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TO:Approved for public release, distributionunlimited


Distribution authorized to U.S. Gov't.agencies and their contractors;Administrative/Operational Use; 22 JUL1966. Other requests shall be referred toAssistant Chief of Staff for ForceDevelopment [Army], Washington, DC.

AUTHORITY31 Jul 1978, DoDD 5200.10; OAG D/A ltr, 29Apr 1980




The classified or limited status of this report appliesto each page, unless otherwise marked.Separate page printouts MUST be marked accordingly.


NOTICE: When government or other drawings, specifications or otherdata are used for any purpose other than in connection with a defi-nitely related government procurement operation, the U.S. Governmentthereby incurs no responsibility, nor any obligation whatsoever; andthe fact that the Government may have formulated, furnished, or in anyway supplied the said drawings, specifications, or other daLa is notto be regarded by implication or otherwise as in any manner licensingthe holder or any other person or corporation, or conveying any rightsor permission to manufacture, use or sell any patented invention thatmay in any way be related thereto.










22 Jul XIv..At tmti3 -'or cin rrton9U0TW4S(-

0o w ci ec7"I il 7reViilp

::o US 701-00 9,240

*1. a~ _tLof Qn;.tor,: Operation 7... 7X2'-!:. L, U-''.(U) Drts p 0 _-r.ton: 2 Jxm: t:'-u 20 juna J1 c"tS

3. Nt) Lc ,'toz: :mo! 1 rt :rovinice. ~c A ~ ~ F

f ~5.' (U) ?,A-ortiw OIic:t±.1e .nerr2 7'iU.'.re ?earson, Cac.reikpnCor.1, ist 'rigzdo, !01 st Afrbor~o Division.

or'-~iz~~.c .~ ~:c 1- V tc irnitL.tion' of Crcrtion C 0

-~ - t:o-oc-rt.onf-'. con-:oY. a-' the 1st ric-;on 11t ne s~ Jime 45

o o :coo:-ir.tion !-it:, thc 1:;t :id d' --!cz Yious n'!.Ses 01 t~aZ-t0n.22 unit:; -:-o bolc" l!t in p-rgrc-ph 6b. - *

.7 7ide Troorls

Z.'/320 .. t -2/17 Cav .

Dco ora A 31SEngr ~ 321 n(-)

Ii. 2/502 InC 1 /101 so, .-C C2/320 try 20 Chani DetC

2/320 f14t- W -)

3 1/30 :xty cl

Snt !in (-I 0

G6X 102a



: or'.bc .

-500Z .' 3CI- I- a I.t-n r~ic.!o t

it tV'r1 N1 O,

01 ir'3 V0( n

X-o'rii .t CJ c" -.. i.. -_u,,r A. t io01:ic.i

5-. : Cron 'J- '<''c 7u, or firc Ps-- *'o-t role.

a. -' I n 4- -4/-4 p

twic oporro:on:; "2r :: ric

C.j -'lht ne ~ c- cn _- .u

2 t - r: ----1......... .. '8! - li 1'- o~

7ir1 Ft sun'zr oat-ie - :rr

C. k 0. U .v t--> '- -c.-cid: i.-littc inor,.ticnhnmo' -0 L cur 3, prvl. e on 0-cr-an r:" " --Aone)aflt

1-- ce&3j~n tinnintc of -1h--- mvc !1-1::ur 1r, (AVN) r 0 h

'17 ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ !IZT oilcc lcbjio oial oc u-cs tI

r6 A3,1.~


Su.zflCT: C. )2 J-, c

C! .oi


, 1 i

3iz- ~~ j~ 7' 7 nn -.

c n'r?- mftost :t

111" - ~-:I'II 3100 C I- 'ot'- c 11/327 7-.


rt trc

'I'-e-: 70- cr-

:*.lt:it rc - -i/2Tin t-,) c V-


0 ,hsacticd. Z ore

-'. 7-r d -0o

o-- clP C

'srI-. toc-, 0 .i -1 'xwt)-ito o'id ta to- ~ ~ ~ ~ _ a o o .. b ir tlio tn-o


CONFIDENTIAL1SU.VXTI Oonbt't U p. attorns ftcur .tiot : ,,,oeio.~ (mdjur .3)-.;)k

Sa rYGv In 'if n ,1'1,

- 50 o t : 0 7_( 'I, VC

oulnont woro Lou j..- ~ c-. -,c Tyr 15r dr

'7r :0000 noC't> o: -. )' 'c eon'CCtV.to0>f trct, e rl-1: stri -:3. it av1 ' to'da' ' 3"va-lley noft':uroso of .- ziri: -y.- o'er. jojthG !t t

3 piz'" un o :tZ titC-

t crs. On )7 jusic. '9'' L'- 'i --. ,coni "-'r.-e t'o south oi'

:)"e-A4- ,z '*..,t

12. (C) 7 s, ;

P. 1.o ' c'"7", inloP:oos i; -nsco" in A1ts :ina, fiL, zrnd .OC3tro" Vit o rO.? 17c. 1..-o LAY TO, T.,: C.:- cmd Tt;i'c

()poronorn). lossoc:

52 "0 !2t (D,)239 K7, i"

210 ''v (S

Y2 C~c-


'inci Corn

2.2. , i S - C'crv-r.

T51 Chic 0.

7.Arc'~' Pistol 1 7-ussk:,1

Totcl 1.12

M 'r flo-t 3 5 rd~t

752 3-~l


3 i"' .p - O o t t.2 Ju ly :9 ,,<

'~~ Cv 2:-

(4) -: :. .. . ... t

(5) :.: . --.c

::. ' 2.' 1-z, 102


"-'r,2 01"l..-:


22 tons


-,:: * ?:'i t' cfl:t 5'.

'na c:i: ?ooi 2

• a tc]c 13

.7 ,1513'-. ao2:'?,ir' to lctttt)Ion

:: 2 S 371 L2,o..,. -r -'

2-.23920 9 orpny

ZTI203S " ,r.t tc3AJo:'

Z;I.333,S5 , tJ n


J3-Jz1) 7: July'91

13. ()L&L~ix

t ,'dtr-tionx.

a. ' fl::s -79 rouyeIn" tm to '_V"! !L-.t?' - ~'-"'s ic ~ ronn

coA ct cuK. r ',- .', !!n i-t"9-I.~dzcci-~r I% 'Zvrr 1 % a' to 'ac inaC 'v ' -xtvin h

s~h ir.-'sZ)o rss .t t3 'd V

sloitii m. -sL C' e'" c .rc o

t:7 '' ;.Ktc, .n c '.t''"' .1 .A gj

1 vs hi

by -r-- b ' Is " cv'!.G o

is~ ~ ~ v 'S-*"c c o=* - - --y sz- .. .- ' ro

'c -' a c Sdin .,a

c dc -.. ~z -. -l

-(2) - rr7c -

- 'itt':. a-,,co -. C tic 11"n3'

rar -n" b-, t1 a-~c b. C

(3) "c' lc-n'. %.i-:! n--. n c.'vrc V'c! use of'2? co 'tnz-3 it's , v lr:.' c: -n - - . to

-to 7vSAc '. 12 . - I c u..-/.7 is rzut- it i toc' oln's Zmr -, . " . l'st c,' tho ':tflfl Corps CI{-46



coti .' ll"'ti ''t- rc'j)Jlo oxtr-ctirn.

.'r3 icon o usc"'C? t 71- C' 2.1'Yiit 7poiits,

to o-4, ', ctV IrC'.t- ' ha...r jco -- 'o eircct crn'trol cl tbo. b-t-t Co: .C . seon ,. 'rt'-t I ut 'At 'Cy }o c,-r. 'rovieo t'aocr r 'hlblit, ro2JJ2) ly, ii 1 c~i I cv'tcurtio" '.0< sn.-al ur. t

) rt~t '. Th -'b32ncn of'

-- tur''a c,!- J -na sO u;*In o. . mao a"at'mn'tto

The t .c' = ox' c i-"oor "' U~i ton o, rs s:to btnlior. h!'s"rovoe of,-ootizo.

