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Unit 4, 5 and 65

Assignment 1: Proposal

I am a creative media student and for this assignment I’ve got to create a promo video on a subject at the college, as a creative media student I’ll be making a promo video on that subject. I’ve looked at different types of promo video for Cheadle and Marple sixth form college and other colleges are the UK see what their style was, how they did etc. as I said when I was looking for I saw different had ones where student where talking into the camera about how good the course that they were doing was good and how the teachers are good as well, the other type I saw was people smiling having a good time at the college as some music was playing in the background and there was one which had a voice over and the video was all animated. I looked at different types of promo video for the college so it can help when it comes to my time making a promo video. When making a promo video I must take the different application and the technology that goes in making a promo video.

Promotion material can be done in many ways from a promotional video being put on the internet or a video being put on DVD or even done in a presentation. The most important thing to think about when creating a promotional video is who the target is audience is and what the promotional video is about and what it is promoting. Once they both have been done then working on the promotional video is about. I will be doing a promo video for Creative Media, in the promotional video I will be showing the different types of stuff that people will be doing on this course, and showing other student talking about the course and students that have already done the course and seeing where they are now because of it. So the target audience will be set for people who are starting college and thinking of going to college, so this will be set round 16 + as that the age that people leave school and go to college, also it not making them want to go to college it’s in away making them wanting to do that course at the college that is being promoted in the video. The target audience is important when creating anything as it the age group or the group of people that it’s been set around e.g. as my promotional video is set for 16+ then I’ll try and make it fun, funny and attractive as that will attract more of that age group more than if it was for the age group 40+ they might not find it appealing to them, also as they are at that age then it can also be sensible, clean etc. and get then wanting this course. So the target audience is important because once you know the target audience so you can set what your creating around it and make it suitable for them.

Application is thing such as a WWW (World Wide Web) or DVD menu and even presentation. Promo video uses the internet to promote what they are promoting because it get it out there quicker than anything can and everybody will be able to see the video within the same day it was released, but there are a few good and bad problems when it comes to stuff like this on the internet, as I said before that once the video is released then people will be able to see all around the world on the same day it was put on to the internet , by saying that some people may not have access to the internet which would mean they would not be able to see the video so not everyone will be able to see the video. The other points for putting this on the web is that the video will be viral, which will be a good things because people will be talking about it to their friends and family, sharing it on Facebook which more people will be able to see the video, it going viral is like it being a virus and people will not be able to get it out of their head and can’t stop thinking about it, sharing it will be what I am looking for as it’s getting around on the internet. It’s not just Facebook that people can see it or share it on there is also Twitter which most people love to use so putting it up on that as

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well which will have more of an impact as well as putting it on Facebook. But having its plus side there are bad side to it. The internet can be a fun place where people can play games, watch videos, talk with friends on social networks etc. the bad side is that the internet can create problems for people as it can set a virus on the person computer if the click on something which is not right and then it can mess up that person computer. Also another problem with the internet is the social network mostly likely Facebook that people can access other people information if the liked the promo video I that I have created or if a Facebook page was created for what the video was prompting then other random people can click on anyone’s Facebook page and see all of their information and even people can create random Facebook profile and then add random people but they could be lying about who they really are which and end up with bad thing happening with people information and also their safety. Also for those who have slow connecting then it may take a long time for the video to load up and then it may take even longer for the video to completely upload and time that comes round the person who is waiting may not be interested in watching the video. Also even though the internet has its good point it also has its bad points.

The other type of platform is DVD; DVD is another way to promote as it can hold a lot of stuff on the DVD disk. Also as the video is on a disk and it can have more added on to it to help the promotion that the video is promoting, people can stand in the streets and hand them out to people that are walking past as this will get them more of an audience and will help to promote the promotion as well. On the DVD you can do more to it than you could of other stuff, you can create a DVD menu for people to navigate around which give them the feel of it being interactive. DVD menus can be fun and interactive going from menu to menu finding new thing on it. DVD can hold up to 4.7 GB of stuff which they can put quite a lot on to the DVD. The alternative to DVD is blu ray disk which can sort a hell of lot on it twice as a normal DVD would. A blu ray disk has up to 25GB free on the disk which is way you’ll find that there are more stuff on a blu ray than on a normal disk. That is why you’ll see more features on a blu ray disk than on a normal DVD disk. Presentation can be done in many different ways; mostly they are people standing up in front of a group of people and then speaking with a power point behind which is moving from slide to slide with a bit of animation on will a few bullet points. The other way is still someone standing up in front of a group of people and instead of having a power point the could have just a piece of paper with what going to be said in the presentation, presentation can also help promote thing in fact that what they are most of the time, showing them the idea of what is being promoted, with a few pictures and clips of what’s being promoted as well to win people over.

