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Page 1: Australian animal project

Australian animals

By Felicia Ferentinos

Page 2: Australian animal project

What is a Marsupial

• A marsupial is a mammal that has their babies in a pouch.

Kangaroo Koala Tasmanian Devil Wombat


Page 3: Australian animal project

Meet the animals of Australia • Kangaroo • Koala • Dingo • Platypus • Wombat • The little blue penguin • Kookaburra • Quokka • Gullah• Biby• Thorny Devil lizard • Tasmanian Devil

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Kangaroo • Diet: The kangaroo is a herbivore that means it is a plant eater the food that the kangaroo will normally eat grass, leaves and they will also eat roots to. These

animals can swallow their food but they do not chew their food and they will later regurgitate a cud and then they will start to chew their food. The kangaroo do not need a whole lot of water. These animals can go for months without any water and they can even dig up their very own water wells. There are some species that will normally feed at night and the other food that they will eat are grasses and they will normally eat this in anytime of the day that means that they can both eat grass in dawn and dusk. If a day is very cloudy or cold then they will normally feed during the day than. The kangaroo can get a lot of their water from the different types of plants that they eat and that means that they can get their water from different types of grass, shrub, leaves, stems and they can also eat shoots. There are some kangaroos that can go for weeks or months with no water.

• Habitat: The kangaroo can be found only on the Continent of Australia. The other place where these animals can be found is on this island that is called Tasmania. They can also be found around surround islands. There are so many kangaroos that can be found all over different types of habitats like they can be found in different forests woodlands areas, grassy plains and they can also be found on savannas. They can also be found on New Guinea to.

• Size/Weight: The kangaroo can be bigger then 2 pounds. The body length of a Kangaroo is about 1 and 1.6 m (3.25-5.25 ft.). The length of their tail is about 1 and 1.6 m (3.25-4 ft.) and they can weight about 25 to 90 kgs (200 lbs.'). The tallest male kangaroo can be bigger than over 6 feet (1.8 meters). The most heaviest weight for a male red kangaroo is 200 pounds (90 kilograms).

• Life span: A kangaroo can live about 7 to years but it really depends on the types of species though. These Marsupials can also live about 12 to 18 years as well. When these Marsupials are living on their natural habitat than they can live for 6 years and when they are living in a zoo and that means that they are living in captivity and then they can live for 20 years when they are living in a zoo or in a game reserve.

• Threats : There are so many kangaroos that live in Australia but there are about 20 different species that happen to be the most smallest species these kangrarss are threatened The reason why because people have been pushing these animals far away from their feeding grounds. The other threats that they are dealing with is by domestic animals and people have been doing this by mining , agriculture and interest s. They are also being eaten by other animals like the red fox and the domestic house cat. The bigger species of kangaroo like the red kangaroo they have a much different problem to deal with than the smaller species faces. When they reproduce they do it very fast and that means that their population surveys have to be taken out and the kangaroo that choose . But there are some species that are being helped by scientist and they are studying ways on how to introduce the birth control of an kangaroo. But there are a lot of Australians there are so many that are working very hard to protect the kangaroo and to keep the balance that is between humans and the kangaroo species. Kangaroos are also getting killed for meat and hides. They are also being introduce to different types of domestic animals like sheep, cattle and rabbits. This is a problem because they are taking over the kangaroo’s feeding areas and they are eating all of their plants and this might cause a food scarcity at any time.