10 '- '.- -j ot: Co'vthv;Ous on:' Sir.f lt-nooxls

*..t''r"' t"' V' ?1" . .Ato ccntin'.rs to bco

- ~ ... ~ ±CA~tt-2T rcndio in' the-r - X :-ne' to "7r. 0; ct 7-'.C. a1- '0 vou~d bo

"A ". %*n LN -4-2 r, c. . -3v P ci cc-tinusun eon:'tit'tinst,-(-o C '-zi


1 -"X, c a .' ?iloto ' 'A's ordt darcot

() 71, ~ -aor i- 'c b-cn 'ciuv to '."ctc ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ V 1..-- . c 'o -~tionz'c jur"

1a to-oin.

t'-.rowc~ 'sn 'ss.Ort DSot-wir t" ' 1 cce %, vcO"C..'n t.- 'a~n V

r~_o.nor b4

'M": or - V* " atrmrcrs i~nr roc 4, o---!o

at) In is.'xzd'_c.- mrsno' -or -Ita.n

(5) C"l~' C'"''c t -io a w:ane on t-&

301 - f = S -i'c :,Z- G Z t:2.

wou2.t rc2'ucc 'l-c to- -c0"'r-54o

-::f - ~ l '11 - 1.1-- rlL --- ,'c- ' z^, 5o --o. 'v t to ':.V.'

k0) IC 0' to z~'s '' n: U. I

71z' 70'! Ccrr'c-:cn r' -Y'so--ors: i--"or:nco rith,C cnovr- Cco27..ti-n' . - : ~-. cot 0.2 - -r izt 20oton'.i..J 4 to

to tclwo :32. ows:'!; o2 t 7 200C~t


7:a~ '055?.

ck') : . u:,ct7rx t' cl..

'I .. ^ t r 4'or

P VC 110 V,7 I Q, "-~ ~7'to t 0:11 cc' _, '-o--z r' -U ej c -i as"'. o r"n to ~c: 2

17rc - "Iw Ca"', o""") ctvoic

t,, .) r!""' . 'ani C1 2 'Y ?Orcoa±:voneC3~ Qrc': t aort t ' ' wc-~ "'uno ~ ep ri

-co:t Lu c- - s 't' sic.111 ' lv 7 -- c c t, 0 o a t't oU'o c',O

sr-a; c.Wettv . ,.. 7 :,.r

C") or' ''' I s"" t 'Yjor .22' fatten,

0c ̂ it, c on 3' Tn -r ""c o'o. oTh 5vofl

10 -c,= -0 r''-"" '1' .-, '02" t 'I

A'e'ous '"' .;c't:sr ,'---.c 1 b-ttetodcin Cewrc ic'r'c-it fled it.i~ the

a', t". - a S e --ci-i"'- nor

b.c o 7.7iol t Vi"a"-"' ', 5,1 crz -'r I .7

t'- oncS ot .171:;: n c ' - '7 "a 'w o24 cr

c ' .o'' 71 -- rI,-'n -- -'-"5 -5 's"o -- tocr

c2"cC2 o-3O 10.rti

. t orriC - nVo-0 t7r,)e Z o

r,-~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~= Sv -.0"'rtor h1 -ioCootlo:js uleznaJo

teoesot ilc.:o, t-cisc -min r. 0 on coltz P o

o. Tiot ho. -i ' -.. ' -n~-.-f::~io~cr e :o2Uo"t


' .;' on" t- I=



CON FIDE~NTIALnclosure ~ ~ I n rtc t r.cInc~s~e (P~so'~ ~ o -ftor..cion *'enorts, C-seratioy,

a . Doginlig of Cout Aicn i';.J>aL

(1) Trhe 3

Lrlra,<o norsonnol strengths at tho beirinning of QC.~ationwoure as folo s: _

d fP40Joinod not -ocsl.'mod 1!6Fr-scnt for !buty 5752lic r ':nsort fr r !ty k.7..J r E- rnt 2 3

~2' Tc~ asi~'cd srth 1309A of tho authorizad strength;the present :-or duty Strc-'jh was 139% of ibr~ autho)rizod s~rogth.

INrsnn1.(3) Of tho not troscnt for duty strenigth. 339 v'oro hospitalitcd

b. Conclusion of Oction %"THUR1L. T

(1) The Bripado ncra, nnol strcngths at theo onclusion of C,0oration

K.4%i ae ore as Collv

J'inc4 not assir'ncd 15Pr 'sou- :7.r rJty L203

Iot - czt for Diuty

Bisc Cm 15;7A

Tuy lHos ?554

(2) The vstrnc'd wts 171% of tho outhorizod stronpgth; tho Ycesqnt

for dutv strcr. th waus 10,'f h uo~y togh

x~sonncl. (3) Of tho not rrosort for dutv slrcmrth, 421 imurc hosritalize 4.1

Infl,'tion is al.o rcflccu. in tbo rct rrosont for dut? brcausa:

toof-hoo(1) - lr-r'o n'i-b,.i cf hos-.ttal4zod rcxsonrcl 'avo boon transforredto of-soroho~rit1z,, CCUUSt rd/or ovcn dischargmd fromi the Us 4W ithout

notification to the losing, urn.


Lilour i~cr~~ CONFIDENTIAL

(2) Thm, t'ruJr1nt st~~t.~cut~iiysystc's rcquiros casjfninP

"orsonnol (U.CS,.) to tu! -rcr to' thL~r r'hysic.-ily iol-initg tkio urit rethw' thknadmInistrativc~v or Ahcv in the oio

~ ~. ~ 1,. 1 have cf divortud withc'vt tho rubsoquant

2. (C)

9. (.osup& ' G r3ticn H1,dHOIL -0 Be tfo,%M


'A2 6

b. Tr~tal cp.-i1t--os to e.ntc aro 06 fclows:


a. . trt- ' rc-lacac'cnts we~re rc- Ivod in tI~o Brigeoe duringthis Period. Br,'" w-jvoJ to tho e ouver bittalims aro as

perocnncl tC

rj.3t Lcire


0. Fc'nrgc',l rq' tn for crintinvinr critical. LOS shortsito voroIsubvdttod for Z-7 Ynbtcon rcr '.c~rta, ccrks, podical s!ocjaigts, rnochas, norsonrL;, rr.. ~c clxzka.



CONIDENTIALIncosuro 1 (ccntci)

has rc.-c~vr.,. nn n'!.v x:rr. i-,.-r. v 0. a . -ill -1~v'.V.o O'(O


liic tvaizn jdfcdiS§ P '~ 1 O u. . i "por Gr o.ti

810150 t, AS 630163D) uO t ro ' 1v C' uV trrinfrvc'ruci~b, n yici "Inrx ic 8 rviA n. n .at.r cria.

kobserva-tion and restricted .nur pur..ti. vi:. a 1 oh of la;,nn zcoe.

2. (N) Th.- thec:1T.w. c L!i,= thL iucathzr, aithcuChthe vs lss riin ado ' \ot i. ltotcuorod intr-

quuntly, but hocw clud acidn 'L- eacht..-: Lrd lasBt-Ad until carly C'.. £2.1.win_ ... ; l.i~*1t-!it2d cortal a ctivity=nd rustnict4C vizibility o.' ' rv -n. hcurs ;hunLr ;,nnd ^tS pre-valent. Thes. vwcstner ceniticns G~ne.onll4 the; enc--y by erneoalingh-is activity and ;.-an . ..rial cbst.. ti a.

3. (C) At the bz;L_.;ir s u ,or,-t' n ""',t'14 £:floviag infer-natic.n was availcabL. ruuc rdir_ eao&yctivity:

berdcai. this .r.

b. -nre..J i". rcal icr:o at DAN TO, wW.i "said they wovc; _Latton loadersin the. 8Gth INA fLegL. ent, rc)rtect thcir urit Lo be at YB 7845 with a. rvtor.naissanco oloeate.J at ZCX C.h (18 Kay 1.966) precarn- fc a- tlck en that

L . At z mct ir frren, the 4t, r, 24t!- 2W.'jiRegtct rcnrted his battztl.

inn tthe0232

c. Other infc-.ttic:n lad t,- te be-lief that cno f h24th iVW. torinent wASo north c2, TU :t3;70;o (:0 135354) and tVic hat~'4 4

cnswore atuthuest of 'IOU D015220 (Zn 1225).

.o 2;ohad rocetved. s~pa;radie rstall ariis, autt.ratic waxand aocrt rrzi7at.:{Ce. thu atrhfria 22 ;'_.y tU 20 Vay 1966.

4. (0) D'i'3,:;t,)' c-ration, the intslinEonca situatien wasz dcvolcpodti; fr: at line. con.ta.ct.

.. ar priso(ners and. dccu:,ents a'' the ±dentLficaticen of cngae-ad units as the- 4th, 5t; an 6th batlin 1' tha 24t'h INV. 1--,gt .nt.

b. T11e waa'ias 't , y nv iesuits iato the. 705 1.00 reafe n artillor'- c,.ttr. ha b"er. atL~ek&' or. thu :erai cf 7 June. 1966.

This front line;- ca.t t was the prnic-l ecurce of infcrnatiee about t!Dene7-,'S a .caticn frc; '7 June0 until1 the, endl of t'. oPeration.

