Download - Australia during 1900-1914 by Jason Ewe

Page 1: Australia during 1900-1914 by Jason Ewe

The Difficult life of Decoy during 1900-1914

Page 2: Australia during 1900-1914 by Jason Ewe

• In 1901, the 6 British colonies were called the federation and after the Federation people thought the Federation would make a big change to people’s lives but it seemed to not go that way as lives stayed casually the same.

Page 3: Australia during 1900-1914 by Jason Ewe

• The sight of sunlight brings the call of birds awakening me from my sleep and the first thought that comes to mind when a ray of light shines into my room is the event ‘work’. Oh boy it is tiring and not worth it but it is a must to support my family.

Page 4: Australia during 1900-1914 by Jason Ewe

• My name is Juelz Decoy, a name given down from my great grandfather. I follow under his name because people say we are alike from the moment we were born. It’s a bother waking up as dawn hits and getting ready for work as a Newspaper publisher. I worked under the working class.

Page 5: Australia during 1900-1914 by Jason Ewe

• Everyday I wore the same clothes due to lack of money and pay but I was still expected to get the job down even if it were to be freezing cold in winter or hot in summer I had to work under the same conditions.

Page 6: Australia during 1900-1914 by Jason Ewe

• This is the house I live in with my father and mother. My father who is a rat catcher and my mother as a housewife.

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• Everyday I would have to walk at least a few kilometres to reach this factory where I work as a Newspaper Publisher. On my way here I would always smell manure everywhere and mist would always be in sight which covered most of the streets in the city.

Page 8: Australia during 1900-1914 by Jason Ewe

• Only rich people could get transport like horses because they were the only ones who could afford it.

Page 9: Australia during 1900-1914 by Jason Ewe

• Everyday after that long walk, I’d been in the factory spending more than 12 hours for six nights a week and only getting paid 30 shillings (30 cents)

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• One day after a long tiring day of publishing newspaper for 12 hours, I made my way home and noticed my father and mother had symptoms of the Bubonic plague. Black boils, fever and headaches were part of these symptoms.

Page 11: Australia during 1900-1914 by Jason Ewe

• My Father and Mother had no chance of surviving this plague... My days of life began to sink in sorrow.

Page 12: Australia during 1900-1914 by Jason Ewe

• A few months later, many people died from this plague so a hunt was occurring to kill these rats that happened to occur this plague.

Page 13: Australia during 1900-1914 by Jason Ewe

• In 1902, Louisa Lawson was a woman who had put in a lot of hard work to request that females were to have the right to vote and she made it happen with the permission of Britain.

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• After the long reminiscing of my mother’s and father’s death, I told myself nothing is going to change so I have to do something and make my parents proud of what I’ve done. So I turned my life around and started to work harder than ever.

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•25 years later

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• I became a wealthy young man and knowing that my father and mother are proud of me and will support me with what I do.

• Sooner or later ...I began to start and run my own company.