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Koala • Diet: The type of food that the koala likes to eat is these types of leaves that are called eucalyptus even through there are about 600 different types of these leaves that grow on some of the parts

of Australia but there are some of them that are not healthy for a koala. There are some koalas that will only eat the leaves but they will only take leaves and they will mostly eat about two or three species of eucalyptus. If the koala does not find the eucalyptus that it wants than the koala will just go hungry for that day. This the reason why that there are only few zoos all over the world that have been doing a good job with exhibiting these marsupials. The food that the koalas like to eat is these leaves that are called eucalyptus and they also like to eat tree bark as well and there are about 12 different types of eucalyptus trees that are all over Australia. The other food that they like to eat is mistletoe and they will also eat box leaves as well. Koalas do not need to drink lots of water that is because they get their water from the food that they eat. Koalas are herbivores that means that they only eat plants and their diet usually goes for eucalyptus leaves that is what there diet mostly consists. There are about 30 different types of eucalyptus trees and the koala will eat the leaves of these types of trees. These animals do not just eat eucalyptus but that is their main food source the other food that they feast on is foliage that they will mostly get from leptospermum acacias and melaleuca. The account of leaves that they eat is 500g (1.1 lbs. ) of leaves that is in a day and they will most eat them in any time of the day but the best time of the day to see them eat is when night comes .

• Habitat: A long time ago koalas range used to stretch all over the continent of Australia but today these animals can only be found in Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and they can also be found in South Australia as well. The koala also likes to live in places that lots of eucalyptus forests coastal island and they can also be found in low woodlands as well. The koala can also live in the eucalypt forests that is in Eastern Australia.. The koala can also live on the southeastern and the eastern part of Australia and the habitats that they live in are Eucalyptus woodlands and forests.

• Size/weight :The size of these animals are about 2 to 3 feet (60 to 85 centimeters this is how tall they are. The koalas that live in the Northern part of Australia they can weight about 9 to 19 pounds ( 4 to 8.5 kilograms) an the koalas that live in the southern part of Australia is 15 to 29 pounds ( 7 to 13 kilograms). The weight of a male koala is 50 percent more higher than the females. The koalas can grow about 2 feet tall and they can weight about 30 pounds. The body length of an koala is between 63 to 82 cms (26-32 inches. The length of their tails is about 1 to 2 cms (0.4-0.75 inches) and the weight of these animals are about 4 and 15 kgs (8.75 – 33 lbs).

• Life span: A koala can live for 10 or 15 years. The koala will live for 15 years when they are in captivity and that means if they are living in a zoo or in a game preserve. All through to all of the mortality rates that will usually last for 17 years or if they are not getting killed by cars or dogs or if they are looking for mate and than their life span will start to go low to 2 or 10 years

• Threats: The koala is in great danger the reason why is because their habitat is getting destroyed. This has happened ever sense settlers came to Australia and the koala has lost about 80 percent of their habitat the reason why their habitats are getting destroyed is because people are cutting down the trees that the koala lives in the reason why people are doing this is because they are trying to make more room for houses, shopping malls, golf courses and roads. There is another reason why the koalas are losing their homes is because the farmers that live there need the rich soil that they get from the Eucalyptus trees and ranchers will also need the rich sail to they will need this so that they can raise their crops and livestock. The farmers and the ranchers will normally cut down very large areas that is in the forest so that they can use the soil that they need to. This is a huge problem that is because if the trees are not growing a lot and that is because the farmers are clearing up their land that is because so that they can grow even more crops and so that they can raise their livestock animals. This is an other reason why the koala is losing their homes is because people are clearing up their land that they need to survive so that they can look for food and so that they can raise their babies. The extinction of mammals that is in Australia is very high than anywhere else that is on the map. A very long time ago the koala disappeared in some parts of the continent that is because their eucalyptus trees are starting to get cut down so that they can make farms. Today the people that live in the Eastern part of the continent are always trying to look out for the koalas. There are going to be some place that are in Australia where the koala can cross sheets so that they can get to their water and so that they can get to their fresh trees as well. There have been signs that will warn people to watch out for these creatures. There are so many people that want to help the koala and want the koala to stay on this plant for a very long period of time.