5. (C) lnt:

a. Initial Ordeor cif Dzattle:

(1) 'rior Vt tho arriv-l cif tho lot Brig~ade, 101st Lirborneclivisit .- in thu 1),J TO area., it wa.s believed tlint two Y14 kjZ, lt woreprey.princ, for an att;ack (r, the Tab o' :; cut-wst.

(2) flalliers cad! ;riso in~ce tha:t these, unita wore the24t'h- and E8th :7!.flrnt. >1A. L-rs ir"ioatad th',.t thu., 24th w-s.2~ odithe i~mne.iato TOU 1'f n rea a.nd the 88h'.as oae I a



Ineloou.o 2 (into!-., t C, t 1 L c i.Oc t prto

t,. be 40C-O iN- t . . . - -.w ri "JLC ' xzrjtcl .

'14C! ""W. .e-t VIC L"! U c.: rf PrrbU/I B-1 24thl 11.. Z3 123? . U-.c Pro.b2 u/I Bia

24th Po-t 122 8 0 26 ;'y Uncur-Sl' rob68th IVM ULc,7t y Unc'ni 45200 014 (K7h) 3 3 / C-niz304 Br: 0,S) Z, 326 210 2' G, rtfirned8-10 LV Cors z- t-1:"Cuorrillas Loc ,ttc rcc.

b. OB S .J-tJ~r.

(1) Units byLU

(a) 24t! 3 "

5!- u b, , * 06thc u , C, 11 1, 13


(2) U i ti± by (.CCIL acnts;

K5 5t' Jr 24t0:Afe

-:0 - IL cita 2 - 24t!, NIP Rout

(3) IM5's st-Ate z z>a2Jrbs cur!ylcx an-d the 304th Div Xqwas ccte in 7:hacnt, N'; .ho tlie roc~iImof stryod icr a.- rr-xin1-tol-y Cno-. ,nth bcfcrc ontcri.-. Soot*;- Victrn;,-j.

(4) Thu *;n--v tX 24th N.-c;t w--- L' DAN; TO and TOUX<0'.:00 czr.C aibz f~.......i2L..s cJir ront t,-e 22.12;,r SOL 8t Rartsstato&- tha thi- 88th. wts t c;: lit thu 24tL %la't in those att..cks.

(5, li,.~ ac~ vith t'-, 24t! 'A. 2oct in thu TOUl XC<00090vicinity &tan . ii 3 Juno 1,66, t!: 31 zri o 101st Airbcarna Divisionrunderad thdrn UniLrt : -cffoctiv, as -. cc.; Cat force. CasuaLti(us to tha 24tht&-Ct wore iv i.Z.. coual~g usUl it is ;r ba'nile that it will

be --vra1 ' 'rcor.teut czn cbtairT tarent an aLain boconoeffective as a C u5nit.

(6 t.)- :2U..2to; is rL.-xrtcA t. Ix lou as a rcou1t---------------- lack at rodieal

supplias, I fGcd , i:..1 .'i.. O, nnd Lea'r at frc-na'ly air attacksand artillcr> 1:.

(7) Izjo~ .ueoc2 lists t;-e final. rrdor of battleof ensa~y Lorcos in 0, 72 Pr? c

641 '-i


me. ur 2(r~eli i~jCONFIDENTIAL -

Inc 1, sure 2 (1 CtL Cer. 1-..n aLCI' .C iL:.'.r,0rrtc

and stron.-th o'r tU~ 21L.

e. VC :eorao:u- nn ah.-:inx31n-, inI 1rvc~2b tcth Asi to;'- Ao~ij:

6. Intel: juozoc L i

(1~ C) m:c'' 7c arc- i x VO bo.Soinceot ,. sy th ( C 'a 1 k10 oszla ' + i ,t.:LtZ n

(2) Thyw VC1.x ii to. ."~ '.C, Mu2 ;C'-Li: 1D.*K' SLIT anjo, b:s jxlooo " i r ,ot- t'" 10 'L.C Jl'nZ6 is %ral2 as

(3) T:; VL in ti~ U-II. C , [L Vrcr.vboon sot back as indic'~to' by- tU'. fifty'o or- n-'m so-Iltils ta-ken byUic 24th ;NV. ,ort.

b. Loars Lerrd:

(I)~~ I1P.i\: ( a " toa ns 'l -aciats -2 ';C cit'ure,onhacecs the ti;:clinusi r' an dm-~ l. les t siiyoffalse or uiluyi' -.s..c0.41t~.c L+

(2) LOne;-' C.CCaS in i .. urc. arc; ho-tor su-nic -rC r '-, !Ler tha-nthoso one: untoijl in +..... .. t1 C .. . . ±,zl~ -2-C" "oT Dro.netoz stand on fi-hIan.x 1, a., r-ii .4'.. , * wio Il Tn W's 41Cs-.;layO. whon C 2/502 unecro -ofec o .w.ex 1 s'bcunI, aup,-crtod by a t-Ain size m--rce.

be 2 ro>vldod to IFY te r-n o t linc batuai, nis. Frunlca::tivos c=nread their own. z-is wher, tho~y eaz;,,t rea$.. Us

(4) TrailI stuQ~s ver-iuic, Lr sua rm.t sb Ld be devet>-od- for the 2ricadels ovm use imt. ot-her UIl. r.e;ssUi

proviA~oirLSonnaticn n cncr7' activity thr.oughout tl'e T.'OO-. In 1,45 hkurs cl^~~~~5 rroicvisual rcr-sc.ef~n 4 reenifcacislnE flo b' -r, The 2191"

S-2. ?Uis has ruve t,, b r. nn -eollort T2,thol. cf Cantherire intelliZ~onco in-forn.-ion whi-le units aeir. inajor conflict.


U::1 Tn 24i.Lr-(c 1

U/I B.n 24t. Z.3 (9230) 22 J ur'8~ ., t Y5 D 12,10 -1 Uncunt 7r..)

IllcCc YB 1) 96A3 100 24 Ur.COnlfi=.L03038 TP1A InMi Gr. Z 2210 200 15 Jun-303E iV.*. Iiil Gr .S 9305 1;10 15 Jwun2 ':"C Gue a 1312 160 10 i u.U/I Du ~ u 1409 200 14 Jwl



ZLsi-xo 2 (Ci.fl sitic~r.t trcn £t c t:-.j 24th P1, n Lct)tInclosurc 2 (T,- I-rcc .. 01. £~,

24 30 4

2 3.~~ i9


5 324 2


304 Div - c,'c ri -O1 0 0 .0G 6

24th liL t - C, -C rno - CO;'G MfJONG SA MEfi~

2nc' Dn -K-5 51,rl ; K-6

T'ri, r t init .-t 24li. 0s.cbihod42, infiltrnt 2. as 60~ ir -rt c r-wctnbihda

24th IN,% -4Ci7-,nt, 304th Division, wit',, -,n !,ttticr. n, rtln i T~u XPrnr .nc. twobattli p~ scut' wcst cf Toxu Kur-.ijZ vic ZB 1225.

3. (C) St~~t:Tiic 24th -- -t, 304t, ?'. Div 1;. -!;'n ~tunJ. 'C&L s~rmn' th c,,C tbcut 2C30 ;)ors~mr.clt. It is ~t~~



. h-.s T.b-. rt - I:, : . ,! '% r .tv.;i6h-.idtt, te CUt C, .LU~i tI nI bssaa

Hwy A14 (aEk:k T,

Phrsc~rc- ty C-ais ... 1 wit!' iri.n--

ly Ui'its i. Tri, 3 ' v: (.) r -rx.c~lD.,ikTv ( , Ctie uz-- 1. tL ,i C - ii. t 'r- t:wAccn3iVO f rcL~s by J'i I- c ost it :rc. surw . t. uo, torcin_ withrnwal,

uYthus !rc- rin e LI :i th - - c- u

bUrh~t IL '".L *'. : t,-1w C Air

7 c-torxzxi, )ly nas tiA. VC ,tll ekutii .n-' c., Iz-rw Dait To.

5. (0) Tfr.Aining

a. VC trolrni-v 2.CC2 iccot,-.'A 962016.

b. Traininv: (,f th, t'lzrth VictzrLa w scl( i~r:

(1) inf'rmtry tini: Th, bcsi -,.I! instnictii n r l.NVA s5L'i-r is In,'ntry , mL &r Lcc f 11 'n~s rcc- va infzn-crv traint.,inclu- in0 Zucrril>- cin ifltr:Ii- r. t-.cticz. Zn;'hinsis is m lcw. u;:nnn1,urz-l =.1-I artific~i 1 , bst- c11 s, uf- 'ctivo; i&Slvilu-1 :rk snnmsbi;-:Xs.,- ta ti. n is ciic, urafcd. Pr sc Ivin'-. t c ti cal r-.blo-m.

is coveredZ. flrtr r ckflslzrC -.rtilicry. Due low technicaltrairnn: is linited.

