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Assignment 8 draft 3Maria younes

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Does violence in the media

cause behavioural problems?

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Mind map

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• The BBFC gives age restrictions to videos, some video games and DVDs

•This act was introduced for safety reasons

• Only UK releases can be legally sold or hired in the UK, even if a foreign release had identical content.

•Video games which have specific content in them also have to be seen by the BBFC to be rated

•Examiners are required to watch 5 hours 20 minutes of media to give a rating to them.

•Violence remains one of the most problematic areas for censorship in the UK

•Especially when the violence shown shows the viewers that it is “glamorous, fun and risk-free”

• A Serbian film suffered from forty-nine individual cuts by the BBFC, which totalled to four minutes and eleven seconds of cuts. This was because it displayed scenes which were likely to persuade the viewers to do the same

• OFCOM regulates broadcasting, telecommunications and postal industries in the UK.

• there is a section on “under eighteens” and what they can views

•They are there to provide enough protection for adults but also to protect people under eighteen.

•They cannot include contents which glamorize violence

• cannot include contents which encourage the viewers to do the same

• they cannot broadcast contents which include self-harm or suicide.

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This documentary was about the violence in Guatemala and how the war ended years ago but the violence is still going on.•Citizens stay armed•The global hunger for cheap resources has been another cause of violence•he society suffers from the aftermath of the 36-year civil war. •When the first Europeans arrived in the New World, they created societies based on extremely unjust social orders•Guatemala provides an example of a global ideology


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Steven pinker is a physcologist He argues that we are living in the most peaceful


Our ancestors were far more violent than we are, and there is a huge decline in violence

Steven Pinker

20th century: Hitler, Stalin, Rwanda, pol pot, Mao

21st century: Darfur and Iraq

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TED – Steven pinker

• in biblical times there was•The death penalty•Slavery•Cruelty as entertainment•They used to stone people to death •Burning at the stake•Disembowelling (form of torture, removing organs)•Breaking on the wheel (this was a torture device used for capital punishment)

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A senior investigator got 22 boys from the ages of 14-17 to watch violent clips from 60 videos.

The degree of the violence were from low, mild or moderate and there were no extreme scenes.

The boys were asked to rate the aggression of each scene. The boys were connected to all kinds of sensors.

They found that as the boys were exposed to more violent videos, their activation in the brain concerned with emotional reactivity decreased.

As the boys were exposed to more violence they became less responsive

It shows that the boys who had been exposed to the most violence in their daily lives were the ones that became less responsive to the violence.

This shows that the more violence someone is exposed to the more normal is becomes.


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Another case study was one where a parent asked their son what movies appeal to him

The boy answered with: the older the rating for the movie the more it appealed to him.

Since the boy was only 14 it is clear that he has already watched violent movies which

were rated higher than his age. This questions whether the BBFC are

actually preventing children from watching content which are not for their age.


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They are an African American gang They were one gang however now they are loosely connected

and often open fire to each other. Entering the gang gives someone the chance to be “respected”

and as they live in a low-class society it would be a appealing resort to them

Children as young as 8 join the gangs To enter the gang you have to go through a ritual which usually

includes: A hard beating Killing someone



Bloods and Crips

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Do scenes like these suggest that music videos are encouraging their viewers to indulge in criminality?

Bands such as “n-dubz” have been blamed for the rise of violence in east London.

A London grime artist was put into jail for life after murdering a rival music producer following a row over lyrics

 Channel U has been blamed for broadcasting music videos which include violence and the uprising numbers of violence in today's

youth JME who is a London grime artist said that “Music videos are like

tools that young artists use to earn respect from their peers, to 'represent” this shows that the violence that is being used in these music videos are a way to be able to rise in


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Violence in TV and in films Research shows that those who as children were exposed to violent TV shows were much more likely

to later be convicted of crime. Girls who watched more than an average amount of

violence tended to throw things at their husbands. Boys who grew up watching violent TV shows were

more likely to be violent with their wives. The results of a study released in March, 2002 that

tracked 700 male and female youths over a 17 year period showed a relationship between the violence in

TV and the way they pick up habits in later life.

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• From a physcological point of view violence in the media is just entertainment

• The viewers do not consider for a moment that they need to copy what they see

• Over the past 60 years it shows that media has caused aggressive behaviour. However these were all laboratory based.

•Howard Fienberg pointed out that research has so far failed to identify any concrete link that violence in the media causes crime

• Professors such as Craig Anderson admit that “there is presently no empirical evidence on whether playing a violent game increases

accessibility of aggressive thoughts.”

