

('rillRD SE · ION.)




l.l l'e-.mlrb to P~ltlimncnt ptmmnnt to Jl.cl17 1Jir. Jl o. 2. -.rr. 9.

J>1'iJIICtl under No. 1 Renorl fr!]l/1 Printing Commiller a il.U'fU$1 1 on ~· I • I iJ ,

To H rs ExcF.LJ.F.Ncr Trr£ GovEJL'\OK .L'\D EXECt:Tln: Cot:'ICH.,-

The T1·usters of the Australian )fuseum hare the honour to submit to Your E:rccllency their Forty-fifth Annual l{eport.

1. Since t.hl'ir last J~eport two "l'ac:mcil's on the Board have occurnd. On !!nd )la,-, H on. P. G.

King, l\I.L.C'., '' ho had been a Tru&tee since 18&1, sent in his r&<ignalion, and on 23rd .\ ugosl,

J ames R Hill, E~q., died. The ''arancies were duly filled by the election of Hugh Pollock, Esq., Secretary to the Attorney-General, and D r. 'l'homas Storie Dixl!on, Blizabeth-strcef, Sydnry.

!:?. Thl' ~fuseum continued open to vi!<itors during the lli'ual hours, Yi1.. , from 2 to 5 p.m. on

Sundays and f 1·om 10 n.m. to 5 p.m. on all week-days, e:tcl'pt· i\londay~. which were reserved for cleaning

purpo~es. On Uonday aflcl·noons the collection~ hrwc, as usual, boon nrrcsHiblo to student~ and schools

for Lcnchi ng purpo~e~, on a pplication being made lo the On•·nlor. 'fhc t.ofal numhor of Yisitors recorded isllhuwn in Appendix \' 1, and shows a decrease nf ·J,!J.3S from tho ycn t· 1SD7. The average was 334 ou

week-days (3.1:l the previous year) and uUl on Sun<bp (G:l ~ thr prl'l'iOU8 year·). 'T'he ltu·gest attendance

on 1111)' one day evrr rrcordcd occurred on Mondny :Jrd October (Eight-hours )by) w!JOn 3,358 pl'rsons entered the building.

'!'he 'l' rrgr·ct that for some yc:us p:tsL lho fund~ \'OlNl for the maintenance of the ) f useum h:wc been inadequate. In 1 9~ the )[u~Cltm \'Otc, le:wing Olll or :\('COUilt special items, was

£7,20L ] n L.!I!J3 Lho Trustees were compelled to «ubmit to con'lidcrnble rNiudions r·endered necessnr.v by the financial pressure of the time, and they enrlea,·ourrtl to adapt their work to the rates allowed.

They C:\pecte1, hoiiCI'l'r, that with returning pro~prrity, not ouly would former \'Oil's ha1·e been restored,

but that 110mc material con11idcrntion would ha"" bcPn ~h-en to the n:lfurnl admncemcut of the l nstitulion;

moreover it is to bo noted that !ls regards the )fembcr:~ of tho Scientific 'taff no ~teps have been taken

towards rc:;loring the ~alnries to the rates existing bl'forc the retrenchment of l'-!):3, although, in the P ublic

Service generally, eon~idcrable increases ha1·c been grantctl to Officers. In l'>!l:.! the ''ote for purchases

was £1,2.:>0; ~;ince l fl:3 only £~00 a year ha Ye been nlloiiCU, including pur·cha~c of books as well as

specimenR. Consequently, many desirable specimen~ hnvc bern lost to the 1\f u~cum nnd therefore to the

Colony, while no collecting, so necessary for rnninten:mcc nt! wl'll Ill:! incrras(• of the exhibits, hns been

done, and the Library has al~o fallen into arrears. 'J he in~ufiiciency of the funds provided for the

Mu~oum by tho Statutory Endowment of £1,000 pC!' nnnum, wgctlwr 11 ifh tho in·cgularity both in

amountK <\1t1l in detail of the J\ nnual Yotcs of P:u·linrnonf, Rupplcuwnt:u·y to !he J~ndowmcnl , prcYcnt arrything Jiko an cffccti,•e promotion of the interes!N of t-l!·iencc in conurction with tho ~aturnl llistory of Lhc Colony. 1\ a those inlercsts have :m imporlnnl L"t•lationship tu !!to dol'<'lopmeut of the resources

and, ronsoq11cnfly, to tho fulul'e prosperity of lhe ('Olllmuuify, tho 'l'rustroq two C:<l·eedingly anxious to bo

*51-A placed


placed in a bcilcr position fur carrying out. the purpose::~ for wl1iclt the M useum has hcen established.

'l'he 'l'ru:>teos pleasrd to say that for the current financial yea1· (1 !lS-99) a slightly larger sum

has been \'Oicd, but Htill not a~ mucl1 as is nccc@sary. The whole amount will be expended before

the year has half el. pi red, leaving no possibility o( purchasing new ~pccimons or books for many months

to como- thnt is, until the next year's Eslim;~les are passed.

1\. table for rcferrnce is a ppended s!JOI\ing side by siJe what were the Trustees' estimates for

the year 1898-99, and the amount t hn.t was submitted by the Government and votocl by Parliament.

I t

~~::~1:i~.~~i:~~~··~~.< :: ·::.::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::.:.:::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::· ) ~~~ £

Night 'Wntcluncn ............................................................................. l __ l_t.o_

ContingcncicE 1'o meet the l':r:pen~c" oi tht• :'llnsenm on Rnn<iay~ ...... ...... ...... . .. ...... WO ('ollccting nml pnrc:hnsi n~: Hpccimcu8 .. ...... ........................... .......... , 400 l'rm•hasins; nncl Uincling hooh...... . .. .. .. ... . .. . .. .... .. ..... .. .... .. .... !\!10 Scit·ntific c•atuloguc .• , :'llll$CUIIl Hccol'tl•, l'rintmg :m<l Hintlin;;... ........... 615 Atlchtionnl Enclownwnt for (lcncml l'urp<I<IC3 ...... .... .. ..... ..... ...... l!i6 'l'r'Itvelling l•:xpcnscs ........... .... .. ... ...... . ... .. .. .. ...... . . .• . ..... ... . ..... 60 Show.c3seq, iuc!U<lin:; r·cj),~irn .. ......... .. . .. .. ... .. .... . . . ... ..... .. 500


6,06 1

I A mount ,.Ok'(l for \·t-:..r ~nchng 30th June, l~.

£ £ O.iO

l ,:l'iO 010 I ·u

- - -- 1,800

J;,n :!00 200 r.oo biH

(iO I 4')0

---- :!,:lG

I G,l86--

3. The groaler par t of the fund~ :wailablc for purchalles lu~ been spent in tho ncquisition of E thnological 8pecimrns, from the nor tl1crn tli~triots of A u:.tralin, not hitherto rcpre~cnted in the ) luseum.

Anothc1· large nud impor tant collection was under offe1· at the clo~o of the y<.>ar, but tho Trustees htWo

only been able to make arrnngcmenls for its purcha~o i11 p:\T t , The only other noticeable acquisitions

by purchase were :-A small l\l rteori lo from \\ estcm Ath<lr::tlia; a rcmnrkablo 13ono Club, origin unknown, a pparently of a )i ow Zealand type, but with :X cw Guinea Ol'namenlatiou; n collrction of

B roken llill Ores, conlniuiug somo exceedingly fine ~pccimcns of dendritic )\ati\'C Copper; a \'aluahll'

collection illuatratii'O of l'\ew Caledonian Ethnology; aud a fine mother.of-penrl inlaid Skull from Lho

Solomon I slands.

4. Xo collecting expeditions wt>rc despatched duri ng the yen1· 189 , the Trn~tees not hnving lho noeess:~ry means at lheit· diNposal. At the suggrslion of th<- Publi1• Servit·c Board tho Trustees were

invited to send a. naturalist. to nct:ompany the Trawling and Dredging Expedition o[ JI.M.C.S. "Theli~,"

under the control of Frank Varncll, Esq., )f.L.A. lfr. Edgar 1L '\Yaito was ~elected . and he accompanirtl

the e:cpedition throughout. 'l 'ho en li re ~l·icntific collecLious hn,·o been deposited in the j'\f u~oum, nod thu

results will be worked out by tl1e Mu~oum Staff nud publishetl as a )lu~oum )[emoir nt as early a. date as possible .

.3. 1'hc maintenance o[ the )fuscum collections is now mainly drpcndent on the generosity of donor~, and specimens of more or leRs inlere~t nrc from time to timo r<•l•eived. The most noliceabh• of Ja~t ycnr't~ acquisi tions from thi~ source wero :-Ethnologit'al specimen>~ from l~rroman~a, Xew H ebrides, by the

Re\'. H. A. Roborlson, including two examples of i.ho rare _\ 'avelalt, or" Moon l~ings "; the well-known

"Soudnn D onkey," by the Ljoologieal Society; 1\Iuridro, from Central Anstralia by Prof. W. 13aldwin Spencer; and a Japanese Snlamantler, by l\Ir. '\C C. llcron.

G. As reported, last year, a sum of £1.500 h:~d been placed on the }:stimates for cer tain much

needed repairs, which arc now being carried out ,·c-ry slo" ly. 1 t I\'Onl1l be in the intcresb of the )[usoum

if thiK work could bo nccelcmtcd. On the Loan ~~~timntcs for J R!l!:l-!J9 a fu rther sum of £1:!.500 has bern

voted for M useum c:ctension, the intonti01t being to build tho superstructure O\'er the rccenlly erected workshops as a portion of the souLh wing.

7. 'l'herc has not been any change on Lhc Scientific Staff, but among the )lcchanics and Attendant:~ thoro h:we been some slight ndj uslmcnts of dulie~, aU(l one nddilional officc1' hns been ougagcd. Full particulars of the stafi' will be found in .\. ppendi:t XIY.

8. The work on the" l~ishes of Anal ralia" is still be in~ continued by )I r .. J. Dought!l Ogi lby, umlr r

the supcr,-i:sion of a Committee appointed by tho T rustees. The scope of the work is su extcn~ivc. that

the Trustees fear that it will not bo possible for l\tr. Ogilby to cornploto it " ithin the lime allowed by thl· Public :Service Board.


!>. The public:ttiom; which have bct·n issut'd during the year lS!JS are :-Record:! of tho Australian

1\iuseum, \ol. Ill , N oli. !land .1-. l\Iernoirt~ of t he .\uslr·alinn ~~u~curn, Yol. HI (On Funafuti), No. 6 .

Catalogue of . .\uslr:tlinn Birns (byJ)1·.E. P. Hamsa)), parts l nnd 2,revi.ed by ) f r. A . .T. ~orth. .\ ustrnlinn

Lepidoptera :lrlll their 1'ransformntionl1 (by lnte ~[r. 1\. W. Scot t) , rcvi~ed and ellilcd by i\frs. JT elcnn Fonlc

and 2\lr. A. S. Olliff, \ 'ol. IT, part iJ , being the title page :tnd index only to complele the four previou~ly published parts of Yol. 11.

10. :Full info t•mation willr respect lo the 1\Iltseum will be founu in the Appendices attached to this

Report, viz. :-J.-Cur:ttor's l~eport.

H.-Repor ts of l:icientific Assista nts. ] H .- Secretary's Report.

IV.-Slatement of R eceipts :tnd E1pcnditurc.

V. -.t\ ltondance of the Trustees. VI.-Atlcndaoce of Yisitors and summary for fifteen years.

\'TT.-Return of Specimens acquired.

Yl fl. - D onations.

1 Y.- 'E~changcs.

X.-Rcturn of information supplied to thr Public.

X I.- Additions to the Library. XII.- Publications of the Australian }[uscum.

XIIL-l1apcrs published by :Members of the ~Iuseum Staff.

XlV.- 1\fuscum Stnfi'.

The Cor:1mon Heal of the }Jueeum was hcrc1:nto :~Ohcd b) otdl'f of the Dotll(l, thi~ <ah d:~y of

June, l S!J!J.

l ~C'T. \ lH ,

Sect·cta r-y.

(r •. s.) J .UIES C. COX", i\f.D., Chainnan.

.\ PPE~I>lX



'fo tho Trustees o£ the .\uR(r,,Jia'l Museum,- :-\ytlney .• January, lS!l!J. Gentlcmrn, . . . . .

l h:n-c the honour to l1and '"ou thP followmg H<'porl, drahn~; \\tth the work of the Austr:1lum Museum during the past year, and on ihe condition o[ the. Collections in your charge:-. .

1.- Gcntral Condition.-This continue~ to be snlttofn<:lory on the who!<'. but ml!~ht be made sbll moro so were it 110l for the want of a more librral Appropriation. The periodical examin:~tion of the roof str:tcturcs and other likely spots by the Carpcn~ers has ~ot re'·~alcd ~ny fu r ther ravages by 'ferm~tes .

2. Fire Appliances.-The char!:;c of the~e ~pphances ~1•.11 contmue>< 1n the hands of the Metro~olttan Fire Brigade. 1'ne fire-alarm bell referred to m last year~; He port "ns procured and erected m the grounds contiguous to lhe Workshops. .

3. Slf!/1' /)ulir.~. <S·r.-1t is almost ne('dless to ~ay lhat the gt>ncral attent 1011 of the wltole Staif to their duties was most ~atisfnctorr.

1\'fr. ll en1·y Bnrncs, who, fot·lhe past thirty-eigh! year~. lwd nc·tNI n~ Artirulalor, Photographer, and l"ormntor to" this Museum, and ret ired from f,tiliu~ hcniLh, dic•d on l\lnr<:h 17th. LS!>S.

1\1 t·. A. 13:t J•nes wns promoted to be add if ion a I ..t\ Ucndnnt in l~dmtMy. lo ta lw the place of Attendant ]~obc t·L Grant, whose transfer to the Taxidrrmi::.t.'~ ~hop as .\ ~s•~tant 'l'a\ illl'rmit~l \\fiN duly carried out nt tho snme time. l\1 r. 1\ . ·w. Brown was nppoint<'d Labourer in J•"cbt'U:\1".1', ntHl hot h he nml A lrendanL 1\ . l3nrnes were swcn·n inns Spe<·ial C<'n .. tnbles. The appomtment of Mr .. J. W. \ \'oodhcntl as Compositor :wd Printer was :d~o conlinned in l>'cbrunn'. Out· tluuth arr due t~> two roluntcPr worker!'. \\ho h:ne lent great aN~<i Rtnm·c during the past year; )J t'. }'. \\·. Fr11nks "!to !•:~t~ niclrcl )~r. C'.] leclley in th; _Con~ho­logical :Section since August, and ~lr. Allan oicCulloch who ha~ cfltciCIItly :l'SI~tcd l\lr. F.. H. " :lite l!tnce

July. )\oi" ith~landing the~e additions to lite Staff. J cnn dCl no le~~ than rriternle my remarks of the last two yenrs' HcportN, in "hi eh l referred to the under· manned condition of the Museum generally, and the inndcqunte remuneration of many members of the StaiT. It requirc11 no d<'mOn!ltrntion to ~ro,·e that ns the collection increases nt the rntr, that under yout· control it hns bren do io~ for the last few years, a proportionate increnQc is needed among$t tho~e "ho arc char~;cd with it• care.

J. Ca,·e of tl~e Ool/rctions.-I am again in a positiou to rrpnrt that the Collection, both e.thibited and in ~tore, iN in an excellent condition, althongh its :;ize i~ fal>t Clut:.:ro\\in~.: the capacity of thE' number of hand~ employed to keep it in :m efficient and clean condition. ln the Ethnologtc:ll ~ection alone there it; room for the uncli,·ided allention of tll"o pair of hand". for it i~ the most diflicnlt portion of the .Museum's contents lo keep in a d<'an and healthy state.

lL i~ prnctically impossible for the StiE'ntific Assi~t:111l11, o,·crburdcn('d a11 lhev aro with systematic work, to giro thnt attention to the collection:$ under gla~~ thnt the impurlnm·c of the latter demands. The time has now nrri'"ed, or to speak correctly. hns pas•cd, when a ft•w )f<'dlnnit•al .\ ~~ist:mts should be appointed, to whom shoultl be committed the well-bcin!! of all collection!!, both clhibited and in store, under the rc11pcctiro Assi~tnnls-in-cltarge.

G. Spnt·r.- 'l'he appropriation obtained for tl10 t':l~ing of the uppermo~t ot· ~l<y gallery wns utilised to provicle wall-cnses and loc i<R for half the gallery approximately. The ~<'cc.ncl moi~ty is the only portion of tho ilfuscum now doYoid ot Cl\liC~, nnd thi!! will be castd from t.ho l S!>S-!JH \' ote. 'J'ho space referred to last. y<'nr in the three ~mall rooms attaehed to lite Ethnological 11 nil waM al~o utilit-~cd.

U. Strurtural jJJaffrrs.-J n my ln~t Report (18!)7) it was atntrcl thnt on tho Loan }Jstimnles for 1807-8 wns placed tho sum of £ L,500, to be rxpended chiefly in rcpnirs to lho cxistin1~ bnilding, some of wh ich MC r<'f<'rrerl to in the 189() Report. 1 regret to ~ay that ,·ery grrnt and, to my thinlciug, unneees­Rill"Y dolny hns nrisen in the carr~·ing out of these rcnoYations. Jlowpvor. up to tho present time l.he followin~ items have been completed :-(1) Erection of a clll'i~ion:d bt·ic·k wall, t<u t·mounted by a stone coping, beiweru port ionN of I he 111 u~eum ancl Svduey (; rammnr :-\ehool C mnl::~. 'Phi ~ wall is 114 feet long 1\Utl 10 feel high, nncl to it the 'J'ru~;tees of the Grammar :-irhool h:wo nddecl iron ~tanchcons support­ing a 11trong wire-netting fence, of considerable height, a:< a protection to our window>~ ngainRt balls. &c. (2) ]{efacing the Rtnirs of the main :>taircase with metal fillet>~, and inlilling ll1e foot-hold bel1incl with asphalt, the t.<tnirs having become much worn ant! dtlngcrous to those nl<in~ I hern. (:J) Office telephones, to the number of ~i:tlecn "ere cli!!lributed throu:;hout the builtlm:,:, and hn\C nlrcatl'r pro,·cd n source of great com·cnionco and ~avin!! of time. (cl ) .\Iterations to room!< under tnnin ~tnircasc for the accommoda­tion of the XumiPmatics. (5) Rcnovntion of the l'hoto~raphic Stnllio.

In I !li, when the new ·w orkshops wE're erected. a Crematorium wa!\ buil t for the destruction of off:~l,but it was not a t~uccess. After a uumbE.'r of alt!'rations and experiments by the Go,·crnment Arclutect, an t•Oicicnt furnace 'Yas :1t ln~t con:.tructed. nnd now appe:tl't; to perform tlu~ work required in a complt·lc mnnner.

Coloured blind:~ \\ere provided by the Depnrtmcnl of Puhtit• WorkM fur the new fipirit-hou~c; the Nad"_ny lrn~lin~ I<> the private e_nl rnncc was rc-~•hetl at the 'l'ru~tec'~o~ C\]lCil~E': the nrca~ around the back porttom\ of the )I u~eum pren11scs were re-whHe"a,.hetl; a!i<l the• dt.11"Ctlnl filtE'r::< tlistribnlt'tl about the. ~uildin~ were nboli~hcd, and replaced by ono uf P:1stcur'::s Gt•rm l're~surc Filter~." hich provides sulltclent pun• water for all ncc:c~~ary purposes.

A storE' for empty pncltin!:; ca~e:< and a !llllithr wcr~ rr<·drcl h~· our Carprn!crs . . y,lll \\(•ro pleas<•<! to nppro\·c of l>lanf< t:~ubmill<••l br the '<:m<·rnnwnl An·hitcd fur a further

nclditwn lo the new south win~, :md in conseqUCHl·e tlw Ocl\;crnutcnt \\'<'l'e goo.l <'nou~h to plnce on the 18!.1~-!)!) l,oan Estimal~~ n. sum of e13,500 !o cnrrr tlw~e oul. Tt.i~ ~<urn will be vxpcnJ!'d in building porLtuiiH of t\\o gali<•J•te~ :~uovc the reccntly-finis!tl'cl \\Mhhops. '!'hi~ c·ontinncd buildm:,: actiritv is prtrti~ulnrh• gr_ntif.Y_ing, bc\·nuso it forcshado";s the <"OIIIJllc•lion of tlw ~<outh \ling :tL lHl \'Cl')' diRlant ditto, nnd Hi. rt plc:~s111g ml~~lude t~ out· otherwise gloomy fimuwial outlook. 'J'hc1 ~a in of ~<pac·o n:ft"orcled by t.he~e l!nllletltnto 11dcltttons wtll afford two arras or !loor-spatc :done', iu h:l)' uot hiu~ of the wnlls, of ' PPro~una~ely 8 f<'llt long. by 4.;; feel wide; buL when lltt' builuiug i~ t•otuplt•tccl in the future these gallorteH wtll ench bo nppt·o.~lwntely 200 feet long IJy 4.J feel wick.



It m::1y net be out o.£ place lo 1!lention here that the porlmit of lhe If on. Ale:tnnder M::~cleay, }'. R.S., an lion. Secrel:ny of the L mnenn Soc1ety of L ondon and a member of the Aul<lralian Museum Committee (as it. was in those days) from ita commencomen't in 183(; to his death in 1848 was r enovated and revarn~shed. 'l'his remarka.bly fine }lot·trait and picture wa!l painted in L ondon in 1S3S, but the artist's name IS unfortunately obliterated, although the address-" Lnnghnm Place, London "-still remains perfectly clear and legible. . 7. N_cw Ollscs.-[n con~equell(:o of l he limited amouui of wall-space slill to bo oceupit!d, less work m tho erec.t10n of new c~~es '~·n~ carrH~d ou I during 1 '>H~ than almo~t any prc,·ious year. One l1nlf. of. the wall-cases m the ky or I• 1sh (.allery \\<'re erected, and the lot·k~ pro\"1ded out of the lbfJ7-98 1:\ ppropnallon; the glass sh elving wall taken horn ~>tor(l .

• \. floor-caso was prodded fnr no ndnitional Bower-bird group. the Xewtoninn Bower-bird (P rionodt&rtl llt!cfonialltt De Yis.) , nllfl a simil:lr C:I\!C ror the )Jount Stirling :;lfeteoritc.

Two rooms under ihe main stnin·ase were PI'OVided with cleRk floor-Cn$e~ for our coina, &c., and a third wns wnll-cnsed out of old malerinl for the reception of Erotic figures anrl imagrH.

'l'he balustrade easel! in the l n,·ertebrate Ualler> 11till remain without nrw loch, ns al ready twice reported on. •

8. Oo/lccti11!J and ll'ielrl 1Vm·k.-During the <'lll'liorsummer months l\Ir·. \.J. '\ortl1, in his v:\cation, visited tbe n eighbourhood of the Clarcnce Hin'r for I he purpose of mnl;iog oh~rnation" on tht> nidification of some of our ~ub-trupical birds. anrl:ml·ccctlcd in ohtainin~ ~~ \"aluable scricij of plwtogmpl1!1 from nature. Mr. Charles HcJleJ :d:~o passed his vnN1kion ou the north-enst con~<L of :\o;v t:ionth 'Vale~. where he procured a line sel of 1\lollul!ca, that he !{<'ncrum~h- prc~cnh•rl to the )luseum ; and )fr. " '. ,J. Rainbow, during n sirullar period, collectt'd iul\t•ct~ in the Blu~ ~lountams.

'l'be mo~t ~>ignal succl'sP, holll'Yer, relating to cull•·<~lin~. in whil·h the . \ustrnlian Museum ha$ participntcd fo1· some years paRt, wn~ lho 'J' r•:twlin~ :md Drerlgin~ Cruise, unrlor the t'Olltrol of Mr. Jt'rank }'nrncll, )LL .. \ ., of 1 I. M. Cui. :-;.s. '· Thetis,'' (<'apt. ( ·_ P.llildcbrand). comnwrwing on February 1 ~th, and terminating on April nth. 'J'hc 'l'ru~tccs wet·c rep1·csentctl during the whole crni:<c by 1\lr. 1<:. R. 'Vnite, who succeeded in w r·ichiug ou1· collccliou \\ith :~''cry iino set of murine m•gauism~. many of them little known, some undescribed, and agaia otherl! that had not bel'n met with ~ince H.1I S ''Challenger,. Yi»ited our waters. ~lr. 'Vaitc's outlme U<'port i~ appended hereto.

To tho Cumtor. ~rr, Austmlian .Mu•<eum, 2'1 April, l!!!l!l.

1 hn\'O the hon<u· to hnrul you a bnrc outlin<' of the rnO\'Cmcnb of the 'l'r.twlin!! Jo:xpc<lilwn, which 1 a:ntlcrstnml is fleclnrccl to be conchulcd.

Four timu we returned to "yclney, till' clo.tcs bcan0 a full•ows: ht Cruise .. Foh. IS to !luh. 2:1 2nd , ,. 2.) ,. ?>lar'Cll !! 3r<l )J,u·da I o ., , :?! 4th :?:; , .\pril !l

The coast-line <!0\'crcd cxll·ndctl from .Jcr\'l!i Hny to the :\Lmning Hive•·, aucl np:.rl from the l,ord llowu hlull!l t!'ip (fourth cruise) the greatcKt <listt•ncl! altni11ocl from lllntlwas 2:i miles. 'l'he depths at \lluch the I w:ts lowered ranged between 10 :~:111 !10 fathom~. .t\>< you aa- a\1nrc·. n ry \,tlu!<hle •·ollt•c·tiQih \ll•re se 'l!r~·l for the ).luseum, nncl I nm at present engaged in pn·p~ring a l'rl'limin:tr) Rcpor·l <>11 the li hcs for :\I r. Fnrndl. As t • .r a3 can he csb~mtc<l nt pr~'ent, there nro about 100 species of fishes ruprcscntcd hy :lt.i:i Kpecintt•nij. ~ci'PI'nl nn• 1"'\1' tu the Colony, wlulo a few tLI'C new to science.

I b:\\ c. &:c .• EDC~AR H. \\AirE.

Mr. " 'aite's prcliminnry "Ficit•ntific Rrport on the Fi~hcs." wns publi~hcd as an nppendi:~: to .l\lr. F.arnell's "Report upon Trawling Operation11."• On two uccasiODM I h:vl the plcMur~ of accompanym.g lhc exped1tion, one to the :.'ll:mning Bight and the other tu ~o.rd 11 owe hla.nd. .\ct1~g on a sugge~t.10~1 of mine, you we1·e plea~!·d lo rl'rommend to till' l:tlc i\lm1~li"J' for. Pu~hc I ~struct1on that~~ su1.n of C LOO should be placed on the 1898 !)9 E~t unales to pro,itlt• for the pubhca~1on o[ ,the complct~ ~~·1cnt1tic re~ults of tl1e Expedition. 'l 'he ,.;ubject wa;; nho warmly akcn up hy :\fr. hank }arncll, and 111 due cour~o the moncv wa:; ''o tcd. . . .

• 'l'o the assistance of )fr:~. Thomas ~ichoUs, of Lord llowe bland, we \\'(·re 10<lebtcd for a. further instalment of .)follus~·:~ from tha.l intcrl'sting i~land.

lu accordance \I ith your in81ructions tt map of \ustrnlt:~ \\'(1~ coloured, ~how111g area~ that had been zoologicalll' !Jllr\'ej'ed bv members of the Mu8Cllltl Htaff up lu the [ll'l'Sl'llt.time.

1 feel it m;- dut\· for tlto third time to call your attention to the 1h_:!ach·antn;c the )Lu~cum labours under through the want of 11 permanent lraiuctl Collector, nod :t.R~lfliclellt ~IIOW!~l~Ce to enable such an officer to investigate many of the intore~tu1g yr·o!tll'mt~ t~lrll aw.alllllg ~:~oluttou .. !Ius ts 1~1? moro t~. ~e regretted whon we finrl a sistl•r in,tilut ion. IIC)l chrectl,v concl'rned 11_1 s! otl'mat•~· scll'ncc. thl' lcchnolog1cnl ~Iu!!eum, in a. position to do :<O, nml )lu~eums in odwr land~ !'D:.{a:;1n!! \u:<'ralt:m.l'<>llel'tors.

D . .E:rclumgt·ll.-'l'lw principal C\changl'S t•ffeded durtng tlw) c·1r \Wl'O ,-l· ~11111 the Hoy.all\fusoum. of y liloolo~-ty in Jo'lorenee, Prof ('ssor ll cnr.v-. G iglilol i dcspatc}wcl a. hn·ther c'lns1gnnwnt ot mounted )Iammals, t'ompri 10ing a "\\'ulf (Cani.~ lupu~. (,mn.). a Bc:ne1· (Ct~slur jtbt:,·, L11111 ); an Opo~sum ( Diddplup; llZllra: '1\•mm.) a. 1[onk ~eal ( J'1 la.'fill' monarltu.,, ITt•rnl.). ,\t•. Pr·um the I t•rth ( \\ .A.) Museum' Bird!! a'nd .l\[ar~1


1 pials w1·n1 rccl'i'·e.l, and to the l~t~cr ruoUIIII'<l Plat•t•ntal :\lnmmal~:~ "'':re forwarcle'd \ collt·dinn of Au:;lralian 'l•ucrr~l< 1\IHI :\ld:tllllcrou• On·~ . wn,. H·nt to. tIc lmprnal Geolo~icai 1 n~titut<' of Her! Ill. In.-J1a11 }I aaHral:< of the Blandf01'l Collcctlvll \\'ere rcccrn·.l from the

British :'\Iu~cum C~ ut. Hic:~t.). London · 1 b' t lo I ) 1 1 · \111 11,.h t(1n .. 1·t'ts h't vear IHI'C loh•rnlth' nuuH·l'OU~. nu cure pat'lH·u m· u JCC

. rtwrn " 1011.~- w ., . ..- .., · ' ' . · > • d t. \I Or 8 l I. · 11 for· ,.,.r ... 1 t• 'I'll 110uc o \ .tine IJ),..k of tle~.ll<'<l l1JJnrc•e ''·as prcst•nt.e v\ - r.

(.' 0 t'JlCl:IIIICnl; l';l ~ ' • " J • • • • • • b I '1' 1 I d G " 1 1· 1 f' t'hc ~· 1 ... o11d (•'ltltnr"tlll ('ural-lu•rlll" l"t>e<illlun, o tutn<'< at nr.l\\a ":m ,

. n\\('0• on liS re.u I'll J'Oill ,, ' • " • V

G'lb G J'll 1 · 1 · 1 11 ,. W"J'O "i'·e 11 ll,. llao l{ev Jl A. l{oht•rtsrm. fl'OIIl Jo.l'l'tllnnnqa. ~,ew 1 ert roup. ; 111n o~rca ~pocw t' · ' ., -' · . • • \ 1_,. .. · f

}I b ·1 · 1 _,. l' k' pot allll t\\u e\'ll'llllCs of the _\llcd~t!t. or · . loon ,mg . a ~crrrs o C fit cs, lilt' Uu.JDg I~ Ol! JJI).· -' ' - :\ll'~V:t.OiC,


l X

1\{csozvil• ('.u·b.,uiil'L'UII>, :•till PaJ,,-,,t.oi·· f.,:;;;il,; ft".tlll T.L,mani.L. b~ :\ir. 'I'. Stcphrn~, ::\L \ ; numC't'OW! 1\Iammnl~ by the cw South Wah'll ZouloL:ic:tl Sut•iL·ty, including the .woll-ktllll\ n "SoUtbn Doukey"; ~~ welcomP t<l't of :;\[ uritla• from l'<'ntrnl ,\ tt.lral in, h,- Professor· W. Balclwm Hpeuccr; a .hpane~o Snlamancler (Jieqalobatrncltu.v'imru, Sl'l!l.). by )fr. \\'. C 'llu·ou. a H!'ptile qn't<• ne11 to m t' collection: ~~valuable ~cric~ of Coral~, Aleyonnri:m~ nn•l Cru,tnc·ca, fom Xew, b~· :\fr C. Hed1<·,1·.

ll. l'uJ·clum:s.-.t\ ltl1011~h fow pur·cllases WNC made cluring lb!J'-1, the spt'cimens so obtained wet'(\ highly important, tho principal beiu~ :-A11 arlclitiunal ~mall iron ~rcteorito, f.l'lll~l Wes~orn Auslrali:~ : \'oluable collection of X ew <':ll<•donian Et hnolocr", fr·nm }[ r . . 1 .• 1. A tlnnson, of 'IIuo, mcludmg' two funern I masks· Tasmanian miner:d~ throu<>h tll<' 'J'a><n;;nmn 1Im•eum, Hobart: Brok£.'n 11 ill minerals from Mr. ,J . .A.. ]~urnC'll, the ~ative ('~ppers being pnrticulnrl) line: a rcmarkaulc inlaid :-ikull f rom the Solomon Jslamls; anu n Sunfiah (01·1/io,qoriscm; molfi, Schl.) fi'Orn Por·t Jucksou.

12. Puhlications.-The important work i~KIIe< yunr· 0\U!<pic>r~. •· The Znolo~y of l~rmafuti Atoll, based on collectionll made lH' ) fr. C'. llNilev in l~!)U," bein~ :Hemoir :\o. lll of the :\lullellm Series, was steadily continued throughoitl the year, re:.ulling in the puhlil·ation of Pari. u.

Ono part of the l\luRoum Hecort!K was publi~hcd, bcinf.{ Part <lof Vol. HI. 'J'he new edition of Pnrh 1 and 2 (Accipitrcs and Stri:.tes) of Dr. E. J?. l{nm~:ty's '·Catalogue of

Birds in the Austr:tlian }fn~Pum,'' wa11 dnly publi~hed last year. Tho second part of :\Jr. Xorth':~ ··Insectil'oNus fh•,),," preparNl by desire of the Honorablo thr

Secretary for 1\Iiuc~ ·~nd .Agr•it·ulturc, appeared in the A.'lrirullural Uu;;rtte (.lauunry, l S!)i) as nlrNuly r•eported, but as the third pnrt has now been in fht' hands of the ,\ g1·il'ul tural DepRrtment for upward~ uf four years, it is f(>nrcd that ilt1 ]>Ublicat ion is abandoned. ']'hit~, in uay opinion, is I'Cl'J short-sigh t<'d policv, for I hnvo rct'ei>ed abundant prll'lf of the popularity of the~c <'\Collcnt articles.

• In the early part of lb!l'- you n•qnested me to rC'porl. nrt the condition of .the i.ncomplete among11t the MttHCUlll catnloguos, with the result tha.t I recommended tho abnmloument 81111' t!te, of all except tlrr "Catalogue of Aul!lralinu Birch," b.v D1· . .E. V. Ha.rn~a.y; tho ·• 'l'unicata," by P1·of. \V. A. I (erdman ; )Jr. Korlh's "C'atnlu~ue of .;\csts antl Eggs of Birds found breeding in .\u;.trali<t allll 'l'asma.nia ., ; and the I,ibrnry Catalogue b) 31r. ::>inclaar.

During the present 'c:1r the •· Punafuti "1\fcmoil'" "ill be• completed ami two other importatrt works commenced. viz., '' 'J'fll' Scionti!ic He!!nlls of I ho ''l'het i><' 'J'r;t\1 ling Rxp!'clit.ion," and a seeoll(L edi tion of the" Catalogue of ;\e~ts :md ~~~~s ,'' :11:1 tlctailt>d in paragraph :!3. J htwe long felt the want of a working catalogue of the more importaut 1-peci:nen,. in the )lu:;rum. as well as of the duplil•ate<, with the viel'l' of rapidly a~ccrtainiug both wh:11 \\C po~,c·ss aml arc iu want of, or n>1 a\·ailable for exchange. 'l'o this end l\lr. Wailo l<uggestcd the adoption of tho J,ibt'o\ry ~:~y .. tcm of carcl slips as explained in hi~ Rc•port (Appcnclix 11 ), mul this ha>~ so tiu· bt•('ll found to answC't' the purposo well.

13. I nfol·malion a11d {)uplicales Di.<seminated.-"\mnher:s of ,-il<itors intere;;ted in 7.oology w('re nffordecl access to the collt>t'lion!l, and ac•commodatiun toUJd fot· arti,.ts tlc:<irous of <lrawing from uaturC', particularly students f t·om the 'l'echnical Colleg£.'.

A largo number of minl.'r:ll odrlmcnts was sent to the ' t'cehnicol College at 'Xowcnsllo for the use• of lhe l'tudcnts, and n seric•>~ of foot! fillhl'll was prrpared for the l\1 uscum thc•l'(•. Certain anatomil·al preparations out!lide the !lcope o£ our operation~ were transferred to the .Armtnmical ::\lu~eum at tll(' University. Sundry botnnienl ::;pecimcn~ . coming 11 ithm tho same catc·gory. wcru sent to the Botanical Gardena "\Iuseum. A full rei urn under this head will be found in.\ ppemlix :X.

A large nmnunl of information waN rliasominated in the form of rc,plics to cnnespoudcnts. 1 !,. Spirit Oullccfi?n- \!< fore h :dowe.l in 1111 He port for lSVi, the "lwle of the specimen~ in

~pirit '' ere tran,..ferl'Cll from the old ~lr<·•l to the new Spirit-house, ercctc·rl in l 897 11 it bout :wcidcnr, under the superintendence of )[c~H:<. 1\"hitelcgge and \raitc. \\"ilh the oxl'eptiun ot the l\follmrca nllthe groups were arran,::;C'd in systematic order on the shelve:; and in the glar.crl cases by the \'arioutt Assistant~ i11 charge, nnd printed group labels provided. 'l'hi~ year :\lr. llcdle.v will take the Mollu~c:t in hand.

1\ reference to the Bird~ retained n spirit 11 ill Le foun•l iu pnrnJraph 2:1. !,rcvious to the commencement of last year it wall nlw:ws the cu'ltom to throw away tlirtv or foul

~;pirit. 'J'l:i~ appeared to m.o a very. w.n:;lcful act, n.nd i~1 Clli;>Jcquenc~ you ~vcrc good enough t? obtain from tho Treasury a perm1t to redr!!!tl :.ucl1 rnnlorral wtlhout procurmg a license, or enl(lring mto an~ further bond than that nlr<•:,J.\· e:ti>Jlmg. ~o far, with >CrJ nudo nppar.1tus, 50 gallons of 11pirit lull'(' h~en recovered of R 11trength sufficiently high to enable it tn be us£.',1 li.1r store and collectin~ purpo~c~. 1\ow, ono of Town>Jon and i\lcrccr·a ~<ix-g;allon copper stills, with WOl' lll, ,\t'., is under order f1·um London, and on arrival I !!hall be inn posrtion to make a much larger and more ~~ttisfnctory saving of' spit·i t-orw of the most expensive items 011 our store li11t.

l.i. Tax{dc~·mists ()Ic~srs. J . . A. Thorpc arul H. Grant).-.\ very ~ahsfactory ycnr'll worJ, wa~ corn· pletc.d by ~lte 'l :~:tld~rrnu;~s: 1 ha;e rl~e~' here (pm:- 11). t·e~cned to th~ abandonment of th<' pract~et·. of keepmg Brrd skms 1.11 llPt.rtt. ln followrng out. thtl:l pmtcrplo, !i78 ~!kill!! were IH'cpat·etl. lu a sumlar ~~a:rmer, nlll\In~uptal ~k1ns were re1noveu from thl• t:tniiH, uml 111ndo up, to the number of ninety-~ix. l'b~rty new. }fnm.mal ~km.:; .were preo~ncd, or vre,c•r,·ecl and tn:ld£.' up. ami lhc ~am~ number wa~ mounted. \Vlth tho new of el·OnOIUl!<lllt::' ijpace Ill llw wall-(•;)SC ae,·utc••l tl) tlw ltmlrntia, tlw ..,, urida• and Sciurul:t• tnken i~.ha1ul, ~ntl iml 11·I.t.lual.; of the san;~ ~Jll'l'ies anti habitat orrnuped tngc•thcr; in thit~ man~C'r, for ty-Lin•ee sk11~H wcno dealL 1\l~lt. Amongst J,u··l~, only Olltl ·nl'sl ~;roup wat~ set. up, buL lho gl·oupmg process\\'~~ ag:un l'C'>!OJ'ted to\\ lth advantage 31110111-(:<L thl' .\u~tralion Pigeons anti name·birtls, forty-thrCl' group~ hcrng 'o pn•paretl. The Lyre-bird group. sh•nl in~ thcs• !(raccfttl Bir.b 11 ith their untural ~urroumliugs, was entirely d.isrnaullcd and rt•Hl'l, 'J'he bo1·. er of :\ C\\ I on· .. l!uwcr-birol ( Pt'io/Udu 1·a r~ttt'lonimw) wns a l~u ~~orkcc.l up. TIH:llt):·threo n~'w Reptilo ~!tins were mounted, nnrl sixteen rciltornd, chiclly Cboloninn. 1 he wholo of the t~km colll~ctiOII!I and the Ethuolot!y also WOI'O in t'hnrg-o o£ tho Tn:..ide1·mit~b• throu~hout the year.

. lG. Articul~llo~··~ (jlc.•"r"·, II. Harnc~, .T~mr:· awl \. 11. Taylr r).-:...c> 1aluablc p1epnr:tfinu!l \~ ere ntlded, the )ll'lllr'IPRI bt'llll{ ,he flln•lctun ot n. 1-ial:unnndc·r. 'rhl· ~'-<·lctont~ of ci,hteen .Mamwal>J IH'I't'

mounted, nud twout.y-fiYo pr~Jlllretl; Bil:d~ mounted, and thirty-fiv<' prepnt'NI ;"one Roptilt•mountc•cl, nnd onr prepared .. I n :ul.Jttlon to. the• forcgouw work, 4.J:J N£.'JH1r;ll<' hunet~ wcrt• tnacernted, l'lennccl, nml added to the collect roll uf l'.nnparah\'C (),;tc·ology, :~I i )[am mal , awlllll; Bird~. .\ ~kl'leton of the J:tpnm·sc Sala.mnuucr ( ltfrgalobat,·adut~· ma.t·imu.~ l;chl.) \1:\" 'ucce~sftdly prepnrc'•l.



. li. Ti'. ,l'/nnlori (Jlc~s:~<. ll. B.nnrs .. Tunr., :mol A. H. T.tvlor).-Thil'fce:n mon!tl~ 11crc macle and lllllOtc>c>l . t':l"t" ur r.l')rutlucflon~ In ken. anrl fiflcc•• nt llu·u !lt!IJ~\'1)\lt·llt h nrlotu·r•rl T hn more important wcr.e n .J ap:•nc~e. Hn n~nan~ler _(Jle~alolmlruc~llu ·~ ·" nts, 11t·hl.), a l'arp<-t l'iunlir (l'!Jihall spilotes, ,·nr. varu,qa,ln, <' raf})' n ~ea Sr~akc (.Eng!Jrus btbr·ont, H. and .I.); ami two M~tcorilc~ one known as the •· HnJ,' till' ot 1er n~ the" lnrrlea" )lcteorite. '

Pltolo!Jra{Jlt~·r ()£ r.II · lhrn.c$, J uur.)-Photogrnpl1ie _work "ho11 s n ron~ iri<.'rnblc ndmnce upon that of lnt;L year. :-;e,cnt)_-t" o. negntn·es were taken, 1!l!J prmts pn•pnn•cl. :uul fift\·-~il; prints mounted. Among•t t!Jesc negat1,·es. 1s a '"cr.v fine Eet of Bird:~' nc"t~, obt·1im:d in the majority of instances by Mr .• \ . ,J. );orth, wtth the1r 11atural FUI"rounding:l.

. • ~!). Carpr11las pressrs. R1.Barnes :mclll. LU<'li!I) .- The C'nrpcntcr:< w('re ag~in l•ept fully employed,

rh1etl~ m. t h(' preparation of st:mc~. bblets, small gla~s.~hade~. ra~l.'s, &c., for the dt:(plny of specimens, 477 stand~, e•J·~htoe~ tablet ~, :nal. fourt<'en shade ea~<'\! hanng been mado. 'J'ho u~ual amount of odd repairs cfi<'<.'t<'d, .md url1 ~1~ .f:ltmgs for th_c dark-room attnclwd to the l'hoto. 1->turlio, m w l.'a~k-Rtands and foot­g:atlllgs 111 .the Spmt-!lou~c. 117w [ount tra.v" for the Printt·r·~ pt'C8~e~ . ndditional Librnry shelving; new pn:kct ft•m·mg a~ tl~e Ill net· prtl':tte gates, new st<>p-~hclf th .. on~hout the wall ·t·n~cs devoted to Reptilia; frameR fo.r de~t·rtJ!ln•e In bel!! 111 the Hep~ile anrl :\lin<·ral ~allt•ric~. and nthPr mi•t·cllnneonH work. .Amongst other dutu.>~. the Cat·pentt•I'A had depcndmg on them the kl'epin~-: in ord('t' nl' nll lock11 and tLo examination of the whole of the roof>~ and other structureM for tho dc•tct·tion of 'l'cl"milo~. •

20. Smillls (;'l[t>l!llt's. B. I.nt·as and Jt Barncs).-'l'hi~ brmH·h of work, inaugurated in lSOG, was fully t~kt•n of, and 1l b~comes more apparent ye''"' hy y<'rll'" hat a distiiH'~ gain iL is to be able l~ pert.ornl tlu~ work on the preouses, l'l\t.hc~ tha!1 putting it onL tr~ tho tmdt•: 'l'h~ work is of ncct'ssity of~~ llliRt'Cilanc>o ull character, but tho prmc1pal1t<:ms wor<' l'!ICkl! tn t ho ' l'axttl<'l'lll ll!L's nncl Articulator's bhop~. brnelwts fot' .11upporl of :<hclvinj.!', snpportR for largo C!·ocod il e,lllO lllll ingt~ fot• garden roller, stretcher bar~ {or ~lass shd vmg 111 waJl-tases, &c•.

:?l. Compositor nnrll~rinlcr (Mr. J. W. \\Toodhcad).-The work pc>rfOT'Illell by tho Compositor nnd Pt·intcr la~t ycM was pm·t ll'Ularly ~atisfactory, <'ompri~ing 7,!iG7 l:lbt·l~ nf various Riz('s. 'fhe label!! printed wcro di!jtribute<l a• l'oliows :-)Iammalia, .)6l ; Reptilia, l!JO: O.<tt>olog.v, 39; 1\ ves, 20!); In~eeta, &c., 2.2LO ; lnvcl·tcbrata (genernl), :3.)2 ; Conchology H; Ethnolog-y. (i l.) ; )I inl'l'nlogy, l,O.J7; Palroontolog\', :)I ; l .ibrar~·. 1:~0; :uu.! ;.(<'ll<'rnl pnrpo~e~. 2,2 U. Tho lalwb unrlt•r .;\lirwntlo1gy comprise thMe :for tlie rn slnlmmlt·l~. 11ll or them of a highh· iutri~:atc nwl technical naturt•. 1-iomt· con!idcnttnl returus and IIIClllOr:JIIda for Bonrcl )Icoting-< \\'(•1'1) nlso composer!.

22. Jlammalitt.-The cut ire !lpnce that ('an be de'"otcd to this ,.)n,~ brin~ now occupied no ndd1lions to ~'peak of 1\'t'rl' madr, b•tt th<' permanent printed i:lbcl:> were complctc·d; m fact, no addition:! can be maclt• until the pr•>po~~a .outh wing of the 1[u~cum is e•·ectc<l in its entir<·!y.

The old Spir·it-hou~c 11:1' cleaned and rcrvwa.ted, and n~ed for the honoing of unc:thibitcd nt('Ullt<'d skins, and cluplil'ale~;.

\ mongst )l nr:<upi;ll~ recein•d from the rertlt )fusC'UIIl IIRB :l ~Jl<'C'illll'll nf the Hnfon>~ Hare­wallaby (Lnyorrlu·~!t·.~ lur.w/u,;, Gnultl). not prt•\'iou~ly n•prt••ent< d iu our tPrir·"· \ I tmmaJ, ret·ci\'C'd from Prof. H cnry Cl iglioli will be founrl ddailtd in Par. !l. Prof. \\'. J:;•lrhdn S;'<'ll<W. 1 f Melbourn<', \ hit~ usunl libt' ra!Jty nud desire to render our <'ollcctwn n~< comph•t<' a• IH'~'ihlt·, pr<'•cntc<i ~C\'Crnl exnmple• of C't•ntrnl Austm1ian l\Iuridrr.. 'J he Zoological Soeit·ty of .\c·w :-;outh \\'alt•• 11as pnl'liculnrly mindful of u~ last yc:ll', for bt'sid<'" muneJ·ous sma:l animal~. we ret·cin·<l frmn ilK nu•nngcrio a Blaek Lcop:trd (lf'rlis wzicolur, ] ,inn.). fln·cc J'umaR (11/i.~ co11colol', J.inn.),1wo yonng Ornng l tan~ (Simin sal.'(rus, J.iun ), and the C<'ieht\llcd .. Soudan JJonkc,·." The latter auimal. J :un iufornwd hv 1-lur,.:eou C'ol. \\". 1>. C'amphell \\'illiam", w:w captured in' the Kond:m by a party of ~<o-enllccl •· J•'r.rcudlle~ "-Hnd<'mlown. Arnbs-from ono of Ol<mnu Di!•tw's ml'n, at n. plu•<' r·allcu Ot:w, the• flll·tht•ft poiut I'C·nche!l by thr> British I~ Ipcditinn dtu·in .. th(' c~unpahrn of J'iS:). 1\n outpost u£ ~t•w ~uuth \\"ales ln fnntry met lhc J\rnbs, nnd approprin t<'ll tlw douk<'y ~~,d? heru of g~nts tlmL the tlc>.ni~h ~~·a~ tlril·ing, :11111 on I he lntler objecting tlw Amb11 c·:tlmly ~opp<:tl er[ Ins l'l~ht hand 11_1t.h one of thNt' st•:z11ght, razot·cd~Nl ~wor<ll-1, nnd pur~ue~l the C\'C'Il tl'llor ol thc11· war. le:n•m« tlw orJnmnl donkey pt·oprlclot· In do tho lw•t he could for hm1sclf. ' l'ho hand huwert•r, they tied rnuncl the tlonkt;,•s nec:k, a1id c·am<· hack tu Ot:10 in great form, the hand bciu~ pr~dut·crl M an cridccwr of. their frit•nrll.y ~piril, and all to how t~tcy ~<'l'V<'~I O:ll~ta.n'~ men .. Tho wounded A r:tb 1\':tN found nl'xl. mornm.~ by a scoutm~ p:u·t.1, nnd brou~ht m to thl' (~unt•d ~ llngndc l:11np. ln the Ficlrlllo~pilal the !<lump wa;; trimmed up. a11tl the ma~tn.wdo a ~ood n•coi'CI'). \\hen lu.• w:lf: !l'l~ hr the .\ rabs to his 0 " n dc,·it'<'s he r.unmed the stump ut Ju arm 111tn dw snutl to 11top the 'fhis itt the true hi:(tory of the" :-ioudau Donkey." . . .

23 . .A t•cs.-.;\[r. Xorth eompleteJ the !.<et•rmd c>dttton of lhmsny" Cntaloguc of Austmlian 13irds, Parts 1 :~nd 2, nnd the." were aecordin!{ly publi~l~ed. . . . . . .

I t is gr:~tifying to be nble to r<'port that m tl11~ sc>ctJOu acrpnsllwn~ \\Cre !!lore numerous than 10 any preceding year. . . . ~

The cabinc•l <'Olle(·tion of A u~tralian Bn·cls E~~:~ has progr,·~~l'll m :trrangcmC'nl. \\ e :~re, how-CI'er, still lllll<'h in want of manr complete and l'i•le blown dntclu·~. . .

The Jh·in,.examplc of rhc Uoluen-win~ed Parrakeet ( P.ft'Jl/,ofrt.~ rlrry.~oplrrli_IJlll.~) from ~ort Dar\\!n, nnly live oth('r e~amph•s 0 £ "hil'h are belieYcd to he known, ~till C<lntmut·~ to thri\'C unu <'nh,·cu us wtth hi:~ remarkably 'nl"ied and musit•alnote. . ~ . I

\ ou were> plta~ed to direct that a second c<~ition ?f ou~ most popnlur C' tnlo~U<'. ·• ~.c·~t~ nnd ~~~gs of \ ustralian Bird!<,·• should be prt>parecl, aud puhhsbed w. an nnpro\•etl furlJI. l t "tll conta111, m add111on to the ordinary plate~ of eg:r,". 1 1Ju,tration~ of the mor<' unportant.ncst" J.•lwto~mplwd 111 s~lu, and >01nc typical Birt!H. ·With this r:nd in ,·iew \lr. ::\'orlh lost Ill> oppnr!~uuty fh~rtn~. tl.e la.t<' brccJmg l'eason of securing good phutorrrnpl1s of the former, ofwn CVf'll tn the ~.:t<'t'lhc,.. of lu~ Jll'I\'RI<' tnn<'.

In <'OllSNJll<'ll~C' of other nr"<'Ut \\Ork rc>quirin~ attc>ntwn onl.v Oil<' rwNt group w:t>~ mounted, bnt a numb<'r W<' rc prucurcclaltll \\illt·c~·ivc attention during: lhc <"Ut'rcnl ycur:-. \ 111011g tho~r pro~ent~d wn~ a. pat·ticulal'ly Interesting nest of sc1·it-orni.~ rl'lrtogzdans or ;atlu•1; ,grnnp ul '·"'<' nc~ts ngglomcrated mto ono by sut·<·c~sh·c nidilicatiorH1. '!'his wns prcst'nted by )h. \V .• \I. J l!om;l~: Ill l.>ubbo. , .

A pt·acLi<'C e\iMICu in this J\lu~ct:m fo1· many ,Y<'Ili'S of allowm~ lh.l'll~ Ill tlr.<• . IIPsh .to 111

our Spirit-tJtnks, uo :tllowancc whatever being 1mule for thr fat:t. that ~tvou ~>uflu.' ICIIL tun.o 111 spll'lts, tb.e lllere vivid colours or most Birds' plumage will become oblitemt~·d. I h:~ve yul rtn cnlH·e sl~p ~~ tlu~ prot<'<'<liu~, rwtl h<•rwrfnrth, unless B~rdM arc •:cqnin'd for analomrc:tl c>:~.anunatwn, al l lhn.t <:ome Ill II'J I.!,~be at Oil<'<' i lll'IH'Il iu!n l'l.iu•. or ostl'oln!{lt';ll sprt'lllll'll~ .... ·


• 8

2-1-. Rcplili« nml Ball'ftc!tia.-l;IHI .\ ustralian Hwtkc:-ll wero nlso iu part r-emounted and rearranged. The Snake model~ 1~ere iucrca~cd b.v a ~:~ mall addition.

Descriptive. labels, ilhts~t~d ~y diagrams of structure, were framed and hung in con. tiguity to tho specimens, and d1Rtr1button maps wore placed m the cases.

O.f the Japanese Salttmander (Mrgnlobafraclws11111Xitn~s, Schl.), prese~tcd by 1\Ir .. W. C. Heron, a model was in tho first insh\1\CO taken and n.flerwards tho spec1mon converted mto both skm and skeleton.

25. Pisrf's.-l.lf.r. \'l aitc nfte~ hiH return from the "'l'hotis" c:cpeditiou, was employed for some time in the determination of th~ fi shes obtained durin~ th<> crui s<>. 'I'his, with other indispeusible duties, referred to elsewhere, prevented more thnn a. commt'lll'Ctnent be in~ made wi~h the ~rranA:c~cnt of. the ~cneral.col~ection. in the now ca~os, and ~" it IS ~ow necc.s!'ar~ for hun to des~rtbo the ·Thetts ga.t.hermgs in detml, l1ttlo wtlt be accomphshod tbts ycn.r m the dtrcct10r1 of aystcmattc arrangement, certamly not until well on in the year.

26. Os!rolo.'l.'I·-In the J~oport fo1· 18!)7, I slated that the final dispo),lit ion .o~ the Birds, Reptile, and Fish Osteological preparations was held o,·er. The removal of the Rcphha to the new cases prepared for them set free l'Crlain large cnses on the floor of the tJ'pper l\lnin llnll. .This enabled the congested state of the Bird. ~kolet?n~. lo bo reliol'etl by t~ansferri~g the ~maller spec10s to the cases in question, which were plncod 111 contlgudy to the genera l ~er1cs of B1rcls. ~he wall-cases of the Oaten. logical gallery prnpe•· arc now qui le full, wilh the C':Ception of that port1on . allotted to the. ~~entia nnd )farsupi:lha. Ample room has been re~Cri'Cd for the latter for some tunc to come, as 1t ts, m my opinion, the one group IYC Mhould, by Cl'ery means in our power, cndea\'Our to render as complete as eircumstances will possiblr permit.

The nucleus of a comparative sori<'ts of di$nrticulnted bones, commen('cd in 1807, has progresscd rcry ~atisfaclorily, 4:)3 bones having been nclded to i!.

The preparation of the Rkolotou of a :Sunfi$h ( Ortltogori.~<·us moln, Linn.) wns commenced late in iho yenr. and it is hoped that it will turu out :m object of interc-«t and instruction.

'l'he skeleton of a J1~panesc ' :tlamnndct· wn~ prepared and mounted. 27. Insecta, Jlf.yri"poda, and Ar(ICnllitla.-'l'lw donations of 1~98 excccded those of 1 V7 very

considerably, whilst 3,209 spet"imens we1·o recei1•NI in exclmnge. 1' he <>xhibitcd 1\ ustrnlian ColeopteJ•a nnd Lepidoptera were registered, and the former considerably nu~mcnted. The Exotic Colcoptcra wero provided with printed bbels. 'J'his year tlw Exotic Lepidoptera will bo $imilarly treat<>d.

)!r. R:unbow has gi l't'll a:~ much attention M possible, beyond that of mere care, to the cabiucL colledions, tho o:totic and ondrmic Butlorfli c!1 being <·omplcted, and tho Moth!' well in h:md.

As I antici\>aied, when wt·iting ]a.,t yent•'a l{.eport, n.n investigation of out· spirit Insecta :~torcs added largely to tbe dup i<·a.tes for cxchnn~c.

28. _:Uollusru.-'Yith flw exception of k<•t>pin~o: down cu rrt>nl work, su~:h as rc~istration of :wquisitions nnd preparation of cxch:tn!-(1'><, lllr.llcr!h.•.''s whole timl' wa:- taken up 11ith the elaboration of tho Funafuti Gastcropodn; th i~ was cmnpl<·letl at thl' 1·ntl of the y<•at·, ami it~ now in tho hand::; of tho printer. liad it not been for the cordial n ssi~tant·C' of :i\fr. \\' . 1\ . Franks, no :vh•:tnc.:oment could hnvo been made in the prcparati~n ol' new material for luturc exhibition. rndor .:\l r. Hedley'1:1 sup<~rvisiou, ho mounted LSOO tablets of shrll". . . It became necesmry to provide mo1 able co1·er' f o the C'onchulo~ical rnscs to exdudc lhc strong

ltght, m consequrnre of some of the shells showing a tlndl'ncy to become blr:u~hed ; half the cases were so provided lasL .'·ear, nncl1lw remainder will be snpp.icd 1 his y<'ar.

20. lnt·crlt·UI'((/a (c.n·lu.~il'l' of 1nsuta, c~·c., (lllc/JI{ollu.~cn).-~lt•. \Vhi tclcgg<1 cluring Lho <'nrlv part of J 8!l8 continu<>d and compl<'tetl his rC~<t'arches into tht> .:\larino llll'ertebraln, other I hnn the 11foi1usca, of Funafuti, nnd commcncNl lhc stud.1· of t he C'ru~l:tcca obtained during the •· 'J'b<>tis" .E:cpedition; these arc alt·t'ady partly 'lamed nnd n·~:::stcrcd

Prof. ,1(, . \. llcrdm:tn havin~ complcterl hi~ rh·~c-riptions of the Xew South "":tlt'~ Tunicnln returnctllho ~prc-i.m.e~1~. iurluding fifty I ,Ypt'N. ' l'ho t·nlll•t•l ion wns at OLl<'C proparNl by Mr. Whitolcggc, nnrl placed 011 <•xluhtlton. Ju !&SS my pt<'dN·e~'Ol'. !h. E. P. Ham~a,·, acting on instructiom• from rou, fv1wardcd this c·ollectJ ~ n nf 'l'unicata for cll·~niptiun to Prof H t·r<lman. l n lS!l:J, howc\'cr. ju$t a~ tho work was about to be ~en~ lo> tu·,~s, Ctl'Umslancc:< r.f nn o!licial nature, beyond pmr control, temporarily put a stop to thl• pubhc;! tl<l~l. 1 ~ no~,. niTord,. me ~mll'h 1 !ensure tu ><ay tho.t in l'>!l7 it WM n~ain possible lo contemplate the pt:bhc:dwu of a l:tta]o,..m•, 11 ludt wa:~ therefore at once completed and i:; about le bo issued as one nf Lhe i\fuseum HcricM.

0 '

, A.t the time th;- ~p<.'~·im<'lll< :'·t>re forll':\rtlcd to Prof. lf<'rdmnn lh t>y formed n complete collection of tho 'I umcata of lht' .:'\ ew :->outh \\ nlcs coast a:> th('n lit~own to 11>.', and ,·er\' ft·w additi<lll:tl forms hnn• ~>inco come to hand. It is, howc,·er, Ulll]tte,lionnb!<' th:H br sv.;tcmatic ('oflcctinn whic:-h unfortunat<•h the .'\ ustralia~ ~luseum i~ not at present in a position to cai·ry ·out, the list might be very 'much enlarge;!:

. ln ncld1t 1011 to the ill u~cu m m:t! el'ial , Prof. 11 <'Nlrnan has incorporn tor! t•crtnin 'form~>~ known to lum, buL at pt·t'~Pnt not reprt•~c·nted iu tho former. .\ JH'l•liminan• list ,,·ns publi~hcd in the ",\ nnals nnd .;\l::gaziue of Xatural History" for .June, ]O.,!}<,, •

!30. Etltnoln.'l!l and Anlhropolo:J!t·- b a pr.~siblc lllcnns of nssi!<tin~ to pt•rfcct our Collection of \\rc.npons and l mplt•meut!<, bntlt .\ustr:\lian n.n•l l':lC'ilk, rou autlwris<'<l the •listr1bution of 1110 Circular::~ a~lwtg for donntiont~, copies o( 11 hich nrc :\tlad~ed :- ·

Sir, . . 'l'lw .A ustrnliun ~fmt•nm, SnlnH, l '\o, ••mhPr, 1 ()!!. . I nm dt••tr~rl .hy tlw 'frn•I~C$ of tl11' .\ •t-lralun ~! n't'Uut to :1•k th~ lal'our of ) Oil; 11 -.i:taucu in t•xt,•udino: nn<l

romplehlll( th.•• Ethnu!o~•t'lli Colh•!•l•ons b~· ) OU r kiu•ll." pr•• nt1111: to th·• 'l'ru•te<>• tlncl fo:·w:1rdin~: t o :ht• ('urutor anv •fWCtmt•ns of mter,••t you may ohlltn, "ith 113 mu..Jt informntJun R• ., tlrtnbblt• r.·~:t1ntin .. IO<•alilJ m~thod o£ runnuJn~tur:· Ubtl!41 .,f,{c. o • '

I Rend, nude•·. 8<'P!•ral~ co,•ct·, n pnmpbloL />Uhli~hed by t h•• 'l'rukfcc~, on t lw .. l~thnolo" ' ol' ]• unnfuti " ror yO\Ir nrc~pt·

Soncol. ,, perUMII or IL \\Ill gm:.• J'llll 1111 irlt•n l)f t ·~ kinrl of iufoJ•IIttllion fCIJUII'~rl l'OilCct·nin·~· ... ·tick< from' ·IIIV oi' tho Soulh e•~ •la>ttls. "' · ' ·'

:ll u·cu:~;~•u 'f ru•lcc' nrc u6o \'.illing oc•·n·io•mll,,· tu tr~•t fo~ till' pu:l'lta•~ of Src<'iw<'n• 1111t •lr~~tlr rt•pr··•Pnt ·din tlto 1 am.,\:t•,

!{. FTII EH lllG E, Sit·, l'ur.1tor.

I 1m tl · I lJ I , 'The Au, frnli"l' ill c"''tttn, s,dnt•h 1 Nt•l<'tnbt•r, lS!JS. ll

. It C!llrt•( ~f t 1~ '( rutooit·t!~ ur l~ll' \ u .. tJ·ali:u 1\lu~{,tlJU to :\ ... 1~ tho ft\\'<.lUI' or your n~~i~t::tllt'O ill t.'~tl'Utlincr uncl comp <' 1111; t !e .Rthnolo~:iclll Uol!l'Ctions h> i 11 t J '• • - - " specmtcns of mtrre>t ,IOU m:ty obhin. your " 1' ~· Jlr•· <'11 Ill~ to l11• {ru,lcc~, nncl for11ar•lin~; to tlH• Vur.1tor, any


'Ibt> flue C~llection o£ Au~;tralian Aboriginal T mplt•meut. bt•longing to l he Trusloca was entirely dest royed by the Garden ~alace fire m Scptt>mbc~, lRSI, and! altliougb mnny •prrtmcn• have eincc been acquired, the T rw.tees ha~e nono ropresenhng the now almost rxtmct con~t trtbes.

There mu~! be mnny o£ thc.c in the po~se•sion o£ old resident-, nnd th!' Trustees would very highly npprecintc gifts oC ~M~bc~~ ~~~

Jt E'l'D ERIDOE, Curator.

I nm glnd to say t ltnt those application~ hal'o nlrrndy borne fruit in the form of small collections obligingly presrntod by l\h·s. W. Wyatt-GiJI, i\'11-~. A. 1\ . Smart, aud the Rev. S. J£lla, with tho promise of others.

The unexhibitetl portion of our Ethnological collection had always been incoll\cniently scattered in sevc~al s~ore-room~. thereby causing much loss of time in instituting comparisons with new material. ·ro av01d". I dovolc-d four n~on~hs, ?~', t~ its thorough irwestigation, and succeeded in systemati­~allr c~a.sslf) m~ the ~vholt': br!llgm~ ltk~ wtt~ like, nnd separating the duplicates. Eadt 11pecimen was, 10 add thou to •l~ .regt:;tratwu tag, supphed wtlh a locality I:! bel. During the progre8~ of this work many hundreds of epccunens p'l~se.! through my hand~. I was corJiallv assisted ir\ this work a t. various timet< by )Icssrs. R G:a!lt ami B: Lucas. f also spent much tirnc in \l'orking out the nntu~al history of a~ many of the e.\ht~tlcd.spc:cunens ~~~ pos~ible, and ~uccecd<:d in inserting <H5 dcscriptil'c ln.bcl~, unfor­tunately onl)' an mlimtcsnnal portum of those r('quircd.

Tlte w~ol.c of o,u; .Phallic o~· Erotic specimcn11 wcro aho m-ranged in a priv:tte room nnd lnbelled. The clucf acq mstt ton:< cons1eted o( a ''al unb!CI sl'ric~ of objecb f rom 'l'hio, t\ cw Caledonia, including

two fine Funct·.all\lasi<M, sonte paJ•t icularly intcrcstin~ examples of Shell-money, and tho peculiar Doigtier, or Spcar-th.rowmg becket; an inlaid sk ull from the l:lolomon l ~lauds; nud an interc~tin~ Cooking-pot l'rom Erromaugo, presented b_v the Re''· IJ. A. l~oberlson. of tlmt. i~latHI.