(3) Technicc-.l ser-vices training; ocncrzdl*,r is ;.crfchrnod "OJT".

6. (C) LO'istics:

a. Instalj1-tirns:

YA 629827 PC !s Crmto/li .scn or:suij;c point

YD 659410'0 Prol, st-r . c rico -rc-a

Y-, 930160 S Us,) VC boseo irearo 909372 Pcsz smu. 'Ay -,cintAS 796255 Po:s:; rice -x,''. ,rnr-y stort--eAS 830255 Boss -.czy sa-ti'.nAS H15333 PBoss suT,.ly po intAS 9794139 can:,

i 962S16 T iinareaZ3; 13C500 cat;

YA 729W53 Kcs~f SYl- 667.485 OCoywn y Zizc:., rc ta. oYE Dd h 0.ic, stca.-

Acre s C -nh:b 'i=.cE :..r

YA 565376 Or,',r.on,.cuLVE 570596 Or-nIniceYA 729053 EopitzaY.. 600811 'erc',r Or , ai -r~itYA 660670 TX:; no/lis'iswc sta tiw-nYE 531635 Doss- bcr'Xr crcs a.iry tvimtYE 669P5 03 Eiitc:-wstrf

b. P- r tr-os.erteti. n ton i-.c'ch f r~s. 'urc~s c. nstitnuts a skysyt-if rsuri4ly .n-. culz,;c-uC;tl.' "CL',, isflC iV. a iif f.l z-unt cf

foad andl clothin'-. Jrmuniti-c r,-k~ th- hu.ViSst otewn-rds uj0on th. suppl)y"rxvicwi. - .



J, - l,.lnfl . r : t~.A(vr2 L t~ra)

1 blt1 LA.,, 1 seA

7. (0) Ct. t :i i~p.C iLt.3 L loW C uXo tc >oscc1 .ss..s,iteck cif Ca-' :r.' l,; :4f cc!:bt. Cetmb..t cAcins24th 'IVA 1. n t C - conori_dQ tn-uCfctivu xuntil r ±:_-co:.ents rarin-£~reonents ca~n be atta ined,

n.Iniiltratiz:t 241th The, tieat code rc'.nC SONGC CA'U Orna-' . Th~sinfiltriticn '.rou wa-s divid-e.? trite: zvxeaxus src.11 sej,.ontLs. ti tL± kbetween e.-ch ccLlicint w.,s twa- e.7ys n-_rch. 31), EcvQ:.bcr 1955 a Cek '.rturcooroucry wv-s hold nm. the first cls-7-cnt UccprtcJ, and t.rcivot. InPn vinc.c 23 Juno 1966. Rosa'. platcn. wLnr caaa to lecate oixna


1st 2cna~nt: 4th Bn, ;10 21021 coryc.;.ny, 19th Trnsrtati.nrC~n-in'ny *2Lmcni aoa

2j,-' Sjc7,cnt: 5th Bni, sutesXin,.to units :_nd irrt2Hcs _quartors olenent.

3rd lc ort 6th En, runat-.t;, subord!inatc units an-'Cf~z~~H"s.

b. Purs-anlitics:

i._,t CO2cTUOOWn.t Xo 1i,.J :UNCO

4th Bn 00 Sr Ca:i;t IYHUJGxC: Ca,-t VAYirC Sr CA .co:

1st CL CC Lt KEITX3 Lt DA:

PC Lt :xrAj.1PO Lt DAO

z,.,- C.o O 01 MIMIO4thCo PO "t Y

5th Bn CO Ca.t MCU NGX0 Cap;t MIPTPC C- t N

.6th C: CO) Ut V07tl co CO Lt HitG 6th Cc CO Lt LC&'.

10th Co CO Lt NO1

6th En CO ClPU- nls; T.0


c. Weapons i.n .?V atai,

74,:1 DXX .0 . . DT? 412.7 YZ 97.62 14G 1ki,-47 Fur InS? otry

110-26 -,r so..rd~lu

Thu -t. vu is t ./m nurbur thrcu:dhutthu 4th, 5th an. th 3atC-4if -' ,/trD iv.


INCLOSURE 3 (O,-EiAVl0~ b ii, iko ijuADk 1-



li ER



_ iio












jCDa J405 Sal



R F 70

1 101


CONFIDENTIAL- Inclos5ure 5 (Lo stcb) to Cxit..t ZperatiNuna '.±tur i.ction Report,

Operation hAJfflIC,{

1. k(0) ____

* a. 3up'or t~t i

(1) ~ crcr Iv~dkthe ecw-and andcontrol. of ouRort utW110: io r or.'rnizeci into cornand,operatioris, COI~ufl.C Crew, Sr :ctions.

(2) up;'i ..-nt u'si nsisle for: thec receipt,.storage,, an~d tsse o. all l~z- of su -,%. It also provided a rig'ersection and an zxplcsive '5 I'C ac Disosal 's.

3) izoternr- ct r rnt rVo Vyic a rep.air ca-abilityfor srail arms, artill ry, en-i ,nar ?utzlctivu, sni'ral and quarterrrasterequiprment. it was ;r-, siz, iito a1-ohoff cc L .o . recover:, andcontact tea-

(L) -edical Company (- o )a A , cs rn c it or was establishedwith a tw~enty Socd cA-uicity, a :u:'dicat sect,'or., a hol6dcn, section, ecrer-geney truatment sec son, and a dentzl section.

b. zoup ,ortin. Forces.

Suppa't (1) Pcs'warc 5up,-or. Fea'-- C"' tL-Y) -'Pa TrangSup or o.'.oar acconparied Uhc 2ri ;ade frc. G-iC :20 to DA:( TO,. It was.

replaced by Forwiard Dupport Detacrcwnt (7 F 7115 QU,,r 'i SupportComardl. This r-o-.usrd oupnrt Oatach7,. ( ) was collocat~d withSupply, Caorpany, dcpzs-.rt nt ' n '' rosponai"le for receiving srndstoclcinz Class 1, 1-.1 arH I and for is"' e off Glasa !II to aviation units.The ISD was extremely coo'-ativ r'~d res.-'onsi'va thr.oughout the operationevernt'~1 c rwa eatcrs, martic'.11ariy in7l Cisos III and V, were far above average on. several cocasibns. * Ihenaerial resup-'y ~ X r~~t'toverland ro-supply was effected promptly and efficiently. The 'eu vroraster, QUXWo-cz Support Ccrcrare, visited the Suppor-t _3at;taliJon (FU5 4 almost daily,

C.and was instr-umecntal ir. providtng the axceillet sun .:ort received.

(2) 10th Av.'iattn Battattoun: Provide"l two airnobilecompanies an' QV-2 aircr aft to sup; ert tactical and tgistical: operations.* The C '-2 aircral't'ere used to transport sup lies, repsair parts, to ar.d frc-s the -fqrward area. ,rr;.t sorties allocated werenot sufficient to !sup'ort the logistics plzn on - 11 occasions due

* prizrarily to ldrge'nurbers of replacerarts arnd returnees trans ported to-and from the forward area.

(3) CE-47 haliconter sup 'ort was p rovided by 11:7th Aviation/Company (lroil .ediur.) art 1 st 0e'v 'Liv (ntirno1'nl1c)

(4L)4 Ij5t Aviation Companyst Provided a dical aeroevacuation

throughout the operattcn.

2. IlLATILI LS1D SRVICESs 1Aa. Sup.'ly

(I)- Class jI total of 107 s'nort tons. of -9 rations and70 tons of -'4515 Co-ebt indcidual Type C wero i.ssued during the oper ation.An adequate sup.1;', cf "B" rV , ons were r-e-eive6 aod "A" ration freats Vtereissued in sufficient quanti -:e5 to supplement every real' of B rations.However, fresh vegota)-'s ' not sin -lice and finh fruit, art bread *4'o1reextremely linitud.

I(2 ) VsaSs 3 11 1V1 Class I! & IV supplies -,ere shippedfrcm Prizade tiunec't to%-tt;e lea in, SP A R t e, nd FJU ?IIC N area SupportConrand. Thefoliwng it n - wrerc:r/rf in. ;flanv~r 1uatitiec than


norml: attuies CONN DFIENTIALricspnhI

noral Saterus EA386, 6A 30), corcert-i w r asrochliners, and in.sect rcllnnt.

