paradox is context-dependent. This has important implications for theoretical develop-ment since it opens a new avenue for the exploration of contextualnature of personalization privacy paradox. Even when certain factorsinfluencing the personalization privacy paradox are potentiallysignificant in all contexts, their relative importance may changedepending on different technological attributes and personalcharacteristics.

From a practical perspective, this study has implications forvarious players in the LAM industry: application designers, mer-chants, marketers, LAM service providers, and privacy advocates. Thisresearch sends contradictory signals to LAM application designers andmarketers. On the one hand, it suggests that the covert-based LAMmay impose a higher level of privacy risks to users. But, on the otherhand, it is evident that the covert-based LAM does trigger higher levelof personalization value. Hence, with the covert-based design as adouble-edged sword, the LAM application designers and marketersneed to be aware of the tradeoff between privacy and personalizationwhen selecting personalization approaches in LAM. The mainadvantage in pursuing a covert design is the opportunity to deliver

more personalized marketing messages as well as the opportunity totrigger impulse buying. However, such covert-based approach wouldalso increase mobile users' privacy concerns due to the locationtracking. Thus LAM designers and marketers need to focus on allayingprivacy concerns for the covert-based LAM through implementingprivacy intervention strategies. For example, LAM application devel-opers could build privacy enhancing features into the applications(whereby users may turn-off the LAM application anytime or maymask their locations); or LAM service providers may considerdeveloping organizational privacy policies or participating in someprivacy certification programs such as TRUSTe.

6. Conclusion

As an exploratory study, the findings of this research haveprovided preliminary empirical evidence about how users strike abalance between value and risk. The current research contributes toexisting literature by theoretically investigating the personalizationprivacy paradox through a privacy calculus lens, for differentpersonalization approaches (covert versus overt), to different indivi-duals, in an understudied LAM environment. Our initial findings thatthe influence of personalization on the privacy calculus modeldepends on the type of personalization approaches as well as personalcharacteristics suggest the need for future studies to understand theseeffects more thoroughly. Using the groundwork laid in this study,future research along various possible directions could contribute toextending our theoretical understanding and practical ability to fosterthe acceptance of LAM.

Construct Question wording Loading

Covert Overt

Perceived value of information disclosure (VAL) I think my benefits gained from the use of M-Coupon service canoffset the risks of my information disclosure.

0.89 0.90

The value I gain from use of M-Coupon service is worth the information I give away. 0.87 0.87I think the risks of my information disclosure will be greater than thebenefits gained from the use of M-Coupon service. (reverse scale)

0.73 0.80

Perceived benefit of information disclosure (BEN) M-Coupon service reduces my searching time to find thepromotional information that I need.

0.88 0.85

M-Coupon service can provide me with the convenience to instantlyaccess the promotional information that I need.

0.86 0.93

Overall, I feel that using M-Coupon service is beneficial. 0.91 0.92Perceived risk of information disclosure (RISK) Providing the service provider with my personal information

would involve many unexpected problems.0.86 0.87

It would be risky to disclose my personal information to the service provider. 0.94 0.94There would be high potential for loss in disclosing my personalinformation to the service provider.

0.93 0.91

Personalization (PER) M-Coupon service can provide me with personalized deals/ads tailoredto my activity context.

0.88 0.80

M-Coupon service can provide me with more relevant promotionalinformation tailored to my preferences or personal interests.

0.84 0.86

M-Coupon service can provide me with the kind of deals/ads that I might like. 0.82 0.87Previous privacy experience (PPRE) How often have you personally been victim of what you felt was an invasion of privacy? 0.92 0.93

How much have you heard or read during the last year about the use andpotential misuse of personal information about consumers?

0.95 0.91

Personal innovativeness (INNV) If I heard about a new information technology, I would look for waysto experiment with it.

0.90 0.79

Among my peers, I am usually the first to try out new information technologies. 0.88 0.89I like to experiment with new information technologies. 0.84 0.91

Coupon proneness (COUP) I enjoy collecting coupons. 0.89 0.86Beyond the money I save, redeeming coupons gives me a sense of joy. 0.87 0.92I enjoy using coupons, regardless of the amount I save by doing so. 0.89 0.91

Purchase intention (PINT) How interested would you be in buying the movie ticket? 0.81 0.89How likely would you buy the movie ticket? 0.84 0.72

Willingness to have personal information used in LAM (WPI) How interested would you be in having your personal information(including your location) used in the M-Coupon service?

