Download - Arnolfini Brochure Dec_jan_feb 2011/2012, 50th anniversary of gallery, Bristol UK

  • 7/28/2019 Arnolfini Brochure Dec_jan_feb 2011/2012, 50th anniversary of gallery, Bristol UK


    DEC 2011 JAN/FEB 2012



  • 7/28/2019 Arnolfini Brochure Dec_jan_feb 2011/2012, 50th anniversary of gallery, Bristol UK


    Arnolfni has been celebrating its 50th anniversarythroughout 2011. It has been an amazing year, flled withfttingly experimental exhibitions and per ormances, whichculminated in a weekend o special events in September.Thanks to everyone or all their kind words and support.Arnolfni's mission is to oster artistic experiment andengagement across the contemporary arts. Since its

    oundation in 1961, it has always been uture- acing,championing new art and new ideas, while at the sametime seeking to make contemporary art accessible oras many people as possible. We are delighted to havewelcomed more than 450,000 visitors through our doorsover the course o the year.

    As 2011 comes to a close, we present the fnal part o ouryear-long project series,The Apparatus , exploring theworkings o the art system, with the exhibitionMuseum

    Show Part 2 . The second instalment o this major survey omuseums created by artists eatures, amongst others, thePalestinian Museum of Natural History & Humankind byKhalil Rabah and theMuseum of Incest by Simon Fujiwara.The exhibition kicks o with a per ormance lecture byWal r B jami, which should not be missed. This willalso be your last chance to participate in theFull MooOrch s raand to hear the outcomes o theDa c roomSp c roscopyworkshops.

    5 0 t h A n n

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    P h o t o g r a p h y


    COntentSFull listings of events and timesare in the centrefold.



    FILM 10

    MUSIC 14



    COURSES 17


    BOOkSHOP 22

    VISIT US 23


    OPenInG HOURSExhibition spaces open:Tue - Sun 11.00am - 6.00pm

    Boo shop: See page 22 forfull details

    Caf Bar open: Daily from 10am

    Admission to the exhibitionspaces is free.

    SUPPORt USDid you know? Arnol ini is a charitythat costs over 2 million a yearto run. Funding rom Arts CouncilEngland, South West and Bristol CityCouncil covers 50% o this, but weneed the generosity o individuals andorganisations to make sure that asmany people as possible can see, enjoyand take part in contemporary art.For more in ormation on becominga Supporter or about our CorporateMembership Scheme please emailkate.robinson@arnol

    Join our mailing list:please [email protected]

    or ring 0117 917 2300 / 01 F r o n t

    C o v e r :

    5 0 A n s

    d A r t a u x

    E t a t s -

    U n i s . C o l

    l e c t

    i o n o f

    T h e

    M u s e u m o f

    A m e r i c a n

    A r t , B e r l i n .

    I n s t a l

    l a t i o n v i e w : L y o n B

    i e n n

    i a l 2 0 0 7 P h o t o g r a p h c o p y r i g

    h t : C o u r t e s y

    t h e a r

    t i s t

    BOX OFFICE: 0117 917 2300 / 01 ARNOLFINI.ORG.Uk

  • 7/28/2019 Arnolfini Brochure Dec_jan_feb 2011/2012, 50th anniversary of gallery, Bristol UK


    The New Year begins with some suitablyinvigorating live art and dance, with a threeweek residency byLala Diallo, developing a newwork, andDarki e s mbl 's riotousDisGo. Theblurring o boundaries between audience andper ormer continues withMo ica Ross'smassrecital o the Universal Declaration o HumanRights and the return oBris ol Liv OpPla form, presenting some o the most excitingnew, emerging per ormance rom Bristol's thrivinglive art community.

    Tom TrevorArtistic Director and Chie Executive

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    Welcome 3

  • 7/28/2019 Arnolfini Brochure Dec_jan_feb 2011/2012, 50th anniversary of gallery, Bristol UK


    BOX OFFICE: 0117 917 2300 / 01 ARNOLFINI.ORG.Uk eXHIBITIoNS 4

    Pal s i ia Mus um of na ural His ory a d Huma ki d(KhalilRabah),Da g r Mus um(yvind Renberg & Miho Shimizu),thMus um of Am rica Ar , Mus o Sali as(Vicente Razo),Mus um ofno -Par icipa io (Karen Mirza & Brad Butler),Mus um of t l visioCul ur (Jaime Davidovich),Vic oria a d Alf rd Mus um(bke), Hu Xia gqia 's Mus um(Hu Xiangqian),Mus um of ForgoHis ory(Maarten Vanden Eynde),Mus um of I c s(Simon Fujiwara).