(3) eo-srI ' *jra e'y, . n wxre issudduring thu Operattio. 0' xci, tl P u ' 103 1J-:1 of

* , 75C 01lsr '.11_,." 1 or.:. , t 15/1L6)Supportin.p eviAticn units vzoWdgO 2"'o- of J' C' tonLs).

C)Css V it lv 9 Mhort tar. of Ctc3 V wre ss dur-irC. thiL, operatior. ofwroer 6- hrr1 Lo J_. C. ' 1ei._ntu.; of tholot Cavelry Aivision ri n ii) Lb. .ullcr~n ~tuw v-re in short

s),yCurlrc tin0


(a) Hard-held F1 res

(b) ltbite St-tr Clustfers

(C) Lreui: star ClUstc-

Cd) hbite &teLr Isr.chute: Fl >rcs

Tactical usrir3ency rcaupply warz used rurwr.; .c :12..vnsL fi ting to.maintair. the bricado baisic !Lwd of 105mr .exruzcr .G155Fr hca:1tserarrsunitien. T1e trigad. re-lees ted and rose ived r,. incrieasc, ini theAvailable Su * .)y date frLn. 20 rounds to 40 rounds fcr 105;.r Hoe:itzerammunition duror_; the period 8-12 Juros 1966. 'clots of lOSan,howitzer airmranition wure susperidud. TLhe rit...c, and F-orwa-rJ Supj onL otachmnrt, 4) 0 10,ae t[N Sn. up.,ort Comnard had a toczl of 4100 rounds ofammunition. on hard that were suspesrn-a.

(5) uetort Company A, 326th Ingrinoor Te.ittalion operated awater poirnt at Tn:P CnN:,H using once 600 OPH _rzi lator initi;_lly, replacing

-it with a 1O 1ii GMErdalator airlifted fror h>.d3

' .xintnancc:~ Tho Zupnort D att. lior, rzaintsnance detachnentrecaived 56 autonotivG, 1-17 signal, 914 armanent, 16 instrurent, 2 quartei'-r:!ster and P'. r:~ job orr.All but 3 oii'aal, 14 7,7d-- rc 2

quarterm.aster jobs were comp~leted. The shortage of spare par's forgenerators noted in previous reports still exists.

to rc eurrnswr ilddrn r ~nto.c. Crournd ransportation: A total of ono hundred and seventy

d. Air Trens;:ortatlan!

(1) -FLxed "tLng: CV-2 aircraft nu'? orting the Drtgada flew73 sorzias for a total of 1,215 passengers ?n-5 l16.6 short tons of cargo.

(2) Rotary !- ng - Throughout the, oleration, both IJE-lO andCi-4? helicopters proved invaluable in asrial rssup-,ly operation~s ofcor.ritted forces. Two UH-lfl ware placed in direct scavort of the I nfsntryBttaliaras and proved to be an cxtrarely efficient nethod of providing.tactical. and admnristrative t ?,rt to tho units. ihe usa of the C-b?reduced the inea recuired fcr resupply from that required by the 131-IDand released the ';:JlD's for supsert of tactical operations.I

(3) Army aircraft lifted a total of 392.18 short tons ofsupplies in the forwrrd arba. Attached at Inclosure I is the dailyaerial resupply'tonja~ by class of supply during Gpration HK)TCM4E.

c. Other !iervices t

(I) Cr-wva ,toistretion was )ruflided by 112th Quar te rwote rCamrry, in ocmant of the' QUX MONC Arcs Sup:'ort Cocrmand.

(2) 1: tr :in- ot-santr Com.,any provide!d a b-111 the -X;' 70 arc.

(3) .wryriipra/: n:a i~t was snitiAllYdeployed to t'- nf ocrt&) 060Jtt OtArcrnsary repair


parts, the unit was -epairod and the Briiade received oxcellent servicefor the remaindor of the operation,

3. (C) :.1C.:

a. T u sanitation of rTso halli, 'trl-.s ard units areas

required cacnand ep.phasis to achieve r t:.num acce)tablc standards, how-ever, health and hygiene rerird excellQrt considerin the operatiorAlurviroriccnt. " Iwo , d itll Fvacutior]s, not e-uipr.ed with

winch, were made available to the tbigade. These >raved unsatisfactoryfor extraction of sercrusly woundud orso mncl from mourtainous or heavtlyftwreated terrain. Therfor*, a requestwas ivrdo, ard honcred. 'for twoAir Force CH-43 (:,uskks) ait two arim CH-6 hulicopt-rs for thin purpose.

b. Patients Treatedi

(1) iA 212

(2) ibn-Battle Injury 172

(3) Disease 331 (7 k'laria)

Total Treated 715

c. Returned to duty h20

d. Evacuated to hospital 202

e. famaIn in holding 13

f. Hospitalized personnel (battle injuries) categorized bywounds are as followst

(1) ,ead 30

(2) Mhost 10.

(3) UQ;)er extremities 68

(4) Lower extremities 81

(5) Abdomen 6

(6) 2ick-.- 17

.TOTAL 212

4. S~I, AIRY:j

a. Supply operations were simplified by collocating the

Forward Su.)Port iu cchre.ent, QUI W.CN Supaort Co-mmd and Brigade SupoortBattalion. Ce;t.on supAly points uerc usod for Class I, II, and V.Support Dattalion, lst [rigadc 101st Airborne flivision provided Class IIand IV suply.

b. TOM rigadc rade extensive use of the CH-L7 helicopter fLresupply. It proved a substantial incroasu in cr.yi-rg capacity overthat of U1-1D and therqfore reduced time required for aerial resup-lv.

c. rater sup:'ly in the DM.A TO area was a problem initillybecause the 600 0PH -,rdalator did not function properly. A truck,mounted 1500 GH Erdelator was disrantled, lbrought forward fror. PHAN-RANG and reassonbled. This.equi-nent proved a trauble free, completelyadequate Supply of water.

d. Hloist helicopters i Operatiors in rdouI-itainous ard/or heavily.forested trrain has placed increased rolranc-u upon medical evacuationaircraft with a hoist capability. /CONFIDENTIAL



a. u.ulc Luon of c~4fort rtduccd -colloczating the Ar.aforward Sup,:ort 0,.tacim;nt with th-. arg~..ic iorwr1! Sup ort .Akrzent,

b. Plans for provision of n~aC llcoters iith a hoistcapability Drast. bc made prior to an operation.

C. C-47 lulicopter3 are invaluable in corial r6s3nPnlj


6. (U) TI.4 j ~dcWS

a. Oianic ard Supnorting lo isticaj amercies continue tocollocate in.- future -oerations.-

b. Provisions be made for ITEDEV.-.C kEelicqdters with a h-Astcapability to 3upporwt the Brigade durin& future o~'rationa.

c. Chi-J7 Heic optora be m'ade availa:,lco ifr resupoly -riassonduring futurei *pratimn.

1 InclAir Reaupply fat~a -Operation HAWflMON


CONFIDENTIALInclasure 1 (Air suupply Daa - Cperatior. :- ?' C NE) to Inclosure 5(Logistics) to After Action iloport Cr ton 7 C,1


2 Jun 1,000 .50 10,00 5.00 2,500 1.25

3 Jun 1,500 .75 10,000 5.0%, 2,000 2.00

4 Jun -- -. 59,000 29.50 .. ..

5 ,n 700 .35 30,000 15.00 350 .18

6 Jun 2,900 1.45 1,250 .62 L,250 2.12

7 Jun 1,200 .60 72,700 36.35 300 .15

8 Jun 900 .45 30,600 15.33 .. ..

9 Jun 1,500 .75 27,000 13.50 4,300 2.15

10 Jun 6,o0 3.00 6,400 3.20 150 .08

11 Jun 9,550 4.77 10,730 5.11 6,580 3.29

12 Jun 10,975 5.49 46,490 23.24 7,050 3.52

13 Jun 10,950 5.47 L9,020 2j.51 8,330 4.16

14 Jun 8,850 4.42 39,190 18.55 8,950 L.47

15 Jun 12,950 6.47 64,940 32.47 6,860 3.3

16 Jun 8,150 b. 0 7 69,090 34.54 7,310 3.65

17 Jun 6,850 3.47 49,930 21.96 "8,680 4.34

18 Jun 5,050 2.92 33,750 16.37 8,000 L.00

19 Jun 5,050 2.52 b,250 2.12 5,630 2.81

20 Jun 500 .25 .... .. ..

TOAL 95,375 47.70 607,850 302.84 81,240 1.60



Thcliause 6 ( ) to Costrjat Operations After Action, Operation. ,Wf1R

c~ur:t' 1 A ne; ~dctidin tie are north of D.. TO, touisnipt and dcstr.'; xut bulievod' to be in the) ^x"C. The Drigtdozsicnal elornunts rieitdthe rran>! cc!:-:- uic at ions fm- the Drieja a-nd ter-

min,%~d te zyoQ),b tlhe Cari enlvt.

