Download - August 2020 - COASTSIDE LUTHERAN CHURCH


CLC August 2020, 1

Bless You All!

Glitter, sequins, golden hearts, kitties, bows, butterflies, flowers galore, even a pop up flower pot, and gracious words of love, support, and celebration make this ordination anniversary quite memorable. Your cards and messages were beautiful. There was even a handmade card AND a digital copy of an original by Laura (Lena) Lowman. Wow! Thank you all! You touch my heart deeply. I don’t know how Pastor Sue pulled it all off, especially the surprise part!! Y’all are sneaky! I saw such a nice gathering of people online during worship as

we zoomed Sunday morning, including family but my mom watches us regularly so I didn’t think much about it. I was too caught up in worship to think about WHY y’all were on. Just happy to see you there! Then to find out you planned a virtual party with presents and everything! My goodness. I’m still shaking my head with a smile and much gratitude. Bless you all!!

I love the gift from you! It’s fabulous! It’s an icon of a dark-skinned Mary Magdalene clothed in red holding an egg—symbol of creation, spring and rebirth prior to Christianity which naturally became associated to Mary of Magdala, first witness of the resurrection boldly proclaiming, “I have seen the Lord!” Mary represents for me a woman of deep gratitude, committed faith, generosity, courage, and fearlessness. Despite being doubted, maligned, misunderstood, and misrepresented for centuries, her central part to the story of the empty tomb and resurrection of Jesus continues still today. She is currently experiencing rebirth herself as we face centuries of patriarchy as we learn to honor ALL are a part of the body of Christ, the Church, regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, skin tone, or mental, physical, social and emotional abilities. God sees us with such eyes of love and devotion, wanting us to experience the healing, hope, generosity, and forbearance Mary of Magdala does. Hear the origin story of the actual icon you have given me from Trinity Stores. I will cherish it always. May you be as inspired and strengthened by her story as I have been throughout my ministry as pastor. Thank you for making this ordination anniversary and our 10 years together so special!

In joy, humility, and much gratitude, Pastor Dawn Teuthorn



What’s Inside

1-2. Letter from Pastor Dawn

3. Letter from Pastor Sue

4. Council Highlights

5. Celebrating Pastor Dawn’s 10 Years at CLC!

6. Online Worship

7. Women’s Gathering & Diverse Stories

8. Choir Updates

9. Coastside Backpack Drive

10. June Treasurer’s Report

11. CARES Act Deductions & Online Giving


Half Moon Bay

Pastoral Care If you would like a pastoral one-on-one either by phone, Zoom, or in-

person (either walking or sitting, socially-distanced, with masks), please

contact one of the pastors. We are available and happy to speak with you!

Email, call, or leave a message to make an appointment. We love making

these connections, and are blessed and honored to do so!

Pastor Dawn: [email protected] | 408-732-1908

Pastor Sue: [email protected] | 919-271-8416

CLC office: [email protected] | 650-726-9293 (messages checked Tuesday-Thursday)


CLC August 2020, 2

ARTIST: Br. Robert Lentz, OFM

ARTIST NARRATIVE: According to the ancient tradition of the East, Mary Magdalene was a wealthy woman from whom Christ expelled seven "demons." During the three years of Jesus’ ministry, she helped support Him and His other disciples with her money. When almost everyone else fled, she stayed with Him at the cross. On Easter morning she was the first to bear witness to His resurrection. She is called "Equal to the Apostles."

After the Ascension, she journeyed to Rome where she was admitted to Tiberias Caesar's court because of her high social standing. After describing how poorly Pilate had administered justice at Jesus’ trial, she told Caesar that Jesus had risen from the dead. To help explain the resurrection, she picked up an egg from the dinner table. Caesar responded that a human being could no more rise from the dead than the egg in her hand turn red. The egg turned red immediately, which is why red eggs have been exchanged at Easter for centuries in the Byzantine East.

Mary did not end her days as a penitent hermit in a French cave. She traveled the Mediterranean preaching the resurrection. Like Peter and Paul, she died a martyr and she bears witness to the important roles women play in the Church. This icon was commissioned for Grace Cathedral in San Francisco to commemorate the election of Barbara Harris, the first woman bishop in the Anglican communion. As women begin reclaiming their ancient rights in the Church, Mary Magdalene challenges all Christians to reexamine their cultural prejudices about sex and leadership.

The inscription at the bottom of the icon reads: "Saint Mary Magdalene" in Syriac, a dialect of the language spoken by Jesus. The Gospel comes to us, not from Rome or Greece, but from the deserts of the Middle East. We owe our faith to Semetic Christians like Mary Magdalene. With this debt in mind, we should hear her voice in Palestinian cries for justice in our day. Her feast day is July 22.