    Following on rom Part 1, we present the second chapter oMuseum Show , a major historical survey o museums created byartists.Museum Show is a comprehensive selection o these highlyidiosyncratic, semi- ictional institutions - a 'museum o museums'perhaps. It is the irst ever exhibition to chart this particular tendencyin contemporary art.Museum Show Part 2 presents an ambitious series o installations,including;The Museum of American Art , charting the dominance oAmerican art and ideologies in the 20th century, and Khalil Rabah'sPalestinian Museum of Natural History and Humankind reconsidersthe 'ethnographic' ramings o non-Western cultures in museums.Museo Salinas by Vicente eatures a baroque and delirious collection

    o Mexican memorabilia, plastic toys, piatas, masks, stickers, clothing,

    FRI 9 DEC - SUN 19 FEB



    MuseuMshowPart 2

  • 7/28/2019 Arnolfini Brochure Dec_jan_feb 2011/2012, 50th anniversary of gallery, Bristol UK


    and other items related to the controversial image o Mexico'sex-president Carlos Salinas de Gortari, derided or his corruption.

    Museum Show Part 2 is the inal exhibition as part o Arnol ini's 50thanniversary programme. As part o this year-long 50th anniversaryprogramme, Arnol ini has worked with the research theme oThe

    Apparatus , re lecting on the conditions o the art system today.

    tHe UnMASKInG OF ARtLeCtURe BY WALteR BenJAMIn THU 8 DEC 5.00pm FREEThe renowned theorist Walter Benjamin will give a lecture about thebirth o art and art institutions. It will discuss where, why and howcertain ideas o art - museums, galleries, exhibitions, artist and artwork -originated, and how they have developed over the last ive centuries. Inhis thesis, the notion o art is not a universal category or something thatis characteristic or all cultures, but a speci ic concept that appeared inthe Western world during the period called the Enlightenment.


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  • 7/28/2019 Arnolfini Brochure Dec_jan_feb 2011/2012, 50th anniversary of gallery, Bristol UK




    K a r e n

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    eXHIBItIOn tOURSSATURDAYS 2.00pmFREE / NO BOOkING REQUIRED / MEET IN ARNOLFINI FOYERJoin Arnol ini sta and invited speakers to hear more about, and discuss theartworks in the current exhibitions.

    10 DECL a Moham d, Royal College o Art curatorial placement at Tate Britain,explores the political threads running throughMuseum Show Part 2 .

    17 DECnav Haq, Exhibitions Curator.

    7 JANChris i A ha, Curator o Learning and Participation.

    14 JANSacha Waldro , Arnol ini Curatorial ellow, leads a tour with a particular

    ocus onThe Museum of American Art .

    21 JANJ ss Rolls, Programme Co-ordinator.

    28 JAN YAAC(Young Arnol ini Artist Collective).

    4 FEBChris i A ha, Curator o Learning and Participation.

    tWILIGHt eXHIBItIOn tOUR FOR teACHeRSAnD LeCtUReRSTHU 15 DEC 4.30pm FREEA session or teachers and lecturers who plan to bring their students to seeMuseum Show Part 2 . We will explore the ways in which the materials,processes and ideas presented in the works in the exhibition can be utilised inactivities and workshops during a visit to the exhibition. We will also examinetrans-disciplinary curriculum ideas that emerge rom the various practicesMuseum Show Part 2 represents. We are happy to meet and work with groupsbooked or exhibition visits. Please contact nik.slade@arnol

    BOX OFFICE: 0117 917 2300 / 01 ARNOLFINI.ORG.Uk eXHIBITIoNS 6

  • 7/28/2019 Arnolfini Brochure Dec_jan_feb 2011/2012, 50th anniversary of gallery, Bristol UK


    Over the course o Arnol ini's 50th anniversary year,artist Neil Cummings has developed a series o selportraits o the organisation. Presented throughoutthe building, these portraits trace Arnol ini's historyand speculate on possible utures.

