Download - Art Plagiarism Bust



By Josafat Miranda by Jason LevesqueGallery Owner: "It's such blatant disregard for another artist's talents," says Robert Fontaine, "I completely pulled all of his work. I don't want anything more to do with him."


Copies Josafat Miranda Originals by Marie Killen

Miranda: "I didn't steal these images," he says. "My only mistake was not giving the original artists credit. I've now spoken to them and apologized to them. We came to the agreement that I have to take everything down and destroy it, which is exactly what I'm going to do."

"Now everything is all fu&$ed up, I don't have a gallery. I don't have a job. I don't have any way to make money ... Now nobody wants to buy my work, even though most of it isn't a copy of anything. I'm not a millionaire! I live in a tiny little room and people think that I'm some famous millionaire. It's not the case."

using someone else’s ideas or the expression of those ideas (words, pictures, music, etc.) without giving proper credit