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Dingo • Diet: The dingo will eat very small mammals and the type of animals that they will eat are rabbits, kangaroos, wallabies, birds, rodents, lizards and they will also

eat carrion and if there is no prey animals in the area than they will eat different types of fruit. The dingo will normally hunt by it self but there are sometimes that they do hunt in a group that is called a pack. The best time of the day for these dogs to hunt is really at night and that means that these dogs are nocturnal. The dingo is a carnivore and that means that they only eat meat. The food that the dingo eats is rats, kangaroos, birds, rabbits, lizards, and they will also sometimes eat different types of farm animals as well. These dogs can swallow their meal by doing very large chunks.

• Habitat/Range: The type of places where the dingo lives is in places that are in desert woodlands, desert rivers. And they will also hunt in a sandy country to and when they want to find a good place to sleep and those places are in rocky gorges. The other type of places where these animals can be found is in Australia, Sulawesi, Thailand and they can also be found in other different parts of Southeast Asia. The other habitats that these dogs can be found in is forests edges, grasslands and they can also be found on the plains that is located in the outback. The dingo native home is the continent of Australia . They can be found in other places to like they can be found in places that are in Asia as well like they can be found in Thailand. South East China, Myanmar, Laos, New Guinea, Philippine, Malaysia, Borneo and Indonesia. The other habitats where these animals can be found is in the plains, mountains, deserts and they can be found in the forests that are in South East Asia and they are can also be seen hanging out very small villages. The type of places where the dingo likes to live in are places that have dry plains and forests and all of these places are located in the continent of Australia.

• Size/Weight: The body length of a dingo is about 72 to 110 cms (28 to 43 inches). The length of their tail is 21 to 36 cms (8.5-14 inches). The weight of the dingo dog is about 9 to 21.5 Kgs (20-47 lbs). A adult dingo can be long than 3 ft (90 cm) long. These dogs can grow at least about 60cm high and they can weight about 15 kilograms. The size of their head and their body is 4 feet long and they can weight at least 35 pounds. The other size of their head and their body is about 3.5 to 4 ft. The size of their tail is (1.1 to 1.2 m) that is how long their tail. They can also grow at least 12 to 13 in (30 to 33 cm). They can also weight about 22 to 33 lbs (10 to 15 kg). They can grow about 44-63 up to the shoulder.

• life span: The dingo dog can live about 8 to 10 years. When these dogs are living in their natural habitat than they will live for 5 to 10 years. They can also live for 10 years when they are in the wild. When they are living in captivity like they are living in a zoo than they get to live for 14 years. If they are being kept as pets than they get to live for 20 years or even longer than that.

• Threats : threat for the dingo is that they are breeding with domestic dogs that is because people are letting their dogs out where dingoes live. But there is a lot of work that is being done to help them and the other threat that they are going through today is their habitat is getting destroyed because people are trying to make room for buildings, cities and roads.

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Emu • Diet: The emu is an omnivore and that means that they will eat both plants and other animals and the type of food that they will eat are different types of fruit, insects,

flowers and they can also eat seeds as well. These are not the only food that they will eat and those food are grains, berries, soft shoots, grubs or any other food that can be found in their habitat. But they will only eat fruit and plants it depends on what kind of season it is.

• Habitat/Range: The emu can be found on so many different types of places that are in the continent of Australia and the type of habitats that these birds like to live is habitats that are in grasslands that has some trees in it and they can also be found on savannas as well. The type of places that the emu lives in that is in Australia is and the places that they live in are New guinea, Indonesia, Solomon islands and they can also be found on the Philippines when they live in these places the type of habitats that they live is open forests and they can also be found on Grassy plains as well. The emu can be found on so many different places that is on the mainland of Australia and these special birds can also be found in deserts and they can also be found in dense forests as well. The emu can be found on so many different type of habitats that can be found all over the continent of Australia but the best places to find these birds are in sclerphyll forest and they can also live in other places different places to like they can be found in open woodlands and they can also be found in arid areas. The places that they will normally stay away from places that have severe deserts or places that have dense forests.