Learn more from a pretty good historical rundown in Wikipedia for Mary of Magdalene:


CLC August 2020, 3

As I left the gym and walked to my car this morning, I heard the bells of the Episcopal church in Belmont

solemnly tolling in the distance. The bells were inviting me to stop and remember Representative John

Lewis who passed away on July 17 and is being laid to rest today in Atlanta at Ebenezer Baptist Church.

And so I did and I’d like to share my reflections with you now. Since his passing there have been a lot of

articles and clips on the news about him and you have undoubtedly heard his quote from 2018, “Never,

ever be afraid to make some noise and get in good trouble, necessary trouble.” Lewis knew what he was

talking about; looking back one can see that he was indeed quite a good troublemaker. His participation in

the Civil Rights movement, as a ‘Freedom Rider,’ as one who marched in Selma, landed him in jail

numerous times, got him teargassed, severely beaten and left with a fractured skull.

Now most of us were raised with the parental mandate to ‘stay out of trouble’ which is somewhat ironic

given that many of us were also taught to ask, ‘what would Jesus do?” After all, if we are honest, Jesus was

quite a good troublemaker himself, standing with the poor and outcast challenging the institutional

systems and imperial powers that sought to exploit and oppress. That is after all, what got him in trouble

with the Romans and the religious authorities and ended up getting him crucified! Jesus is still causing

trouble when he works through his people (that would be us) to stir up trouble…to stand up, speak up,

speak out.

I recently saw an interview that Jon Batiste had with Mr. Lewis. I didn’t know before watching that

interview that when Lewis was a young child, he wanted to be a minister and that used to preach sermons

to the chickens on his family farm! I found out that Mr. Lewis did go to seminary and became an ordained

minister. As I learn more about Lewis’ life and listen to his words, I can hear the Gospel echoing in his

words and deeds. At the end of this interview, Mr. Lewis tells Jon Baptiste the story of being beaten nearly

to death by the KKK after riding a bus sitting next to a white man and he tells the story of how years later

one of his attackers came seeking his forgiveness. Lewis quotes MLK and says, “Hate is too heavy a burden

to bear;” love is the better way. (I encourage you to watch this interview; the link is below.)

This morning’s edition of the New York Times contained an essay which John Lewis had written with the

instructions that it be published on the day of his funeral. It contains his last words to the nation he loved

and served. In it, Lewis calls on all Americans to “answer the highest calling of your heart and stand up for

what you believe” and to “let the spirit of peace and the power of everlasting love be your guide.” What does

this look like? What can we do? Lewis says study and learn about history and what is happening in our

society. He says vote and participate in democracy because “Democracy is not a state. It is an act, and each

generation must do its part to help build what we called the Beloved Community, a nation and world

society at peace with itself.” In other words, show up, stand up, speak up; be a good troublemaker, after all

that’s what Jesus would do. - Pastor Sue

Link to Lewis’ essay in the NY Times:

Link to the interview with Jon Baptiste:

From Pastor Sue


CLC August 2020, 4

During virtual worship and fellowship on July 26, we not only celebrated 50 years of

ordained women in the ELCA, 40 years of ordained women of color, and 10 years of

allowing LGBTQ+ ministers to serve openly, we also celebrated Pastor Dawn’s 10-year

anniversary at CLC and 29th year of ordination! Council member Walter Rau shared

these words for the occasion:

I am Walter Rau, member of the council of CLC. I like to open today’s fellowship with a

moment of thanks to pastor Dawn. We are celebrating 10 years of her installation on

May29th, 2010. Can you believe how time flies? We would all agree that Pastor Dawn has

an astounding impact on CLC. Let me start with some of the things we accomplished under

her guidance:

We became a reconciled in Christ Congregation.

Started the Rainy Day Project with Abundant Grace.

Blessing of the peace pole.

Paid off the Mortgage.

Installed Pastor Sue as Assistant Pastor.

Continued with the Woman’s Bible study group.

Continued the Breakfast Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Confirmed our Youth.

Started the Book Club.

Continued the Choir.

And finally, tore down the Fog House.

What a progress!! Let’s give Pastor Dawn a big Virtual Hug!!

And with Gods help we will find a way out a way out of this Covid-19 pandemic. We have to

focus on preserving the church and the services for the people in need.

I’d like to close with saying thanks to Pastor Dawn in behalf of the Council and the

Congregation of CLC.

Thank you and have a great Sunday.

