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Welcome to Social Media 101

So what is social media?

O Social media is the use of web-based and

mobile technologies to turn communication

into interactive dialogue. It is a group of

Internet-based applications that build on the

ideological and technological foundations

of Web 2.0, which allows the creation and

exchange of user-generated content.

Web 2.0

O A Web 2.0 site allows users to interact

and collaborate with each other in

a dialogue as creators of user-generated

content in a virtual community, in

contrast to websites where users are

limited to the passive viewing

of content that was created for them.

Web 2.0

O A Web 2.0 site allows users to interact and

collaborate with each other in a dialogue as

creators of user-generated content in

a virtual community, in contrast to websites

where users are limited to the passive

viewing of content that was created for


User Generated Content

O UGC is on-line content that is produced by

users of web sites, as opposed to traditional

media producers such as broadcasters and

production companies. It reflects the

democratization of media production

through new technologies that are

accessible and affordable.

Social media is an online conversation!

O your customers

O your donors

O your volunteers

O your employees

O your investors

O your critics

O your fans & friends

O your competition....

O anyone who has internet

access and an opinion.

Look who’s talking:

Social Media is not free

Resources required for social media may include:

O Strategic consultation

O Training

O Creating content

O Integrating tools

O Distributing content

O Relationship management

O Measuring value

So what is social media REALLY?


Social Media Tools

History of Social Media

Information Overload?

Information Overload?

O You do not have to acquire

ALL the knowledge

O Pace yourself

O Interact only with people or

topics that you care about

O Do not start using all the

tools at once

O Take breaks and remember

to breathe

Social networking sites

O People and organizations connect and interact with friends, colleagues and fans.

O Popular social networks include Facebook and MySpace, Linkedin, bebo, and Ning.

O There are niche social networks for just about everything.

Social networking sites

O create online profiles

O share photos, video, and audio,


O send private message and

instant message

O learn more about people and


O Follow brands, celebrities, and

gain your own fans

Facebook pages

O Your brand’s homepage on Facebook.

O Allow you to post photos, videos, events and other messages.

O Users interact with you by

O Becoming fans

O Commenting on your posts

O Participating in discussions

O Post photos to your page

O Fans see your page updates in their newsfeed

Facebook applications


O On LinkedIn your can:

O Post a profile and resume

O Connect with colleagues

O Share professional


O Find jobs

O Forums to demonstrate

expertise and find answers

O average individual salary on

LinkedIn is $109,000

Social Networking

Do O establish a presence on the

social networks your customers and colleagues use

O create a page to promote your brand

O point your fans to your company blog or contest

O encourage a discussion and participate frequently

O explore targeted advertising opportunities

Don’t O create a page and fail to

maintain it

O try a hard sell approach

O censor comments

O spam your fans/friends with frequent private messages – you’ll drive them away

O post false information


O A blog is a website with regular entries of commentary or news usually presented in reverse chronological order.

O Blogs serve to establish your company as transparent, relevant, active, and expert.


O engage in dialogue with your customers

O improve your search engine visibility

O promote product launches and events

O gain expert status by providing useful tips



O post on a regular schedule

O encourage conversation by asking questions

O respond to people that comment on your posts

O use a few bloggers from your company for more viewpoints


O write press releases – be real about why something is exciting

O let complaints go unanswered

O make users register to comment – they won’t bother

O delete fair but critical comments


O Microblogs are blogs limited to a sentence or two (about 140 characters)

O People use microblogging to promote themselves, share content and follow friends, celebrities and brands

O Companies use it for marketing, public relations and customer service by giving their brand a voice within the community


Twitter can help you:

O share timely information

O promote useful content including resources, contests, deals, etc. (not just your own)

O personify your brand

O connect with your customers and develop leads

O build credibility and influence

O listen to consumer buzz

O research competitors

O network and learn from experts in your field



O find and share useful content

O pose questions and reply to others

O keep it fun - put a friendly face on your brand

O promote sales, deals, news, updates, and build buzz for big releases or events

O know what people are saying about your brand


O sound like a press release – you’re in a social space

O spam with constant links to your company website, either in tweets or private messages

O post useless information – do people really care what you had for lunch?

Video Sharing

O Video sharing sites let you

upload videos and share

them with people.

O They’re a perfect

repository for video blogs,

taped seminars, witty

Power Points,

commercials, how-to’s and

a behind-the-scene look at

your organization.

Video Sharing O helps you gain exposure and

direct traffic back to your website

O sparks interest without a hard-sell

O videos can be low-fi and cheap to produce - immediacy and content is more important than quality.

O videos can be a place to showcase your leadership in a field, and spread customer testimonials

Social news & bookmarking

O Social bookmarking sites allow users to save, share, organize, comment on and search webpage bookmarks.

O Community votes on your submissions so they either rise to the top or drop to the bottom.