• Size/weight: The size of these birds are 4.9 to 6.2 feet (1.5 to 1.9 meters) that is how tall that these birds are and they can weight about 66 to 121 pounds (30 to 55 kilograms). The emu is known to be the most largest bird in the world the second bird that is the largest is the ostrich and the emu can grow about 6 feet and that is their height and they can weight about 100 pounds . These birds can also grow about 5 to 6.5 feet (1.5 – 2 meters) and that is their height and they can weight about 130 pounds (60 kg). The males are so much smaller than the females are. The size of an emu is 6 feet (185 cm) that is how tall that these birds are and they can weight about 110 pounds (50 kg), These birds can be bigger than the tallest person. The emu can stand about 6 ½ feet and 120 pounds.

• Life span: The emu can live about 10 to 20 years when they are in living in their natural habitat and when they are living in a zoo than they can live for 35 years. These birds can also live about 5 to 10 years but this is their life span when they are in the wild. These birds can also live for 10 to 20 years. They can also live about 20 years as well. When they are living in the wild than they can live till 5 or 10 years and they will live a lot longer when they are living in a zoo or living in a game preserve.

• Threats: There are some places that are in Australia where it has very large human population and these people are taking over these birds home. The populations that are very small have so many dangers that they will have to face like they are losing their habitat and of fragmentation. The emu is not a animal that is under threat of Extinction but there are times that there will be a drought for these birds. The emus that live in West Australia they are facing so many different types of dangers and one of those dangers is that there are lots of farmers that are killing them for their. Killing them for meat is not the only reason why these birds are in trouble the other reason is because they will kill them for their feathers so that they can make oil and leather out of them. The emu used to live on the island of Tasmania but it does not live there anymore that is because it became extinct in the year of 1865.

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Platypus • Diet: The type of food that the platypus will eat the most is invertebrates. They will normally eat the invertebrates that live on the bottom of lakes, rivers and they can also get their food in

streams to. The type of animals that they will eat is different types fish and insects and they will also eat frogs as well. The platypus bill can help them to located where their food is in the very murky water that they live in. The other food that they will eat is aquatic insects. The other food that they will eat is frogs and they also eat fish eggs as well. The type of food that the platypus will eat is very small shellfish, crayfish, freshwater, shrimp, insects, worms and they will also eat fish eggs as well.

• Habitat/Range : The Platypus can be found on the lakes, the stream and the rivers that can be found on the east part that is on the mainland of Australia and they can also be found on the island of Tasmania as well. The part of Australia where a person can be found on the eastern part of the continent and they can also live on the island of Tasmania to. The platypus can also be found on the eastern part of Australia. They will be found on the edge of rivers and they can also be found in freshwater lakes as well. This is really the place where the platypus will normally dig up their burrows. The platypus lives in places that can be found all around different rivers, creeks and lakes that are around the eastern part of Australia and they can also live on the surrounding islands that is Australia to like they on the island of Tasmania.

• Size/Weight: The platypus can grow about 18 inches (47 centimeters this is the length of these animals and they can weight about 3 pounds (1.5 kilograms). The body size of the platypus is that it can be bigger than 30 to 45 cm (12 to 18 in) long. The size of their tail is that it can be bigger than 10 to 15 cm (4 to 6 ) that is the total length of these animals. The platypus can weight about 1 to 2.4 kg (2.2 to 5.3lb). The length of these animals is 40 to 6o cm (16 to 23,5 inches. The tail can grow about 8.5 – 15 cms (3.25 – 6 inches). The platypuses can weight about 0.8 – 2.5 kgs (1.75 -5.5 lbs.). The platypus can weight about 2 kg (4.5 lb.). The body length of these animals is 30 to 40 cm (11 to 16 inches ). The tail length of these animals is 10 to 15 cm (4-6 inches this is how long their the males tails are and the females tail can be long as 8 -13 cm (3-5 inches). The weight of the males are 2.6-5.7 pounds (1.2-2.6) and the weight of the females are 1.5-3.5 pounds (7-1.6 kg). The length of the males is 20 inches (51 cm) long and the length of the females are 1.5-3.5 pounds (7-1.6 kg).