0.98 0.97

How likely would you provide your personal information (including your location)to use the M-Coupon service?

0.97 0.96

Appendix A. Survey instrument

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Appendix B. Respondent demographics


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Heng Xu is Assistant Professor at the Pennsylvania StateUniversity where she is a recipient of the endowed PNCTechnologies Career Development Professorship. She cur-rently directs the Privacy Assurance Lab (PAL), an inter-disciplinary research group working on a diverse set ofprojects related to assuring information privacy. She is alsothe Associate Director of the Center for Cyber-Security,Information Privacy and Trust at Penn State. Her currentresearch focus is on the interplay between social andtechnological issues associated with information privacyand security. Her research projects have been dealing withthe conceptualization, intervention, and design aspects ofprivacy and security. She is a recipient of the Faculty Early

Career Development (CAREER) Award by the National Science Foundation (2010–2015). Her work has been published or accepted for publication in DATA BASE forAdvances in Information Systems, Decision Support Systems, Electronic Markets, Informa-tion & Management, Journal of Management Information Systems, and MIS Quarterly.

Xin (Robert) Luo is Assistant Professor of ManagementInformation Systems and Information Assurance in RobertO. Anderson School of Management at The University ofNew Mexico (UNM). He is the Associate Director of Centerfor Information Assurance Research and Education at UNM.He received his Ph.D. in Information Systems fromMississippi State University. His research interests centeraround information security, E-commerce/M-commerce,and global IT adoption and management. He has publishedresearch papers in journals including Communications of theACM, Decision Support Systems, Journal of the AIS, EuropeanJournal of Information Systems, Communications of the AIS,Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Com-

merce, Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, Cross-Cultural Management,Information Management & Computer Security, Journal of Information Privacy and Security,International Journal of Information Security & Privacy, Information Systems Security, andJournal of Internet Banking and Commerce.

JohnM.Carroll is EdwardFrymoyerProfessor of InformationSciences and Technology at Pennsylvania State University.Research interests include methods and theory in human-computer interaction, particularly as applied to networkingtools for collaborative learning and problem solving, anddesign of interactive information systems. Books includeMakingUse (MIT, 2000),HCI in theNewMillennium (Addison-Wesley, 2001), Usability Engineering (Morgan-Kaufmann,2002, with M.B. Rosson) and HCI Models, Theories, andFrameworks (Morgan-Kaufmann, 2003), Rationale-BasedSoftware Engineering (Springer, 2008, with J. Burge, R. McCalland I.Mistrik), and Learning in Communities (Springer, 2009).Carroll serves on several editorial boards for journals,

handbooks, and series and as Editor-in-Chief of the ACM Transactions on Computer-HumanInteractions. He received the Rigo Award and the CHI Lifetime Achievement Award fromACM, the Silver Core Award from IFIP, the Goldsmith Award from IEEE. He is a fellow ofACM, IEEE, and the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

Mary Beth Rosson is Professor of Information Sciences andTechnology at Pennsylvania State University, where sheco-directs the Computer-Supported Collaboration andLearning Lab; she is also Affiliate Professor of InstructionalSystems. Prior to joining Penn State in 2003, she wasProfessor of Computer Science at Virginia Tech andResearch Staff Member IBM T. J. Watson Research Center.Rosson is internationally known for her research andeducation in human–computer interaction, includingparticipatory and scenario-based evaluation and designmethods, computer-supported collaborative learning, andend user development. She is author ofUsability Engineering:Scenario-Based Development of Human-Computer Interaction

(Morgan Kaufmann, 2002) and numerous articles, book chapters, and professionaltutorials. She has also served in many professional leadership roles, including conferencechair for OOPSLA 2000, CHI 2007, and VL/HCC 2010. She is member of the CHI Academyand an ACM Distinguished Scientist.

52 H. Xu et al. / Decision Support Systems 51 (2011) 42–52