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Artist Typography Ideas

I have began thinking about how I would like to represent the artists I have created in different ways. Thinking about how to put across their personalities in every possible way. I have been researching the way similar artists to Keira Black and Marc Atlanta use typography effectively. Firstly, I have been looking at the way female solo artists use typography to represent themselves.

Artist Typography Ideas

Lady Gaga is one of the best selling artists of all time. She has had numerous number one singles and albums across the world. As of June 2014, Lady Gaga has sold 27 million albums globally and 125 million singles. Lady Gaga is also know for being ‘out-there’ and is well known for wearing flamboyant outfits, creating extremely odd music videos and live performances.Here is a link to her music video for Born This Way

Artist Typography Ideas

Despite being very adventurous when it comes to her clothing, music videos and performances, Lady Gaga’s typography she uses is quite simplistic and often looks more hand written to add a more personal touch. Her songs often have a deep emotional message about her life and the typography she uses reflects that. However she does not use a consistent font for each single it changes it fit with individual songs.

Artist Typography Ideas

For Lady Gaga’s first album ‘The Fame’ the typography used was bold and all in capitals. This connotes her character as she is bold and stands out from the crowd as she dares to wear peculiar outfits. The image of her face is the largest object on the cover followed by her name, this suggests her image and establishing herself as being famous was this most important thing about this album. Becoming a celebrity. The title of the album ‘the fame’ also suggests that. Yet the size of the title on the cover is the smallest object on the cover which contrasts the idea that fame was the most important thing to her. The typography of the title is not as ‘standard’/simple as the way her name is presented. Also the T and the F appear ‘sharp’/’pointy’ which connote the fact that fame can be very difficult as people can be very harsh about things that are important to the individual. The other letters appear to be a lot softer and reflect the general publics opinion on fame and how the famous have it easy.

Artist Typography Ideas Applause a single by Lady Gaga

released in August 2013. The song is about herself as she sings about I and me. She wrote the song whilst touring her previous album. For this reason the typography appears to be hand written which gives the cover a more personal touch. I think this is effective as it shows that she is a real person under the ‘crazy’ persona which is still apparent courtesy of the odd cover photo. Also the song is rather egotistical and it needed a much more grounded and relatable touch to the cover. However the her name and the title appear as the smallest objects on the cover showing that her image is still the most important.

Artist Typography Ideas

The cover for Born This Way shows Lady Gaga nude which shows her vulnerability, as you can see her body and her tattoos it connotes how open, raw and personal this album is. As the typography is larger than it has previously has been it suggests that with this album the music is important to her. Which is again why more informal typography is used. It looks like it could be handwritten which adds a further personal touch to the cover and this would be pleasing to her fans as it is almost like a personal gift to them that they can more easily relate to.

Artist Typography Ideas

Ellie Goulding is a very successful British singer. In 2010 her debut album, Lights reached the number one spot in the UK Album Chart and her second album, Halcyon reached number two in the album's chart in 2012. She has also become successful globally. At the end of 2013 Ellie Goulding had sold around 4 million albums and 15 million singles worldwide.

Artist Typography Ideas

Ellie Goulding’s logo is her initials inside a circle inside a larger triangle. In Britain Ellie Goulding is well known so her logo and an image of her face would be instantly recognisable for most British people. However she only began to use this logo on her second album and single releases from Halcyon as she was more well known by that point. For her first album she only used her name rather than her logo.

Artist Typography Ideas

The typography used for Ellie Goulding’s first album Lights is white which connotes purity and innocence which is backed up by the sound of Ellie’s unique voice. Her voice sounds young and angel like. The style of the text is curvy and soft which suggests that her music is easy and pleasant to listen to. Again like with Lady Gaga her name as this was her first album her name is significantly larger than the title of the album as the main aim of the album is to launch the artist into a ‘star’.

Artist Typography Ideas

Foxes is a British singer who rose to fame in2013. She is best know for featuring on thesong Clarity by Zedd in 2013. She releasedthree singles from her debut album Glorious ‘Youth’, ‘Holding onto Heaven’ and ‘Let Go for Tonight’ which all made it into the top 20 singles chart. Her songs are upbeat pop songs with electronic, dance undertones.

Artist Typography Ideas

Foxes typography is plain and simple. The text is bold and all in capitals. This makes the text stand out to the audience and as Foxes is a relatively new artist it is obvious to people who may have heard her song and name on the radio and liked it, having a large, bold text it makes it easier for people to spot the cd. The text colour changes depending on the colour of the background which changes with every single released. This would appeal to a younger audience as it looks fun and interesting.

Artist Typography Ideas

As my song features a DJ/Producer I am looking into the typography of artists such as Calvin Harris, Avicii and David Guetta to see how DJ’s present themselves to audiences through the use of typography.

From these logos I can see that DJ’s usually stick to the black and white colour scheme. What is interesting is that each of these artists use triangles to fit with their name within their typography.