• Life span: When the platypus is living in their natural habitat is that they can live about 10 years and when they live in in captivity or they will also live in a zoo then they will live about 17 years . These animals can live for a very long time they can about 20 years or they can live even more when they are living in captivity and when they are living in the wild then they get to live about 12 years. They can also live about 10 years when they are living in the wild to. These animals can live about 12 years as well when they are in the wild to. When the platypus is in the wild than they can live about 21 years.

• Threats: The most biggest threat to a platypus is that they are losing their habitats that is because there are so many people that are clearing up their lands and the other big problem is that the water that they swim in has so many pollution in it. In so many years in the past the platypus people have been killing the platypus and the reason why they will kill them is because of their fur. This is another threat that the platypus is facing today . If the hunters keep on killing the platypus than there will be so many platypus that will be head to extinction. The other problem that the platypus is dealing with is that there are so many rivers and creeks that are getting dammed with concrete and this is another reason how the platypus will head to extinction to. The other bad thing is that people are building houses over these animals homes.

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Tasmanian Devil • Diet: The Tasmanian devil can eat so many different types of food but the food that they eat the most is dead animals that have be found in a areas that has been leafed behind by another animal. It is

also called a carrion to. They will also eat the fur that is on the dead animal that they have found. The Tasmanian devil will not just eat food that is leafed behind by some other animals but they can also hurt as well and the type of animals that the Tasmanian devil sees as their prey is the wallaby, the kangaroo, pademelons, wombats, lizards, snakes, frogs, birds, crayfish and they will also eat eggs to. The Tasmanian devils favorite food is the wombat. The food that the Tasmanian devil is known to be an opportunistic predator but the food that the Tasmanian devil will eat the most is carrion ( it is another word for an dead animal) and they rather eat a dead animal than to hunt for live prey but if they do have to go and hunt than the type of animals that they will see as their prey are very small mammals, birds, fish, frogs and they will also eat reptiles that is also very good for their diet as well. The Tasmanian devil is known to be an varied animals and they will eat everything that is food to them. When they are eating a dead animal then they will eat the bones and the fur of the animal that they have found. On their average diet a Tasmanian devil can only eat about 15% of their body weight in every single day but they can also eat about 40% of their body weight as well and it will only last about 30 minutes but that can only happen if the opportunity arises. The Tasmanian devil are also known to feed very rowdy and communal and it can be heard over seven kilometers away.

• Habitat/Range: The Tasmanian devil can only be found on a island that is called Tasmania and they can be found on every single habitat on that island. The Tasmanian devil is known to be an solitary animal that means that they prefer to be alone and they do not live in a group or in a family. The size of a territory of an Tasmanian devil is it can longer than 8-20 sq. Kms (3-7.7 sq. miles). The best time of the day that the Tasmanian devil is most active is at night and then when day comes than that will be the time when the Tasmanian devil will start to hide in a den or in a dense bush. The Tasmanian devil is an nocturnal animal and that means that they are most active at night and they will sleep or rest during the day. The Tasmanian devil can only be found on a island that is called Tasmania and this is an other part of Australia. The Tasmanian devil can be found on so many different types of habitats and the those places are in forests, woodlands and agricultural areas. But the most common place to find a Tasmanian devil are in places that are coastal scrub and they can also be found on eucalyptus forests.

• Size/weight: The size of the Tasmanian devil is 23 to 26 inches (57 to 65 centimeters) long. The size of their tail is about 10 inches (26 centimeters) long. These animals can weight about 13 to 18 pounds (6 to 8 kilograms). The weight of the Tasmanian devil is 26 pounds (12 kilograms). The body of the Tasmanian devil is the size of an 20 and 31 inches (51 and 79 centimeters). The weight of the Tasmanian devil is 4 – 12 kgs (8.775 (8.75-26 lbs). The size of the tails is 23-30 cm (9-16 lbs). The length of the Tasmanian devil is 52-80cm (20.5 -32 inches).