Tbe general n<·quisii Olli! in this section were also nnrnerou~. 31. llislorical.-No "ork of any importance:> wa>; pc:>rfnrmed in this Section during l !l98. 32 . ... \"umwnatir,,f Comparati,·ely .few :uldition~ "ere mn<le to tho Xumi~tnntical Collection, but

two pri-rate and euit:\blu room,; for this important brnnch of Ethnology with 11uitablo ca~e"' were filted up. I hope durint; thc ('nrrent )(':tr to have a fair proportion of our coins and medal>~ arranged, :\lr. Sinclair hal'ing kindly lent his n~siHtante and got thruu~h a good d(•al of the preparatory " ork.

3:3. lJ.i.iucrulo!l.¥ and Chemistry.-The )[onutl'itirling :\leteoriteentrusted lo Profe~~ur IT. A.\\' ard, of Rochester, X ew \ or·l< ~tal(', to be cut ant! etched, wa~ t<afcly returned, all cl uow form:s a prumiuenb object in the ~lincral C:alll•l'Y·

The anang<'llll'HL ol' t ho intcrestiu:,: and in~tructive ~erit·s of Cr~·fltal 1\rodelr~ was completed by Dr. Cookscy. In gcueral t lw ~:\lnc surt:1cc thr·oughout tlto combiuutiou of forms in a given mineml species recci ,·ed Lhe same tint, and as fat• as possible Rimilar ~~~~·f1tces throughout a ~;ysl.t•m were il•etltcd iu a lil<e mannet-. 1'ho modd~ nnmbt'l' 71:3 in all, and in many in~lruwc~ :we acrompanied hy natural crystals of the same form. J~a"h motl<-1 i~ proYidetl with a priulc•l label containing the nnme, crystnllographic formuln, aud locality. In a•ldition a larl(c explan:lloT'.V label nf the symbols u~<·d iN (H'm itl!'d, and to each of the six syRtrms an a•lditton·d bbd, also cxplanalnr.1· is ntldccl. .\collection of charact<••·islic i\ ustralia,n mineral<~ and ore~ \\:IS -t·nl to the 1 mperial Gt'olr•t:icnlln.,titutc of Berlin, and a large uumbrr of mineral oddments to the Tcchuit·:\1 t 'ollt'~<'. Xewca~Ue, fut• the tt~t· of the stndc:>nt•. }'rom the Ta~manian )luseum a collection of mineral:< of tint i,J:~nd wa" recetrcd, iuclu·ling fine cxnmplrt< of C'n•~oil•' and ,\ xinitc.

Amongijt a ~cries of Broken Hill mincrnll! J>Ur<·ha~cd f1·om )Ir. J . • \ . Burncll, the Xative Coppers, dendritic and feat hrr y, wero vcrr fiue ; an arlJ i! ioual ~<mall iron meteorite from \\r Cijt :\ ustralia wns purchased fr·om :\fr . . f F t'omwfly; and a slicc of the 'l'l.unda -:\Ieleorite wn~ obtaincd bv e~chango with Prof. A. Li l'(·r~idgo.

Amongst preHcntations the more impod:\llt Wl'l'l'; Xativo .\r$Cllic from Lunatic, neat• nr~ke, by l\Ir. E. J ordan; Hlilbitt·~ fn,m the Lii'Crpool Plain~ hy i\fr. D . .A. 1\nter; Fulgtmtet~ from Kcnstnglon, by l\Iessrs. ,J. W. C:rimHimw and G. U. 1\.nibbt~; 'l'ollurtdc of Gold from Knlgoorlic. by 1\lr. G. Sl1arp; nnd a slice of the l\ lungindio i\frtcoJ·ite, by the <:o,•rrnmc:>nt Ctcologist, (l\h. K 11' . PiLtm:11~.)

Throuoh the eoul'lc~\' of Mr. F. R. f.iudfrc'y, of Melbourne, we were able to oblatn a cast of a meteorite in ]~is poN~cg~ion," and new w u~. from near llay, Xcw :South \rales; nnd Dt·. K C .. tirling, Director of the l'ublic ;)[uscum, Addaitle, "a~ kind I'IIOU:;h to allow us to tnkc a (':t~l or a meteorite found at. Ynrdea, Gn"ler Han~ci, ~C\.

31:. P alll'Olllolo.q!l The large ;:peeim~>m• e~hihitrtl in tho wnll-casc;~ wc~r inert-:1scd by twenty-three. No tab Jetted t-p<'cirnt'th! were aohll'd in con8c<JIW11Cl' uf t hr w:lllt of a .Hechnm;·al .h~t,.tnn t

~Ir. C. \\'. de Yis, ~I.:\, Cur.1tor c>f tht> Quc;n,Jand :Hu•eum, continurd hiM (·~nminatiou and determination of our ('\lim:t ~larsupialremaiu~, mud1 tu ot~r nchnutage. . .

Some vcnr~ ng-o, wltt!n the nlrerntiunl' tn tlw (lpo)ngtt•nl Hall tuok pl:ln>, t•et•tnrn portions of tho general l+'ureign Coll('cllllll "('I"C, from !he want or ~p.H'fl, pnck<'<l up and pa~~t'd into ~tMC. 'L'ho wh.ole wero again 11 npnclwd, c·lt•:mcd, atul ,.~·~tcm:t.t ic·alh• nrrangt·<l. 111 t·m·NNI wooden tray~ and placed on shchmg in lily WOrkroom .. 'J'hill UC('IIpiod .~~~~·. ntlclltl<lll f , I' abt!lll f(llll' IIIOilth~. • . , '· . •· • . .

The most 1111port.1nt ncqntsrlwns by prcscntllilllll \l<'l"t' a collcc twn o~ . l.,!' .l\ l c~oz.ulC,­bonifcrous aiHl :SiluJ·ian fossil", bv l\rr. ·r. Stephcn~, .'1 \ .. ; C'•:etaceous Ropltlt.:tn :111cl ': •~ 1~ remnms !ram the Fliuder:; Rh•t•r, h\ !.\lr. ,J. B. Suiting: Dcwnmu, Srlurtan, an<l. ~nrhont~(·n~u~ ln~::nl!! from ~ or~h Americn, bv :\rr. W."R Crrtne; Prof. R Tah."s t'n typrs of OrJon~tJI! fo·~~b from {l•ntrnl.:\ustralta, collected dtiring the I lorn E,p,•lition, b.v :\I r. \\' \ lluru, through .r l'of. H. l~tt•. &~. .. y •

During our enfurn•d stay a.t L~r~ Hol'l' bl;tnrl, oil thl• cr~1~e of thr 1 h.l·lt~. ~ [ ~. \~ atlc ~nd mvaeli succec<il·d in cullcding ijUlllC addlttOna.l ,·er,\ mtcrc>'llll~ rrntalll~ of the pt•cultar cllmcl Chcloman, .Jli.eiolnnia plalyrt"} 11. • • • • d

., . L ,.- . 'l'ltt• ] 1"'-rhr" lth" recci,·cd t•m·eful attcntwn nn.( a<'nm~ttrnn8 hn1c been ,July place •>•>. turary. - ' u " ·' ... '. . • ·r. I Id . f on the shd1·cs. ThPre r.n', lto"cl'er, many ,·:~lunlllc bo?h< "l11ch 1t lb tmportant we H 1011 neqUJre or pressing need::<, ns Krlltn tlK fnru\:; ar.~ a1·ailablo for pnt·,·ha~utg them. , ,. . • .

3G. Oflirc.- t.:nrh•r the watchful eye ,,f _10111' 1-it•<·n·lnry (l\I r. R. :-imcl:lll'), the o01cc work l'ns cfliciently ca'rricd on hy l\f 1•'. 1'. Cl ark ami ,J. A. Hp< Hl'<'r.


I have, &c .. H. ETliEH I DO F., J u-rn.,

t'nrntor. ------ - - --





•ro tho Uurnlor,­Sir,

Tirrcnith I bn1·c the honour to submit to yon my l~eport for thr ye:11· 1 0 .

M ammals.

It j~ 11 ith Rali~>faction I am able to report tha~ all the 11pccimrn~ in the M~mmalian G:tl~orios are now uniformly labelled. The Orde~ attended to d1~ruu~ the y~nr 11 ~rl' the Uudcntaa, ~ngulata, Eden~ata, Maraupinlin, and Monotremata. The time was cluefiy occupiCd 11 1lh the fine collection of Marsup1als; thefmlfll stages in spirits were also included. . . .

Perhaps, from a popul(l.r point of 1·iew, ~he most mter<'sllng donnllon wn11 the donkey bro~:rht h~me by tho Now South Wales Contingent to the 13o~dnn w1w. 'l'he care a~? wns. pre~en;ed by tho ~oolo~rc~l Society of New ~outh 'Yale~, in w~ose gardens 1t h~ll long ~ren a fanuhar.objcrt .. 1 1 ofe~~or ". Bnl?w~n Hponcer of Molhouruo furthe1• ennehod our collccllon of ( ~nlrnl A ustrah:m ~.ll!mlw .. wlulo M:. J. t~rn and Mr. 1?. C. Jnnson wore liberal donors of i\Iamrnnlt~. h~:l'ltangos WCI'O sattsfaclot·aly negotmtcu wJlb the Perth (\ V.A .), Christiania, l!'lorence, and Brili~h Mu~e lllll H.

lu place of the usu:~l book-for~ ca~alog.uo, I , wilh your ronrm:re~1ce, mlnpled the "cnr.d-catnloguo" plan now being so extonsavely used 1 n labrn:·JC~. ,-11. scpa.rato cart! 111 !ssuc1l. for each spcc1mon; one of t hose may be withdrawn oa· the series addod to wtLhout 111 1~nf w1~y daMlu~·hm.g the whol~ .. Already .all Lho duplic1~to 1\1nmmals have been ao catnlogucd, and lho t'.\hablled <•o llcct.wn HI now reeeanng aLteuLion in this di rection.

Compared with l!~ishes and Reptiles, the number of .Mammals pre~ervr~ in spia·its i<~ .c~trcmelr small, nevorthclc3s it is pleasant to have thorn in such order ns they occupy 111 tho 11cw spwL house, further to be meutionod.

'.I'ho 'l'a.!.idermists have, during the yenr, "made up,. ninety-six skins of )I nmmals from ~<pirit specimens; they hn1•e dealt with thirty animals in the lle~ h, while 11 similar number was mounted for exhibition t'lll'poses. The groups prepared number forty-three.

Durmg the second half of the year I bad lho sel'l·ices of l\Jast<•r /\ llau K :llcCullocll, n rolunteer, who rcliel'ed me of much of the clerical work, such as preparing ~I~. labels for the printer and other matters within his powers.

Ilr:ptilc~ and Batrachians. In this Section the work performed was not great ; ~<omc progress was, however, made 11;th the

spirit collection of snakes. Uithe1·to these had been coilt>d in jars in tho usual unsatisfactor,1· manner. I h:wo commenced nrrangiug them in natuml cun·es against n ::;)wet of opal glasll, b1 which means they are uttractil'ol,r and usefully displayed. The L itar<b, Frogs, etc., 1 had prc1·iou"l) mounted in thi>< manner.

Tbo series of groups representing Liznrd::J among natural surrounding~ was added to, and the maps illustrati,·o of distribution were completed and form n Uh11\l u~cful adjunct lo thu galler~-.

JT ung near the Lizards and Fr ogs will be found descriptirc lelterpre~s anti diagrams, at present taking the pluco of n much needed and reliable guidr.

A few more snakes were utilised as model!> fo r tll(' "dt·r" collection, nud the J npaneso • 'alnmandcr presented b)' 1\Ir. \ V. C. Heron was first cast and then pas~ocl OI'N' to the Articulator. Among other donor" may be mculioncd l\lr. IIcor.r Hicl1aa·Js, who fua·ni~;hcrl ~pccimons f rom " 'e!lt Au~;tralia, and tbe Rev. Georgc Brown, who enri<'hed our series of 1\cw G-uinea Hcptilt'N.

Tho mniu work accomplished during the ~ear·, in cnmp<tn) wilh J\h·. " ' hitcl<'ggc, was tho lram­forOII('O of the entire collection of spiri t specimens to Ll10 ttc\1 houRt' S[Wcinll~· built for its reception. Ju addition lo thousands o£ bottles, wooden tanks <'rl<'h of fifty gnlloms cap;u:ity wore mol'od for ~omo distance up a steep incline ;tlmost without mishap. ·

. . ' l'ho bottle !IJlCcimens of Reptiles were placed in ays!oma!ic order upon Lho aholl'e~ of the new spm t housr.

/l'is!tcs. I n the Section o£ Fi!!hes n1y office has been that of n collector rather than of nn ndministrator.

In accordance with your instructions, I accompanied the !rnwli1tg c'pedition of lf.)!.C.S. "l'hetis" as naturalis t. Tlw operations t•xbmded from February 18th w 1\ pril Mh, un<l included the coast of the Colony from .Tr l'l'i!l Bay to the J\Iauning Ril•cr, up to th l! 90-fathom lin<'. .h you accompani<'d us both to the i\Jaoning Bight nud on the final excursion to Lord ll o11 r l ~bntl, yuu nrr aware how. after Iea1iug Hydney on J\.Tarch. 25!h, nnd encou~lering hea1,1 wt·alhcr, our pns~agc ul'i·upicd ~r,·enly hour<! as agai1:~t the usual tlmty-sax. 'Ve were left UJ>On the ioland fur ciC'I'Cn 1lny:o, the "Thcli::o" !wing blown h> sea in the gale, returning I? Sydney fo: coal ~ml snpplit·s before t.ll;ing us off.

Large collectaons of marme objects wore nt·ctuuulalt'll dua·in .. tht· seven weeks' cruise the drter­miuntion of which '~ill. occuJ~Y some time. .\ n rs~ay on the fi~~1os ~btainrd has already hce~ printt·d at the C.OI'ernment Pr10tm~ Olfice, but a more tcchntcnl:wcount w1ll be is~urrl h\' the )lus<'um.

Ono IICction of. the new Fi~h Gallery, rcferrecl to iu my ln~t Ueport: ha:i been completed, :md a sr~1all nu.mber of sp~cameos hns already been housl•tl. .\ n e.tteu~ion of the gallon "ill be ptocecJcd wath durmg the comt::~g year. ·

The Spirit Collection of fishes now in the ncw hou><c has been bt•<.ladly da~~ifi.'d, time not ~·et hal'ing been found for a more dotnilcd arrangement.

Skt'lr tons. " " t'aa· a~ iiJlll<'<' pel'mit~ this collection i~ in 11 PntMfad•>ry t'Oil lilion. 'l'he Rmalll' l' lurtl ~kl•l('[uns

were rcmm·t·tl to the Bird Gallery, but at prc~ent spnt'<· cannot be 1\rund there t'tll' the Batita:; thc:::c, c·ou~cqlu•ntly, l'l'maiu in !he Ollteologi(':JI Unllcry. . . 'l'h(• Al't ic ulal o a·~t la a ~·u in hrtnJ. the ;;lwiPII)II of a Sunfixh, but ax tho tn•atmcuf adoplctl, bt-inl{

1<\lnal:tr t.o tlal\t employed for cad1lng1nous lislws, n~<·u pit'M l'llllt~illC'mbll' tilllt' it i~ ~ t ill in course of prcpar:tt aon. '

Nint•.ty-~i'( Rlwlc•tuns werc prct>n rcd durin l{ thCI Yl'ar·. t~C whil'h uunillcll' thidy.fuu r· 11erc mountu.l and pi:H·<•d 111 the gallrt·y. · 1 11111 , ,~:., •• ;

IWU.\H H. \\'\LTE. 'l'u

To the C'urator,­Sir,

I ha1•e the honour to hnnd you herewith my AnnLtalltepot·b for 1898 of the Sections under my

d l'l'8.

~ne thousnm~ two. hundred and nint•ty.threc ~<pecimcn!l have been registered during Lbe year . . the ~<'glstmh~ns exceed tho~e ol' :my pr?viout.< ycar. This is chiefly duo to tbe partial r~corp~ml10n, n~ hmc _rerrm.tll, ?f the Dobruydc Collection. Clood progress wns made with the Cabinet Collection of Au Ml rnlmn Bmla E~!!;~, whiC'h occupi<'d the grenter portion of my Lime dluring tho first Rix months of the ycar. 'l' he col~ccti on. of A~rstrn liau_ J3irda' ~eats was rearranged in the cases and labelled, and a small number of wrtlten t.clwts m t.hc Bml gallenes replaced by printed ones.

~[ost importnnt work WM done in the Spirit CoHection. The collections of Birds from various sour~es during thr Ins! qunrlcr of a century were brought together, the broken, blenched, and worthless spe~rmena•oye~, those of any value cith_cr being l>ept l'or futur·c reference or skinned by the Ass1stant 'l'a:udcrm1st. It wns found ou cxnmmation that a larae number consisted of unre!ristercd and mutilated specimens, obtained in the neighbourhood of 'ydney." 0

. With a vic1~ lo . the pnbli~ntion of n se<:or~~l c<li~ion of Lh~ ('ablogue of "Nests nnd Bggs of Brrds found brct'tlrng m A uatl·ahn and Ta~mama, durmg the aprmg and summer months many photo­grnphs of nests an<l egg!! were taken i11 situ. A l'illit w:1.<1 also made to the Upper Clnrence River in Novemb<>r, resulting in the acquisition of Rpccrmcn~ and information "hich will form the subject of future remarks .

No addition!\ we re made to the Group Collection illufltraling the life-histories of A ustrnlian birds, but man:· nests in situ were seeun•d, and wrll claim the early attention of the Tnxidermis t. .-\. very fine case of N ewton's Bower -bird (Prionodum nt•wfonirma) was Ret up with the bower or playground. Useful work wns also dollO by the 'l'nxiderrniat, in grouping together the singly-monnlo<l specimens of Pigeons, Game-birds, an<l Waders, thereby rendering an amount of sp:H'c nntilablc for future additions.

The collerlions arc in ~good ~late of pro~ervntion, the .Assistant 1'Midermist baYing devoted a large nmounL of his time lo their systemntic cxaminat ion.

Numerous inquiries wPro nnswerecl, <>ither personally or by letter , during the year, and sc¥eral small collcctionll of bird>~' eggs wcro determined, abo one of the Paradi~ciidtlf.

Proofs of l':u·t!l I an .I li of the 2nd edition of l>r. Harnsay's "Catalogue of tho Australian Bird~ in the Australian ilfuseum" were revised, nud the publication issued.

'l'hc publication of the remainder of the :.u.s. on •· The l nsectiYorous Birds of :Xew ~outh 'Vnles," prepared nt tho request of lho 'Lnder Secretary for 1\lines and Agriculture for the use of the students at the Hawl<csbnry J\ gricultu rnl College, may be regarded as practically abnndoued. 'l 'ho last part was issu<><l in the Agricultural Gazelle in Janu:u·y, 1..97

Ethnolo.'1.'!· l~ight hundred ami eighty-four specimens wore registered.

Consequent upon your circulars issued during the year, !he actJuisitio~s to Uti~ Section were ~oth numerous and Yaluable. Chief :unona theMe may be mentioned n. large collecbon of mrscellnneous articles from different. i ~ lands o[ the Pacific


pres<>nted by t.he Rev. Samuel l•~lla ; a similar donation from tho Rev. IL A. lloberlson of Erromang;, New llcbt•id<'~, including two lnrgo stone-rings ut·" Kavulahs," of ,:treat rarity nnd mlu~; and mat:o, fish-hook~:~, &c., from Mr. Craif? Ma~innis, of T~ngn. By ~xchnnge a large collection of Pnla-olit hie implement:~ was received from Incltana, North Amertca; and sh1eld~, bull­roarcrs, &c., from the 1'nsmnniau l\fuseum, 1lobarL 'J'he principal additions by purchase consisted of n. collection from Thio, Xrw Caledonia; 'nrious artidrs ol' extreme rarity from North and Central Australia; and boomernug~, dilly-bag,., &c., from the Cppcr Clarence Hiver.

U nder your supcl'l'isiou the ever-incronsing collection in the Htorcrooms has been systematically arranged, labelled, and rcndored nvnilablo for future rcfcrenco.

A considerable amount of rour time, too, w:ts devoted to the preparation of descriptive labels, which wore stmck oil by the printer, and nttacht'd to the specimens.

11-tlllllllmalicnl a111l Jlistorical. The clticf a<·quisitronto, by pl'<'H'ntall~n, to !he ~umi~n~a~il'al Collection con~ist of an _,\~banli bron.~~

star, ami nineteen pieces of ribbon belongmg to varrous BI'IL111h war and other mcd~ls, r<>cmved t.hro.u.ol the .Agent-Genom! for New South Wales, from lhe Wnr OOicc, London_. and. two &lvor_mcdnls rcceHed from the Public ~chool:! Athletic AtiSociatiou through the Department of Pubhc I nstruchoil, Sydney.

Only three Historic:tl spN·imcns w<'t'O received _durin~ the yea_r-;-th<: most. noteworthy being a largo shark-hook found in a. well while di«ging tho foundatwus of the addtttons m Ocorgo-strcot to the Ocnernl l>ost 011' . S ··' n I am, &c.,

ICC, )uney. ,\LFRED J. NORTH.

To the Cnmtor, Sir,

I ha.,·c the hoMur to hnnd you herewith the Annual Report of the Entomological Section for

the ye:U' 1898. · · The number of specimens rcct·i\·cd ~~~ donal10nt1 ill corlll.iderably in excess of Jh~~c reg1s~~c.~ d~wg

lho prct·edina year. The priuc1pal conlrtbutoril to our ca.btnets wcrcd~~rs1 · J ·c· a\rn,:t,,t~nt 1

11 e, rolmo I ., . . I . r "'h I 1 !· l LOjlHlOJltern nn ~· I', '· .Jc • V a. er IOU SO, 1\' 1 w 1om 11 c recen ed n <·ol ocl10n o .1. urijt ay 9 .uH · ' H N f 1 [M S

genet·ouK!y donated a large colleC'Iion ol' I ndiau l)lltterUi(•~;~. .llfessrll. p J do 1;.Fardc, [ ·1b·' 0\ t · r· ·

" Waterwitch". H atley Boyd of )[iumi; E.'S . . \lkin, of Hydncy; anll . A. lorpo, o e 1 us ra ran :\[useum, adde,i lnr,gel) to ou; duplicate collection of .\ uslralian Colcoptcra. Very


V er JitLlc collecliog was done during the year, n.nd this pri!lcit>allv by Dr. Rn.msaj:- During my annual loa~c I embrn.ced the opportunity prcsont~d by a ~h.ort trtp to the Blue 1\Iountnms to collect a number of specimens of which our duplicate collechon ~<lood Ill nred.

The total number of specimens recei,·ed in exchange wa' :3,200, :u~d consiste~ principally of llrilish Coleoplcra, Hhopalocera, and Helerocera; lhe~o were from )fr. l ;dg~r R " ane. A. small

· f \ l a)'1A 11 butterflies was t•ecei,·ed as au exchange from )ft·. G. A. \\ aterhousc, of Waverley sortcs o 1 us r " :\1 E G ' · f '[ • · 'rhe balance of a colle~tion of Auslrali:m ColeoptCI·,t, duo to • On". :.. • u,• rm, o ·• mon , France, was made up and despatched. . . . . . .

'fho work of reYilling, remountin~. ~ncl re~tste:m~ ~<J~ccuncnll !'Cl'Ct~·t>cl con'<alerable n.t~cnt10n during the vear. Nearly the whole oE the exhtbtted collectiOns o! A ustr~han Colcoplcra and Lcptdoptcm were registered and many 0 1 am ples of the former, not previOusly dt~playcd, were set out tn the gallery. The toto! ~umber of registrations under this head is G2G.

~'ho whole of Lho manuscript labels attached to the C'-hibite I coll<'clio~ of Exotic Coleopt~_ra w~re replaced by printed ones, and adde~ greatly to the general nppcar~nc~ by thetr neatness and umcormtty. '!'he E:totic Lepidoptera will be eirotlarly treated as the work of pt•tntmg pt·ogrestes.

'l'h<:> task of examining and ~n:anging the spi r.i t collcelion in ih~ new RJ>!rit room was under.taken and nccomplishod. '!'his, although tt tn\'olvecl much tune and h~bour, w1ll be of tmmense advantage tn the futuro when selecting specimens for exchange.

One noticeable fct~ture of 1898 wns Lhc increase in the number of young students of .Australian Entomology. 'L'hc facili ty ~fford~d. to private collectors! by ~he displ:tyed collection, o.f namin~ specimens was largely nvniled of, antl tn addttion m11ch help was gtvcn 111 Lho wiLy of names and mformabon.

'l'hc collection is clean nnd free froJD insect pests. ha1•e, &c.,


To the Curator,- J anuary, 1 99.

Sir, l hnrc the honour to hand you l1erewith my .\nuunl Hcpo1 t on the Conchological Section for

the year L&!H. The study of the Atoll of Funafuti, which had alrrady consumc•l the l11 o pte,·ious years. has agaiu

almost exclusively engaged· me; this time by the preparation of a t•eport on lh<' ~lollusca. Except the section on the Bivah•es, this was completed and partly printed by th\• end of the year. At a con!'idcrable cxpendtture of lime. but at a reduction of co~l to tho ln~:~titutio n, nil the illustrntions for this were prcparetl by myself.

In the cour~e of lhe imestigntion of the Funafuti sltrll~, a large number of specit's from otht>r parts of tho tropical Pacific were compared and named.

For six months the Concbological Seclion has benefited by the ,·alunble assistance of a volunteer, Mr. F. \ V. Franks, who attended daily, and mounted about l,HOO tablelt~ of t~hellt~ under my $Upervision. lly his kind and efficient aid I have been able to overtake work which the l•'un:tfuti studies had thrown into hopelosl! nrrear.

'l' hc increases registered wrre from the following sourecij :- Dr. C. U. ::lt'ligmnn pre~euted a useful series of amnii shell~:~ from Torrcs Straits; Dr. R Fullcinc, a collocLion of South A us! t·alian ·Mollusca; Mr. J. S. G:u·dincr, t\ set of the land shella of Rotumn, duplicntc~ of author·~ typrl<; M1·. A. L". ) [eun, n series of Lifu ij hel l ~:~ determined by Mr. J. C. l'lfehill; shell$ from N cw :-)('alallll, N'C'I\' C'nlcJ.ouia, and New Somh \\'al e:~ were added by my~elf. 13y ex~:hnugc small colhn·ltuns wcro rct•t•i l•('d ft•om l1 rof. H. Tale, Mr. J. J coning~, the Brit i~h ~I usoum, and the 'J'cchnulogic:~l .M u~eum of H ytbwv. J\1 rs. 'I'. ~ icholls collected n scric~ from Lord Jlowe l slaud. From lhc old collect inn 2:H t!!lt'cit•l! ~\CI'O 'n•gi~;lcred.

1'ho lotalnumber of the acqui:>ition~ rcgii!lered other thnn the fort•goiug amounts to 1 ,O!H. Durin~ my annual len1·e J \'isited tlw Xorth Con~t of .:\r1\ :-.,nth \\'alt•t~, :md ohtained there a

series of )loll u~ca, illustrnting geographic,\! distribution mvl embJ'llt'lll~ ~e1·cral :<pCt·it's new to our cullect ions.

l •'rom time to lime my service:; have been required by you in the Etl.nologit•al Section. Htutlcnts and inquirer:> ha\e been, :1::> u~ual, supplied 11ith names and other information.


To the Curator,­Sir,

1 have the honour of submitting my ,\ nnual Hoport. for the year 1 8!)~. The acqui~ition~ received du ring the year were unuaually hu·gc. ~l'hc l~rincipal donali~n co;1sists ?f n brgc and valuable colloctllln of { 'ornl ~, Alcyonm·inns, n_ntl

~rtJstoce~ r. 0111. Oubatc.hc, ~ew ca.ledoma, coll?~:tc~ and )ll"Cilenlcd by l\1 r. ('ha r·h·!! Jlcdlcy. 1t coutamt~ nuy rat~ aud tntcrc:~tlllg form~ lutlterlo waullng tn the Museum collection. !'. umcrous specimens wcrr

rfccotvcd.'n ox~:hnn~c, t!10 moijL 1mporlant being 11. very line 11orics of mounted sl ides vf Victorian Polyzoa rom M1. J oseph (,abrtCl of 'Melbourne.

'I' he

'l'ho material collecl~d during the cruise of H .l\LC.S. "Thcti~" pertaining to my section consists of a very largo .number of Sponges, Zoophytes, Corah, Gorgouias, Echinodorans, Crustacea, and Polyzoa. ~he great var1et.r of forms procured fully ~ro1·es thn.t lho water~ off the coa~t m·o as richly eudowed with h~e as those of Port Jackson. The collec.hon cout:una a very large number of rnre or new fo rma not h1th~rt~ recorde~. from. ~.ur coas~s. Constdernble progress has already been made in sorting out and clm~stfymg tho Tholl$ collecbon, and the Cmstacea h:wo been in part specifically separated and rrg1stered .

. J)uring the year. ~Ir. \'{aite an.d myself were ~nga~ed in trnnPferrmg tht> t:ollection of spirit spl'Cim~nl! to lhc new sp1r1t house. Thts work was camed un intermittently, and occupied considerable tunc; 1t .has, ho11e1~r, been completed. and the whole of tho collections under my char"e have been arranged 111 s.vstcmabc order. o

'l'he exhibits have been c~riched by the additio.n of the collcclion of Auslt·alinn J'unicat.'l, determined by Prof. W. A. IIordman, of Ltv~rpool. The mnterHtl was srnt from the )luseum io the years 1886 and 18 i , and returned n?out tho m1ddle of ~ 9 : On arrival, the t~pccimcns were immediately unpacked, mounted, and placed m the cases, and constderlllg that. the collection contains over fifty types it is a most val uable addition. •

'l'he paper on tho l\Iadreporarian Corals of Funafuti, na mentioned in my la~t report, was finished and puolished on ih? 21s~ of February. (Mem. Aust. 1\l us., vol. 1 u, pt. G.)

A denlm.g \1"1ih the H ydrozoa, Scyphozoa, Actinozou, and V<'rmes wne completed during the pa~t year and ts now m the press. J am, &c.,


'.ro ihe Curntor,­Sir,

I havo the houour of submitting to you my Annual Report For the year 1898. The number of specimens acquired has suiiered a diminution on ll1nl of lnat year ; this is

principally duo to tho smaller number of donations. Howc,·or, among the~e some valuable specimens have been sent in, notably some lino tilbites from )It. Nomby, Live1·pool Plain~, presented byl\Ir. D.A. Porter; specimens of Fulgurites from Kensington, near Sydney, presented b~, )[essrs. Grimshaw and Xnibbs; nnclaome good specimens of Cal:1.1·erito, the 1'ellurido of (i old, from Kalgoorlie, \Ycst Australia, presented by Mr G. l-lhnrp.

A largo nnmber of 1·cry beautiful specimens of nali1·e Crptnllist>d Copper, ocsides other interesting minerals ft•om Broken ll ill, 11·cre purchal'ed from )lr. J. A. Burned!; ancl tho l'n ~<mnnian l\Iuseum scut us two instalments in continuation of the standing pun·ha,c, in the scrond of which a number of very desirable minerals were liCCurod, includin~ ~omo Axinitell, Crocoitcs, aud Dnlolttel<. Two mluable slices of the l\Iungindi and 'rhuncb meteorites were obtamcd by cschangc, the former. with tbc Geological Survey of X ew 'outh " '"ales, Sydney, and the latter with Prof. A. Livcrsidge. Thc~c were both new to the collection.

The Mount Stirling ·Meteorite purchnserllasi year, and ecnl to l,rofc~~or H. A. Ward, of Rochcster, U.S.A., to be cut, polished, and etched, was returned to u~:t, together with two slices. }~our slices of West Austral inn Meteorites ha1·e been receh·ed in addition to cowploto the transaction. The main mass is now exhibited in n. specially-built case at the west end of the gallery.

Casts of two Australian ~feteorites have been talccn from the originals kindly lent to us for thnt purpose. 'J'hcy nro-

1. A Sidcr ilc, weighing 7 lb. at oz .. fo und in 187.3, four miles south o( Yardea Station, Gawler Rnugcs, South Australia, and now in the Puhlio Museum, South J~ ustralin. . .

2. A Sitlcrolito, weighing 0} lb., found in 186 - iO at Pevonsoy St~t10n, O!d Man Plam, ten U:1~es below Jl1ty, in a paddock 1ifteen miles south of the 1\lurt·umbtdgec, Now South \Vales. Ihe original is in the possession of Mr. Godfroy, of 1\lcll>ourno.

'l'ho latter nnd the Eli Elwah Meteorite in !.he pos~cstlion o[ Mr. li . C. Russell, Government Astronomer, and 'round 1tL Eli Elwah Station, 1ifleen miles wcllt of llay, are probably portions of the same original mn::;s. Buth have the appe:u·aoco ~f baring formed partlj of :1; largrr mw.

'l'ho colouring, mounting, and labcllm~ o£ the Cryl!tallognpm.c i\lodl'lt~ haa now been complet~d, nnd in ndditiou nboulonc hundred naturnl cryl'tal$ l.:li"C breu d<-termmccl and lnbclled~ nnd placed w1th their ('OrrcRponding modrls. J.:trge desrriptil·e labels were al~o. priult~, so ll:n~ th1s branch of tho collection is now quite out of ham!. It form~ a very valu~ble and m.tcro•llll).( cxlu.IHt. .

l'"nfortunalcly n little progress only was made 1nth the pr111ted bhl'lll !or tlte !lnoerals them-se!l·es. 'J'hcso nro badly needed, and would add ,·crf greatly to the mlm' of the collecuon. .

An clrot•l to improve the appenrauce of the topmo~t. f'hchrs. of the .wall-caees b): mountmg and l.llbelling large Rpccimens proYcd 1·cry succcs~ful; a nnmbt>r of at tractile ~pt'l"IIIIC'ntl. for" luch ~la~s shades and stand:~ were pr<•JHtrccl on the p~emises. has als~ .been placed on U1.c llm~I.INhch·cs between th; balustrade table-caRes. Hid intcndl•d to contmue thc~;e add1llom, as opportumty <!ccurH, ~11 nround the oaller.r. .

A good number of !'pecimcn~ I\ a" added to the exhibited colll·<·llon tlurmg the year, to winch, m most ca~e11, printed labels were attached. . h

A large number of mineral oddments was ><ent away for tichoul :utd ••ollc.>gc use, particularly to t e Technical College, Nrwcastle.

1 have, &c., '.1'. COOKSEY.



.\PPENDJX ril .


'f o the 'frustt>ra of the Australian 1\fuseum,-Gentlcmcn, 0' . I f d b l S ff 1 have to report that I he office work has been c ll'ICnt '! per orme y t 10 tn , documents

and paper~ h:wc been propc>rly filed, and all clc>rit'al work du~y attended to. . . The .A ccountR ha\'C been audited monthly, an cl. round !11 order by tho F~nnnc~ Comm1~lec. To given. return of U!o documents .r<:<'elv.e_d and rcg11!lercd .conveys hUic mfo;!flllllon as. to .the

labour iJWolvc>d in dealing w1Lh th('m, but 1t IS ot JD tercst 1111 c~mp1tr 11~g year by yon.r. ~l1e fullo wmg 18 a comparison oft wo years, showing the growth of ll10 1\Iu~:~cum 1n the time:-

LotterR rt>cei,·ed I.etters writt<•n Letters of thauks wriilen ... Youchors Beports Schedules

Purcha~r Exchange Donation Collection Information


47l 38;) 345 397


05 42


t898. 1,101-1,009 1,2<i6

1.05 37

21 57

77G G2 82

Tho Lib1·nrv continuos to recei,•e a large share of lime and attention, and current work is kept up to date. 'l'hc number uf volumes recei\·ed and rl'gistcreu 'u" :H-7, besides 168 pamphlets and numerous unbound parts.

Owing to the want of funds to pay for the 11ri?li1~g and e_mploy lho neces~ary assi~tan_ce, tho Library Cntaloguc has made no progre~R lownrds pubht'ntwn. 1 t 1s, however, kept m the olhce m }IS., and is :wnilablo for !'efercnco by the Staff. ll consists of-

rart 1. .An alphabeiicallist of nlllho books in the Library under names of Anthers or Institution~, arranged on slips, rnrd-cataloguc Nyslc•m.

Part 2. A more detailed Jilll of periodical literatur<>, arranged geographically, and made up ready for presR. ·

Part 3. '!'he pamphlet~, collected in bo11nd ,·olumcs. A portion of this has been printed; a further port.ion tfil ready for press.

Part 4. General Subject l ndox. The Library contains the following numbrr of books,_

Periodical Literature. Gr11eral Srtbjecls. British- Work. Yolum, Work!< \'olumu

London 60 l ,Seo General K aturalllistor; 128 4 9 England 24 150 Mammttls · 53 68 Scotland 13 100 Bird11 108 241 lreland 3 JO Reptiles 19 32 India . .. 18 110 Jl'tt~hel! . . . 48 9:1! Canada 10 90 :;\follusea 9 J, 271 Australia 5 25 ] nPeCiij . . . 169 2·!6 New ::loulh Wales 50 330 Spiders, &c. 14 28 Yictorin. 25 l OO Cruatact>a 19 20 ~·asmanin 4 ao WOI'O!H, &c. (Vermes).. . 10 14 South Australia. 13 •J .3 Echiuodermntn, . .. .. . 1 2 16 West ern 1.\ nstra.lia •i 10 C'oelentarata 4:1 58 Queensland .. . 17 1.3 Parasites 12 13 New Zealand... 16 lOO Anthropology 13 17 New Guinea... 1 5 Ethnology 49 G6 Oceauia 2 2 Philology H , 14

United States lOO 1,000 Numi~u1atics ... ll 12 Austritt, H ungary, &c. 18 130 Comparative Anatomy... 21 34 Belgium .. . . . . 8 10 'l'cxt llooks . . . . . . 18 21 Denmark 1 11 Ph~·~iulugy !l 1:3 France 3:3 510 B t "" "2 () any .. . v\1 iJ

Germany 18 550 Palroontology 227 383 Holln,nd G JO Ocology... 110 128 Ttnly 10 6.3 Y oynges and Travels 187 405 Japan G 25 DiclionarieK and l~ncyrlopmdjas 50 120 Ja,·a 2 10 Rxhibition Literature . . . .. . 22 77 Norway 4 :?0 L'b d B k C 1 3" ''0 R 1 rary an oo • at a ogucs... " v

S us.sia d p... ··· 5 5.) Microsmopy ... ... ... 8 8 pam an ortugal 5 17 'l'axidc1·my 16 1G

Sweden .. · . .. 4 20 1\1 iscolhmcous 2!) 29 Switzerland 3 7 HaritieR... ... .. . 10 18 ::louth America 12 3:? Pamphlets in bound volumes . . . .. . ... 70

. l)apc·rs _dc~criptivc of the .\ustralinn 'luH·um and the .\ ustralian 'luseum Ltbran were sent, lnth the _perm1~>ton of the l~u blication Commillce, to the l\luseum:s Association at Cambridge, tbc :Second ntcrnattonnl Conference of Librarians al J"'oiHiou, nnd the Aw,lralasinn T.ib1·ary Association al Sydney.

I h:we, &c., ::l. SINCLAIB,



l u

APPENDJX J\", .A BSTRACl ' OF R ECF,[PTil A ND E '(PJr :'\Ol'fU RI~ FO R 'f il E YE AR ,.

' ~ 1!!98. -- - -£ .. d. £ ~- di I Snlnri~~-g·/

Dalnnccs fr.>m lnal year ... ········· .. .. .......... 679 16 Curator £ ~- £ 8 . s. .... .. ...... ............ ..... 6.>0 0 From Colonia l T rcuuror- :'<'"rctarr ..•••... 375 0 Sc:i~ntili~ o-.tSt3ni~· .... .. ....... ..... ...

St .. t ntor.f endowment ................. l ,COO 0 0 Offit·t• ~tatf . .. . . · """" ·" "· · · 1,3i0 0

~ I Parhamcntary appropriation ········· 5,806 0 0 6,806 0 0 lll cc luunr• ··· ············ ··· 192 0 ·---I

Attt•ndaut• ····· ....................... !138 1

Noj!hl·wat~lm;~~· " ................... 69.) 12 From u lo o( Publi~\lions- M i~,·~llan~ous ... ·:: :::::::::::.:: ::::::

H 3 0 0 Colour<.'<! pial~• of egg•...... ...... .. ... 4 4 0 86 ll 11 lli!rcllanrous ..................... .... .. r. 5 3 - - - -- 4,350 6

:From eundrie8, fines, &c .......... ........ 1 l 0 11 10 3 r;xpcnsc. of opening 011 Sunduys .. .... ...... ...... 142 4 1 u.rdoa•o of >i'l'CinoCUS ... ... . .. .. .. 6!7 !0 G - ----- Rp~rih ao1d m11t.criol ... .. . .. .. ...... .. 28 0 0 Books, bindin~-:, nntl pcriod ivols ..... .... 2M 4 3

9.29 14

i;how·~MC6, ropuirs, lorks, and fitt ing• ........... 463 6 t:lcic•n tific t•alnloguc~ ~fusoum Ht•rord8

nnd l'ri nli n~ ... : .. .. .. ...... ... ....... ' ... .. . .. 3S5 ll • s ,wdmrn butllt•g an cl boxes ....... .. . .. ...... ...... 0 5

l•'u rn it.n r~, m inor ropni1·ft, ond windo" d~nn111g ...... .... .......... ..... .... ... ... ...... ... 101 5

F reights nnd t ro.volling exponsce .. .... ············ 43 15

b'uou(ut i Expt•<lilion-l<'urlher l'ubli· "nt ion of Hcsnlts .......... ......... ...... ... ... 12 7

•· Thcti$" l 'rawling gxrdition-F.x. tK>m~s of ll! ust um l cprcscntntiYe ............ 17 11

l\£i~cdlancou~ expenses-St~tioMrJ,='>lorc~,ond other Supplic• 59 13 0

I ~~:£~~: ::::::::::::::::::::: ·:::::::::: 57 4 G

I 20 I 3

l Sundries und petty expenses .. ...... . 37 16 0 - - - --- 174 14

l'rintiuc::, and t•olouring plates, o A•Nrali:m Lt>f'duptcra ... .... .. . .. ............ 10 0

Colourin~ plates o Cl:£:d...... .. .... .......... 4 13 l.lnlnnre,

I Endo"mcnt A<count anti Speci<tl

I Fund~ .. ..... . ........ Gl9 15 ...

Public Account ...................... 172 11 7 ----- 852 6

£ 7,497 6 7 1 £ 7,497 6

Audited antl (uund correct , 21st 1:\brunry, 1899,-S. H . lfYAM, ( Tr J . lJE LfSaRLO, J ustee,,


Orown Trustee. J. C. Cox, E sq., M.D., F.L.S.

O.fficinl Trustees. H is JTonor the Chief .Justice ' l'ho lionorable the Colonial ccrctar{ Tho llonorablo the . \ Horney-Ocncra The llonorablc tho Coloninl Trcnllurcr The A uditor-Genernl T he C'ollcctor of Customs ... 'l'be l>1·r~idcnt of the ~Iedicnl Board

Electit-e Trw;lee~ .


0 0 0 ()

Ll 0 0

• T. Bclisnrio, Esq., D .D.S. ... 12 A. Liversidge, E$q., 1\f.d ., F.R.S.. .. ... 10 1'he Honorable J as. Xor ton, LL.l)., ~I.L.( '. 1:3 H . H . B. Brn1lley, Esq. ... ... 7 Charles .Moore. Esq., F. L.S., F.Z.S. 7 ' l'he l lonornble P . G. King, .\L L.V. ... .. ... Ot W . D. l'nmpbcll Williams, E~q., J_,.R.C. P., London, &c. G W. A. H nswcll, Esq., D.Sc., lt'. H.H. 4• '1'. ,V, l~dgoworlh Dnvid, E sq., B.A. li J urncs R. Hill, Esq. ... 1! .T. T. \\~iJson , Esq ., l\I.B, Ch.'~J . 5 ' l'ho H onornblc 8 . 11. llynm, J\1.f ,.C. ·~ ll ngh l'ollock, Bsch B.::\ .. LI •. B. .. . H '1'. Storic l)ixson, .Esq., 1'11. 13., Ch.1\f. 2

Numbot· of !\feeLings during fho ycru·- 11 orclinal'J, 2 ~pccial , and r, Commi llr<'. • I I :tO h:.~n; of nb!R'IH.'t\ :_.;tMJh;U. t lk i;:t1t I :11 l '·l..t~ J~ 1"'· I IJa-cl \u ·u-.1. l"!l.S.







9 I

0 2 . 2



3 0




APPE rmx. VT.


Week-da~·a. Sunda)•. Total.

J anuary 7,G1S 2,612 10,260 February 4,809 1,55G 6,455 M arch G,571i J ,SSJ. 8,450 Al ril 10,132 2,287 12,41!) ~ ay 1'1,~50 3,'l50 !l,506 .Tune 7,!300 2,!20 !l,/20 July n,:3os :3.782 1=3.0 7 .\.u::;u$t G,:l17 2.f..IJ8 !>,15;) Soptombor G,u!):l 2,2:3!1 8,:332 Oetobor H,20G 2,201 10,107 No,·embcr ... 5,8!)~ 2,01 L 7,042 December ... !l,G?a J 5J,j l l ,219

----Total 8~,132 28,6-l!) llG,!lG l AYcrage ... a:11- .3Gt bOS


1i~ :::::::::::::::::::::::: ·:::::::::::: :::::::: ·:·1 1857 ........... ............. ......... ......... .. 1888 ....................... .. .. .. ................ .. 11!8!1 .. ................... .. ... ............ ....... .. IS!lO ............................. · .......... . 18~11 ....................................... . l b92 .................................... .... . .. I 93• ........ . ............................... . 1894 ............................................ . 189J ' ......... ............................... .. 1806• ........................................ . 1897 ............................................ .. 1898 ...... .................................. .

Number. ·r-::=- Ucerc.'\S•.

SI,Cl.i:l b2,;i91 8:;,v12 s.;,v:u S!I,O:lll n2,s;,s 8#,900 !ll,!liO !H,4:ls ~1.5:;1

EIUW 8(),3i:l 8:1,3:;1 811,!107 88,3:1:!

!l41 3,378

3,097 3,830

4,010 2,.3:?8

4,()9.; IOi

6 . .ii)()









Num\.lcr. lncrmso.

ll ,;lSi -1:1,!!1 'l ...... , ..... -ll,:!.i!l :lli.Hl'l 40,:l:li 3,469 .Hj,;)j:l 5,215 :IH,S2 1 -IO,!I:I.i 4, Ill :J•i,:!G:l :lO.iifi :Jt,:J:! I 3,.il :~:!,2~(J

:11,4!11 3:!,!!87




A .-Acquisilion!<.

t~~~~ L DcllC.\rtmcnt.

~ \ 'crll'lll'ata - !

~I. ;11 nnun:~ls ............ ................... ................. . 0. llirols ................................................ . H. n.,ptilcs ................................................. "I 1. Fishes ................................. ................... . S. Skeletons . ...... . • ... . ... .. ........................ .

lni'CI'lt'hrntn-('_ ~ l ollusca ................ ................................ . lC JnK~cta, Arachnida, &<· ..... .................... .... .. G. Other Invertcbrnt.:L ................................. .. F. Fo .. •ils ...... ... .. . ................................... . D. ;\I incrnl~ ..... . ... .. .. . ....... ... . ... .. . . ..... . ... . K I Ethnologicnl ........ .............. ..... ................... . 11. lri •toricnl ........................................................ . N. Nnmi•mnlical ...... ........ ....... ........ .......... .. .. .. n. "'' isc~lh\ucm•s .............................................. I L. Casts aut! Moulds .............................................. ..

Total. ... ...... .. ..... ......... . .... .. .


~1, I~S

:t,67N 1:?1 ~:16 lj.j :!t;!l

:1 n :; :1


Xo. <•l S:r.,>Omcn, a('ttuir...,l h) ---------

:!I ss


3,:?0!1 1!1-l






:\ .. ,, :?1!1 16CI 142


51 i

IO.i 8

107 HHI (J:II 117



6,000 469

2,659 4,3!11


4,612 -~.~87


1,50i 4,358

Tot:tl \C1tUi~it{OO'J.

101 J ,l:ll

1:?.) 4:\0


:), 115 (i,Hl I ,:?J:l

i!ll 34S G(l,j

3 2:! 7 3



B.-Prepared and 1\loutl letl.

~ ew skins, presencd ... , made up ., mounted

:XI'w group,, ., Old ~<king, remade ... l\ e8t t;rou ps, mounted


Skeleton:~, cleaned , mounted ...

DiRarticulatcd bones, cleaned

Total. ..

regati,·es talc en ... Jlholol! printed

, mounted ...

~fnulJs made Casts prepared

, coloured


T otal


M!Un"'"''· Uir<b.

10 J 116 GG l 30 3L 4!l <1:1

22 1

l!l!) 76J,

.Arliculators. ltammala.

25 18

3 H


P l1o tograplu:rs.



llCt>lll ...




JJirrt•. 3.) 1.3


] (jQ

I'U.h. Cnt~laC~'2.

1 1

1 1

llt)ltll< • • f'bh.

l 1 1

2 1

72 1:3!)



13 1!) 1.)



'- ~ ----1 J.

Donor. :.§ Common f'nd Scientific "N:une9. Donor. 'Q ;

--------------.~-·~!~------------------------------+---------------l~il Mr. A. J . .A ndrow .•. ll

Do ... 1 Do ...


1 ~r r. 'R. A Ynold . . . . . . 1 :\lr. 1~. N. Atkin •.. 1

Do ... 73

Do Do


... l ... (iS

I ... 'I


Oc·ld in qnnrfz. Qunrlz containing gold and ~ilYer. Nntivo nr~c nic and g<>ld ~ith quorlz. \ \'a•p-Et•anict ctpp~mli,qaslr•·· l'nriwitic bug-CoratJIIS sp. lkclles-1 1/arpa/u r li<Ouulti, 1 lfarpa·

ltn .<p., 1 Sifo·n""~ t•aslaluus, 1 l 'ltmtll sp., 2 Opnfram I!Uuler.~i, 2 Ltmidia Si' ·• 8 PriOIIOJihOra l',lflilldric·a, 1 Tro,QtJ· •tl 1 maurilaui<'a, 2 .Jd~li•m grnicu/a. lum, G .~1/dium por<·alum, 1 .~ma.:11g· ,,. lm·it·ollis, 2 .J ltrarlus rolumbin•'· I Cortlu• htJsps, 1 Esm~lin<J 1p., 3 Ortl>tJrrhinrn simula11s, 1 .IAJroplturu., arrnt.•, 5 Epi>c-rpltwla attt{r.>lit, I .lfun,nepidi11s ml.ttlanu, 1 l't.-rosll'· C"hut hu11ftrirnsis, 2 Pllymfllupl~ru.< pirttn, 1 Bu{.~ritlau kn.Jfli, ~ Dtr· nu.t,/~4 murinNs, 2 D~rmi's/t.f sp, l .. -;u.rlttlus 1p., 4 Tozil"tlln J>idipt-nn,, 15 Jfrnni<lrs /alicrl/is, 1 J>romdlii• ltlltnfi.•, 2 C•rrtliothorar caslelllaudi.

1 oell•t-Louu/" sp. lJ<•ctl<•s-1•1 .ll<tstochilus a uslralasitrt.<,

11- fJ,rmrslc' muri"us, 6 ._Ld~Jiflln ,c,ni· culalum, 1 Lamprima lalri,llri, 1 1'ro­posil.; 111 ruri/alll<'a, 26 Ortu.• ·~·111111'11· [t~lu.<, 7 JlOIIO<'I'I'pidius strinlt><, I Lnrrut, sp., 1 Sarathroropu.• porfil'lllis, I 'l'ibnrisus tliQ"". 1 .ll<ll'ltiduts ma<'­lt·lltfOIWS, 1 itftJs/ochilus polilu.~, 1 7Ut11fJiomurpha l•piJtroiclu. ,

\\'crvil•-1 Corclus ho.<pes, I Talttrll''""~ .1p., 3 l'r'll'""$ .rqua/i1tts, 2 Pulg­pltrades na11tt-'. '

Mr. E. N .• Ukin .. 200

Do 1

l lr. :\f. 1'. Atkin ...... 107

.Ur. W . .Alkin• ..... 1 Mr .• J. J . At ~i•·••m... l

I><> •• I ,J. \\' . Barn•·~ .. l ~lr. H ~r Bull•<$ .. :! ~I i~. llll) ltlon .. .. .. J M 1· Arlll\lr:'.llt•"''t'l' l

Lieut. 0. K ll~ddonH I 7

~11·. M. JIMjnmin ... I .\fr. Cl. F. Uel'lln l

Common n.nd Scientific Names.

lleotlt•! 90 lampro/ina ameipmni,t, 25 J'IITOJMis wwwculai<J, IS Alllar,tt!llltu.< purp~trltt.f, 3 Adrfium porraf11m, G .ddtlium .fJtllitulatrcm, 2 '11o.rit·rtm 8p., 27 ,lftnt>n'•l•.• lalico/li.r, 25 Jfen,p!tilu.• ui,t/f'l~rimur, 2 A llltralicll t'i{fafa, 2 'l'ltul1i.\' rompltt.

Wn•p ( '!::>olilnry AnL ")-Jlulilla rugi· •ullis.

Dl'l•lle,-2 ~ Lamproli11a aneipn111is, 5 . I >Hirt>/ira t•ilfala, Sl'arop•i• immacu· lttf,,, 12 ('oc~in~lla ry., I .Ut11~p~ilus JUflrrrisinllf.f, 2 Pr_~tptuts .'fqualidus, 9 l'urupsi1 mtrc~<lattJ, 2 Paropsis l'tli· cul•tf'• 3 PrionopltUra <p., 6 Saprinn.r '"""·'· 5 OhlhopkJ.fJIIS ,qranll.lalu•, 5 Onlkop~aq/JI ,<p. , 1 Cordus ho.rp~1, 12 •'>tprinrtt ("Ius, S Onll10pha!J11s asp~r, 3 Utdl,oplta.tltJtnrtriiul, l.lla~lticlitJup., 3 .-tpluuJiu.t liridll·' ·

\\" co·nl<-1 Co1'cius hotpu, 4 Pro1auli11t .rp.

\ urifercu' fo•rrugiuous clay. X:1ti"<' b11a. I':I(Wr·'"''l:ht of Nickel ore. Spult•r--Oarlnacatlthafl"ronl!lculata. lln ir\\OTlll>-Ourclitts $p. llt•t•llu- !,amprima lalrtillti. Oiaut \l'ult'r Hcorpion- Bolosloma in­


hr ll~ l! l'apuin~ tnPJiiltla, 15 R i sea o·QII/alllllnta ,

l ... arr :-;,.,..IJOJ'>l'-P/,!fllopltrJfl: foliatt~s. Ph11·h11l of lho" Now'l'bcnlrc Roynl, Orury," for .l<'ri<la}·, Jnn. 1-Ith, 1825.


Mr. G. F. :Bcnm .. . 1

1lr r. llirch l Mr. P. G. :Blnck .. 1


J)o Do Do


Dc.tanio Oardon~, s, aney.

J)o l lo l >o Jlo Do

Mr. Uatl~y Doyd l>o Do

Do l>a Do Do J)o Do I>o Do Do Do






.. ...





... ... .. .. ... ... ... ... ...


1 1



1 1 2 1 1

1 2


1 •t 1 l 6 I 2 3 1


.. . 20

Mr. J. A. Uayd ... l G

no Do Do Do l)o Do



... ...

... ... ...

Mr. W. ::11. Drandreth Capt. llremer, R X.

Do .. 1>o ...

llr1utcr F. B retnall .. M is! F. W.llrnine ... B rili3h Government.


ll'fr. A. W. Brown .. . 1\lr. F. G. Drown .. .

Do .. . no Do

12 2 7 8 :l 1


I 1 3 1 1 1 1 l

1 1 3 1 1


Common n11<l Scientific :>amcs.

l'hll'bill of lho "Thcnlro Roynl, Covonl 'On•·dou," for Thursday, March l ~t. um.

llhwk-IJo!l io•tl Rnnke-Denisonin si,q111da. Photo. of Drum Gro•·o at l\tili, Nc11

llo•hric.lo•s. WMd<•ring • 'en Snakes-Plalurotl colu·

6rirtll8. Do1'nl Tin of Swordfi$h-l lr'sliop,'•orll< Turto imp, rialis (•ub-fo~•il). Sh~ll•- 2 Cardium " ""'lo, 1 Cardium

J·a_Qum, 3 Corbis jimbriaia , 2 /'nut• l'"~'P'"• I 1'en11s maric-a, 2 C'!!lhtrtfl ol,f,qual •, 1 llfrreirir c-aslre11si8, I f,llrinlt inltrrt•pta, 1 Lucina jlhu/tl, J Cr!lpiodo" sp., 4 Ttllillfl ntgosa, 1 ~imtt }<>iol~t, 1 P ;nua atsimilil, 8 L urina irpc.r, 1 L ttchlll .tp., 12 Jfaminta vltrta, 1 1Taminca outicu· l•f~r·a, 2 il l!fS ryl iwlrica. .

Dlnck C:oral-.tlnlipa lhes ulcr, Elils oml Sollmtlcr.

Dln~k-facctl W hydah Dir.i- T'hl11a rt.9i".

Long hill<'tl C<>c.'kotoo-L icmct is ttn<ica . Horn,~! J>nrrakcet-~)mphicut cornu/al. 11 ~la llean$ ''-Ent1.1d1t seand'u~. Cun<' or llurrowang-Jloaozomi" spirali• l'rt••lH<ut<'l' Spongc-Spongilla srqJ·

iroidn, U o!well. Jtingc<l 'nukc Furina ocripiialos. l.iznnlt-.Diporophora att. trafis. 13c~tles 1/t~rpttlll• sp., l Machi<liu4 alra ·

l tts, l lftlerollychttspicipn, J Liparfl rll.< tit prc.<sus,2 /)ermcslr.• sp .,l A.noplog11a· thrts 11 na li~', 2 Lamproh'na <tneip~md•, ·l Uiocrplwla sp. ('vte<iiP, 2), A ran· I ~olnpl111t mors!tami, ( wre•·ils, G) AtJI<>u~tm•'• sp.

Cit·odn-Ci.·at/1 fit forridtt . Lt•of hoppcr~-Lelro corttroli&. Fro~-:·hoppcr-Piy•lus 'I'· Cockroi\Ch Panc.slhia brc~:icolli•. ~:u .. igs-Porjirula IJ'· Wnsp Pompi/u.tsp. :-<nnd-tJir,-Pf~r!lgophorus inierru]ilus. 1'111·> 1;,plrrilit #rigipenni~. Bag tll<'lto•r uf motlo-T~ara tp. SpidCr6-2 U111lfrtuantha Jlat•owuttlll /tl,

2 tlr,QiO/'~ mt<ctt{u ltt, 7 nrUHl'UIIt'UIJH~rt, 4 . l m11eus ido11ea and nest, 1 St-phil<t cJov<trtlii, 4 J.ulrodectus scclio, 7 ill i­lur,rpJ lillt!alu, 1 liam1JOIUI nwritw, I J •. vros11 $p., 3 .llar-ptusa rompl<~llula, J A lit<.< Jlat•i•rurt'-s.

lle~t lo•i J JJ.Mristvsllllirolfis, l A morp,q· 111111 pttrpurrlll, I Epilachna 28-punr· fait~, I .Epilurhna sp.,!) Parop11s Tl'·

ttrv/tl/u,:! P•IToptislp., 2 Lacon cal•:IJ•· nMu•, 1 'l'rigonollwpt palli liur, l Cl~ri•a ~p., l Hurpalus infl'li,r.

Crnb•-8 C..vclogrupl u-s p untlultll, 3 Pllfll!Jr<IJ1•111 Gllunardi, 5 1'. 'l""dri­Jrniafllt.

Ston<• t•rab,-Pt/r·olislltu elongal 11s.'ntl 1p. Muswl c rabs-l't'l171~1!t,rts puum. i\nt phip(td•-7'alorrhutia sp. -Chi ton poll is-serp~11li1. Hcd pi~nwut. used by the aborigines or tltu He~b~rl Hivcr district, Qu~ou•lnntl .

Yellow pigment used by the nborigino•s of tiJ<• JJ <•rbcrl Hi•er district, Qucen~lnnd.

:\foth-.lf•t•rthfil•< rusuurina. L-glt~• liz·.rJ-P.vgopu• l'7'ido]iut. Kn1~ Qu•il-L'-~:r•tlfatoritt lit~ta/oJ, Ot<'<ll :-;J.nnk-Tolarws glottis. H unt-mnn spidcr-Jaoptda cil/osa. Spuh·r- 1'/oLIITIII 8p. 1\.h~~nti llrouze Sror ( I !>6) and ribbon. l'ack~l of r1bbons (10 pieces), i$Btwcl wilh

• ariou• Britu.b \Var &ud otlwr mt•tlul•. Wcluumc Swnllow-I/irundo 11tO.rt·na, A urif•·•·ous Oosonn. Httllnctitio nur.fci'Ous o:ride of iron. Oxidu ur iron sho,. ing gold. Aurift•rous mnguetio o.:ide of iron 11nd



Rov. Oeo. Drown, 1 J).D.

no no ))o ))o Do Do

... 'L

... 1

... 1

... 1

... 2

... 14G

Do ... 1 .){r. Il. Y. L . Brown1 1

~rise ::If. E . Dundocke 23

D o .. 1

Mr. l!cnry Burns .. . 1

Do ... 1 D o ... 1

\fr. A. Dutler ... 1 :l l r. Jo-t' ph Catlogao I llfr. J . R Cnlow .... I Mr. W . J>. CumpbeJI 1

Do 3

Do 3

Do 2

Do 2

Do 1

Do 1

Do 2

D o 1 Do 7

no 1 Do 1 J)o 2 D o 1 no 1 Do 9

Do 1 llo 2 Do 2

D o 3

Do 1 Do ... 6

Do 9 Mr. J . ~1. Cuotle ... 1

Do 1 lfn~lcr llenry Cnntlc 59

Mr. Oeorgo W. !l Do ... 1

Mr. A. R Carr .. . ... 2 Ho ...... 1

1\f r. C. W . J . Carter. 1

Common and ScleoUtlc ~-ea.

Cl)]nric's 1\rMlUCode-Manucodia comrii.

l •lnnrl ll on.- Ru.v!Jr-tu bi?ro111'i. lln ndt'tl He•~ Snn ke-Pinlur·u.• colul~riuu.•. '-\I'Ct• Huukc-:J)ip~tulomorphus irrt!Jul<lrit. l•,t~ICtllltl !"kml.-/~lfgOtOma smaragc/inum. !)k&nk 1•.'1!/0intt"' ·'P· Shcli--l20 1Jtliri11a lllprofosciala 12

Ltplt•)'Oma ~ifrtum, 13 P!llhia &:arq. IJ,ztou , I OmuJ<ulrephu o~alanentis.

Comr~•'s l f:mucode-.lfrullcodia romrii. Pipt'·Ciay from Cbarlolt~ \\"aler,, Centl'lll

Au•truliu. 1\Iotha-•l Ophithrutalaminia,40pnid•rt~

d iotCore ' • 2 Ophtd~rl'& f111lunira, 1 fJph id errs caj~la, S Ophidertt 1p., 2 0r(l711!1111tl~s or11licola, 2 Gramr11odtl sp, 2 Ophinsa myop.•, 5 jfttrmorillia ' I'· • I l/oarmina t.tetMaria, 1 L>oli~ fulit•n.

Bullcrlly, " Skippor"-bmene e:cclarllfl · l ieu,;,.

Y cllow-l.illcd Tropic Dird-Phaelon ran. tlithlf.

M inutt• Dit'crn -.JrdtUa p11silla. Kin~ Qunil-}.'.rca{fn/<;Tia lincolu. RCJ<•k u, t·ko- O!tmnvdnci!ilus p/olwrll•. Ir. filtration morkin::• on quartz porphn\'. Lt·.lf ln•t•ct -J.':ctulo•omu tiaralum. · · " " <'olt•rn apinc·tuil~d skink.-E9n11ia dt·

prrsw. Egg' of lht• Collorcd Sparrow llowk­

. 1 tcitrilt~• citrhoc~phallls. L•:g~ts of t lw Rcd·rtunpt•d Ringli;hcr­

lfttlr!fo" P.lfrl'hiiJI!f.'liU$. Eg~e of thu Yt•l low-rumpcd Thornbi ll­

( ht~ba.lifrut ri•P!!sorrl•oa. E~!t" of \\'hit~ ~yc·browed Pomnto!to·

mn• -J'omtl ioslom"·" supcrcil•osus. Nest of tho \\'hilt> Cl c-browec.l Pumstus·

tomu!-I'OIII'tiostinnus tupcrciliusu. Xc.t of Chc-tnut-bnchd Thru>h-CiJt·

c[O#CIIn!Z HllfUif~OIIOittm . 1\gg~ of Cht••tnut-b:tckccl Thrush- C.n·

dos' mil ca•tuni'Oitotum. \'ln•p "Solitary A.ut"-Jintilla rNgr'coiU•. lluttorllit•& ( L.lrl(t' Blue•)-Ug.Wit ora tu,

1 (:-;mall 1Jiuo)- L!fC<ZIIa la~rad11t, 1 { Yt•ilo11 )-1'~rias smilax, 2 (Largo J31at·k 11nd \\' Jutr) JJelias ognniPJ>~, l C'l ••ndo" il•·o11n) 1:urameis kero!talci.

~foth l'~rirca .<pt~ians. Ground lleotlo-Gigttdcma grand~. \\' C<'' ils-J'S<IIidum mira. l'lnnt buJl,-&ulellcra •JI· Rohbt•r lly- I reil ut .tp. \\~ nips-3 Pompil•t ahasr~rut, 2 Po•n ·

1 i/11s apultlus, 3 l'ompilus t/ioltn ·l••, 1 l'iton tl~ •)li•~~~-

Ichucumon II)-Opltw11 sp. .!nts- ('tmpc,uolu.r u~qrUitn,.Hs. Sulitnr) \ nt• Ji!llil/o r•gicoflit, 1 Jf• ·

ltl/s tp. Cockroud••-l'alltslhi<t a/hops, 1 Pa"'''

tld l SJI • Eur"ig-Fo•:Jiirula Rp. Bcdlcs-1 ~lcnorhr11s Sllluralis, vnr., nh·

lm1•ialu•, l l'!trJTat•tt 111ft a semipunt'lnlu, 2 l lo·lcws .<p., 1 Jltcrop«cila brr11·~rr, I J/!lp/oll.t!dt•l tJi!ftl71ftu .

J.,mtl •lwllo-- {,,jtarus m~lo. . N ei t uf Hin!(·tailed Opo,sum-PsrutlorA•­

TI/1 Jlnt,qrillut. '{ c,t of J>i, .t Or.JJlino-arallino I'' ·a/o. Dcctl,•s 33 l'tnlhtoJ rPrtnicttlari•I. 7 .I .o·

plfJ!JilttHIII ltiHJ/is, 10 .t"OJ fo,'lnafh.: l'oruSIII, 4 .tnol'log• 7lAus r•go-"''• -ll•p-•im>~t purp11rt pr<, 1 Chr,qsulophs sptt'l•lb lis, I 1'rogo<i<lldrun J IS<'I'•l·t· lum. 1 Cis~·rrtt .tp.

Stru11lt' t'l'\ •la!". . Copper tokrn,obv. "J\nngn~o, ~\rmad~Jio

uml Hhiuoo•o·ros," re•·., r. IJnll, C•IY llontl, m•ur Jiiuobury ::>quare, I.'udon, 179().

dn!njlltlitir enrbt,nnte of lime. Urnnitr. Spitlcr -.Ytpltila tdor.zrdsi.


