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Page 1: Audience feedback

3. What have you learned from your Audience Feedback

By Lucy Hughes

Page 2: Audience feedback

Audience Feedback: Documentary

- Once we had completed our documentary we carried out detailed audience feedback to gain objective feedback on the products we had produced.

- The audience feedback we conducted were focus groups and questionnaires. With the questionnaires we summarised the results and placed them in a pie-chart format to make them easier to read and analyse.

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Audience Feedback: Documentary

From our audience feedback research we found that 50% of our viewers thought the music used during our documentary was appropriate and related to our topic which was girls maturing too quickly, whereas only 10% were neutral. This is positive feedback on the type of music we used as it shows that 90% of viewers thought it was appropriate which infers that we made an appropriate music choice which fitted with the documentary. This is the feedback we expected as we did believe that the music we had chosen fitted well with the theme of the documentary, so we were pleased that our audience agreed.

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Audience Feedback: Documentary

On whether the picture quality was clear and consistent throughout the views of the audience are very widespread with 20% either strongly disagreeing or disagreeing. We were quite surprised by this section of results as we believed that the picture quality of our documentary was relatively high as we re-filmed many parts to make sure they were as high a quality as possible. However, 70% did agree with the question which was pleasing as we did believe that the picture quality was clear and consistent throughout as there were no parts where you couldn’t see the images on the screen.

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Audience Feedback: Documentary

When conducting our Audience Feedback questions we hoped that this question would come back with high results as we believed that in our documentary the interviews we conducted were relevant and insightful and it was pleasing for this view to be reciprocated by the audience. 50% strongly agreed and 50% agreed that our interviews were relevant and insightful which shows our main aim was achieved as we wanted our interviews to stand out and be the main feature in our documentary and from our audience research findings it implies that this aim was achieved.

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Audience Feedback: Documentary

We were slightly surprised by the results regarding the voiceover. The reason for this is because we believed that our voiceover was used appropriately as we only used it in certain parts of the documentary where individuals were introduced or to read out facts, yet this view was not reciprocated by the audience as only 50% either agreed or strongly agreed that our voiceover was clear and used appropriately which shows that half of our audience were not satisfied with the sound quality of the voice over or the way it was used. It infers that if were to improve our documentary one of the main features we would need to focus on would be the clearness of the voiceover.

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Audience Feedback: Documentary

We were pleased with regards to the response to whether the text can easily be read and understood as from the start we made sure that our statistics could be read clearly and we even blurred the background image at points to make the text as clear as possible. 80% of the audience agreed or strongly agreed which shows that our views corresponded with the audiences’ views with the fact that throughout the documentary the text was easily accessible to read and understand.

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Audience Feedback: Documentary

We were extremely pleased with the results for this question as our main aim throughout the whole process was getting the theme of our topic across in the documentary and from these audience feedback results it showed that we achieved that with 100% either strongly agreeing or agreeing. It infers that our documentary was easy to follow and the topic was easily understandable and present throughout the documentary which was our main focus. It’s pleasing that again our thoughts on the topic of the documentary being clear were reciprocated by the audience.

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Audience Feedback: DocumentaryLikewise with the whether or not the interviews were relevant or insightful question we were pleased with the results to this question with 100% of our audience agreeing or strongly agreeing that our interviews were set up in a professional manner. We did almost expect the feedback for this question to correspond with our views because we followed the codes and conventions of interviews and the way they should be set up and conducted therefore, it was highly likely that they would come across looking professional as we had carried out our research on how to conduct interviews in a professional manner. We were very pleased that the professionalism of our interviews was noticed by the audience.

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Audience Feedback: Magazine Article

Can you link the Double Page Spread to the Radio Trailer and Documentary?

Strongly Agree Agree Neutra l Disagree Strongly Disagree

From our audience feedback we were very pleased with the response to this question as it showed to us that our main aim of linking the three products was achieved as 91% of our audience either strongly agreed or agreed that our three products linked together. With regards to this question we did expect the response to be in agreement with our views as each product has an element of the other one it, this was a crucial aim for us as we wanted continuity between our three products and the response from our audience feedback shows that we achieved this.

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Audience Feedback: Magazine Article

Do you think the Colour Scheme is suitable?

Strongly Agree Agree Neutra l Disagree Strongly Disagree

The response we had to this question was expected as we believed that our colour scheme was suitable for our target audience as we left it quite neutral as our target audience was both young girls and parents therefore, we needed to ensure it was appealing to both groups, and with 62% of our audience agreeing I believe we achieved this aim. However, if we were to improve our double page spread the colour scheme would be something we could focus on as a proportion of our audience weren’t 100% satisfied with our colour scheme, therefore, we would look at improving it so it appealed to everyone.

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Audience Feedback: Magazine Article

With regards to the response to this question we were very pleased as one of our main aims was to create a professional looking product and we hoped we had and from these results it shows that this view was reciprocated by the audience with 85% of our audience being in strong agreement and agreement that our double page spread was professional. This response was hopefully expected as we had researched magazine articles to ensure that our final product looked as professional as possible by following the codes and conventions of real media magazines. The results are somewhat surprising with the fact that 7% disagreed and didn’t think our DPS was professional as we did follow all the codes and conventions of professional magazines.