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Case study: in 2003 a boy killed his best friend and drank his blood and ate part of his skull.

Studies show that this was influenced by the film “Queen of Damned” and that told him to

kill his best friend to gain immortality.

Also the case study from the shooting in the school columbine show that they were heavily

influenced by violent video games


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What is the purpose of the documentary?

The purpose of the documentary is to find out whether violence in the media does cause behavioural problems in children

It is also to find out the different debates and what the public think about this

The purpose is to also find out the different opinions of parents and whether their children have been affected by this

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What would people learn about this topic from your documentary?

They would learn whether violence really does cause violence and how much percent

What different physcologists say about this Why do people think that it does/does not

cause violence How the media shows violence nowadays

compared to before.

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Who is your audience? My audience is parents who would have children who consume a lot of the media and who spend a lot of time watching

movies or play video games.

Class: middle-high class

Age: 35-50 as they may have children who are old enough to be watching films, music videos or play video games.

Secondary audience: My secondary audience may be teenagers/young adults from the ages of 18-25. this would be because they may want to know about what they are watching and consuming and whether it is

affecting them.

Niche or mass?: My audience would be niche as I am only aiming it at parents.

Target audience to channel/time shown: As my documentary would be shown from 8pm, parents would have come back from work and probably

sat down to watch some TV.


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What style of documentary is it? This documentary is informative and

observatory This documentary informs parents on

whether they are spending their money on the right stuff for their children

It gives different point of views from professors

Its observatory because it finds out the different opinions on whether violence in the media causes crime and observes the different case studies involved.

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episodes Episode 1: Violence in video games Episode 2: Violence in music videos Episode 3: Violence in the news and worldwide issues.

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They should want to learn about this topic because if violence in the media does cause crime then parents should be aware of this Also for the parents who are providing money for their children to buy their video games/music to learn whether or not they

are doing the right thing Whether this topic is just being over-thought


Why should my audience watch this documentary?

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I would put this documentary on channel 4 because channel 4 usually shows documentaries about this sort such as:

Lifers which was about people who have been convicted for murder and they have to spend life in prison

I think that it should be viewed from 8 onwards because it would educate the parents and the teenagers would not want to watch this


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CONVENTIONSWhich conventions are you using?

I am using the convention of a voice-over Interviews with experts

Interviews with the public I would be developing this because I would be asking a range. Such as from teenagers to parents

Hand held camera I would also have archival footage I would be developing this as I

would be using different scenes from times where violent in the news was much more (the holocaust, Hitler)

I would also be filming my interviewees from the shoulder upwards. (talking heads)

Use of text and titles Visual coding I would be developing this as when I interview the

experts they would be wearing appropriate clothing such as when I interview the physcologist they would be wearing smart clothing.

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2 min introduction- in the 2 minutes of the introduction I will have a voiceover and i will talk through the different types of violence that there is such as the evolution in

the news, tv, video games, music videos I will also be showing archive photos and different photos from the topic I will be talking about

1 min introduction- I will then introduce my topic which is going to be violence in video games and how it affects children and I will introduce the different debates I

will be exploring.

2 min- in this 2 minutes I will be talking about the different debates that come into this topic such as:

Whether violence in the media really does cause behavioural problems. I will be interviewing different people and asking people on the street what they

thought. Also I will ask different experts on what they think.

1 min- I will then talk about the violence in video games and also interview different people about this subject

I will talk about the different debates like whether the parents pay for their children's video games also whether the children spend too much time on these video games

to actually cause trouble

Last 10-20 seconds: I will introduce my next episode which will be violence in music videos.

Structure of my documentary

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Story board

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This documentary would be participatory as the presenter will be involved in everything. The presenter will go out and

interview. They would sit down and talk with the experts

They would also be the ones talking about the statistics. Mise-en-scene for presenter:

The presenter would wear casual/smart clothing as this documentary is a serious topic and the presenter must also come across as serious. Their hair would be simple and also

their accessories would be minimal. The presenter should also be confident while asking the

questions Their body language should not be too loud they should

stay calm and responsible.


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Public interviews: I will be asking people who have children for

example if there was a couple walking with their child who would look around 13-16 years old

I would also be asking teenagers themselves to see if they are aware of it

Expert interviews: I would be asking physcologists and



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The Game ft. Lil Wayne- My life I would choose this song because it talks about violence and how people have died

through violence.