Mr . • J. de Ca•t~ljnn.l 2 llr. 1 ho< Cha~wick. 1 Mr. 'I'. F. Chce$~mnn 1 l f r. 0 11 Cherry .. · 1 Mn•lcr C. Chute .. I Mulcr Clurko ...... I

Pu 32

Do Do

1 7

Dr. 0. D. Clnrk ...... 13 D <> 1

],Jr F. 'l'. Cl&rk ...... J Mr. J . D. Clt•laud ... 2 Mr. Erne•l 0. <Ailqu· G

houn. Do 1 ] )o 1

ReY . .1. ll. Coombe~ 3 l

l[r. Cha•. A. land.


Do Do Do

Miss 13lnnrh Corb~ll Mr. G. Cork hill ...... Jll r. A. P . Corrio

Dr. AJ lnslor Cox

Dr. 1'. rr. Oox .... .. ... Mr. Jf. W. C<>x .... ..

Do Do

Dr. J. 0. Cox .. . ... .. . Do

Do Do


1 1 1

1 J 4 1 2

2 16

•I 11J

1 2~

1 ~

no ...... 4 llr. W. E. Crane ... 11~

non. Dr. J. JU. Creed, 3 ~I.L C.:.

Do 1 ])~ .. 1

Mr. A. J. Cri•p ...... l

Do 2

non. Dr. Culll•n, 1 hi .L.C.

Do ... 1 Rn·. J. i\lilno Curmu 3

Do 2 Do ... '1

llfr. ArLhur Dnrhy ... (J Mr. 11. Dur<·y ...... . l Mr. C. W. DuriQI' 1

l~nginccr·iu Uhirr' l>cpnrtmcuL ol l'ublic Works.

l>o Do ~


Co111mon t.nd Scienli6c N•mes.

Cru•taco1n•-Tlt<~lassin 1 ma.rima. \ urircrou• pyritous quarlz. l'lturoh,.allchttfl tiOr<r:tlandi<e. LouA"irorn bcctle-.-lgriotwm<! 'P· F.t•I-Oplticltlh!(l IJ'. Ground crickel-GryllotaTpa a{ricana. Spidt•n!-l Lfllnpo•a tordi•la, 1 Theridion,

·'1'· (immnture). 1 OasleracnnlktjlaDo· macttlal<t, 2 .\'t>phila maculal••,l .l ma· uro£!"' ino!·ualu1, 1 Arat1~us fttslivut, 3 l tnulorra htl~raFoda, 1 Celania FJ:ettl'ala,9 ArttUII$ wag11eri {33 ,G '? ), 3 .Nrpltil~ cdwurclsi, 1 Xephtla t:enlri. coa-1, l .l••t. iope r•!Jali8, 2 Oa8lera· canll•".fl'•vtJmaclllaln, 3$111/ttroin~ ( I <f', 2 ? ), 1 Zarnria hmmorrltoiclaltl, 1 JJt letta ca>~ct'l'ides.

C'ockronch- Paneslhitt sp. Spid~r~-2 A.r1111eus ·wa,queri (a et 2 ), 1

L,vco.ta .IJodtjf;·o,y;, 1 Hasariuslinealus, 1 '.1'/ur i<lion sp., 1 .Ama11robius ro · lm.tlut, l Ntpltiln edu:urdsi.

C~tlling Craba-Ge/asimus signa/us. Pmwn-f>alnemtm sp. J ow liznrd-Amphibolurus barbJiUI. 'Iicks-J.rodts h.vdrosauri. I.arrro or lltn~ko Moth-.l£acrosil<l COS·

11t1.riuce. Mo!h-..lgari•la agrit·ol>t. Lnrl'll or moth-Jlacrosila CQIII'Irin~. Slll•lla- 1 Drillia harpularia, 2 Drillia

an!}ati,5 Clatltur~lla parva,6 .lfange/ia jttrksonmtit, 5 Mangtli'l. ~in~l'lflina. 1 .lfunqtlia tHtstralis, 12 .l£an1tlia au•· lralit ~. mitral is, 1 Turbonilla maria, 1 TJilti•m "P·

I -laud b<>~-E".If!J'"' bibronii.

Parrot Fineb-Er.rlihrura psiltacta. Wnxbill E•lriltla a•lrilda. .t\ mnduvade Finch-Spora>ginthv.t a man.

dar·a. 'rid-Ixotlt>s 8p. S pi• I er-G a.tlemcanllta .fl a r•omacrtl ala. Bon~s Native Dog-Canis diit,r;o. " 'ullubv bono- Jl«cropus .tp. Yunomous Spider and Oocoon-L atro·

f/crtu' .tc~lro, Vlll'. i11tlica. Anl·lions (larvre)-.lfgrmeuon sp. llcctlos-8 .ll~stocllilus politus, 5 Ph.IJm~·

lopferus pict11s, 2 ;llastorhilus politu.t. Plant Hug•-P•Ilop!IOra picta. Doelles 8 "llrMiol'n.:lus politus, 1 Lamp·

rim'l lalriellei, 3 Adelitm• g~niculal11m, 6 Atlrli11m porcatum, 2 Oh/cent us pere· r;ri1111f.

Nai.iro Porcupinc-Erltidna actt{ea(a. Shells-10 Ass•minea u,Dini.t,1Cous!on, 1·!

Tultn rr'.filllbris, Adnms. Suckcr·lhh-Ecltentis nautmles. !:!L-a Shl'lls-2 Cor(lola coxi, 2 Acl~rbis

siqartli11U6, Egqw or .\lnll~c hen-Lipoa. ocellala. . American 8ilurinn, De~on10n, Carbolll·

ferou,, Cl-etaceou>, and Eoccne Foo~il; I'> rile> in Slntc.

Fos•il - Tltin"ftUi'1 odontopleraid•l. 'rt'lluritlc of Oolcl in ~chi•tose t'O('!r. Friar llird-Tropidorhyn<"hu• conricu·

/ll(ll.t. ltufotu·tnilt'd Bronze Cuekoo.-Lampro·

c-urr't~'c /,n,sa/is. J,ougtc~ru Deetle-E,<racm!tl"u •P·

Plumo ~toth-Aciplalia aplali1. 0 r~ \1'. ~lonra. Ovai·J:rimling Stone~. Coniruh:rindin~t Stones. . 'J'hrN1rl l ,ung \Yorms-SlrOII9!Jlu~jlfarta. llliutl Snak<' 'I'!!PMopspulg,IJrammicus. Dl•ntlritic llhnganceo on u~ndbtono.

Dt•ndritie Oxido of Tron on sandstone. J {uirworm9-Uonlius sp.

Donor. Common and Scl•ntifle N:lmee,

Pro C. T. W. E. D"' id I 1 1"'"~:-d-ib-IP-tu_r_t h-( ,-le-Po_m_po_s_cd_ b_as_al_t_) -ea- t-en-by

tlw rnlil'CS or Fiji. ... 1 2 1>rn•man Corals-1 Fa~o~it~• sp., 1

l(fliol il··t 1p. Do

~Jr. Dnvrd•on ...... . Ur. :::. Dn''IS ......... ,

Cnpt. Pud,ey Daw· eon.

I Afoth ·,l,fhtrt7a euNlypli. 2 Shorl·~nonrl'<i Sea llor!es-Rippocamplls

brtt·r'ro•lril, Oln,. Cmb-Squma rapkidea .

llf r . .Artltur Dcun ... 2G ~hdiM-4 Tf,.nile8 biparl ila, Fer. ; 2 'J'n•r•.t"' /Jipurtita (n1r. rmicolor), Co~: 2 'l'lrtortilet forJieriana, P fr. ; 2 Chluriln uridor11m, Cox; 2 Rlr,qtida fra•Hantlt>lltis, Forbes; 2 Ncwina vil· ,,,,.;,,, J>fciffcr; 2 Stenoggra grarilis, H uUon; 2 11.Zici11agouldia11a


2 ],,pfOJIOIIIIt vilrl!um, Le~aon ; 2 l'upina r•rnlro•·sa , Dohrn ; 2 P11pincr pMiardi, Crosse ; 2 Oa.t~idtrla anguli· frru, l'olit.

Do 18 J\[r. Dcnson ~

Do 1 Jlo 2

.:\Ir. Oeo. Dixon ... .. . 2

Do llo 2

~J r. W. Dorney ...... lln. Doylc ...........

Ur. \Y. ~. Dun ...... 1 D<> I Do I no 1 Do I Do 1

Rel'. :-.. Elln I Do I Do I Do 1 no 4 Jlo 3 no l no I no I JJo I Do 2 Do 3 JJo 1 Do 1 Do 1 Do 2 Do 1 llo 2 Do 3 no 2~ Du s Do 2 Do 1 J>o 1 l>o 2 ])a 1 J)o 1 ])o 1 11<> 2 Do I Po 1 Do 2 n Ehcry ,. :!

Do 1

Mr. F. E. Etchclls • 1

Do 1 Do 1

i\lr. R. Ethcridgtl .. 30

Suni ls-7'hersil•t forsttria na. Uorgonias-1 Suberi11 sp., 1 Plexaura

a11fipathn. Drod~J:ing•, from Nanoute.

do Apamun. Ortlwpt&ron• pseudo·imllgo - Pol!J:Ot·

ltri!J (?) '1'· Spiclt•r-'1 '9iopt l'tgalis. Spidt•r nnd Cocoon-.l rgiape resalu. SJli<ler-C't/.e~ia euaoala. ~ e!low·naped l'arrot- Conuru& ocl&ro-

rtpltala. Berrll. Mninchite. :'1£olachite nntl Azurite. Jtt. Manlis-Orlhodertt btlicollit. Spider-Cfalftracanllra jlato•nacll/ata. Kom llowl. l'ngo do. Can·cd llrlt . Lnrgt• Gourd W atcr·boUie. Women's GirdlcJ. 'fflppn,. Small ITnnd·hMkct, with double lid. Lump of Ohunam. dour·d ror Chunam. W nr 1-llonr. P earl·• hell Breast Ornaments. Shell N rcklnco, . tlo H end ·tl res~.

St•t~<l Nt•ckluee. lit• ad rtnd 0 round Shell N ccklncc. Sh<>ll Ht>nd·dr·e~see. C'ae•ownry l!'~nthur Ircad Orunmcnl. Cnnor Dccomtions. liO\\'t.

.\ rr"w~. Speal'l< t ippetl with human bono nml

poisoned. Four pronged Fi~b Apears. Sin!!IO J>Oin!t'tl spcnr. p~ddlc.

do club-. Club (plain) . 'famahawk. Stone ndt~. Stone club•. Hnmboo •lntT. Wulking 6tick. Bn,ket•. ~e>ts or the Large·billed Scricomis­

'"'-,.rir(Jrni., '"''9Jlirostri4. l.nrge·hillcd Hobin-Eopsullria mag11i·

ro.,h·•s. Brown· I reo Snnke-Dipsadomorphus

futclll, Black Snake- Puutltclrisporphyriarus. llrown Snnko-.Diemt>ria l~ztilis. l\11cro. mounting& t\nd ~lidcs-U PolyzOt\

(rrngm~nfary), 1 c:qfherl! 110TII~Itllill!lllo 1 Bairdia ot•cda, 1 ,lllteroc.l/prrs Orttll· tu/is 5 .4rnislrrtm nit!tolsoni, 2 . lc!.i.t· trum' 'P·• l 0/airotlol<t (?) sp., 3 Sa/le· 1~1111 /[arrlma,.i, 1 'Jbrl<rcrtlilrs sp., 1 (.'/rulorlmmts micllilini, 7 Eiclttvaldia C<tprwrlli, 1 J.\ 'urnm11litrs sp.


Mr. R. Ethcr•dge Do . ' Do ...

Mr. A. J . E wc u ...... D<> Do


Do Do Do ])o


... ...


... ...

... ...

Mr. A. E. F inc'kh ... l>'isher:cs Dcpartmont

Do .. . Do .. .

Mr. ,J. Frod Fit t.· hnr<lin:;c.


no Do

llr. A. F.. Flan·l!c ... Mr. F'lood ~(re. 11. Fordc •... ..

Do Do no D o ])() Do Uo no Do Do Do Do n o

2 1 L 2 J 5


1 1 1



1 1 1 1 1


1 1

1 l 1 1 3 1 I 1 1 2 I 1 1 1 1 3

Do ...... 4L

Do 8 D o ...... ... Do ...... •1.

Do ...... 4 Do ...... 1 Do ... 13

Do ... 2

~fr. E . F or•vlh ... 1 Mr. A rthur \\'. J . 1

Fo>tt•r. Ho 1 Do 3 Do I Do 1

Mi~· Dorothv Fox ... I Mr. F. A. J•'r~~nk• I

J)o .. 1

Do .. t

D<> .. 1 llo .. l ])() .. 3 J)o ... 1 n o .. l no .. t Do 1

Mr, Albvrl li"ruysao 3 Do l

Ur~. R W.llrcmlin 1


C<>mruon nnd Scicntille :SameJ. l>onor.


Orbitoidnl or :\ummulitie Limestone. '' L<l<lp~r" <"Ol•·r;~illBr-Geom~ter ap. Lo:·u•t-'l'ru.ralis sp. 01)81@. Ferruj!inous und.tone. Dccllr•-1 .llt~llodonjig~tratum, 2 'Boslrfl·

rhus jesueia, 1 S.rpri1111S gaflndahen.ris, 1 (hrva)-Elaier rp.

"~n,p~-2 Stilbum mllttk!Jslinum, 1 Pom· pilus ulwsrerus.

A ot·lioo-.Jfvrmcleo1l 1p. Plant bug-Srutelkra .•plendi<la. Ct•ntipedu-lleftrosloma sulcitlens. Spid~ra-2 X•·pltilu i,,.Jurotri.L, 2 S'pltilu

tii<Jrtlill /u, 1 A.rtl"~llsl,risballa', 4 L11 l ro tlecl11s .•relio, 1 Jieteropotla inromi11.

Bggs of t hd Chcst.nut·cnt"ed F incb- 1'ae· niop!{,'Ji<l casla11olis.

Spidcr-Siorena fortnosa. Poron Crn,•fl•h-J bacus Peronii. Sc·•·wr~d C rnb-Halimus spinosus, J[ess. Austmlian 'rrout--Galu.Lias sp. Vcnontous Spidcr-Latrodulu• scelio.

Vcnom:~u~ Spiders nnd cocoons- .1-afro· <lutuo~ o~celio.

Spot.!( d G C('kO-Diplodactglus t•itlalus. Gr~<'ll·lree Snake-D..ruirophis punc·

i11lai<J. nt••th Ad<lcr-.4canthophis aniarcNc,. . tirk [n,~t-£'ztaiasoma ti<:~raium, o. Frog-Limnod!lntules dorsalis. 'l'rel' Frog-H!!lu peronii. Swamp Frogs-P•~ua<~pkr!lne bibro~ii. Fro:;-Limnod!JII'llies talmi11ii. ,'nakl'-.Deniso>~ia sp. Sand containing slu.-lls. Pearl and tort<>i·u·~lwll fhh-hook. Pulm·lcnf Fnr:s. Carved armlet from F ij i. l >rnin do Bonito hook bone bsrb. do do iron do

Plnnt bng-Peltophora picla. Sprnys ti·tref! iu£c.ted withgnlls-Br acn!l·

t cdis }hat·etrala. Becllt•s-17 Dipltuc~phala sericl'a, 1

P strlid11ra mastersi, 5 S torcut sp., 1 flhopca verrcau:ri, 1 Isodo1~ austral·

osirP, 6 L•pistilus Sltlcicollis, l l tlioc4· p/111/a sp.,3.Euops attstratasia,3Storett.t varit[Jalus, 1 Ra ropsis sp., 1 X.vlony· cl111s ~llcaf.vpti, 1 Heteronyx sp.

A n~-Parh!Jcond.~la bi.tpiuosa. Colll•ction of gn1l~-Opislhosrelis t uh·

rotunda. Spray, iufl'stcJ with "scale." A.spidiolus

Ap. FNg·hoppcrs (immnturc)- l.'ur.llmel<t sp. Lan a of moth-Thalpocharis rocoplw:Ja. llccllc~-10 Lwt.J unif.tsriai<J, 2 umfl •p.,

l L•ma loyofa. W rc••ils-2 Storeu.tvariegalu•,11Iaplon!l:

1Uiipennis. \\"t't'vil-Chr!JIOlapltu sp~labilis. Fmtal Knngaroo-.Jlacropus sp.

Spottt<l 0 ··~k&-Diplofl<tct,vlus riltalu. h~cd Gcc\o-<Etlura oaU.titt. Ueulh .\dder-Acanihophis an!arrtktJ. l.lliud Snake-~qpMops sp. I ron.torw concrNion. tlob,·- P, lro.•cirlts cnolis. l\orihcrn Blue· tongue I Lizard-lf, mis·

pk<1·riodon .IJ•rrordii. \\'art~ H~t'l• Occko-GyiiiiiOdacfyltts ror·

,,,fill. Bluck·bad,,·d Snnke-Dcnisonia'ns I\ ~eO't'~ 1Jwnrf '!'.nake-l'muMap.< krtj/1 ii. lllrml Snnkcs z:l/phlops po(y!Jrammicus. ~\"~rlt•r bug-iYI'pu irisfis. ~pul~r-,.J r~.'IS la>tceolalct. 'fici.-I~·ocll's $]J.

'l'rup·cloor ~~·•t-A ,.iculat idle sp . Au1·if~N\I~ Limonitc. fhb~•to<. t•orpion-llormurt<l .•p.

~fr. C. Fn·11ch )fr. \\'. W. F roggatt l lr. W . .Fro.t .. Mr. 1'. de la Ourdc.

2 1 3

8 ])o

Do Do D o Do

... 11 I 2 6

n o Do

1 . .. 10

Do Du

1 ... 27

Do ... 3 Do ... 1 Do ... G

Do .. 3 J)o ... 1 Do ... c


no ... 1 Do ... 2 Do .. 2

J>o ... 3 Do ... 2

no . .. 2 Do ... 1

Mr. J . S . Gm·dinor ... 48

Mr . .A. R . O•mm•y ... 1

.)fr. Chnrlcs Ocrbl'r I Mr. G. OiJcly ...... 1 :ui .. Kml' Io'. om ... 17

Do . ..... G l\o ...... :! llo . ... 1 Do ...... 3 Do ...... 3 no ...... 1 Do .... 2

Mrs. E. Wyllll·Oill 2 Do ..... L Do ..... 1 Do ····· 2 J>o ..... I Du . .. .... 1 1

~fr. W. T,. R. t:ipp• l ~~~·. c. a IOI or ... • 1

\1 r. '1'. S. Oo<lrn•y ... l \Lr. Uuncau Oolu· I

lin<·h. ~lr. J. J. (loul<l••r I M 1'. Douglas (l rnnl·. :!

Do ..... 3

Mr. R. Grnut ........ 1

Colmuou and Sdcntiflc N::a.m~.

----------------------l'ruit Flies - Caatili1 sp. "Scorpion" Spidc~-A.rachnura fered«fli . Acntc p<·bblc. Stick lnsccld-1 Clntwca11illa regale 2

Xno4l'rllt k1rbii. ' PrnJ ing f n•ceL•--4 Jiatllil tp., 2 Oru.,.

(/;ra laticollis, 2 Ps~uiomantis sp. Loeu6ls-:-10 Ga.vllus tp., 1 Truxalu sp . Molt•!lllatalpis t'ulgaris. Plnnt Dugs-Srult//era .tp. Bu~tlcs-5 Ckrysomela bicolor, l Deter­

oii,II.C sp. \Vcc•·ii.-E(vtrurus cautlctlus. lll•l'tl('s:-1 .Monolept~ sp., 1 Monolrpfa

lttlruolltt, 1 Eptluchna sp., 2 Jdio­crJIItalu a/l,i/htea, if tt '?, 1 Epiluclma '11114l'cemcariolalu, 8 b[encphilus sp., 1 .ltlrlitlll clongatum.

Woo~il Tulaurin11s pulverulentu1. Bcotlcs-1 Opolrum austral11, 3 Saragus

odrt<>IJIII!i, l Opulrum :p., 2 IJoto~tru sap/to, 2 Cl.vtus sp., 1 St igmodnra sp., 2 C:ullodwra rcgalus, S Chalcophora ~lo>~,Qain, 1 Amar!lgmus ,qrandiptnllit, 1 Scllizo•·rlu"lta pulchra, 2 Diupkonia dorsalis, C"acochroa tJariobilis, 1 Loma· pltr,t cinnamometJ, 2 Lomaplcra waU.s· i(lnll, 1 'l'rox S'JILam.osus.

~Moths E11proctis sp. Su~:ar ant-Campanolus fulaceipu, Sp•dt•rd-2 .1t'alll'us productru, (j et <l, i

Ctlttnia o:caraitt :\fyriaJ'O(L.~ullll sp. 'lrop·tloor •pidcr-1 l:'lologiu croui'pts Spidcr•- l l'olf.t/8 papcue, 1 Polf!l• ~I' ,

1 .1.,,qiopt ""J>hilitlll, l Gasierocatttlla nrirg·•ia, 2 Gasteracanilla saurdo­tul s.

Seorpion-llormurut sp. ~~mo~o combs. Shells-I Orula at/amsi, Ree~c !,1 Callitu­

luma, sp. :::ort corai-Spongodts umhellata. N1ppcr pra1~n• -.-t/plteus minor vat·.,

11eptu11u.,. Gnlathea-Galuthea aculeaia. Death Adder (young)-..icarti!aophis an·

tarcliru. S!oclle-4 P!!llu'a scarahacu.r, 10 Mela11ia

'lllii!JNii, J Chltropct rolllmu"a, 2 Opeas jullt'Ctt, 1 Succincr~ rolttmana, 3 Torna ­tel/imt aptrla, 3 LitloriM ltlld!lluia, 2 {,ittorimz obMu, 2 1J[cwmpus foseia· ltts, 3 .JI./umptts {ulcus, 5 Omphulo· l 1't>pis rolumonu,;; Jlelicillaftdgora, ·~ lid iciua uw<le4fa,1 Placostflhtl moros•1.

Cnlt•t·pillnr-J'rictina (!) sp., killvd by an f!nlomogcoou& f11cgus, Cord yaps lu!J· lori .

Hydrnulic Limcalonc . Spi<lcr -.lrttnwt kcroine. Pyromorphitv. Onh-na . Onlcna and Pyromorphite. Quart~ 1111 h O%i,J,•o of lead IUld iron. Quartz . t'rrm~itc . Go,l.lril<'. Azuril<' and Malachite . I ndinn Coorh·•ltdl brnet•!cts. COt.'tHl·UUt rinf,!. Sltdl U<:cLIJIC<< SJlOOn" from ~Iuilag3~rnr. Onr~t•<li!Ollrd fJlWII. <'rHH'cl t·ot•o:I·UUI ~hell ,poon. L<•~:l••-; limrJ-Lio/is /;tJrt{)/lii. 'L'ub•··<l" <'lling \1\Jrm-SpirO!JfO phis

,ltt#rali.< . Dlind Sn•lk~-T!tPhlops pol,vgrammiru.<. ~nnpumcou~ I loncy·cal<-r-.Jfg:ome/•1

l'lllfJIIiiiO{C/1{11 •

Nutll'<' l'ot·cupmc-Echidmt ac.,lealll. J~g~~~ of Tl •·o•uc Flycntchcr-.llicrt1'c<'

jCI.tcillultS, :Kggb of .Austmlinu PipiL-.lnthttl attl·

lrot/i,,,<tMuS beehilmb.


Mr. R. QrnnL .... .. . Do

Do no



Do Mis..-es Qr iffith• ... ..


Common and Sl'hmtUic :;A-mea.

31 TI•tltcrJli,••-Otirq•ophnnrll Gllrif<-r. 41 Spidors-1 £ . . tc~lio, 1 l 'oc0111'11 immonis, I Amaurobiu• robu•fu.J, I Ly<·osa ·'P·

Nest of t he Spi~c·billed H un•'>cater­A M>otlwrh_qnrlllt f l~nuiro1/riw.

1 Au,tralinn Rot•·•·n C'orone au lralis. 1 Gr,•y Cro" -•hrikc Strtperll t'ltneicalt·

clttllf. 1 llybird b~hwcn 1111' While·l>:~cko d nnd

Blnck-b:~t•kcd l'iping-ci'Qws-Oymuor­hill·r lr.u·onolr U. {.f,ken.

1 Ynho of Ool re • fr.:JJII rcfusc-lw:~p in rot·k· •hdl~•· nl Abbotsford-()strea cd~tli3, ~ten-•,, (ll'~fJ"Si, ~'·uwerLtt.

J Gourd 'I inniog-lop. '

Do Do Do Do

14 Enlr_, t urret~from t~nt,' nc;h-r<>rmiciJa sp .

I 13 .\n1M-0amponol•8 inlrepiJu,t,

:::::: 21

Ants Jw•t•cnlrics-CtmoponofltS i nfrt>pidua. \Yn, IJ--lJiam miJ Mco/o,·.

l[as~r Frnnk Grim­Icy.

:? l'l:uol bu..:•-l'ent,,tomll ·'P· 1 Chr.• oill:o-EMp[ov <·urinna.

MeesrM. ,f, W. Grim·l l l ~~""' noel G. U . Kn1bbs.

llr. :F. Gunning... l Do .... .. Do .... .. J)o .... .. no ... .. Do

Rev. J. and Jladfield . Do Do Do Do ...... 1

Mr. li. £,. IT all .... .. Miss V. Hall ... ... ..

t 1 1 1 1



7 1 I 1 ]

1 2 Mr. 0. Ilallignn ... ..

Do 1 1[esm. W . }'. Ilam- 22

liu nnd o. nl Andorseu.

Mr. F.. '1'. Unncock. 7 2 3 1 1

Do Do Do no

Mr. W. R. H nrper ...

l!r. Ilerbcrt IIarrit.

Mr. Perry R. Ifar1 i<

)fr. A. II~ylock ... .. . M~s R. llcard ... ..


Mr. JU8. lJcuno ..... . Mr. 0. llcdlcy ... ..




1 1 1

1 2


Limr,tunl.'. Pumict\ Carbonnte of copper. TufT. - l'l11trops ~p. Siluro-Dt•vo)ninn Cornl~-l:.ll' t~IJiilN sp.,

3 Encrinit11\ limt·>tone. Bait for culLio flijh in forw of n rnt.

Sampl~s of twine. Sampl,s of li-h111g-net. llt•shing-nel"..Ue. W oodt-n rule. S kink· ·L.'I!JOSOma rasuarill'l~. Moth D11ralla ri•~II'J>Iery.r. CaiQbult., .•arrlii. lllo<·k p<•rfor:•l•'<l wood. llirds •·~:g• from Vuina.

l:lprars. Boomt•r:mgs (cnn·Nl) .

(pi~ m). BulJ.,.:;ur~r. ~'omorah. 'l'wo rwgntives of l"OIIieal griutliug stone•,

S.W. ~ew South Wo.les. . \Y3,p'• nl'•l built into an crnpt) cartndgt'

CII80-Pi40III tp. . Trap-door ne•ls of u epidcra of tlw futml_, -A o~ularirf<~,I.QM. ~I sp.

Sea urchin-Echi,wbrisslls r<Ctlll.

Pro\ in~ mnnl••- Jf r~/11 sp. Sl:c"k J mrl"L " ~otivo .L.udy " -.lcroph_'lllu

f il<tn. 'l'iok l:c~dc.• sp. Photo•. of n lbh hook colh•l'lctl by Dr.

.\l h1•rrv or !L~I. '. "\\ ullnroo" nt .\lombare: llrot. ::; ~w Guinea ..

:\Iolln,ca-14 SJrii'IUiu11l I<Mmllnltum, I ~ul~ltfli11 .epiderm in, I / Jtnuu <'lrntafll, J2 Jfarfm sp, ·~ l hplorloul t ;•p .. . :l Lu<'i" '• n. sp . I Jf111J tor11 '!"• " lJ•p· l<Jdonlu sp • :l /JOII'IZ ··P·· I 1.1lw<J sr : 1 1'..tlilla ast>llli Is, I> ~tlt.n:< sp._. 6 'IH/uu• suilru.··~~~. () Tellw•t f•c•l()llt(n, 1 '1'~/ti/Ut .•p., I G 'J'<'IIimt ro'•u.<ifr, 1 .l!unlacufa 'J' • :J M oJtii"J llrf~nsf·•, 2 A"•lfi•t sp .. 2 J)iplo I "''' ·'JI • " I ClhiU

llrllllllt, 1 {'·•·· rlf·t nrmt"!l'• :1 Co-11•.!•• ~I'· 12 l'trfrwrlllu.< ·'I'·• 2 C.vfltt~"<'' pu:furtJ/tt 2 Cll¥f'N"rit'-'P' 12(' ,rtflf,,, it 'jitp($' t•fl14.~f/1/;lt l j J~fliiWl?~l/1

S•JUtliiiW'', l .llptJ•.Iuru t•onrrrrJ, 1 .~t·•n· idltt sp., 2 L•c n<t firbuf,,, I !'v!M" ~;,.la atrultt, 11 , .,u.(u muru·aifl, ~ .. ~~t.,S·t tdbt·sctnl, 20 .,\ 'usu. pauprra' b :\a.,.stl J.-inwri 1;; Culttmbtllu,.·vlor, 2U Culuml;tllu p••rtluluw, 6 Culun lt 1/u ·'I' , 3 Culuml;tl/.t uLiu•a, 6 l ,:,, ·•'··~~·• 1,z,.,,,,,, 20 cu/umLelli t· '""liS• -0

Common nnd Scicntlnc Nrunes.

Uoll~tsrll-~onl in11ed. Cuf~tmbella Sll!Jitfala, l Irarpa grrwilis , 2 Milrtt cardi,rli~, 1 Sirombus tritftn · l·dttt, 2 L Torini'l dorltUJ8a, 5 .. .\"db~t t:hin~Nfi~, 1 L .\'utir<t. marocnUIIIit, 8 Xuitu rtfic~tlaf~t, 12 Turricttla t.rlls· puala, 1 ~ Turriculll tlcs!tll.lfesii, 9 J.ftt1t · gilill =all'tl't, 5 C'lufhurtlla pl11lippi­'""•is, 12 So idu/n 11ilidula, 4 .'iultdula sul~alu, 25 Sulid1<lu tolidula, 12 Pltasi­an~llut•,trlrgllla v. ti"""Di-i, 28 Gibbula dwtiPfi, 40 'l'roclws t1u;masi, 2 C'en­thium ·'Jl·, 1 Ctrilldltllt jJiliiiUIII, 3 C'••ri­lhium ·'1'-· G Cui/Mum •p., G C~riUoium sp., 10 l'illlniafu•t·i'ulula o. mollf rou ­guri, l Si:;antus pupil/a, 1 R tu1Ji11a .<pirulrl, 6 Scalaria sp., 5 Sctt/'trirt sp., 2 s. ttlwitt ""'1/ipt:rjomltr, 1 f'a11ikoro lig11la, I J.Langili" (Jll/altsoi, 1 illttngili<t angico•l da , 14 .lfa,t.'l.tia ruLitlit , 3 lJrillia lucl£<1 12 J::ngi~a li•wfa, 2 1~"9illll lrif<lBCiala, 2 lingiml mmu/u/tJ, 8 'l'roclttt8 slt,<prwfttrius, 15 Jfmtilea nucl'a, J 5 Leptutn.vra l"rt~a, 21'!/ra mi­dtlltt auri•-cati, 2 I:Jolidula alt•tof,,, l 'l'onni • inf~tndiblllijormt, 1 Solarium ozgfropis, I Omplwlulropiup., 1 'J'riria exigua, l 'l'rijoriuo11nalum, 1 Mangilia ·'P-1 L Trifvris .•p., 0 'l'riforis rul,cr, 2 Ccrilhium sp.,l Rl•.vlitltl bu1111di t•ar., I Tl!tglid<L ou•·ru<u, 2 l 'ararn.qfida dU:f!fiJdu, 4 Jflcr()(".'llfi8 sau•i, 1 Pttudoparlulll lillflltlurit, 1 Ampll i­C.'Iclolus !JIIe&fel"iiiiiUt, 2 U~/ici1111 pri• met~na, ~ ITiammulina balude,.tt's, 3 Endo.l01of1t 11. sp, 1:; Endodon/11 sp., 8 E111/odollla •p, 1!! IJiplammnftna p~rroqui11iana, 12 J)iplommatin'l n. tp., 2 1'/uro•fylttl crlledolliclll1 1 Stpioh t<­tllis l~s.out~iu11a, 1 Jtfurtra mal'ulata , 1 CorMs fimlni<~la, 20 ]fdullopsi a fruJiltlum, 20 Stpfari'' i>oll!lainvtllti, 15 lsudoru nas1du, l S1tccinea monfrou­jitri, 20 lf~lani<l ttrlh'Jr•i, 2 .. Ytrtli11tt 6ru,9uini, Hi .Neritiua ruriegatu,2 Ntri­li>~u petili, 5 Xerifiwr Nt Mtlis, 1 Chilo" sp., 2 C'!IJlTIUil urollts, 1 Jlilra isnbtlla r , pNiti, 1 ~ialicct 1olula, 4 Rici,twla fuctllum, 6 1'roclws obtlistul, 2 'l'rochus fi11tigial111, 20 .llolliltullltclt« , 10 JJlont.!ttt p11dihu111fu, I M onotlo11ftL Clllllllifrru•, 8 Le]•folll.'lrfl lacln, 1 E«rlttllll}i.trhui, 10 Cydusl'llllllll. sp., 2 Slo,wte/la ~Oit<'t~no, 4 Sfomlffdl-. t'OIIt'lll>lll var., 3 ScMsmope fcrrir:i, 2 i'Jclti.utrvpt> morr!, lt', 5 'l~inoslumtt $p. , 2 Sc<t/llritt /y ,·o, ·~ Sralttria sp., 8 Sra­lar.a li,uolaia, I &•tluria sp., 1 Sca­lar"' luh.ruricufafu, 1 lliuoi11rt l colo­Jin~, 2 Ru1oin'l 1p., I Ril6oina spiratu, 5 Ris•oi11a spiralu 1'. arlrnsis, ·~ llis· soi11•r sp., 1 .Ri.<Soina sp., 3 Nisso .-,m oryz11, •JO Rissu<lla, l l ?.is­soinu •p., 1 .Riuoin•t utflis<MI, 1 /li•-40ina 1p., 2 R ifiOUll.l am6r!Jua, 1 llis­soinll n. tp., 3 .Riu&illtl sp , :t R1asoa sp., 1 /(issoa umi~arinrtta, 2 R rssolt ap., 5 J)iala seuwlri<IIIJ, 2 Diu/a 1p., :!5 IJiuht hard.lli, 1 Di11l11 hartl,l(i o. proi&>•fl••fu, l Dial·••l'·• 3 Dittlu l•dtns, 2 JJ•rrfri•trhu¥f~ri, b Foltl/11 p!frrlw~m~, J Cufumhdla lurfuriiiD, 10 Culwnbel/a mar1Jilf.li11 7 Oo/umbrlla sl•phntsl, 3 Mitrrt rut•UIIItrina, 16 1'urrirula /uc-u­l~nl.l1 l 'furr icttli.l amu11du, 1 ~rurn~ulu julifvrrttos, 3 .ill"".'l'lw r.ficuwtu, 2 Jlull:J'l''' rhodaw11, I JJorscnirJ "'!frO­cinctu, :J Clatlrur"/1" f•/ina, 5 CrMrll m rxiltt1 L Cadulu.t tH.l1iplri-~.l~'l$1 L Ctri· tll ,.,,,;., :p., l Btffium sp., 2 JJitlitlln sp. Ll lldltum sp., I 0 loatiJmid J·ll· paifuun 1, 6 Pynm dd/a l!!Jiiru, 1 Pgt iluu/1/ht tvrri/11, 1 Turbunitl•l •p., 5 1'!1'!111/inu gliri~/111, 1 Allrlclll•t ht"'· l~!J'"'"'• I ,Jltlmnp.s allms, 12 llw•i­llttt ,,,,.Th, 1 Phtll'l~IJ1eptu sp., 1 .llar­gintll• dltpfre-t, !!0 Tutn•rlill'l !.udficltli,


Mr. C. IIcdlq ......... 1


Common and ScicntiJlc Name!.

Mollu~cn-~onli1111~d. 9 .dnw1N sp., 2 A.cman sp., ~ Do1111r

fub'l, I l',t!lhillill duha,f/e&i•tn<~, 2 P~ir11· lula rtllllWtl, 3 Jl•gerlitt StSII!f""''a, 1 Oardi11111 mimlanens•, 1 ~uci•a sp., 1 Lucimt sp , 1 Dosi11it1 SJ1., I Ptrph.itl sp, I C'ol'lnd<1 sp., 1 Oardiln .tp., 2 .Eruiltn Rundtt•ichtnsis, l Jlylilus '1', 1 Lllcttut sp, l J fonf<lcr<i« sp ., 1 lJupl•· nrlltt po•puidnt, 1 C'oluml ,u,, .<p., 1 ~1fflR_ql/i 1 ,,, irl't<"~nsi'• 1 Jfcu•.qilia Si'·• I Triri•l<ll',l/:1, 2 J[el<IIIIJIIIIII.utr,h bur_qi, 9 Oplti~t·rrrl<lttl la,tttrrdr, .10 Plerufrnmt l.lfpicum, 8 l'{~N>Ir~m•t jow1u, 2 Trorhutft!ntsfrutus, 2 (, itJlill f/~lont'i, 1 'l'rorhus llloma.ti, l P!utsirt· nelltt rllritg~lll, I N ttticll nwrotMeMit, 1 Jfitra t•adttuerOsll, 3 SipltOII<lrin tp .• 1 C'om11 grntr<tlis, 1 Linfia sp., 3 Riulla gnid~1, 3 Colmnbtl/11 rariant, 1 M 11•,1Jili" sp .. l Eulimtt ]I'Osti, 1 .lf«n!Jilia nngicostuta, I l',qramitldla sp., 1 1'n11i~oro sp, 1 Odoslomi•l sp .• 1 Rit.<O 1 rp., 2 . 1rta Jomin!Jtt!sis, :? Cl•tlltllrtllll alboft~nirulaltt, 10 Cl«lnll· nllafrlinll, 1 Cbtlllttrtlla sp .• 1 Mun· gilia ,IJibhos•t, 1 Jfan,qilia biduthra •·ttr., 1 illant!ilirt sp., 2 .ll~n.tJifia .vp., 2 ,l[«II!Jilirt 1""'"• 1 Al«n.fJili« sp., G Cltifo11 obiCIII'~llus, 1 C!tilon ,tp , 1 Cofuml ~~~" 1Jli<·<Lt ia, 3 Oolumbtlla alrata, 1 ColounbElla lro,qlo•~vtn, 4 ColtJml••lla. sp., 2 JJentalium loHgit'Of· f l'lllll, 1 (.',u~tml tp., 2 J(itra dts~O!tnii, 1 ,lldra lo/(.toa, 12 M tlra l u<uloota, 10 Troc4us 'c.Jlramllls, 1 C«nthuritfus

.fvurnirri, G C'a.ntharillus gilil•rli, I Trorh11s tltomasi, 20 Gibbul• pl111si11· 11cfla, 2 (,lttorin(l mellm<Uml', I Ama· lhina ""!Jttste~lu, 6 Al!ls <"ttlimlrh·,, 1 ;1/t{.tntzllctnn, 6 TorntJiinll •·olult, JO 6'olidtiltl solitflllt, 8 Solidul·t nilir/11111, 1 Ad«MII fabrfnntt•, 2 Rilwirt~ft~ j'u'lltbtlu, 1 'l'wrric11l11 rufo..,ucwfctl••. 4 Tllni,·ul« atllftn·ft•, 8 .drm<~rt sp., 1 Jfangilitt pt.uotla/lt, 2 Jftmgilin tlrom hoide.<, 1 Cullltnbtll<t t'lfrialls, I Sui!~· mur,'litlltlll 1p., 1 Cglindrtt crnwlll/11, 2 'l'uri11a tlursvosa, 1 Pl~otr~mn f.ypi· cuu1, l 'l'rillia OI'!JZ«, 1 St'!tisuwp~ frrt·ie:i, 1 Emlo ,IJt<tfultt, 3 Otna <'llil'tl<mirll, 4 Ftuella. 1'!/rrltnrmr, 8 JJiala suui•lriala, 1 Barleeia ~lttultri, 2 llissoia. .<p., 3 Ri.t3oiua. ~.rasptNl ' • 5 Utlo•lomi<t ]>Upn'.{ormis, 1 Ri.uoia s~micarinftz, 1 S.11rnola $}1., 2 Turbonilla S]l .. ~ P.llntmi.Jella lurrilu, 20 .f.'11litn<l (11/edonir•t, l Ettlima sp., 20 H11fi· m•lftt ·'I', 3 Va11ikoro canullttlu, •! Nttlicrt l'llinonsi$, 1 N•llil'ft l'icla, 1 0wlhw·tts crosua m<s, 2 Perit len,'u

Jlltlt'htlftt v. mariei, 2' lromL11.t l'ftritt· biii.f, I S'roml,us enf.lllrcs t~. ~"!ttiJ.riu,l, 4 J'hiiWIII'f[a l'Uro'l'gllftt, 1 .lfi/ra sp., 2 s,.,(ttri'l •J'·· 5 Jfar!lintlla •p .• 2 -"9•N ]Ulllprra, 1 Rltenr•t multi· sulNin r•. un icolor, 4 Ffllmtnllllnll lazin:, 1 i'lttlilm.,{in•t cor!lm/,us, 10 .Flmnmulillft l11rntri t•. ocrlrt.fa, 1 Em/11 lenlu .-~tutu, 2 EndoJtnla /IOU· tnfNt.ti.•, 2 J)iplompltalus tntrriti, 1 2't'()t·IIU111Wina Sllbfull·«, G ll~lirina bnoitttw, r; Omplt'tlotropi• r11lurlli:r, 1 'l'~rnaltntt lt~tljitltli, 2 'l'riji11'i• ronn zlwn, 1 'l'rifnris rubtr, !! 'l'rt .ftJri• fw,.bril, & Billiu>n gl.trtosutn 6 Hitl1Utn ¥JI, l Libilm·t •<~qul<~i<•, 1 l'ul' " j '"'"• 2 Ptden ·'I', 2 f\udila $]1 I 1 re nu• ,., •. , 1 C!llltt!rt!a jltJri '"· 1 C!ttl•nM 7ti•·lu, 1 J>o,;,;,, sp., 1 I.ucimt ·'I'·• 1 fJrilltt1 /,ark/t'nl.<i.<,1 l'~r. 1rtt t•umill,fJi, 6 . lrautlwpl~·,u·u ·"'111·,,-!J,., l(l TJ,•It-ro:oua "· $p., I Onritlium sp., 2 l'le~t•ulol.'l!"s sr.ut·ill~i, 2 Jltilm -~ultt· ltt/ot, 1 C'tritltium frttilii, I Crrilld11m lttl~,.,ru/,,lum, l llidllula wululr1, !! JltiN ·'P, G Oolotmbtll<t 1p., 8 lllt!Jii·ln


l!r. C. R edlcy .... .. .. .

Common and Scientific Names.

Molluoca-ronlinutd. inutqlln!i.r,, 12 [,j,fora na1ula, 10 hi· dora /u.rpttfa, 16 Planorbu •no10trov. :ieri, 3 ,lf,fanop.~it el~.'l" n1, 40 Am ph;. cy~;lolu.t COIUltrlt, 12 Ifelici1111 prim. Bf!tlll, 6 I::l~<lorlon/a co.ttulij'trll, 6 S<·t'u. itfla .•p., 6 Columbell<t sp., 1 Du$in itl nile11t~ 2 'l:t,·ctlo eda:zr, l. .ddrorbi8 an,qaS<, 2 Crrlfmrlla. auslralit,l T'tnu1 awlu.r, 2 Cr!lplotlo/1 globotum, l Jl~­litl~ lai/Mnico,. 3 _Lucina ramw~i,' 4 S!fndo•m.v•• tllrpftca, 3 Teinotlom11 a zulrale, 3 Lioli•t clathrata, 1 LifJiia a11sasi, 12 Liofi-t sptciosa, 3 Liotia lodderae, 4 Liolia ,qou•Uandi 1 1'ilri· nella liricinciu(ll, 1 Ttinotlu~a Cll{a 2 ]f:lldOtfOII(II St!Jf~!JIIltl1 2 Jt.'ndotfo~/a jeuiC't, 1 .Et~tlodonla 6ttrbatulu, /Jntfo. don/a sufmulialb<t, 6 Emlodolllttlurt/la 3 E~t<lotlonf«ltunuttellsit, 3 Flammulind pertlittt, 2 Flammultlf" propi•qw11 2 ,-Ff~~tnm11lin~ raleria, 2 f1ant: mwlwa thutl'l1 2 v:&mtt pwmi(,1

7 Culumbl'll<l lerpsichol'~, 4 Ttrtbr~ nili•la, l J:ralo gallinactll, I Pinna all'}tttlnla, 1 Craunt ella pulchrn 1 ])o.rt'nill '!lfl,oi.t, 1 Chamo•lrnea nni•/tt, 1 PfCfrllll'llll/,, !JTO!fUIWT, 1 Cttrtlil" e:rMvat(l, 2 L ·•saea t•ubrtt, 1 Sit.ricqt·a arclirtt, 1 {' lt'tlium unicolor, 1 Muclr•• tleprt.,.a, 1 'J',flin" albiMlla, 3 T.tpu ft~lmg~lla, I 'l'uw• u~du-laf<~, I Ttlluo • drllui lalis, l Tlttr.<iles fra:wi 1. j/a. vnrtnt, 6 Torn'lltllina wkefi~ldia, 1 Endo<lo11f 1 sp., ' Satsa ptrilrt1na, 2 Plan ispira l~uca<:hilus, 2 Papuina co•· scellflfn6, 1 C wrellaria cosliftra, 2 01111ctllaria 1111 i•brla, 1 Canct/lqriu laeuigala, 3 Co11u~ in11ol abilit , I Cono,r angMi, \l Conu• apluttrt, 2 ConUI vuillum, 2 Culliostoma specio111m, 1 CalliQsluma dcror«ltt, 1 Tra<:hut tri· lulu1, 1 C',ltprcta subo•iridis, 2 C,ypr11a :ranlfto,fon, 1 Cttpraa lt:ru. 1 lypraa jlat·tola, 3 1At•ru1 /,ra:itri, 1 Lalif1ll sp., 3 l'erislrr~~ia au•lralientil, 3 :.iu· trum Olll!f.lfdulll, •J. Xaua gemmulalu, L J>'a.uct giant, 3 Natsa pauptra,•1. Snua jonasi, 2 'J'rilonium fusiforme, 2 Tri· toni11111 calldalum, 4 Triloni11111 t:rca· valum, 2 'l'rilonittm olcarium, 5 Ztmira au•f,·ali.r, 3 l'ttrp11ra neqlecla, 5 T!JIO· ltJiirrt scotf11fttla, ~ Oonunintfla jilicta, 2 Jfu1·t.t <OII(radu•, 1.Jiurrx allslrali•, 1 Fusut 1p., 2 1~1/rula relicul->la, 2 Jlifra •olid•t, 1 Cassidwla :onala, 3 ]{ali~a incti, 2 S atica liltlas/oma, 2 Xatit•a Jul!Jma, 1 t'rosalpin:r trdoni· fu rmis, •t Sc<Jlarirl ~altinensit, G Sta· {<J ria jukuimw, l l'olut" marmora/>1, 1 rolitla, t rbm,1 Cctssis nana, 1 Caw't saburun, G C<t·••i.t ]J!Irum, 2 J)alillm t'«rit,IJOIIIm, 3 Cult1mbella partlalina, I Columbtlla nrsicol&r, 4 Colum~tll<J li•uulala, 2 Culumbrlla iayloriana, I 'l'ttrritella 8p., 1 Plenrolom 1 •P·• .~ D<Jpl11ulla jncks&nitn~i#,, 3 TvfA'! clcr4i 3 R 111girula dofzaTl•, G J, rollt<< otre~•i; 2 Otlo$lomia. an.f/ '"i, 1 Oltrtlla ll!flllpll",:! .11 tb« sp., l .'Yt~lidn'l nitoda, 2 lt.'uc/11 lu.t lmrral11.v, 2 'l'rrtbra tp., l Sulttr ium 1'tett 1, 1 lhliacttS ci11gulum, 1 Gt'bbult1 sp., 2 Larr•?l l>'hrllt, 5 _lf/ITfJII"{(a lp, 1 rr/IU~ (l{tt/111, 8 lJona.r bra:iui, 2 EastonN <fQ.~/" /ia('n 18 ]{1 mitlonar donartjorttv, 2 r.~ ... ro'uraf·•· ·l TRllina l<ll<'!Jalt•· sis, 12 I "'"'' u<.~~ra, 12 J)o~ar br.J· : ieri 3 CoriJIII•• •JI·• 1 Cmloum • • • rolot~ 1 /,inw lntllala, l K,fli•t adam ... , l ll'odiola rtu.vtftllis, 2 .lfutliolttrill ccwu'nqiHTW 2 C'Clrdiutn. multispiuosetltl, 3 IJu~·i>tict

0uJ!lnis, 2 Lrtl/J cr<ma, 2

I 'ntrrupi.•, l'rtlctla, 3 J.IesodrsnH rlo11· gat,, L 1'r1limt tltlloir!ttli.t, 2. T•llona albitulliJ, 3 .Jf,zclra ;rulaonten•·~. 1 Jfa~lr<J nimi<J

1 1 Jlartra rotjtsct••• 1


:Mr. C. lledloy ••• ... ...

Do ]Jo Do Do

no J)o Do Do







Do no J>o 1>o Do

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1 2 2 6

2 12 20 38







3 1 l 3







Comu1oo and Sclcntlllc Names.

Mollual'n ronfi11urd. T"l'fl ir'.flafa, l JJonax nifida 3 JJono:r d~lfoidcs, l A~qodora Lrevi.•,' 4 H omi· don?:r ~~~~~fl~!forwris, 1 jJfyodora pan· doriformt.•, 6 ]llqodora el~!Jalllufl1 1 Cu,.ullaeiJ ro11ramtrala, 2 Spis;tfo pnrt•a, l l'•clen l~gula, 2 J>ltollll att~lrllfcuit,., 1 ..:trra traplta, 1 ,lfyliiiH },r,u_lu, 2 PN:letJ fumaiut, 1 Limu tuu/[lr/J&I J{u, l Arra }•1l'iata, 2 Prr· funrotfltl ,f}I"O!fOIIIII, 3 rnw.t paucifa­tneflufa , I /)ipiadon ta adam1i, J Lanra rubm, :l 1~1/ina ttnifascwfa, I L•Jdo• lp., :! 'l'ur~o undttlatus., 2 Scutus ann· ft'nu1, 3 f'ttrpur·a 8Ul'cincfa, :1 JfOIIO• do11fa ~Pbrcr, 1o .1Ionodo11/a mullirari· "'''", ·l 11'11ril11 prmetnta, 3 I ·oluta zebra, ·I ]( iuilcr. mela11asloma, 4 lJirinulu 11111/:fJinatrcr, 8 Natica incei, !l '1'4cl <l· t·iusttnlittlostts, 2 LiU()rina mattrilia1w, l Jlu/i()tt'S rocoradiattr, 30 (}ibbrda slrtiii,IJAi, 5 Subemar.IJ·ini>llclu inlerm~· dia, 12 Sulmnar,qin1tia rv.'losa, 1 Lio· lop/iura .fJttimardi, 2 I•cllllor!lilun ausfrtriil, 2 l•cltnochitma ·"naragdilltt.t 2 Gl.vphi• lilr~ala, 1 Lurapintlln ni,ttrll!t, L Gadinia roniC<t, l C'aln•· Intra crtl!!Jilralj'ormis, 2 $olarit<>n· J't•ru 1 fongana, l C!rprrt·l r!andtsiw·r, 1 Trilonium sptugl•ri, l: Opuculaflan anrcrnlium, 3 B elcionruu, lrurnouricu, 2 Stpllottaria d~nticltiatu, 2 Acmtttt S]l. , l A.cma>a sp., 2 Olit·~lla ".vmplta, l Odotl~mia a11gasi, 1 But lr'tttt scabra, l Purpurtt "~9/tcla, I 'l'rit irr srahriuscula, 2 I antMnta tr· ~IJIW, l .4yttdina .. p., 2 2'trebrn ·'1'·• 1 lt111•h•lua hart•alus, 1 Cnnlh11'tti< nu.\lrulis, 2 ~?'rllsa jonasi, 7 .\·ul~t' pcrihtma, 12 IJia/tJ sp., ;; J[argin~ll· •p., I C:.l/llc/llln #p., 2 Scala gr.nttl0811, L lftttrftt<l lrid,nf<tfa, 1 C.rnth•triliu.< Ja•C'inllu, 1 O>io•lomia sp., 2 Turrifdu •I'·• li Stpr'a culirala (!male), 3 Srpi•c rullrorta ( 1 ftmalt), Sepia >ntllus.

Flowt•r H~etlo-.dulicus corallipu. Caddi,·worm t·a~es Lirnnopltilidr1 •P· .Uu;:~ .lrmtr •P· Fos~iJ,-1 .~l·irotloptclen s;o., 1 Spirifera

l tmnfl niMsi.r, 3 Slrophalotia jukesii. F.nrt hworru•-Pt'rich<f'la sp. St•hizupod-~Jncr•pis lusmanim. I gopod-l'hrc a/oicus ttustm/is. Soft ('ornlo 3 Sarroplt!flttm Ehrt>nhtr!ti

t·ar. at•ttlati.'JIIIulum, l Sttr<opltytrun lroclttlt'opltom r•ar. .dmoointrw. I -"•II"Nipltvlttm sp., 2 Lohopltglum r~qi· tlr•m, :1 Lui,CJ.~!jium jluile, 2 Lc•l•opll:f• ''"" .flubtllum, ~ Loboplr_t;lum cl~nsum, ·I l.ul.oplrgl1un runfertum, ;lLocO[iii.IJlunc l/~1it.l/l, 6 Xfplttlt!fu ch•t/,roli, 1 :lt11icr c~ruiia.

S1.'8·t'J.:It•- I 7'ripttcults a II!JIIlosu•, I Jldtroccttlrotus mamrni/lalu1.

Stnr-liolws-1 .Yurd011 not'Cf!-caledoui~?, •l A reltnlfrr f.V!Iil tt~.

'l't·cpung•-2 H ololfturitc aim, 3 Jlolo· thuritr lllarlcnsii, I Plt.tfllOtlltoru.t .rp., 2 llolotftllria imptrtiens, 2 Jlo/otlmti<t si>put/u.t.

('rnh~ ~ Gdtuimul tetra.llonoll, 1 Tl~t~fcr 11uta tlanu·, 2 "lfncrophl!wlmus quad· l'lilll, !) .lfnrrophfllaimttt gwjjt'i,_ ·I 'J'Italttmiia rrflt•tl<t,3 C•tluppalt•pultM, :1 .11./opog•·apms l>t/ifrons, I Ptlu11!""' rt I'' /ilt'u, :! l'tlrol>slltts .Il<tllrtllt,.

Ht•rmit Cr~lh,-li Clib•w•trius •lrio{alus. 1:! t 'fj/,.ut•trcttl sp., 11 C/l.u>tflrirrl ·•!'·• J1 (u/rillftJO 'P·

Frc· h·\\ul~r l'n•"ns-21 A~va rc~usla. Hi ['ahrmon 1•agu.•, 1 P<tfc~uro11 sp.

CnLb~- 'l'rapt:iu t',l/tlwrluce. . en .... ('ruu- (/ttntlli•tclglus rlttrllff/'0. F1•,••h·'"''"r Ct•nb- lf!J'IIlmosom<c pilosa. Spoug••- l 'rtrosifl ·;J:· . . ~tony Cortt!A l 'J urb~nl<rtll ~enusfa, I

)1', hilropora ro$1t{lll'la, 2 . Sult~u~lrat< Rp., r, l'lt •iaslrtttt uroille•, 6 .f 1'1anas


Mr. 0. llt•dlcy ...... . ..

DB 1

Do . .. 1 no ... 1 Do 1

?lfr~. C. ITtodley ... ... 2 Mr .• \ . t'. llenn ...... 127

Mr K ITenry..... ... 1 ~I r. J. JJ. lie nEon ... 2!)

Do . .... 2 Mr. \\' . C Heron .. . 1

\lr 0Nrg ... lli•lop... 1

Cnpt. F.. C'. Horo .. 1 \lr. W. Horn ........ S7 )!r . • r. C Tf,"kin; ... 1 Mr•. l'. lt llothom. 1

~I r. Juo. Tf ourigun ... l Mr. W. llowchrn .. . Mr. J. 0. Huutur .. .

l 2 1

C"mmoo and Sclcntlflc Xamea.

Stony Cot·nfe-ronti1111td. fr f8a ruiJuslu, 2 Orbicell# sp., 4 Atil'«'fl tltlllicttlttla, () Cteloriu stricfa , I {(tfplut$(r(1Ja 11ttcrophtltalma, 4. l•untJ"' Mt1{frlifuliu, 1 l!'t<ngia

JIIIIN/la, 2 /[erp~tolilltn crassa, 4 .Jfusm rosfaltt, 2 llltodart7'~ caliculari1, 2 11oriltl artnos•t, J Porites lutea, 2 l'urifr• crasu, !I P oritts S~Jlida, 6 St.vfopltora d~qiittta, ·I J[Qnlipora gmndijlom, 2 .lfontiporrr rerrucosa, 2 M<~dr•portt ucuriJ, 2 Jl.tdrepora grfl ­t•icl•t , 6 Jl••Ju pttra forrrwsn, 6 Jladrc· por•t .ucull'la, l !f•tdrryora La>odacl.l/lrt, 2 lf•ttlrrpor11 ltt£ts, 1 ,lfudrtpora >'OM rit~ t•a ,. d ij!iusa, 1 Matlrqora ,Qtmmif.rcr, 1 ,1/nlirl'porcr C!Jmbiq_yolhlls, 1 ,1Lctdr~portt erltittflla , 2 Jlonfi]Jora fro.<a, 2 Neria topo•·a h,l/th•i.r, 1 /:J'ffria­lopoJ•a .fJrctoilis, l Pociliopora omspi· to.11t, 2 Mill~pora torluosa.

W orked Flint from n kilchon middcn ~~~ Snndy Dnr, Uounrl, TMmonin.

Snmplc- of t\< ine from Snoto Oruz. Flyin~: rox-Pt~roput t•tlullls. llou•e-.1/ut. sp. Lad'· binl~t- Pal~c~alcta t•ariol<>sa . l!u~mc Shdl•-'3 Eucltdus alraltts, 3

Httrlltlus sp , 3 Diala sp., 3 Plr'Ji ian· tlifl t'nllii<'OIU, 4 Pltasiansella rari~· !J'''"• 6/)/ illia sp ., 4 .lfa rginella sagif. f<cltt, g Jlft.nil~a prtittiarra, 2 .lfono· doll/re rriniltt, l Trilon uaratus, 2 CCinl/mritfltt but/ius, 12 Cantltaridut pltlc li~rrimu.t, ~ Rit~gicu{a australis,

0 7'orrwti~~a lttuljieldi, Pfertrotoma aLbrM,iata, 2 J>lmrotom« hijubata, 4 f'lncroiomtt p wpoidca, 3 Pleut·otoma ricltta, 2/'l~llrolnma t•idua I'Qr.,l M ftn · !tilifl uliri<', 211/.mgili" rugosa, 2 .Jfan• ,qilirt illnktla, 2 .lfmrgilia malakuana, 2 .litiR!Jrli•t to,.olrtlicoidu. 1 Jfartgilia rilh11ra, :l .J/ ·11gilia himtrodes, 1 .lffln,qilia irigo .. oslomwm, 2 JJaplmtlla btlf,z, 2 'I'urnafi,,.-, r(J/uta, l Canrdlaria ronl r&uiato, 2 .lf.l/1 dtbilis, 2 Margi· lltila $Ual•is, ;I J[t~rginelfa /ifuana, 2 Jlitra e, imia, I lJiilra lerturata, 3 .lfilNt·ulr«, 2 Jfilra armiger, 1 ]Iitra rrula1•rro.•cr, 2 .l!ifra discoloria, 1 .llitru e:rut]l~ratu, 3 M itra nrtidissirna, 1 Jllilra mttriou/Jt fa, 2 Jlfilr a tubqroscr, 2 Rngiu(t I inrala, 2 Eugina sin~usis, I llaua rottilbo, 1 Ncrssa shacldifordi, 1 .Yaua ra/lo.tpira, l Xas.ta olbtsctns, l S<tr.w plt-~i< ul'l, 2 Columh~ll11 1111'· l ~r·iurr, 2 C'ollon6ella rarians, 2 Coltcm· /,fi[u lc!tttlrr, 2 ('Q{Imlh~ila marquna, 2 Cofuu1~rifa f.ylt'ri, 2 ::Ya.tsa m<tnili.r, 1 Birinu/;l rAr,vsos/()ma, 2 e,.,praea mirrotlun, 2 ( ypraea t!lantiutina " · "rl"./Jl:li, ;l Trit•ia instctJ, 2 Eralo ror ·u.qaltt, 2 C't·ritltium nassoi<iu, 3 c~riflticml =~~rtcm, 2 CeriiMtcm l.acltum, 1 C:rrillt1u111 Jliprrr'tum, 2 Pla11ar i.r t•ir!lofu.t, 2 Pln·iolrot'l>u• .touverhiallu8, 1 P.llrllmidc/l•t 11ititla, 3 Sqn(){a mo.,,·,,w, 1 ll'afira robillartli, 11Yatica ,Qitaltorianu, 1 Satiro ,qttidci, 3 NaliNa pirlu, 1 "\'alirtt aitniO', 3 Trrl.ltrttfPlla t•ow~pit•tm, 2 flaritina mol"tJ.Stt, 2 Gibbula. twdtrcs,J?..lfurg,rila slriutultt ,

Dullroul -Ct ufrop11!10n rohu.<ltts. lkm,.ins of c 'in,quf.tria or Pl•!tllothe~a. Ditto "ith Oios.Jopleri.•. Gigantic ~alnmuuder-Jfegalobalr'l··ltttt

m·· mtt-'. Dt·nm•tt'~ Tr,•l' K1ngaroo-1Jendrolagu.r

tctrndlitrii.S. Stone o•lz&··hrn~ from Cook I.lsnch. Ordovicinn Fo-•il~ fl'l)m Centrnl.\u•lrnliu. C'1·cn ll•h -. l.\l•trllt•.<i.t .rerr<tlu.•, Shaw. I111J"'.'"n L'hra•nnt Lophophorus imp•y·


Leuf I ""'l•t· 'R.rlu 'o.•omll ticrratum. -l'f.yr!top<fritt 1/owcMni. Cnng Clnng g•tleatum.


:\[r. F. ITnntlc•y .... . Dr. G. H:ur•t ...... .. . Rev. W . G. hens .. .

1\{r. F. JvcR ... .. .. .. .. llfr. R. L. Juck .. . .. .

llfr. H . 0. J ack"'n .. .

1\Ir. F. C. J a ll!IOD .. . Do

D o

D o


.Do Mr. J ohn J onnings ..

Do .. . :\lr. Erlwanl Jordan 1\Ir. S. J. J obo.too .. .

Do .. . 1\Ir. G. A. K Ntrllnud

h!r. A. P. Kcmp ......

Do ......

Mnstor :\f. F. ltcmp

D o ... lf r. II. L. Kc~toveo ..

D o ... Do ... Do ... Do ..

M r. K ing ............ Mr. FTallcis W. King

Rev. J. D . Lon(lclls .. Mr. S. R. L. L eo r·

mootb. D o ...

Mr· E. Le Bi11rn ... i\f r. J . L c.liu .........

M r. Go;,. w. D. L cslio Do ...

'Mr. <le Courr1 L,•wi• Mr. Cavendi~h

Liarde~ Do ... Do ... D o ... D o ...

;\f r. A. Llcwclh·n ... 1\Jr. John Loa·ior . .. 1 M i>s 111. Locldcr ......

Do ......

Common anti Scientific Nam.,._

31 'fdluridc or Gold-C tlnr·,.,·tP. l llf,1 ing ~fou•c--4. ·rof,t/~s P!l!l"~ttllt. I nakc - .D ·~i•onill mdanun, 1 Jiicro·

Jl'<his elapoidu. 1 S,•a "Ccntipcdc"- f.'rmh·e uphrorl toi•. 2 ;'l( idcl!o ))~,·on inn Corals - 1 J'urlr,rtporu

mt!rr'clionu/i,f, 1 l•<rr·osi /cs, sp. 2 . pitl•t'-1 Di~topi.t bicorn's, 1 JJinopi.•

bicorni•, cf. I T>c•li,•Mc Owl Strir dtlica{u/a. 1 J'ondichorry Frnnt•olio-Francolirrus pan ·

dic~rin uu.t. 2 Orcnt FlJ ing Op~ssums -l'~tuw·o!'dc.•

r·ola"'· 1 CnliFonian Quail-.&>phor(~>' cr~b.for·

11icu1. 1 Rcd·nccl cd Wnllnby-J fauopus t•ufi·

colli.t. 1 \Vombat-Phascclo>ll!fS milch~lli. 1 Phn•ulll-Pirtl,I/I'TUIIill phd<tns. 1 Shell - Limt al·lffl. 1 :ll~tallic Ar•~nit·. 1 Pll•;;ue Locu•t l'aclr!Jl!lu• <'tt•lr..tlis. 1 l .orust-CIIoripJ.i.vl•s coMp~rs11. 1 Shor·t. wingt•d Ji'r og·month - Podar'!JII·'

brar!tyt tnu•. 3 "Rhinoccms" Drdlcs- Surpau.t80iilus



1 1 2 6 2 1 1 1

2 1

s 1 1



1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 3


{l d'. 2 9). L:m~ of Staghorn B eello nttncked by

cotomog<•non• fungi - Rlr(q,.olloluo lltbulcsus- Corl/ireps tcol/itJ 1111 •••

l'scuclo·imn~inc• of Cic~dn, " ':l.'d low l\Ionclny "-C.~rlochila tuulroiiJsitt'.

P ricklv Liznrd-A.mphiholurl/8 tmrric<~{us. Creat l<'ish- Cri&tiupt sp. " 'nL·r·acorpione .Y.-p r tri11i1. Shdls llisson .vp. -.1cmta bomP~nsi.•. -Subrrruzroilllr/11 noto fa. (.'(•nt i pede-llri~NJsfoma .rrtlt·illtlls. Drma·cl (butterfly) cocoon - l>a11ai: erip·


Col<·itc. :Xnlil'c Porcupinc-Echi<lllo acultllfa .

lbbbiL 13ondit·oot~-J>erii!Jillr l".'!Ofi.<. RJvt> Beetl••-CrMphil•s ~rvth,·ouplml~ts. -1'/c.tiosa""" •P· (cer.ic:~l TCrtcb!'ll ,

from Qufcn•lnnd. lllnck·headcd 'up,•rb ' ' n• bll.'r J£11lunu

mtlu11orrph11 { tt~. Sunguincou• J l oue~··c9tcr-.1f!f:Omela

lt''•'.'IUinoltn(a , Do,fl,h-.1mcorn•t lrnli· ultttit llt·rmit Crllb- .Di".'f'"t·• cu1101.