    A relational timeline traces the presence o Arnol inithrough three colours: pale blue representing thehistory o art and Arnol ini, purple or technologicalinnovation, and olive green or social and inancialorganisation. Starting rom the Bristol Riots o1831, the timeline ollows Arnol ini's expansion asit relocates rom Triangle West to Queen Square andthen to W-shed (now Watershed), be ore arriving at itscurrent location in Bush House in 1975. The timelineends on the second loor where the data becomeshighly speculative, imagining what might un old in thecoming decades.

    Neil Cummings is a pro essor at Chelsea College oArt and Design. He is a member o Critical Practice, acluster o artists, researchers and academics, and isresident at Arnol ini throughout 2011.

    An artist's publication by Neil Cummings or Arnol ini's50th anniversary is available rom Arnol ini bookshop.www.criticalpracticechelsea.orgwww.neilcummings.comtwitter: #NEILC



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    eXHIBITIoN TourS 7

  • 7/28/2019 Arnolfini Brochure Dec_jan_feb 2011/2012, 50th anniversary of gallery, Bristol UK


    BOX OFFICE: 0117 917 2300 / 01 ARNOLFINI.ORG.Uk


    SPeCtROSCOPY tALKFRI 9 DEC 6.00pmFREE / BOOkING ADVISEDDuring summer 2011 Arnol inipresentedDa c roomSp c roscopy- a series oworkshops and events whichcombined cutting edge 3Dimaging technologies withphysics, dance, generative

    digital art, soundscapes, andchoreography. Led by researcherDr David Glowacki rom theUniversity o Bristol, DanceroomSpectroscopy conjured upan environment or traineddancers to test out new ormso contemporary choreography.Arnol ini audiences also hadthe opportunity to immersethemselves in a play ulaudiovisual experience built onthe rigorous mathematics otheoretical science.

    Join David Glowacki and gueststo share the story o the project,discuss the observations madeduring these experiments, andconsider where it might go.

    Go to arnol orootage o the events.


    Bris ol-bas d chor ograph r Lala Diallo is curr ly d v lopi ga w work, a pi c for fiv p rform rs a d liv music. thpi c will b p rform d a Ar olfi i o 5 April, a d hroughoui s d v lopm Lala is off ri g oppor u i i s o acc ss a dpar icipa i h r proc ss.

    COnteMPORARY DAnCe CLASSeS TUE 10, WED 11, THU 12 & FRI 13 JAN10.30am - 12.00pm 5.00 EACH CLASSLevel: Intermediate/Advanced

    Lala will lead a series o contemporary dance classes that willgradually move rom the loor to standing, o ering irst anopportunity to awaken senses and ocus on connections throughthe body, be ore learning more complex movement phrases, movingthrough space, playing with low and dynamic range.

    OPen ReHeARSALTHU 26 JAN 3.00pm - 5.00pm(DROP IN SESSION) FREEAt the close o the three-week residency at Arnol ini - and at anearly stage in the creation o a new work - Lala opens the doorso the studio to invite an audience to watch a rehearsal. Therewill be no per ormance or the occasion, no special demonstrationor explanation, but an opportunity to catch a glimpse o thecreative process.The creation is supported by the National Lottery through Arts Council England andcommissioned and produced by ROH2 at the Royal Opera House, with support romArnol ini, Dance South West/Pavilion Dance and ICIA, University o

    lIve arT/daNce 8

    LIve art/daNCe

    D i s G o

  • 7/28/2019 Arnolfini Brochure Dec_jan_feb 2011/2012, 50th anniversary of gallery, Bristol UK



    Join Monica Ross on 19 Janwhen she will explain moreabout the UDHR and theAnniversary project. I you, yourgroup, or organisation wouldlike to take part, contactMel Sca old on 0117 9172 322

    or old@arnol page 17 or accompanyingtalk.