2. (C) 0%mcrtk t

a.VtW Section [ h, r'-i-n, \Yui ta ot committed until 12 June,when one systema - ri ntdlcd to tho Artillry Forward FDC, This system pro-':1kbd tolcotono c' sctrato th-e forwa-rd artilleriy elaeints and also toavtIjacont in~fantry, units.

b. Cenruicrticia Center Section - .s'u-e toletp circuit waisce,,rated between the Brixja,:e and T POX0:CZ- V. This was supplorteted by secureoradio tolotype circuits. to 2A ?L.;L-, IMY He. . ,.! &a~ nd during the ini-tin-. phases of the opera-tien, CHUG) me a n! PLIfl{U.

e. S-,itchboardl -eal lUire Sections - Thu wire suction a tcta of56 mil"s of uiro, 12 miles in the Dricado Cnaad Pest cenpiax and 44 i-Ales inlonG- linus. .. Cand eu ost limus were xrdorgroundcd andx all long Iies over-he!aded. The switchboard ter-iminated 62 common user circuits !an-d an addliticna l22 solo user circuits were instr-llec. This system prcvidecl toc hcwno serviceto all units am! facilities in the area and lone distance trunks In the Corpsarea. system.

d. F1' :tdc ctien - Opcraed twe F:;' Zets to mduc- the traffic enthe Operatic;i hl gec t Uned a utermtic retraramUSiasin FM rel:ry st--tion at Ta; E:3&ChG -. cei;c-erdiratcs 2O 138357.

u. ci:;ena; Sc-ir:n - The amber of 171_4 toletyN-vriters in sup-

nert tiaintotamco It-, beocunx_ critical.

3. (C) PolmAes

a. Sho.rtage, of ru:lcemenrt persc2tnel in the "ire, S-itchbcar% andecnn;unicfetiL1n ('cater Seettens is a scricus prcblema. Cc'muLnicaticn Center per-seane,-.l are or:=.* 11," critical1 because Lf the: security clcarance requiromonts.

b, PersurZ,:c on ViPU equtmntL, burned aut ccyet f two AVl£C-3 Thlo.n C,.rr-r Terminalis nd~ birniA cut severa-l cox -lete sets cfD.ssin tho -0/1.C-68 Termina:ls. The unrelia-bility cf the M2-75 Cvncratcnz

on n--. is causing ran-a >reblens. CimlY inc of taw twelve 3iC, A'C Geoneratorsp)lace:d en a :ricritv ruquisiticn in PoIvoiEAr 1965 ha-s been issued.

Inre;r vr siting of the nr terminal at Vie forward artillery lcoa-Amn caused several systemi cutnges. Clo sot c, ordinaitic n with supported unitsNI .trossizj the j roxrtince; .f ;Trc-ur sitine will be mae en future c*nurtiuta.


a, Whean there are a- largec n~u.ber ct attachments to the Brigade, asvcend Operatii. aLntcllircncc '. t tjill reduce traffic on the ;:rna-aOpratic nTn.tefligerec 44t t!,s jirrITLVing L. u rati. i-s. This secr-r net ca-n be c- cra tedon the Ceraui=, wet fre;que;ncy.

b. When an autcm.t- -e;tr-ar-'nissiu:: 711 relay stnti a is being. useddutrijg Irn o - ert ticen and it is lccated( in a% centratl lca:tion, it shculd rcmn.t this locat,'en thr. w9.e e r;%ticrs in the xrur% to insure adcoute cenranuni-n ticns to the; conbat c~m.eento.



£nmloauwo 7 (Iniorvntior') to Conibct Cpo-tions I4ftcr !.tion 71oport, Cporr-tior


fh oll-i-n- nivili-n nt-s cor ns-oan.orts visit.,), tho nri:?%do:

(1) Dw-id Sncl-1 -!C '!mmrs Tc-.

(r on "creford - .'- ;-vo Tomn.

(3) Firrd: . 7,e- !I os Tom'.

(4) lUoYos -Joooh - c,%-' ci);

(5) Ch ?loB !1obx - ifoir Yor:,TLma.

(6) IA-C-,j,, - .,asocictce' Yross.

(7) LL. Youn7 ' oul - 1%rs

(8) lk1rrmn Doemrorth- - Drllc's Ttnos Uor-Id.

(9) l1rAX 1!ZnQC.-V - CBS 1"CW3.

(10) loon Drnido). - MP.

(11) Ucdo flcsoh - C,7S -Net Torn.

(12) Bill. Stout -CI~S -:!ow Torn.

(13) Cl..ndi 3l^11rwm'r - CIS ,o-:s To-r-..

(14) !"iflhcz J. Cook - 'o'.ws.ookc.

*(15) I-r. Drodio - Lond~on Dn-iJy ' Tross.

(16) Stavc, V~p, llotor - UI~.

(17) Jcc'!&3c'irrl -Strxs and Strinos.

*(13) "orT-Zd Ti!-ncr -"D Jovsr~ Toam.

(13) Vo-MV'nh - 1M~C EIwa Torn..

(t') VA Girc - :MC 'Tc,s "'e=.z

(21) Bill ily-U.PI (t.

(22) Zici - Tixno ~fa(23) !tJ BrLil --~ntc Journnl.,

(Wk ZiL'. 73o'.2a- ChrXlaston P!c,' crA Courior.

(25) 2iec~ 1icrrimn - Al'.

(2) oo Oau-on

(78) 'r-ncis :-riJor - UP'I.

(29) urr.-c Jit - ,r.a,,,inZ-on p1oet.


CONI~-DENTIALInc o3l r C -~or:tion) to Co bzt ODtiona .ftr !c.o-i -lzort, Ooz-tio

(30) Doznx lh~o~z -)Cv :1t '7o=.

(31) Scoir-f-' - 'T, 0 1 ,8 Tomn.

(3.2) 6i8inAd -!, i To.-zn.

(33) Vo Swa - ows Toa..

(34) flri.- Gon (-.ot) :. L. ~ ooit

b. 7,.o .ol' owinr' !-.±it--.' *oorros-omc'onts 4ritoA theo frigcd')

(1) St. ":ncaeo - I-v.

(2) Sgt. IW1oco-

0. 1:Jo -W~icit- !,,s o'.,tcAt' cono .r-, tho Brir-c~.c's -. tivitiosto includ.o c.13 Tolov~sion 0ot-orks, -7irt 9)rvicos, endA no--s ?.nothomr~iout tho Free !!orld.

d. "dJiwt ('!r-iidngton Po~t) .w.s -ou.ndocl '~v rronz-clo f.r.oonta"Alo initlh Vle 1/327t!h Ti ;or Forco :-nd Tn3 ovncu.r.toA. to~. T7.'V*G.

a. Tic Intorm-ttcn O-r±co obt~aim, oloctri~o. li~hting md. r Dross

'lhtorrocU 'nrocossin- -r i'e .nrovo,' thrcw7".th Vi uso O tho ::Lverl room.

2. (U) CoR-.n IrWornntio.

a. The roeo1-nt me distribiztio-i o' coon'. ieorrrti~n nac'%pore--itinuod to bo -.onom1.),- 1-to. 'Thi ia t. problcm umdor continuousa stu&! !or

b. The .o n "T.a-riori .rs -'vbl4sho'. ")y lottax,~ros3 for tMc first

3.(U) S~= Public ox ~os= ofcI thc Drlr,-o continuc-1 to- fr'prove"ih i,;ftiernmt imrnoo n t~o -ercont:-,o of co:)y rolo:'sol rnd mubsocl'A"Ity





Indlo$'re 8 (crc&oo J ! -f. o) to Co::\mt Cpr~tn .ftoj. ix, o 60-',

orianted an~d d~rocted to tcrd onw-' milts in t>io o:jerm-.t.onr! rre..

r. T7 2gts: L tot.--I 6- 6,0t5,00 lam..ts or tLs. t.-ne £inatedvare dro7W,. oni t~o dzUto shovn.