Slll'll- R ulla IIIIIJIUil t , T.. ir.n~. O oltl~n 11,1'-('/u:v$.>1'" ramb11 ri, U~eti,~Diapltuuia tlursatis. llrol(on-ily-.l,'(riorr •P· llndi-h-Oslruciou cornu/us. Hcd Gurnnnl J>t~rt•h-Sthusfu rrrcoiJ~.<. " l l an·cat men "-/)t<llrpelrrts {llbtrcuf<t·

tu.• (f). Hpicl11·:~-l . l ranrru 8p., 1 lft'l~rctpocla

r•w•Ifllria (i111nturc), l ftoptdll c•i{{<~'"'• ::! L.v~oS'l o£.•ru.·a (imnturrl, .lfarplusu juriab.t (dtuliOI!<'cl), 3 ~ .lroturul rtiri· aiJili•, 4 Aru unt.t lodir 11/it.t, 1 I nt n~u' jirliginalu•, 3 . l ta»tiiS 1/;amiUnntts, 1 A rar.•us fburn11s, l Art'!J·' 11/tt(us, 6 'l'la>fitt ptllllbt, S Ar.IJiOpf pfuna, S (' s~orpion" or "Tailed t-Jlich'r~ ") .JrtTd,rum .f<"reda,l(i, 1 {" 'Yorm >pidcr'') Ari•tmnt~ •·olu~rinu, 1 Lam· ;mm murimt,

Do ... 2G Marine: Shdl~ 2 OtlfJ.tfomi•t (ll ,fmunitvt, (j Cat!ulttl llrumiltfl/us. C l "ult'Ula ru.~­frll/11 2 Slttl({t'l' lutldeN•, 2 Sc•!tismopt puld11ll, 2 Srhismopf' u{k •tJCIItt, (j C~;/. t1 11#Jdla fJifrioMt.

Miss KRtc .. i\fr. A•lwrt 11. J.owe.

1\r r. ]3, T.ucaa .. ... .. Do ....... ..

1\Ir. G. Ly..!l,juoi .. r.

1 1

St~rling-Sturmtt rulsttti¥. Chnnucl-brll Cu~kot>-&gfhrap• no•·u •·

!tu/la )If/it~. Kt•tosr~rc Shnlu



<~u~cn,Jancl :O.ut• -.1/I~adtm ttl!rntjulia. ;:; :::.pdcr:f-1 .tr:f~<Jf~ .t.qrmaltca, 3 . l r<.tneus

productu,, 1 .l,.,m.pu uw ltttll,


Mr. Cruig Mnginnie. Do . .. Do ... J)., ... J>o ... no ... J)o ... Do ... l)o ... D.J ..

Jlfusl ct· Slephcn Uu. hOJ1\',

ll<t•trr ·n . H. Mu id· <icn.

Mr. A. Oibb !If nit· lnnd.

lfr. l•~d wnt"d C. Jll nno J\1 r. J . St unr t:Mll<on ~~ r. I.. Mntlhcwe ...

3 1 4 1 1 2 :f 2 1 1




1 ]

1 1

Common and Scf@ntillc Xa.mce.

Bon~ nml tortoiso·~h~ll litih·hookt. Stone ond shell bail for catching octopus. Ston~ nxcs. Shell oeeklace. W ooden pillow. ]\[rtte. Tnppn•. Tnppn mallet. Pnndnnu~ leaf. W t•h, fabricntcd by romc specie• of ~)li<l~r

(llelil~{aria), tho indi•iduala orwbicb lil'o in comul\mit ios.

Drng<>n·lly-.!19rio" 'JI·

R~bbit-Lepus cuno'r [,,,

Gc•orgu 111 Penn,v, 1797. . Longrt·orn bcctle-1'/tortt"' nlha ttmil'inrla Gocko Oro'ttro rolll.tltt.

llr . R. l l'B urney . l>o ... 1

An•tn•liouGo<hnwk t.J(.,rapprorim-r••· ' Shnrp no>t>d Unt 1~rpho!OWI mulro/i~.

~fr. 11. J . ) £'COO<·y .. l n o .. l no ..:, I l'o l ro .. 1 l>o ... 1

~I '"' M' Donnl<l .. ... 1

Mr. J. li!'Ohrt> ...... 1

l)o ... I lf r. Ocorge Me Kce. 1

Do ... 6 Mr. 1'. Jlrc:lisnu~ .. 1 Mr •. :\! ercwtlhcr . .. 1

D r. Jl. If. Mclc:~lr, ... , )

Do ... 1

~Ir. A. Milia ......... 1

lit r. 1':. lllit<·ltcll ..... 1 Mr .• Tohn ~I itcJ,.•II .. 10 ) lr .. F. ll. lfoort' .. 2

ill r. s. W. 1\Ioorc, ] ~I L.A.

)[r 1; . ,J. E . lf orri~. ~[r. S. ~1orL .... ..

Do . ...... ...

~fn•tcr Wm. Geo. 1 ~[ortimcr. I

Mr. Wm. lllo•~ ... ... 10 •

no ....


1 ~f r. B.i.F. Unrll<). J

J)o • 1 l l r. A. E. ;\I urr,•ll • 1 :\fr. \\". :'.hbgron•.. 1 Mt•. H. Nun~nrruw . 1 .\t r. A. D. Nt•leou, 1

~I f,A. :\1 r. 1>'. New by .... . l

Do .. 2 Y r. ll. Newcombo. 1

Do .... I ~ Del 1 Do 1

N.S "·· Oo\'t~rnmcut 3i6

Do . J

X.K. \\ .. nl~:sZoolo~it n' Sut·i<·h .




B~nrJ,•,I8kink-1Ttll11•phrrriodot1Qtrr<~rdi. Gt•cko-a.'fmllorluc·l!flus. Wn!<·r f,ir.nrd PI'.V~i.qn•tlhtJs/tMiflttii. lllrwk-bdlic I Snnkt•-J)nri¥Mria tr'gn~~br. B<etlt• S~lri:orrhi• • dor.,t/is. Pvd of lllnck 13~nn. " \ " C):<'htb'e" t'atl'rJ>illnr-Cordy,~p:

Mlkirki. Ring·l:ri l,•tl Opos!llm P . .-udoc/. irut ptre·

,qrilltts. Lnugur Monkcy-Srmnopithrclft maw1'11s. Rcd·nAped SnAkc-Ps• utfelaps ditrd~wl. Crickt"t~-Gryll·s fuligino•u~. Ringc'd SMkc;-Furi11tt uccipilali.•. Rufou•·n••ckc<i Jlornbiii-B•!ctrol t't'.ft·

t·ullis . l'orcupinc Fish- JJicolylichll•ys p11orlu·

'''"'· LonJ:· Inilcd Petrol {nlbioo)-l'•IJius cMoror!otflrr!tus,

N C•L or the M i.tleloc· birJ - DiCtttWI ltirundiuac.tum.

Spitlcr's ('OCOOn of the rumily J)rassiche. Lim~•IOn<' (>'Omc Oolitic) 2 Un::• m•de fro>m hungnroo ~kin~, and

uw J hy the A.bori~:inal womt•n d the 01\st'Oii(DC Di-tril'l, \\'c,t.Au.trJiin, r~r Mrrnog their iufnnl;.

Nt••t of .R.c.tlr•ij Jifrcntcbcr-Sistrrr ill911itffl . •

Gr.y t 'opp•·r 0 c. 2 l'crmo·C:l boturcrou• B:valrl'•-

1 .lf,roni•r. 11. ·'P·o I ClornOllo.l/1, •p. If ~tfun on Fo.,i l<- 3 Jizru,ifa, ·'I'·•

2 fl,fiulib.t, .<p., 2 .1/ ucofh!i/lllm ("111/,.roidt.~, :\ i..ftpftrltfl SU1Jtt')Uiru.vf•tf,t, I /J•ph!tJ>ltglirrm If'·

l l ot t kl l'h•l h<•atl-1'/ufy~~phal•s rirro·

Gt:gA (mature notl imrnnture c~nmp'c•)-Coru m i.t ! sp.

''"•I' fli11111 11111 ltit•ulor 'i?. Oplh•t•d wood. f<Jht·r I ... • Id Or<•-Arqrnlifaottl ""''""· S!.1 lnrl.:-.lbtud•t urrtn•is. • .\l ~th ?. u;nll ftt•llf.l(pft. Uock U•·cko- n!,m""c"ct!llrrs pl·rfurul. llnirllorm-Ou>'UIIt.< ·'fl· R•bbiL U oudicoot-J>rror:r'le l•rgofit.

llo (Fil·t u~)- do Sttl'l..Pr l··i .. I•-L.t"ht'"' 1 . .$ narura/~t. lll,wJ. frunted l><>llt•rd•-.£;'!fil.'r r.rt·

fnwp.'f. . Pc~ltmd Roil-JL.~pultNridiu phih)ll~'~'"'· \ u•t 1 n' hn J3iU<·rn JlD'IIrm•• pvrrrlor

/. •rMR. " lJml•' 1:1!~5 purt of tbc "Dohro,,dc

Coll~et ion). Ll > o•r f'l) in~ Opoiilllll-l'rlllllll/.f l•rt·

l'ti't'fJ·''· Kangaroo (albino)- J]ar>"llf'IIS

qi;CI, {tilt.

R ~root ·PrO<'ftOII luhr.


N.S. W ales Zoologicnl Society.

Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do

Do ... Captain Nielsen ..•...

Mr . .A. J . North ... . . .




























no Do







l 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 2

1 2
































Common nnd Seicnilflc Names.

~!armosots-llttpafc jtwchus.

Spot tea Cuscus-Pim{anger macula! 11s. Ru$a Deer-Oervus aristoteli.<. Skunk-,1Leph.ili.~ pttlorius. l3Jnck f.eop:w<l-Feli.t pardus. Soudnn A~s-Egu11s a sinus. P uma. (Young)-.lielis concolol-. Pumas-Felis concolo>·. Orang lHan (Young)-Simia sa.lyrus. Orang Utnn-Simiu satyrus. Lion (Oub)-Fe/is feo . Coati·mundi-lYtMr<a >wsica. Japanese Spnnicl-CauisJamiliari.<. Golden Phcn~nnt-Thaumaloa pictte. l Kng~t - Rlty>tocltetos jttbatus; 1

Ostrtch - Struthio cttmelus. Cllllknt· Pnl'trid~c-Cuccabis cltUimr. 1 .1(urcx tent~ispilla, Lam~·; 1 .Vurl!>:

cca vicorJJi$t La'ln.k. Eggs of tbo Harmonious Thrush- Coli!J·

·riorincla ltarm.ot~it•tt, Egg a of I he Pied O rallina.- G-ra/lina

picaiu. Eggs of t he Black-faced Cuckoo-sltrikc­

Graucalus mela11ops. Eggs of the Whip·bird- 1~Yop/totl~$ crepi.

tans. Eygs of I he A usLrnlian lleo·ea~r-JlJ.eroJIS

or natus. EggsofiJ1e Rufous-r umpedSingingLnrk­

l'lell~us ruJ~scclls. Eggs of tbc lllack and 'Vhite Fau!.ttil­

Saulop>·octa molacilloides. Eggs of tbc R ed cyc·browed Fiuch­

JE9intl1a tempo1•ali•·. Eggs of tbe Ycllow·brcn~ted Robin­

Bopsaltria austral is. Egg! of I he Orl\llge·"-inged 'Bar k·pcckcl"­

Sitlel/a cllr!JSOptera. Eggs of the White·frontcd E phthiunum­

Bp/t(/Jiamll·a. albifron•. Eggs of lhe .Reed '\Vurbler-.,Lcroc .. pllalus

austra.lis Eggs of Lhe Rufous-brcuslcd 1'1Jickhead­

l'acll.tJCt}llJala rllfit'enltis: Egg;;. of the Dusky Wood.;wullow­

LI.rlamu• sorrlidus. Eggs of the Yellow·rumpccl 'rhornbill­

r.tohusilw• <·lirysorr!Joa. Egg of the Bronze Ouckoo-Lttmpro·

cocr.vz pltt.qo.w.•. Eggs of I be l"cllow·tnftcd lloncy-cnlcr

Pliloti.• auricomi.t. Egg of the Pnlli<l Cuckoo - Cucu/u.~

}Jallitlus. Egg< of the Ycllow·brenstcd Thombill­

.lcantll(::a 111111a. ll:p:gs of tlw Bronze Ouckoo-Lampro·

COC<'I/X pfaljOSU$. Eggs of th~ Grey·backed Sil"~r·c~·c­

Z~>sterops t:tl'rttlt!toren-$. Eggs of l~te Australian Pipit- Antl•u3


Eggs of lhe Brown F lycatchcr-llfia<llca jltscinans.

l~ggs of ll1o Superb \ Vnrblcr- .llalurus c.vaneus. .

E gp: of the Rufous·tni.lcd .Bronze Cuckoo ~Lamprococr!JX basalis.

Eg~~oflho ~Fnscoua Ronry·cnler- Ptilot it fuse a.

Egp:s of lbe Ycllow-fnced lfon<'y·cnlcr­l'tilofis Cht'!fSO)JO'.

Eggs of tltc Sacred Kingllshcl"-1Ialc,yo11 sanclus.

E ggs of Mncleny's Kingfishcl"-i lttlc!JOII macl<! . ,

Egg• of the Collared Cron··.!Hikl..~(ror· fit:ll$ {OI''JUOtW;.

Eggs of tho J3lu~I...Fronled Dott~rel­• ·E,ialitis melauups. ·of tho Ct·•·btcd l.lrOI•~C·\\ ing­O<'!JPflaJI$ lo-phote.•.

Ege.s of tuc ,\ ustrnhun Rl<~'Cn-CCII'OIU au.<trafis.

EggsoflhcAu~lrtllinnHoiiCJ~Etu'!fslomu., australis.

51- D


M r . .1. J . North .... ..







no Do

Do Do

Do Do ])o

Do Do Do l)o Do



no Do Do Do Do Do l>o


Do Do

Do l)o




Do no Do







D o














3 2

1 l 2

1 1 2 1 2




2 2 2 1 l 2


2 1

1 1



l 2 a 1





Couunon :u1U Sai('Jatlflc N'runcs.

Eggs of the Blnl'k·bnckcd W ntcr-lten­Ro-,.·p!t/Jrio m,funon(,/.lt.t.

E!!gs of tho \V Itite·froutcd lieron-Arclelt IIOVlt:·IIOilaiJ fill'.

l~ggs of Lho llrown ]J u<:k-.duas S«per· ciliosa.

Eggg of the Stone Plo,·cr- CEdion.emu.< gra(!.~rius.

Rg~softbo Nankeen K.cstrol-7'i• mmcultts ce11chroides.

Eggs of the l~rogrnouth-rodltrg•s striyoide.<,

Egg., t•f Lfto Land R nii-I {gpotreuitlia ph ifipJ,tiHi •.

Egg~ of !lw 131uek·chccked .Falcor~-Ful· o nudano_qf lt,f/.t.

El'g~ of the au,trulion Gosbnwk-.-1st11r approximrurt.

Eg!.(8 oft he P.u·ilic Gull - J,artts ptJ •ijh-us. Eggs of the Laughing Jncba.,~-Dttre>o

.tli.'la.f. Au•t•·,lhnn Bcc.entcr-Ji erops ()1'11/tlus. Sac•·ccl 1\ ingfishcr J!, fc.vo" sanctus. Fn.wn-bronsted Kinglishers-DaN/o N!l'·

vit~n. Ddicnlc Owl Stri:r tleliralulu. Crt·~ted B•·onze.winy-0<,1/phaps loplt<l~s. En~L<·rn Pr{1tincolc~-t; la ,·euf« orlenloli6, Varied J .. orikoeL- 1', icltoglostus versi<ofo~. Q, imson· wing~d l~oric~ - rlprosmicfus

frplh ·opterus. • ulphur·cre,ted Cocka•oo-C'a at 11 gol•·

rila G 1·eat. rds - Chlum!Jdor!ero 111/Chtl ·

li.•. Blnck·lnilc I 'l'tee·crc~pers-C/imaclu·8

m~lamtrn .

}>• inlcd Finches-.EmUtma pit·ia. Long·lailedFinchcs- I'"'J>hila aculiMtltla. Red·lniled Fi~tcltc~-Ralltilda rufit·autla. Crim~on P inch-_.\"'pochmt(l. ph •elo''· Aorsfodd's.BushL\rk- .11 iroJra lto.·.!fi•l i Ycllow·llnt<'<l Scrub·tits- Smi~rOI'•otS

flat•VJC• 11<. Brown's Superb \lurblcr-.V•tllln<s

t•rutnlllfus. Sot·rlid li'l'i.tll'·bitd$-Pit.i/MtOII s?>·tll.lvs. Oniform·~olom cd lloncy·cnlt·r-S/(!1111'·

opt-rCI flnicolor. · Ycllow·linlcd lloliCY·<'U'~U - P/ilotis

Jl<n·eutiiS. • RinA"int, Uon,.V·Pntrr-P/ilo is $()),o;·u . f{ ,•cl tl~· o:•!ltl . lfun~r·n•lcr-Eul(lnl(lp/ti/a

ruji,qultlri..;. · llnmh·.J Uo tii'Y·tal<'l' .li!J::Omtl« pec-

t oralis · Yull<>w-bnc·kcd lloncr·culo t• - ,llu/il\,·•J>·

tu.~ {a:<ior. · Wl tilc·shouhlorcd Cuterpilltr·cotrr-

L(I{•Jfl• tric'IJl~r. Crc~ted Bdl·hird-O>·e6ica crislttl•t . l'llensanl Oouc ols I '1•11f rop11s pluuitmus. E~f!S of the Red· t hroalcd lloJHy·c:ntc•·-

Enlomop/;iftt ruli,lflllari.-. Ne.t of the llt'<>" n J<'ly calc ~r-JiiCI'({<<I


Eg~~ of.lhe ll1'0" n Fly·culclt< r - Jfi ·'>'crc·a jasnn((lUr.

K~•l c.f t h~ Y t•llo" ·lll'e•"t• tl Robin­EQp8t~lb·u't tltt#l'fl/i"•

ltgj!~ of thu Y ellcH\ • Ln•as!ccl Robin -Eop,nllriu mt,/,·ufi.t.

Krfl of the J.ittJ,. Bro" n Thornbil i­Ai'ftnl/,i:u ;oJsdltr.

Nc;tor the Lcwi11'e 11 on•y·rnt~t·- l'til<ttil lt-w;nii.

Xt•·L<> f Blnck nml Wl ilul<'Hnl:lil- nulo· l'ro<•la motal'illo;tl.s.

Ne<t of the Yrllow·brca!led Tlti<·kheaJ­l'<Lcll.ti<·tpltllla !Jttflwwfis.

l'-pi~>e·billc•.l IT one) ·••at cr-Lf.,.tulltorlttt" · nhus {(uuiraslri.• .

Fnu-lail<•d l'uckoc>- C <·tnn1111lis j(ttbelli·

r ''"''·'· · -"•'~l of t ho Ol crc·b>l"kc·d Orio!c-OI'•ollls 1·iri<J .f.

\\'hil ~·thl·<Jtllc·d 0<'•')'gono - 0<1t'!J90IIe <1/tiyuluris.

Donor. I '6 ~ I ~l

f'nnunon :md ScientiOc Nun~.


nonor. ;! 'f.

h ----------------------------------~ --------------

Mr. A. J. Norlh ..• ... l~ j -~

no ······ 1

Do ······ 1

Do ······ 2

Do ...... I

Do ...... l

Do ..... l

Do ...... l

D o ······ l

Do ...... l Do ...... 1 Do ...... I Do ..... ·I

D o ..... 1 l H on. Dr .• J'aq. Notion. 100

11!.lJ.c. ~h. J . B. Nutting ...

Mr. J. D. Ogill>y ...

D o D o Do Do Do

Do Do Jlo J)o

llo Do no Do Do Do Do

Do I>o J)o )),, ))o l>o l>o

...... ··· ·· ... ... ...... ......



...... ......

······ ...... ..... ... ...... ... .. ......

..... .. ... .... ... ..... ...... ......



1 a 3 J



2 2 L


I 1 2 2 3 1


I 3 1 l 1 2 1 9

Mr . J ohn Olin-r...... 3 J)o ...... G


Do Do


.. ....



1 !J


Ne,t of Le\Tio's U oncy-cater-l'lilo/is f,,rini i.

Ne<~ of Southern Spbccothereo- Spheco· tlu rl'.f iJHXi/la)'·i.v.

Nr•t of the Dluck-fnced Cuckoo Shrikr­Gr·-~tucalut m$/unop.~.

Egg~ of the Bln<-k-fnced Cuckoo brike­a,-.,,rolu.r 111Pfr1110ps.

Nc>t of the "Whitc-shafted F:mtnil-Rhipi­dum alhi..,•opu.

Nest of tho Yellow-tufted ITonry-enter­Plilo/i.s uuricomit.

N~•t of the Uu~k,· " "ood S wallow- Ar/11· mlf.f sorclidtnl.·

Nc>l of the Rock W arblf.'r- O,·igm" rubri­(flfa.

.Kcst or tho Whito·should~rcd Cntor pHiar-cator- L n/nge tric(J/or.

Spiller-. 1 rane11s 6p . l'm~ ing ~Ianf i>-Jiitntis .•p. Plnnt 13ug - Pe/lophoru pic-ltt . l\loth~-3 JJttru/u, ~p., l T/nul<tctt obli­

'fllella . Mol h P&eutioler,ma i11uscot«ria. l'luguc Ooh•rpillnn of Noclttid Moth­

l'hlc.qtlonit.t carl;o. Fi-h, '[m·tlt-, t\ntl Saurian R,•mnine-<i

J'orilt~llr •tll.<lrll/i.•, 2 Jcllil'.lfO.<at•rn.t "tt-•fralis, 1 l'll'liosauru.•, .-p., 1 Soto­•·ltilon~.

L .lrdu <tr.tu~. ·1 Pttlin11r11• kugtlia, 1 bopoda. Strodltt sp.

Crnwfi•h (young). sipm\culu•-.S•j>ulll"ulu.f sp. 1 L"mbrelln .. tp., 2 Th~rtitl'.s inc:t ·. 2 Oclop11~ pi~tu.t, 1 upiolid~a li>rtolata. •• Trr(' Lob-tcr '"- Eur! ausfr,zlis. Spi<h·r-1 .lr1111eus produclns, 1 Arllltf:U.<

iwlugalrir, 2 T~lr«!JiUJlhtl "'JI''bt 1 l .tmultro/,ius si/cnnus, 1 Cl'llbionu nota­bili.•, 2 loro11itt imm111ois, l Dolomt'dtt fltrtl"s· 1 Ltro.N !Jodeffro_qi.

.n,•ctle•-l'I'Yop.ti,t 6-p•tstulalll . Ji.arvdgs-.Forjiw/11 sp. J>nnl•itic Bul(- Redut'ius sp. llcrtlu-1 Cldrenius att.tfrrrlis, 1 . 1/rrptts

~ttflratu.t, l C•0<-tpl1ttftts ro((Nri.t, 1 Pari'J>si.s .•p., 1 1-),,(l2$-pullrlrtlll, 3 Coctillrt/(( sp., l Orru.t lajtr fei , •J. ..J .•phlomorp/111 rrtmttlopir/(1 , :; f'lit•illlt •• , •. , i5 Rtdl!tcfrus oblOII!JII··· 2 ao,mlttlu.• P/OIIfflllllt, J llff.fJ/"O{rop/lll.t 1111/ltn.t, 0 C'_qclouoltwt lll<~s(crsi, 1 JJip!ttt•·tpltll[n tlttl"liUmbllftt, 1 Ontltop/ili!JIIS crllli••ulu.t, I .1lmntrrri11s Jtititlicolfi~, l . l r.qultn• lrilidip~111ris, 1 J[onll('repidittt utralus. G O•.vtrimts -•p., G ..Jp/wdi11s .'!~"~~1Wrirt<, :? lletr.·on.vcltn.t sp.

Co••hoarh-71/t~tla .<p. W n•p-Sfi/l,um ametnystinum. \Ynlt••·-boutmcn Attisops oustru/i.t. "'ot~r·Uil'1"\lrC•-llvdromttra sp. \\'uter-l.rug,-Gulguius .sp. l l oth-Dtiopti" pttlr/tP/i<t. Sptdcr,-4 C!trlopltora mulilCCtllsi-•, 1

Art~n,~s tN'fJIUri, 2 A.r9'1ro~p~irn rtlrb~ll'lllfl, 1 Arg!fT()I/~.t .'frm .. i/i.r, 2 /,• Ius .tcelio, nu·. imlicfl, I } ..,_1,,1111~ J.Yllli(/a, 3 1-0<.IJJtia i11$i!J,Ii!t, 1 IftMir/rt,t cirU'TQCM,

Scorpion' hom.trus t!torelU. Plotl<-r-lf•1druutdm cursilatts. Pnrn!itic hug· lhrlurius sp. \ nt-Bothrop<~r.rrtl pilit"mlri4. t'uc~ro:u-hc,-Pa~tnthia n:fhop.t. ( 'rid,t•( -0 l"f/lftt.t UTI'Fi/lei. Cl·ntitn-dt~-Srolopellrlra mm-.ticur~ot, 2

,,,.,fllp<·ndrtt .<p., 3 Julus rubripea. !'Ieo mat Ca1•btt.wt dis.<imi/i.r. BryOI.Oa·M"<l mr•oes-C\•ft•nie~ll•t r·eut,·i­


Scu mo,~es-2 . lmul/lia .<p., 1 Jlu.tru/a ttrril itw, I 1/ •• <p.

~ea· lir-S"'flduriu elon.lJ'''"· Spougt' l Plt•<•fi.tpa ma<•ropuro, I l•.'urlta·

/;,,,, t·.ri_q11t1, 2 .l~•illt/111 sp., 1 C'/ttlluia au•l ralis, 1 C/~tl/11·iops11 m mfl rl:lir ttl•tla, 3 li•••pon!li" '1ficillulit.

) fr . . John Olirer ..... I 6 Mr .• r. Pndlcy.. . ... .. 1 )[r. F. . G. W . Palmrr 12


no n,. Do n,, Do Do Po

Dtl Do llo Do Do Do llo

J>o no

ll£1·. W . l'

. ....


. .... ......

. .. ..


. .. ..



.. ....


.. ....

... ...

..... ... ...

1 :? ll 4 1 1 1 3

l 1 1 1 I I 1


)fn<ll'r l'ho•. l'nrr... 1 )fr . ll. )) l'nrry. ..... 1

)Ir. P. ll. PcJl~y ... l l [r. J I. Peir . . .... ... 1

:\fr. 1'. Pt·ir...... .... 1 l\f r. \\". Cl-. Prin 1 Mr. 0. D . l'crr)· .. 1

Do .•. 1 llios A nnic Petri<>... I ) fr. J. W. ]>icJgt'OtL.. 2 .}! r. F . J'. Pin~s.. ... . I

llo ...... I l>o ..... 1 ))o 1

M r. J. A. PlelfH .. 1

~!iij~ Sll•lla Pollard .. 1 M~. D. A. J?ortcr .. I

no ... I no ... I Uo ... I no ... l J>o .. I Do .. 2 no .. 1 Do ... 1 llo .. 1 l>o ... 1


n~~. 'Jho~. l'or1 er •. l Do 1 no 1

1\h·.Wm .• T.J Poulton 1 )fr. "'· .J. 11llm'll 1 :'!Ir. Etlwnul 11. t

Prinn• l'ubli<' s~hool• .\th 1

lt!ic AI•MintionJ of N. S. \\"nlc• . llo 1

Comnum nnd Scientific Names.

Slw114-Stp;,, ruUruto.. ~<'pnulc•" Kooktric. ll••••lll'~-3 T~l~phorH4 pttlrhellnt 3 C'ardio

thor•u <iisfinrfu8, 6 .-J.ui•t•fJC>trl• tdttl[lllllt. •

Spid<•r Cfhr11itt ,:rr,,.ttla. SI it!t•r J'~e:-bng,- c~ln:t>ia ornrab . \"o•nomou• Spid,•r.,-Lalrodetfr•s ul/i11•

C'ocoou•-Latrodttln.t sulio. lTunhmun Spid<'l~Foronia imlllll>~i-r. Spid~r-..fmaur&bit<.t tp. Spioh•r Cocoon-Amaurobi11s ~p. J!~~t les-lN,fo•umtt.• lttbtricovtfa llitlltts

ro#<l/118, l Cttz-diull<ortu sp. ' Spi<lt•t· L.ttr-O.IIt ifndeJ/'royi. Ant-lilln lily-O$mylus sp. Spidor-1/ flbt·ollt>.Vlcs atuwlipts ~ Spidl't"-Amuurobiu.t scaltu·i.t. Rpiul'r Oocoon-.d matwobiu.t sralat·is. Rook necko-G_ymllodactyl'US plalt~t•tts. Ycllo11-foot~d Pouched Mouse-P!tasco/Q·

,qalejlat•;pts. X ntivo Ct•t- DaS>JUrUI ,,·r·errinus. Grey Crow-Shri.kc-•5"/r·epera

tfala. Slrnrk-hook found in old wtll while

digging foundn!lom, for additions to 0.1'.0. ncnr ~itc of Old l'tmk Stream.

Lnrrn of 1\[oth-J[acro.<il'l ('a.,u•tnntP. N :mkctn Xight-her.:>n-<\yc/icQ,·Il.r c~tlt­

tlot~iru•. Skull of Aboriginal. Rufou•·lnilcd Bronze Cuckoo-Ltmpro-

coN'_I{Z bo.tll/i.•. l(n~ked Grn~s Finch-Ptepkila pnson<~ta. ' va,p-Emnia tp. " ' ircworm-Jfo~tO<-rl pioiiu.• .tp. Ci<·:tdn (" locu>L"') Lnl'Ta ? gttt. tl tp. WR~bili-Estriltia oslriUa. Rillo•·binl.-Piilorhi.s p11rod isen. Food-l.rowl (broken) \ nnnur for bo!ly.

Co•LI of coconut fibt·e . Puir or 11-o11AC~ of ccronut fibre. ,\ u~t mliun l'clicon-Ptltcamtl cont)litil·

/•1/tt$. Tin" k Lnrvn-Jlacrosilu caJuarin~. :,;lilbito. H ynlit«>. ~l i~pirkcl nnct Qunrtz. lhttlltl. Ruti l~ in Qnnrtz. ' l'om·mnlinr. \~ut~'-

Qual'(l (mouldrd on ('nlt-ilo ~) . Superb •< okc-U~IIisollill sttptrl((. Silm·o-Dcvoniun Corul - S!Jringoporo

uufoloporoidrs. Tmprc ions of fruits in :ronotone, Mt.

l'l('a•ant-.~:vriu.qopora -•P· ~~~~11- '1~/liltfl /11/fl •

'l'rrn·hu.t Jussi,.,,; T., pa!Jraud((tu . /::ulimll arfic-ult.t/lt • :-.:pidPr Crl'lt:14i•l t;ttl1 ·tt la . J .••pi<loptcrou• l'"l'arium D•tltlliUripP_tll. l'iptn;:: l'ro" (Albino)- Uym11or~tR<l

liMrm. <;i:n-r \lcdal,•·rown in" l'l'ftlh ~urmounttd

hv )lnltc~o cro-~, Diamond Jubil•'t', ts97.

<lo do Diou.:,ncl-JIIbilce,,tmlian Celebration, I '-~'7 .

Shdl• !3 rulsrl/c~ o1•nl<t, l Claoo!Jtll!J mul­f•llt'!t''"ri$, t Lima lllullico•lala, 1 J ;,;,.1 I tttlul<>, 2 Lt<lfl cmssa, 1 To pH !l'tfnrlifu, 2 .Jlodio/oria cumi~.IJiuna, L .ll".fJ'II""i", J/lll•~uens, l .lf.q~<lus altr, I .ll_l!liltts kirsutus, 2 ?l.•ttllus m_en· kr.wu.. ~ f'him1r scalurwa, -! Clno•e ,f.-itto.t~, .~ Cltioll• .~u l/iuul~, J. Cltion.• 11pltrodi11<J I Cut·dillm {MUICOSfatum, a ~1/ttr(Jmrt n~urt,l', ~ Lucitta conct''trir~tJ 1 I'•<'IU>I!•ttlu.• oMilflt<tS, l Te/lina dec~s­..,,, :.! Sol~ttfli>~a /Ji!lltliultt, 3 .lfacfrtr rr'.ft·,:,., 11.<, t2 .J)oua:r br~t:ieri, 4l?trlt'' bijro11.•, 2 l'ttfert usprrrim11~, l C!fp· racn th1 rsites, 2 'l'l•iton subcltslorltts, 5



Dr. B. Pul leinc ..... ·

Dr. J. Rabe Do Do Do

J Shell~-tonii111•~tl. 7'rilon ""lrrhl)usti, 1 Fa.<u.< P!Jrltfll/11, 1 Fusus lu<mu•itnlls, 3 Fu.••·• au.t· lr<tlit tt. rr•briliru/!ls, 1 l'asciul•triu f•sij'ormil, 5 Comin~/lfl ca~tctl.t, I Comiur/1•• /i,rolaht, 1 lialiotis t'IUJU·

wplict~ta, 2/faliolis •:rcut•al•t, I Coillt& anemone, 11 ( 't>nua rutil ult

1 I Cu,~.\i&

P.v~·'"" v. )tll twisru,qit, 1 Cassi.• Jim­hrwfu t>ar., :l Callol'llaria spollql eriflll", 'i Ouncellatitt &Jiit'flla , 2 L.ttrilt milrtr·

formil, 1 Yuil,•fl btddomt.i, 2 ,.'\'"uli,.,, $fl!Ji/tllrt,2 .Yuli~a inc~, 2~'"alita conica, ! ~Ve~lira pirf.t, 7 Xalirina nilida, a Sigartltt# /u~t·igafu#, 2 Stom<tlella ;,,. bric•th, 1 .llut•n t rifonnis, 2 .Jl111'l:r umbifirutus, :! \ a..rRcl jon(l~i,;; lluno· dot1/a mflattO(~m«, 7 Canllwrid••·• hmco.<li.'J"III• 2 ('mtllml'idtt$ lmtliu.~, 1 .flfa11ilea prt·i~sicwa, 1 ClltlilW·

ridrtt II~!Jircttl.<, 2 Euchelus """''''"·'· J C!1ul/wrid11s lesueri 11. raml,uri, J Ri~ell c plamt, I 'l'orcula clllihralfl, I 'J;,rtbru 1Hfttl•tltr, 3 JJI/m roscll•t, I I>rill''' lotrpul,tri'l, l Eulitntl Dt19u,.-, 1 1 _r:,.,,(o bimaculotu, 2 .lf1tr.9inflla mrl­arlfi·i, :l Jlar.Qu•~ff,, (ur/,·naln, 17 .1/u r· !l''"dla Jtl·"'"'• 1 /Ju /111 vUo"f'"• l _Uat~·o~M.<mtt produr/•t, 2 .lrmatfl gral•i, 1 J'f, r ipl1or11 pl'lltolaht, I PltiliM "P~''"· 2 .Jkera ,fiJiulll . 1:1 )\'cmthom~IIJI• .fi~<litmli.t, l Xau/llomt.f " ~·oor;11.(Je;l~·is, 7 LiJHll"flS m'lsle~·lt, 1 7'/tersitt-• lm/nu/li, 6 Ilelirdl t 1 ric·~· forum.

1 pongc-r u pOHgi•• 81'· 2 Sulphur. 1 Siht<'Ou• F>int~r. "ith l~uf imprl.'••ion•.

Hli Shcll~-6(} P<trfuhtfltbu, •i Par/ul<1 dt ,/;. fwu, 300 l'urlrd•t lteb~, ~ 7'roclto morJ•lut wrydit·e, 4 , lfelanil< arlhurii, 30 .Jlt·l•111i•l ·''J' .. 25 1\'erilin•• :i,·:m· 25 , \'i ,·itinrt ,,,((i_qcra, 3 (~qdot'horu•, & Ru/.,{a f•thua!lt, :! lh1i.•

Mr. ,r. J. Rainbow .. 1 1 Q.'g>~T.fll,

Scalc·C'.lt int; 1ll ol h -1'/cafpo~/c r i • .-ucu· plra,qa

Do ... I 23 Do


Do 2 Do 2 Do :! Do

J 2

Do :! Do

:)I l>o


6 Do :.!

Do G Do I Do 1 Do 1 D .. I Do I'' ,,

~r. All•n Rnm•.IJ .•.

l>r. E. 1'. R.'"'"·'Y .. :10

Mn-ter .Jilck 1 Do • 1

Scnlc·cnlin:: 1\roth (Cocoon)-1'h•tlp•"'· ltaris t•u,·opl111t!"·

Spillerd-:3 . lrutiM' rariu~ili< (I) JW), J .. lran,us t•ru-;,'iipt.~ ( ty])e) , :~ .lramu.\ S,ltlt>icol•t (h pl'!, :! .Irallt'!/~ pnllidu (')P<'), I Ar!tiU[I~ pullid•t (t,\pd ! I Al'f/lO'f'C .'l>'•trolis I typ<•), 2 A•:'l"'l'' r:rft 11• l (t~ pt•). 1 ('/UII'<IC(II/1/11111•

.<if,lCII'II' (tJJ~\· 1 i . J ,•atUPI.t f:t'dU•pl

\\•non:ou,Spult·r,- L•tf ro./ed11r '"dio. Cocoon> l.•tlrudr~/us scelio. )[ot h~- fli., at't fi n·c.,,s.

do b.rVK' l'i'''trtt .fi·n,tn•. do <>0i'VOU4-J'i,mrf/ .ft t'ccn.~.

Buth·rJlit·~-rttp/u '' rfJrifln't. ).[o!lls-llttdruwt '""whfn. lhtttt•rflic ,:._ l lllw•tis pi .riJ'JI"·'·

.E.'up/11 ·r t•uror~o~r,

)loth!' Jf,t:l,-,,~., u''""''"" !"\pitlt·r par;, ... it it· .d ·".tf!l''rJdf".f_,~,/t'J,U,f;uun. ~pldt.'t" }/ 1,,;,·/, 11 .flln lt r t•IU )lot' p,. riot c/(Jit,n \fhip Spit. •·-.lrt nnM' J1·•!/'l_l1111. :-ipidl'T:'I. J l~tJdflff',l,t.,lc~~lrrultf's• l •. lr.,

ncur Lioptl'uf' t, 1 .J,a,uu., ro.llo~rn, 1 .A,·ttltUif uottticluR, L ./r(trlm ur''

h('f,'/lll-<i, :.! ""'''ti'" ."'"'ltrd.ti,, J d 9 1 Cln int("tnlloum .'t'ft•tml, 1 ( lutrttf'flll· t/ti 11 ~i/ltc•r-tu" 1 l Op/ ... t~ml('ll,>r ctliJUIIl•


Curp<t ~nul..c-1'.•/l.·m .•1ululc.t ,.,, •. r

,'lllf • • •• 1'. Bt."l'lll':;-1 CA 1c.8 ,1ft$ ,(/nl(mi<J1uRv•,- ,,,

Mt("Odt i ~ ldttiiiJ;,.,,.,,i\, 1 Pl~l'(}' (I(' C'tiiiU ..-,;) Jlu/.lf'!4f'Q<il'' ('Unl'fflltl_. } •\rlu:

c'rr};imt 'P, 1 1/~p~r.uf,tx.tu•ttsf,:J''' ,I Cttl'cfH,Iltm·•l tiJI'tiu•ulfM·, 1 1 l tlrclw· 1/Wiff.r' ,,, riu:", 1 . 11rlium .otp .• I O.t'I,Of'':tl

N'C,ttul,,l 1/tprurthi,uts.,p., I (hl/HJI'J'·

l1h •1 ,. m.f, ''!!~'~·'· Skiuk-/.1/IJllf'wlllltu•t~. ":liill.. \\"·J;IIt• '1 .._,,j.Jcr-Jfisu,l/tN I /•tftll.

~ Lion or. ~ e

~1 V>

Mr. l'rrcy Rnmw~ .. 2

lfr .. \. S. R cid ··· ·· Do 2

llr r. A. Rdd ..... .... , l l la·. lf onry lticluml• ll

Do 8 Do l Do I llo 1 Do 1

n o 2 Do I Do 1 Do J

Do 1 })o l

D.> 2

Do ])_, HI

Jlo 3 Do HI

........ . IS

Do llo

no Do

D•l J>o

Dr. H. Hidlts .... .... ))o

l\1 r. A. E. lti 1<',1' ......


Un~t·•r Ru••~ll Ril··~

S1r .~ H'~d llohcr • . llo

\fr.C.Il. Uolwrt•,·l l' J!~,. 11 . • \ . Rob<•rtwn

Do llo l>n Dn

nu llo Do

no llo

nu Po Do n., t>o Do

I ll

I ]l

:1 L 3 :! 1


I ;) lj

5 l'l I

. I l"i


I 11

I :J 4


Com•non nnd Sdcntlnc NamllS.

G rey-backed ~ilH·r·CJes-Zoslerops Ctrrt<• l•$~t'IIS.

Spiny-cbc~ked U omy-caler- .dcantl1o· ,Qt'tiJ/N ruji,quluri.<.

Spotted Bo"l'r·hirds-C/olamydodtra tlll.l • rula/u.

'J'i~ter Snnkc-Xo/t~~hi.r swtatur. Golden Frog-Jlyla lt urttt , Tree Frog- 11!1/li ·'I'· lirog-l(lf/dltl bi•·olo•·· .Jew Li•enl-.~ mploi~olurus Lurhalus. f<low Worm- Lia/is llllrln11i. Two-toe:! Skillk-L.vgoso>wt '!uttdriline<t•

lum. Lq:l<••s Liznrd-.Jpr<llill pulclrell11. Dli11d Snuko-T_qphlup,< <tuslrttli&. Whip Snakl'- Oiwor11 i11 p smwmophis. \Yustern 'Ringed Sooko-Jl/,yncltellt]>S bor·

tlwldi. Rainbow Suakt>-l•'u1·illfl calo11o/a. Stril\tcd Dillmond·bor.l - l'ardalolus omu•

Ius. "~••orpion-l lfQrmurlltjlal'icrllris,1lira•

dttc-u.< 1101'<• loollandicl!. 'frnp-tloor Spider Eri.,dm formidil-ile.

:,;pidcra-t lldu,pod•t rrnaloria, 5 Ara· neus lh,'lridolt"• G ArltMII& produclu$, 1 A.rllttlll& .•p., I ttrgiope prolttwt 1 2 0 !16{tr11Ctllllloa f/IIVOtii(ICIIlata.

C'enl ipNl~s-St·oloi>mdra t!lllrsicunt. Jkclles-2 Cu/•1drom1u lac-nrd!.roi, 3

C'ureuu >n luc-ustre, 3 J::urgscaph111 bipunclala, I Scitalcc sp., 1 HeterOn!J• chu11 sp., l Ohalc-olampra vern<cosa, 5 Diplwcephala brr!fllina, 1 TrogO<lell· •Iron fct~cic-u/atum, 1 Plroracalltha umipundata, l Sligmoderaforlnumi.

\\'c•·•·ils-6 Amvrte,.u.r schonllerri, 2 Arttrdltoluphu$ cra.•sidflls, 2 Acu11lho· /ophuslu~tuera/is, 8 O.t!fOp$ mqi<Js.

Pt·aving )I anlid-ilttm/it 1p. lJOt:u,t:..-! Gr!JIIurril billinglwrsfi, 2

1'r,:r•ttit ·'I'·· 2 L or114fa sp. Mol•• l'ricJ,,•t-ao·.llllotulpa nilidula. llug--10 Scullfleru ' ''!J"f", 2 Reduriu1

'1'· Ci,·atla- 1Locu•t•l-Ftl'it·io.·t sp. ,\larch Fh--7'abanusfralercullll. C'nlerpillur,;-C.thwrc•mmet f esliva. :\!otl•s- do do N<·•L of the Ourmlou• lloncy·cntcr-My·

zttttfllll yarrulet E!tg< of th~ Gurn•lous lfon~y-catcr-.Jl!J·

:unth'l .ft''' r;tl". Wt rutin;: Gn"• P:trrn!..ct•L-Jleloptillacul

'W lulalu~ .

\\ ~·p-lJtttmwt bic-ulvr 'l l1tlt->mac<'OUS Ea1·th. ('ci('OJUR of Spidt."t-Ctlttnia t:rCXf::ala . l'· •bbt.·s ol A ugot,• purph,l rill- • Coral Ito,·k . NaH•Iult, or l~•·o·mnungn J'c!it.h. titnllll l{ing or Nan•lnh. . p,,.,., .. ,.r •·nl'i.t<>llllll' of hnw, &om winch

N:Ht·luh-. urt• u-.ntlr. llt•k<·t. m~dc from l'all<lanuti<I\H'>• C'·1n ... 1 cot."a·nut .t .. ·ll nrmlct~. 'l\11 toi<••--lu 11 nrwld. :-\tril,lrd ,,f c.·aml!t• nut•. p,.,.k~~ of t':tuttlt··nut f,•lit~J.:<'. ~l"·llo tl'e•lto ~;ntl<' <lo" 11 taro, .'I.e. st ... JI, (C/tt•m •< "''""ifittua) u~cd ns

~iukt·r~. t;h..ti•-Civtdtrm 01'«111.

Cvnt~>. 11\•l· h·wnrn ~:tout·j, from '\ hlch u:tC!!- un·

11~:11 lt" nl ·r.u I! fr<llll \\hido nus llr" lll3dt•. l'tC<'~ oi' t'ur:tl £ <'0111 \\ hid1 an' Urt'

Jll:lclt>. n •.• t .... -. Tnn~n, m· "·rh_telPn Ldl. ~l otlekulun llllllg<•. Burw·l ipp' t1 un•ow!4. l;.u·l11 · t't.ukiUJ.t put , ~p:d~o•re-1 /Ji.·ft¥ 1/l"i1tfil~:·'t ~ .Cin1Ji011•l

¥f'., t a: ·ub11, 1p., I 1~tmlwm t~l/)1) . ~t.·iJ(tll·' ·




- " o "' .;.!l ~ g

Common nnri Seient111c Names. Donor .

J; ----------~+---------------------:----- - -~:+---~----------iS. Common and ScientiJio Names.


Rev.H . .A..Rober tson 26 Sholl<-1 Turho mmllorrt /us,2l'tc~·occras Mr. G. Savilgc 00


lamhi•, 2 T rocl"" 11iloticu..•, l 'l' •·ocl•us roncoi'IH, 1 Trirl'.lrll'• ~IO"il" llt, 2 'L'I•tdiiNia !J~fJ'IS, l Comt~ a uralU$, 1 Oo•ws fltOgrar ltic·us, 2 Ou>ltts le.rfile, 2 FllS•.•Jihtm~nlosu.•. 3 l'urpurfl per1irum 4 Ooula Ot•tmt, I l,qprtt>a ltt lpa, 3

Do oo.,,. ,oo Do oo .... oo.

C'!t prmt a rabi<'lt . BiYalvei - llip7>&p!is mllc ullllus. Bh•nh·cs-l'ortion do.

n o ...... Do ...... l )o ... ...

Do . .. .. Do . .. ...

lofr. R Robinsot\ • Mr. S. Robin~on oo .. oo

2 1 1 Pilot Fi ~h-Ktwcmle< tluc·tor.

12 l~gga of th e Grey Strutlticlen- 'trolltidea Dr. C. G. Scligmo.nn <'iNe t'i il.

oo oooo '00



0 I Rgg~ of Au; t r.tlio.n Oc~·~o.tor - .1/uops tuntt fu , ,


Do ...... . . . ~gg.s Australian Ra'"cn - Curr11111 Atr ·~·

D o



D o Do

P o

D o







Do Ho

000 ..... .........

······ .. . ... ... .. . ... ... ...

...... ...

...... .. .

...... ...

... ......


..... ...


... ......

······ 00 0

...... .. .




12 8









•t 12

trali.•. Egg• \\' h il c·h"n<h-d Stilt- llimoulopu.•

/~u,•oMpllalu <. l!:gg• Gn•_,··~rownNI Pomalo>IOil\tH·-PO·

m 1foslom11$ l empt>rn j,, Egg~ Crested .!Jronzr-wing - Ot·yphap ,•

fopltofe<. Egg• Pi, d Gt·allint~-GI'llllillt£ pica/a, E ggs 13htck-bnckccl Piping Crow- Gym··

IIOI'Illlitl l lbttell.

I E ggs Whitr-win~:cd Chough-Cor .. orar

mcla11orh a mplws. 'Egg,; Friar·bird - Tropitlorn .• vnohus cor ·

niculnl u.~.

I Eggs llo<~·hill J'tll'l'lllcrct- J'lctl!trcrrus

erimills . Egg• Collared Crow·Sh rikc -Cracficu$

l t>rlJIIallts. t.;g(l$ Musk Lot·ikcct - T ri<·hogtossus

conviJinus. E ggs Cockatoo Purrahcct,-('ulopsillflet<.t

1IOVIP·I1ollu nth tr . l•:~~;s llln(·l! -t hron• ctl C o·Qw Shriklo-Cruo­

f it·u . .,· u(qrigula.ris. Jo:gg~ 'ldlow-1 hront~d ~fitwr.-,lf,y:a nl/w

jl-.ri_qu/11. frg_gs Luugla;•lg .Jackt&.~:;- /) u·,./o ,t/i,tttu: l•lgg~ Ro·c·b•·~nstl.'d C•wko.loo-Cu 11/uu

I ro,oeic·tf)Jiflu

00 00 00 · oo •l Egg• of t ill' Hctl·knt>~d DoLi crd-E r,!i· tlu·otJOmts ci11cfM.

Do .... oo .oo I Knuh-t nil~tl (1erko-S tpl1rurus la ••is. Mr. If. Rosnlo.1 oo... 2 I rido•no iu;,.

D1.1 .. ... 1 Mcsitit~. :'ll r . A. ~1. N. Ru~e oo 1 T it·k r,·,om Rdi•ln•t-Trodn .tp .

Do oo• 6 S1>idcr• :.l r ur<n i • imm1111is, I A.·a11111.< ~~~~·ione. l l'iiiJJrna i •·acrtt fus l ('lteira· t. twll.·ium si/11 l uml l .1 / urplrtwl rom ­

Do ... Do oo •

P o oo • no 00 0

Do 00

Do 00

Do 00 0

Do ... Do 00 0

Mr . . T " ' ' · llos•iter •oo

Mr. Alfred Royco Do .oo

Mr. B. G. llyc ... ..

4 s

I 1 1 1

I J t 1


2 1


pluna.l~: . ('eot,ipedcs-Srolope~~tlra mondf·ttns. Jlcct l<·a- 1 A•>OJ>lo,qulfthus n1wlis, lAm·

i I!Jplerus ri utrirrJ<u<, 1 Alllfll~f!JIIIIIS sp , 1 ClH'.'I·•o/o•z>hus .•p•cflll,ifi.<, l Ot lltorlt.inu• ·'!'·

!lug .1 n>1 •1 .<ibtlhw " tT,f/; . \\'agp- S,.hc.t, t'llrb .. wll'ia . t>lnl)'JIU ·- Orn iil•orh,11nrlms tlllalinu8. Nt\livc Pot·cupinc-ll't•ltitllllt tlcull'lltu. Bt·nwn Sna ko-Diemwitt lu/ili.t. Leg l··~s L iza rd- 1'!/.f/Ofll'·• ltp idozms. Diumond Suukc-l'•lho>t .<piloleJ. Bu{ch-Egg' of Carpel Smkc l'.~lho11

.tpilotcs, o•ar M t'i"!J"'''· Rninbow l•'i~h - ll•lrroscarus filer mnotosus. Ji'Juthc,ul Pl<lf!JCPphuitt< drro nct.<us. l.lw llcs-1 Br~trltitllr.t qrt.sJrmrnrtdll (us, 1

1/J'lll"liinu.s ~"P· , 2 D,lfsddr iwt sl n ww ... u.~, 5 1)/a(rtnus ii!Ortlftts-. 3 J'ttecr (j(/qs ~f'. 1 2 Jlolvlf'pft h<urlnJfi, I .llum>crtpiclius ~fr. Pc•·cy Se) mour .. "".tl"·•t itrrrsus, l J[OIIOCrtpitlius sp. , ~ f. ~cu.• ,qcmi11us, 2 2'nrhodu •fl>.. 2 Opotrum sp. , a 'f'oricum Mlww, 2 .dlpMiol,ius ptc>'prs, ~ .tlphilohittr sp., IJ ·'.•rlobalt.• ·'I'·• 7 , /mtlr!lfl""'~ rltr.lJ · ·•om~fiJitlfs, 2 ,l(m·dt'l/fl comp~t.tifu, 3 C'riaro·is uupres'a, 4 Oriorerrs .~p., 8 . l r-rhiu l's r/e~hurlor, 2 Jlalnm"mts .~p., 2 Splct tiOplturus pn 110ps, 2 .ll!t/'1'11 srt•

• lorridtl 1 l ( 'ordm1ln ·'P· M i•~ Ktt tc n. Saltr r 1 '' u•ty-fac.:d Jlon~y-cal ('r - M cl•i•!.'I!Jtt

]J1.ryyia .


Mr. G. Sho~~>.oo .. .. oo lilt-. II <'ll r)' S <er wood

Do oo • oo • 1>.·. 1~ . ~inrlni1· ..... Mr. R. Sinch•ir oo oo oo i\fr .. T tl , SkcoL ... oo

Do Do

2 l




3 1 l 1 l 5 J !l

Gould'ij F lycalclrer - J>iezorlwllclius gouldi.

Minute Ditterne -A rdettu pu.•il/4, Ne~t of Wongn. Pigeon - Lmtcosarcia

11irttllt. of Lhe ll{n.gni6cent F r uit Pigoon­

JIIeg~tloprepia mag11 iftea. F.ggs of Dluck·f rontcd F ly·calchor­

J>ieziJrhynchtts gouldi. Eggs of Ohcstnut·brcnstccl Finch­

lJouttcicola C(lsll<~~eofhorax. Sbolls- 12 Cant!tarid ussp.,lO Cantharid11~

sJI ., 3 Cantltaridus sp., 2 .llinoliasp., 1 .'lfouotlonta latio, 10 .Vonodonta sp., 1 (?) .£eptoth,yra sp., 1 JI.ya laea /o, gi· voslri.v, 12 Oeritllium torre$i1 20 Ceri· tkiwu mor11s1 3 Csritltiw•• sp., 3 Oeri· tltiopsi.v sp., 20 l 'olamides tayartli, 5 C'l'l'itltiwn sp.,1 'l'rifor is sp., 2 Trifori.t doliclrlt, 3 B iltit<m xanthllm, 3 11itlium p upijormc, 3 B itli, ,u sp. , 3 Biltium tp., 5 B illiwn dipla~.t, 3 B iltium sp. 3 Bi/.fi11111 sp., 10 llittium SJI., 6 ,Jfar: .IJille/la alto, 15 M arg inella brachia, 3'!Jinella sp., 1 llf ar,qinella &JI. 5 Solittttla 11ilitlula, 4 .Melampu; anus, 2 M elaiii)!US sp ., 36 R ittgicula pusilla, 6 Ri11gicula 1US11larw11, 2 1'/ectolrema I!Jpicum, 1 Teinostoma sp., 3 2'ei11ostoma opplrtum, 3J'trrit i na oua{tmt nsis, 3 Serila •·etieukzta 2 P.lf>',fJUlilla ,qlirit lla, 5 Syno/a SJI:, a S!f,11ola SJ/.1 ~ 'l'urbonilla sp. , 2 Py•·a· m ul•lla (1Jp10a1 15 I'y••atnidella sp ., 2 Odosfomitt J1111>a, 8 Otloslomia rltab· tloides, 1 O.Zo.ttomia .tp., 1 Odostomir• sp, 1 Odostomia acic·ttll>u,, 23 Odoslo· mia sp., 1 Otlostomia oodes, 1 Odosfo· mia SJI., 1 Odoslomitt oxia, 2 P lcuro· fmnatorresi, l P lvuroloma sp.,1 PlttllrO· loma b •·e••ica~tdafa, ·1 P lcowofoma sp., 1 "llan,qelia sp., li llfa n,qe/ia ~p., l fl i.Y.•oi:la .vn'ral a, 30 .Rissoil1a (?) ~/olln·ata, 3 .Rivsoia frojectus, 30 R issoitt sp., 25 Rissoia •"P·· S R.issoia sp., 20 A.l!JS cylinlirica, 3 Ll.l,ys tlenli. fcra , 4 Jf~tmiMa t•ilrea, 1 l{ami~~ea amb~1Jtta, 6 C',r;li1Jl111a rstietllata, 6 f.!Jliclt•u• acrobeles, 10 (Tiriclllus ampl•yasfus, 2 l 'triruZ.ts l•plths, ao Alaba ful·va, 8 A laba striuta, 2 t JJiala .~rmt'sfrirtto, 30 Dial11 sp., 11 Dill/a lrardyi, 2 J)iala albugo, Jtulimel/a ang•t.tlal", 1 Etllima sp., 1 1'l«r.vi01tella sp., 7 Pltasillllella SJ>., H Columhella essin,qltnMsis, 3 Columhellu SJI.1 7 ()o/umbclla .vp., 20 Liotitt ~p., 2 .£iolia peronii, 2 Liotia sp ., 3 l'!tellacolepas "· .<p., ·1 JoJmargi1111la sp., 2 Glyphis sp., 3 llelet'oniJcus sp., 12 Sip/tono•·ia S)loo I :3 Co11 11s t•·ailii, 2 Jl iWa /uculw ta, 1 'l'rilou 11. ·'P·· JO 'I.'rtmcolvl/a t•alitla, 2 ~\',zssa sp., Z Xatica sp.1 1 Sralaria lineolata, 1 Scalaria sp., 30 Scaliola calcdtmicn, 5 Caecwn sp., 1 flenlalitm• tp., 1 Cailuhrs simillimus, l Tellintl I'Jl., 4 'l'tolli11a ca,,ta, 2 Tel/i11a sp.1 1 'f'ql(in<l sp., 1 2'rlliua t>ir[tttlafa, ·1 Tellwa sp., 2 J.'elli11a sp., 2 Area .vp., 1 J.ucina irr•n:, 1 /, uriua .tp., 2 (.'11ce SG'ripl«, 3 C~trc/ita u cnt•ata, 4 C'art/iwn turrclo, 2 Carchum .trlt'Zf"11.te, 1 .Jfa rle$ilt sh·infll, 1 Ve1111S levukensis, 1 / 'ellltS injrms.

Ground Gr:•ucnlu~-J>Ietopoducy.t plut~ia · 11cllu.

Grey-crowned .Pomalo>touma-Pama/os· tomus lempor«lit •

Tclluriclll on•-Culttt·rrile. Piec<• of Shnlc. l'nl cm•,•ou> D~po,it. l'corpion-Jsoml'trus mr/a!loplt!JSa. H h inoc•·ro~ bt•,•Uc-Zy /oti'I'Pts a uslrlf/icus • Fo~•il \ \'ovtl. St ular t itic hull'>IOttC. (.lrurd wu~ltiug~.


Donor. Common • •d SoionUOo Names.

.: oz I '" o.S Common nnd Sclcnttnc .NilMOS. D OII"r. '0 ~ I "I . ~~

-------i~~----------------+-------~w;----------------Mr. J. G . Skcot ... ... I L imonito. Mr. J A. 'l'horpto .

Do 1 J !l>per. )fn~. A. A. Smar t .. 1 :\[odd or Cnnoe.

Do 2 P iece., of Tnppn. Do 2 Y o.c-ki•. D o 1 Sbicltl. Do ::::::1 1 \\omr rnh. Do 2 Yncki Clnh•. J)o 1 Circulnr-hrndNI club. Do I l Boom<>rung. J)o ..... . 1 PHddle. Do .... 1 2 Bow$. Ou 2 Spear•. Do 1 Club with j!rn.a <'0\'t•rio" Do 3 Cerntl 1\Udclirs. .,. Do 1 P l"in woddtn "itb i ron bnntl~. J)u 1 Crulch·ht·n•lt•d c·lub.

Mr. EtlgnrA. Smith.l 2 Photos or P lc·cuolom'lria Brl(ri<'lii " ith Moll uet·. ·

Mr.l'. W.~mithurst 1 Giant •roa<lu-'l'tllrotlon inermi,<. ~{r. F. \\' . SmJ i ht•.. 1 Y~l rct Fi~h-1/cplcmctis miltSii. Prof. \ L ll . Spenct>r 12 roucltt'\1 l{ •1,-'l'h!JI•rcom'f·' tec•t•i~ttc•.

Do 1 [ 'l'hick-tmlt'(l J~nt-C<miiurus p<drm1·u· f,,lu.t.

Do 2 Long·t••ilcd Rnb-PoJanoma/11s lo•qirtJu·

Do Dll

Mr. W. Stnlk111'rl, J uur. Do

M is< Stanficl!l ..... I

.\J r. \\'. D. Sttlnfortl. Do

.Mr. Tho•. Sl~t·l ..... Jlo Do Do Do Do Jlo Do

Mr . . r nnws Stt•in .... Do Do D~ ......

~fr. 1' Strphrn~ .•.. Do Do Dr1 Do Uv IJu


) fr. F. H. Sto•·bll . :\f a•kr \\'m l'ilon<" ..


M r«, \ . l'trill)(fr .. Dv .. .

~fr. Oo.'u. ~"''' t .... . :llr .• \ J. It) lor

Uo D1 J)o l>o Do

Mr . . J. 'l.q•lor l'ror. R. 'l 'ut<•

::::., .....

:\fr. \V. )1. 'l'homns .. Do l>o


1\lr. J~rne~f 'J'humtou

:\fr. H . '1 lturpo ......

1 2 1

1 1

2 l 1 s s 2 1 l 3 3 1 5 1 I ·t l l I l l G

l l l 3 1 1 I I I l 2


daf11<. ••tl Rnt-J/ us villQ.<i'lll/lll.t. Littlt• Rut< .11rc8 • a11116.

L'luitt•cl box.

Turnd bllx. J3arrubnnu's Purrnkco1t-Po/'tl~lis b11rr<t·

hamli, ._ Long·rnre<l B~t '-.\ :•trlophilll.t timoritn.•s. Fl~ iu:l ;\Ion•" .lc-rO~<•ks P.ll.'ftno(u~. Tr<'<' :-;,,.11.<• !J, ntlrelaph is srhlr11rk~ri Silk,wrllt• JJumb,p· mo)·i. CCJf'OOUtl- /Jmul1,,r mori. Culub<Jlt.t.flllo'tllillis. 'lu!(. U lock P•lrrornlt•d wood. Liu!/Uin nrwlum. P r,lWtl,. Pll/,l.uWil ,'.1Ji,,;4,, Su~:1r :--ICJ'IIrr\.'1 Ptbtur1u St•iurau, Fl.' IU!! :\ltHit' - 1 ·rtJblltc.s P'f!l111fl u~. ~pin,\ :-okir1k f~m·rnin ru,, n '.tf"" mi. !'u,.;ar :-\ luirrt"l-l'tl(zurus &r-it'r~«·'· rt .. t :~rron hi'Bd~. Flint ""'P· Fitnt 1'<1111'.

Workt•rl lhnl •·lup,, 'fin 011•. 'f!\ .. tnanitt. ~trt>pht.~m'•ntt or lrplinm, lluulm" -;f.

ti'Mh.unr•·rou,l. Cht'l'l "it'• mi~nln· •h.·ll • (l'rt•itll' 'Oil>)

Culh~ ·lion nf lu~nanniun ='h·sot.oit.., l\·rmo· CJrbc.nuCt'rou~. and ~ilurinn fu .. ~il ...

~loth .l!-1 fO$il•t Nl~llrilloP. .Ne't nml t"o ''itll' l r tl,.· Rt•t•tl \\'nrbl••r

lrrc>rt'J'I'"'"·' uu.tlra/l".f. Nt'HL Rllll j 1\0 O!(g< or the \'\'hil·· ~houhl,·rcd

U:JIPI'Jiillllr·•'Hl••l'- .f-'''"!JP lrit·<ilur. CalHpill•r l/<.t<rO$dtt c.rt uariu,r. 1't'rrrul l.odfJUt't t·t:rnaln.

Ul ,ck of """''''"· L:.1•h:-.•u ' ~ 'uipe~,- f: dliltllf/Q ttu'flrtli~. P£•tu: uat"" Parwkt'd Pl•tf,yt:nYttf,'!l''nj L·m l H ,;t-ll•IJ""''""I'" P"lfiJ•J'fllflf. Y.trit•.l 'J'urui\ Turn1.r t•.tri'l. :o;tul.lolt• 1/u•il ('o/urlli;t ptdllmii•. Swutnp (~wail- •\llnn·ru."J tuus(ralt.t. Spi lt·r . J 1:q•oJ>~ (1'{/<l'':ea. Fo•·il•-.1 ,.,,.,,~r!l"ll"""'' I li nlii'J •ncklo

IJ m.<·u t mfr:frofolw ( lean•). Xall\t' Urnn:.:•• Cilru <lu.,trnh• :'\atlt't: J•tHI1C',:.!T.U\11lC~-( #lpjuiJ"I,'J no/n'fi.f, Fruit - ol l't/'}>llri.t l11i nlk 1{. IJr 1

I alii 1."'""1 by osh\'C nnnh' ol I \ ••1;1 Ill~: I

Group o ,,.,._ •~>njoine'! of th~ \••ll•IW thr,mll•d ~t·ruh \'\ tru- •"r tr,rn r f•tfrro,tJll 'tll' lf.

Gi~unl ;,. Wut.-r St·orpion JJ, l•<.tllllul/ w /11 um.

2 E~~' uf ~up•·•·h \rtu·hl~ r l/alttrt<ltt


Do Do Do



2 2


D.> ... 2n

Do 36

Do 1

Do 2 l!o r, Do W

Do :! lJo 1 lJo t Do 1:?

J>o l>o Do •I

nu Do l>u

D,, Du Do Do Dn ::·1 : Do

Po llr. Ti lo"ell \1 r. c. r. ·m~ \ I r . . I. ll. Tooii'J

!'own nml Countn ,Journal. ·

~fr. \V. A. 'fulloch ... ~I r. Ll. L od,•rwootl lnkno" n ....... .

.:If r. E. \' ••ron ....... \lr ],;d~nr H. \\'~oit•·

llo Ho

I 1 J l 1

Do :!

no Do

Deetir,-18 .lh Ciplo,qnal hus onalis, 9 ll n'• plo,qnalhu• porosur, G;; Liparelrus mar• ,'linipr11nis, 2< 0 Lipartlrra• dtprusus, 9 Plr.l!llu/o('fl,<pnlltalu.t, S Chr.v.<ol(Jph tts SJitC"fllbili.•, 8 ll iJIJIOrhillu.• sp, 9 L rp· lops lcopri, 1 f>li!tmoclt71.1 maculata, 1 .d.ulocopf'i.• rth·h•i.

Locuo~.h l Acriilimn tt'ru.qi 'lt).f ltm, 1 Phmt~I'IJfl l~riC l ritlilllitfuogulfa l lll.

.:l!oth>-AIIIntr<NI ~uc;rf.ttpli. ):ellow-cro•• IHtJ:•-.lfi•/i.• ·•!lmb<llica. B~rtles-:l O•fri11u• lrit iali•, 9 l'ltro·

luduu.f 1 irul"iwt, 6 Sarttfiii.S l«rirfJI/il, 1 Promrllus lfll.'flllalu•, 7 :Jft n~rr•lt8 i<rlirol{i.r, !l . l d~liutn ,t;enialt, 2 4 drlillm tp., 7 .. Jd~f,um JIOI'(a/um, 4 .J.mar.'t9mtt8 rttjJI'iJit nni,f. t&, Amrn:v!lmus }Jicipr.v, ·lw A mot:lf.'l"'"·' ohtolt•l us.