• Life span: The Tasmanian devil can live about 7 to 8 years. When these animals are in their natural habitat than they can live about 6 years.

• Threats: The Tasmanian devil is facing a very dangerous disease and that is called the Devil Facial Tumor Disease and it can also be called (DFTD) for short. This disease is on all of the devils that live on the island of Tasmania. Some scientists think that there are about 20 to 50% this is what is lifted in the Tasmanian devil’s population but some say that there are about 65% that are still living on this island but no one activity knows. In the 18th century there were European settlers that came to Tasmanian at this time. During the those times the European settlers first became to the Tasmanian first thought that the Tasmanian devil land the Tasmanian tiger are known to be pest these animals will kill a lot of their sheep and they will also eat other animals that they have trapped. In the 1830’s the bounties were placed on the devils and on the tigers. The Tasmanian tiger is now extinct and it became extinct in 1941. When time went by people are starting to make laws to protect these animals. The people that live on Tasmania sometimes still think that the Tasmanian devil is still pest today they still think that. The reason why the people think that the Tasmanian devil is a pest is because their numbers are starting increase in every single summer that comes in this season. This is also the time when the babies will start to live all on their own so that they can take care of themselves. There are only about 40% Tasmanian devil will make it to adulthood being a Tasmanian devil is a really hard time because it is very hard to find food because there is a competition to get the food that they need to live. The dramatic increase in the number will only happen only in once in a year. There are so many farmers in Tasmania that are now liking the fact the devils that is because they are keeping them safe from rodents and their role in nature is to control the rodent population. The rodents eat all of the farmers crops so that the means that the Tasmanian devil will have the stop the rodents from eating all of their crops. But right now the Tasmanian devil is facing a whole badder problem right now and that is that they are facing a very terrible disease that is called devil facial tumor disease. This disease has killed a whole of devils and it will normally kill them in every single year. The Tasmanian government and there are so many scientists are trying to study the disease so that they can found a away to save the Tasmanian devil. That is the most biggest threat that the Tasmanian devil is facing today.

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Wombat • Diet: The best time of the day that the wombat will eat is really at nice. The type of food that the wombat will eat is grasses, shoots, and they will also eat

tree bark to and they will need all of this food so that they can keep growing so that they keep their teeth growing and also to make sure that their teeth has an manageable size to. The other food that the Wombat will eat is grass, roots and they will also eat bark as well. The wombat is an herbivore and that means it will only eat plants and the type of food that the wombat will eat are grass, leaves, bark and roots.

• Habitat/Range: The wombat can be found on Australia and on Tasmania. They can also be found on so many different types of habitats to and those places are forests, mountains and they can also be found on grasslands to. The most common place in the world is all over Southeastern of Australia and they can also be found on Tasmania to. The wombat can be found on so many places in the south east of Australia and these animals can be found on so many different types of areas on this continent and the places where you can find these animals in is in coastal forests, alpine woodlands and they can also live on grasslands. These animals can also be found on the dry and on the semi-dry areas and they can also be found on the island of Tasmania and they can also be found on some parts of Australia.

• Size/Weight: The common size of the wombat is 30 inches (76 centimeters) long. The common wombat can weight about 55 to 88 pounds (25 to 40 kilograms). The weight of the hairy-nosed wombat 42 to 71 pounds (19 to 32 kilograms). The size of the wombat is 28 to 47 in (71 to 119 cm). The weight of these animals are 32 to 80 lbs. (15 to 36 kg).

• Life span: When the wombat is living in the wild then it can live about 5 to 15 years and when they are in captivity then they can live about 20 years this is how long they live when they are living in a zoo. They can live about 15 years when they are in the wild and when they are living in a zoo then they can live about 20 years.