2 JAmo C-47 20 000 Safe Condict Pass

.120 10011 28Vt 5 poc!.r1

.1301 CY~0 r -!110 Strike20,000

20,00 CNX Ifeon r.wa-d

15,11 Chieu M'oi. Juno c 47 20,000 -o necit Pas

40, 000 -1o Str'i3.e

120,00') 1"

3 imo C..-47 600 001) Chiou ;'O

6 iimo U1-10 50.1300 chleu '"oi

50,000 or '!o- -rrd

100,00-1 -Sr~e COn~dL-t Pcoss7 JAmo U-1i0 S o, 00r c.'llou o

L-1r'"000 Ch.iou Hoi

* L-1~ ~ Sal'a Corjdixt .s

* -0 U t-1 00bo

660000 C}-dsta!

Sr.-o Con~duct Pr~ss10 Jima 1-1 0. 60,000 4i:- uvroi

11 Juno IU-1 0 40, 000 Chiou '1i

40,000 Dwomintion



CONFIDENTIALIneoso'B~sv'eo r r'ro) to 'o"h t -or-xLions 'thc.,' oen Toort,

13 Jtma U-10 .

1 , Do or. 53zrtion0~ ~ '3>-otrilho

'j 0 St Cenc'uct ?,.s

14 June 1-10 'A, 00% Chic"I ;:o0. V0,)0 3 c.:o Strika

14,000 Do.-orrI izrtion

15 Juno U-10 40/'{ 'i) Du Co een~35%Of0 Chiou 'tot

16 Juno U-1 0 80;60 Chion :oiDre'or; )lzrtton

17 J'.Mo 1-10r0ANc -47 3nn;c)On Often "ot

3cv);000 ozorelitettan

13 Juma C-47 ?Y*Nh)T Da orflizztion20'"000 lo Stilto201 ? 30

12-10 40,000 24th, "ort SnacirtiI 0,'Vy' Dc.,rlizatton

19 Juno C-47 2000M1 Chieu '7oi200,00 ON 1.l Strike/00 001 Dui Co ?oorl

U-10 100,00 Ofte hilotioo"'col Dlu Co Peon~25, MO Strike

.20 June 1-1 0 1 1C." Du Co. Poon

-0,000 Sbrl Str!' o

b. Lou'oeoC :er. A tat-!I -o,. '5 hours 45 rinvztos of ' >-ncdas:oflcumby ISL? 12-1P, r.-n C-4.7 rirotf-.t on 5, 7, 3, S 10), 11- 1?, 14, 15,

1I~ 17, 19, 'nd O'r 0-7 JIMo. r.e the ' ! -- OI 1ee %S "rts C OfenOi -mdovorrivt5 on. A tot'! o-? three s'ooci 1 tn toreo c10 uring thel o-)crc~ton.

o. Sirc±..e - vrs!o nrte scci:).z'C, 'ne locrjizoClot 1cl-otsJ-rd three opcjoi:J. tin"' -or.-e i-. oted tc!' '--d coe-7-, units in it, oe-fr1_bnci* ret. (Inclootwo 1 md 2). It in- bolierde thrt '"'coo er.tiens,n01cthor : 7itf t-. Violent otontvnin: of cC o t~toticrt'. sitirtior. con-trif'to? rtnsv to theo dcorlztVo' vvin'- onc-"rzsr~t By

t- clsiv ofri -o~i tot C) o ro ;-,t0. Imz s-.codorcd

d. kozsonis Lo:-nd:

(i) '"hon n-w ic ea : roellcoe, _til.'^xly v ci10t l:,:t ?00 eOffiv Of the, trrno'lC-tion1 ofo'lct heo

.ttor o: cwso, Those 'copies ',i.l '3o itr-:z -, :.ndonts to 7Tr:' vt-Sitors.

N2 l hoitte <'oiildhbo coetx0, --iths-_ '-tor rosiAtntrti t .io -laric, Ltc Ac mdvoij 3ctwly ~clmd ,s gm~tI"rowotin -%lnt ie'Ll-rI2I


1I~o'7o 0( oo±o .Z-')to C i~t or'-tions .'1'tor Action Ponort,

(3) AnU'~c .on'tcuto ..-Dr~""i~~~ on tho

(4) Ty ', oj C~vr:.tions Officor s' o,.OId '.-va co.rMro-:.CJnivo kz to J&.to c,-tro_- oT ).oz-fots rv'1boto hi;r.

(5) mCx.-ntr.tion to t'ic ~ ~o^ on ro Psy -cr school tr,.Inodof'ioor r.nd two hrs ')conr.,provoil -nd porso:'.rol s:,ould bo ro -iisitionod ond

m.siod on m 3o~Aitc -. in



It-.0ost3To kijl to Conrt r-jn t- tor -aon.; 'o.o;wt, Onorctioni

I.' (C) i::1 2 Octtlm (A -ono, ot rJoiPS7.2;'-n~, lla tIr>--n ivlton. 1 jtL,1 t tKDtrn (7cr-C) -It

Aric- o-ieo-c- 25 ' tSon (':*r;),XC;t±2 o'

O. 01 2 Ttm 'A/?" .rt-' clio-eoi ro Z2040727 -t 1)010. rs to .v0220315 ht-.s -1 /2flt .ctor rocoiv&c- !A'-t "oc ;ros-:Ltinr; ini cna (1) '-:

P~t 2). o a re n Cre~i~k' w sal2tios.

ba. On 'Juno 9 tv,- " irlrco-. Er Irn Z:5043227 /7 st-rIt.m- ft

10^37! :-r. l3tr"a-z 13 sertios; clo-0r 27"cO034rC" 173') %r9 -t' toy 'Cir3 ropt7istr: tions, 30 -tc Q o.:-_t-Ait", 4.3 -cl± isio,1 ror 2ilhxrinc tion -dsi~stn!, 15 v-oy-"tionz, 1 'n~-s cnccntr-.t3.cvs, 3scroonin, :±nsimnw, 3S' s7 t. rots in 31! onr of 1/327 In' -r.' 2/5 '2 InC.

0. Cn 4 Juno '/70 n c'.r .isi-d '" o.- to 'PY,3434.1 sttrtinf !.tn ra! c?.osin, -t 1V45 h-r- to -eirorco tV Zt:-cz n- ',t:,-- nin sx'rnrt 5

o' 1/?2-7 T~v{. In t'- 7orat~o c-a11 /* ') -t-' 'aa 1 issioa c:-opnei1n 215rcnrnc'.s s-o~n~ore!_r theto c: "'-'-

155 ..-" (n 6) TJmc, i/frt-' el"'v 1 -'n-' tn T'f114210 by r7otS st-rtn- rt155 d. -l cloin -t ).'' 5 s

0. :.t O -,L -s. 7 Junmo ntr,-- : was -ttrcico) b- -fl osti-sted bL-tttdLion0-: the :!erth io. noc . Ono -keon o^ '1130 -axt- ?is-Wo to -773/.127 zntfl0'flrs. tniyfio V9? rvn1 in swr-vetfVch:n'on of

ilostroyoc', 3 - 2-7- ton true'.77 a '., 3 - - rLer:niec te2.cne% ern- -oe, 1 -j::... nJI airclo cctrorc- _vO I 704 r-.±o dostre3'cC T'n loisos

'erae 31, 17(0,21 - Ct-i Go- -.ron-tea, 5 - :ML rarte,'s, 4 ro; Veot lrunwc'ors, Pn- 3 ~ ioe . t OW0 11' ; C e'jzi.: co" to t1! 'C2W c'rsi-J -t 'W'O0

C:- t ronr'or fln-flvr oi oA to t :.- o foanoc n o' - 7 t lA 131 - 1 /30Onty (- ~-lc'to 7O2'cein,-t 1145 1,a to ro4 -a ore" A_:'ro, ofU

f.On S aauo i/JC!-t'- (A"-nr to 7'00034L r'r-c str"tLtr- 7 't1 '25 'i-s -ax' 0-n s - t 150')li a to rottncaoc Zirca of 't-.. n. 73--f_ tredto =- 3%34$ r- rott aot-rtfl-r rt 1W/v rs,'tnk dloomn t 2005rs a in A8.inosition&21/31 On-'- re 3 -ocrit -rtions, 11 nc' br-toos, ' 4 livrvtion71isslonsq 28 t 'its. ot on-,cwrAt- ta- 210 -m1 'isso- jt ' b 3reziatr-tierls V, ti- mrln-: 'dissea3 ?0 trr:eta of on o-.x-i1 6 ilmt-tio

c' o ri b-n e onacntrt tiec, 1 se.Ocnifrr nti in,

1301( t, s .o-co ^/32"1 .rty 'f,3fl oi-niod !-=' v-ie t:!oni3 Cn -:ct' i- iccenxit.' rnat con,?- -cr n ot.-

-LI: tzao]- 4^orce oontAtci' oC t:- /oznt-W :,r!*, 11/22Lit- 1 - io; cr,21):.toens :.2/17 Cr;-, -n-1 2. torccn 5/-2'- Th'rs. route "o~s ±nitifl1z' '

Cccero ' l-- win,, 7;tron-, --oir~t301,- .Or rCo0 1,y 10= Crt..WOn 121 June, nTIno ,'ra 'jicovera' on th-o oauto, -nc! it 'ins ?oetcrnn' e

',-otorroro oci~i, oi~c' 'n,-,-vev' !- iiret Lire. Pro:: 1? June. until2fl June the route vrr ccue- -on'"$1Ins -'- ' 7 moorra. -. Weren.ore no rum-in frict: nts otte' r 23 JIU10.t

n. n 19 Juno li-c7t li'' e to Z2704,1227 ait 2255 ;u:-r

1.I On P0 Juna Itry D ril Oh1/CO rt-'a1e to %YY -'6 elosing - z~-t &1020 : nC. U017 mi-s resnoctively.