\Vee••ild J Trtfau•·irtus nrgosu.r, 26 CuMc-· orrhy,,./cu• ill<wulll i us, 2 Sos!fl!lus loh111u.<.

B~etlcs I P~trOJ"i·• r·rfiru{atn, 3 Pur· opsis udopu11duf r1 2 Par&psrs 1p 1

I Ln.·on r•rli!IIIIOiu•, 2 Lacon sp., ! .llmro•rr }'itliu• .<lrinlu•, 3 Jl onorre· pe ,, .,. hrllrh, a ollonou~prdiul sp . (\\ire worm><), 4 Pr&mt<·oJ~rul /.rlllllli· ror11i.<, h llllrl>nlus •:'lnobilis, 11Iarpa· l<~s .rp., 1 il'nfoil(ii/IIU va>·iicollis, 1 Plaf!JIIIIS mtll'flinirollis, 10 A ula~O· f',lJ/" '' t•do•n/rclu.•. I Jl astichilus pu11cl i · coll<t, 1 Cc·,·ctfo§•mlh116 ~~~qer, 1 Cr,qplo · dus rr,l,~rrimu•, I C':'tJiiO<lus sp., 1 Onll•ophnglts !ll'alllrlalus.

\\-,up. "Solit&rJ \ ut"- .lf ulilln rugi· rolb'.•.

Dull·dt•j: .\ut•- ,l f.qrm«ia larsufa. Pllr:"ilit· llng•-NrJ11ri11s .tp. C<l('krn.lch<·~- l i'fllltslhia bret•icollir, (j

P~m.•fhr'lr ·'11 · l~nnrig• J•i~tjh•ul!l ·'1'· Scoq>ion f>ull.-lru., mrln11oph,11sa. P~l·mlo-iu~orpion f'/u•lt"fl r rcrmusu.f Spi 1Pr<-7'rfr<Hlll·>flra r!1li11Jrira, 4 Latro·

drdu,r urlru, I Sltortna trarcofa, 1 Lamrvn'' uh ,~ nn, 1 T .. iocrilnmn $]>· l l'(lro~ri,t •Mmtm•.t. l JJarpluM~ tlr.'/'lll.f, 2 JJ,uurnt., obscuru.t.

Pnp,.rium ,,f muth ! .flm. ~~ sp. Lad.' Linl - Rptlarlmn 2H pune(afrt. Nr.t ttll'l le~~· ur I h1• T.1Ll le (hn~s-bird ..

.lJ,.qal'lrUt fll'ttmin~U$, :'l't••l or l'ietl <i rnllimt nmllina pic-a fa .·l'llt'Crl ('m•kn)·''"·ikt•- Orauc,tf~s

m.-{lu"l"'· Ydl n·rt•••·i"''l 'J h rn·lnll- fTtobcu iltu.r

c-l,r,,,,.,J,o 1.

\U"''Tn.litlll Hat·t·n rurnlt• nuJ.lrtrli.l. \lnr~h I rlO!:!\ l.on.rm·inrlu* arum;nn/u.t. JJlllcrn-/Ju/1/ti'M poit-tluplrrns. ~piny S'kiuk-.tmphiiJDluruJc muriPnlu.~. 'J hr~I<·IONI l.11.0 r t,-f-!J,q!ISOIIIt£ del'rNi·

i Jlltt .

Three .tripcrl<tr<I,-L!i!/OSOma triliu!· al111n.

frl, ! .. i~utw '"""J/r.t lllfmanil'n.ti'f. If ll~t.\ ._\,''JtrerJ,,;-,, Ca-t t: r ·~n I rt•e rr ~:.-/[qla Nrt'l<hM Ft'rr t:.Jnnt ..... -.u htcHu~ ... tw,,·ing form duo

t 1 \\tath ·r1u~. Bl~L•II~·-("a/lu ult.~ ,tlr" .. 'lflntt.t.

HnudNl St•n Snnkn Pla furus ('0 /ubritw,<. ('h•ud11 (lu<' l-1) <!lrlorlci/a auslrotlrt<i<'. ~l .. >rt·lt•t:t:l"l I 1t..n·•l - L!i!JIJ4oma r·u·

r,, ''rii ~l nlwhil•• nn•l \1.11rit~ . U.,.,bod. 0" I \'no boubook .

J>l,.·n~ml (' u~al· ('rolruplf< ph'l•iamcs. St ot ,. ()~ J ,. rir b l~lu·~t•OJQ.

-:\ ,~o.;t·~ t r. th<' Fr i lr·blrd- r,.c,pidorh,,, , rJ, ,s ('(Ji'lll('ttfri/l(f,

~'''' of tl11• llhll'l, lltlll \ \ hito l<'nnlnil­,..,.,t/oprodtl m Jiat•alfJid~s.

E~g- nl till' Blnd<. nml \\'hitc Fnntuil .._\ tu.loj't'tJ(/' m"lu·tlltmlt-,'1\,

.. -" o<>

J)Onor. .;.S :.-;1 </:

Mr. Ed~ar n. ·w aitJ

D o 1 Do 12 D o 1 Uo 1 J)o 2 l>o 1 Uo 2 1>o l :l

Do 2 llo 8 ])o 1 Do 1 Do 5

Do 2

no 1 Ur . . L \\'"""''Y .. 1 )fr . E. E.Wnnl I M r . u. A. \\'nter- !J6


... ..,

... lt>


Common nnd Scicniific Noo1fr!.

Bower of the Satin Bower-hint Ptilonm·h!J•··Iw.t rtol<Utll8.

Peaceful Do•·c-Ufoprli·• irallfJilillll. Chcx·olato fhts- Cllalinolobu.t morio. Flying Fo\-l'ftropus f>Oliuapl•••lu.t. Wongt\ l'ig•·~n f,,,,.o.wrcia piNtlu . Spidcrs-S trolt•s prtJt'i/'IIS. R1>idt'r'• J~~g-hng. 'J:umblt•·duug llPt•tl~•-. 1 u{o,Opl·i.t rtit•ltt>i, Tnmblc·dunjl Bcl'll~a· Dung-l>lll~- J ul<t·

coprit rrirltti. )fa@On Wn<lt< - L'umM!S ouu ftlf. :\llL<on \\'u•p•' Nt••t~-E·mmcs O>'rllttfu.< Fl~ Pnn,t/0,;11 m'Jl•ul;pt ''''is. " \ \"!up" ::lpi<lcr-.lri mant.< .J'''-'''"'''''· Spidt'r:t- I 1'f.t,·tApmdhn (:ttNndt iro,

.di',Q//I'Otir!t ,f/1'll('i/i9, l U/11-Ytllflllru,t quwlm!rts, I , /t·ompsc valitia, l 2'/lor­ol/iJt "'~'l'";r~JI·'t·

ll<ellcs I ('lmlt·IIJIIHJr« lwi, I 0JIIIt~-l''lf'.'l"' tJI'diiUitt(lt.f.

w .•• p-l'umpilu~ mo/t.<f•.•-\\'~ til-Ort~ .. rrhillltS rq{lll'lrir;,,{,·i•. Pnra ... it:,• Bttt,t t'ortiJtrl,; pit/ut. Bult('rili~' 1 ,/11•!1"'·1 sclttNplwr.>, 2

.llh.vm" Jll*run, l . .llh,itm'' i'J"tl''"'• 2

.1/ll.'fln.l iiiUJ'll, 2 .lth_llllJit ('UIJII, I Eullwlia /l'flll<'ia, 1 Euflmlir~ ,,,,,; adfls, l J~'ull,u/itl /('IN<: HJ?, 2 Ztlill ;·ov .f/e,Q,'fll&, 1 N~pfi.< :?.id", I .\'rpfi., tllla· U1d11, 1 .\~,.,d;N mitJI,, l .._\", pli.t ,t()Uifl, I lirpti.t ophia1111, l .Yeplis •p., l ,.,.,,m 11m1 i•J.t, J Jl,,l,;n,ia hortl~~uit1, 1 .lh/1tJ

u/ripp1'1 J.A.n·a t Ctdl"t,1Ciu.Jrtz.r'·fidolo.l, 1 C'lt uatt•lriut~, 2 C/,ara.rt& ulfla.nur, 1 l'r1pi/io 4'/tQtlll1 2 Popilio .'f'lllff't '• 2 Papiliu nntlrtl!/'"""·~, 1 l't.~pihu t'•Udt.~r, 2 Pupilt'o ptlri.l(, 1 p,tpi/i.J a;dirrnlt.f, I [',,,,i/io I'"Jiho.r, 2 PfiJlllio Ml'f'rtltm, 1 f'upiliu "!Jitllt~ntlloll, 1 l '"pdio l'lt•'.llfulu,t, 1 Pu;>ilio bath,t/l'f,,~, l .lppuu luppllidr.,•, 1Appias 1'11'1111-f, J 11 t?n•I'IS t!tl'~lg/u;, 3 Cttluplm:J'' la.'t~,q,., 1 Otlop~ilia Jl'f'O'dlt'• I _YtpiJ,rtm 'a n,·uf,tt', 1 J,,t ;.~ ilrn:ui tr, 1 P:11•i.t $11., 1 fJt_f.,,.~ ".'1'"';,,,, 1 /J ·lt '·' l'u.,ilhor, l J.~.:ifl," J~llrt'''' :! } , •fiR ·'P·• I 1'ttrursltH'ttbe. :1 Lt/f'O' 1 ~JI·• 1 J<1miJr$ I.Jul'h.tts, l (i()IJMpit t:lf.l' rft•tJ• l.nlt·, J /,,lft'tUW ·'P·· l ;Jf!Jf'fflnu'~" ~flu lauu, I .~JI.'JNtlt>.l(t~· ,qopu, 1 ... 11!1''"'' 1Ni," miuru.'f, 2 .Jl,lt,•tdc.!ii~· ma/,,•ftl'tf, l .. 1/,;t•alt'"h ,,;,.,lf,J, I Jl!JrrJ!-~t&i.v rnrtl ', '.tr., 1 ll•tn.'Jbt'l ... c 111({a, 1 Rlm:ucrru .\ tlrlf''"· 2 L'/,,,,.,;ft.\ ttud~tlftrl\, 1 Cu~oclu•tu tr"t•i . ., O, 1 Ctrl'tH'f4to 1

llor.• 9, I C'q11lloiu ~r~lu, I L·fh• t•luuu{it"tl, I L llw k~th.\111 1 L l'flu .~;··bunt\·, :! Ltlhe cli,a,·htn, l L f*flt,. nirlt.flt~, I Lttltt mttilr!Jfl, t Z ,1,/Ju.\.fU

J:•lauridn, ~ Z u]Jitntu;a .'JOa!J'flrtl, J z'),t/l(t'f.Y'I /Jirl llt·ri, l Zopltfl\f,f(l un ,,

.r.:uni~J., L Yt•ur'"'' ltilda, L Dttlltl i ' f.ql ia, l lJanuH u .. qleu, 1. f)tutais mflanoi4tl, 2 /J tlntti( !Jrnttft"u, 1 /Jtt,l ri;S c-11(1/HI•

P~'·"' a r:,pltt I mit/tl;)tll~. 1 l:Hpf,, f( rintl•llwwlllu<, 2 E•pf., 1 t.,p, 1 r:upJ, ,, '~•rO""!fW'I, 1 Loft~ . ulr.•ll'tf I /,t/ /.,. m.~, . .,: '

I>upn .. lin~ot Ut~ftcrtliv:-..-3 l'•'P'I'u tJ'''''' hfl'';• 1 /' tpih•J ctiJflrtus, :t l .amptell .~ lm itt'tt.'t, ~'' (2 \\t.'b~) Jfllmruu.~ fft'tl·

flU>'"·'· :lf',,wpllil" au:ti<rtle, I f 1,1111pHI11 ~~·•yit,, I lh.<puill« ]li•·l ,, :l Jl•xpt·r· "'"'' tJrn ~"'· a AJIII11,~/ttt I (\'1',.1'111, :4 l~puttplt~l" u/,r,ma, 1 JnrHl. nntl 1 pup 1, !J,,n,ti.'f rr.jtpfl.'f .

tlutt c~rllh'l'-:! .IJ''''"'np·u:'f$11/i#, 1/J/ 11 a it/a Jltl~a/,,,, 2 s,, .j

1,;·. uthi't "-''J'f'O· l•o•, 1 s_,,ml,rt """'' h.IJfJ$1'/i ... , 1 ... ;,,m.

b.·u•lhi11 11ip!t wrl", 2 Prr,·i~ ;1,nilr, I fJo~t'o;rl'!'~tll}'tJ i'u•(P, I L~ ul"ll;/nt :a.'//1 2/itmtm/t.\ tn'orrt~·, ll,r·m·uiii~d<trtl.tfl :l ftftfp/t•l Ill <n ,VII.

, Donor . l ~i Common nrul 8clenttnc N:lmes.

lfr. G. A. Woler-njJ 2 piders-1 ( vcno.mo118) Lnt,odutu~f(~/io hou..:•. 1 A.maurohiut 1~11ilas. '

llr. E. IT. W cbb .. l Xe!<~ of Yello"·throl\lcd Serub·wren-Serirorni# cilri!II!Jrdaris.

Do 2 Eggs of Ycllo .. ·lhroatcd Scrub·wNn­Sericor/li.t cilrl'?!fU/•tril.

J)o 1 Ncs~ of .Lnrg<··billcd Sorub-wron-S~ri· conais mntJIIii'Oatrill.



NcsL of JJrown Ocrygonc - Gcr!/90IIa fu.ora.

Nest of J~illl~ Drown 'fhornbiU-Aca11•

thi:a pu.til/u. B.-,-. T. \\'han s;; l>hell•-6 .L•Iinlln~a Olllfrali•, 19 Pal'l/110•

1'!1'.'1116 /,llr<iuoitl~•. 9 Liflori~a die· IIWt•>ISt, 6 Rittoa hulli, 2 Cingul1nn uusi•·ali8, 3 Utlo~tomia sp., 10 1'enuup.

~{1'8. J . Dnhingtonl 38 '\\' hi le.





~Ir. lJ. L. Whit~

J)o .. ~fr. Voss \ \'ihunl ..

) ),


f),, D<l

... 1 llo ... D.> Do no ))\)


Mr. T . \Yilkin• ... :: Do I

llr. L . \\'llkia~>on ...

'lr. K:lwnrdWillinm

a ·I

I I 7

6 -~ 1


I I I 5


llut.ler flies 8 Ornillto}ilt:ro pronomus 2 J>npi/io COJitllll'U.t, I J>opi/io poly: cl&rto$, 2 l'••pzlio o,qamw111on, 1 1Jelia1 ttr,qellihona, I Cttllidryat gorgopl•one, 1 Jf.lfMI 9"~~/l",o.'l'• l Dnnuis l1am•tlo, 1 Eupl«a ''"ri''"''• 2 £upla:'I lulliol11s, 1 Xrpt:s J:;!J,pplfrli, I C,u11t/ai•z at/a 1 JI<ia11iiir, 1 ]),,,tltma bolma: 5 A mh('f}>Qt/a mirtt/~, 2 l:rm~''' t.tclann· lhmir, ~ l.•w1t»f' discolor, 1 Ism~~~~

dol~srlwi/U, 1 l'otmpllilot (lll!Ji•ttles, I Pompltila ''"!Jiu.t,:! 1\tgiades .9"""/iu.

MoLhs-t Eurlttuu. mais, l Eucl.romiu

·'1'· Egg of Red-tnil~tl '.rropie·bird-P/u:rl'n

rubri('auda. F.l!~ of Whil<h'"l'llt'tl Tern- JficraftOMI

ltucoc.•upil"'· Egt:> of J,ar~•·•'•••,Letl 'fero-St~r~a

lero1. NcsL of \Vhil•'·" ial)l<'<l Chough-C'orcoro.r

melantJromphu.f. ]!'lying Moll~ll-.fn·o/,"fe.• Jl!/9rtltrll.t. DuL Guuuo. Phosphet ic t'nrl h .

Purph~ ry ~lll'lo~i11,: fm·allpi~cr, of hmr· >tone.

tf,\·f'>~\111\. CHrhon,.lt• of lune (po"dt•ry). Pht\~nt::b-'' ~attvt' f..adie-..."-Podtu~.,,. .

1/w .. t 11'dkilr.vo11i ( ~J, 3 'i> .J J.ocu.t<·,·ir:'t rtfh·u(,f,, (I J ,49 .) Grickols - 0 rttll~t-• ·'JI· Stiugiu~ C:llt11pill.u·- Doraliopl<orn l'UI·


Cuh·opll'ruut IHrl':t'.

Ycnomou• $pulo r -1.~/,·od<I'IU.f srdio. Pla-nt Du.;,- /'r-Hij'luJ' 1 .'fp. }(~tit('hTIUII Of ";)ha\\1" web. Spidt~r ... -1 Lauljl(/11•1 "wriwt, 1 .1 ,,.

'I'Oftllt$ ·'/'·• J d '2. Jfoirworrn- f:urdw• <p.

Oull in lnlt'08l' >lutt'.

Egg of l l n•k•·•l l'llrr.•k•·••L-l'lufy<'<"fCII·t pri'SIUt'lftt.\',

f ·•}kWOrln p,,~ 11 "'P·

\lr, ll. A. W1l hir•·· 1 ]{ ··k C • ·Lo> -G oudarl:dc• plal~t'll<,

Dr.<:. \\'llson

'" ~0w;,~, I .I l'1"f. ,J. '1'. \ \'il "''" I ;\fr. ,J W Woodh··ul J

1>> :! Do ....... .

\(r. C. Woollt•l' . ... I l>o ... .. . 1

\lr•. ,J. D. Ytumg I llo ... ·I 1 l>o ... .. 1

' (r. ' V. U ' 'nung ... l

\ 1hl •-ali<ln \!az·l ri-h. •·:.:)(•, und fry­Ceralodv•Jitt•,ftrl.

N•tir<' l'ort'll)lim· (you11g)- Et•!.i,fll• ocull'lll"·

Bliud Snuln·<-'1'"1'"'"1'' pro.rimu.<. Brown Sn·•!.•• -/Jim1r11itt l<.rtihs. \I oth /JaMf·t o•rlltJf t T.·&n·a t-:t~,... .IJ'!t.,·uph,Jr t (p • Hlu.--uu•~th' I Lit. ~r.J-Tilr•flll so:a'nt•odtl. •t ·lluri·h· of Uuhl. f'ohallit«·r.m ... \la· '·'"'''''· llro'' n''3 Para-.•kN~t .:_/J,,,,/I'fi'rus bro,·nt. ~la~S" l Ga·"'' ~·an..ll 1'~•\philup~rtO>NI<l Crimson Fin<•h \ • ••ltmill ph;do•·· Spider - (I t•f• ,. ~<•m! I"' jl•tromJt'lllllltt.

--- -


£XCJfAXOES, 1898.

1\fr . W. '1'. A ngo' ~. (ui)

Bir<l< (cgg•)- 13 !pecimt•n•. Birds (l'j:lg•) 1:! '}l('Cimen•.

Botanic Onrdl'n~. Sydnt') · (:a) Ethnologi•·nl- 2 specinu•n•. I B isloril':ll 2 <p('(·imen~.

Drilioh ~~ ~~~cum , T.ondon. ( 12)

l\Iammol•-5 <Jl('Cimcn~. llollusca-393 sp~imcne.

:lfr. A. W. Dutlt•r, Tmlinnopoli~, l :-.A. (3!1)

Ethnologit-nl- 1.)2 •pct·inwn". 1 E thnologirnl-17 !pccimrn~.

Mr. JT. Couticra, P aris. (·10)

I Cruslaecn - 1 Ppccimtn.

Dr. J. C. Cox, ~.'dn,·y. (;;;;)

Ethnologirol o spt·cimcn~. Mt·. H. H. Elv~>r,,·. (r.:l)

Bit1ls (c~t~•)-2 ~pccimon.. I Birtb (<'1!1:') 1 speoim('n•.

~fr.<:. Frt·nclt, ~[elbournt•. (2i )

Bird~-2 •JI~imcn!. Bird,-2 'l"''·imcn~.

Mr. J . Onbdcl. (:!8, 3:.1)

Bird~ (cg~:~)-37 specimen~. llryotoo- 136 ~pccirncns. I B irds-6 specimen~.

GOJ•gonidll•-22 speciml'n;.

Gcologicnl Snrvt•y of X S. W. (!l)

llincrol-1 '}ll'cimen. I

Geologit•al Snrrry or Q uN'Il>lnucl. (12)

Fo~>i l~ 1 :l ~pcci mcns. I

Oo1 ernmeul lf u•rttm, 1\IaJ •~•·· (3~)

llird- 1 'l"'dmen.

Mr. E. Oucrin, ~ faion, Frnncr. (h)

....... . ...... .... .... ...... I Insect,; JJ;) oprl'imen~.

Mr. A. Hoyloek. (23)

Ecltinodt•rmnt:t-18 specimen~. J~ltinodN•mntn-2;; $pt'rimell•.

Indian )[ u•cum, Cnll'utln. (~:.1.1

llir<l-1 'P~imt•n. Btrtl-1 'l"'d""'"·

;\lr. 'l'homn• Illidgv. ( l i) Fisbc<-1 ~ •pcciml'n•. Bird I •rrdnwn.

) h-. Joltn ,Jcnning•, :S~tlnt'.'. (:!0)

Crn•I3C\·~- 19 >pe<'im~>ll•. Molluscn-1G ~}l('Cimt•n,.

l" rof. Knula1c•t·, I>\ Oils, Flltllt't'· (2 1)

.. ............ ... ...... ...... . I Erbinoclrrmnl:\-79 ~pccimcu•.

Prof. Lin·r-iclgr. S~·tlnr.1. (:li) llth"Oritc-1 -~imfn. )fcteorit<'- 1 SFrdmm.

1\fusl-t• Coloninl, tioumcn. (11) ...... ............ ... ......... I Jf lhnoloj!it•nl-G t N~<'rimrus. ............... ...... ......... :\folln-.·11 ~70 •pecunen•.

The Mu•••um, Pt•rlh, W .A. (!l}

liammuJ,-t s~imen•. I ~fnmmul• Btr.h-27 spccimt'n~.

18 ,pcciml'm.

Nt•w H nmpshirt• Stnh• T,ihnH'.I, C'nnt•orcl, IJ$.A. (:l l)

llook,- 1 rolumrs. 1 Dooh-1:! 1Ulumcs.

Sroclmun• lorwl\rded .

Mr. A. J . P rcntice. ( 11)

J.o:.n of 'l"'rimt•n for ruouhling. I Cn· t.,_3 •jl('dmcns.

)fr. Thomas Uogt•r-, ~fnnt·hcdler. (3 I}

Ecltinoclc•rmn!n-G ~pcrim,•np. I ~folln&<'ll-•1 ~pt•t•imcns.

Royul Gcologicnl Tt,litul ion, lloalin. (:JG)

I :'lfinentls 100 Apl'eimens. Cn-h 3 <pl'cimrn•.

R oyal Zoolo;.:it•nl Mll.rum, FJ.,rencc. {2~) llfllmmnJ,-5 •pl'l·imen~. I )fummnls-1 •pr.•imen. Skt'l~lou-1 ~p~c·imcn.

;\fr. S. inc·1nit·, S~dncy.

Numi•mulit~al Specimen~. I Pamphlet Cu•t•s - 12 .-olumcs.

l'ruf. Smill, Stockholm. I"''' sw.-clish C.,n•nl, Sydn~y. (16) )fn111muls :l >pcl'imem. I

Sb•wcll •r,•,·l!tti,·ul Coll<•gt• und '•·hool of :\!in~•. S1nwcll, \ ic. (<IV) I ~fineruh- GO 'Jll'cimenJ.

Rc1. T . n. R. Std>batt:!, Tunbaidg.: W dl•, Eng. (25)

........ ...... ... ... I Cr ustneca, ,\c.-129 ~pecimen~.

M a·. II. Storkdtt'o, Wll,·cr te.r. (:!9, G6)

.Ethuol.Jgiral- 5 •pecim~ns. I Ethnological- 4!! specimens.

Ta.mnnian Mn•••um, IIobnrl. (i) F.lbnologu·nl-:?9 'Perimen•.

Pn f. ' l'nl ", Adl'ln ide. (:lO)

Fo•sil~-7 •pcc•ituer•~. I :\!olluPcn Mollumt-!17 specimen~.

2H >1lC~imcns.

Mr. Ot"O. ~r. Thomoon. ( t '!)

Crustncen-1 I ~peeim~os.

Tcrhnologicnl :\ fnu•um, Sydney. (:.!)

l'hologmph~-5 photos. I Elhnological-:l ~pcrimens. Skdcton- 1 'JI~Nmen. Etlu•o·bolamcal-1 Spe<'itnen. I 'follu-.•u- t:l 'Jlt'<·imen<. Uirds 6 '1"·cimcm.

'l'ct·hn!>logtt1ll Mn><·um, Xcwc·;t,llt' · (:1:!)

..... :. ::::::::.::: : : : .: · .. : ) I irt~rnl -:; t8 .. pec-im~ns. l

lli.hes-2 1 •prcinwn~.

. ........ . , Banh :! <pt't'lUh'n:o~.

"Cniwr •il~, ~lt·abourne. (oO Books- i 1 olaunes. Bwlis-5 wlunwJ.

l:uil·cr>ily, .HhtP)'· ( l )

.... ... . .. ..... ... .. I \ nnlomi<•ul- !l 'JICCitncns.

lfr. F.dgar R. \\'1111<•, ~ydn,•y. ( 1:\ l

Dool..-- 7 n.lumt•;. 12 plntc•. 10 pumphll'l ~:t.s~•.

i\[r. 0. ,\ . Wnh•rhou>t•. (:!~)

1n•ecl· :! ~ •p cinwn•. 1 ln•e~1s-1(; •pct•iutNld.

llr .. hllll \\ otcrhottSe. to:!)

I r o--ils- 1:.!3 >Jl<'t'iiiiCilS.

Y.,wlogisk "ll•Nilll, C'hri,ti•miu. ( 11))

~lummuh-5 ~pccimens. ~lnnumtl!- •I ~pCl•inwns.



HE'I OR~ OF lXItO IUI \.TJON ~l:Pl'LIIW TO 'I'll!•: PUBLIC, 189'7.

.Amateur Fi~h,•rmnn'• A •• ociat ion.

Mr. Willium Jlulclw in

l.i~ut C. 1-:. Dtdclom,• Rev. T. Bln~klmrn .....

~I r. 0. 0. 1!-itllebunl. :llr. T. Buckhuul . .. ..

~l r. A. G. Cnmpbell .

:\lr .. F. R. Chupm3n ..

~ln,ler Clnrk ...... !lfr. S~mond• Olnrk .. . Mr. J: .B Cldllnd ... .. ~I i•s Cook1on . .. .... ..

Ucv. A. 11. Coombes ...

Mr. C. A. Copelnnd ...

i\1 r. ,f. M .l'ro,s,ll.IJ.A ., Qcl., and Party. I

Enctuirer ........... . .... .

~fr. ·w. Fnrr<'r ......... ,

Mr. J. Fitzhnrclingo .. .

:If r. ~Jil ton Flood .... .. 111 r. C. F~cn~h, junr ...


i\ l r. 0. \\. h o{!gnt L .. .

:llr. \T. W. Frog&att.

ll<•lnlt •.

Tdentifoc~tlion o r nnd inf01mntion ":~pectinl! till' Ulnck Kin~ F~<h, Elac~tfl m,tp'll.

OiYing in fornonlinu on the life lti •IOI',I' , ra•n::~•, nud prt••·ention of • hip- \VortnK.

Showinl( ColiC<'! ion of Shell•. J>i<pht)i"2 Cnbin~t Collection of ,\ u.tralmn

Colooptcm J~xbi bit iug Ornit holus:icnl Culli·rt ions. E•hibiuns: Oruitholngical un<i Oologie11l

Goll•·dmns. Di•playing •·ollections or Rhop.tloce•n and

lld<•roc<•rn. {Au. trnlian) on<l informn11o11 r·e I""'''' l'c · l>.

Gi,·in~: iuformntion ra ..! hotigiuol Can•rcl Tn• ~.

1\'oming \.u~lrnlinn Colropt••••· l•:xhibitinl( Omitholo~:it•nl Collcc t.ion. ldcotiflt·ntion of Bird-,lins. J£xhibitu I( 01'0 tholoJ!i<'nl and <'Jbinct Ct•l­

lcctio• '· I dt•ntifyin).l ~ir<lo' Eggs nnd making list of

sanw. G i"ing inf,mnation r~ l <in<•hr•, F iJinn

P:ur .t..;, .... ~, •. De>criptiou o f Collcdions ancl ~lu•cum.

Gi•·ing information o~ to Diomond Snnk~ of Ta.;munin.

Civio:: information,., •nppo•cd new .\fnmmnl frequenting S.E. " 'nlerd.

Jdcnt ifi,•ut ion of Grrcn 'Iree Snnke, 1J<•nd1·o­phi• f'tln!'lul!l l u•.

Xnming Lepidoptera. J•:xhibttin~: Ornithological nnd Oologi,·31

Collc<·t ions. Itl,'nliflcntion of portion of jnw of Schnnpper,

Pa,Qr'lll wrh·olor. Xamin~ 'pidt• r and displaying Collections of

Bupro·•ttdac, Q, nithoptcrn,ancl Colcopll'lll, Or. Gcdding . ........ "I Di•playing l.'ollect ions vf ::\fcmlmwidae nud

l'occoptdne. ~lr \\illiam Hurley.. Dt•lermiuin~: •malll"'"bJe, (I( Qunrtz. ~li-. K )1. ll ny~s.... l'<c of room nnd •J•'•·imt•n~ for ,J,.,•tehing. .Mr. Thonao 1J ickry ..


I nformut 1<1n re :->nuL•· found ('lt 1111 ant -boil, sho•dn~: K rmu ll li1.1u d in•id,•.

:\lr. R. ]I. 11 <>~1( ..... Di•plo~inl( l'ollcdion of Ardl'ill•ida owl nt· .. •"'·

Mr. A. W . llowitt and Daughlt•r. I

l\1 r. J. G. ll untct• .....

lh'<~ribiug Collect ion- tn )f u.,•um.

lclentific·nlion of llru~h-tail<•tl l'onl'lwrl :llou,~. l'hast·oloqnlt p~ni!'i/lnlt~.

Prof F. \\' . ll utton.. E•plainin;t eou•tru~tion of ne" wotk.hop-. l'11pt. If ,Ill<'• ... ...... .. Gh·ing mlurmntiou uhout t•h·c·t ric· <pm lot;,.,

I of l!ypllt).~ ·'"'"".'Jrr<m, ~xlulli t tng bouk. on '"I.IJ<'Ct, and general information.

:llr. R. L. Jndr .. .. . DNenninuuvo of lt'o•~il fr,m Xo. 3 Xorth Smithlidd :\lint•, <:~mpie.

Mc•s'-. l'~rrJ nnd Co I SupplJing li-t of J\nt hropolo~iNII Socit•til'<. M1·. 1•:. 11. !duO ......... lden1ifyu1g JJ1rds' 1~,;:.:~ nuci oxh ibillnJ:

:11 r. 0 . T.e llun i\lr. 1'. l.o t:unle ...... 1 Dr. J,ong........ .. .. ..

OolnJ:ir·ul mu l Orntlbolugicul Cnbirll't Collt·cttons.

l nformntinn re N.\\'. Finchts. l\nmin~ 11 t11"·roccrn. l d!'lllilit·nticm of Bl11l'k Snukt•, l'uuclulti.<

J>Drpl~ttrioru.•. i\lr<, L~d,·n i\li•• ·~l c.\t thu r

l 'rit•nd.

Oivinl( infnrmat'on rt' Strudure of .Bird• oncl Jo:,plumin~: :\[m,enm Collection,,

X a me. -~

.\fr. lJ . ,T :\f~COO<'y .. l tlt•nt iGcation of :\Iamms!.. )fr. Sch, yn :\lorl ..... Xoming Colh•t•lion of X.'S. \Yul,•• :O.ilurian

null Pt•rmo-Oarbouift•rous Fos!<ils. Xewea>llc llfuuum .. . Nnmin!: Nnturnl lJt&IOr) object~ for the

Mu,eum ;\fr . John

l\J.T,.A. Nobb$, Di•plnJing Cnhinct Colltoctions of An,trnlinn

I nH'ds unci gi,·i11g information re life hi-fori~• of ~amc.

H on. A. N or!on N11nnn;: ebt'IJg ; gh•ing de!t••·ipt ion of Collcc· lion• und ~~ u-cum.

llr. K G. W. l'nlmcr l dcntilirotion of Dinmoncl Sunk,, 1 P!ft!Jon .<pilofts).

~~ r . ,J Pnrrv :\l r. Pt•rkit;

l dcntillenth n of •kin of l'uranu.v t•UI'itts. Qi, n~ inforn111tion u to Scu Snake~,

t h~ir hnbit<, &c. Gi•ing information r• cutcing Opalised

\\' ood. ~Jr. l 'rilchnru ......... Oi• in):: i11formution on Q, uithologk·nl Col­

ltTii n•. :l!rd. Rou .............. Ohing infommtion u life hi•tories of

l n•ccts. Mi~sc~ Ross ....... .. .. Di~plnvln~ Cubintt Collt•rtions o f Au$l rnlion

and Exotic Butterflu·~ :llr . 13 G . Ryt• lJi,pJn, in)!' Cnbuwt Coll,·clions or 'Eiuteridae

mal Bupr~<tidne, n"'i of .\u>trnlilln Cole­optera.

:\fr. Thomas St~cl .... .. ~nrning <·olleotion of N~w Guinea Jn~ccts; cldt•nnining Fijian .A rachnida; di,plny­in~: method of pre,en·i•'g m>c··t~ b) means of the hot·:1ir proces<; naming Collection of Queon•lund Arnchnidno.

Dr. (). (.l, Scligmnn .. Oiling informut ion nbont muterinl!, for col ­J.•,·ling; general inforn:ation on the 1-'nuno, l~lorn, Geoloj!y, ancl Ethnology of Brit i.h X''" 0 mnco, with c~p<'cinl rrfcrcnct• Lo t he p lnuh and 8hcll• uml hy EO.T3~·~.

M r. John Single...... .. Itlenttflmtion of Lt•;:Jc,s Litnrd or Slow \\'or m ( /~'l.'/"f'v8 lt J>idtJ!>us).

Mr. C. ~rcKn) Smi t h Gi•in~: informutton Ill lo J\ill,,r \\'bnJ,•s

)L r. nnd Mio• S" rl'l -"!1"'"!1 .lf>ri/ ....... . .. Prof. !{, Tut<' .......... j T cchnh·ul Collego 8lu-

d t•nt~. Tcc!nmlogical lf thrum

(Urro) unci ' l'hrrsb,•r Sharks {.IIIJpit'!ls) . Exploiuin~: nnd •howin~ j!Cncrul Cnll(•<t•om. Rt•r·li•·· to Oorrt••ponclcnt• on variou•!ubj<-cb. J•:,Jubtling Culledion. Jo'ut•tlilit-s fm· ~~dc·hing from NAtural

Ohjccts. ~ .ultlll~ ~1u·11~. nnd t'J:))J.ining ~,·hetHC nnd

t•xtent of di·vlay~<l collection; naming Lttur<l, nnd Snake•.

Mr. A. \r. E. :l'om .. llctt•rminin~ Bones ( 1\l nr.upinl) from th•• Stunrt To\\n Caves, tu.'nr llud ~t't'.

T~rr11 tlnd (~Jimlr!' ~unh rmh •••plies to Corrt:.pomlt•nU en • /MIY'!IIlf.

Mr. 0. ::l. 'J'tunbull··· ·. ·. 1

Dr. A. J. Turnt•r

H•rious- :-.uhjl'4.'1~ . 0" 111~ mfornt<>hon r~ Moth, and cldt•rmin­

inn. "amr. Di•plnyinc; )lt•yrick'• 1~ pe• uf ::\ficro·

l.t ·pidopll·ra ~~e~t \ nu~hnn . ...... 01\ 1n~ iuformutioH ,.~ JlinJp.,' Egg",,~._ .. \ t61t01', .. .. .. .... .. ..... Jcl t•nt ifi ·ut ion of ])indent Snnko (l'srurltlaps

tlirrdema). :\fr. J .• \. \Yull ......... Scuntnl! :--nakt• ond Liz:<rd>,ancl ioform•tion

P rur .1 . T \\tbon ... ~Ir. Cltn rlc~ J. \'Jiter,

1 bJ.IU.'. v.s.

!(<'!:<.rally. lr."l'•'<'lion of (:ould'o •· ~lnmmnl• of t\ us­

lrulin,'' 111111 nooi~tnnc(' "ilh tllu•tmt •ons ( r ..\lar-npiul•.

ltl,·nltlit-ntiun uf thr~,· ~nnkc•. Oi\ing infor111ution rr Bottling Spct·imrn$.



ADDl'riONS 'J'O '! 'liE LI BRARY.

Reg.N<>.I Books.










ATLAS. Vielor in H~gina Atlo•. T'ohlicol, P h,. &i<•sl, oucl Ast roooouic tl. \ \' . nut! A . i(.


John~ton . L vol. •llo. E dinburgh nnd T.onclon, 189 7. l'urc ho~t·d !1 !30

DYNO (i\l.) l\nd B ELT. (Jo'. 0.) A L'opuhLr G11id1•

to C'omm~rcial ond Dmn~stic Td<•phon•·. J.'ir4 Echtion, 1898. ·

1 vol. lho. London, 189i . Pur•••hruoc<l C.& nPM'irBK (C. W.) (Editor and Compiler. Thr

~line' of S ew South Wnh·•· l tl!l7. 1 vol. 8vo. Mclbournt• ydnt•y, &c , 18!!7. P un·bu-.•cl !122;)

CA.TBC'IH~ II nnd ITymnl in t he Lnnl(uo~:c• o£ E rro· mangu, No" Hcbridc,. FoUl th J•:d ition.

1 vol. 8vo. Syc.lnry, 189'1 P rt•SI'Itl<•d hv H .. , .. l[. A. Hob~rt~on .

CuAL Mt: llS (.fnmr3) nnd GILL( \\'. w )otlt). \York 9226 ond Adu•uture i n Xt•w G uiltt•n. 1877-1885.

1 1'01. 8m. London, l~'i. P urchu,••d Ct' 'iSI 'iOII u t (.T. T) Tht· )iutuml I li.ton· of 9128

the 'l ·crlc<'tnhlc ~arint• Fi•ho•, of tlw Driti>h h loutl•. Pr.•par.·•l b)· onl,•r of . . . the ~Lurinc Diulogicnl A. -•o•·int icm . . . W ith a 1'rcfnvo by K Ray Lnnkt••l<•r .

1 vol. 8w. London, 1896. P urdto•ccl Ot•nHA~ (.T. Milno). Geology of Sydm·.•· and the !lOJG

Dlut> .llfountuins. 1 '1'01. 8vo. ilytln~,1·, 1808. l 'urclln,t•d

CnTKn (Chnrl~- .. q Rule> f<>r o l>icliooarv Catnlo!(lll' ( l '.S. Burnw of lc'dural io11,Sp1'ti-il R•·porl 011 P ublic L•bruri~s. P"rt :!) . Third Edtlion. l l'OI. Sro. W111hinglon, 1511. Purd1o•e<l

Cos.IIA~ (lftmricr). Rl'vuo Criti<t'l<' "" PnJ,Iozoo­logi•·· Ann~ttS 1, 1897; 11, IR9S.

1 vol. Svu. Pnri~, 189i-98. P urchosNl

918 1


l 73AC20 DA~n:s (W.) tll"ll KotO!N (E.) l,nltt·onL·>Ins:ischo Abllllndlungcn. Ncu<• l•'olgo n .. nd TV ((l<'r g11nr.~n Roihc Bnnd VI 11). .U ~I~ I , J>ie Gas­kropod,•n tier Mno:olrit·h!t•r 1\ rcirlr, 'l'on F. KuunhOIH•n. ,J,•Iln, 1"1 S Pttrch~••o<l







DE~I>\' (,\ rtlmr). Stutlit•s in lht• C •mp·•rotivc Anatolll.)' of ~JlODf!:<''·

1. On ttw Ut•nero RdleiiL and Quo•illina. 2. On t ilt' A.ustomy und lTitotolnj!y of Stdos­

ilOn~-tu• fl11bclh!ormi•. 3. On the· of Urau! ialnl!,l l'inthica, and

the •n·t•olllcd fnm ily 'f t•i<·hnnitlnl'. 4. On the l<'ht_gcllulcd Cluuuhc••·• 111111 0 1•n of

H 111il'!tonc.lriB p~nic····•· 5. On the ,\ nutomy ancl Jl htiun•hip• nf r t•l•·

pia IIU•lrnli>, a lil ing r<'Pl't"<"nlillil c uf tht• lo, •11 £'hard ro•' ,,

Qu. ,Jcmrn. lf, ro. Set. J ~'i"', ,,,,] "' r trrit$


!l2 17


,nii, xn1•oi. In 1 1ol h~o. l'H·t•nk•l lii,,!l :Euot:"IY.. 1\on~lign Ei•··n-b ~-~·c·l(atl"D F.ugt•oit·s

.llolnnik 11 , Zoolo:,:o 11. ltu. l f\t'NA 01' ll ntTrau l!mt 1 Jliod1. Vol. n•. Dy

W. '1'. lllundf01·d . I vol. R1o. J,onclon, 18SS. l'nl'chn.rtl

FAl"'iA Cmu~"st~ \ bhamllunjl•Uznr Kt•~tntni•~

l):l t6

dt•r Z<>uloei•· Chilr•• 1111 ·lt clt•n Hamm!nngen. You Dr L Pl11t". H ·ft I , ,f,•nll l'!li.

I 1 ol. 8ro. t"ot1laiu

Purcho"..J !ILai

J)jt.• ,\uatomic uucl rh~ lQ~;clliU d r ('hlt~U\:H. \·ou l_.udwilo:' If. l')nt(',

IJic Hqullit·u uud IJatr.\('hicr fiH ~.munlung- t-.ldh.•. You 1-'rnnz \\'t rncr.

-- llc•rL:.! (Z•1uf . • }nlu·. foil' I'· 11', lt'fl 2). 1 1·ol. 1!1'0. ,Jc-1111, 1898. l'otrt·lto•rd

Ct>nt ''"' Uu: .. iwhe tier $."\ulmlun;.: l'J.\tt·. \on fr.,nl Stein· tl~c-hm·r.

l~·irl'".,-.:~ r.ur hcontm~ d .. r ~ucnli•lt:n, 'lll W:alt ·r ~ttiiiJ~ll.

Uw llulothuri~n der ';:umnhm;; l'ht•, on Hub. rt Ltlth\i..:'

hit: 1\.llk•wlm :\UlfOC tlcr 8 \TiliH11111~t'll J'J,ltr·, YOU

lh1.· 1()u1~·J~~~~tt~!~\Jcr :-;:uumtuu~\:fl Pf~h.-, YOt1 W. .\ lil'hU.+•i.•U.

F tSJH..\\' ( ·\ lt•x. Gc•o.) Dim·lory fell' th~ Nu':~~~­tinll nf tl~t• -4outlt p,,.;n,. llo· :111. btth Jo:rtitiou. 1 1 ..,1. ~, 0, I onclon, 1~ '!. l'urclou·•·tl




F1sscu ( Dr Ot to). Exploring Cruo£cs of the '' Snmua." .l£thoologica l AtiM. 'J\ pc3 from the Stout• .A gu of New On in~n . ·

How acquired.

1 1·ol. 4l<>. l cip1.ig, 1888. Presented - - .. ELinoolosdsd~e 'ErfaLru••gcn und Hr lrge·

l U<'k<• llll~ rl or Sudsee. Bca~hrdbt•ndt>r Katn · lo~: cincr ~~'llmlung im K. K. Nuturhi ... tori· •t'lwn I fofmu~omm in Wicn. .\ bUt. i . Bi ,. llt&.r<'k Archipd. Abt 2. Xt•u-Ouinea. A» K . K • .Yeti, llnj'mHs. Tf'itn iii, a11d 'l'i. In

l '1'01. '1'0. \\'ien, 1885 on<l l 89 l. P resented Sumonfuhrtcn R<'i•Cil io Kai~cr Wilhelms·

Lond und l~nglisch·Nru Guinea in den .Ju hr •n 188•~ und 1885 an bord dcR Doubchrn Dnmpfcra "Samoa."

1 ' 'ol. 8vo. Loipzig, 1888. Pu~hu~t:tl -- Ethnologoseher Allus T<pcn ous dcr Stein·

z<:it :\ eu·Ouinca. · 1 "ol. ·JL >. u ·ipzig, 1889. Purchu ed

F LOI\' J>B (\\'.H.) Tnaugunl Atldrt·••, lldti>h .\ •·• ciullon, 188!1. Suhj•t·t \fu•~ums. (X·•frm, 1:! S•pt ., 18'>9.) Snl!l(t••t ion• ftr the l or111at ion nnd arrangement of 11 )l u•~um of Natura\1Ti~t or1, in connection with a public school. ( XnJ,;rc, 26 Drc., 1889.) 1 10 !. 1 lo. l'u~ha~cd

F ov n Go~t'l·: t.s A:O:D 'l'IUl AC'TS or 1' 11 R A I'OHnB$ iu lho Language of Erroruauga. Now flcb-rid~a. 1 l'Ol. Svo. Sythwy, 1890. P resented

hy Hcv. H. A.. Rob;:rtson

FHO\It:~Tir. (fl:. dc) . IntrO<luction 11 !'E tude du l 'o1ypicr-< fO!di1cs.

I 1'01. 81·o. Pnri~. 1858-Gl. PurdJ&!Cd

GJI\1' (.Tol111 l~clwArtl). £nd inn Zoology. a t erit•• of nbout 40• plaws of Binl~, A nimnls, Amt>h ibiu, " nd Fish, from Lho CI)JI~ction of l\lujor·Ot•twl~ll H artlwickc, with Nomcs , CXl't!UI t:tl IIIHh-1' Lhc Supcriul•·ntlcnrc or John 1~.!""~'~1 Ort~y.

1 vol. l'ul. l .. mdon. Uc·rcgi!lered • Tlwrt• :u\ :.!1 plau.~ of mannuaJ ... G6 "' l·inls. 15 of nptilt- ,llofft.,hts.lot .. hell..,, I of tll'·c:t•,tn~ll ll':S Jt'1.t•

JI.\/.Lil 1 \ \', Cnn•11 ) . 'l'hc <.:oinul!<' of the Euro· p~un Ccmt onrut. I vol. 81 o. London, 1893. Purchn~cd

1Iwo1~s ( llmuk C.) An Jntl'tllhll't ion to the lloppt'\' <.:oin~ <>f Motl\'rn E urope. ( l"o~~>r.tJ C'uU"tlm· ."fl!ries.) 1 ''ol. 81·o. J,oudon, 1802. Purcho•cd.

Il tutil'<~ ( If 11.) Museum•uf \'nttu1olll i>tory; n L'n1wr r~n•l before thP Lilt•rory nnd Philo­"'Jlhit·nl :->o ·icly of Li' c· pv. J. .~!so, n. l'h1 lu::··nd it· S.:hcmc of the 1\·cli~:n·t' of \ni·11 .r, nn•l Y~;'wtnblt•<, h.' l'rof,.<or llcr.l-

nmn. I 1'01. bl'C l.i~t·rpovl, lb84. P IU'Chn·t·d GouWI\· \ 1 >11:~ (]f. H.) Lnn J "' tl Frnbwalcr

)follo.-c·,, or loullll. \'ol 11 l'tlrL I 11, Oct., I b£17. ·r~xl null plate>. Purtltn9t'<l

Uowoll1'11 (l>oulit•l 1".) <.:oius nml 'J'okt•nR o£ lho J~n~lo~h Culoni••• anti l kprndt·n~ic·a. W itl1 lnti'O<hu•tor~ <Jhuplt•r by S:Jmu<·l Smith, jun. s,·,•ond Edition I l'QII»fl ('(11/l'rfor SetiPR.)

1 'l'ol. !lvo. l.mulou, IS!lO. Purclon•cd Kruuro'\ Ri hurd . \\'ith )ontur.• ~nl '' Ctuncro,

b••ll>>: tl• • \th'<•htUre• :uul Ob, Tn<li m,; Of B

l' it•lt '\.ttur~h>t nnd an \nuuul Photo· g111plu·r. 11·ol. 8•o. Lo ... luu, lb98. P urclod>ed

LAl'O ( \ rnoltl). '1\·xL Bouk of l 'outpnrati ro , \ uutom1. 'l't'lln•lot<'d in to ltn11li•h hy lly. t\1. Jlc·nirll'(lu lld Mf\til<l•• .llt'rnu rtl. J'nrt ~.

1 101. 81 o. London, I 'ID6. l'urchn~cd L1nunr. (l l y. o, . .,. and Snnr (ftob.) Grcd.-

J<:n~li .• h J.~~it·<lll. SC<'ond t•lhllnn. l 1ol. 4to. Odtll'tl, 1SGD. Re·rrgistcrcd

L<Kidl 11: r (J. II. St,•I\Brl . Gunl<' to the Tn· -~roptiuo, cui the (~in• of tloo Furth~r E11H, 11 it h •pwinl rd~r<'Uc<' l<> tlw OIOI'l'l' l'<>llt•c · tiuu, '"'d "Chrmtology or tlu• D,lt•n•tu·• oml Jo:mpt•rorH of l'hiu•, Annum, 111111 .J11pnn, fo.rlllllll( \'ol. III Of th<' (.)<u•rt'I•C)' Ol the Furtl11•c· l(u 1.

t I'OI. 1'>1 o., lb9~. Pun•ho'ed


IWg.No. I Books. fl0\1' tiQ<)ulred.

9069 J"ONG (Mark IIenry). J. ist of Copper nncl Bt•onze Tokens, contpilc.l b) llinTk Jlvn•·y Long. ('I'!Jps·wrifleu cop.'J of ;JI.S. B ook.)

1 lol. 4to. Sydney, 1896.

0249-50 M \n~·• x (John}. An account of the Nnti•·c~ of tho '.i'ong" I t:J:.nds, . .. compiled and ar· l'~»gecl frotu the el<tCn$irc comnnmicnLions







of Mr. WJ!Iiam Moriucr. . 2 .-old. Sro. London, 1817 .

MASTP.ns (Gel>rgo•) . Catalogtw of !111• DeEcribcd Coleoplera of Austmlia-Supplcmcnt, l>a>·t 1. Cincindoliclnl nntl

C~trabidnl. /'t"oc. Litw . b'oc., "\ .. S. IY. [ 2 ), X, 11'95.

Supplument , Pntt. 2. Dyliscidro, &c. p,.oc . Li1111.. ISov., l'>.S.W., xxi, J, 1896.


!11 1 vol. 8.-o. Syduey, 1895-97. Prcst•nt<!tl by Linn. Soc., N.S. W.

MBoCni~HLJ,J (~\loy&iu~). Fungorum Fos;ilium Omnium lnteu£qne cognito1·umlconogrnphiu. \'ol. r. 1 yol. •l'.q. Yiccliat•, 1898. Purchn~ccl

l\fJNI!Il\ .\. Juhrbuch tier g~!ohrlen Well. H~•-uusgcg<bcn von K. 'l'rubnc•·· Jnt11·gn ng .\ \'11, 1807-98,

1 vol. S••o. Stt·nssburg, 18!18. P•m·lonsed

MoOJ!K (G~''I!l' Flclchc1·). Dc$oriplivo Vornbu-lary oF Lht· Lunguagc in common use lllllong.t. the Aborigines or \>Vestern .1 usll·lllill.

l 1·ol. 8ro. Lom!on, 18J.2. Pm·chnscd

i\Ixn:Jt (A. 13. ) .A.bbihlungen von \ 'ogel-Skel-ctlon. Bond U.

1 vol. 4to. B~rlin, 1889-97. Presented

M ONACO (>I lber t, Prince de) . :Rcsultats des Cumpngucs scicnti6ques nccomplie; ~u r son Yacht: Fn~c. XII. Echinides et Ophimes provcnllnt des cnmpngnes clu yacht l' Jllrou-delle (Half~ do Gascoj:ne, A~ore•, ~'orrr­Ncuve), pnr lt. Kwhlcr.

I Reg. No. I lfow ncqulrcd.




OnMKROD (Eleanor t\.) P amphlets:-R eport of Obscrvnt ion A of AllACk of Turnip

}!'!)• in 1831 {1882). ' Varbles. Ol "'n1•ble Fly, IIypotlormn bo\'ie,

De Gecr. Ohseru. It!ittr. I11stcb;, 1888. Ox Wn:rblo Fly, o1· Bot l~ly, lJypodormn bovis,

De Gce1·. Muy, 1888. .New Edition, F~b., 1897.

'l'l1ird Boport on Wn,·blc Fly, or Ox Bot Fl~·· Report lttp<r. I•1sccls, J 888 (1889).

Jfonrlh l<eport on W1u·ble F ly, or Ox 11of Fl.1•. lleport Jnjur. f~scds, 1889 (1890).

l 'n1·is Greet; (or Emerald G1•een). Jts Uijes and llcthods fur its A pp! it·a~ion ns a meuns of destruction of Orchard Moth Cr~tcrpillar, 1S9L

Turnip nnd Cnbbngo B oot Attacks. R fport l/ljur. I11~ocls, lll92 (1893).

Notes on lujnriouslnsects. Fores~ Fly,l80o. \Yi•·eworms, 1896. Dn<ltly Longlega, 189i. Stom Elll-wol'J}l~, 1807.

In 1 vol. 81·o. Loutlon, 1882-1891. Prrsenlcd -- PJ>mpllleL$ :-

A J,ccllu·e on In,jurious lusccl!, ddivcn>d ot lhu Ro~·al ~\g1•ioulLu J a \ t'ollcgt•, Cirencc&lc•·· (1882.)

J. T-rcl.u rr on llll' Tumip l!'ly, dclive•·od at f.l1c l<oynl Agricultural Oollrge, Cirmwcater. ( Jti8:6.)

Som l• Obse•·,·fltions on the OEst~iclre, commonly known us " llot·Uic~," especiull,1· on Lhe Ox "·a,·b lc Fly. (IR!H.)

Tb~ IIcssinn Fly i11 Great Britain in 188/. (1887.)

A few proliminory Obscnntions on the Hugar· t'llno Shot· borer llcctlc; iL$ Habits nnd recent Sp!oeacl iu thr IVes~ Jndian Islnncl!. ( 1892.)

tu l ~ol. 81•0. Loudon, 1882-1893. Presented -- Yunuul of Injurious Insect~, wilh Methods

of Prcvenlion and Hemed:v fur !heir AtlRCkd on Food Crops, Forest 'rJ.·,·roo, llud ]i'ruit. Second Edition.

1 Yol. ·Ho. 1lonnco, 1898. ~Ionnts (Edwnrd K) A u~t ral-Engli$h, n Die·

1 iono.o y of Austrtolinu i Vords, l'hrusc•, ond V sug.·e. 1 vol. 8•·o. London, l&!B. rurclwsctl !!00ll

] I'Ol. 8.-o. T.ondon, 18!!0. -- Tctt·book of .Agrirnlturnl Entmnology,

being a G uido to .M ~Lhocls of lnsect ],ife, nnd !\Irons of P1·crcution of Insect llavnge. So·<·oucl Ettilion.







i\'Ofllilr IX ('J'homn~). siau SpidPr~.

Spider~. \ " ol. I. Malu~'-

1 l'ol. 4to. J~el fnst, !SOS. Pm·chnsed Ok.II:Enon (Eloanor A.) Not.o•s for Ob$Cr\·ati.,ms

on I nj ul'ious lnsccts. 1877.

-- )i'otes of Ob!enation8 of Injurious In~·cts. Beport, 1879 (1880).

-- Note.s of Obsenations of Injurious ln~eot~. .Rt•porl, 1880 (1881).

-- Report of Obscrmlion• of Injtn·ions f nsecls clm·iog tllo yoa1· 1882, with ~fot.ho1l s of Prevention uud Rcnwtly, nntl n Spr~inl 'R1·· port on \\'it·cwot·m ( U:S~:I) .

-- ll..,porl of Obscnntions of lnjm·ious lnsc~ts and Ooromon Co·op Pests dudng the ~·enr J8e:J, "ilh :Mdhod~ of l'ro•·cution and Remedy ( 1884-).

-- J{epol·t of Ob>rrmlions d Injurious l r.~cds nncl 0Jmmon i<arm Po)ts, with i\1 t1 hods of Prcl'<'ntion nud Jlumccl~ . Eighth Repo1·t,, J SSt {l !'B5); I\iutb J{epurl, IS!:JS ( LSS(i); 'l'cnlll Hcpm·l., 18~6 ( 1887); Elcn•nth Report, 18Ki (IS 8) ; 'Jwcllth Ht'tlOrl, 1888 (181!0). • .

-- J{eport of Oh:<ervJ\tion, of Injurious l nsoct~ 1111d Common l~'urm l'•·sts, "itlt ~let hod' of Pre\'enti •n und ]{l•mrtl,v. Thmccnth Hoport, 1880 ( l8!lOJ ; Foul'! cent lo R~·pot·t., 18!10 f)b91); ll'ifteenlh Rq>oot, 1891 ( 18fl:t) : Sn:tccntl1 Ht•port, l'l~t (18~3) ltcport of Ob•CI'\'O.Iiono of Tnjuriom l!!scd' und C'UIUIIIHII J:'ul'nl l't•sts, wilh i\l~lhtd~ of l.'rcv~ntiou 11111\ l{eUJodY. ::i"vcutlluntlo He· port, 1b!J3 tl8fHI; Eigi1lcenlh Hcporf. 18!) J (18'.1a); :Ninelecuth Hcport., 18115 ( 1896) ; ~'wcntiolh Rt•poH, 18f(J ( lf\Oil.

ln <! "'''· 8•·o. Lomluu, IS7i- l697. l'1·rscntcd --Report or OuoOI'\Utionh or Injurious ln>l'l'l"

oud Commou Fui'UI l'c,ts durmg lllll7. '.Cwcuty·fir~L Report.

1 vol. Svo. Lnndou, 1898. l'•nent,•d

9058 1 n'l. S•·o. l.ondon. 1892. PrcEenlcd

0DTJl5 (Fclix P.) Lo~ (~ucmncJjcs. J3reve Con· tl·i!.uci..Su nl do Ju. F.lnogrufill Argen-tiM. 1 vol. 81'0. B1•cnos .Ayres, 18!!7. P rcscnte<l.

!>Oi3-7•1 11.\IIK Rll cr. JeJirc~) nml TI.AS\1 JU,I. (\V m. A.) A 1'exL llook of 7.oology.









r.ondon, 1897. Purclonscd l'he , lory o£

2 \'Old. 8 '1'0 •

R .\WLISCS (Gcl·trud,, Burford). !he llritish Coinugu.

J ,·ul. 8'·11. London, 1898. Pnrl'lou•ed SAcns (,fulius). ~'exl-hook of Botany, cdiied

witl1 Appeudix by Sydney H. Y iues. Second .U:d11 ion. l l'ol. lll·o. Oxford, 1882. Pt~rcbnscd

S.~:;W.IUU (.1... G.) Fo,:;il Plnnfs for Students of l lolnn.' »nd Ge.,log,r. Yol. 1. (Cambridge .J.\'o/11/'Rl 8rint~6 .1/cuiUtll, 1/io{Qqi«tl Sairs.)

1 rol. 81·u. Cumbridge, 1898. Purclou,cd

S.&E~\N\' (B~rlhold). \'ili: .Au Mcount oC n Govcruuwnt ,\fi<siou (:) t lw Yilinn Ol' Fijiun l •lamt. in tht' ,.,."r' 181>0-Gi.

1 ,;ol. s,o. Cawb1·idg<', 1802. l'w·~hascd

SuAJ<l'E (R. fJowdh·o·). Monograph or (ho Pal'IL• disi<l,,., oo· Hmh of l'amdis£', nod Pti!oHOI'· bynchid11;1 or l:lowcr-hh1ls.

2 ''ul. Fol. Lo11don, 1891-98. Pun·hn.ed :''IITJI (A. M.) J lltl,ll'•te<l l~nc.rclop~din of

Gold und ;<iJ,·cr Coir.s of th,· i\"orld from A...U. l::!Sa tu ll.C'. 700.

1 vol. ll•·o. l'hilodelphin, 188G. Purcbnscd SJUTII (Williuml. CIMsicul Dictionary of 13io·

g1'11phy, ~1ytholo~y, onrl Ot'OI(ruph~·· Tbir· lc~nlh t.;dilion. 1 vol. 6• o. London, 1 'l73. Purchased

f:!O""EJIIIY (G. B) ~fnriue Shells of ::louth .\ft•lc:l, a11rl \ pp••nrhx.

1 \'OI. <ll o l.oiHlon, 1592 nnd LS97. !'urcb•scd S'J•Onv.MA'-IdlLV~ I< ('i.) Cry~t:dlugl'<iphy, n

'ft·<"utist· 011 l ht• M orpho!ogy ul' Ul'.l''llnls. 1 1 .,). lS• " · Ud'or,l, 1:>9J. l'ttrc·lmscd


ll\JI.No._j_ ------------~-··_'~-~~-i~---'· __ 1 Uoj. ~h.j___ lloolt•, Bow IIC<JUirt-d.





D 21



.A 29







A 10

Sl u u rL\N (J olm). ]1;\plutllliOn• nucl A.dnn· 021)7 t uru in N ow U uinl'll.

l vol . 8vo. London,l 888. P urchnc<ecl 'l ' HORlll' llN (W .. ~Iuwo rl) . , f?uiclll lo thu History

nntl Vnl uatwn of tho ( mn• of O•·~nt llritain nnd l rclnnd, in Ool!l, Sih•t•r, noel Coppt•r . Third Edition. R t•l iAed !UJ(I cnlnrged by lferbcl•l . \.. Ch tll'bt••··

1 vol. Svo. London, 1898. Purchasrcl Tu.n·rscrtor.D (IT.) llo•r Klin'~clll' Snncbtcin. A

7 :So<·. Jft!m. :S"" l>~~p \ ut. Jf cn.-ou, X 1n, 3. A 1o

1 1 ol lto. ){o>~ou, 18i 1. P re;entc•,l by E. P. Jianw•> 90II ,t,;.

Tnon:~HIIT (E. V.) C'atalugu~ l\£nmmalium lam 0263 vivPntium qunm fu,.ilcuu . Nom l~clit io. 1- S. 1 Yol. Oltl. Ht•din, 1897- 98. P nrt·lm,cd

Wt:usnn (W. fl.) J lluMI rntcd Cntnloguo of Et hnologicnl Spc·~nn•·n~, l•]uropesn nnd l~n~lt'rn 1\r•me nnd AJ'JJ\IJill', :Prt•hiijtor ic and


other Curio~itics. No~. 3, 8, 12, 16, 16, 17. .Pr~st•n tt•d 0242

:P.I RT lT.- l ' lmiOI>I C.\.LS.

A t<!TBALIA , , O t'H!AI..

A t'5TRALASI.\:O. .b;OCI\110~ 1'011 '1111' \.llYA);CE-\IE:XT OF SCIEN<"E, JJ.uulbouk of Snht~1· .\ (i and the Counh· of Cumln•rluntl. E dlt•d • by '\\'iliinm d. Hnmlet S,ul•·•·.r ) £1·•·ling, 1698. I \'OI. 8•o. S)thH•y, 189:!. P re-•·ntcd !1132

t:ont'iins :­Ciin~'t": h~ 11. (', RnN•ll. Ocolo~· : hy ('. S. \\'llk lcucofl, t\'li>CCI ~~~·E. F. l'lttmou, Jl<ltanr ; by .J. 11 \lc•lolw. ll•unnalo, RoJ>tllo"• uml Ampltlhlnn• : l•y !:dgJr f{.

Waite. Dirds: by A . . f . N"t)rth t'Mtu• nnd Fishh111; hy .1. Uouul•• H!{ilby • • l lollwsm : by Obork• J h·cllcy. h,.ecta : lty W. J. llaluhnw. lun~rtel,ratc Mt,rlut 1-'a.un.:\ ; l.1\ \V, A. Hn.J\Wttll. ComnH·rcennfl lnrllhlrit ... i h) ('hurlu I . .) ne. Engiu1....:rini' .Xott-. , h) l'rur \\'OLrnu

Al'-TII.\L.\>1.1 \ b;, riTt Tl 01 .\l 1' l'i<. E:w 1'- £EHs. Tr~uS~ction>, \'ol. I.


\. •) ' -917!

1 1ol. ll\o. :\!dbotn•J:t•, 18:111. Pre-cJit~l A i Cont.,iM:-

Thc: l~n~u~ lt4) ·k~ of T6 .. Juaun . I') \\. 11. Tm.:h·e-­tret'S and W. F Ptttt r.l.

An;hu lrcm l 'nrmtttinu, \\, •t Oi T:s'"~ mnnia: h\' n .. \ hi Jotll'~.

Note" on tht; Aurih:tlJth l lt·\·nu.:~n ,.,.·ornmtiou~ of OIIJI"'lMccl. \'ldorh; h.> ll llt·11uu11 .

!\oltson the OcoloJ.Ch.-ai:Sur\ U) ·~ut Yn.1 ;(ms Countncs; by Jnmus Stlrllug.

And otlw1· p11JIC1'•·

--'Proceedings Annual i\l ••••l iuJ.(. i\1 ·lt.ourne, nll!l 1898. J>c·tw~ed ing, l•'h·,t Onlinury Meding Launccston, 189'!. Prc•!Nlt~'l

LtDRilll'.l~•<l<'llltO:O.c>t \r llt\1,\•11. Account of the Proceeding• of t lw l'ir-t Librnr~ V m· lo•rcn<·" in ) ldbonrm·, \.pril, l bfo6.

1 To!. lto. )!,·lhonr~ot•, IS9o.

.X1:11 Soctn \\"uts.

AI: , TII.\1.1.\:-> ll r>, Sn>NI;\', Ht•port oi the Trusto?es for till' )C;Jr 189i.

liol. l')·dncy, 1898. - - Cnhrloguc 1\ . 'l l11• An•t r11linn Jlircls in

l hu Austrahuu nl usoum. l'nl'l~ 1 rmd 2. .\ r•cipiu·e• und Sll·ir•·~; hy 1•:. 1' . HUJmn.y . Set:oncl E<lclion 11 ith nddilions; b) A. J . North. 1 rol. !ho. 8)dllt',l', 187 1 18!1S.

-- Monogl'l•ph 1. \ u<trnlinu LPpidof tel'i\ nncl t he1r 'l'r.n:,formut iou' ; by t ht• lulc .\lt'\:lntkr \ \'ulk< r :-.<'<•11 ; \\it h lllu,trnlious drawn from •t),.. lift• !11 hi, duuehtrr1, llarrit•l J\lorg:rn nnrl ll•·h••;u Forti··~ Yul. 11. J•:dited ami r.ti•t·.l I.J Ud•·•·" J·ork otu.l \rtlmr ' idnc• OJiifT

i 1 ol 1."ol. "rdnrv, 1 <.!JJ-98. Aomct l.rt•ns, l )JiJ' '111 \11·:~ 1 1>1 '11·,., .\gricul·

(UJ\Il G:i7.l'lt!· of ,\o•w South \\'ulo·•. Y ol. 1 \. J ••ol. H•·o. 1:') 1hwy 1898.

BouJ<to 0.\IIJ>tN~, Sin, I. I'. C'ttl.llol(u"of l 'lnnts in I he Go1·~rJunrnl Ho I unit• ( ~nrclcuw,:!ydnry.