Photo Sharing

O Photo sharing sites give you a place to upload and organize your photos

O You can invite friends to check out your photos and people can find your photos by searching for the keywords (tags) you apply to your photos.

Photo Sharing

O detail the launch of a new product, from initial sketches to the launch party

O promote special events, charitable campaigns, and awards ceremonies

O provide an inside look at your organization, making it appear glamorous, busy, fun, or innovative

Message Boards / Internet Forums

O An Internet forum, or message board, is a bulletin board system in the form of a discussion site

O conversation takes place between registered members who post topics (threads) and make public comments (posts) on those threads

WIKIs (What I Know Is)

O A wiki is a website that allows visitors to easily add, remove, and edit content – this makes them great collaboration tools

O Wikipedia, for example, is an encyclopedia is written collaboratively by volunteers from all around the world; anyone can edit it

Virtual reality

O Internet-based 3D virtual worlds like Second Life reimagine our world with all its potential for commerce and branding

O people interact through characters called avatars

O residents explore, meet other residents, socialize, participate in individual and group activities, and create and trade items and services with one another

Virtual reality

O hold media conferences in Second Life to generate buzz (World Bank reports in world)

O create and sell branded products accompanied by coupons and advertising for real-world stores

O purchase land, build stores, and open for business

O publish streams of audio or video on people’s properties

Podcasts (Personal On-Demand Broadcast)

O A podcast is a series of audio or video files which is distributed by syndicated download to your computer, for use on an MP3 player or computer.

O Podcasts can be simple recordings of conversations, presentations, or interviews

O They’re a chance to provide build an audience around your brand or message.

Web & Mobile Apps

O A web app is a computer

program accessed over

the internet.

Web & Mobile Apps

O By 2014, the mobile

app market is expected

to reach US $58-billion,

marking growth of

1,000% from 2010.

- Financial Post

Do you see the power of social media yet?


Ten Keys to Social Media Success

1. Experiment with Social Media

O Experiment personally before professionally

O Try a variety of social media tools

O Be yourself, make some friends, and share

2. Make a Plan

1. Discovery

(people, competition,

and search engines)

2. Strategy



3. Skills

(identify internal

resources and gaps)

4. Execution

(tools, integration,

policies, and process)

5. Maintenance

(monitor and adapt)

3. Listen

O Find where your audience is participating & identify the influencers

O Read industry blogs (including comments)

O Google your organization’s name & your competition

O Find tools that can help you listen

4. Be transparent & honest

O Avoid puffery (people will ignore it)

O Avoid evasion and lying (people won’t ignore it)

O Companies have watched their biggest screw-up's rise to the top 10 of a Google search

O Admit your mistakes right away

5. Share your content

O Don’t be afraid to share. Organizations, like people, need to share information to get the value out of social media

O Make your content easy to share

O Incorporate tools that promote sharing:

O Share This, RSS feeds, Email a friend

6. Be personal and act like a person

O Don't shout. Don't

broadcast. Don’t brag.

O Speak like yourself – not a

corporate marketing shill

or press secretary

O Personify your brand – give

people something they can

relate to.

7. Contribute in a meaningful way

O Think like a contributor,

not a marketer

O Consider what is relevant

to the community before


O Don’t promote your

services on every post

O Win friends by promoting

other people’s content if

it interests you

8. See criticism as an opportunity

O Don’t try to delete or

remove criticism (it will

just make it worse)

O Listen to your detractors

O Admit your shortcomings

O Work openly towards an

explanation and

legitimate solution

9. Be proactive

O Don’t wait until you have

a campaign to launch -

start planning and

listening now

O Build relationships so

they’re ready when you

need them

10. You can’t do it all yourself

O You need buy in from everyone in the


O Convince your CEO or boss that social media

is relevant to your organization

O Get your communications

team together, discuss

the options, then divide

and conquer

3 take away messages

1. Web 2.0 is about social


2. Participate by enabling and

feeding the conversation

(follow the 10 keys to success)

3. Be transparent & honest

Social Media Etiquette


Social Media Myths

“Social media is just a fad – it will go away.”

“Social media is


“If we put our content

online we’re just giving our expertise away

for free!”

“We can’t measure social media results.”

“Social media might work for certain industries and

business models

but it won’t work for us.”

“Tell the programmers to setup that social media thing….and get them to

make it viral while

they’re at it!”

“YouTube is that site for funny cat videos – you’ll

cheapen our brand by putting

our video on there!”

“I’ve started a Facebook

page so I’ve got social media covered!”

“If we just delete all

negative comments no one will see them.”

“No seriously, I don’t think anyone will

notice if we delete those

negative comments.”

“If we build it they will come.”

“We have to figure this

all out before we start

using social media.”

“Social Media is hard.”

“Social Media is easy.”