'. rI


3.(C) Sul A'ltrtn h rtcri.-ns 00i~yuathi (3) days rntions cnd ai lo,,, Of alt' 7. !-ttarias were rosa -eo

lat - n~ :*)La tr ta ter Wekl to the0 tactice? aitir-ti en.

ASeclmity, o'7 n- in sune- i'e jotea: In theI initial nhae Of theoperation, -n-1kt~on(ibro Jd~tfoy a oe a con-

St~O~att'O .Ct~tr'in i jromo 320t'h, .'rtilleory :ctts2o, one

IIcNnay, tt'o Cavrlxr nIioor , and co 2ngineer nlatoon. Th7 :isioof tho attached, elonts u-7s tco -u-ov-ide socurity for the battalion firingi'osition =.-' to provi~do aocra'ty c'or thn. resu',ply route fror- Dedk To tothe batta.Lion £ lain-' :osttien f-tcr -ndimh; incident on the resup-plyroute it wa-s eoeldec to pull al' o0 'lo-a security elonents ir. arouncd thebattaliUon :irim- p)ositions ever I -ni ti socure the ro, ! at ni-Jt withal hoavy proyma-.i of 1-1 fuse _.1 frog. This seh,,ono n1rovedte be vary ef-1' roctive for it not onar, pre-vented future :A-Lnhg incidents, but also allo-edfar greater security of the ining positions.

h). Security at 2cattory F1in'; Positions: It waes found durin': th.isoeration Vt54- vans close "ert-ntrr An0 '.nro is esentirl to battery sc=ity.

Tae ports-atom sho,.ad'bo Cc:. anou-l fran, t o fi-incz positions to prevent bemdrenades fron rerach-ing the %un erotwc 7,nd rct close oneourh to pomnidt P. highderee of contral. of the .oinator force in ardor to facilitnte Oirect artilery'ire arainst the onony,. D.ring the lrVA attack or.n. f3atta.-:-, 2Pd Betty lion(fLibene), 120t'- 'rtifl-ory, the inability to locate the init-,ntry security

* olom-nts z'1revcnted the usa or the Beehidve round. It is rocoersonde. that the..ocurity olessents .4th t~io artilery be placed undeor the aporationcl. antrolof the -ertillery cornaner.

c. Tao 'Lr, Artillery, infantry Coerdinetien: As in past operationsthe conpiesaty of this operation, unnecessary lvus in the finMi- of'

artillery -nd Tau ;.2r occ,;u-re. ThLis ck!an be atributed to rnVfactors, some0of --hieh -xo: lack o- control ' the Cround force, oonr tinin;-on the pant of tha artillery M0, nissian sattwcttian of the crtiflor P, andlccrntieatten diffic -ulties.' Upon comoltion ar this operation all. artilleryEfOla MC0 mnd the artillery S-3 irene c'ssnlc nd this -irobliem watedis-cussed' in cetcil. A deta-led! list of causes and rece'-r--ndoe solutions isbeing pro-tarot, Car discussion '-its -l), personnel concerned.

d. Iashan-i: of Artillery Lrazuition: ThLis is a suh)joct that* reruires abnstsn4t eoax'nd sua)rvisten. 'jm,. handlers, if not properl,,

su-arvisoe., i-ll denar- omunition.. 110-ico'-tcr lifts to rin-K"finingbAteries crc n~-icularly dersging, to carunition beccause of the spoed s'ithirhich" lorcn;: -,0. unlon-4ig nust be ocoalshd fsaged erramitton cou,,ld

-the caluse of sane- o- the nuzslo bensts that htvc ocourod in- MV.

5. (P) Lessons Land

r. ?ufl all o.!' the aaexnity olan-nte in erA round the %rtj.lle1ry:ining n oaltions at ni')st end secure the area around theo positions '4th

ho :M, 2& firca.

-b. It 'ate fount! that by covering La-in suppl)2y routes --4th *,n heencd an d uc% (Q) on the sies of the road, nttn sep'-Oly routes %mrro tie

rapid4y opened in thr nornin-0.* Surface noeonent: Only one battery dis-flacermnt during, the e n-

tire operation va-1; =ado by helicantam. :-1 other dis-:')acercrts "ore orland"n':. t~ Licitht *$ u!;:n-; the uvailrlii, frcw vehiicles -'Iti this

eAttzfcn; Support B ntt".io1 , J'Wr.. ar the t-ttached 155 orm~no rkao'r




inolosiwo 9 (tIrtillor to Coi.bat Opcration3 t.ftor Loti~on flaPort, Opeiati-m

that a.U batteries oould be novod ovorlrrd e~xpditiously' cnd uithout inceiden~t.The oonclu~sion is that it is not neoarary ror this bcttclion to have nrimlrmc'ors for ocoh ho,,,tzor c-s it wos or inWIy beliovod.



Inolos'we 1 to IrclosuTo 9 Recap of Po.iitions,' rrid missions fired:

30 Mry - 8 June 19')

PO31TI01: ZD041227 Total io Xsn's: 63

Conduated 55 !'7 •7xponded: 284 F ,2 Re% 2 203 !3/rs 33 11P3 Targets of Opportunity

8 un 20 3xrle 196-6,

POSITIO':: ZD090346 Total No Ksms: 256

Condutod: 186 1 r'.I Expendod: 5,769 13 Reg 24, ' VTV, 1-".N/rds 43 '7r

30 Targots of Opportunity 64 I1'

6 I1i..isnls 43 Ill6 Props .10 WC9 Df Conr 6 Yellow Smoke1 Screening Xsn

B Battery

30 -av -3 June I9A'.

POSITION: ZBO14218 Total No Msn's: 135

Condutoed: 132 &I .roepended: 606 :7Q3 Rog 42 IMT

13 MCq/rds 2 'f7 Targets of Opportimity 15 Yellow snoke

4 ';

4 20 June 1966

?OSITIO:i: ZB089347 Total No Msn's: 490

Conduoted: 361 1- Tcxperded: 6,738 !!LE3 reg 228 .VT

43 1t,,/rds 17 HE--T.2. 1 11 124 U.T

15 Prep 186 IM2.6 fonc 180 Ill

3 Screening 11sn's 2 Yellow Snoke38 Targes of Opportunity 2 Red Smoke

1 June 7 ;-=a 1966

POSITION.: ZBO152 "8 Total '.o Msnts: 79

Conduwted: 66 Ho Expended: 776. -CQ3 Fee 3 ,.rP9 1,9/rds 7 Yellch Smcoko



Irnoloaure I. to Tr'.clhsu-o 8 -%ornm c-c. Pet oco-urtodarl c rnxttnsLz-

7 Jvzm 2 JzO70

20~MI0:: 30505 rtC :o ::x': 381

Coidu c: 2N .'^I .'bcpond&. 2,752 '72 :,0 345, 7

15 1!25/rids 77 "Pr3 Ill 20 III

13 rDf 0ono 16C19 Pro', 11 :elUo smo!-o30 Taiw~tz 0: Doocrtunit. 1 Croon 3mo!,s

30 M1v, - I.Juno 16

P0311101:: Z3040277 Totnl Noe Nsn's: 77

Co.iumc&: 67 ITJOrueod 3C9 7-112 1 T

2 Ill.

POSITIOII: Z2059309 'ZotrJ. io lBan's: 61

Condcucted: 5C HaI 7'.xpendcCe: 103 !7P21 1'1?7 Soke

7 JunoJ_06

P02110:: Z02&2.2Tot:aL 'io lsn's: 19

Con,'=utcd:. 2' "'-T Txncr.Ood: 199 MW

8 8l,. Sur 6~:

PCSITI.-: Z39034 ,Total1 *iv .. sn.s 245

Cond'.ctod: 21.0 :::Flxpcr-4od: 4,534, :Z.Q

3 7e 1; 2 1'T2-2. Prop 31::.3 III- ix m

13 Taxroots or O-ppo-ttohity