1 ,.,(. !iw. 8,1<111<'), l k!),j,

B OTANIC 0ARDI!NS A:->1) Jlo\1\ll<d, ,l,;t. Uoport for year 1897. l'ol. Sythwy, 1898.

Prc .cntcrl

.A li

3 1!).1


\ Jl)

Prcs•·nl eel 92GV

G r.oworc.u Snnc.v ut' ':'\ HI\ SouTn \V' .n .es. i\lomoira. P11lmontolory Jo/ o. G. J)oscriplions

of I bo Pnl~ozoic i''o•~ila of Ne·~> Sou(h Wales ( A nst.rul in) b.Y 1 h~ lnl11 I,, G. do Koninok. '1\·•n•lnlcd from the !Jr11ndt b> J>rof. T. \V'. E . D nvid, ~lrs. Dn vid, nud Mr. W. S. Dun. 1898.

-- No. 7. 'rhe Metozoic nnd ' l'ortia ry llt•eets of New Sonlb Wol•••, bv R E~hrridge, j u nr., und .\. Sidnev Ollift. 1'>90.

· 1 1'01. 4to. 1'1J rlucy, 1890- 98. Presented -- R ecord•. Vol \. l'm t 4. Sydn~y, l898. Pre;entecl Oon.orRx :'.fK<' UAlltrs hsTn rTx. Forty.fourlh

Annunl Report. 18!17. Ooulburn, Jan., 1898. Preoent!!<l Oon:n:<llllJ<r STATI~Tu'ux '\ r.w Sot T U WAus.

i:ltati.t ical Rcgibter f.,r 1896 nnd previous YlBr~. nnd 1897 and prc1·iou• Jl'nr~, b> T . .A. Coghlun, Oo,·enHncnt ' tnt i~ti<·ino.

, 2 vols. lho. Sydnry, 18!>7- 98. P resented - - Pho \Vcnlt.h and l:'rogt'<''s of .Now i'onth

W ales, 18116-97. '.l.'cnth issnt• . Ry 'l'. A. Co~hlan. 1 vol. Rvn. Sl'dn<"y, 1697. P resented

Statistical At•c<mnt o£ I ho lkvou Oolonies of Aust rnln;itl, 1897 !JS, "·' ~· A. Coghlan.

1 vol. Hvo. l!yrinl'y, 1895. P resent-ed OovP.RN)I RS1' (h.zo'TlT. I ndr• £or 180i -98;

Vcgetutiou Diecu,r, Act , 1Ml7 ; Distillation Act, lS9i ; AwliL .\ .. t, 1'-i!llj : T ruotee Act, 1898; St9mp Dutic• Ad, I.,!JH. 1 ~ol. F ol. Preeentecl

1 'sTnrTros OF 811111 t:\'OHS, \ Ell Sot'Trr \YAt.t:S. 'J'hr Surveyor, the .Jonrnol o£ the I netitntion. \ ol. ·n. };O!J. 1- 12. 113!'1<1. P resented

l \TER'I ATIO:'>.\L E~llllliTION, s, ONf.Y, 1880. References 1,1 lhP plans ~hn«ing tlw spJce uml po;oilion ot·cupicd by tho l'nJ·ious J<] xhibit8.

1 •·ol. R1·o. Splnvy, 1880. Re·registored LINNl' \ll SocrBTY or·· Nuw Sot' ru WALES.

l'roceccbngs for 189'7. Vol. .\.\ 11.

1 ~o l. 81•o. Sydney, 1898. Presented -- Proceeding,. Vol. xx1 11. JH9 'l. Parts

l , 2, 3. Presented --· .\ bolTuds of J'rocceclings fur 1'<9q, P resented ~lt:XF.~ .1:0. 1J AOUICl'll ntt:, ])P.l'41tl l lt:NT 0 1', ~8\\''

Sot·Tn WAt.l:o. Annual Hc~ort for the yror 1 >i!li. I ~ol. Ful. f::~ hu·:, I '\!t~ :Pre$~nltod

)lim•rJI Rr<1>urr ·• '\o, I. :\ut··• on Chrumit· I ron Urt•, b1 .T. g Carnr l'-! 'i. Pre~rnletl

.\linrr:1l Rc.otllr(';, No>. 2 Note~ an the Oct·nrrcnce of Tun,:t>kn Orr in .IS''" South \\'ult-s, bJ J . E. ( 'arnr. lk!J'l. Pr~erut ed

:\line111l Rc,ouJ•ecs. No. 3. l:l'o!<•3 on Gold Dredging, by J . Jl .Juqu..t. 1S!ltl. Presented

-- lllinernl Heaou1w.. No. 4. Nnlcson tlro Occurrence of Dismutl • On·• in No~>' Soul lt Wnles, hy J . A. Wall. SJchwy, 1898. Prl'sculcd

X1-.W Sot'Tn W .\ LI:s-SH FJ~m:nrF.~. R eport upon T n1wling Oprrnl ion• uil'th<• con,lo£ New South Wnl~-. h•tw<•t•n tlw i\lonnlng River nncl Jer,·is Dn.1, currird on by IJ .1LC.S. ·• I hcti." under tl•~ dir.·ction of Fmnk Fnrnc·ll, to~cther with Srirntili' Rt·pot·t on I he Fi•h~. bl F.d::nr R \\' eih•

• 1 ,.,J. H1o. 'Idn~\'. l'>!l". P resented · · · by E. n. Waite,

s. \\ s .• t'TIT \\'HI'S HAll.\\ .\ r Tli',Tilll7l: • Sew ~uutb 'i\nlt••Jbih•nl' llud:::rt , \'ol. TT, ~O> 65 to 7 1. Yol. 111, \o•. 7:! to 7G. 18!lil. Presented

l 'UDI.IC LIBIIAJl \ 011 Nt:W :-;nr'fll "~ \l.£S. Repor t from Truot<•t·~ for l !->117.

1'1dne1, IR98. Pre•entccl OnsRR\'.\l'ORY. Results or Hnin (>h.oj.mlions

made in Xcw ::ioulh \1 ulc·~ dndn~o: 187/l, by 1£. C . .Russell I vol. lllo. :-;,nlnr) , 1'>79. :Presented

Rt•cordo No. liS. 'Jlw ii~ur,·c of the Pc·ri\tlic \\""n\t.'" \\JtklL llrt' rc•·ordec.l fro1n I ime to time on lhr• s,·.ln~l nn•l X CI<Ctl, tJl· l'iclc·:!<lllge-. Hy H .· C. ·u,.,,,.ll, 1898. .1~•/,· . • hsoc. ''"I .\, .. 1'>9l!.

-- Xo. 11!1. \\'ntcr·S)><>ttl• on I he C'oa-t of .'i<ll South Wait-•. H) 11. C Hn-•ell. ](o!J. SIJI' X , 11'. hH~. Presented

l't nit~ Js,run 110:-<. Ro'l"'rl d IJ.,. 1\lini.ler of l'ulolic ln•tntdillu "I'"" till' cunclitiun of t lcc l'uhlic Sc·!Joul•. 11>%.

J>o 1!>!17. l! •·o!H. H1·o. S1•clnc\·, ISO/-HS. P resented

Hill~ 1. :o;ocn;TY ot· X1:w Horni \1 ".' r.•. .Jour· unl and rroc«·•linl(~ fur IS!>i. Vol. xxxt.

1 vu I. t!l o. s,~dno•y, l S!ii . Presented -- Ab>tructs or J'rOCl'Ctliug•. lb!l'l. Presentee!


Reg. No. I 90 7











9083 9084








RoYAl. Uo :~~;u l:<sro~ o-. l''I~IIRrnR~, Nsnv i!oum W ,, r~. Suppkmcnlnry Hcpott ~f the R 1118i Commission R)IJ>Ointc•d 20th l\o•cm· lwr, H:S!H, to inquire into 1\nci repor t up~n 1 ht• . . . . ~l uricll' eml other Fs.httl<'> of Nt•w ~onth '~tcl~-. . . . " ith on nbbr<>•inted des<>riplion of the principal F ood l;i~he~ of New Sont h \\' nlr•.

1 ,·ol. r ut. Sldocr, 18P6. Presented 'l'ROHN'OT,OOJ<'AL MusRns ov r -: w~ot'1· u·~VALRS.

~J'h~ U8eful Nnti•·e Plnnl ~ of Ans•rnlta.. lly J. 11. Unideu. 1 ~ol. b1o. Sydney, 1889. Presented

by the An•hor U:-;n·an~r:n: Ol' SYD.SF:Y. Cnlcndcr for the year

18!18. 1 ,·ol. 81·0. S~·dncy, 1S9S. Prc.cntetl


FJRT,n NAT11HALISTS Cr.uu Ot YI OTORIA. Vie· toritm Naturalist. Yol. -""· Nos. 1-lZ. 1898. Prc8onl <'d

O wOJ.O(liOAI. RunYKY o ~ Ys CTOJ\ IA. Progrc98


.1 17

.1 :?9


• \ 27

Jlcport (No. IX ). ll'ol. 7\'ldbournc, J89!l. Pn••cnt.c•d Grn;t.ONO FIELD NA1. tR.\1.181S C'J.t'D. The a, . .,.

lon~Nnturalist. Yol.vr. ~ow.2,3.~. 1 97-98. Prc,cntecl .t\..29 bv Oordon Tcchnic•nl Collt'Jl<'

CORl>O~ T t:<'UliiCAL COJ.LEOt:. ~~ t'~P.t:ll. 'J' h., Worubnt. YoL m. ~oe 2, 8 ·L 1 98. Prr•cntcd

l\IELUOURNH L":->'ITERSITY. Ct~ltnrlcr, 1899. I'rc•c'nt"•cl A 20 1 ~ol. a,·o. " t•lbourne, 189~. • . '

MIN KS Alii> WATER 8t'PI'LY1 I> KPAUT'l!ENT OF. Annuol Report of th~ <'<'l'c•lary. 1897.

1 1·ol. lfol. :Melbourne, 1898. Prrs~ntod -- A nn1111l Report of tlw Secrolnry to I ho A 29

Mini.tcr for Mines for 1 81. Jilt litiS J>RPARTYBXT. l nnunl Hupnrl of the Seerc· A 29

tory to the )lini~;ter for Mines for 1885. Do for 18 8, 1 ~!1. Do for 1 ! 0, 18111. A 29

In 4 •·ols. F ol. 1\lolbourne, 1885-1 97. (1892-3--1 are out of print.) 9271

-- Ann ual Report of tho Secretary to the Minister for MineR for IA96. l'rcacutcd

-- Hupoo·t of tho Chief Tn~pcotor of Mines t.o thtJ Minister for 11 inc; ror lf.R3.

1 101 F ol. )f~lbourne. Pres,•u tcd 9272 PUDLIO LIBRARY, Jll rs&t \IS, A~l> SATIOliAL

GAJ.t.RRY Ol' YICT<>RL~. R(·porL of the 'l'ru -t~'t's for 18ft i .

Fol. i\ltolbour11c, IS9~. Ro u1. SoC'It1Y Ol' \~JcTonu . P rot·eedil1g•.

\'ol. A.I (new ~cric•). l'urts I 2. Jlldboume, 18U8.

8('11001. 0 1' llll ~t:s, BAI<IoAI!.I'I'. l nnmcl Rt•ports for 1896 nnd 1897. K1 u. flnllnml, 1897-98.

Scnoor. nr 1\fTNBS MW lll ul'~IHIES, BF. s uwo . Annunl Report• for J<'ars tmliu~ J une, 18~6 unci 18!\7. }3l•ndi:to, h<97.

z oourOt<'AL Alln Accr.JII~1t,~1JO'> l'ociJ>TY oP \ ICTORI \. 'l hirty·lourlh ,\o.uu:tl Report. Fcbruut) , 1898.


Pre>l'nted A 21

9502 'J'A8MA NIA. Reports of thu H~crclctry for ;\Ii110~ for 1896-97 nml l 897-98.

'l 'uemnnin, 18!17-98. I'r~s~nt~d P 1R [ 13 -- 'l'hc Progress of the )lincral Industry of

11nd 29.] 'J'aernnnia for Lbc quarter \'llding So J auw, lh98, and for quartt•r a·mlinl! .-:cptcrnber, 1&98, conrpalcd by J liftr<>our~·i'n•llh .

To•mtm:a, 1 S9~. l'rc«•nktl b.r Seer. for l ime'

Soutn At•otltALTA.

3490 00I'RilN M1!!<'.11 GRor.oorsr, A l>P.r III>K. R opm·t on E~plor·olione in \\ O!IN·n J'Brt of South Auetrulili, h)' H . Y L. Brnwn.

-- Contributions to th~ Pnlrt•>ntology of South Amlrnlia, by R. Et ~• riclgt•, junr

Fol. \ tlt•laide, 1 93. Pn•'l'lllc<l A 29 -- Rl-conl of the ;\[im·• <1l S<1ulh .\tJ>trulin:

'U.c~lac m•hiiiGold·tit'IJ, br ll . Y. L. Dro\\11, uml 'the '\'odnumin~:" Oold'·li•·ld, br H.\. L. Uro\\n. lrll'lc;idP, 189!1. Prc,cnt.: I

3498 l'llliLIO l rtllRAJ\Y, )ft'BEl')t, ANI> \ltT (l,\1 u:HY o~ Sotl!'ll AusJJt\l.lA. Hq>or l of llonrd of Go••crnor~, with ll••porl< < f Stn11din~; Committees for l~->bG-b7. ,lrlelnirlc, 1!l.,i.

))o l'l9U !17. Atlt•luiclo, lk!l7. Do 1897-US. Adcluide, 1898. l'rc~cnled

Book e.

Rout. ~ocn:n· oP SouTH .AU8111At,IA. Tr1ms· 11clion!. \ 'ol XXII. P nrt l . AddoidP, 1898.

RovH. Ch:oou \PUICAL Socu;T v 01· . \ t'&TIIAT.J .& , \ u1·1 \ stn:. Proct•ediug• , - Pre~ident 's lnnunl l cltlrr•-.

Sot-TII I n;TB.\li.L-.; SCIIOOI, m· )lr<ES .\:<D 'h:ru~OLOclJCAL )(VFF.tll. . \ nnunl Ueport, 1897. 1 Yol. 81·o. \ tld11idc, 1898.

SOUTJI A IISTRALIA. Report and Dsnr.v of Mr. W. 0. Oossc'• CcntrnlnllCl W c~Lrrn Exploring Expcclition, 18?3. (So11 ll• . l u•lrulitm Par­lt'tlllll'llfarg P11per, Xo. oiS, 189!!.)


Aonrcrtn·n~:-DBPART\IF.I<TOP, WR,TEBX Ars • TR ~Lu. Tlw ProduccN' (lozcttc. Vol. "· ::o;o~. I, 2, 3, ·1, 5, 6.

-- OIHciul Report of lhc Proc,ccding3 of the Si~lh Annuul Conforcnro of l'roducers. l'~dh, IH98 .

-- ,\ nuual Report Cor Ycnr t•mling 30 June, l H!lK.

G•:OtoGICAt, St>RYEY, WllsTP.RN Ausrn.uu. llulll'lin No. 1. :Bibliograph~ of the Geology of \Ye•lern Austrnlin, by \ Oibb ~faitland.

How acquired.

I' resented



Prc;cnted by 1'. Gill.

P t>rtb, l 9 . P re.cnt<'<l -- Unll,•tin So. 2. 1. 'fho Sttoh' of )fining in

the Kunberlcy Di.trict 2. 'Ihc Probability of ol.tainiol( Water between the Pilburra Oold·flclds and the G rent De@ert, by R. Nt•il Smith. Perth, JR98. Prceooted

-- Jlnnunl Progress 'Report of the Geological SunCIY for the Yenr 1807. Fol. P erth, 1898. Pl'()scnwd

-- Rep<irts h~· the Go~crl1mt·nt Geologist in conncction with the " 'ater Supply of the Oold.fldd,. l'erth, l 97. Presented

JIJI)( F.d-J>t:I'ARTlfE):T OP, "\\'P.,TF.R)( A CSTRAI.ll. Oolcl-mining Statistics, 1S!I7. Prcacotcd

-- Tntcrim l<cport o£ the n t•pllrlment of Mim•s for holf·yenr ondin~ 30 J une, 1894.

-- Jlopm•t for 1895, with Supplementnry Nol~s on J'Rrt of 1896.

1 Vol. l!'ol. P1•rth, 189<1-96. Prcecnlrd " 'llSTU.\I,r ~. South " • c>trrn Di•trict>, by

Oc'<>rgc IT ope. Snppl<>m<'11L!othe Oemlrifon J-:;prru. :? par~, 1&9b.

1 n 1 1 ol. :Fol. 18!•8. Pl'()?ente•l by D••ptartmcnt of lfine•, W .• l.


Aonwvt.Tt ni(-J>El'AR'f\IK!\'1' o~-. Quta:l'St.AND. Q"et·n•lt~nd .tlgricuJtuml Journol. Yol r, 1 ~1!7. Vol-. n nnd 111, Jl-19H.

:? vol•. Svo. .llri~hnnt•. 189i-9b. Annual Report for the rcur Jt-!li-91>.

1 .-ol. b•o. Bri-b:m•·, 189,., . C:P.UI.OOIC\L !"l HYET Of Qt:u::o;~J.A~U.

J.lullctm• -;. ... I. .~rlesiun "\\•atcr in the w·est~rl1

I nterior of ~ucen~land, h> R L. Jat·k. 18PG.

1\o. 2. N<>ka on the !"ikcdlllc Oold·ficld, by I. Oibb i\1 oitlnncl. 1895.

No :1. 'fount C'n11nintlah Copp<'r und GCIId l >q O>il", by \\' J!hom 11. Hond•. 11i!IG.

No }. Not~· on tlw l'rt -•·nt t'u11d it ion of th • UIXI~:kin;,on Cohl-fio•ld, hv Hoberl L. .J.,·Ic. • l~!lG.

No 5. Sot~g on tht• Palm••r "s u. R eefinl( l>i•lrict. bv RJherl f, .. fot•k. 1 97.

~~~ U. <:uttolo~uc of lh<' l~thihits 111 the (~cu·,·nslrtn<l Minin~ Court, Queen•laod l nt.•a•tuclionnl ExhihiLion, 1897, h.1 Robcrl 1,. ,/ uc·k . • 18!17.

Xo i. .~tldjtion' lo th~ J~o~•il Flora of <2ne<'n~lnml, by John Shirlt•y 189S.

~o. !1. Htport on the Gold 1fmc! atlhc l'ou 11111).: eud llous.t !'ill<'<'<'>', hy \\ illsnm H. Roncb. 1 98.

:-.o. !J. U<'J>ort (111 tbt• Chilln!(OC llining llhlrll't, nud Proj~clt·tl lhtlway, by Robert 1,,. ·'"'' k. 189h.

Nu. tO. Sit Reports on the Oeolugical F1·ulur·~• of p:1r1 uf tlhl IJi,trict to bo t mn•r:;t•tl by lho Propo<~·.t 'l'runfcoutinent~l Rllilwuy, hy ltubcrt L. J ut•k.

lu l , o), ovo., 189:>-98.





Rc~.l\o.l Books. flow I I ncqnir<.il. ReJ;. No. --- Books. How



.A 26



.A 18





J). 23

A 29


92i 0


B 36



GROLOOICU StrUYEY Ol! QllRI:!ISLA!ID. Various R~port•-

Anmull l'rogt·es> Report of the Gcolo!-.;,.ul Sur1·cy for 18H:J. lb!l-~.

Dtt•p Lead. Pcnll:tnd, Cape Hn·et· Golll-lictrl , by W . lJ. l(anth. 189 !.

Townlla a 11d Mnrc..,ba Gold-field,, hy W. R. Rnnd8. 189·~ .

Uhm1 Goltl·li•ll, by A. (~ibb ~f,lithnd. 1894-. R.epot•l 011 Mount M01•gan Ool<ll)oporih, bl'

H. L . Jnck (reprint from a. He port of 1884-i. li'ol. Brishnne, 189-J.. Pt·es() .,tcd

-- Report on the Gcolog) of the Bllsnlt Work· in4l'• 1\fount. Jhinbow Oold-licld, by ·w nlterl~. Cnmoron. 1897.

Heporl, on the Big Bill Gold-mining Com­pnny's Lcn~"• Tn'gni, by Willi:~m li. B>Lnds. 1898. Presented

On the GcolOJ()' of t.hc Countr,l' Nnnll :>Inn· thorpc "ntl \\"o,·wic·k, SoJ11tl1 Queen~lnntl, with cspcciulrcfct·cnvc 10 tla•'fiu nnd Gold J!'ields und th~ Siher Deposit~. by Sydney U .• J. Skct·lchly. l~•·i•hun~, 1 ~9'1. l'rcst'nlccl

ROYAL 8001R·rv oF QrEI!NST.A.llD. Proceedings. Vol. 1 YOI. S•·o. lh-isbntll', 18!18. Preseuted

QuHJ;llSLAND -:lfrsP.ulr. Reports o£ tht'- Trusl<:es forl87G,l877-7R, 1878-79,1879-80, lSSl-82, 18"2, I SS3, 18&1, 1885, 1890, 18!t:l, 1893, Hl97. Prcsentcll

-- .Annds. :1:\o. •L The Xyloryctidro or Queenslnnd, bl' A. J. Tul'l~<r.

• !3risbn.uc, 18~7. Presented Q,I'J!J!NSLANll llvs•:rlL Annnl~ 1\o. l. S_vnonym·

icnl Culnloque of I he L•pidopteru Uhopulocem (l.l ntlct·llie~) or .A.n~t.n:tlia, by W. li. ~li•kio.

1 rol. 8ro. Brisbane, 1898. Prcsontecl b' · Q,uuenslancl Government, Londou.

QuE.r.NSL·I 110. Rcpol't or' ~be llydmulic Engince1· (J. B. llendcrson) on Water Supply.

Brisbane, 1807. Presented by R. Etbcridg~.

M n•Es DErARTln;~n:, N1n1· ZlMr.ANU. Thirty· 6rot .~-\ nnuRI Rllport of tile Coloniul Lllbora· torr bv Wm. Skcy. N~w Zcnlnnd, 1898. Presented

NKW z;.u:ANU TNsTtTUTK. 'l'wnsnctions :md Proceedings, 1697. Vol. xxx, (thirteenth of new scrie~.) 1 rol. 81·o., Wellington, 1898. I't·csonted






9 157








POL\~EStAN SOCIH'rV. Journnl, coutnining the Trnmnctions and_l>roccediugs of the SocieL).

Yul. nt, 1898. Pruseutetl 9135 " ' AISOAXI'I Pl'fii,IC :\1rAM!lf. Annuol Report~

and Balance Sheeb tor ~cnrcndingJ'ut c, 1898. Presenter]

by S. II. Drew. BntrJcll Ni!\1' GnN£.\.

BRTTTSU NEw Ot'rNF..\ . Report of llt-itish New 0 uinc:t from Dd!tl nntl )lo!cs b.t· the Into ::lit· l'clcr S(•rnlchloy, Tier :M•j<•st:l '• Spc~in~ Com· mi.sioner, by G. Scpnout· Fo•L. 1886: .

-- R eport for tbo Year 1886 of Her MuJCSt,I_S Special Commi-.ionH for lite protected 1'crlt· t<>ry. 1887. . , ~

in 1 vol fol. Bt·,sbanc, 1886 /. -- Anuunl 'Rcpott 1894 95. Ilri.bnnc, 1A9G. --Annual Repurt li\:J5- 9f;. llr!•bnn(•, lb?7.




B 14 B lf>

-- .<\nnunll<oport 1896-9'/. Bnobnnc, 18.17. in 1 vol. fol. J3risbttnc, 1891.l-97. Pt·,•scntcd [3 17

GRt:Al' BntTATN.


BniTrsrr )lt'S£tl)l (NnturCillTistot·y) . Cnt"l~~<ll.' of the Afttdrcpor.•rinu Coruls iu t lw Btlll•b M u$e11m. \ ' ol. ru, 1\f onlipuu und ,\ ntiCt'o· porn by ilcm·y Ill . Bcrnurcl .

' ' Vol. 4to. T.onilon, lt,!l7. Pre~tul u<l


BG 9~!)2

-- .\ nnual 'Return for l o9i ,..., Pr~so•1 tcd 922'; J ,-01. AYo. London, ll>;m. ,-

.o\ !INAJ.S .t;-;n MA(JAZJN!l OJ' NA'rtrRAL Hr>l'OitY.

ENTOMOLO(HOAL SOclBTY O~' Lo,, J)ON. 1'rnns­actions for tho yea•· 1897.

I \ OI. ~~·o. London, 1897. Purchased J<::<Tto)I01.TGIST. Vol. XXXI.

l .-ol. 8,·o. l.,ondoo. 1898. Purchased ESTOMOJ,()QIS•rs' i\Co:<TULY MAGM\rl'IB. Vol. lX

( xx tv). 1 YOl. So. London. 1898. Purchased O•:ObOGIOAr, MAO.\UNR. New Set·ins, D~c. -1.

• Vol. v. 1 1•ol. llvo London, 1898. Pttrchased GKOLO<HCAT. SOCIRTY 01' LllJ>:J)OIS. Quax·tcdy

Journal. Vol. Lrn, 1807. I ••ol. 81'o. London, 1897. Purclu"'ed

-- G<•noml Iud~x. t-o Lhc fi l'\!l fLCty volnmcs of tha Q,unrtcrly J r>urnnl.

1 ' 'Ol. s,.o. London, 1897-98. Purchased GROJ.OOICAL Sun,·tn· OP GRBAT BmTAJl>' AND

MusHnlr OP l'RAC'Tlt'A r. G&OLOOY. Memoirs. 1'ho lron Or~s of Gt-cnt. Britnin. Ports 1 (1856), 2 (1858), ond 3 (186 1).

l 1•ol. 81·o. London, 18;;6.61. Re-registered --Descriptive Guide to the Museum of Pr•cticnl

OcolO((.V, with Noti~es nf the Geological Sur· I'<'.V of I ht• U nitetll<ingdom, the Hosnl School of )finr~, and the ~I ining llecord Office. FoUI'th J£clit ion, b_v Robcrt IT unt, und F. IV. ltudl~t·. 1 vol. Svo. J.ondon, 1877. Presented

by E. P . Rnmsay. lJns. A Qunrtel';y Journ~l of Ornithology.

Screnth Series, ''ol JY. 1 vol. Svo. London, 1898. Purchased

-- J udex of Gcnon1 and Species refcl'l'~d to, uucl an Ind~x to the plutes in (,he " Ibis" (fourth, fifU:, >Ln<l sixth Serie~), l8i7·1804. Edited by Osbcrt So.h·in.

1 V'ol. 8•o. London, J897. Purchased TNTHJC:<ATrONdL FrsHBillf:S Exuiu tTION, LOll·

DON, 1853. United States of America. A Preliminary Cdtnlogue and ::-ynopsis of the Collections exhibited by the United St11tcs Fish Commisoion nnd by Specinl J~xhibitors,

1 vol. 8vo., 1883. Presented by E. P . ltamsay.

--Fishing and Uunting in Russi11n W aters, by 0. Grimm. 1 vol. rol. 8vo. St. Peter~burg, 1893. Presented

by E. P . .Ra!llsay. -- .A. Short Account of the Fisheries of the

Bombay Presi<lency, with a. Catnloguc of the Exhibits forwnrdcd bv I he Oo•·~rnmcnt of D~mbny. 1 1•ol. fol. Dombuy, 1883. Presented

by 1~. P. Rnmsny. JocRNAL OF SctP.NCt:, und Annuls of 13iolog_~,

.Astronomr, Q~olog_l', &c. (formerly the Qu:u·!erly'Journal of Science). Yol. r (Dec. purt only), u (Jan. to ~lay pa.rts only) .

In 1 I'OI. Svo. London, l 79·80. ]J'ound in old cupboard

l~TURARY COIIl'P.IlBNCl!-SY.CONll fNTP.l!NATCON.U. ' l'rnn>:ICtions und l'roceedin~, 1807.

1 vol. fol. Loudon, 1898. Pnrolwsed J,rr<:SEt\1! Soct hl'Y Ol' LoliDO:<. J ournnl-Bohtny.

Vol. xx.nn, 1897·98. 1 vol. 81 0 London, 1897·08. Purchusecl

-- Li>t of the Linncnn Society of Lontlon , 1897·98. LotLdon, 1897.

-- Pro<·Cc'tlings. 18i1G-97. London, 1897. -- Journal-Zoology. Yol. :XXI' !. Nos. 168,

Hl9, 170, 17l. · Lou<lon, 18!17 ·98. -- 'l\11 n,oclions. 211c! Sct·.-ZoolOJ!Y· Vol.

vu .Purt oJ.. London, 18!l8. Prcsculed Mn.-F.n~r.ootCAL Soc•JETY. 1'ho M!nl'rnlog!c•tl

J\fuguziuc unci J ournal of the Mtocrolog:cnl Society. \' ol. XI, 18!!5·97.

1 YO!. Svo. :Lou<lon, 189i. Presont~>d --· Vol. xn, No. iH. June, 1898. l'resonted NATL' R.;r. SCJI!:<CE. A 'Monthly Review of

Scienli6c I'ro~rcss. Vols. xn, xur. o 1 vol. 81•0. J,ondon, 1898. Purchased

N.l'l'trllALI81'. A )[ontbl~· Journal of ~uturol lli.ton• fot• the No••lh of Englund, edtt..od by Wm.Deuison ]{oebnck und othrrs. Vol. X, 11'!81·85. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1885. Prcsuntecl S~ries 7. \~oh_ I. 11. ~ ~~8. d

1 .-ol. 8\'0. Loudon, Hs98. Purchaso, ANTUIIOPOJ.OGlCM. I~>s rt'H'Ti: CIJ' G Jt£41' Bl:n·A 1 N

.!!Ill 1 Jtt:tASt>. J•mrnnl, ,-ol. X"' ll, 1897-08.

9229-92M- 1Hl:l6-1897. ' ln 1; vols. 8n•. London, 1886·97. Presented

J3 2:2 -- J mw, July, A.ugudt, Scptt'lnbur, 18\JR. !'resented !JI21 No~.Trnt. A Wc~ld.v lllustrotcdJournnl ofSl'ioncc.

Yol. M ' H. (Nos.14(j:!-l487.) 1b!li-OS. -- Vol. L>UI. (Nos. llbS-1513). 1898.

2 yoJs. 4to. London, 1808. Pm·cbased

J I'OI. 81o. Loutlon, 1898. l'rcH:ont-ed BJitTrsn .ASSOOIA'I'JO:N FUR, n K .\.ni' ANCE:UIINT Ol'

SNENCE. Rcpor~of thcSixLy·soYenth Meet· 929

:! iug held at 'l'oronto in 189i. d

' 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1898. Purchnse


n~g. No. I Dooka. ~~~~.. I neg. 1\o.l Hooks. Uuw n<'quired.








B 23




P A.L.'l:!ONTOGnAPlliO\L :lorTETY. \To (. t., issued .13 l3 feor 1896. 1 vol . 4to. London, 18!)6. P lll-cluuscd

Coutllins :- n •r I! J 27 Tho ('rug l'ormnini(cnl. l'e>r~ 3. Y · · ' onCfl. 9124-'l'bo Jurn~sie G .. stetllpodJL Infonor Ool•te. Pnrt 1,

No. 9. Conchtlriou, by W. ll. llnUeston. , Cnrbo. 11icola A.otlu'noomyn, cmd Nnmdlte.. I nrt 3.

l'onolusfou1 by Wbcclton lliotl. Tile Cnrbonlfur<>us T.alllcllibrauchlnb. Pnrt J . Uy

Wbeelten Uinil. •rho UevolliMl Fa uno of the Soutb of Eugl~tnd. Vol. iii.

l'art 1. By 0 . F . Whidboruo. - Yol. L!, issued for 18!>7. D 2~

1 vol. ·1lo. London, l89i. Put•(•lra~etl

~?,~tc:.:'Foruminifern. t'nrt iv. Uy '1'. R. ,Jonoa. The Cnrboniferous L:unJlllibrullcl•u•ta. Part ii. By

Tho 'b~:~~r.~~:~d.C!ei•hruo}JOdn or lrot~<nd. Part J. By A. H . Foord.

Tl10 J)ovoni::m 'Pamm o! t..llo South of EuJ;l tmd. Vol. iii. 1'11rt 2, Uy G. 1''. Wbidborou>.

Q rrAR'I'BRLT Jol·nxAr, 01' lfiCIIOSCOI'ICAu SorBNC.E, New Seric$. Vol. XL. 189i·08.


1 vol. 8vo. London, 1898. Pur~hnsccl B 3 R AY SooJE'I'Y. Volume for 1896. 'l'he 'failless

DntrachillllS of Europe, by G. A. Doulonger. P ttrL 1. 1 voi, Sro. London, 1~9i. Purchased 0019


Joul'nal. \·ol. \'. 1835. l>nrt 2. -- J ottronl. Vol. ·""n~. 1850. J'nrt I. B 2

2 vol~. 8vo. l..ou<lon, 18:).; ancl 1850. Re·rogi~tercd

B2 -- 'fho Googrnphit'"l Jom·ltAI, including Pro·

.. ~edin~;s of the Royal Ge<Jgraphic:tl Society. Vols. Xl-XIl . 18()8.

1 ''ol. 8ro. London, 1808. Presentee! 027! -- Antarctic Explor·atiou : A P lea for a

Nntiona l Experl il ion, by ir Cloments ll. M~trkhnm. London, 18~8. Presented

R OYAJ, i\'JJcnoscor roAJ. SOCIETY, J ournal. B 5 1 ~ol. Svo. London, 1898. Pnrcbn$Ccl

HoY.u. Sootr::1'1" OF Lo,·uoN. l'rocm~d ings. Yol. LXll , 1897 ·1898. B <~,

l vol. Svo. London, 1898. Presented ' Ycat· Book, 1897- 0S.

1 vol. Svo. J ,ondon, 1898. Prcsentetl )3 1 :p,·oc•ccclings. Yol. LXUI. No8. 3!l t-Wl. 'P1·csentccl D I l'ro~eedings. Vol. LXIV. ~o. •102-1{}3. Pr!lsentccl 9212- 13 -- l'IJilosopllicnl Trnnsuctions. Yol. J S~.

Series A. and B . 1897.



:B 18 928 2

0 131



9fG l 806J


2 rol~. 4to. London, 18!!7. Pmchnscrl SOIBNOJl AND AttT, DRl'AR'VlrBN'l' O"F. .Prospectus

or I he llfotropolitnn School of Stionce ll pplied t o 'M in ing nncl tbo Alh. Sixth Session, 1856-7.

-- Government School of Mine• and of Science 1Lpp1icd to tho Arts. E ighth Ses3ion, 1 68-il!l.

Ju 1 \'01. 8\•o. London, 18f>G- 18o8. Rc-rcgi,tcrccl ZoOLOGICAL ~ocnn I' OP LO"IIllO"!I. l't\'Cecdiogs

of the 0 cncrnll[ect.ings forScientiJk Business, 1b9i. J •·ol. Svo. London, 1807. Presented

l'rot•ecdiug8, 1898. Ports l1mcl 2, List of tho Follows, May, l898.

-- Transactions. Vol. XIV, 1896-98. Presented

1 l'Ol. <Jto. London, 1 SOS. Pt·c•cnted - - Cotnloguo of Lire Mnmmnlia pr<·~~rvcJ in

tlte Mu•cnm, by G. R. \Vut.erhcm:;c, l'urblor. Htl•ond Edition.

1 ,-ol. 8vo. T.ondon, lfi!S. lle·regi.Leretl -- Li$[ of the v~rlobr8lcd AnimAls lh-ing in

the Gnrdens. Fir.t Edition, 1862; Scconcl E<lition, 1863; 'Ihirtl l~tlitiou, 1865; l?ourth J<:dil ion, 1866.

r n I YOI. Svo. T.ouclon, 1862-GG. l'rcscnlccl - - List of lho \'erlel>r·oled .A.nimola now or

lntcly lh·ing in tbo Onr<l~ns. S1xth Edition, 1877 ; Fil·st Suppl~mcn~ lo Se,·omh Edition, l8i9. J n 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1877-79. Pro$oOlod

l~igiJI h Edition, 1883. -- Ninth Edition, 189G.

2 vc,)~. 8vo. London, 1853- !16. Presented ZoOLQGICAL:RKCOHll. Y Cl I. xx XI n. Deing 'Record~

of Zoological T.iturnlure rcluting c·hidly to the yen I' 1898. l£d il ed fat· the Zoolt>gical Society of London by Dnvitl Shtn·p. Presented 1 ''01. 8ro. London, 1897.

OnFA'I' Bm·r.u.-;,

D ·L

13 12



8 2L

B 3G


R 36


D 3G

J~"tJltllla. s;;os JJ 3G DtllllTOL NATifUALJS'rs' Socr£1'\:. l'rucMJling3.

New Series. Vol. \'Ill . Pul'L 1, l b95-!J6. 3~08 lJristol, 181JG. Purchu!cd

CONOllOr.or.wn Socurl'\' OP Gnl!AT )Jnr•ur:; Al'J> l l<HT·A~v . The Journal of Conchology. \'ol. IX. Xos. 1, 2, 3, antl4, 189(;.

GliOMGIC.\L A:<» P OLl"I'HOllliiC SOC'IH'I'l" 011 1'1LR W y,s·r .R,Jn4"'0 OP Yonxsnral!. Prooocdings. Yol. r. 1/H0-1843 (imp~rfcct). Yol. u . l8!2· 4.S. Vol. HI. J8-19-ltl57 (imperfect). Yul. rv. 1858-186;; (impel'fect, purt~ 1860, 1863-4, L86·1-5 only).

I' resented

·1 vols. 8vo. Leeds, 18·~0-1865. Rc·roght~red I .\IIOAsn ml( SRA 'FisnEnrF.s LAllon~Tonv. ne­

por~ fo•· 1897 or Lhe Lancasldro Sea .b'ibhcri~~ T.;lOOJ'Ulory at Unil'ersity College, Liverpool, nnd l he Set> ,ll'i~h JJutchcry at Pie) ; drt~.wn up by W. A. lierdman, 'assistccl by L\n(l. Scott nncl J am~s J obustonc, with nn Appen· dix, G uiclc to .liishcrics J£x.hibit.ion at Liver­pool. Presented

by l'1'0fcssor W . A. llerdman. LEEDS GEOI.OGIOAJ • .Assocu·riON. Trnnsnutioos.

l'nrllO, 1894-95, 1895- 96. P rcseotecl LEEDs P u r toSOl' II W\T. A"l(P LITJ>RAIIY SooJ:BTY.

'£he Sc•onty-eighth Annual ]{oport (for 1897-98). Leeds, 189R. Presented

LrvEnrotlf, l3IO:LOCHC'AL i"OCfBTY. l'rocccding$ nnd Traneautjons. Vol. xr. Rossion 1896-97.' 1 vol. 8\'0. Li\'orpool, 1897. P resentecl

Lr>snpoor. OaOLOO!OAu Soon:TY. J>roceedings, Sc•sion 3oth. \'ol. YIII, part 1, r~i~erpool, 1807. . Presonl<)(l

Ln•snPoOL G EOLOG ro.u, AssocrATTOl<. Journal. Vol. xn. Seosion 180o-!J6.

MAN<'nllsrr.u LITBRA'RY A~o PnJT.OiHlPmcAL Soo1 Ell:. l\feDJoirs tmcll'rocee<lings. (Mnn-chcoter ll[omoir·~.) Vvl. Xtrr., 1897-96.


1 ~ol. Svo. :\fnnchester, 1898. Presented MAlfCl!ESTEn 1\fycnoscol'rcAL SocWTY. Tran•·

saulious aud Annunl Report, 1897. 8Yo. Mnocheslcr, 1898. .Presentee!

1\I.\NCUl!STRR :i\IusEUll . Rerort. for t.bc year 18!17-98. Manchostor, 1898. Pre~cntccl Mu~eum Handbook. :J'he Nomenclnture of

the SPams of t ht• Ltma.'\llhir<• Lower C'oul 1\Jva•urcs. B y lJcrberL Bolton. Man~hc.tcr, J SOS. P1-csenktl

--Mu•c•nm llaudlxlok, Gcncnll Ouido to lhc Contcutsofthei\fnsoum,Rci'Outl Edilion, LS!l3 Prc•rnled

-- ~luarum llnndhooks. Cal1\luguc ol' the lladllcltl Oollcclion of Shells from Lifu nnd LVEI\1 Lo~·alty hlnnd, b) JultlCS Coamo ?.fc)\'ill nud Robor t Slnnden. l'11rt~ 2 nnd 3. i\funchc~t Pr·, 1897.

liiARilf£ .BrOLOGIC',.\t Assocr4TIOX or TTIB UJ<tTF.D 1\rxaDOl!. Jouruul, New Series.


Vol. v, No. 2. April, JS\•8. Presented 2\[tiS F.l'"l!S A ssOCJ.HIO'<, H<'porL"of l'roceecling•,

with th,• pnpors rend nt tho Ji:igh th ..l.nnual Ot!n~ra1 J\Jecting, Oxford, 1897.

1 Yol. 8vo. London, 1897. Purchased NATliR4L lir&'I'ODY TuAl'ISAC'TrOxs of *or! hum·

bct·)n)l(], Durhnm, nnd Newca>tlo·upon·'l'yne. Vol. XIII. Purt, 2. .NcwcMt!o·upon·Tync, l SllS. Prcgcnlt'<l

Ox FonD rx1 ntn9!TY i\Tt'~Rnr. Cttt.nlogno of Docks rulcled to tbo Radcliffc Library,1897.

Osfvrtl 1898. Pr.Y:.r.OUTll ll'iWJTVTro-x A!ln DP.'I"Olf Al'll CoRN·

WAM, .NAl'l'HAJ. lfi~'HlR'f SoCII'!\' . .Annual :R.•po~~ nml 'frnnont'l iono. Yol. XII . Part •l. 1897-98. 8l'O. Plymonllr, 18!18. Ptcdcnle<l

P LIDl!HtU;:!, M vs&1i lt$, Al'IJ AnT a \L· r.KllY or Tllll Crrr of Lll'lil!l'OOJ.. Forty· liftb Anuunl Report of tho Connnittec for 1897. Li,erpool, t89S. l'I'C>cn!ctl

TtOYAJ. C<HlNWAL!. l'OLYTBCiiNIC SotJ£T\'. SixiJ·fifth Atmunl R<•potl, 18!!7.

s,·o. .b-,\lmoulb and Tmro, l !lS. Presented YonKstLTn~: NATt'll \T.ISTS l'NJO:<. 'l'•·ansnct:ons,

Jlntt, 21. for 18!15, J.ucd~, 180ll. --'l'he " Notnrolist" Jnnunry, Fobrwu•y,April,

~fay, lbll$. Pr~ent~'<l Yonx~liiRF. Or.or.oGI<'IT. .1'-'lt PoLYn:oll/010

Socu:1 Y. l'I'OC<'<!dings, N~'' S<•rics. Vol. .\.11!. l'nrl 3, png~s 279-:i74, lt->93. Presented

U:-.1n:RSJTY OF l'.Ullll!lUOR. Annuul 'R<'l>Ort of the Librnry SJndkato 1897. Presentccl

--ThirLy·H•cond Aumllll Rc·po•l orllw 1\fnsi'UII) ancl Leettu·o l{ooms ~yn.jJCalc. for 1807. Presrn!ccl


Reg. No. I Boo lea. llow I -. ~ nc<tlllred. ll<·g. lio.

- --·-Book a. How


92'i8 ZootoorcAr. AfusKUM, T otNC!. Novi!ttles Zoo· c 30 lo!!'it'lll, A Jour!'al of Zoolol!y, edited b \\ nit or Hoth~child, Erot••l llnrterrt, nud ]l. J ordnn. Vol. 1\-, lll:l7.

nu I \'ol Sro. Lout.lou nnd Ay1Mhur,r,l897. Pre••nt1·cl

, . . by 1'ring Mn~t•nm . 1'1 01 tlnte• Zoologt<';P. \ .Jonrnul of Zoologr.

Yol. ,.. No. I, 2, :1, London, 1St1S. Pn•<Ntlod

GnEA'J' Bntu 1~.


Jh:nw t CK~ IIIl!R NATUII IT,I>'1's C1.1•n, llil;tory. Yol. '-"· P11rt 2 . Alnwick, l !l97.

B 24 !l2:J1

9027-36 .Fl~llfRY D011W FOR :,COli \l'U. .\.noual



n o



B 7




c 13



c 11







Hc•port•. Part n1. l"t·icnltlit· lm·e,tigolions. Sixth, bt'ing for 1887, to llfle<·nth, b~ing for 1896. 10 I"Oie. Svo. J<:dinhnrgh, 1888-!li. l'rt''<'lltcd

'l'hrou~h the Agent General fur ~.S. \\ . a 1 .. \~GOW UliJYERSTTr. Cttlt•ntlnr I or the year 9067

lb!l8- !l!l . I vol. lll'o. 0 ln~gow, 1808. l 'roecnlc•d lT IOIIJ,\NII ANil AGitrCrl'rt R\1, SOCff.TY OF

Scm•I, I:<U. 'l't·ausa~tiou~. Jiifth Series. !>297 \ ol. X. 1 TOI. 8,·o. Etlinhur~b, 1 98. l'retrntt'Cl

N.u 1 u \J, HisTORY ~OC'IY.J \ o•· GLA,.GO\\'. t' l 'J'rnu•tll'l tons (indudtnjt tIll' l'rocccclingh of lhl' lltwtl'l~·) . lol. \, (~<'W•<·rir•.) l'11rt 1, 1691HI7. Ohagow, 1837. l't·~·r.t' nl C:;

l(OY 11 Socu;n· Ol' EJ>I)\ 111 11011. 1'roceeding8. Vol. ·"'I. 1 89o-!J7.

1 ~ol. 81'0. gdinburj!h, 1~07 . l' •·c·~cnlrtl 91Hil Horu. l'nr~tr.~I. Socrxn, XIll\'nt·nou. Pro- !ll'iO

c•rrrling•. Session l SOG :>7. Eclinbnrgh, 1897. Prt"Olltt'll 35~9

Ro\ \!. St'OT nsn <'h;oon 1 Pn Ic IT. St~l'IKTL cot-Ci lt•h Ueogntpbical M ul(«lllnc V ol. "" ,

1893. 1 TOI. 8m. .Etlinbur~:h, l89S. l're••'lllt'll Snx:-rF. A>(ll . \ HT )[r~u "· lCJH~IJI')IC;Ir. n... !1163

J'Ort of t ht• Dircdor for 18Gi. Prt'8Cnled

lJRlTIS II 00T 0:" IRR. !!161


0HOI.OClll.\l, :-lt'RI't\' or C1:'>'.\f>.\. L'uhrnoie !llG;)-G/ F o <il-. Yul. u. Purl I ; b> E. Dillna~•, llonlrNI, 1Si4.

I vol. 81'o. Moutrenl, ISH. Prc>CIIIt·J -- Yul. m. Pnrl> 1, !!, 3 ; by ,J F. !'1GB

\\'hit.-al'<'"• llontrcnl, 11:!!!1, Utlawa, !SOS, I 1<!17. 1 .-ol. S~o. Prt•H•nlcd

ll .I"II.1'0' A~sotr.\TIO\', .lournnl nnd Prot·eNI- !liGO inf,;~ fur S"s>ions of tfl97 9tl. !\mnb11r :\1\. J>rcMentt•cl

Mc •(lu,J. Coi,r.KGE A\'n U:"J\ HJI SI'l'\'. .Annttnl Oult•ntlllr. l'ce•ion 18!:11 !l!l.

1 1·ol. 8,o. Monlrtlll, 18!1'!. l'•·~•rntetl i\lcG 11.1. l'l'IYERSil \". 1'11prr• from the n~-

pRrlmcnl of Ph.,·•iolo~>· ~"'· >1, 5, 6. :J::H G<'oiOj!\'. ~o•. 3, I , 5, ti, i, 8. lltJt•n.,·. '\o,. I, 5. 6, i. Philo•<•plll. ,\ o. :!. En~tint'«'t'llll(. No. 1. !11~0 l'h"~i•·•· n•. 2, :1, ·1, 5 :tnd 6. l'•·•·,rnlctl

N.l't'I!Il \ I U•~·ronr · Soc·rR'J'I' ot· llloxn<~ 11 •• 'J'Irt• CutHL Jilln Rt•COI'<l of S<•it•nrt•. \ ' ul. I 11. (}:lOO Nu~. 5, fi, 7. Pr.-~rnl<•cl

'XHI'J!\1, Jh~TOJ!Y SunnY 01 Nt:w ll Rt':"~· \\ 11 K, .JJniJctiO ~0. \I I. \ Ill. I I. l'llTI J. !)~Ul :?

St .Jul n, X. B., 1 <.9:.. l're•cnlcd ~tl\'1 l'cOTI.I\' T~slllt'll' or " <11:'\<f .. 'Pro·

··•·Niin~:• "n«< 'l'r.tmadrou•. :,,..,,lUll 18~6-!17 ' "1. 1 x (11 of """ "·ri•••). 1'nrt :1.

Uuli fnx, I•!J7. l'rt•·t•nt•••l Ro1 1 r. ~O<'II!l'Y o~· C.1:< .\ n 1. l't·ocr!'cllugs uml

Tn10I"Hl'tions. Sc<'otul tnol·i~·~. \ "olume 11. 1 vol. tiro. Oltal\n, 1896. l'fl'•t•nlt•rl

Brnrt~u Cnro:"'n ....

. lfrica. DrunA' TII"l '"'c Rclcr n H••J><>rl of th~

:St1lal But.utic Htmh•ll• fnr I •!li; by J. Pr•• ••nlt•cl

hr J ;\lt•tllt•l \-\'ood i\lt•clk,\' \\'oo I, Durl•rm, 18!18.

Cot.oxJAT. II RRJIAkJT'll ( '\'nlul ). Tirporl.l'ot· the · yrnr. 18!17; hy .) . ,\ldh•y \\ oocl. Durham, 1 b9!l Pret l'lll••tl

· hy J. ~Ictll<·) \\' ood

Soitll Arr.1c 1:-; :.Urs1:111. Roport forlbcye:~r ;•ruhny Jlt•t•t·mbcr, lb9i C •!•' 'l'o" n, lb!ll!. l'r•·•rntt>tl




SouTn APRJCA:< M u8BU.M. Annale Vol. 1. Pnrl I . Cape 'l'on·n, 1808. P rcst'nl rd

Conwut-t: -.Ot-~·riJltion!l of Ne.w Soutb Afritau SM'J)i,n; in the

~~~:~~::.~n.or tho s •uth Afrit"4n \lu .. {_um; by w. lh.~·rrJ•tl«m of ~"'me ne•· or UUlt knr)\Ut ~uth ~\friC3n

'halllli•l.c, in th~ Collection of the !>r>uth African ~ha104.·Utu : by 1 •. Pcrin~o,"\tey,

l.l•l ollho llcptil<'" :md llatmrhlon• of South Alricn whl1 delierlplions or new Hll(•c•ll-l't i lJy \ V. [ • .' !klnlor.

C:~t<>lo)(uoof the ::Iouth Afrionn lll•t>lnn•(Coh'llpl~m) ""' \\ith tlrM!r'iptlons or Ill\\\ P)ll'\'lu; ll)' 1.. Pcriu~tu·y. O:.OUTn •\tlllt'A'i l 'niLOSOJ'IIIt'A t. SOt' JP.T\',

'l'rum•u·tiou$-YOL I'll!. .l'tul 1, 1890-02. Purl 2, 1802-95.

\ ol. n. l'Rrl I, 1395- 96. Purl :!, I 896-97.

1 Tol. Sro. Cap~ To""• 1603- 98. Pre~ent~d llllJTIIl U GoLU:'ilfB.

I••d•a . Gsor.ouJt'A •· SI'T!YI;Y o•· I NJH.\. M:omoit·s, Yol.

" I' 11. 18!>6-07. 1 •·ol. 8vo. Cnlculla. 1898. Pl'c~cntetl

-- llft•mvir·•· PnJ..,ontulogitL I111Jinn. Sel'. '(Jll. Yol. 11. 1 •ol. Fol. <.:.rlt-ulltt, lS!lS. Presented

-- St•rit·• "·· Yol. 1, p~rt ~. Ctii<' ·;IIU 1~!17. -- Ser'"' "1. Yol. 2, Jlnrt 1. (',J,·ulla, 1897. -- Scncs '1 1. \ ol. l , purl• 2, 3. Cnl~ult•, 18!l7. Prc·t•ntcrl -- (i~ut•ntl Rt•porl for I he p~r1o I from l<t

,Jun., I8!li, to lsl April, lo!l8, under tlto din•rtion of U. L. Oriesbac:h. ('alcultn, 18J8. P t·cscnll'<l

hHII'I ~J(' >'f:l',r. Annuni.R,•port,l89>• 90. -- ,\ uuuu I Ht•port, lb06-!l7.

1 •·oL Svo. (',lcuttn, l'llltl- 1897, Pt·esenlod M.ll>ll I > Oo1 t:n" IIE:>T ll n<f;l )t. ,\tlruiui•traliou

Rt')>Ort for lhe year 1897-9'1. Prc!K'nletl -- Bulletin, Yol. 11, ~o. 2. AntbrOJ>Olo:,!y, by

£d~:ar Thun.lon, ~fadro$, 169~. Prc;enlcd ).!.\ 1>1<1' ( Prr.irl<'llt'J of). lfotnunl of tltc Di•trict

uf Ctuhl.lpth, in the Pre•ulo•nr.l of ) l adms; c·tJU>pil.,J und edited by .J. D. Jl. Gribbl<'.

1 ,·ol. 8•o. Afo lrns, 1875. Exchnngc - .. ' l'ht• Ganj•m Diatricl l\Innuul, Joy T . J .

J\l'ultby; rd.tcd by 0. D. 1.cnuur. 1 \'ol. llvu. Mntlms, 18'!2. E:rchuugo

--· Mnun11l of t I•<> Sal~m J>i,ll•icl in the Prc,i· <i··••yuf i\lutlrM,compilecl b.1 11. L,_. Funu. Y .. l. I. The Di-trict; Vol. 11 'fhe Taluks, nml llnp a l'Ok !>•·o. .Malrd•, !SS:~. Exchange

-- llllllUU1 of the c .. imb.tiO:I' Di•lricl iu the l'reoith•nCJ ol lhdraa, bJ F. \ Xlt'hn!Fon.

1 ,·ol. h o. Mudrd•, 1887. J.~xchnngo ]1.1~111 nm '\;JIIIlY Cu)l\11>>10'1. l<t•porl of t he

Nalut·nl llt•tory H..,sults, L.l' A. W. Alcock. With" Li•t of the Pluul,, by .r. 1•'. Duthie, nnd n '\ot icc of the Ro•k Spo•<•imon•, by 1.'. 11. l l nllnrul. 1 \'01. l*ol. Vulcull&, 1898. l'rc!I'Oit•l

h1 Sup~rintendent of Gon•rnmPnt Printing, (.;~lt•uttn llol \1, A ol.\ 11< ~OCitii Chum Hrnncb of Tbc) .

Juurnul, Ill' " -•·rie• Yul '\ 1111. l>;!t~ 94. l vol. l:!vo. Slun(lhni, & '·• 18:18. Presented

l Nll'PU 'l'.l.l'F.> 0~ A \IP.III< I.

U~JH'I> SI \TY.' Jh:i'.llll'\IEN! 01 At>IIH ll.Tl'RR.

Y <'Gl·hook, J HJ7. 1 , . .,). Sro. Wn~hin~-tlou, l 89S. Pre$cntcll

-- l>h·itoiou of J(ntomolt)._:\'. BulJt•tin~, N ew St•rtt·~. Nu,, 10, 11, 1~. I\ 1•, 16, li, 1!1.

1 v~l. ::;,·o. w .. ,Junglnn, 18!16-98 PrcscnlCI.l -- 1li1 i• iun of Entoruolo~y. lhbliogrophy of

lht• .\lurt•lmport;nll'ontributirm' to .\mcri· t•nn L ouomi·.· I::ntumol •:.y. pr<•p:trt'll by :,',untul JJ,.,,_)raw. l'urto~ I,:!, 3, llt-njnmin )lunn \\'uhh und Chnrl .. \Hit•mine Ril«'j, Hit'll.

l'n•·f I S, Oorernnwnt nnd St rlo Enlo· uwl<ll(hlo J\1111 OLUCI' <'Oilll•ibntors, 18115-96.

-- l'ntl ti, .r urrc, lb8~ to JJ,., .. , 18!l6, by t'ullwu U mks.

:! ro);, s,·o. \\'u•luni(IOn, 1&90-93. Prc,cnll'<l -- Jl11 i•imr of Oruitholol!,f tuul \!Auunoloj!J­

Dulldiu \ o, I Thr F.n·~li-h Sp~rrow ( p,,.tr rlorn• ,/irou) in ;sorth Anwri•·t, b.1 \\'ulter Jl. H.~rr"" I 1·ol. !11·o. \\'u,hiugtou, 1S'>9. Pl'l•·t•nll'd

-- Hulh·t "' Xo. 2. Uq•ort 1111 llrrrl M tgra-linu 111 the• ~li~»i--ippi Ynllt•,\ 111 l'i'I.J. uncl 1 'l'i~, b) \\'. \\'. l'vc>k•··

I ,.,,), Kvv. Wn,hin!(ftln, ISSS. Prc<t•nlt•ll !lull I in No. a. 'l'11c Hnwks uml t.)wl~ of

tlw l 'tul t•al Htat ·• in lltt•ir l't•lutiuu tu .Agri· •·ult ur<', I>~· \.. K. Fi•ht•r.

I Tol. f;1·u. \Yu-lrin~lon, 1b93. Pr~>~lllt>tl


Reg. No. I IJookH, Bow I N I ----'-·-"-cq_w_·_rec_t_. - ; Reg. o.

lli!Qks. Uow ocquirod.

D 8



D 8


9 190


l:'~tTLJ) ST6.TF.!; l>t:I•ART\IP.~T OF .\Uitl~t'LTl'JtY . Dull~ttn No. 1'>. 'l'lw J'ot·kct Oophcro, by Vt•t'UOll JJuilo•y. 1 R9~.

-- Dulletin ~o. 7. t>r,•limiuary U~J>Ort on l"ood of W oodpcck<r$, by F. E. L. Bcal; anti ~·ongues of Woodp~ckcro, by F. A. ~ucao. 11!!)5.

llurmct'l>' Bulletin, No. 75. Oruin Smut~, bi W. T. Rwinglc. 1'>9i.

-- ' Bulletin 1:;. Di,i.,on of l'o•gotat .Je P hy-siology and Pathology.

- - 11 1brid1 und Lhoir luli•~tion in Plant Jl rccdiug, by Wultcr 'r.l'winglc and Ucrbert A. Wcbber. J'~·ll' Book, flep .• .J9rir 1';97.

U.Sil'HI STATES 1'11>0 COIUll~Siu:o<, llullctin, \' ol, x n, f"r h !IO.

l \'OI. ·l·ll). Wu•bingto11, 1R97

Con'::h~~."1;rt upou ~IUlOU Jn\'f'· .. tigutiou,. ttl the htad \\'atcl':i or lh< Columhi~ RI'Pr, I>) Uarton 11,

Th• ~~~~ftl~/:.'1 Propa~>ntlon of lhc Kninbol\ Trout, h)

The t:'\':~~~;:3)1~-~r S""l !;lands, h.v l.('Onho"l

The ~t~ji~".f,!{', • .,,,,.:;auon ttl Salml>ll on the PllciRc Co~t ol the rnitcd St~tl.-.., h) Lh in·r~ton Stone.

ll~cp Sen EXJllomtlon: A llt:ncml l)(•,..rfptlou ot tht: ~~;teamer .. i\lh:ltroS"'," ht:r Auplinucf.."$ t\nd llethod~. h.) J'~ L. Tamu·r.

u~nn:n STATY.~ c.·o:u,us.~ws OF FI·ll '"o 1-'Jsu­t:nJrs. Pari \'~en. R·•J>ort of th<· Commis­sioner for tho JCnr emhng ,J uue, lSO•i.

J YOI. 8\'0, \VI),)Uilj;Lo111 189~. Cont'lln'

ne1oon on the l'roJXl:<ollion and l>btribution of Food ••t:;h~~ b)" \\. de C. ltM cnet.

ll~JIOrt "J!O" th• loctuir) rt'liJl<'<•lloJ( fW<I l'ishco nn<l the FishhlK (;round•. b) lllchnrd ll.>~hlnm.

llcport of tho llhNon of :<tnli~~t,ic:! oml )lot hod~ of the Fl .. herh .. , b~· HuJ,:h " ·Smith.

RcJMlrt of tbf't ltcpn.~nt.\t ;, t''\ t~i th(· t· nit,(\(j Stah· ri.,h Couuni,··;~ou at the C'otton St.'\t4.~ and Inter· nntional t-:ocl)()iition at Atal3..0ta, h.) W. de l'. H.!\venn.l.

Nolo• on thc ~:,wnsi~n ot lhe ltet•oroh<l llango Ql Ct:rbin l'i•hcs or t'nlt"l StatC> Coa•l•, by Uugh '1. Smith ancl Walham (..'. Kcnda.ll.

Notes on the l'o><>J ol Four"l"' .,., or the Cod runily, b\· 1\'llli•m C. Kondnll

Rcr>ohof a Sllr\ t.•yof th~;t)y"t'.'r JtCJrion~atSt. \tincenl :5ound, AJ~\11\chic."Oh" l:ln.y, St. <~corgc Sountl. t>1oritb., l1y J~ieut. ~o·rauklin Swilt, l'nitA .. -d St.att~ Xa·n·.

Jtcport Ou. the- f''"hc.ri\.-s of ludia.n Rht'r,l•y JohnJ. JJri('"(', 1!4'rton W. 1-:\t:nwm. IJ..utou A. &an, A. C. ~h,tl•lre·n, nnd W •. \ . \\ ilco!\.

Uull<:ll'1. on the Fl•h ami l•'i•lwrlc• of the (;<>; .. tal Wa'.ers of Florlola, I"· ,John J llrke.

Jlubtit"~tion-.:ot I he t'nit-..d ~late w (..~nunl••iou or ..... , .. h and Fi~htri~ ... a,aifahle fc.,r d~..!,lrlhutlon nn Juru: 30, 1$97.

ltC'l'Onlsof Ohs(.lnnUon~ m:ut'-' on boanl tht l .s. t-'a,.h Commi~"aun "'(Lcamor ·• \ UHt.tross"l.luruag lho yc-ar cndinf{ Juul• 30, lb.~.

Oh~ ·n :\tluu~ ''ftou the ll\:rriuJ.: 'lntl llerrin;.c Fi~hc.t·h-1 of lhe .:o-;or·h (a-,• <."' .... ~ .. L ''1th "'rtnd r• ft-n:rw" to the 'icituty or Pn"~~ll•il•JU<ldtl> U.1,, hy 11. I'. 'loo re.

Thu ll cl'ring lauln"'tr)· of t1u.• J~n" .. J.tnnctttuchly Uc,:lnu, ll&inc, h,\ Au .. lcy llrUI.

St ... lli,tiC'It t1f lhc Fbheric~ of th~ lht-t·•inr \\ o.tenJol the l'nit•-c.l ~t.,C..:·~, b} JIIJl{h ll. smith

Xutt., on the .,.,~hcrh.: ... ol tht· l'acitil· ('o<l"tt in 1'9:., L~ W•llh:un A. Walcox.

Ux1 ·rt:1> ST.\'rtiS Ouor,o<lteAt. ~l'RVI·:Y. Sovcn-tconth A.nnunl .Rcpol'l to tlw tl•·•·r<•lnr.'· of J nterior, b) OharlccS J), \\' 61,·ott, llir,•ctor.







2 1ols. ""'· \\'nghingtou, lS!JG. l'n'>cnh•ol Pnrl J, Directot.-s .Report mtd othvt· l'upo•·•· l'nrt.l!! l:<·onomic (h·olugy uud llyth·ng•1tphy.

l~rl.. I c-mt.ltoo,;.. lla:.rnuic Dt.,·lin:4lirtn in the.; Culled '!)t •,~ L.) Utury

Ga.nneu .A (il.-olo;ril..·,\1 He ·onnui \Oc."f ill ~mth-Wt.~h:MI

Ort.'J!<'Ut hy J ~. Uillt.·l'. I•''Hrllu.:r ContrJhutlons to I he GooiO'.:\" of the Slorl~.~

~e,AAJa, h\ 11 . W. Turht·r · ltt·l,. rt on <:4 ,,j •uult..i.:nit ut \, h) W. 11. 1)3.11 The \ 'lntah: ((til tllit~) u, r~•h of l t.&lt, h.\ C U.

l:idridgc. (lLv•ist.l Brit~k Cltl.) ~ nf· li-!lt\lul and ~mth·ctU.tt1rH

biA.-t~C"hU..;C'llJoi:, h)· "N. S. Sh.tlcr, ,J. lt \\ ttckl\\•orth, nud t •. J?. \I ul1Ut.

Tiw l':uau'1 Ue:lutaon~of tlw Eo. ancl l'ppt·r ('n·tA ccolb of ttn: t•aC"itk Co.~-,1 hJ" T. \\ :-;1..1uton.

l'art 11 t·unuin'l • 'l hu OoJti·(~uartz ,.,.inot of ~c"ru.ln. Clt\ tuut Gm..'i.-;

\'o.lley, C'ullroruia, hy Wnltltmn.r UJitiNI'l'JI. U1.'1Jlo::y ot :\lht·e l1iff .uul tl1~ Ho:--iU. IIUI "i, Cotorad.,,

l,~ WlJJUuau Cro,, n,,. \hnt"·HJt ( 'tJ .. tc•r Counl), Colu.,t,v s. t. l·:uuuou ... (#\:vlo..,o'iC' s~ .. :tion aluu~ lhc ~\:\\ arlff 1\:uuv.h ... ltnu

~tltr~~~~,\,~l~~,_rini.1, 1•.) ~~ H. l'.uttpln:J11 \lltl \\ • { ,

1'ht· ·Jcmu· ...... t··· w-tlo!>ipli!ltt·sr. t.y e. w. u '·'4 Tl11 l nd r,.:I'\Juwl Wahr ofltu· .o\rk:a1"''"" \:tll\·l t :t

r ~'lot('ru ('ol .. r.-uh. h\ ''· 1\. (iilb.:·rt • l'nhnuna.ry lh·port on :\rh··un \\ atcr. uf a l'ortl· n

or th• Dakot.u;, liv ~. 11. u.utou. 'rhe W:~t(!.r Hosoun:l~~or lllluoht, liy l''nmk Ltwe.r~tt.





:10~2 tlO:.a !JO:;·L !1056 0056 (l();7

0 11 9107



L'NITEU S·t ITES Or.or.ootCAI. SURYHV. Mono-graphs. Yol. x~,-- 'l 'h<' Glac•nl Lt\ke Agn6si6; by W orron Uphum. 1893.

-- Vol. .\.XI'l. 'l'ho Flora of LhoAmboy Ol~>ys; by J ohn Strong :llcwbcrry . .A. posthumous work; ctlitcJ bv Arlhur H ollock. lb9i>.

-- Yol. iJI'ology of tho Denvo r Basin in Colorado. l3y Smnuol l!'rnnklin Hmmons, Whitmnu Co-o", und Ocorgo H omaos Eltlritl,.:c. 18!W.