Walter Rau

Celebrating Pastor Dawn’s 10 Years at CLC!


CLC August 2020, 5

Council Highlights

From your CLC Church Council’s online meeting on July 15th:

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the CLC building remains closed. Council continued our monthly discussion of how and when in-person worship may resume. Unfortunately, at the moment, COVID-19 cases continue to spread and the best approach for now is for individuals and communities to adhere diligently to policies of face-masks, social distancing, and no non-family gatherings. We are discussing potential ideas for “virtual choir.” Online worship and events continue through Coastside Lutheran Church Facebook page and the website Council decided to release our facility users from use fees during the time the building is not available. An exception is Head Start, which at this writing is expected to return to operations in August.

Facility updates: We have continued to pursue a stepwise approach to repairs/improvements using the West Wing dedicated funds while the facility is not in use. During August, we expect to complete work on needed repairs to areas with dry-rot.

CLC constitution and by-laws: The ELCA approved a new model constitution in 2019, and council reviewed corresponding updates to CLC’s local constitution and by-laws, including a provision for online meetings. Stay tuned for this on the congregational meeting agenda.

Finances and September “online” congregational meeting: we continue to monitor finances on a month-to-month basis, and I want to share the current perspective here:

We have much to be thankful for as a church community; in the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, our pastors and staff are promoting online spiritual growth, our congregation is actively participating in worship, feeding the hungry, caring for our building and organization, and reaching many folks online. Last month, we received a $30,500 forgivable loan under the federal CARES-PP Program. Faithful givers have continued their support, even under extraordinarily challenging economic circumstances. Many thanks for your gifts to support CLC’s ongoing mission! At mid-year, our net loss for the year (income-expenses) stood at just over $18,000, and this is currently being offset by the PPP loan.

Nevertheless, new challenges lie ahead as pandemic conditions are worsening. Our major fundraisers, the Pumpkin Festival and Book Sale, will not take place. Rental income will be low, as we are not allowing other groups to use the facility. And although individual contributions were initially encouraging, many families are hurting financially; a drop of 50% in regular giving in the second half is possible. Altogether, we could see a net loss of ~$70,000 for the year. Such uncertainties are likely to continue into 2021, and we need to plan next year’s budget. The ELCA does not provide funding to CLC.

Tough decisions lie ahead and we must make them together. For example, should we abandon our kitchen remodel plans and re-direct those dedicated funds as a temporary measure to pay for operations? Can we continue to support a full-time pastor? How can we reverse a 5-year decline in membership?

We each have a critical role to play in charting the course ahead. I ask that you prayerfully consider your support of CLC, but also what aspects of its mission are most important to you. As faithful stewards, we must adjust our spending accordingly. We plan a September online congregational meeting to provide financial updates, present proposed changes to the constitution and by-laws, and importantly, kick off a fall pledge drive, the results of which will determine what programs and staff CLC can support in 2021. Please stay tuned for details and plan to participate online!

Staying connected: Council members continue to reach out to members and friends of CLC to see how they are faring during sheltering and to ask for their input regarding our online programs and future worship plans. Please continue to let us know your thoughts!


CLC August 2020, 6

Worship Continues Online During Shelter in Place!

Keep connected over Zoom! Check out our website’s homepage for weekly Zoom events!

Zoom User Tips

To join Zoom meetings on a computer, just click on the link under "Join Zoom Meeting." If you wish to use a cellphone for audio, just click on one of the One Tap mobile numbers, or for landlines, dial one of the telephone numbers in the Zoom link and type in the meeting number. Note that the different events have their own unique meeting numbers. If you use more than one device, be sure to Mute at least one device during the call.

Online Worship

Log- on to Zoom every Sunday morning at 10am to worship together, or view at any time from our website or Facebook page. Online fellowship follows worship on Zoom for anyone who wants to join in.

The Zoom link for both worship and fellowship is:

Dial by your location: +1 669 900 9128 Meeting ID: 843 8151 8830

Password: 656832

Friday Lunches for those in need through Abundant Grace

When Abundant Grace told us they needed someone to provide 25 lunches on Fridays, our congregation stepped up! It's the care made known for those in need in the midst of this pandemic that brightens the soul and our communities! It is an honor to walk with you. THANK YOU!!

WHAT'S NEEDED: Donations of cheese and meat for the sandwiches or funds to offset cost of these items. Packaged cookies would be fun too. If you'd like to contribute or to help make sandwiches, please contact Marian: [email protected].

