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Page 1: Articles

White background which is simple, easy for the text to be seen/read, makes the image of Eric and Ernie stand out also and gives it a professional look. If it was aimed at a younger audience it would be something that stands out and is bold whereas for a older mature audience it needs to look clear and professional

The title is bold and different from the rest of the font from the article, this is used to make it stand out from the rest but it isn’t too much that it looks completely out of place from the article. It is to capture the audiences attention. The red contrasts from the black and white, which again is used to capture the eye of the audience. The & Me is to show that there is a add on from the two well known comedians. Also the red it used in other parts of the article to show importance or to stand out

The image is in the centre which shows the importance of the two men which is Eric and Ernie, who the article is based on, the image is simple, no editing just the two men giving direct address to the camera. The image also not only shows who this article is about it attracts the audience because it is visual which breaks up the text so it doesn’t make the article look uninteresting.

Smaller images that overlap the larger image that links in to the article/text, other images that go with different parts of the text which it is linked to, it anchors to the text.

Captions used under the images to explain what is going on in the image, where or when it was took, who is in the photo etc. explains for the audience and makes it clear for them.

The text is a clear easy to read font that is in black that stands out from the white background, the font suits the article, if it was a bright colour it would be hard to read for the audience, it would look unprofessional and not go with the style of the article.

The bold letter at the start of the sentence is a typical part of most articles in magazines. The W is red like the &Me in the title of the article which expresses importance but also stands out to the audience for them to read.

Buzzword offer in white with a red box around it, this is to stand out from the rest to capture the audiences attention of a offer that is linked into this article, it is about a collection box set for obviously a cheaper price than normal. It isn’t large so it doesn’t stand out again shows what type of audience it is aimed to because if it was for a younger audience it would be big and bold to attract their attention. The Buzzword is highlighted clearly so it still stands out from the rest but it goes with the theme and style of this magazine article of Red/black and white .

Small image to go with the text of the offer, anchors the text.

Quotation in white overlay on the image of the two in white which again follows the style of the article, the quote is to give a taster of what is going to be said or is included in the article/interview. This will draw in the audience into wanting to read more and understanding more from this small quotation.

Date, title of the magazine is on each page at the bottom.

The quotation here is in the actual part of the text instead of on the image, it is in red so it stands out from the white background and from the rest of the text, this again will be to attract the audiences attention and give a taste of what will be said in the article.

Image of the writer of this article to firstly again make the page look less uninteresting but also to introduce the writer and to feel like we are able to see who he is. Gives a bit of familiarity for the audience