;.1 vol~. lto. W a•hington, 1805-96. P rceonted -- Vol xx Vlll. The J\Iurrpt<•t.te Iron-bearing

Distli• 1 of ~l idti,nn, with AliM; by ('horlt·• R•rharrl Van ll i'c nncl \\'illinm Sbirl•·.r Ba.•l<·~ . Including 11 cluopler on the l(rpuhlic '!'rough; hy ll enr.1 LloJd Soni~h. 1 vol. tnL 1to., and I <OI.

,\tine fol. Wa.hin~lon, I ':17. Prrocnlcd Bulletin~; '1'(, 'l7 l89i.

J>o 127. 1896. Oo 1 2~-131. 1895-96. Do 1 a;>-138. 1~>96. Do 1:19-BI. U96. Do 112-147. 1<,96.

In 6 rol•. 1!1·o. W MI•Ington, lS!J:i-97. PrCEcntcd Bulletm; No 111:!. 18!.17. J're•enled

C' ~t·rf:n ST.Il'I!S G v.m.oorc-u, 1 '<U G Eoc; 11.1 t• nt CAL ikm Y.\ OF Tllf: '.L'HRHIIOIIIKS. Bulletin )io. G. StNtlll "aic•. I'Jili. \ ol. n, NI). 2, 1881.

1 I'OI., 81·o. \\'nohin~l<m, 1876, 188 1. }'m-chased NAVli Dla'IUTliE!'T. Alphubl•lll'.tl Catuloguc of

the Librarv. Ant hors. • 1 Yol., '><o. w .,,Jtington, lb9L Pnrt·hused

Ul'!'rRUi''I'A'rE.>NA110NAI,l\t os•:t 11. Prorcctlings. \'ol. \ t'(. 1 vol. 81•o. Wn•bington, li;\!7. Present-ed

C'Ontahh: J.h:~,.;tiJ•tinU.) of U<:\\ t'.\'JlipidOU-4(;'\IJ.S:Uicl {::.11 W~ps

iu tho \'nit.,-cl state-:_, !\ational 3hl'> nm. b~· Wallii\Ui H. 1\'>lllllt'.Od.

Conh'lhutions lo the Nnt.uml lll"'tOQ' ot tht' Com· 1n:uull·r bli\fui!'L Xll. Fishes collc<ltl"tt a.t Ht•rhu.: o.nd C'oppt:r hlam.J,. L~ ~ikol:.i A. Greb· hit .. ki and l.Avu~ud t.:r. by Tarlctoo U. U4MU ond lbrl•m ...\ . .8..-:\n.

!\nit:• fin l .. a~h'-'" rollccl•i'~l in Kattwbntka ami .ln.Jl111 h>· Ll•OsH\l'd St~Jjr1l';,ccr nnt.l \:ikolai ..:\. (), \\llh u dt"('rlJ11tOu of a IH'\\ BlcnU.\": h~ '1'. n. llt-:111 and ll .. ~. lkan.

TJu..· r()l)(t l'hut. .. ,,, ~lt· In ('bo· (('oN /••); 'Ly T. 1> .. \. t\..,ku..,u.

Hql(1rt Oil _the n!th4.'1'1 ,lrWs.rt.~llu fil'l'Jl \\tt,U•r llto:lr lhP l h~wnamu bland~o~, with l>t.·~·riptaon~ nn1l l''i;,:llrt~ of t•\"lllt)·thl't.'t•rww Stw..'dl':"\, by .fmnk t'rauwr.

fi\·)K•rt on the )lOihJ\k~h'Ollet'tt.-'CI h)" the hll\:ruatiQn:al l~•ltnda.r) ("<muu~ ...... lon c,f tin: l'nittcl ~t..\tt"" Allol.i "\1..:\it:u; L.) W1lli.un I halt.' ll.,u.

0\!-.C'riplhJII" ut '1\·rtll&.f) .Fo,..,lfi trotu the ,\utiltean lh·tnon; hy W1llinm llt·al \ Hall.

ltl•JM'l"t ou llu_• Fhtht· .. clrt·d~t·cl lu tit E.11J w;~tt:r ntnr the lt:•" Ul.u1 J~l.tntl~. with Ut·"l·nption .. tuul J i.:un;:; of l\\t..Jll")-thn.• 11• ,., ~JI'C".:•t \•) rh:n;l t'flt11"1 (Oilt•• rt arul l'unk <"ramt r.

u~-:;c:~~~~~~~~.;, ut1,v t~t~:.H~t~:~~a~~~'~ .. ~/;:/:.; ... 't~.~ !t!ah; l uttNJ 8tt;1t•-.1 frHh Ccmuul"i""ion: h) ('hrarlc::t lle·m) c;ilhcrt

11- ript·c•u"' of 'ltrtJ:u\ Jo'~> ... il .. fr..,ln tlw.\uullt:au Ht ..:ron ~ b\· H .f. IA=,·hm•·N l.uppy m I \\ d:uau lh.1le) !Jail.

De~t·riptiun or 11~\\ :-;p,~~ic~ of \"orth .\uu .. rw::\11 ('cliC· opt~·r.l i.u tht~ l'amiHcs C,.t'fllll''!l..-idn' uaul .~:lira· f~oo '""': h\ ~h,rtin r~. f..tnt."ll.

Un tlu· h1~·t.. ~ ,u, lt:d hv Ur .. \LOOt' nu tl.e !'-t·). • hcJtt... ..... \ltl .hra, ltlufi .. o, tmtl l'r•1\ tcf· ''"~ hluul-,, with J). 1 iptiun .. ul u~nc llb' Sp 'lt.::s ot Co1tuptct.~ ; h~ ~llu·tin J~. l .. int•ll.

Note~ un 1..--r\al l't .. t •le Ptu'ltto~llt'"'i of 1-'i~ht.:': Uy l'~lwin Unton.

1 ... tlu· l·lnriril. H<1\ TottiJi... t l tanct SJ•• cu D) t.m1r J .. mnbc.r~:

l'rdiuuh;t.r~ llla;.,_uu~n uf Ne\\ '1-'mm ,r, fff•m the :'th·\iC\11 lhmh r u( lht: l'mt..:-.1 Stat'-""' h) I•:.IJ:otr A. ~ll'lltll~.

J>,.S<'riptant''"' t"i edx ntw ~btUIHa.l~ lrum !\oath \11" rito.a : h' 1.•1.-ar .\. \h•:ttn'.

Ut: ocnpllcm of .& t." (icllU .. :llul tour ne'' ~I· '' "t•f c ·r.~t ... lrom cht \\, .. t h1•Ju .. ; 1,, \Inn J. lt 1thhnn.

Cat.t111J.:UC or a c :ollt•t ion u( tu I tl,. lllol-11:. h\ I lr \\. L. ~\Lhntt tn 'ltllll\ t\'•Car, \\ith dt.·""'.·rlptlOu ... nr three lU'\\ !'pcdt: .... , ~'' ( 'hnrlt•s \\ lttt'hlll,'IJCI

IJ.i~J., M 1hP (, lllJ ;.,; ..... \r1•h1J• •bgv: \1.)' 1((1\.Crt n (t,:\\a~.

Uu t1tt· h•....,iJ I'll\ l1up•11d G~·u• IR bipdtis :lh•l r'roto-­nrll>l, of th~· 1 tHHII) .rp.,cluif, ; h) C'hn.rh.:3 :-idrm•tu~rt ,

On the Ocnu" lltHIOIItlb, c:,allh, R..$:"...-.upof ('r••t:u••-ou.~ Ut\ "'h c.: \h1Ju .. ),, . i.·. Tll•l tl~ \\. St.antou

A ltl '' 1ott uf tt10 \•lui· 'J •JN \\( r 1 ... of 11 r 1n,l lt lhhih: b\ ( h. \\ .~ortldl :-itllr

.A HN1 .. 1(.)11 or ihc .\lll\.'rit.~~ullolt"J; ln frLo..d\.·nck w. •l'rut• •

8uunu.u \ or the l11 luiptC'm • I .r.l}'!lu p~ I•·~ !t•l to fl c l'lHte:f :..tat<:~~ 11utull \Jt• UlU U) l'r1 h;.,...Or ~lit Hkun: b\ l'hU1p B. 1 hi r

l n1ltra .n t:r.l• luopno~l:l, \~clllra lpltl'l~ .,,.,J \'orS..u, \\ ith tlt•S{•ripliuns of ne" :'\ltt.'Cic.·" 111 -..t.·_·t., ~ud vC thu Ut•ma-:. .\Ol'OI h•·lt.• ; hy ~ ~harl~o:oi D. \~ 1.1 kott.

Reg. J\o. , Books.





uNI'I'RD STJ.Tl!S N'ATION.\L M USEIT.\!. Annual R eport of the Smithsoniu u ) ns1 it u t ion fol' ~he year ending ,J uno, 1895. Uoport of thu U nited States Nut ionall\fuseutn .

1 vol. 8 vo. Wnshington, U!!J7. Conhliu~. hcsitlcs reports : -

Tho ~i~l Orgnul'o.~tiou nnd the Swrot Societies ol the hw,nklutll nch(lu~: by l' t{Orul.

The .?:if:!!~\~. Art. Qf tho E~kimo$ : by Wa.lwr Jruues

Not~ o!' t he Gcologr ond ~Muml lli•tory or the ~;!:~~il~~hl of Lower Cn.ltforuaCL ; by G(!of1~C r.

The llinor:Uo;rical Collections iu the U. S . .Nntlonnl )fuscum; by \\"in Ta....~in.

~he Tou~:w• or .Bird~ : hJ ~·rederick A. r.uca•. lhu Onlona-zon Copper Boulder iu tbn U. S. N:L!

~tuse"m : b~' Chnrlcs Moon~. Tnxidennte.~l Methods in Utc I.o~·dcn Muscwn

llolhuul : by R. 11'. Shureldt. • ' The T~~~~il~i~~il:~n.thc Red Rile!(! in AmoricD.; by

- - Directions fo r Collect ing ancl P rcson ·ing Scale I nsects. .By '1'. D. A. Cockcrell . ]Ju lleliu, r_r. S . National J[u.ttmu, 39.

Washington, 18!17. SmTRSONI AN I NSTITUTION. . \ nnunl ltep01·t of

tho Hoard of Hegcnts to J uly, 1S9b. 1 vol. 8'·o. W ashington, 18!16.

Conbins:­Zoolop·. sinre Darwin : by r,mlwi~; ,., OraiT. The \ cllow Races; bv F..'!'. Hamv. Compul~ory )l igralioois in thQ l'ad<io Ocean ; by Otto

Sittig. The Old Settlement• and .\rohit.cctuml Strucluros in

Ccntrni North America; hv Ctlt'l Sapper. The Clitl l'illn;.to> or I hu lk>d liock (.:ountry, &o.; by

J. Wtlltcr Fcwkcs. Uact>& nnd Ch li bation. b~· IY. ~r. FllnMr; Pctrle. The TuMynu Hitual ; by j , \\'nltor Fewkes. And ulhor l'a (l(:f'd,

n u eEA G 01' JbtEniCAX 'ET il XO r.OG Y. Sixlcenlh Annual Report to the Secrctnry or t he Smi~hsoninn Inslitution. l bO 1-1) 5 . J. W. Powell, Director .


n~w I acquired. Rcg. No


Presented D 23





Presonled 9198

P rPsentecl



Contl\ins:-l vol. 8 \"o. W nsh it•gt.on, 1897. P resented


D l 4 9306


YriH~i1~~~~z ~r~<~l~t~'3~ l~~c~!.ru; by Mnnu~J :\ n~nio Clifl Huinsol Cnnyon Uo Chell)', Arizonn; hy Cosmos

llhllleleiT. Dn.y -s~-aubo1s or the Mnya Ycnr ; b_y Cyru' Thnml\8. Tus.'lynn Snake Ceremonies ; by Wnltt!r F-.!wkes.

A c ADf:.\lY oF ~ATt'UAu Scii,:<CRS oF Pnu,.~­D&LFBl.\. P roceedings, 1897.

1 \'01. s,·o. l'hilndclt>hin , l o97. - - P roceeding•, lS!lS, 1'a•·t I. A CADSl!l: OF !:lcn::<ct: Ol' S·r. L OUIS. Trnn5nC·

Lions. \ -ol. vu. 189 ~-97. l Vol. 8vo. St. Louis. 1898.

A.G.RIOGJ.Tlil!.\L EXl'lllllliE::<'T STATIOJ<, Cor.r,t:ot: oF Aomou:r:runu,, NEw 1\'lf.:xtco. Dullctin No. 25. P rel iminary N otes on the Codlin Moth, by (1'. J). ~ . Cockerel I.

9122- 23 AllK RIC AN A J<·r rQUAliiAN Socrwr Y. P roceedings Vol. x. Sew :"cries, 18HS ( f ndcx on!).) Yol. XI. Ne" - Scric~, 1896-11!97.



2 Vols. S •·o. \ro•·ce>ler, l 89G nnd 1898. -- P roceedmgs, Yol XH, Nuw Su1·ie• , J>urls J,

2, 1897-98, Wo•·cesLcr, :lh><!1 l LIB. -- Ti t le J> nnd l ndcx to Vol. x r. A 1lE tUCAN Assoou.Ttol< FOn ·r111> AnY,\J<CE)t El<T

OF Son:J<ce. l:'rocce<lin:~a. ]lort y-sixlh Meet· ing held aL Detroit, M ichigun, 18!17.

1 Vol. i:!•·o. :-;alcm, 1898. P 16 (23) Al!\N 0 Eor.oGI$T, Yol. VII, No. ii, i}l ny,

1t>!J7. D30

D 29




D 39

A MET!ICAN i\[USil{;)[ OF ~ATt'llAJr lft~TOR¥. Annual .Reports for the ,rear ISO;. Now York, 18:18.

-- ::lfemoi rs Vol. 1, PnrL 3. 'J(l(l F.xtinc·t R hinoc:croscs, by llcnry .lt'uidid<l llohorn. 1.898.

- - Hullctin, Vol . tX, lb9i. 1 \ 'ol. b\'O. ~ew York, 1897.

A:u &ntO\:l< ::\ATU II AI.IST. A u JlltJ>l rntecl ~laga· ZIU C of ~utuml H istory. Vol. XX\.11.

1 Yol.' ll\'O. Boston, JS!l't .1.\l.KRICAX OnJ<ITnot.oo u.-l's' 0:-:to:o. '1'hu ~\ ul.,

a Quurtod\• Journnl of Orn1lhology. \'ol. XY. '1 Vol. ~vo. ~ew rurl;, 1898.

llE US!Cil PAU,\111 1:3!~1101' i\Jt'~f:ll~I, lJ O~O!,ULt'. Oc:cu~ional l'npcrs of the B<rnic~ J>nouhi :Bi~hop M u;cum of 1'~1) n~smn J•.th~•olo!(~' nnd Sutun1l JJJsto•·y. \ ol. I, l\o. L Director's Ropo1·L. liouolulu, JS~S.



Presentc1d l'resenlecl


P resented 9010

P resented D2

!'resented D2

Prc~onted Presented D 26 P resented

D 20

P re.onted

P urchased 1) 10


l'•·cscntcd D9


l'urchnsod D 10

D9 Presented

D 39


Books. llO\\' ~1uircd .

D r OLOCHCAL Soctl!'rY OF 'W ASHIXGTOX. Pro· c~cding~, Vol. x r, p)>. 2U-~Ii21 D ro., H19i; t1tlo puge nud cc>ulents. Vol. .x 11 . 18!.18, pp. 1-170. Prc>ented

D osroN S oc·r&TY OF NA'I'I: H.H. H ISTORY. P ro-cccclinge, Vol . XXI'll r. Nos. l -12. J're;ented

lltn'.t:'J.LO Socren- OF NA·ronAT, ScrE~CJ-:s. Bullet in, Yol. Y, Nos. l . 2, 3,4, 5 1lu[[,tl.,, 1886·97. 'Vol. vr, No. I , Bull'alo, l S!JS. Pr~acntcd

llOSTOX r uotJC L tnRAI\Y. H nnd-book for l{t•nders in the Boston P ublic L1brar' . N in th :Edition. J. 1·ol. Sro. .Bo.t~n. 18!10. P resented

-- llrief Dcst•ription of the Chnmb~rlnin Col· l~..tion of Aut<1~rnphs in t-he l'ubl ,c Libn•rr. 'l'e~b of t he Four G rent Do,.umcnts. A Suppl•mcnt lo n l3ricf l)~•cript·ton of tbo ChnmbcrlniJl Collection.

ln 1 ,·ol. ' 'O. l.!oston, 1897 M <l 1S9S. :PreEented - - Annual R eport of the T1·ustee~, J Slli.

1 vol. 8•·o. Ho-ton, 1808. l ' rcscntecl -- Tbe fi rst letter of Ohristophcr (,'olumbus lo

~he Noble Lot·tl R11phacl Snnchcz nnnouncin~ t ~te _Disco\'ery of Amco·icn, rcpt·.:"luceu in luc· P1m1lc from the copy of I he Latin version of 149;3 now in t he llo•tmt l ' llbhc 1 ibrnry, with a new 'J'ra nslntion. 1 Yol. 8Yo. lloston, 1891 P resented

Dibl iograph ies of Speci .. t Su hj<'cl~. 1\'o. G. Sonlc mutcriQis for a .l:liblio!,'l'nphy of tho Oilicinl 1'ublicMions of ~he L'On· t incnlnl Con11re-s 177 1·89. Gollected nn<l nllnolatcd by l'nul Leicester l<ord, 1890. No. 8 C..:ontr~bulions towards a. llibliogrnplo ,r of tho Higher Educntion of W omon. JS!li. 'In 1 r ol. s~o. Doston, 189,) rtnd !S!l7. Presented

List. of Periodicul:.-, Scwiipapcrs, 'frun~tlt!· tion~, outd other Scriul Pnbhcutious in the principnl Librarie~ of 13oslon.

l vol. Svo. Boston. 1897. P resented Cntnloguc of l!:nglish P rose .!fiction, nnd

Donh fur t lt~ Young, in lho -Lower J-!l;ll of tho Public Library, Dostou. J.:ighth edilion, 1893.

Catalogue of t J.e Engli>h P rOEO Fiction nddcd to tbc Public T,ibrary, lloston, •incl' U!9:l . Supp. to :Eighth edition, 18~7. ln 1 .-ol. 8•·o. Boston , 1893 and 1.897. Present-ed

Ct>!nloguc of I he J3ooks relat ing to Arcbi· tecLure in tho P 1.blic .Library, llo~ton .

1 vol. Svo. .l:logt on, lll9·J. Pre3ent~>d - - llu.ndbook of the New Public Lib1'0ry in

Boston, compiled by lJ erber t Small.' l Yol. 8vo. Doston, 1895. l'rcsenled

C AT.I'PORNU. Ac.~ DE)1Y 0}' SCIESC!lS. rrocccd· ings. 'l 'h ird •cries. :Uotany. Vol. 1 No. 2.

Ot'ology. V ol. 1. Nos. 2, 3. Zoolog."· Y ol. T. Nos. •1, 5. Presented

Occasional Papers \'. 'l'he ltepliles of tho P ucifk Const nnd Great l.!oein ; by John vom JJI!nburgh. ~nn .Fra.nchco, 1897. Presented

Cr J<Ctx XATL Mv~t:U.ll~\ssOC'IATIOX. Se••eulc~nth Annuttl Rvport. 1897. Cincinnnti, IS9 . Presented

D r.l< tSOl< rNIY!lllSITY. Bulletin of the Scicn-tuic Lrtbol-atorics. \'ol. JX. Pnrl 2. PrcH•nted

by JJooison ScicnliG~ .\.ssocintion.

~'JELD Cor.ntnt Al<\r. Publicl•lion No. J I. tl nthropolo~ical Scri1·s Vol. H . No. 1. Ob~CI'\'!ll ion• ''" ll (•ollt•ct ion or P !tJ>IUUl

l'n1nin; hr l1co •• \. Dor><'y, witl.t ~otcs on Pr(~jl .. l"\'fltiOn uutl J)~<·oraLi"c l?t•aturcs; by ·w m. JJ . llolnt('-'· u,ica~:o, 1S!Ii . Presented

-- Publications No~. 22 und 27. Zoolog'cul s .. rics. 1· ol. r. Nco. 8, 9, LO. Ulucago, l!l!!7-98.

- - P ublitution No. 2-.t,. ){cport Series. Yol. r. No. 3. Clt icngo, 1S!l7. I>reecul eel

-- Puhlicution 2J. "\ ntlu·opologicnl Scrirs. Y ol. u. :\" o. 2. 1898. P rc;cutcd

Publication 25. Butmtical l;erics. Yol. r. No. 4. C..:ontributiontllto the Coa,tal 11nd Plain l''lor:> of \urattul; by Chnrles .Fredotick l\l lilspnugh. Chic:t~o. Ul98. l'rcoented

Fn££ :lf t·sY.t')l o•· ::cn:l<t'E AXn .Ail'r (t'nivcr· .ity of J!cnn~ylmniu). Bnllctm ~o. 1 . J un~, 180!!. P resented


lloo'ko. &4'QUir<-.i. Jltj; •• 0, Book I. How acquu'td Rtl;. No. I How I s

------------~----- -----~------------------------~L_----

91ii-i 8


n 13 JJ ~6












0EOLOOIC\~ A'<ll N ATrii.\ L ur~TOIIY St'Rl"I!Y OF :\Jr •; '<Y.;o l' \. 'J'lll' O l•ulll,!." oi ~I innll•Ot a. l'lSti-11!\1:!. ' ol. ur. l'Mt• 1 nnd ~or tho 1'onal R,•porl. l'nl~t•<mloln~)' . :! ,·ol<. lto. ~linul•npoli•, l)[inn., 189;;, 18!J7.

l'nt&. 1 t'OUhliiiS llbtorinl ~kthh t1f lnH ttJ:~tion uf the Lowt•r

~dmaa.ra tu fhe l't'l''-r ~I ·•~ippl \ .1U\l.r; \;y ~. 11. \\ inl'latll '-1111 f u. { hil'l1.

Cn:t.lC •lU .. •· '3 l1 1'1 mt fr• 1 ' !Unnca;o~ ; hy L4!o f..., ·pi rt•;).,

n.o )h N;c<'p.Coll ntun~nf the Crcb«VU~ in !110 nt$0tlt, \\ll'l Atl.tlll 1 frnut S"'t,rulta~A.r.~l Jllan(.oi'": b\ .\lit hot•) \\ ()().1\\;.&f llln,lltc11l''Hin \\ .11toma.~

~oh one,.!. crt'r&.t.acoousl'uM.1AIIIl.hur,("5()ta; bJ ;\, fl. \\ JnCht"11

St.on~t: a, c .. utt lite• nn I (", raJ" fn•mt the I.o~u ~alun!ltl 111 \tiuuQot:.: \1) !\. U, Wtn<:ht·ll and t'hult .. ~hu('h rt.

On lA'"'' r S:lurnn Ur~u.~ t\f ~HuneiOta: by E. 0. l'lrkh.

'!be 1,'1\Wr~ilnrlnn Bro ·hlo)»~l &nf \lmncsol~; by N. lt Whu.;hull ~uul t"lmrh.·a hdlUt.:h~.:a·t.

l'att ~ contain14 · Tho L.nw,.r Silurlnn dt'JH~ltlrf f'f tho t 1 Jlf1Cr .lfi'"~i~Fippi

{;~;·)ill~C~ :llll~l~~~t~'.h',~~:.llll~l~~~~~ ,.~~~~ \~~~~.l~~~d C\\Uwlhln prm lnn "', .uul the :~ootrnlih"TnJthie ami ;.:-«l.ffl\tll11C llhtnhutlun of th\! ro~,ll!:i. hy w·. N. \'ollh ll\'11 !lH I I ~ O. I rlrh

Tllt> ).I)Wcr !');1tm&n t ••• L.u .. ·lhl•r..oou.·hL3W of llinn4hi0t3: L\ I' tl. l hh''·

The Lo'4' r !"i:tlr a, U\:u ... "O\!• of ~hone: ot.\ : t.y E. c •~ l Ju ''·

The )..O\\tr~II:.Jtb.i Tr.l of \hnnt.'!-Ot:l.; by John l!.t :uL-.

The- 1. t\lo• r :o-dtarl\t' <~t·t~h·J~ of ll:nne50ta; b)' Jnhn ~;. t I 1fl..\:~

'11tc l.o"\ r !'-l:m1.1rt <: '"tf()J'()II'" ('( )Jinlh."SSt-2.: b) E. l)_ l"lr.dtotU•l \\'. Jl ~~Jhtl L

K.\:<~~~ l \1\1'1:,11\ Qt \J:IY.I!L\', d~rotcd t • the JIUb\i,•.tliun <>f till' H•••uh• of ({('•curch UJ l1<•tnht•t•• of lht• I llll<'r'ity of Kuusns :­

Y ul. 1. lii! l:l tu 1h!I;J, Y ul. 11. 1•!13 tu llill·l. Yul.llt. J'l •l ltt 18(J~. '\ ul. ''- ls!J;, lo l~!)(i.

In 2 \ ols. t! vo. l..•w•·,·uc~, ]\uusas, 1593-!JG. Yol. ' · 1~.•1:. Yol. n. . ~ ·"i••• ~­, . ul. \ t. 1 ~~1i. '~t.'J uo~ ll. ;, \UI. 1>10. L,,., .. "''''• h "''~'. 1896-97.

\ol. n ;., r11·< .\. :\'o. I :!. l'i!J". )1ElliD£X ~c. uc' 1 n lC .. \, ... ,,1 1 ·, t"IO~. Tr!\n·

,,ctton•. \'ul. \111. b:.ti-!Jb. :\1erdut, Cm.n., l'>;)S.

Mt~l!hH:-> C.:ol.l.I:Or. 01' .\h~l s . Cnt.l!ugm•, 1:>:.1<;-!)o.,,

1 .ul. bi'O. llt>llt-:hlttll, Mich., 18!JS. ::lfli'!IIO I' 8rHR \tilll1'111,lTII \1. ('uJ,J.IW::.

.l!:xp~r:uwnt Still ton IJull••tiu•, No~.l-1!1-lii;J, 157- Lt;l, WO!!.

MICHil~ \S ST\'l'K llUARH or A uutcrLTt'IIP., J'hitl,l fout·th Atlltnlll H••purl of the Seer<·· tnt·y, lb!ll ~·:..

1 vnl. S•· 1. I,.moiu;::, 1 '>~W. -- Thirly-litth .\nunal Rt'l"'rt of the ~c•·r.:tun

of th,• :it all H ·~nl of .\.:ri,•ultur.·. :t.ntl :.>inth .ltmunl !(,·port of the Colltg<' Expc.:rmH•nt St::ahon, 18!),j-!l, ;. llullctm• ~~ ll11· \,:ri,·nltuml Collq!C E~r;cri­mcn~ :>l~toun •--uc•l oluron;; l~>!J;;-uu.

1 rnl. bru. Lnn•in~:, 1 Rl\7. Mt~~l)t:RI noT\~ I~\!. U\I!IH.:>. Ei!;hlh .lnnual

.Rt•purl. --Stnth Annunl ltt•JIIlrl.

2 vol~. Hvu. ::it. Lot:i~, i\fo, 1597-9'1. M rosnnu ( U colu~i··••l ::lut·v,•y of). .\ t·t hur

Withlow, :<•• (l,•ulog<'t. l'reliminarv l~~p<1rt on I lu Co:ol llt•pn•tt~ of "\lis:onr;, l b:tO !ll , I•) Atthur W ut•lnw.

I rul. !iru .• r~llt•r,~n Cit•·, 18~1. ::llr,;.ot:nt llt r.o 11 u. Sl "'la. Chu~lci R.

Kl'ytl .. , ~htt• U,-olo i I. \ '"olumtl '1. Lt .. ul nnd z, L' 11 1 u ot:; (Stt•tion i , by Art bur \\ in-lo", h,l l.

-- \'ulnmc \ I. L ~I ftllt1 ?.in<' n~pooit~ (Scct11m oi, "> \rthur\\ n•iow , 1'>{11.

-- ~-oh,uue \ <ll .• \nnutl H ·port I >r l!>\11, b." ()uur,t.·~ 1(.., 1\.t.\t.'"t \\llh U·"CODlJUUJing 1 olpt'"' 1:,~1 ...

-- f 1 \,, Ht•purt. on Area! G~'Ology (:>he~h 1 1) . 1!i:lli.

-- \'oluuw ~. :5nrltu't•l•\•uturc~ o f Missouri untl Bibli··!JI'III'hl. l l\Oii.

-- ' :oltnuc \,I. L'I<Ly Dt•po•ib, by n. A. \\ hct•l,·r. 1 ~Ufi.

tJ nole. b<o. Jdlcr~on City, l~!l·l-OIJ.


Prr;;vnt o.l

Prt•·i l>rc·•cntcu









n 11 \13(11)

n Jg l))!J

!HO ~







!llli .1 !JO~O



I> 3!)






D ~

D!! ]) :J3




)ft:sT.rll oF Col!PARnl\·r. Zoor.ocY A 'I' llARHRD Coi.LEca: J:> <.'A lllllt mo ~. Bullet in, Vol. x :nm. 1805-!11!. (Ucologi•·nl Series m). \ ol. XXXT. 11!\17 ·!JI(

2 rol~. 81'0. Cl\mbridr,o, Mn~~., 1898. -- Tiulktin, Yol. xxx n, No~. l !1. -- .\fo.•moi rs. Ynl. XI\, l'I!ICI !li.

Presented Preaontcd

1 , . .,I. olto. t'nmbrid1~~. lln•~ .• 1597. Present«! -- )[<'moir•. Yol. X\111. No. 1, 1:>97. -- .~nnWII Reporl of the Curntor {or 1896-97.

C:unhridl!<', 1'1:17. :XATIO:><AL .\1 .\U£\I Y OF Scn:\'C'IlR. Memoin.

Y ul. 11, 18..,3 I 8'> ~). -- Mcutuir;. ' ul . 111, 'Pttrt 2 (1886). -- :u~moir~. \ ol. t\·, l'nrt I (18~~).

3 vols. •Jto. Wsohinj!lou, 1~!H-1888. KI>w YonK .\ c.un: 11 , . or Scraxru. 'l'r .. ns!lctioDB.

Yo l. xn. IIMHJ7. 1 vol. 8vo. Now York, 1898. Prcscnwd

--Annals. Yol. IX ( lradr x.) -- Annala. Vol. XI, Po r~ 1. 1808. ~~;w Ynru.: llfJC•no~cot•lr H. ~OC"IE1 \'. J ou rnal.

Yol. XII'. Jura .. 18!17. No. I. 1 1·ol. !i\·o. N""' Yurk, 1897.

0EOII)G\' OF XJ.W llAIII"IIIICt· \ Rrport com· pri"in;: tlte R••oult< of Vxploroti•m••n.'<l by the L~;;iol.ltllrt•. <:. Jl . lf itcho."Ork, State (j,·olo,gi·t. J. H. H nntiugton, Prmcipal A--:oi!lt.atlt-P nrt r. Phy-ienl Ot'lll:l'l\Jihy ( I S71).

--J'nrt H. !::'ta·at ie:raphi<·ll l Gcolug~· ( l8ii) . --Purl Ill. St~ rfnct• o,•uloj!y.

l'nrL IL 1\liowrnluJ!.l on•l f.i tl<t)lo~ry. l >urt Y. Kt·onottllc lh•ulol(y (11>71!1.


3 ""1". I to. <.:oncord, U!H-i 8. - - .A.llus to IICI'OIOJlUnl' n~pm L

1 vol. i111p. fol. Concord, 18i8. Prc•enlcd h.1 llampshir~ ~tatc .Librnr)

PrnLI<' :\{r r:nr, C1 n e-t ~Ill.\\\\ HR. Fif· r. •nlh \.nn::al H••purt 01 1 hu 11, :ard of '! ru•lo·r·, lh ()-11':1(. :\ltl"auh<• 18!\S. Pn·.ente.l

l'E.UJaD\'· n" m I "Rill!'\" \R< nt.OLOGr .\:<!> l~Tol~OUJ 1, Jl \I:\ \Ill> l 'il\'l'B"ITL

lf.emo:r-. \ ol 1. ' ' '· I 5. C11 m ltrul~t<', l S \ • 1 '3!!6-99.

Trn· Conr ;r. Tuft • ('ulla•~:t• Stuolic<, So. 5. 'lltl' Cht>ttolro~r,mimu 111 th~ l rhthrup.•itlu, by Ouy ;\[. \\'in-low. lb!h. •

U11rnmsn\ oi'CAttron!<r 1. ll<'~i•l••r, Hl!ln-97. l \'ol. 81·o. Jl<rktlcy, 1597.

-- -~nnnnl Report of the• R<'<'r<'tnrr 111 the .Uoard of !{.,gent• fur )<'ar o•11rlin~: ,Jn;w, I'>!JU.

I 'ul. !!vu. ::lacrumwto, 189U. -- R~port of Committ.•a• of Wn~• ami )fenn$.

( N~.o•·ml f•·om .I""" tf ltt1 "''· 1~9ti J -- \~:rio·ulturtl J:ttll'rinH•nt St.llir.ll Bulletin$.

;>.,~. l l(i, 11 i, I h, I HI. -- Rt·i:lnfll Yi· • • 'llu r s,.l, ·to on, ~\d~pta·

lion, a~~<l Or ait11 ~. I~ \Pthur l' HaJae. .lppenaix to \ iti··ultural J{,'l>otl. l~9fj.

s ... ·rumcnto, 1897. S~ven mi.!ccllnlli'Oif~ J'!ll11J>ltl..t' \L\li'<f.R l'ttY.I' l ~>llrl t. t)l' Sl'll: '(f'f.S OF

Put L.WEJ .. t•nl.\. 'l rau1"''l1Uil"'. \""oL ¥.

l S!•S. lho. l'h< hulrlphiu, 1&98. Zoor.omc.H. Sorn:1 ,. nr l'utr.A I•I.I.I'IIIA. 'l'wentl'•

firt lt ntn l 'J'II tnil··•txt la \nnuul R··vort£ of t he Bo~rd of J)u·c..tnt<.

l'hiiHoldphin, 189i, 1898.

,\r~T .. IA.

A~Tll!loroi.ooJSl'rtf! 11' 11•cn \PT t'< Y\tc:<. .\ltttlu·:hul'(t'n, llo1 <1 \ ,, \1 P rt>l,;t· .X\'.

~o•. 1 ur"l ~. 1~!1 '•, .\Ill 1 tlun~<'ll. Uo.n•l X.:tt"l, ~l .. •lt' Fo)~,, X\'f, ~'"· l ut:l4, lb!'fL :\lttth.ilun;.cn. ll nl :"!'I.' 11, ~,·ut• Fulg,. X\"11. ~u ... 2, :.;, ~u •I I, 1~:17. 'lltttu·ilung~u. J3uutl XXUII, ,\,•ua• l• ul~c XIIII, 1\0!. 1 and 2, \~t-~

:K. 1\. NATrnuts'I'OIII~rlll:s I lnHH'8J:r u. An· n11lcn, r•·rli!:trl 'on llr. lt't·unz 1ttttcr vou




Pr<'~nttd l'rescnt~d




lluucr. J3uutl x, lll!lli. 1 I ol.

Annnlcn. Dnud .\11.

8\·o. W du, 189~. Presented lb!J7. Pre&entetl


R•ll· No., Books. u I I ----'-------------------Ln_eq.:.._•rl_~---·- R~. No. noo~. How



F 12


F 72



]:,' 12



91~.), 9185



F 79

:F 79



F 18

--------------------------K. K. N \Tl'R.m<Tom~rn r.s HoP~t' Die

.)[dccmt~n•:tmmlung des K. K. X:rtur­ln~tor~<t·hcn U ofmu"!uuu MH 1 :.lai, 18~5. ){.'L zwCI 4 nh"g'n: 1 Berichtll des P~r~clul"' dt•r. :-rcrnl<arto!ltecn•, Prof. J o«• A. Y Do mild~ ubcr dt•n :'lfeLcorei~··nfall von ~lltlRJllL ~. l~it• ~fete-oritcmommlung dcr .l mnr-.ttllt 'lubm~cn von Ari.ltde3 llri'Ztn~. An. K. K. Sat. Dojtt~ut. In,,.,

_ • ; , 1'10.>. 1 '1'01. Svo. Wi<'n. 180a. K. 1~. ~ooLOGtMrn llOT\~rscnE vP.>RLLSt'no\Fl·

1:0: \\' 11>"-'. \'orhnndluu~:cn. Jlo.nd Xlil'll: ll t•rt 1-10, l ll!li. !"·o. W it>n, lSOi.

Onsrruor.oo 1 ,r1n:n \ •rmrH'\' I" \\' r.rx. .\Iit 1 hei· l~tnr.tcn " l>ll' S,·h" nlbc." Juhrgnug XXI. ll.r~:uuzun~s-Nummtlr. 18!17.

\\TJB!I J•>no~tor.oor~HCP.I! \ ' J:III:r.s', vrr Jahres-bcricht, 1807. \\'iun, lS:.t:l. '

A noRNTJNE OoNvl11l&RATJO'i.

1\It•st:o lH: ), ,\. r r .. IT A. Ravish~. T omo lflf.

Contoln&­1 •·ol. Bro. La J?luLo., 1898.

l'inr• tlo \'(IMUO ('!• I~ Tlcrrl\ Fue~o.por F. r~'l-hille <!lhth•• do MMtn''IO ( llruil), '"" .Jullo Ko,Io""'ky. C.\LjloJ.fn d~ Ios lltuntt~n~.; fo-tll~i t~u~cn·ndv.:; en e1

;''"'C41 tiC' h Pinta Grupo Un•.; Ord<"H ro:cnd?ntlu. JlOT Hoth.

F.numer.wum M~tl'ntftti'm.) Di'4lrlhurion ~~.rrl!lea do lo:11 Htptlh.•:t .\r~eau.h1t~"i, por .Jnlfo i\o ·low~:~k\·

lt ~on0£'uuif·nto do la ltc.·.,rion Bmli nu. tic la UcPublica Ar.:t'"·ntinn, i. .\ Jmnt·, prehr•irl:\rt~ ~bre una 1-:x. ('UJ'Iolion fl I,.. 1\·rrttnriM ~tlllJHCn ltio t-e·~ro 4 'hulm&. >. ~·lnt.t. <.:ruz. ht··'h!\ por i~~ Secca~u~ t?))(}',:r.,Ot":\ ,)" J:~ol6g1c1, b:,Jo h cllrt.'Cdi.IO l-.. m.n­l"l:-00 P \tttn Ut).

U.1ppvrl Jll'\:lunin.Ure ~ur unc F.xrcJhion nl-olcr-iqne •1.\n~.ll\ ('~m.lill~n J\.,\:0\IIIQ ('hlhl·tlnl'", entre le ot:~· • L 3tl IMauJo ou t, par L~o Wdorli d Cul llur.:k·

''~"'' 1 .. 11'\ a. .. t • • on 'hrttim.\ pro\ lm·:!ll. por r L'\billt. '• tllt' ""'tr it> IH.U' t :'11 .:t'llf'\t lhtrltn,•·h, pM r, L.'\hilte.. (•U'\~J"tuh ~- .\n:umto.,, J»>f f. L.l.billc

)[rsr.o \' • cro~ \1. 1n: Busxo;; Arn~:s. Comuni­cacion~. 'l omo 1. No. 1. 169~.

l lJ:J.GIUll. , , Sot·rrTK E:<TO)IOI.OOfQ'CK DB BKLGIQlil:. J.n­

nnlca. 'fomo xr.,


9313 Prc~ent.!d

F l Presented

P rcscntc:l 9311


F6 P resented






Prcscntei 92()1

F 6

l •·ol. 8•·o. llruxclles, 189G. Presented -- Anoules. Tomo XL!.

1 vol. Svo. Druxcllcs, 1897. Presented , , Soor f.TH R o1·.u.r; 1\f.\ LA<'OLoorqv.c n£ Jh:r.o rQu P..

.Pr·o<,CS· \' or·bnux. Vol. AX tv,1895. J uin-lJcc.

- - Annnlee . 1893- 18!lG.

Yol. XXV. 181?(). Vol. xxn. 1897. Vol. XXI' !I.l898. Jan.-Jul .

Tomes xxvux-xxxr. Anncc3,

•Jo vols. in 1. 8vo. Bruxolles, 189J,-!l7. Presented

Dll\t.U ••

MJ'S RO XH·ro:<Ar no Rto uP. J .\NEI&o. Ar· chivo~. \ ol. I . 1~7G.

(Slit) (~llti:!)

11. 1!17'7 (1879). 111. lbiS. 1\. 1Si 9. W·N1). \. 1 0 (18bl).

\'11. 1887.

F 7

F 7




G 1ol~. in 3 •·ols. Rio dl· J r.neiro, 1576-87. PrcSI.'nted 9J29 M t:Sf.t: 1'.\11.\ t'<ll& nr. IIIHOnt \ N A'tt:RAL 1!

Etlt);OOJtAI'HI\. lloletin. Yol. u, Xos. 2, 3. t>uru, Brazil, l"!>i-9 . Pre.ente<l U23G-3 i

:Ur,;Y.o 1' H'Ll~TO. R•••·i•tn, publicnda por ll. TOll l berm g. Y ol. 11.

1 10!. Sro. S. P,mlo, 18~7. Presented

Cun.r. )ft:SRO llll TTr~TORIA NATUII \U: m: V ALPARA ISO

Hcri.l:L Clail,•nrL tlu u •• torill .Xntural. Atio 11. ::-. o. l nntl Xo. G IS9S.

-- Jlol••tin, .\no It. .Xo3. 1, 2., 1808. , , Sor1wrH SC'tRNTtPIQt Y. ou Ouu.r. Actes. Tomo

I ' ll. Snntiogo, hli7.

DRX ~1.1.1!1.:.

J.:o:<Ggr.rOI: D\NSKJ! \' a ul!)OSKAnr:n~.r:e SnL· 81(.\US. Ovl'r<ifll, l~!oi.

1 "'!. H1•o. 1\obcnhnvn, 1897-98. Oror~igt. 18U8. Nos. 1, ~. 3.

Pregentcd Presented


Prc•cntrtl Prcscntccl





J.'R \!<Cr. .

t\.)0:0:,\LP.q nr.J !;('IF'\'(.'P,~ '\Tt'8tLLE~. Zoologio c~ l>uJ.!o:Jtolul)IO. Tome, v, 1 r. 1'19i-!IS.

2 1·ok s~o. Paris, 1~95. Purchn3ed

E~'OLI: P'AvTnOrOLOGI S DJ: P&nJJ. R(lvue Mcn•uoll<•. l "9'i, l'rc•entNI.

1•' \Cl'l.Th Ill'< Scn:~C'N r•F )f.\RSEILLI:. J.nnul~s, Tom~ 1 111. l'l~li-I.R

I \'ol. ·lto. )[ar-rillrs, 18!>'!. Prrscntcd Ff:OILLr DEs J RO:>E~ X.tT!'I!Hl~Tl·:s. llcnae

)J,•n•awilt> d' Ji i.toiro ::-.uturtlle. l?cr•c 3 Anno\o :m. lb!''l. Cau·•lol~"'' cl,, In Uibliot hNJUI'. Fn•c. 23.

J ouu·; IT. u a: Co~C'II \'J,IOJ.OOIK. Pnb!i.> sous Jn ll11•r••taon .J,, H . Croosc et 1[. }l'i·o·lll'r. 3~. ~tt•·ju. 'Pomo xxvr. ' "'ul. x1~n , l 8!JG. Tome :XX\'11. Vol •• '{1.\, H>97.

Prc!entccl P rcsentcu

1 Vol. livo. J'uri•, 1896-07. Pmehosod Mt'Sl!l''t J)'lfrsrolm: NA·nrru:r,L~, P.IRIS. Bul·

lt•tin Ana,.lu I S!lG. No. l:l. Pre!cnted Ann6c• 1 ~97 . No!. 1-6. Prc•entod

CONO R~~ I XTFRNATION.II.I: ut: O~oLoom. l>nri~. I 'li't Compks l!c•llllus Stt'nopuphique. No. :! I de lt• Sc•·ic. 1 \Ill. S>o. Puri•, 1880. Pur<'!mscd

CoxoaEs O~or.oou:~rr. h-rrn~ \TION.\L. Compht H:t•nclu lit• Jn ~nw ;:\Cs<;iou, Bolognc, JS~l. ( 1"1>:!). Comptc Rt•mlu do• la 3mr St•>ion, Berlin, 1 ,~;;. (18SI>). Comph' llt•ndu de !11 ·imr Sc!!ion, Loodrc;. 1~ .... (1"!11). ( 'omptr Hemlu eh l.a :imc Ses.ion. \'in•hio~:· ton, 11>91. (l'l~:J). 4 vo!•. Svo. PnrchnsNI.

-- 3m~ So··•ion. Cnblosn~ d<' l'Expo>itio>u Gvolur.riqut•. 1 ''ol. l>vo. l!~rlin, 1 85. Purchn•cd

-- , C•ll:llo):ll•: d£·~ Uiblio~:ruphi~ U~'Ologiqu~>, rc<hg~ t·~r dt• :llf\rgcrio·.

I vol. 1>\t>. Plll'i3, 1 <;~(). Purchased

Sorr!' rli nr.s ~C'IP.~C'Rg "> nrm:u.1:s r>E L'Ot'R~T rn: r.,\ 1fi:A\cr. llulll'lin, 'fome, n, 1896. l'ranacolro 4. ~antes, lS!IG. Presented

--llullctin. Tome,' 11,1807. Trilllci'lrc,1, 2,3. Nnnle•, 18\17. Presented

Soct (: rV. n1-; ~ .. ;t.~Ol 0 1 R. .Alt~moir('~, 'fome 1, Nos. 3, '~• G, ll ( lb91i), 7, 8 , 9, 10 (1897) .

Pnt•i•, 1896- 97. rm·cha!od -- Spt•luncn. Ti ullctin do ln Socict6. 1'omc ITI,

Xo. 12. 18!17. 'J'omo 11', No. 13-U, 1898, Purchased J J ,.

Soc11rrK J,nno:I''<'HI PR Bonni;AUX . .Acto•, vol. I , Cinqul~nu.' bCrll', 'l'onw x.

J 'l'ol. 8•o. Dort.lcaux, 1896. P resented

Soc1;n~ ~oor.onrQrc n& FR.\Nr~: . Bulloliu pour 1'.\unec•,li!UH. 1'om~ 'CXI.

1 •·ol. S•o. PllriF, 1896. P resented -- M~moirc~ pour I' \ nn:.,., l'>!li;. To111c 1.\..

1 ,·ol. 81·u. Paris, 1!:96. Prcs~nteu


.Ancnrv 11 R :X \Tl'RGF!cnrcn1&, I!CI:riindct \'OD .\.~·.A. \r, ,·gmrn. J,ahr;!tlll!! \.3. Bnnd r.

1 T?l. !if o. Derliu, lS!li. Pu.reh&•cd BIDT.JOonunrll Zoor.ot ll' \ (di.trio "Z<> •lo~i<<•h,·r

.A lll••i,:•·t" Dllllt'\:1 • \tljuvant•· concilio bib· lit ;:mphico quod lurit•i pruo •idt• H. U. Ei~ld in>lllulullll"tcclidit ,). \"idnrC:trns. Vol$.1,11.

:! rok 8vo. Lip ·i:w, 1696, lS:li. Purcha•eJ

Hunr.r:n:n Ct:sr.u~rliHT •·i' n .\ XTUnOPOI.oon:, J':Lu~ut.<u;u, r~n Unca:--cutcnrt:. Zeit­•rhnft lnr r.lhnnlugit•. llrgon dt·r G,·,~ll· ~rhart. ,Jnln·l(un~:, lt;97. \ erhoJ>dlungeu dcr Or~<·ll~o·hail . .Tahr~:m~, lhfl7. Nucla· rl!'hlt•n ubt•r J lt•tlt><'hu Alter! hun~>fund!', J8!li. 1 "'!. !n·o. llL•rlin, IS!li. Pr~scnleu

-- Zc•t!Rl'lll·ift filr IO: tlannlo;;ic•. Juhr):<lliJl, xxx, I I!!J~. J/••ft. 1, :l, :1. Bo·rlin IS!J!I. Preaenl~d

J Lnute J:o wc·11 r ~at \\' 1 "s1:X,~11 A l"n.Jrn rn I xs·rAr.1'. Jlllu·lnl••h. ,Jnha·~:nnl(, x 11. llnmhurj!. 11'97.

-- ,Jahrbnch. Jadu·;.:nnJ!, XII'. llt•tlll'lt l. j),.J Orull(l\\lt'~c·r in llnmbua·g. llL·ft :;,


llookll. no ..

ACo(Uired. RCJ:. X<>. I Book•. How ocquln...t.

1:23 H.urnunorsrliEit \\'r~n-.srtrAl'1'LrcnEnA.xsT lt.T. • lnhrhcll'h. JuhrJ.:Illll(, XI I'. De~hcft 2. 111 ittl'ilnnf!en nu~ chuu Nnturhi•lorischeu l\1 uscum in Jl nnclmr~, J hltrl(nng, xn·.

}I' 28 -- Jnhrbut·h. .Tnhrgnng, XI I'. l.loiberL ll. Mitl!•ilun~:~n nus dcm llolnnist·hen :'lluseum in ll:unburt,:. Presented

!l3l9 :Ko:<!GL. PIIRt'>•l~Cill: .\ I.ADr.)IIB D&R WI~SP.:< · >CIIII'TF'o', lhkl.l'<. Molhemntisehc und Xnt ur\n>·t•nsdmfc Jieht> )I tll hc1lungen a us d,n Sitz.lrj!•bcr•t·htcn.

I "'1. S•o. Berlin, 1897.

F 23

Pre•cntcd 9152 - - Sitzun~·b,•rirht<•,,Jnhr,::nn~: 18\l•l.lJ•Ib:md 2,

Prc8t•nted .lun.-D<•t•. I ,·ul 810. Berlin. 11:190. 92;;S-S9 --Sit<ung.bcrichtc, ,Jnhr~:nn.: 11\!ltl, 1'-9i.

:! ruk lh·o Bcrhn, 1896-97.


!'resented F .11 -- Sitzung.;bt•ridttil, J\o•. 1 to 39. Jun. to


Prosontcd 9328

F 27


F 25

F 25

]' 2;;

F 25

F 23

F 23

920 l


I•' 2!l 1•' 2!J

Jul. l b!l8, 1\o~wr,rcur;, Zoot.OtiiRt'IIH~ u~n ;b~rHROPor.o.

GlSCII-JiTII:<<ltHIAI'IIIoCIIK~ ~~ I'SEU>f liU !!330

Jln;:JOK:<. Abhnncllcmgcrn uud 13cric111o 11l%-97, Bond 1 r. lltrhn, 1897. Present ed

2.a. Koxrouc11Ms EluxoonAl'Hrscucs lllt'sE{')f zu l>HllSDRI'. l'ublit•ul ium•n. I., I S'lL I 1., 18'12. 111, l"'i3. J\'. (mi.;iu{:) · \., 18~5. Purehn~cd

--X.., 1c;9;;, .\1., 18!17. Ill 2 'l'ol-. ful. Dn,clen. l'rt'l('nled 931 l

Kii:<IGL!CrtE \lt·su:-. zc· lhRLI~. J.'ulm·r durcb dn, :\Itt>cum fur \ ull,;t•rkund~. Siebente A.uUu~:e.

1 10!. 8<!l. Berlin. 1898. --:\Iiltcilungt•n Ill~' cl,•r 7.oolot:~>chen Sauunlung

de~ Mn'<•Um4 fur Nnturkumlt• in Berlin. D11utl i. ]h•ft 1. J.nnd und S\o~swnsscr· M ollu•kcn "''' He,\ t•hollon, I'Oll E. ,·on Mnrten~ uml l'r. \ \'it'£:l!ltlnn. Berlin, l S!lB.

- - l~cril'l•t i1bor <lit• Y.lltlln!(i~rho :lummlun~:. Abgetlrm·k( nu' clt•r Chronik <I~·· Kgl . Frcid· rich-'\\'ilhclmo·l mvN·.itat zn J3erhn fur dos R~ebnung•jnhr. I 'l!Ji-!l'l.

--Amtlit•he Jit•ri<·ht~ '"" drn Kuni~lichen Knn· ~t~nmn\lungL·n. Jnhr;:ung, X\ .. llt, lSHi. XIX, l&!'S.

N .I.TrRFORS<" IlJ:'IlJY. (h:sELL~CllAFT, FP.Elllt'RG, 1.13. llcrichtt>, Bnncl IX, J !H-95. x., 1897-98. 1 Yol. 8'1'o.

IS!lS-!l!!. Frdburg, I.ll. uml Leipzig,

NtEDl:nnnrt:<!RC'Ill' c: Y.~l'I.LSI'IlAPT riic~ l'ATUR· ll(IJ lJP.ll Kl' XIH: /,U llONI<. ~it1.1111S'' h<•riuhll·. h!l7. llnlftu, l , 2. Jlonn,lS97.

N.ctt·nrtrSTOntSCJtRtl VpnJw< 111nt Plll:v,;srsC'UP.N RHJ:.,t • .t~u. \\ Hs'ttllliX~ 1''1> nHs lh;G.· 'Uft.l HKS (.)~:<.A Unt't'K. \'r•rl.amllune<'n, Jahrg,r.g 1,1 r. Jlulftt• , 1, ~. llonu, 1b!17.

Or.:sauuJ.oc;J>,•Il!: )lo:S.IToiii:UJCIITE. Jllhrgnn::

Prc•entcd 9092

P resented Jo' 14

1!' 11




l'l'l'3Cntcd 918G-S7


F ~;; l're>rnltcl _!.' w

Yl. ji)!Jj, Prr•cnt cd F 1!) 1·~· l'r.>f. J)r . • \ut. R, u·htllll\1,

!.1077 PnYSIK \ll<CH·<l"o" u\116<"11!! Ut:s1:LLtiCll.lH 1.1:

1\ :-clmftcn, Jahrgaug, :0.-'-11,

.l.bth. 1. 1 \'ol. ·l•o. Koniz<berg, lSSI. P urcbn!ed F

4 ~

RuEt~!SCII£ l'Ut;l l>IIICII· \\ ILJLCLllS· UNIT'£11SI· F •ll

1';~T t.U lll>X!". Chr<>uik fu r dns Rcchung~· jahr, 11l!l!i-!J7. Juhrgu>lg, XXII. llutltl, lti!J7.

-- Ycrzrichui" d~r Vurl,••n~f(<'rt im W inter· hnlbjuhr, 11\:Jt) :ti. llmm, ll:l(lti.

-- \'erlt·whnl~l' cl~·r \' urlt·~un~(·n im Sornlll<'r· halbjaltr, 1S!l7. llunn, l!\:t7.

--Yer·zcidn.i•• tl,•r llmlnt•r l nil'cr.ilalsschrif· ten, lblS l'>">;;. llonn, I S9i.

In I 1ol. l>t o. Honn, 1S9ti-97 Anl utlu·r 1 qw•· (nul rq:i•l<'rtd).

SEX(KC:<DF.I:&r;cllJ. ;\An lll':llt"CII r.:-om: nnr.L· l.!•t Jl_\f'T \ t•r.t.••it·llui•" dt r in dt·tn ::Uu·L'Um nnfg.,.tdlt.·ll l';um~rlult~en. Aht h. r. Sau· !!d hi,·rc· uml tlnnt ok,·ld '''· llr Ecluurtl Hup~~l. •

1 Yul. llo>. Fmukfurt mn "\fnin, 1812. Contamr. .tl'o ll:o\. Stt(~ h) Adam Bcdu.<r.



Pre .. •nh•tl

-- D~richt, 1 f.!l'l. by .1!:. 1'. Hn111>11J . ~· ;,7

Prt'.H'ntcd -- Kutulugtl•••• Hc•plili••n.Suullnlunj!im !\[ust>Uill

~·h~1l 11. (:-l•·hluu~··u) \Ou (), lloclt!!~r. Jir-Jnkfurt 11111 ~!. I b!l'i.

D<~.s TIERRBlCIT. Eior Zu~l\mmonstclhtng uod Kenozcichnung clor rt•t.t•ntt•n 'l'iorformcn . ll eruu~gc,;obrn von dor Doutsohon Zoolo· gi$chcn Gcscllschuft.

Lie f. I. .\ 1•r~. llrrlin, 180'7. Li~f. 2. ;\ H·~. llt-rliu, 18!17. Lier. 3. ANtrinn. llerlin, 1898. Liof. ·k Acnrinn. JJurliu, JS98. Purchased

Y EHRIX l'L:ll :X.ITtHtKr'o'nt: t.U KA!!Sar.. Ab· hondlungen uud ll<•ric·ht <• XXX All, \ober das ul Yt-rcim·johr, 1b9G-9i.

8\'0, Kafsel, 1897. P resent«!

ZEITSCITRll'l' Pt•ll \\'i~SF.Io'S('I!AFTLICllE ZOOLO· on:. J3oud J.xur, 1:-.!Ji.

-- 13aud LXIV, 11-!l". -- .Namcn lilld Sur Ios· Rcgi~trr iobcr Band 46-60.

3 vole. a,·o. Leipzig, 18!J8. Purchased Zoor.OOISCTIJlR A '<ZI.l(l P.R. l r ct·nu•gc~cben von

J. Yiotor Cnru~, 1.u ~l11i1'l1 Oc·,rnu dc1· Douts· chPn Zoolo~:i~<·lwu (J csollvcbuft. J:lnncl XXI 1898, Nos. 5 1!l-f>7Ci.

1 vol . S>o. Leipzig, 1898. Pur~hosed

llot.uNn. L~YTIE.'\ )fnBnr. Xot<·• from. Founded by

R . Schlcgel, t'Onllllncd by F. A. Jmtink. Yols. x>u, 1'19:>-!16; A I'll!, 1896-97.

1 vol. Bro. I.l'ydcn, 1 96-97. P urchased

JxTERll ATIOXA LF.S ;\ RClliV l'l IL ETtrXOORAPiliE. Bnnd x.

J vol. 4t:>., &c., 189/. Purchased

ML·s£'& RoxAt. n' I~TH~OOttAJ'ntc n•: LEYDF.. Notices Antln·opoloJ.:iqu~s N os. 1, 2, 3. rrcsoolcd

RJJKS ETUNOG!IAI'l!ISOII 1\[USEl'.U, LEIDEX. ( Report) l is93-1!i9ti. Pre!enfed

llt:SO.OIY, DOilf..UI \ 1 &c.

Ac ID;:l!JE DES ScrE'1CFS, ur. On II'OYIE. Dulletin International, Compte> rcndus des S~nnces dt• I'.AnnJc, l!i!IS. Jnu.-J uli. Crnco'l'ie, 1'>98. Presented

Ko:<Jct.. nollliiRC'nE n,~'n' scn.\rT DEn w.s. SY.:<SCUAPTY.~. Sitwnl(obtrichtc. 1\fnthe· mntiEch-~nLurwisol'll'cllllll lid1c Clns.c. Jnhrnng, 1890. Sitzung<b~rid1l e, 1\lnl ho•mnli~dt·N nlttrwis·

•Onschaft,Jioh~ Cln••e. J nhrJ;Itll)!, 18S7. 2 l'ol•. ll 1'0. Pn1g, 1897-98.

Jnhresberidtl, UI!Jti-1'1!17. ]l(l'!;OARfA "( ~ AT!OI'A!, J\11 'Kl ll. 'J't•rml-.zdnljzi

Jluzclt'k. Yol Y'(. t>ar. :1, lludnpt·<l, 1 97. -- Yol. ui. l'nrh 3·1. lludnp<,l. l"(lS.

:'IIAGrA.Rnox• Foi.!ITI:>t 'l ~K,cJn, l'nl!ari-chc (;eoto.!:i·d•" tlt····ll•dtafl, l'vldtani Kuzlony (neologi·cho i\liuh,•ilungt·n). lltmd xu, 1S9;;. 1 ,·ol. '>1·o. Uuolopcot, 1b!15.

-- llAI'D, xxnr. Xo,. :i 1:!, IMli. -- D.1SD, :uxni1, :Xo• L-l. lludupcst, 1898.

l>f AOY.IR On:>ITITOLOOIAI Kl;I.OI'OI'T. Aqniln. A ) loj!yar Jll ttdttrltoni J\iizponL Jrolyoirnt:• (Prriodo(•tll of Or111llmlugy). Jaltrgnng i, 18() I. ,Jahr~:nn~ ii, li:i!JG.

--Ja.lugnnJ! 1\~, l'H7. 2 Tuls. ·llu. Dudnpcst, 180·1-1897.


Prc~clll<'<i Presented

Pre<enlt'<l Prtscntcd

Pre·~ntccl l'rc•t•nr,•d Prcoentcd



:\I!."•F.O Ctnco or STonr 1 ~.\Tl'llAT.E nr Gr.~on. i\.ruu1i S~ril• :!. \ oJ X\ Ill (;txX>ITI).

' 1 ,-~1. !!ro. Ucno'l'u, 1 97. PnrchueJ

Socrn.: To.n:<A nt St·tt;\/.11 ~nntAL!. \lti. l>rocc••t \ crbnli. \ nl. \, L!!!J7. pp. 2H 292.

-- \'ol. :..r, lb!Jtl, pp. l ri:i. \

Sc1C t ETA l·r.tLI.'.XA lH Rc•u::<?.>: Nt-rrnAr.T IN i\l tLA:-i<l. Atti dl'lln Hu,.w1J\ llaliuuo di Scicr,z~ not uruh " cl<•l M u,c•o Chico di Rtorin nnl11nc'•• 111 JIJJiniiO, \ ol. X:Kx1·u. r •• c. :!, 3, 1b:.l>.

Present eel



------~------------------------·-----------------------Jiq:. No. I Oo.•k• llow ~ -------~------------------------------------~L_a_"~ __ "'_··-~-- Ro •. No.

il<w)kJ. Ho<a· ""qulroo.








93 13


F 16



F 50 tt33~

F 50



]/52 9338-39


DRPARTliJ:NT 01' "Ent'<'AT ION, ,JAPAN. Twont~ . fourth Annunl lh·porl. of 1he Minieter o[ Stat?. for Ecltwatiou fo~ the 2!llh year of

J> 3 (15-20) SortY.l ~ hiPEl!IAJ.E Rl'~SI: nY. O~oonAPllTE, OIUJ::NTAI. R. So;~. l'nmphlct$ (m

lllCl]l (1896) . 8vo. J'ok.1o, .lnpou, 1898. Pn·sentt11 Jf !Hi by I mperinl Librnr r Tokyu

IMPERIAL LtnnAnl·, 'I'Otn·o, J.<rA:s . t•:xtraeL of ·' Ann ual Heport. 18!17. p t I

IllPERIA L C:stn:R~<ITl'OI' .!At'.\ N. ~he Calendar rc!on cc !l3H :!5S6-57 ( L '-;\Jli-!J i ). '

1 ,·ol. "''0. Tokyo, 1 97. l'resenlrd !>33

;1 J ou: oul of I he C'ollq(cof !">t·ienc·•·· Y ol. Ix,

Psrt 3, lbfl~. ' ol. ~ . "'In 3, 1'-9S. '>rnortttc I , .. u .J: •• I 93aG

J\1 .\. KONTNKLIJ"t;:ll N A1 lTitlil :>nJGil 'J:RER~ING Jl<

XEDE!lT.·TNlllii. Nuturkundig Tijcl-chrift I'OOr N edt•rlnndscll· lndi,•. I>ccl 'l icndc.o Scric, Dccl i. 1 Vol. 8 ro. Dattll in und 'd Gravcnhngc, 1898.

-- llockwco·kcn, 1897, J.latn•iu, 1898. J'rcsrnt NI l'r"ecn tcd


l<u •• iun) . Presented

SocJ~T~ llll';nr.\ LF. Dt:s X1Tt'lll\J.ISTHS DP. :\£os . <'OU. llullctin . Ann(o lb9i. :Nos. 2, a, ·i. )Loocou, lb97-08.

SOC'I;l ~ DES.XATt'RALI~Trs or.~T. P 1.T£R<nouuo. 'fraroux. Yol. xxn·. :::;,•tloon tic lhologic et de llinerRl\1~it•, 1 '\!G.

-- Tn:m•ux. \ ol..' "I. s.·clion dr Oeologio e-t rlt• llincr:llceov, l'-.!17.

T nn-nux. \'ol. X.\.n-1. ComptP• rrndu~ tlr• S(olnCe•, 1896. 2. Sect.aon de Blllnniqut•, ! •. !17. 3. <= CCIIOII d~ l::oulOAIC t'l .l:'hJ>iquo, 1S97. 'l'ru ,·nur. Y ol. XX\'111 -l. Gomptcs n 'ndu• d<•s g,:an~rA, JR07. 2. Section do Zoolor,it• et I'I•J •iquo, 1807. a. Sodion do• Botani<lll<'.

•l r ols. lll"o. St. l'ctcrsbourg, 1!596-98.




:.\IEx:co. !12CG C O:IIISJO.x- DEL ll.IP \ Gr.OL~CIIC'O D P. :r.:~P.l;:A.

I:ssnrrTo GEOH~OICO 1n: :\f rxtco. Boletin ~urn. 10. :\h•• tt·o, 1'-;9!-1. Presented

Boletin. Tomo XXI< I. 'l omo 111 • • egunda seric. 1S96. 1 \OI. 8\1), ~J,~elrid, 1"9S. Prc!cntcd

S OCJEI>J.D <'n::<TIFIC.< ",\:s ro:s1o AX:lATE", )[cmorias y R,., i,tn, Tomo x, )j,!)G.97, x1. 1'-.97-

!lOIG R&.u. AC'o~DtliB D B C!t:S<'As Ex \CT \~. l'~siC'AS

9b. 1 \' ol. bro. .\lex•eo, 18:>t)·9S. P rcsrntccl


¥ ~ATI.R\LKS lll: )J \1111111. ll!enaoriss. 'Jomo :XI"II. J'&unn .\l u>loclolo~icn lboricu. P or Mnrinno de lu P at. 0 r•wlk

1 vol. 8.-o. MMlrid, 1807. Presented

Dmr.c~~OS DOS 1'UIOAI,II O~ 0Y.OJ.OGTCOS DE l10Ui'U0 Aio, F'ltUIIII ~iluriCI~ de .Pot•lugaJ. N ovos Obser,·n~br~ ,\ c1•r•·n do Lich•s ( Ura­lichru:) llibeiroi. .!:'or J. F. N. l>elgnclo.

1' 21 (11$)-- Di~cur•os lcidos onto In Hrnl At•udcmin do Cicncns exuclo", fi~ica~ y nnt urn le• e n la Rcccpd6n publicndt•ll~xcmo.S,·.D.l' •·ax~des. Mllt,•o Sngnstn, 1 b97. AJudt·id, 1697 Presented

Li~boa, IS97.


BBRGB~ lit'SE J:'\t . . \ erount of the Crustnccn of Xorwny. Yol. 11 , purr' !1, 10.

-- An rho~ for 1-,:17. A fhnntlliu~~r og .A.ars. ber~tniog ud~:i¥U<' uf llc-rt.:••n, .\l u.t·nm.

1 1·ol. ""'· llo·r~··n, 189 ST.I \ANOEB M t:sarll. Anr-l>cr<•tnm~ tor l b!li.

1 rei. bn>. Stfi\ang<lr, 189'1.


ACAD~)IIll J.\11' ;, 111.11.1: D l 8 St'l HN<'FB, ST. P~-rr.ns­UOUIW. Hulll'tin. oc. S\oric. 'l'omc 1'. 1S96. YI. 18!!7,

1 \'Ill. 810. 1'1. l't•lt•r,honrg, 1596-97. -- Tome' 11. "" "'· J, 2. l b!li.