Do you think the layout of the Double Page Spread is professional?

Strongly Agree Agree Neutra l Disagree Strongly Disagree

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Audience Feedback: Magazine Article

The main focus of our Double Page Spread is the article, this is why we included a specific question as to whether the article was relevant in our audience feedback as we wanted to know the audiences’ opinion on the magazine article. From the pie chart we can see that the magazine article was rated very highly with 89% of our audience either strongly agreeing or agreeing. This was very positive feedback for us as it showed that our article which was the main focus of our double page spread was effective and was relevant to the overall theme of all three of our topics.

Are the Images of good quality?

Strongly Agree Agree Neutra l Disagree Strongly Disagree

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Audience Feedback: Magazine Article

We were quite surprised by the feedback for this question as the results are extremely varied. When we were producing our DPS we believed we chose high quality images to use on our article, although 61% of our audience either agreed or strongly agreed with this there was still a high proportion who didn’t believe that our images were of high quality with 39% either strongly disagreeing, disagreeing or neutral. This feedback infers that if we were to improve our DPS one of the main features we’d need to look at would be improving the quality of the images as that was one of the main areas where our audience feedback showed we had lacked.

Are the Images of good quality?

Strongly Agree Agree Neutra l Disagree Strongly Disagree

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Audience Feedback: Radio Trailer

Do you understand what the radio trailer is about?









Agree Neutral Disagree StronglyDisagree

Strongly Agree




Strongly Disagree

The feedback for this question is quite varied, however, we were pleased that the majority of our audience agreed or strongly agreed with the question implying that they did know what the radio trailer was about. Although 4 people didn’t quite grasp what the radio trailer was about which was quite surprising to us because when we made the radio trailer we thought that it was clear that the main aim was promoting the documentary as it included various clips from the actual documentary. This shows that if we were to improve our radio trailer one thing we would need to work on is making the radio trailer more understandable to the audience.

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Audience Feedback: Radio Trailer

We were very pleased with the audience feedback from this question as it shows that 76% of our audience strongly agreed that the radio trailer flowed, this was very important to us as we didn’t want the radio trailer to be jerky we wanted it to all flow into one with the different clips merging together, and from this feedback it seems that we achieved this. Although, 8% disagreed it gives us something to work on again as to these individuals maybe parts were a bit jerky so we could work on improving that to ensure that the whole radio trailer flows fluently.

Would you say the radio trailer flows?

Strongly Agree




Strongly Disagree

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Audience Feedback: Radio Trailer

The majority of our audience thought that our music was appropriate with 15 either agreeing or strongly agreeing. This was very pleasing to us as we decided to use the same music as we used in the documentary to ensure that there was continuity between the two products and from this feedback it suggests that our music choice was appropriate. Although, 3 individuals were neutral on their opinion and 2 strongly disagreed, this infers that maybe the music wasn’t as appropriate for the radio trailer as it was for the documentary, however, as a group we wouldn’t change the music as we wanted to keep the link between the two products and one way we did this was through the use of music.

Is the music appropriate?










Agree Neutral Disagree StronglyDisagree

Strongly Agree




Strongly Disagree

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Audience Feedback: Radio TrailerFrom the audience feedback there was quite mixed views on this question which we as a group were quite surprised about because we thought you could easily link the two products together. Even though 62% of our audience agreed or strongly agreed that our two products linked there was still a small proportion who didn’t believe that there was a link between the two products which is disappointing. With 34% either having a neutral opinion, disagreeing or strongly disagreeing it shows that our main aim of making a link between the radio trailer and documentary was not as successful as we’d hoped as a small proportion of the audience didn’t see the link. It implies that if we were to improve the product this is something we’d need to focus on to ensure that in the end all our audience are able to link the radio trailer to the documentary.

Would you be able to link the radio trailer to the


Strongly Agree




Strongly Disagree

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Audience Feedback: Radio TrailerWe were pleased with the response to this question with the majority of the audience agreeing that the sound throughout the radio trailer was clear and consistent. We did really focus on the sound during the radio trailer as unlike the documentary there’s nothing to distract you from the sound quality as with the radio trailer you aren’t watching anything it’s just your ears, therefore, making the sound clear and consistent was one of our main aims which from this audience feedback we seemed to achieve. Even though some of our audience disagreed and were neutral on their opinion the majority agreed with the view that our sound was clear and consistent, suggesting that our aim was achieved.

Does it sound clear and consistent?












Agree Neutral Disagree StronglyDisagree

Strongly Agree




Strongly Disagree

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Audience Feedback: Radio TrailerThe feedback we received for this question was very positive, which we as a group were pleased about. 85% of our audience agreed or strongly agreed that the clips we chose to feature in our documentary were appropriate, this infers that the clips we selected were the correct clips to feature in our documentary as our audience didn’t think any of the clips featured were out of place or not fitting for the theme of the radio trailer. However, 10% of our audience didn’t think the clips were appropriate and if we were to improve our radio trailer we would carry out more audience research to find out which clips in particular were inappropriate for the radio trailer and then from that try and find more appropriate clips to ensure that all our audience are satisfied with the clips featuring in our radio trailer.

Are the clips appropriate?

Strongly Agree




Strongly Disagree