And Thank You, From Eric

Thank you all for the sandwiches you have been making! Every day people are asking for food, and it is so helpful to have lunches to go at the ready. It’s great to see Kay every week when she drops the lunches off, and so nice to take a moment to think of all of you with gratitude, and keep you present in my mind and heart while we are sheltering in place.




CLC August 2020, 7

Upcoming Events

Women's Daytime Gathering: Second Tuesday of the Month, 2PM

Every month we gather for fellowship, support, and the sharing of articles from Gather (available online or hard copies at the church). We laugh and listen together, sharing openly our questions, observations, and stories.

This summer we're experiencing a three-part study on "Just love,"—how we are called to act simultaneously with love and justice. In August, we’ll examine what “just love” requires when injustice occurs in the highest levels of government as we read the story of Shiphrah and Puah (Exodus 1:8-22.) You can participate in one or multiple sessions. If you have any questions or would like a magazine, email or call the office or Pastor Dawn.

Tuesday, August 11 @ 2 pm. We will meet outside at Jocelyn Howard's back yard for a socially-distanced gathering. Check your temperature before coming and affirm you are COVID-19 symptom free, bring a mask, and a coat (just in case). Contact the pastors for directions Gather magazines are available in the realtor’s box by the church doors.

Diverse Stories: Fourth Thursday of each Month @ Noon

Be a part of CLC's monthly Diverse Stories discussion group! We meet to listen with respect and share in wonder the impact of narratives that expand our understanding of self, others, and God's beloved humanity in all our complexities.

While we shelter in place, we will meet via zoom. You can either dial up or show up on your iPad or computer to actually see each other. Be sure if you do the latter to allow for both visual and audio when prompted upon arrival to the meeting.

This month everyone is encourage to pursue a book or narrative of their own choice. All are welcome to meet on Zoom to share the story you’ve chosen.

We’ll use these stories as a springboard for powerful discussions.

Look for personal narratives, either fiction or non-fiction, that speak beyond your own knowing, to broaden your knowledge of the diverse experiences of other people.

Thursday, August 27 @ noon via Zoom:

Dial by your location: +1 720 707 2699

Meeting ID: 331 354 783


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CLC Choir Updates

While we can’t prepare in-person music for our CLC Choir, we will be re-starting our weekly Thursday night meetings this August.

Our hope is to have rehearsals online that focus on building vocal skills & technique, reading music, and eventually recording a few songs & hymns to use in worship videos.

There are several fantastic pieces we have sung before that will make lovely additions to our church’s worship videos:

- “Lift thine eyes” from Mendelssohn’s Elijah

- “The Lord Bless You and Keep You” by Lutkin

- “The Lamb of God” by the Many

Because we are likely looking at social distancing until Christmas or beyond, these skills will ensure we get to enjoy beautiful music during worship, and is one way we can all get together. If you need materials to be able to participate, please contact the pastors or Liesl. It is recommended everyone use a decent USB plug-in microphone and a pair of headphones. Most computers can handle Zoom, and it is also do-able via cell phone or tablet.

If you are interested in joining the choir and participating in our new virtual rehearsal space, contact our music director Liesl McPherrin, [email protected]

CLC Choir Meeting

Thursdays at 7:30 pm

Join via Zoom:

Meeting ID: 958 5300 1037

Password: CHOIR

Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +16699006833,95853001037# or +13462487799,95853001037#

Or Telephone: +1 669 900 6833 (US Toll)


CLC August 2020, 9

Coastside Backpack Drive (contact Ken below)

This year shopping totes filled with school supplies will be distributed to Coastside Children in need. The children will get backpacks from the program when the school district shifts from virtual to in person learning or as part of Coastside Hope’s adopt a family Christmas bureau program which ever comes first.

Volunteers will stuff the totes and help with the extended distribution. Parents will have a designated date and time to pick up the totes, spreading out the crowd and helping us maintain social distancing.

We will have the following schedule:

• Friday the 7th, 4PM to 5:30PM meet at Holy family Episcopal Church (1590 South Cabrillo Highway) to load the Coastside Hope truck with School supplies and move the supplies to the Coastside Hope Warehouse (214 Harvard, Princeton harbor the corner of Harvard and Airport)

• Friday the 7th, 5:30PM set up the warehouse assembly lines, we should be done by 7pm

• Saturday the 8th, 2 to 6PM Stuff Totes (2 two hour shifts)

• Sunday the 9th, 2 to 6PM Stuff Totes (2 two hour shifts)

• Monday the 10th, 2 to 6PM Stuff Totes (2 two hour shifts)

• Tuesday the 11th, 2 to 6PM Stuff Totes (2 two hour shifts)

• Wednesday the 12th, 2 to 6PM Stuff Totes (2 two hour shifts)

• Thursday the 13th, 8AM to 9:30 AM Move totes to the library from Coastside Hope warehouse

• Thursday the 13th, 9:30 to 10:30 AM set up for distribution

• Thursday the 13th, 10:30AM to 6:30PM Distribute totes followed by tear-down at 6:30PM

• Friday the 14th, 9:30 to 10:30 AM set up for distribution

• Friday the 14th , 10:30AM to 6:30PM Distribute totes

• Friday the 14th, 6:30 to 7:30 tear-down & move any remaining totes to Holy Family for storage.