    A iv rsary - a ac of m moryis a per ormance series in 60acts ocusing on the importanceand relevance o the UniversalDeclaration o Human Rights(UDHR). Launched in December2008 to commemorate the 60thanniversary o the Declaration,it eatures solo, collective andmulti-lingual recitations rom

    memory o the entire UDHR byMonica Ross and Co-Recitors.Each recitation is uniquelyshaped by the producers andco-recitors who deliver it. Theemphasis is not on per ect recall,but on the attempt to rememberand the di iculty o ul illingthe Declaration's call to keep it'constantly in mind,' especiallywhen under pressure.This recitation is part o the Anniversary- an act o memory UK Tour 2011 - 2013and supported by Arts Council England.www.actso

    ACtS OF MeMORY2005 - 2010FRI 3 & FRI 17 FEB11.00am - 6.00pm FREEContinuous screening o aselection rom the irst 30

    recitations o the UDHR incontexts rom the House oCommons to Brighton Sea ront.

    BRIStOL LIVe OPenPLAtFORM (BLOP)SAT 25 FEB 11.00am - 8.00pm;BLOP PARTY 8.30pm 6.00/5.00 ConcsSOME EVENTS ARE FREEBris ol Liv Op Pla form (BLOP) is back or 2012.Presenting new and emergentwork by live and interdisciplinaryartists, BLOP is all aboutexperiments and unpredictability.It's an opportunity or artists toshare new ideas with an audience,and or audiences to experienceall kinds o live encounter:previous plat orms have includedlive art, contemporary dance,socio-political activism and soundart, and this year will o er anequally imaginative mix. Join usto discover what emerges andshare your thoughts with theartists over a beer at theBLOPpar yin the bar at the end o theday. Full schedule o events will

    be available rom early Feb atarnol Live Art Plat orm developed andpresented in collaboration with TheatreBristol and Inbetween Time productions.

    DARKIn enSeMBLeDISGOTHU 9 FEB 2.00pm, 7.30pm10.00/8.00 ConcsSet in a stunning immersivelight set and with a soundscoreincluding Plastikman, Fourtet andMortitz Von Oswald, Fleur DarkinCompany invite you to comeand play!DisGocreates newand closer proximities betweenper ormer and audience. FleurDarkin merges her companyo power ul dancers with theaudience to create a riot ochoreography where you canexperience a unique intimacy withthe per ormers as they dance thisraw and power ul new work.

    AnnIVeRSARY - AnACt OF MeMORY:InVItAtIOn tOtAKe PARtWORKSHOP WItHMOnICA ROSSTHU 19 JAN 7.00pm FREEAre you passionate aboutHuman Rights?

    Arnol ini is inviting people romacross Bristol to take part ina collective recitation o theUniversal Declaration o HumanRights (UDHR) with artist MonicaRoss on 17 Feb. Learn a small parto the Declaration and recite it inpublic, in your own language, aspart o this unique per ormance.Everyone is welcome.

    lIve arT/daNce 9

    Declaration o Human Rights Photo: Bernard G Mills

  • 7/28/2019 Arnolfini Brochure Dec_jan_feb 2011/2012, 50th anniversary of gallery, Bristol UK


    B o m

    b s a t

    T e a t

    i m e

    FILMTICkETS 6.50/5.00 Concs(except where shown)INCLUDING DOUBLE BILLSArnolfini operates a fullylicensed cinema

    URBAnIZeDFRI 2 DEC 7.30pm 7.20/5.60 CONCSUrbanized is the third part o Gary Hustwit's design

    ilm trilogy, joiningHelvetica andObjectified . Thisnew eature-length documentary about the designo cities, looks at the issues and strategies behindurban design. Over hal the world's populationnow lives in an urban area, and 75% will call acity home by 2050. The challenges o balancinghousing, mobility, public space, civic engagement,economic development, and environmental policyare ast becoming universal concerns. Yet much othe dialogue on these issues is disconnected romthe public domain. Who is allowed to shape ourcities, and how do they do it? By exploring a diverserange o urban design projects around the world,Urbanized rames a global discussion on the utureo cities.This screening will be ollowed by a panel discussion.