The technology behind the promotion video will be thing such as compression, digital file formats, data transfer rate, file size media player etc. digital file format is what then video will be played or what will it be suited to be played in so the video runs right through without any errors, the different file formats for videos will be wmv, wmp and avi etc. which will carry the video formats, the most common one which will be used for a video format will be the avi as most time it will automatically be put into this format but you can change them. Some formats won’t work in other e.g. DivX this type of video format will not work if you tried opening it up in Window movie player. Depending on what the video is so say if it’s a HD video then it will work in DivX but it can be converted into other

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files by using conversion software. Also it’s depending on what computer you use as a MAC is different from and normal computer so it will be able to hold better high standard videos as MAC uses AIFF. Different types of images also have different types of file formats they have Jpeg, GIF, and PNG and there are loads mores, this is the same as the video format depending on what the image background is then it will be placed into a file format. So a HD images will have a different format than a normal image. Most images are placed into a Jpeg file as this is the most common one.

Data transfer rate allows people to transfer data form one place to another place, there are many ways that this can be done. Some people can transfer the data through email; these will be like word documents or images as email can only handle small files size to send or transfer so you will not be able to send something like an 8 minutes HD video as the file will be too big for what emails can hold. The other way transferring data is by using a memory stick

Task 2: Client briefs: Task 2Before working with your client, you need to have an understanding of what the requirements are ofworking to a brief. You will have to write a illustrated report which shows your understanding of thefollowing, Structure of briefs: contractual; negotiated; formal; informal; commission; tender; cooperative brief; Competition, Show examples of the above types of brief within your report

Client’s briefs are done so that the client knows what’s going on if the product or the creative idea of this. There are rules in a brief in which people who are taking on a product and turning it into something for example the promotion video that I am creating for the college they will have stuff that they would like to see and also they may want thing included in the video as well. Also it an outline of what’s going to happen in the video for example what going to happen in the video, what’s it promoting, the style, the target audience. This helps with the actual creation by following those rules and also it keep the client and the creator together and the client can keep an eye on the product and also they know what’s going on in the creation. Also this means that while the creation is going ahead the client can have meetings with the creator very week or so, so they know how the production is going or if there are any problems with the film etc. this keep a tight bound between the creator and the client. There are many different types of briefs t can be done between the client and the creator or person. Is a contractual, where the client and the person have a contract sing about the brief that they had looked and that both parties are happy with the brief they both sign it off and then everything move forward, the type is a negotiated brief this is where both the client and person come to some arraignment with the brief as they both talk about it and then agree, the other type is a formal brief, a formal brief is where both parties sit down and looked at the brief going through the brief knowing what’s going to happen and also the client putting down strict rules about what they what or what the person must follow when creating it. Informal brief is where both parties talking about the brief but giving a bit more freedom to the person but also still following the rules of the client. Commission is where the video that was created is commissioned on a board casted channel, is one will be a brief with the broad casting channel so the person will have to follow the brief down to the last bit as the it will has what they want and also what suitable for their channel. The other type of briefs is a cooperative brief which is discussed between two or more people who are talking and agreeing with the brief, this could be the same people from, the company working on it or different but it two or more people working together on the brief. Competition briefs are a little different from what most are as they are on websites or could be

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printed out, it will have a layout on what the competition is and also what is required on the video and a set of rules.


A contractual brief is strictly between the client and the worker. A contractual brief outlines the duties and what is required of the worker from the client. It will have everything that the worker will need to know on it, what is required, payment, outline etc. but before the contractual brief is singed and then done with both the client and the worker must first sit down and both agree on what on the contractual brief, in some cases in media a contractual brief will outline the product that they have created and it will have what they want on it and then the director will look at and he/she can chose accept it or not. But sometimes they can sit down and have some stuff changed if they don’t like what’s on the brief and then once that is all done it gets signed and then works get under way.

This is an example of an contractual between a client and a worker

Here it’s explaining about the contract with the date and saying who

it’s between

This is the part of the contract where both parties agree on the contract together, both

parties will look at this and if both accept this and happy with it then they can move on from

the contract and sign it

Here it’s explaining what the worker will be doing, what his/her title will and the place that

they will be working at

Here at the bottom of the contract are the benefits as it shows the payment that the worker will be

getting if he/her accepts the job

Once this is looked at and they are both happy with it gets singed and then an agreement between both employee and client is done and both parties must done what’s done in the contract or they will be going against which is not good. But in the creative media world the contract are kinder the same but there are parts where they are different form normal ones. On a creative media one is has what the client want’s in the (video) that the director is creating so they still have a say and also they may even do check-up to see how it’s all going.

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here is a quick look at another contract, this is what a producer contract look like, it has all the information on it, that the clients requires form the producer for them to sign it they both would have looked at it and the agreed on it and then signed it.

Here is all the information from the client to the employee stating what they would like to see, budget etc. on it outlining what they are looking for

here are both parties singed named, this is stating that they both agree with what’s on the contract and accept it and that the employee will follow what is said in this contract as well


Commission briefs is between the TV station and the employee, this is from a TV show which will be shown on the channel, this will have rules which the employee will have to follow in order for them to get there show commissioned on the board casting channel, it will say on the brief the budget, what the show will be about etc. so the employee knows what he or she is doing and making sure they are doing it right and following the brief so the client is happy with what’s happening with the product. Commission briefs are mostly for show, radio station etc. which then will be bored casted to the public for their entertainment. Here is an

example of a commission brief

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