Here is the sign up for stuffing the totes and the movement of the supplies and totes between Holy Family, the warehouse and the Library:

Here is the sign up for the distribution of the totes filled with school supplies on the 13th and 14th. We need a minimum of two persons per 2 hour shift. We also need folks to help set up each day and clean up at the end of the day:

Social Distancing

We are limiting the number of participants to 4 at the warehouse at any one time to be able to maintain social distancing. We will make the following exception. If all of the participants for a shift are from the same social bubble we can increase that number. For a definition of what constitutes a social bubble please visit the San Mateo County Covid-19 page:

All participants must wear a face covering and hand sanitizer will be available so hands can be disinfected on a regular basis. I’ll have a supply of masks if you forget yours. We’ll also have a touchless thermometer to screen for anyone running a fever. If you do not feel well, or if someone in your household has any Covid-19 symptoms, please do not come to volunteer. We want to do everything we can to keep everyone safe.

Finally I would not be surprised if we get all of the totes filled early in the week allowing us to cancel the last few shifts. As this is a totally new procedure I want to have enough time to insure we get the job done!

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Best regards,

Ken Myers | [email protected]


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Every month, through your generosity, CLC

contributes to the “Second Mile Giving” ministries of

the ELCA, totaling $1800 over a 12 month period.

During the month of July our Second Mile offerings will be donated to LEAN. Representing member congregations of the Grand Canyon and Sierra Pacific Synods of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, LEAN advocates for the common good and promotes public policies that reflect the Christian values of peacemaking, hospitality to strangers, care for creation, and concern for people living in poverty and struggling with hunger and disease. Please keep LEAN in your prayers this month and consider an additional offering toward their ministries. The Sierra Pacific Synod is blessed to accompany this organization in mutual ministry as we proclaim God’s creative, redeeming and sanctifying love in our synod.

June’s Treasurer’s Report


CLC August 2020, 11

Check out our Instagram & Facebook accounts!

Find us at or on Facebook at

Like our photos and stories and be sure to tag our location and use #spiritualharbor and #coastsidelutheran on posts when sharing info about our upcoming online events.

The more that you can like, comment, and share, the more visible we are in the online community.

Help Get the Word Out about CLC

#SpiritualHarbor #CoastsideLutheran

Great news! A PayPal donation button is now on our website! You can

now easily give to CLC through the PayPal giving fund in the form of

one time donations, monthly donations AND through their

partnership with eBay for Charity. Sell your secondhand

items and clothing on eBay and designate a

portion of the proceeds to

Coastside Lutheran!

The CARES Act encourages individuals to contribute to religious and other charitable

organizations by creating a new “above the line” deduction (i.e. for taxpayers who take the

standard deduction). This deduction will permit them to deduct up to $300 of annual

monetary contributions. The CARES Act also increases the limitations on deductions for

charitable contributions by individuals who itemize, as well as corporations. For

individuals, the 50% of adjusted gross income limitation is suspended for cash

contributions made in 2020. Please consult your tax advisor for your specific tax situation.

Charitable Contribution Incentives


CLC August 2020, 12

August Newsletter


Coastside Lutheran Church is a spiritual harbor where all, without exception, are welcome

and accepted with open arms. We are fed and we grow by sharing in the grace of God

through Jesus Christ, so we can go out to serve the community, inspired by the Holy Spirit


Online Worship ONLY During Shelter-in-Place

10:00 am with Fellowship following

Worship with us via Zoom every Sunday morning at 10 am, or view at any time from our website or Facebook page. Online fellowship follows worship on Zoom for anyone who wants to join in.

The Zoom link for both worship and fellowship is:

Dial by your location: +1 669 900 9128 Meeting ID: 843 8151 8830 Password: 656832

COASTSIDE LUTHERAN CHURCH | 650.726.9293 | [email protected]

900 N. Cabrillo Hwy , Half Moon Bay, CA 94019

Coastside Lutheran Church is proud to be a Reconciling in Christ congregation and a member of the ELCA.