:\noun in· du ~lllol"l' l'.noloo:ll(liC. Tom<.' rr. J S.~7. 1 1 oJ. ""'· :-;1. l'i•ll•r-1 <>llrjl, JS:Ii.

Annuuln.' du .)luo.i.l Z<)C)logiqn<'. 1 '98. ~o.l.

Col!JT; GEOLOGIQt:t: DE 1 • Rt' >•ll:. Cnrtc Geo­lo!!iquc t.:~m•ntl , ft·uillo• !I:>. !16, 111.



P r<'•cutcd

Pre!ented F 17



l'r•••cnlt••l !i3l G l'rc.~ntcd

l'twcntecl !lO~G

F 17

-- Oeologoscloc J\arl <ic• Gouwrnmcnts Cl~er· ~on . 1 ,·ol. .Fol. l'rcseuktl

9317 -- Dull ct in~. Y ol. XI 1. 1'i!l7. 1\ nd Supple·

m ent: Hibliothi•quo· Ocolo~-ti•JUO de lo lhNic. 18\lG. P ur H. N akitin.

) vol. b< o. St. l'o•lo•r•bour_!::, 1897. Pre~~nktl -- DuHt'ttu. ~\· 11. Nod. 1, ~. 3. l~!lS. Pr~ .. c nl~d ltUSSfSCIT • J\ .\!SI:RT.Il711 1: 'I 1\I:IIALOGI SCIJY.

(h:st:Lr.•cn.u r. S1. l't !"I'll' Ill lW. ,-~rhund· h to..;cu· · <ri<· 2. lhncl \ "x 1 • l '>\li-9b ..

-- Srslcmuti•chc< ~m·h·uncl ;\ ouncn·Re~:•-l<'r


1'60 7.\l "cit'r hw;.•tl~n :"'t•rw clt•r r l~rhunc!lungcn. }b:);i-1 9;>

2 ,.0 t., 811>. St. l'efrr,bourg, 1 9 'l. l're:ocnh·d :l2:i7

Soc1;11~ uts ~ATtuu.I>H;s 111.1\ln\. )t{om,•iiT•. 1'omo> ~111. LiH. I uml :!, 1'>9!. '"'· Liu. 2. H!!l7. \ L L11 r I uno I :!. I S~;!l-!l!-1.

2 Hlk b\11, Koc w, lSIH-!1'-. S OCII:TAS l£'1TO \ tcii,OC111'A n ussw \. Hum· l'ocit•­

tuli• Entomulvgi1~w ltu~~"·ul. ~\nuo XXX I. 1 '!9G·!li.

1 1ol. g, . .,, S•. -- llont:>. 'l'o111. '\All.

l'o•tcr~h<ltorg, l S!l!l. l'rc3CIII <•d ~o •. 1, :!. ::>t.

l'rc~cnkll Pclcr>uou r~:. l"\18.

l' 73


F.:sTo:uor.ootsK.\ FonE~ l'iOJ::< r SToCKnOLli. E n tomologi:sk 1i.J,krih. ( .Journol Entumo-

logiquc). lr~. :nu. lS.'G. Arr,:.. :XTITT. H>97.

1 \ Ol. s~o. St<><•kholm, I 06-9i. P re,entcd l'o:sor.. i'\E'i'K.I. Ytn:'ioK If'S . \I>ADI'\IrE:s,

STOCKIIOJ.)I, Jlihan~. \ ol. :"1XJII, Sec•. 3 nml -}. 1-l oc·~holm, Jb9!l. Presented.

- - Ofrrrsigt. 18!i5, No. :; (lbbli). 1~66, Xo. !l (1867). 1Sii8, No,. 7, 8 ( l h6S) . 1870, No,. 8, 9, 10 ( I Sit). .187!1, Xo. 4. (LS73). ll!H, No •. •l,:; (11:17 1). lH'l~, No. 3 (1'>82) .

ln 1 Htl. bvo. st.wkholon, l i!GG-82. l'urchn•rd rl(o\•l'.otSITl' Ol' l T''AJ..\ . Badrn(! toll Nl T.cfuad-

ti,h.•l•kniu~ or\·l·r Curl \ 'CHI t ,tllll!~. Ill, n·.'. ,.[. l vul. b\O, l l'' •ln, Hl~l6-I'SUS. Pr~>~lll\'d

-- "Ft•st>krift m~'<-1 nnl\'tlning nf Kunun~ O:scttr

1( 's Ljugof~m:u·• re~o•riull' ju~ilrum den 1~7. l"lo:ip•·en n£ Jt. on hold c.i cijer.

· 1 1·ol. Jto. l p•nln, 189 7. Presented -- Dulletin or tho <:<ol< ~~~nl ln-lotution.

Yol. Ill, P:art' I,:!. ~o•. :>, li. !&!ill. lJp,alo, JS97. Prc•ented

-- Hrrbnrimn :\ht<Cl. l•'t•nnici .Eel. 2. J, Plauluc \"ll>cnlnr••. 11 , ~I u-o· o.

1 ~ol . l:l1 o. lh•l•ingfor "• 1889-lS!H. Presented


No~Tt'HFORSCIII:'IIIE Ot:~f:J.J~('n <FT 1:< Zt·nrc n. \ ICrldJahr<·chrih. ,J nhrl(nll.: ·' Lll, llcft3, 4. I b!l7. Pre~ented

\ icrtl'ljahr>·chrift. Jahrgiiii!J :\loll!, n ,•ft 1, 2, a. l b9J. P resented

SOCI;.T; XEI"<'DATI.I.OI'r. Ill! Or.oGII\I'II Ir.. Bul-ll'lin . Tome"\. IS!Ili.

1 \·ul. b\0, ~I;IIVhl\'t•l, lb98. Pl't'><'Dlcd ("ont.ninl>-

Lc .. J,3.Ron~.~tucle lthn ~o:r:tphhrtH !'lllt 11, Jnlllz~nts de b U.ue t1l· Ud:\;.:o.~. I M fh:my A. JUI!Od.

U on'Ol'AY.

l\(!'~1!0 )." &C!O'<Af J>l' ~ J M/1'1: rll>r.O, l lRtrCT'AY. _\nnJc,. 1'omo u , fu,l.'. tl. ' l'onw 111, fn<t•. tl.

.\lonltl Y ul~o, l89S. Presenled


R01:. :s'o.l U O\V I )'; I AO<(Uired. Rego. I o. Jlooke. !low •«Julrod.



P 1 (22) F t l<ll (Frank) . Conl·ribulions to tho Theory of Wnrnin~ Culom·~ and ~[imi~·r,l . No. 1. (Journ . . I•. Soc . Jltu,qal). CnlonUn, 1898.

p 1 ( 11) -- Contr.bulions t~ t~td 'l'hrury .of \~rnin.~ Colour< nncl llnmcry. ,o . .Z. ..c.xp~r1· ment, \\ ith R Liznrcl ( c .• / .. tt .• 1'1 rsie<-lur). ~'\o. :J. l·:~p~rim,•nts uith u 'l'upai!L and "'

Frog. Xo. -!. !(xperimcnts wi•h \'!ll'ioua llinh.

1'um1nn1',\' nntl Condu~iotu. (Jo urn . .lliuli~ Sur. Jlen:pl, [.r,., 2. 1, 1896; l:r•, 2, 2, Hl!li; l:fl'ii, 2, 4, Jb!li.) P rc•cntcd

1' 1 (17) PARO!<\ (C'••rrtHio\. 1 Tl'il'O<~l!n clc~h OGdii. (JJu/1 . .Jfu. Zool. J:wt. Co ,,, . G~nora, 1857.)

P 1 (lo) P AliOXA (0.) eel Ct'NEO (.t.) Ci~ticcfi'o inr<'r· Jnuscoll\ro tliffo~o in unl\ donnn. (Boil. Mu$. Zoo/ . • lnttl. ('omp. GenoV<J, 18!17.)

P 1 (20) DRIA.'1 (,\ lc•Mndro) . G.ltnlo~:o di Copepocli pnrn~iti cld P'''l'i ddln Ligurio. (Boil. Jlus. Zoo1. AMI. CG.11p, c;~nuril, l'!l'i).

P 1 (1!'1) CATTA!o'FO (G.) J.>cr 1;, 6t<-rin <ldl'nnntomin compnr.\l:l. (Roll. ,1[u.r. Zoo/ .. /1111t . Comp. Geuoua, l S!l!l.)

P 1 ( lS) S llTTl (.Ernrslo). KuoTe o•~l'rvntion i •u i ccstodi pam .. i l i rl~gli imci. (lJo/1. ,JJu.•. Zool . .lttat. Comp. Ul'lloton, l'>fl'l.)

P 1 (l G) -- XU<wi ~>lmiutt dell' JO:ritrcn. (Roll. Jfu-1. Zoo/ .. h11l. Camp. Ge110 '• 1'>Vi .) I'rc•cnted

by Prof. Corrntltl l'uronn P 30(21) ScOTT (A.. W.) Five miscdlnncoue ~·kctcbe; , J'r~st•ntcod

by Mrs. ll. ]ford~


p 2 (7) Cor.r.J;TT (R) n~mrorknm~:•r n·dror!'nd~ Xori'(CS PaiiL"<IJ rfilllll'l, 1&!>2-1 97. (.Y d .llag. ..&.Yulur.:ia'ru$J;tlhcra~', Jfi t.) Chri:otli!lnin, lMI~.


P 2 (G) Pumm(T.S.) A Li•t or the (hmcric and .liumily ~unws of llodout•. (Pror . JJiol. Soc. Wu.•k. xi, 1897.) Wu~hin~:t.on , l/:!97.

1' 31 (!!) 1\IonG.\N (Jolm). l)cscription of tho llammnry Ort!nn• oft he :Kong:m>O$, ( Liml. Soc. Tr1Ut8. zoi, 1828.) Presented

by E. P. Uumsn)


P 3 (33) ATKI!ISON (Ocor~t' F..) '!'ho Onmo lliri!s of Manit;>bn. ( llislor. and Sri. Sor., .llaaitoba, TraM, 51.) \\'mnipeg, l!j!J!j, T'r<'8Cnlcd

bT W. J . lbiubow P 3 (27) COLLETT (R.) En llT Dn<!nl'<lform blanclt

l'lorgcs '1\•tmonicler "Fjl'ltlrypc-Orrc" (Lagopu~ nut us x Tctrno tctrix), (Btrg~IJ.$ • l[ustums Aar6o.IJ, 1897, .\'o. t•ii.) l'roscnlcd

P ;} (8) -- Contribution~ to the Knowlcd~o of the> Genus Lycodn Hdnh. I. L.'trodn <arMii, Uoll. ( l'i"""'""b.,.clskttbtl$ 8krijlrr, 1 . .1/t:f . .\'•11. Cl., 1S9!1.) <:hri•tianin, 1898. J'r~•cnlccl

P 3 (11) GAD0\1' (U.) A L!•t of the Hinb or thu hlt!nd of Rotutr.nh. (lbu, Jan., 18!!~.) l'n•<t'ntl'd

by J. Stsnlcy Gt1rdincr D 3 (28) Grnx&Y (.T. H.) The Ecouom,r of !he Cuckoo.

(7'rans . • \urj'.1t~d -"!J""· Nat. 8oo., l'i, l.R97.) I'l'l)soototl I' 3 (21) 1l'n;~ (Frnuk). On the O<·cnr1'NH'l1 in I ndia of

two Jt·m• ]luck< (Fuli!JIIlct IJa•·ri untl Erisnw­turu l•u~li<'•Jihala). (l'ruc •• hialic Soc., lJtn.?•tl, .lpr., 1S96.)

I' 3 (22) --On bOino Notc"orth~ Indian llsr·l•. (.fourn. • •i<iatic Sor .. R•n.qal: IJui, t, 2, l~!Ji.)

P 3 (23) - - .Not_e• on V<lrion> •t'eci<'< of l:rvhes, with ~!?ecru! n•ft•r<mct•lo che p01n'r ol' walk in~; 1\ntl dsg~st~on po~qc•>NI l>y tlroPo birtl<. (.Joum. &!taflc So •. , lJur,qal, I .cri, !!, 1, I S!l7.)

P 3 (2l) -- ~o!l' on till' Ot·•·url'('nt•t' iu Indi11 of th<> Dlvorf uo,.-c (Jt18U rr.ttlll opus). (Pr(J('.

> •Y .J.<iafir Sl)o ., ]J,II_qllf, J•ln,, l'>.h.) I 3 (-.>) -- }mh'm. I l<l<)•:\~der {.J[~r.qaiiUI' com~tlllt),

~ote on 1!• "nlkmg powt•t•. (!'roe . ..Jsi•tlic Sor., EP»ff''~· .lfarl'lt, ISHS.)

I' 3 (26) --On ~trtutn tn~pt·s·ft>clly knuwu points in !hi) llulttl• 1111<1 1\t'onom,r ul' 1llr.1•, \u, 1. Ou the po,thon of the f~···t of till' "Psclll'um" l>ir1s. nnrl of Purrot, lu Fli~lrt. (Pro<'. ..l.$ialtc So~ .• lJtngal, .llitr., lli!l~.) Prc.cutoJ

P 3 (32) Fl~" (Frank). On wme imperfectly known poinb in thl' llnbit< and E<"onmllv of Birds !\o. 11. On tho l'ee of tho ll'~ct for Prc: heusion by rnrluin Passerinu Bird~. ( Proc. As. Sot•., ilrll,f/al, J89ti) .

P 3 (20) --Noteonthcgnit.of thoCommon'l'cnl. (PrO'. As. Soc., IJ~nqttl, JS!Ji .)

P 3 i3:>) --On u 'l'hird lnm•ion of lnclin hv l3ner's l'ochsrd (_\ :tfTtJra i.a-'!ri) . ( /'rut• . .'ts . .'5uc., JI~II!Jal, 18!1.~.)

P 3 (31) -- Xote on t he Rt•o•onnl Chon~o of l'lumal!~ in t ho ;\1nlt•s of the l'urpltl lloncysurkrr (ti.radtJii!t•lt/l.rurttittlica), nnd of nu uuolo~ou~ Am~ri<'!\11 lliNI (C'on·ebtt r,tf'lltnt) , (·luur11. .1$, s~c., 1Jc11,qal, lroii, 2, b!l 1.) Prc~cnte•l

P 3 (13) N oBTII ( AJfn'<l .r ) 'l'he :Birth of th<' Count\· of Cumbcrlnnd. (Hr:ndb. S!Jd •• !u$/r, .ls.Joc. .1dt·. Sci., I!:!Oil.) l>rc~entt-d

P 3 (H) -- Dcacriptions of the Nests nud To:~~s of four ~pccics of Aust r11linn J3lrd~. (l'roc. Lbm. Sac., X.S. II'., 1 ~08.) P rrscnlcrl

R J:l'TILI.\.

P 'l (13) FI:>(N (Frank). On tht• Lon~·•noutr•l \\'hip ~nnko ( IJt'!JOphil III!J'I~ri:mu). (./tJil/'11, . / .t. Soc., RMgal, l.roii, ~. JS98.)

P 4 (14) --Note on o. spt•t·im~n of tlw 1'111't' Scincoid l.izarcl, Et~.m•ru M.qlhi•tntts ( \ mlt·r·on , from t h~ Afridt Country. (l'I'OC . • lt. Srx., JJe.,gal, Hi!J .) Prc-cntrd

P 4 (10) Mt•r.I.LER (.\.) Dr. 'f. L . l!nncroCt h!'foro tho Royal So••ii'IJ of Quc~n•lantl, "On Stn·ch· nine n u<t•lo~~ Rt•mcdy in Snnkc-bitc." (.Ju,flr. Jlcd. Oll;til~, ,\'ut•., 1800.)

Found in old cupboard P 4 (11) l't:BAcc& (:\f. G.) Rolln prc:>cnz• llcii'.AtttUll!l.

philli11,ii, Bl.:r. twllo Coloni~t ~ritrt•a. (lJoll . .11·•·•· Zoul. .1''"'· C-omp. To>ri'"• :rii, 304, lb9i.)

P ·1 ( 12) - - Drscriziont• tli unn nuom specie di 'frilono it~linno. ( lio/1. ,lfu.t. Zool. ~ 1tt1l. Comp. Pr<'~rntt•d 'J'orino, ';l;iii, :J 17, lS!JS.) by J. D. Ogllby


P 5 (!>) Dm:w (S. H.) Xutes on Regah'cu 'P· N.Z. /ttst., :ur.)

r 5 (7) lll!CfOR (.Jam~•). Pt•otcclion of Mullt•t 0

to N~w Ztttlaml Parliament, 1807.)




P G (18) llr.ooom; (C. E.) Cnt:~lot:n~ of Tn•mnrU.m



ltrtrinl.' Slwlh, pr<•pnrcd by J.i••ut . C. E . lh•ddomc for tho 'l'nsmnninn Ctlurt, ol thu J ntcrnn~ionul Fi•l•t•rics .Exhibition, J,onllon, 18!'3. Prr~t'nlt•d

hy :E. P. Ham,ty P 6 (23) Jlonu. Y PoriT ( \rturo) . X oh -ohr~ nueva

fMma mBiocllhijtiC~ de la Pro,·incin de o~rona (Xutia '"''"rrt••ti<J) por e1.1c.ull-rni•·o uumcr· ario. (JJo/, R •• J.cad. Cie11 . .-1 d., 1Jrtrc~l9na, Od. 18!>7.)

-- NoW. ~obrt1 In. P rcscncin th•l • .J.~trndll.t a_vm,trtli en Los Li~ilos dv Cnluf, Pwl'incil\ de JJar~clonn ; "I :Si~niJicn<ion unjo lo• Pun· tos d(' Yi,tn Jl!ll<'<lntologi<·o y ,.,, rali ~:r:l.lico, P"!' cl .\c.l<lt•rnic'O numcr,~rio. (llo 1.ll .. olclld • C~in . • I rt. Bt~rflltJn<t .) fre·•'nted

PG (17) Hr.DLEY (C.) ~ronu~t'o, County of Cumbl'rlaocl. (!Iat~rlb. A.tulr . • tsso~ .• lttv. &i., Sgclne.v, l898.) PrNcnlod

P 6 (21) -- DcsoriptiOt!' of New :\follu8c~. t·hidh from X cw C~h·donin. (J'roc. L11w. Sor .. ,\'.s. liT., 1~<9'5.) Prc~ented

PG (22 - - Further Xol<'• on Au•trnliBn Shipworm. ( Proc. Limr .• ~u ·., .\'.S. Tr., 18!J">.) I'rt•·ent~J

PG (26) l' ttncnARo (0. 0.) •uHI G.\Tr.tPP (.r. U.) On a .New Speei•·~ ul' \'wtot·ian ;ltollust•u (Oomllio· phi!.\ wil•oni). ( Rog. Soc. , /'id., I -1!17.)

1' 6 (27) -- Cahlo;;u~ of MurlllC .Shell• of \'ictoriu. Part 1. (Rv:t· $u-., l'h-1., b!li.) l'r~•rnlccl

by G. B. l'rMharJ

R•~· Xo. l

1' 6 (H) SmTu (Edl:'lr A.) ncscript ion\ of N~w Species of L"nd Shell~ from .1\~w C:luincf>. (Proc. .Ut~lac. Ror., ;,, G, JSll7.)


llow I D-r • I a<:qui..W. ·-•· !'o. !look•.

TCNICAT.\, &c.

UO\\" IIAlqUirc:d.

p G (15) -- On a Collection of L~>nd nnil Freshwater Sh~ll• from Hutum1~ l~lund. (~!m& . • 1Iay. lfat. llisl., 6, u, lt>Oi".)

P 8 (18) il£RD)fAN (W. A.) N ote on lhc ' l'unic•ntr Fauna of Austrnlinu Sea~. (.~1111, ,l[u,'J. Nat. lltst. ( 7J , i, 1898.) Present~d

l' 8 (H ) -- Jlc~cription of som~ ~implc \~cidian• col·

p 6 (1G) --On a Collection of Lnnd :.\bells from New Guinro. ( 11111 • .1fag. Nat. H i$/ ., 6, u, 189i.)

lected in Ptt!!et l:lound, Pnci li u Oou~l. (Tra11s. Liverpool Bwl. Sue, .f'ii, 18!1!!.) Presented

p () (~3) - - Desoription of .lful/.·ri>l dt1(11i. .r\. r..\('nSII>A,

J)~,,·riphon of H!rul'"'"'lu.• p.ral.r11<i.•. 1larinc Shell• from Now z,•.llaod antl ~Iac·

qu~ric !.Inn I. J.~ntl Shdl• from Lmnbock J,Jnnd. L!lnd ShdiB fr.~m ::>. cwOuinc,l, ~llrlh llornl'o,

ond Aldubra I.lund. Pr&<'. Jlalar . Soc., ii i, 1. 180!>.

P 9 (12) Pococs: (R. I.) On th<· Arnchni•h tnk••n in lht• Tran•mal :md in =', n .. ,.l;uulln ~l r. \\' . J,. l>i~tant nnd l>r. l'~r.:,,. Hend~ll. • ( .1""· .liag. .Sat. lli~l ., 7 j 1, I S~lt!.) Pr~~ent~d

b> W. L. DU.tnn ~ P 9 {11) Suro:s (E.) Ar•··hnicJ,., de l'A r~hip~l m,ilni•.

(R•v. Sui~se Zu(J/. tl .Am1. Jlus. Jlist. Yat., UinCl,e). GCnC:vt.•, 18 ~'3.

P 6 (2•J.) --On ~omo ~l'w Sp1•c•ics of I .nntl Slwll~ from t he l•lan<l of Socolm. (./u11r11. ,1/,tlllcology,

Prc•enlro by'\'\. J. I{ninbo''"

t•i, 3, 1897.) P 6 (25) -- On,otuo Lund Shell ~ f1·om 'l'rinidntl. (Jotml.

Coltc!t., i.r, 1, l8!!8.) Presented p () (20) STEAill'S (Fl·ctleril'k). Li~t of !h1· Mollusctl ond

other foro" of )f llritw J.,r,•, colle,•t,·.l in tho yca1·~ 18S9-HKiv, 111 Japnn. Detroit, 1891.

Prcsculcd by E . 1' . .HaiD•n~


P 7 (81) BLA)ICfiARD lbphn<'l) . (~ntributiou~ n l'itudc dc3 llipti•l·t's pnn1si t c~. {. ln>t, Soc. Ent., p, .. , l.r••, ·~. l f:.Oil.) Pnris, 11>06.

1' 7 (!12) --Ln Chiquc de& Oi•cnu"t (S~I'CO]l•)"lla gnllina· cctt) . 111111. ~01', ;.\ utiun. Acclim., Fr., 1!:1!)7.) l'l·cacntccl

P 32 (5) ll u llCIIARDT (J..:ug<'n). Alcyonnrren von 'l'hur~dny hlnnd (Tori'C•·~Irao$<'), 11ntl 1"011 .\.mboinn. (.Jen. ])o,kfd!.rifl•u, t•iu . Semon Zool. l!'vrscllllii!Jsrtisrn, ,ye., r., l89S.) Pr'C•<'nled

In· Dr. L. Dodcrlcm P 7 79) DI>TA'\""1' ( \\. L.) J),•'<'ription of two n<'w'•pccics

of Orienbl C'it•:llli<h·. (.~,;.1 . • lili!J. Sat. Jiist. [7]. 1. U.'!J!l

1' i (SO) --The Dutkrlli•·• nf the Tr\lh\·nnl. (..J.nn. Jioy. St~l. Hi.•t. i j, i, IS(I'')

1' 7 ,b3) -- Heterocl'rn from th1• Trt~nsl":tnl. (Ann. Sut. Htsl. [7 J, t, !IS.)

P 7 (bi) -- On n rollccllon ut ll•·ll·ru~·t·ra made ~ lh_e 1'run.,·;ud. (. lnn. li<I!J. 1\af. lltsl. [ 1] , '• Jb!JS.)

r 7 (S!l) -- Cokoplcrll rtlllt•rt ~· I in tIll' '1'1',\llSTIUll. ( l lllll. Jia,q. Nat. Jli•t. [i J, i, l b()l!.) Prcsonlccl

P 7 (!H) UA lll'SON (Oeo. l!·.), Onn colloction of IJ ctcroc?rn mndc in the 1 rann<ml. (.l1111. !Jag .• \ at. Jli$t, [ i ], i, l!>IIS.) Pr~s~ntl'd

b;- W. L . Di,tanl p i (S.") JACOBY (llnrtin). U-t t>f th~ l'h,rtopha~ous

Voleoptcrd uhtnitH••l lo.' \lt· ~"': L. D1otan~ in tbe Trl'"'-'~"1. 11ilh clc·•"l'IJ'IInl" of th" n11w ~-pcdt•;, (.lm1 . .llug . • \ <1/. llut. :; "' i, 189S. Prl.'•rntc.l

bt" W. L. Distont p 7 (S;;) KoLBE (lf. J.) .Hri··~ni.wh•' roJ.•optcr:~ " des

K omglichcn .\1 u•,•mn• fnl' ;\ •• turkllll!lc zu. llerlin. {l~rrlum. Xtw!.r., .uui, :!3, U!!li.) Prc,(•nl••tl

hy .R"on. M us., llerl111


P 13 (6) Cnn.TON (Charlo•) .. \ Mw Amphipod from New Ztalnnd (F1\111ilv l'ontoporeli<lw). (.tllllt .

)fflg. "'""'· Ilr.t. [6] :ri.r, ·'""· 18!17.) P 13 (7) ·-- .A new l••·,·shwt~l"r .\mphipud from Xc1v

Zeahmd. .1.1111. Jl•ry . • \ at. l111t. L7] i, Ju•u, l!!~IS.

l' 32 ( I) DilDERLEIN ( L.) 'G~bcr "1\ry•tullkorp<>r" bei Setmerncn uml ub,•r dir \I nch>tlmm•cr.chei­nungcnund \"crwnndt "'hnlt.b<'tldiUnt;~n \'OU

Gomodbcu. sebJII', (./•"· JJ•·nh.·.~riftr", tiii. ,\:. Mo,•, Zofll. ,FQ,·~rlufii:J~·rci•en ;, Auslralien, •l"r, 1. 18!lS.)

l' )3 (:i) U \TIIIJ C:\ (:\lury J.) lho llruchyum Of tbe Jj io1ol<lc~l .Exp11dit ion to t ht• Florida Kry3 and tho Balunnns in ll:UJ!I. ( /lu!l. Lnlr&r·a­to~its .;.Yftl. lli~/. Sbt/r• l'11it•., !&t•a, l b98.)

l' 13 (3) SAilS (G. 0 .) On some :1tldilim111l C•·u,tnooo from l ho Co.,pian St•n. (.·l11n . • 1/us. Z uol. Acad. Imp. Sri. St. Plier~buurg, 1897.) St. P.Stet>· hour!(. 1897.

l' 13 (l) St£.\D (David G.) Xotr• on lh~ lhlrih of •omc of the .luslrnlinn .\lahu·-ot 1"0\'<IU~ Cruolaceu. ( Tltt Zou!Q!Ji>l, JJ• !J, 1~0tl.)

Ca:r..r.:>n:H.\T.\, 1' 32 (;;) 13 t RCIUnnr (Enl!<'ll Alc)ollttl"C~n \'011 'lhurs·

du1· },land iTorr<''·:;ln<--r) uml TOn .dm­ooina. ./en. lJr,thri,rojlrll, t"iri. Stmon Zoo/. For~~htlll.9U<iscn iu .111411"11/i,·n, •)"<". , t•., !Stl8.

l' H (7) Dr.:>t>l" ( \ rlhnr). On lho S 11~n~r~ do•t'ribed in nioffenburh'~ •• Kcw r.t•a1~nd." ('l'mM. S.Z. b1sl., 11>97.)

F 15 ( 12) -- Q,, ~omc Po1nl·i in Uw Allotomy,,f C,wc/ina cOI'iacrttl lJuLton. (Li11~. Sot·. ,Jour a . Zoo/. .f'rci. J8tt7.)

p H (G) -- On Pontobolbo~. n R"m~trknhl•• M••tine Or­!l:tni<m fr.:>m the Guli of ~ltlllfl.ll', (Lwn. Sue. Jouno. Zoo!. rr•·i, lb!li.)

Lo1n:n l'oJm~.

l' 15 (S) BL1)1C'R ARD lhp1mcll. I'·•'U<I••·t "~"".l•ili•mr cl 'un 0Mniu> chct l'ilomm~. (JJ•rl' .• l~aJ. Jld, ]'!()j)

1' 1:i (9) - - Sote n·. Ilirmlin<-·~ tin lhN.: • de I.rydc. (.Yolt·s Lr,1rtlPn .11usl'lllll nr.) .

1' 15(10) -- ll irud!D,cc• rl;e ·'~··rh!"'"'"''•. (Zool. £rq"lrrn1Mc ancr· R"•·•r 111 .'\ '""· (J<{.].,/Iel> i(•, 'tS97.)

p l;)(ll) Mclli"TO~Il (W.C.) On l•:111'ly Slagr• in the



P resented





Presented P 'l (!Jl) T,~ECil l'I!R (.1. . • \ l'•·ll). l .cpid:•p1cr:< om ~n

bij z e,·cnhnit.<•n (%. U.) ( !IJ<i.<c!t~·. v. E11· J>••veloprn<•nt of PI'!'""""'''' 1111r •tlal 1, John­eton. (.:/.1111. Jic.~y • • \ •• t. Jli•l., l<ili!l.) toJI&'I/Uf!i', .rl.) l'rcscnlctl

Pi (!JO) LroonT (.Jnnt1·•). N<ll••• ami Ob•t•n·ntion; on . eomu y 1ctori:1n ('11 ···ulll', ( L'~• Wvmb tt, I' l:i( 12) '\r.un (H.) For.\minifan of Yictor:11.

Prc•cntcd b1· E. 1' . .Rnmuy ( l"ict.

Preteulcd 9 ) rre~cnl~d -'"••/., ll:iS3.) ll:t H. .1 1' j 77) R\t::>ll0''" \\. ,J,) Till' I 1• ·t nn,l ht~hnn a 1' 32 (;;) u:;u1 nuts (L) :Grrich~ nbrr ,Ji,, ,-o~. ITI'rrn

of lht' CtliiUI\" ui Cn111l • I IJ,,•.Jb. &f l'rvil.'·~or ::ie1wm \,,., \mbmt ann<llnu...Jay Sgd • • l>ttl • • ifs, Idr . .'i.•t' 1':l:l'>.) Prc~cnll:<l J-taud gt:•:ltntu••ltcn Urinoi<k<. l",•htrt·inil!o

P; (it!)-- Dc>~:ription• , ''"''' .\,•w \r:mt·Hi~ of ~cw 1-1uz.i,~h-ld•<·n·l~ Ophturv••ft:l, {./t.t. lJ4!'J. . South \inJ,.,, ~o. t!. ( J',·ut•, l.wa. /:J(J<:,, uhri[le11, n • '· Sr 11v11. Xuul.l'vrst·hungtreMrrr. X .S,IJl., lb~·7.) Prc~~nled ~1 ,,,,,rt;.,1 , •\'~"·• 1 •. , 1"1.1.,.) Prcscnt<-<1

P i 102) --Contribution ton 1\uowll'<lg<' of the ~hnch· 1' 32 (S) IJ.\1>11<>:< ( • .Ufr•-<1 C.:.} 'rh,· \diniuria oi Torrcs niclan Faunu of Jll·iti•h ~''"{lumen. (l'rtiC. l:>trnit~. (Sri. 1'm11.• liiJ!f· l.JIIbfi,, >:;uc.l2], 1,;1111, ,')0 , •• , N.S.IV., Jb!lll.) PrcoP nl<•d l'i Hi. llui.Jiu, l'>!l~.) Prl.'~~ntcd

Jl ('d" ~ l ' oH! •tl l' :J:!{l!J) ]_,1!.\{'ll, ( \i' illinm l<lfor<l)., Oh~t·rmtinn~ on L!w P 7 (:.S-76) SENNA (Dr .• \ .) Hl J.'uutpl••l 1 ~11 rct~ 1 1' c c. re~ ' O<•nu> ()cl't hoi; nf H:thno,.qu••, \\lilt 11 Dts<>r•p· l' 7 (t!GJ '\' AS ilOLLt:cK ( B••mw). :!\fonogr;~ph~t· d~·r D•pte~·cn· t 1011 of a .:\, ... Spo:civ>. (I'M/. 'l'talls., 1S17.)

Oullnngcn Coin• \\'it·•l~m, 1111(1 J rwhop<ldcu I L11ndon, lbl7. Pr<•~cnl~ll '\\'cstw. ~£111()111. Xcu·!&t., A XI it., J(l, 1><97. r l)l'<lll~cntl~( by E. P. Rumoly

b,r .h.on. ~ U!., er Ut


---l!eg. No. I, _ __ _

Books. How I nor: No I l\Cqu,rt.'d. · .. · Uooks. How


1' .\L.EO~TOLOO\'". p 16 (~ti)BilA~X&R (John 0 .) Thick ne.- or the PaleozJic

Srdnn~n t • Ill Arknn•n~. (Si/limon's .tlmer. Jo11r11 &i. ( 41 J ti. 9, I Hfl<i.) Purebnscd

]> 19 ( UI) llOLlf ('l' lreo.) .:.tudie• upm t lw C,vpemcew (Si/1/m•t .. '.t A mrr. J ormr. s,.;, •1! 1,.11, l !lllG.) J'urrhascd

1' 16 ( IS) 1!.\LT. ('1'. S.) ::-tylastcrida• from thr \'aclori•n Tcrtinric•. (Ro.u. SIX. l'i~l. 1"97.)

p IG (19)-- .\ pp•ndix 1) of ueology of Coa naid~i. Part 2 ; by(.}. OUicer and .K G. Jl o~:~. On the Ornptolitc~ of the di8tril'l. (Ru!f· Soc. l'rcl. 1897 .) l'rceentcd

pIG (2S) H ALL ('1'. S.) nod l'nJTcnAJtD (0. U.) 1\ con· tributiou l l) our knowlodt:c ur the 'l'crt iuri··· in th<• nci~;hbourhood of .\lt•ltHmrne. (Roy. Soc. l'rrl,, lt!JS.)

p 16 (29} -- Note on a Tootlt of l'nlor,•he~tc' from Benumnri~. (Ruy. Soc. l'icl., hL 7.) l'rcecntt•d

by G. ll. l'ratclmrd

P t13 (17) LotHOL (r. d<•.) f.:tu<lo ~u r l<'Y 7\[ollu~qucs et lhodtiopml c~ d~ I'Oxfordit·u •np\-rieur c~ moycn du J um 13ernoi •. 2 &nl' p•rtae. ( .lfn n. Sue. Pal. l$ttisu, .rrir. 1"97.)

1 .-ul. 4to. Ol-m!.·e, 1 ~97. t're~entcd P 33 (20) Owe:< (Prof. Ri··hn I) l>c•~ripuon of t lw

Cavern of I:Jrnni<JUCI nnd at< Orgnnic Con· t<lnts. (1'/•il. '/'ran$, cli.r., 186!1.)

-- Supplcmcn lnry Hcmark~ on Jo'o~•il Remains of l~qu int•4 from Central rutd Soul h A meric" refcrubl<• ~ Equu< conv~r-idt·n~. Ow., E qmti t.>~ u, Ow, nn<l Equus nrcitl<•n•, Ow. (Pitrl. Trail$, cltr, 1'>~9.) Prc•cntcd

by E. 1'. Uam•n.v

P 16 (2&} PoTONI~ ( ll .) •· L<•hrbnch: tier l'l'lcmzcnpul lcOn· tologi~ mit hcsundcrer Rut'k•ich~ nut die JlNlii..Cm•sc des Geologcn. Lid a. llcrhn, 189"1. Purcha•ed

P lG (2i) l'ntTC'tHIIt> (C, D.) Contributions to th~ Polu:ontolo~)· of the Old,•r 1'crtianes of Y ictori•. lin,tropodtl Part 1. {llog. So~. T'icl.,1'>98.) Presented

P 33 (21} RtLF.Y ( Henr,1) nnd STl'T<'111ll!ln' (Snmoel). Dc>criptiun of vnriQns Jto••il Hornuins ul three di•t inct Sunrinn \ nimnb, rcccnlly dit~cO\"t'rt'(). in the ~Jugn('!<>ium C'ttnt;1uJncrato neur J.lra,tol. (Oeo. Sue, 7'rrw. L:!) r•,, t o.;;uq 11rc!cntcd

b,· li. 1'. j~ l(lll•ll<. P 16 (:!2} SUEilt.En (\\' ill A .) .\ lh.-i.ion nntl 'fonograph •

of the Gena,. ChonopbJIIum. (/lull . Gtu/, Soc . • tmu. id. lb92.) .l'urclmscd

P 16 (2:l) --.\ ehnrt. of I h<• Hugoso Corn!.. (<l mlr. Oeolo,1fisl. r•ii. G, Jl\91.) l'ut·clausctl

l' 16 (2 1) 1 'ATY. ( Ralph). On two Jlc<·p·lc-.1 Deposit• o( N~\\t•r J')(•i&toceuc in ;o;uutla .l.tt5tr..Iiu. (1'~""'· lloy. S·J~., :S.4., 1:>\.1><.) P rt•!cnkd

(; P.Of.OG \',

P li ( ll) ;\ Oi\SST?. (.\ .) A to lho Clrcat Bnrtit·r Hecf of .\ Ubll'llliu. "Ex11·n•·L fro1r1 !I letter t.o


the Editor. (.S•Il11nnn's .lmtr. Jo11rn. ::lri. 41 ii. :J, h:16.)

CARD (Gcorgt• \\' ) R<!port on -omc W <'·t .\ u•· tr.1luua Hot·k~. (Ann. R~p. llrp. Jll/te.t, .Y .•. tr., IS!J7.)


1' 17 (2) DAnr.r,•; (-}. 'l'r<'tublemcut~ tJ,• •r crre nux .X om t•llv•· ll lobt hl~s. ( Cu111 J''" l'tmcl.u $;anrn Soc. Ocogr. 1~, 1S!ll.) l 'rNrutccl

by Snt·~eon Bn" it•, lT,~LS. " 'l'tiUI!IIIga.'' P 17 (7) 0AJtDJ"P.n (.J. St~ni~J). 1'h.-0~,,1o~ro£ Hotumo.

W atlt on \pp<·ntlix hJ \\ \\'ooJ,, ((/a. Jour/1, a~ol . ..... o .• lia·, 1!>!1.:1.) I•t•'"''-•ntt•d

by(.;. ll.tllt•\' p 17 (13} llALL c·r. S.) 111111 PutTCII,\UU (Cl n.) Gcoi<I~Y .

of the l.o\\cr Moorabool. ( Nu•(· StJc. l't<·l., 1897J .

P 17 (1;) llEDLJ:Y (Cht<rhs). '1'1~<• Hra:lllt•ninc; of Atull· hid•. ( .\•tlurttl Sci~n<~, r i, lbtl<.)

P 17 (!l} JrDD (.J. W.J \\'i:bm Suuth', .\l:anu>t•tipt )lap·. ( Ucul . .lltrg. "· s., iJ«·. u, f'ul. "'• 1Sll7.)

P 17(10) -- 'flu• l~·•rl~t•'t 1inl!l'tll'ctl (lt•olo~:u•nl i\lnps ol J~n~ln rul nwl \\ u1<'•. (ritul .. IICitJ. 11. s., Dtc. ;,, f.'ol. 1•, ll'l!lll.)

11 17(11) -- 'lhc E:nrlit··L Ot·olo;::icnl 7\lup~ of l;coll:tnd nnd hdantl. ((hol. JJ 'tl· ,,, ,,·,, lJet:. it· , lvl, ,., ll:i~::S.)

P 17(11) RAllO~>'D (G.) htudc de GJol(lgic sur le Bn.;,in

de P nris AqnL'<loc ).;g,Jut d ' Atrh~rus et Pro·

lonliomcnts 'J'~rrt~in~ cl' l~p•Lmln!lc~, &t•. (Assoc . .Fr. /Jr•tw<·. Sci., J ll.J7.) l'nriP, 1&97. ]'rO!Cntcd

P 17 (5) STHET, (Thomn<.) On Au•trnlio.o Conh. (7'ranf. Oeol. Sue. Ul "·• 1 '193.) Prc. entl~l

P 17 (12) W r.w ( Waltt•r llllt\'I'Y . nntl Puc.o,~ox (Louis \'.) The ll~urpn" .)lounhun~ of \{ontnna, Second J>llJWr. Purt 2. (Sillima n'1 d.mer, Jotmr, ri. 0, 1!!91;.) Purchased


r 18(1&} .1\cxz (Gcorgc F .) l 'n'<':ouo Stone•. (JfinPrat llf-•ourcu, l ·.s., 1 :.:>.) \Yu,hington, 1 '>56.

P 35( 19) -- Prcciou~. ton"'· (Report 011 .lfint•ral I11 · dMtrin, {!,::;,,ut El~veu/1, C'nr w.•, 11!90.)

P 18(20} - PrecionS::)tom•s. ( Jlineraf R•Murc·u, l"'.S., 1892.) "'""hinglon, 18!!3 1'rc~cnlc.l

P 18(23) -- The Gene·i• or the Diamond. (Science (S.S.), l'i, 112, 1 :li.)

P 1S(2<i) -- ;'\{iMrulol(icnl ~c>tt''· (Proc. A.m•r. Assoc. .. J.d,·. Sci . .r.uw, 18!!~.) Sulcan, 1886 Prc$UDted

l' 18(22) Knz (G. F.) naut I[ ~ NTl~OTO)I (0. W .) On th<~ Dinmontl in 1 he Canon Dir1blo Meteoric J ron , and ou t hc Unrdne~• of Carborundum. (.Jm~r. Juurn. ::;ri, ;r/l'i, 18!!3.) P re.ootcd

P 18(:?5) Kox£, P RJS•O'i, nnd l'nATT. On tht• Sapphire; from ;\[ontann, \11· Ueo. F. 1\.unz; on the Corundum.benrm~ Rot·k from \ o~o Gulch, ;\[unt::ana, hy I,. \ ', Prrs.on; on tlw Cry.tal· lol(l'llPh.•· o£ t hu ,\lonlnnn Snpplurc~. by J. 11. l'mlt. (. I mer. J(Jrmr. Sd. 111, 1897.) l'rcscnltd

P 2t(19) Ln'EilSIDC:t: ( \ .) l. Experiment• on th<• Water. proo6n::: of !hi<·!.;,• and 'and-tom·• witi\ Oil•. 2 . Expt>rim~nt< upon the J>or,·~il~ of Pln-tc•s nnci c.·mcnt '· l.lN•lr. ,l,·•oc. . Ld··· .Sci., Brisban• , l b:J;;,) Presented

P lS(ll} -- 1. Tnrinli•>n in thP .Amount of lo'rro and Albun.inoirl •\u.monia in \\'ut<w~ 011 keeping. 2. On Llw Oorro~ion of Aluminiun1. :J, Cryij· tulh~cd Carbun l>ioxid<·. oJ.. On tl~t• lntcrnul SI ruetur~ of Oold Nu~~:ct;. 5. l't~nt rabutiocs to tho Biblin::rnphy or uoiJ. (.Jw•lr . . t\$0C,

Jtl••. Sn, llt·i•hwu, 18'~5.) Pr~•enttocl

P 18(12) -- On the Crr>tulline Strm·tur,• of Clold nncl P lulin uan 1\'u~~:<•l~ and Gol<l ln~ot•. (R&.II· StJc .. :.Y.S. W., ltiU ~.) Li$L for ICxt•hungcs of J'npcrs and Jtcpua·b;, Prcscnll•d

I' 18(21) ' l'rrrA:>Y & CO)lt'l'\·, Collection of Uough Dinmou<l•, 1ob:l.

P 15(2 ~) -- C.talo::u~ of n Collection of l'redow and Ornamcntnl Ston<'• 11f ~orlh Amt·m·a, ~xhi· hitcd nl tht• l't<ra< El<pooitaon, l~MJ. ~ew York, 1!>">9.

P 18(27) --lloscoruale Colloeclit>n. P l ll(:l5) -- Calnloguc of Old Eng\i$b 'i1•cr Siln•r. Prtsr>nt .. tl

bv GN . . F. Kun1 P lS :!0) W Atm ciiy . ..\ .) Fourth Uonr:h Li't of \rp.

tcorites. l'lnllldclplna, 1~9i. Pr<' ~nted


J> 19(10) BAIJJ:l: (f.'. :\!:tn•on). (; Pnm~hl<'l•. \unlribu· liOn• to th,• H orn uf (~ll<•t•n•hml. (Qd. ..J!Jrie .. Jilurn ,,,. J, 2, 3, .;., :;, 6.) Pr.:,cu•t•l

P 19 '20 2 -- Contrihn1 nn• to tt•· rlor.a of =--•·w nuim·n ,'( Queo'll·lnml. ((,!/ • ..l:J'' • J.,, '"· iri, 3, 'l, 5, 1~:1::.)

1' 19(1!1} 71fAt llt;~ (.I. H ) ~\ Prduninnr~ SIIH!y c.f th~ J'dckly·p", r< llulurutisl'(l in :'ww lioutla "\\'nlcs. (ll~p .• /grit·. S.S. IV, .11.-.•. l'ul;l. -'o. 2a3.} ~.Hin<'l, ts:Jq. l'1·~-rnt•·•l

I' 19( 11) :l!n:r.u:l! (Ft•r 1 101 ) l'r~!nl~nt 1 ]'h) tu~.ophi:c·, ( lmp~':Jrcl).

r 19(1:!) -- \<l·litionnl \ot<! on tit!rculilt'<····· (l'rd. Xul., lb.,li.)

PHl(I:J)-- Ht•<•ord of u "-''" l'ap~au Udit-i:t. (/'id. .\'r~l., 18Hd.) Jiound in ol<Icupbu:arJ

1' 19 (tl) \\'oon (.J. ~!crllt•l) nnd F.1',1~• 1\lnua·ic·c S) XP\\ :\at11l l'l11nl•. lJec".k 11. t·luum , J llul, lbJ7,) Pr..,,·nle


Rcg• No. , Books. How I I acquired. R~g. No. Book e. How



P 19(24) lLI.nJ>Y (Normnn.) Note on Feathered Arrow~ fr~m Espiritn Santa, Now IIebrides. (Proo. Lnm. Soc., N.S. TV., 1897.)

P 20(25} K n AUBB (Wilhel~1) . Anthropologischo Rcioo nach Australian. (1'erh. lJerlin &ntl•rop Ge~. 1897.) ·


P resented

( ) W (J by R . Etheridno

P 20 23 · t\J~~Rn ~mcs U.) Notes on lhe Aborigines of " · ~asmoma, cxtroctod from lho Journals of ~tOl'gc vVashington Walhr. (llOJf. Soc., 'lnt., 1897.) Tusmnnio, 1898. PrPsontcd

by A. Morton.


P 21 (21) 'l'he Republic oC Chili. (ttmeric1n> C.'t~l'J]JIJ!diu.) L~ndon, l8!l3. t>rcaonted

) . by l£. P. Rnmsny

P21 (16 DOLLFU~. (.tl.<ll'l?n). L'Uist<>ire nnlnrellc a !'Ex· po~1t10n unrversell~. (Fe11illr lie Jeunes Na.t 1889.) . Presented

P21 (15) Nomonolaturc of Zoology nnd llotnnv. (lleport to tl1e .t.Lm . .4ssoc • .&do. St-i., 1897.) Prrsentcd

,. . . ~y A mer. Assoc. Adv. Sci. P 21 (11) Jom<STON (R. l\f.) Reference J,JSt of various

Books and ~[cmoirs on Scientific and ~oriul and Econou1ir Subjects written and published since the ycnl' 1873. Hobnrl, 1893. Presented

P 12 (3} KomLRR ( Reno.) Rchinodormea recuoillis pnr l'JnYestigutorc1nnsl'Orenn lndien. D~uxi6uo Memoire. Los Opbiur•~ littomlcs. .Bul. .'ioi. Fr. fl.11el!J. pa1· A. f;itJrd, x:u:i, Pwri.•, T'reacnted 1898. per F. Etbcridgc

P 21 (27} LIDCTEIT (Jnmes) Nntnrol Selection nnd Race p

21 (2

G) L , Progrcs.~. (Gisbo1·n~ Gn:ettQ, 16 Sept.,l898.) Presented H RRSIIIOB, A. President's Address. (Austral.

, As•oc. A.d'v. Sci. S.'!dney, 1898.) Presented P2l (24) llf01nus K. Vebor d?n Umf.~ng und die Einrich·

hn~g des Zoolog•schcn MusPums zu l3erlio. (S1fzun!]sb., 1(. l'nu~. Akad. w:;,,, 1898) Presented

P'> l (22)P by Zoo!. Snmmlung Berlin • no J'!oNo ~GBLIC? (? W. WAT.ll:Bll) . Facts for '

-!'rtCtor•es; be1ng letters on Pmetical Sub· JO~~ suggoste~ by experiences in Bombay, or1g.naJiy pubhs1led in the Bombay Ga:etle as letter:> to the Editor. Bombay, 1867.

P 21 (25)SovTUWI!Lr. (Thomas.) l\fomoir of thery~~~dJ~,~Id cupboard IIcnry Gurney. Trm1a. NoJ:f. .f 1Yorw. Nat. Sor. v. 1896. Prceeote<l

P38 (2 ' )T (J by J. li. Gurney ·• UOlt.\S .. nmea ~enr.v) l~cport on the proecnt

co~cht•on of the }' •t·zroy Iron and Coal i\fin~s, llhttagong, county of Cnmdon, New So~th

, Wale~. foOl. Sydney, 1859. l 21 (33) WILSON 'fdwori.) .Aco1i1nntisation (Joum. Rfi!!.

Col. nat.), M>ndon, 1875. fo>und in old Cupboard.

MAPS. Plan ~f .~orfol k hland .~hawing Gr11nts and Sub.

d•ns1on. Scale 1 mch 12 chains, 1\!, 7.137. Presented

. by Department of Lands. Conhncntnl Australia, prepared nt Dcpnrtmoot of

Lands aud Survey, Melbourne, l SSS. coloured n.n<l uncolourcd copies. Presented

by Dept .. of Lnuds and Sur~cy, Melbourne.


PUlJJ.IC,\TTONl-1 01!' THE AUS'I'RALTAN MUSEU~I t;p TO THE ~~NU 01? 1897.

1. Ctttnloguc of the Specimens of Natnrnl1Jistory llnd ~Iisccllancou& CmiositiC$ in the i\ustrnli:m :'.luseum, by G. Bcnnctt. 1837. 8''0. pp. 71. (Out of print. )

2. Catalogue of ~lummaliu in Lho Collec~ion of the i\ust•·nlian i\Luseum, hy G. KrcJTt. 186-l-. 12mo. pp. 133. (Out of print.)

1873. Svo. 3. Cntalogue of the ~Iinerals and Rocks in the Collect.ion of the Australian Mnseum, by G. Krefft. pp. xvii- 1 15. (Out of print.)

4. Catalo..,ue of the J'\ustralinn 13irds in the Australian Museum, by E. P. Ramsay, l:'art I, Accipitres, 18i6. Svo. pp. ,.iii- 64, and Supplement, 1890. Part II. Striges, 18!10. 8\•o. pp. 35. Second edition, rcvi~ed l>y A. J. North, 1898 . .Part J, Accipitres. g,•o. pp. xii·74. l'art 11, Striges. 8'•o. pp. vi-31. Part Jlf, 1-'sittaci, J89l. Svo. pp. viil- 110. Part n·, Halcyones , 1S04. Svo. pp. viii- 24.

5. Catalogue of the Australian Stalk and Sessile-eyed C••tts~acca, by \\'. A. Has well. 1892. Svo. pp. xxh·- 324, with 4 plate.,.

6. Catalo~uc of the Libr:ll'>' of the Austmlian .\luseum. 1SfJ:I. Svo. pp. 178 , with Lwo supplements. (Otlt of print.) New ed1tion. Part Ill , Pamphlets.

7. Catalogue of" Collection of Fossils in the Australian l'ol useum, with lntroducto•·y Notes, by F. Ratte. 1883. g,,o. pp. xnii i 160.

8. Catalogue of ~he Australian Jly<lroid Zoophytes, by W. :'-1. l~nle. 188 1. s,·o. pp. l!l8, with l!l plates. 1885. 9. Desc•·ipti,·c Catalogue of the General Collection of ~1incrnls in the Australian 1\Iuscum, by F . Rntte.

8\'0. pp. 221, with a plate. 10. Catalogue of J.:chinod<'rmatn in the Australian ~Juseum, by E. P. Rnmsny. Part I, Echini, 1885. 2nd edition,

1890. 8vo. pp. v1ii .>-!, wi th 5 plates. 11. Descripth•c Catalogue of the :'.fcdusm of the Australian Seas. P t<rt [, l:lcytlhomedu3~!!. P:u·t H, Hycll·omcdus~!!,

by R. von l,clHlenfcltl. 1887. ih·o. pp. 32 and 40. 12. Descriptive Catalogue of the Xcsts a nd l>:ggs of Australian 13ird~, by A. J. Nm·th. 1889. g,·o. pp. iv, v- 407,

with 21 plates. 13. Deaeripti\·e CatalQgtlc of the Sponges in the .>\ustralinn Museum, by 11. vou Lonclcnfelcl. 1888. 8\'0, pp. xiv-260,

with 12 plates. l •J. C(l.taloguc of the Fi~hes in the Austrnlinn .\fnseum. Part I , Paltt'ichthynn Fi$hes, by J. P ouglns Ogilby. 18SS.

8''o. pp. :H. 15. Cntalo,.uc of the ~lm·ino Shells of Australia nnd •ra~mnnin, hy J. ll••aziel'. Part I, Cephalopoda, 1892. s ,·o.

pp. 20. Pnrt II,"Pteropodn, !892. llvo. pp. ~2. Part. Ill, 0astel'(lpoda (Mnrcx), 1803. 8\'0, pp. 32. I G. C'atuloguc of Austmlit\ll :'.l:lmmnls, with Introductory Notes on General Mnmmalogy, by ,). DouglM Ogilby,

1802. 8 \'0. pp. xvi l oJ. I.



Il. -M OXO<IRA PUll.

1. An~trnlian T.epidopt.ern :md their Transformations, hy the A. W. 1-'cott, "ith Jlluslrntions by his daughters. ~I rs. M organ nnd .\l rs. ~'onlc. Edited and re,·i~ed by Mrs. Forde and A. S. Olhll. \ 'ol. Ir, Pllrts I, Z, 3, nnd 4, and indJ)x, fol., 1890- 1 OS. pp. 36, and 12 plates.

lli. )ft·,IOmQ.

1. 1Ji~tory anti Description of the SkeletQn of a new ~perm \\"hale in the Australian Museum, by W. S. 'I'\ all. 1851. Svo. pp. G6, with t>lntes. Reprint, 1887.

2. J.ord lfowe Island: itJI Zoolol!y, Geology, nud Physical Chnrnctcra. IS !l. Rvo. pp. viii - 132, with 10 plate~. :J. 'fh<> Atoll or Fnnafuti, Elliee Group: its Zoology, Botany, ami General Structure, ~~~sed on Collection~ made by

Mr. C. Ji O<IIev. l'art I , December, 1896. Svo. l'art 2, .F~:bruary, 189i. l'nrt 3, ,July, IM07. Part 4, ~cptember, 1897. Part 5, No,•en1ber, IS9i. Part 6, FebruarJ', 1898.


I. c;nido to the Austrlllian FoSllil Remains in the Australian ~Jueeum. ISiO. 2. Guide to the Contents of the .Australian ~luseum. 1883. 8,·u. pp. i,· [;(}. 3. Guido to the Contents of th<! Australian Museum. 1890. 8,·o. pp. Hi6.

\'.-MIS!'KI.I.~l' I:Ot'"·

g,·o. (Out of print.) (Out of print.)

1. List of old Doournouh o.nd Relics in the A.ustrnlitul Museum. 188 L Rcprinoocl with 1ulclitious, 1890. 8vo. pp. 4. 2. Descriptive J,ist of Aboriginal Weapons, Implements, &c., from the Do.rling and Lnchlnn Rivers, hy K. 1:1.

llcnnett , F. L.H. 1887. Reprinted, 189i. Svo. pp. S. 3. Notes for Collectors. 1887. g,·o. pp. 43.

4. Hints for Collectors of Gcological nnd Min~:rnlogtcal ~pccimcnij, by 1~. Ratte, pp. 2G, 11 ith o. plo.te.

;,. Hints for the Prescrvn.tion of Specimens of Na tural History, by K P. RnmRay. 1891. 4th Edition, pp. :!2.


Records of the Australian )lusemn, \ol. I, 1890-91. 8\·o. pp. 220. 30 platca. Y ol. II. 1892- 96. 8''0. PJI· 11 :!. 23 plntes. Vol Ill, Part l, January, 1897. \'ol. Ill, PnrL :!, August, 1897. \'oJ. Ill,

l'nrt 3, November, IS9i. Port 4, J unc, 189 • ~lay ht: obtnin<!tl from the Attendants at the Mn~eum. or from MCMnt. Angu~ nml Hobcrtson, Castlereagh·strcet,

Svdney; Messrs. 'l'nrner and Hentlerson, Hunter-street, Sydney; Mr. E. \\'. Cole, Goorge·strect, ~y<lncy. !Jook Arcacle, ?-iclbourne, anti Rundle-strcct, Adelaide: .\Iessrs . .\lc!l·ille, )Jullen, and 1-ilade, )lclbournc: .\fcssr~. R. Fricdhmder and Sun, J3crlin ; ~lc.•srs. Kcgan, Paul, Trench, Trubncr, &; Co., Paternoster llousc, Chnring Crn,.., Road, London.

[Exchange~ of Serials, Works, Reporl~, and other Puhlications an• earnestly solicited on behalf of the ~luscum Librnry.]


DURINO TITE \ lt I R lb08.

ETnt:n!D(l Y., R. Jnnr.

1. l'Jnnl. Roml\ina from the South Arulroliun nnd Q.ucenslond Border, npproximntcly T..nt. 26° 55' S., Long. 13S0 25' E . S. A111fr. 1'1trl. Paper., 18!18, No. , p. 7, pl.

2. J\ New Form of Sgri"!J~p~ra, nllicd to Sgri~>gopora tabulal.a, Yun Olcrc. llcc. Otol. Srtrt""!f lV.S. JVales, lS:JS vol. ,., pi.. •I, JlP· 119- 153, pi. I 6.

3. Pt~!ll'onlol<l~in No•w Ce.mbriro ?.feridionalis. Ocen:.ionnl Dc~cription5 of N S. Wnles Fossils, No. 3. Rtc. Ge.,t. SurVf'!J N.,<;. Waln, 1898, ''ol. ,-, pt. •!, pp. l'i5 - li9, pl. 19.

•l. On lltll Ocenrrcnco of the genus End~pl•,vllum, .Ed. and I r. (l•:mend. Sehlutcr), in I he Lower l'nlreozoic 'Rocks of N.S. Wnle~, lltt:. Oeo/. S'•ree.y S.S. Wales, 1891!, vol. n, pt. I, pp. 13- l6, pis. 4 nnd 6.

G. A further C'nmbrian Trilobite from Yorke Pt•ninsul:• t:->. \uslrnlir•J . 1'mn~. Rog. Soc. S .• 'l.uttr., 1898, vol. xxu, pt. I, pp. J -3, pi. •I.

6. New or Little· known Lon,,r P~tlreozoic Ga5teropoda in th~ Collection o£ the Austrolinn Museum. R~c. Autlr. Jiu1., 189~, vol. ur, No. 4, pp. 71-77, \>Is. 15 and 16.

7. llolv••lu in Ne" Sout 1 Wales. Rec. du4ir . .llu•., 1'!98, vol. m, ~o. 4, pp. 78-80, pi 17. 8. On the Structnn> tlnd llethod of Preservt1tion of R~c•pfarulit~, auslralit, l!nll<'r. llrc. o~of. Sur~~!/ S.S. Walu,

1898, vol. n, pt. 1, pp.62- 7S, fls. 8-10. [fn conjunction with W . S. Dun).

Hr:»Ll!\, Cn \Kur-

1. i?t'~crit>lion or n New lli~ah·e..: ~11111 aJ,zta, from Sanln Cruz. lltc .• luff . • l!t11., vol. nr, So. 4, 1&99, p, 84. 2. Furtl~rr _Not<>'l on Auotrahtln ::;lupwonm. Proc. Li•w. Sa<'. Y.S. IV.tkt, Yol. '\li:IH, 189!>, pp. 91 -96, fil(s. 3 Dcscrophon of New Mollusca, chielly from New C~lcdonin. Pror. Linn. Soc. \",S, Waln, vol. X'\:IIJ, pp. 97-105, fig •.


I. ~irth of Lhc fou~tJ: or Cumhcrland .. fustralatilw .l.osociafioll " ''"d/IOirK, l'.nlrwy, 11>98, pp. 68-lllt 2. llloto on tho l'on·Tmled Cul"koo dcpo~tltng it< Egg in thr Nc,t of tbo Rcwk \\'urblcr. Proc. Li>.n. Sr>c. S.S. 1T'ales,

vol. XXIII, I !!!lS. 3. Li•t of Dird~ collcclcd b)· the Cnhcrt Exploring Exp<•tlilion in 'Vt>alo•rn A ustrnlin, with Fil'ltl X otes hv G. A. h<'1lrl·

lond. Tr11n1. lff>JI· Soo. S. A IL<Ir., vol. XXII, 1898. · 4. Dt•scription of Lh<• Nests nnd F.gga of four Spccit'" ot' .\u~lr;dinn Dir1J,. l'rm•. J,i 11rr. Soc . • \~.s. 1/'alts, vol. X:\111,

1898. r,. On n Spvci<•s of Pigeon frequcntiog Lhe Atolls of lhc lWict• Gruup. Rrc·. llu.lf. Uus .. t•ol. 111, No. 4, lS98, p. S:i. ll. On th~ '?ccurrcnco o[ !Jutttsfer teesa in Au•11111ia. Ji•t'. lull . .1/118., vol. 111, No. 1, ISIIS, p. '27. 7. Ono ltv1!1~ Kx:nnplo or Psepltol11.• rllrJt·MPlfrll,'li"·'· Jler . . l • .1/fl.f., •·nl. 111, No. l , IH!l~. p.87. R. On lho• l•.xtt•n»~on of the l{nnge of Plw~ton wutlit/u., to :St•\\ :-inulh v\'r.l•·~ nml l 1nrd liuwf' lshuul. .Rer. Au.<f .

.8lus. vol. 111, Nr>. •!, JS!l!!, p. S!l. 9. (':tl~lo,:uo of tht; Auotraliun 'Birds in the Atl'fruliun A.Ju,,•um, h~ lt. 1'. R.un>n\ J';!rl~ 1 nnd 2, Aeciptrus and Stric;t•s.

s~tond cdthon \\llh uddthOn>. : / u,,·t. Jfus. Cll/., n ·, pl~. l, 2, J'l!lS. . 1{.\1~ cow w. J .


RAtNDO\\', W. J. 1. De~cription of tho Lnrm of P1~udoplera p~rcomiaria, Gn. R~co. du!i. 11fu1 .. .-ol. tu, No. 4, 1898, pp. 81-82,

pi. lt\'111, Ill:"· 1-ld. Z. J>e~cription of a n<'w Arancincl. RP~. A 11•l . .liu., ,·ot. m, ~o ~. 1898, pp. R2-P3. pi. xnn, na,. 2-2b.

1898. 3. lndcx to Vol. n of Scott's Australian Lepidoptera, cditod by ll. Fordo and A. S. OlliJT. .&1W. Mu.•. Jl[o,ogr., 11, pt. 5,

4 Contribution ton Knowlcdi!P of the Ar11choidan li'tmna of British New Guinea. Proc. Linn. Soc. S.S. T~ralu, .-ol. XXIII, pt. 3, 18!)$, pp. 328-356

1 pJ. Yll,

St:i('I.AIR, s. 1. An .Account of th ~ Australian J\'fuseum Library. Proc. Seconrl Intern'JUollrzl Library Conjcrmct, London, 1898,

11nd Prot'. Librury A uociutio11 of .drulralasia, Sydney, 1898.

W AITE, F.DGAR R. 1. Ob30rl'Otions on Muridro from Contra! A ust rnlia. Proc. Ro.l/. Soc. lict., 1898, pp. I 14-128. 2 .. Scientific) Report on the }'ishes. F1rnrll'~ Rtport Trawling Optrationl of ll.C.M.S. T lutu, pp. 31-62, pis. 1-12,

Sydnc~·, 1898.


1. 'l'ha Mndrcporario of Funnruti. Mem. ,1.ust. Mlls., 111, pt. 6, t898, p. 317.

No. nt end of


1 z 3 l 5 6 i il !J

10 ll 12 1:3 11 ] 5 16 17 18 HI 20 21 :!2 2:3 21 2;) 26


LIST Or' THE ~lUSEt;~l . TAFF, J898.

Name and Office.

l R obt•t·L Etheridg(;', ,J unr·., J.P., Curator ...

Edw. P. Ramo;ay, Consulting Ornithologist, &c. l Sutlwrland Rim· lair, Sl't·t·ctm·y .. · .. ·

Thomas \Vhitclt•gge, Hciontific Assisbtnl ... Alfn·d .J. ~orth, do do Thomn. ... <.:ook!>l'y, do du Ednm· R. Wai(l', do do Ch~r·lt·s H t-dley. do do \\-m. ,J. Raiuhuw, do do Frank T. Chu·k, Cll'rk ... J osrph A. Spt•rrcrr, MrsHengl"t' J ohn A. Thorpc, Taxidrr·mist Rolx•r·t Hanw~, Carpenl<'r ... H cm·y B at'lli"S, Arlit·ulalor, ,\:c. J. \V. Woodlt e:~d, Pr·intt•r . R oh••rt G-mnt, Assistan t 'l'axiciC'rnllst... , ... . BE'nton Lueas, .\Fsistnnt ('arpt•nlt•r and Hrmth A. B. Taylor, Assistant . \.rticulatOl' Richal'(l Hillsdon, AtL<'ndnnt ...

amurl Long, .\tlendnnt. Rohcrt Long, do .\.rthur Bnrnrs, do M l'S. A.Da~h wood, do )In;. K. Frascr, do F. J. Knopp, )."ight, " -atchrnan ... ... , ... A. \V. lll'O'' n, L nbouror und \Vt~tdunun


Dato of appointment to prescn~ position.

1 Jan., 189.'> 11 St-pl., 1882

1 ,Jan., 1895 1 .July, 1887 4 Aug., 1891 9 11ny, 1892

17 April, 189:3 1 .J<ut., 1896 3 ScpL, 1 96 1 Jan., I 96 7 Apr·il, 18!>6 3 June, 1 69

I 66 11 Oct., 1 ~97 27 Rt'pt., 1897

7 1<\•b., 1898 10 ~loy, 1887 7 Otl., 1897 1 J a n., 1888 1 J an., 1896 l ~'t·h., 1 l 9i 7 l~'eb., 18!>8 l SC'pt., 1882 1 . \ pl'il. 1 !)

21 No\'., I ' !li 7 Ft~h., 1898

11 k c ·emment Prin«:r.-189!1. Sydney : WiiiiGm Appl~'l>le GUI c ' 0\

[h. 9d.]

Dale of first appointment in lbe


18 April, 1887

22, rpt.. , 187 J 1883 27 Aug.,

:!2 No,·., l tiS6

1 April, 1891 July, 1896

1 78

1888 1 )larch, 1883

12 SC'pl., 1887 7 D(•t·., 1891 5 . \.pr·il, 1 ~ll

.\pril, 18!>7