• Threats: The wombat is in big trouble because people think that they destroy their fields and their pasture the wombat is destroying these places is because they are making their burrows in them. There are some species like the northern hairy-nosed wombat these wombats are really are endangered todays but there are other wombats like the common wombat and the coarse-haired wombat these wombats are dealing with people hunting them as a vermin. There is a lot bigger problem because the wombat does not have a lot space on because people are building farms and ranches all over their land.

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The little blue penguin • Diet: The little blue penguin can feed on so many types of food and they type of food that the little blue penguin will eat are fish, squid and

they can also eat crustaceans to. These birds can dive about 9 m (30 ft) this is how they catch their prey and there will be sometimes that they can go so deep down to the bottom of the ocean. They normally eat very small fish

• Habitat/Range: The little blue penguin normally live in the very huge colonies like they can be found on the southern coast that is in Australia, Tasmania and they can also live on New Zealand. They will spend a lot of their time out in the sea so that they can look for food. But when night comes than that will be the time when they start to return to their burrow or their rock crevice. The type of habitats that the little blue penguin can be found in is on Sandy or on rocky islands. The ones that live on Australia they will normally live on southern part of the continent they do not just live here they can also live on New Zealand as well.

• Size/weight : The size of the little blue penguin is 41 cm (16 in) and the weight of these birds are 1 kg (2 lb.). The little blue penguin is known to be the most smallest penguin in the world. They size of these birds are 41 cms. The weight of these birds is 1 kg (2.25 lbs). The height of these birds is 41 cm (16 inches).

• Life span: The little blue penguin will live about 15 to 20 years. The average life span of the little blue penguin is really about 7 years.

• Threats: All of the 17 species of penguin are legally being protected that is because there are so many people are hunting. The Treaty that is in Antarctic that was in 1959 are illegally harming them of interfere with the penguin or its eggs. There are so many penguins that are so much in trouble because there are losing a lot of there habitats, overfishing the penguins food source. They are also dealing with ecological disasters like oil spills and pollution like people throwing their trash into the ocean. The last danger that these penguins are stilling with is human encroachment and people are doing this in the penguins nesting areas which is not good when the breeding season comes. Then the female penguins will not find a good place to lay her eggs.

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How to avoid a Dingo attack • Stand still at you full height and fold your arms across your chest.

• Face the dingo, then calmly back away.

• If you are with another person stand back to back

• Confidently call for help.

• Wait until the dingo or dingoes are gone before you continue on your way.

• Most importantly never ever RUN or WAVE your arms.

Page 13: Australian animal project

What is the difference between a kangaroo and a wallaby

Kangaroo Wallaby The kangaroo is much taller than an wallaby

The wallaby is a lot shorter than the kangaroo

Kangaroos are grazers and that means That they eat grass. The Wallaby is a browser and that means that

Their diet is leaves that are from native trees But these animals can also be grassers Sometimes to but not often

There is another easy way to tell the difference between the kangaroo and the wallaby and that is the color that they have on them.

The kangaroo only has one color The wallaby only has 2 or 3 colors on them

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Wonders down under

• If you want to know more about the animals that live in Australia than click and watch the video down below.

• This video is called wonders down under this is part of a T.V. series that is called really wild animals.

• In this episode spin the globe will be taking you to Australia and learn on all the types of animals that live in this continent.

• In this episode we are going to learn about the kangaroo, the koala, the platypuses and much more. Learn how this continent is home for these types of animals

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Koala Foundations

Page 16: Australian animal project

The end of Australian animal PowerPoint

• This is the end of my Australian animal PowerPoint. I hope that you learned a lot about the animals that live in Australia and I also hope that you enjoyed the videos that I added in to make more interesting. If any of you are thinking on going or planning to go to Australia and you want to learn about the animals that live there than check out this powerpoint at I hope you enjoy this powerpoint. I did a lots of hard work this. It take me the whole summer to get it done.