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Welcome to Melbourne Property Valuers

Current Fair Market Value

Whenever there is a need to transfer ownership or property from one entity to another, there are a number of legal and statutory requirements that needs to be gone through. Amongst them having a fair valuation done of the property is extremely important. This is s an extremely complex task and no one understands this better than we.

We are regarded as one of the finest property valuers in Melbourne and there are quite a few reasons for this. It would be interest our readers to understand a few reasons that have gone in making us a big player in this arena.

Getting the right price for property sales is often a very difficult matter. It may not be always possible to satisfy the seller because they may feel that the property could have fetched a higher rate than what it has been able to get.

On the other hand, as experienced valuers we have also seen that the buyers are never in the same page as that of the seller. Hence, the best way for a middle-road is to help both the stakeholders to have a satisfaction. This is done by offering the best possible property settlement valuation reports that are acceptable to both the parties.

Property Settlement Valuations

We have also seen many property valuers ending in disputes between family members because of many reasons. Wrong perception amount the yardsticks applied in valuations is one of the most important reasons.

Whenever clients come to us we try and avoid such situations. We do so with the help of a team of professionals who approach the entire valuation with a humane face considering the sensitivity and emotive angles associated with it.

Whether it is a lease, buy-out of settlement pertaining to a property we offer the best of valuations which go a long way in settling the matter smoothly and amicably.

Separation/De Facto Relationship Valuations

Email: [email protected]

Address: Suite 614, 20 Queen Street Melbourne, VIC 3000

Telephone: (03) 9021 2007