    tHe BRIStOL PALeStIne FILM FeStIVALJAFFA: tHe ORAnGe'S CLOCKWORKSAT 3 DEC 8.30pm TASTING SESSION FROM 7.45pmVisually captivating and politically bold, thisenticing new ilm by Eyal Sivan weaves a richtapestry o archival material and interviews toexplore the entwined visual and political historyo the Ja a Orange: both a symbol o the state oIsrael, and or Palestinians a power ul symbol othe loss and destruction o their homeland. Join usbe ore the evening's screening or a ree tastingsession by Zaytoun, artisan Palestinian producers.www.zaytoun.orgDir. Eyal Sivan, 2009, 86 min, Subtitled

    Introduced by Dr Ghada Karmi - a leading Palestinian activist,writer and academic.

    BRIStOL UnIVeRSItY AUtUMn ARt LeCtUReSeRIeS SCReenInGZIDAne: A 21St CentURYPORtRAIt(PG)& tHe ReFeReeS(12A) SUN 11 DEC 2.30pmAs part o the Autumn Art Lecture series we presenta special double bill o soccer-related movies that

    combine strong visual imagery with a passion orthe beauty and controversy o sporting practice.WithZida (2006), artists Douglas Gordon andPhilippe Parreno o er a compelling vision o one o

    ootball's most creative characters, using seventeencameras ocused exclusively on Zidane, to producea mesmerising and hypnotic cinematic portrait. Ina similar vein, Yves Hinant's newly-released ly-on-the-wall documentary,th R f r s(2009), o ersan in-depth study o the people we all love to hate.Introduced by Dr Mike O'Mahony rom the University o Bristol.

    FILM CLUB, BRIStOLSUNDAYS MONTHLY 5.00pm10.00 FOR THE SEASON (THREE PROGRAMMEBOOkED IN ADVANCE), 4.00 FOR A SINGLE EVFilm Club, Bristol is a wide-ranging monthly screeningprogramme curated by Bristol's diverse community ocineastes. Each month, guest selectors present rarelyseen and undervalued ilms at Arnol ini. Screenings will

    be introduced, and ollowed by a digressive ilm talk inthe Ca Bar. Find out more at ilmclubbristol.com18 DEC My Dinner With Andre (PG) (Louis Malle,1981) chosen by Jason Beech, Bloom and Curllbookshop.15 JAN Les Demoiselles de Rochefort (PG) (JacquesDemy, Agns Varda, 1967) chosen by DavidWilkinson, Geneva Stop.19 FEB Moloch (12) (Aleksander Sokurov, 1999)chosen by Marie-Anne McQuay, Spike Island.

    FIlm 10BOX OFFICE: 0117 917 2300 / 01 ARNOLFINI.ORG.Uk

    U r b a n

    i z e d

  • 7/28/2019 Arnolfini Brochure Dec_jan_feb 2011/2012, 50th anniversary of gallery, Bristol UK


    THU 26 - SUN 30 JANBris ol's ow sil a d visual com dy f s ival r ur s wi h ai cr dibl li -up of sp cial v s. th gu s s i clud Barry Cry r,Bill Oddi , Gra m Gard , tim Brook -taylor, Ia Lav d r a dSa j v Bhaskar.


    tHe CLOWn PRInCeSFRI 27 JAN 2.00pm 7.00/5.50 ConcsDavid Wyatt presents his selection o some o the inest and unniesto the lesser well known silent comedians; Charley Chase, LloydHamilton, Max Davidson & Larry Semon among them.

    CHARLeS CHAPLIn: BRIDGInG tHRee CentURIeS WItH DAVID ROBInSOnSAT 28 JAN 9.30am 7.00/5.50 ConcsDavid Robinson is recognised as the de initive biographer and a worldexpert on Chaplin. In this presentation, richly illustrated with ilm andrare stills, he considers the phenomenon o an artist who maintains hispower as a supreme entertainer in the 21st century.

    GRAeMe GARDenONCHARLeY CHASe(U) Liv pia o accompa im by Joh Sw ySAT 28 JAN 11.00am 7.00/5.50 ConcsCharley Chase was a brilliantly inventive and proli ic comediancontributing to over 300 ilms as writer, director, or actor and worked with

    almost every major name in early ilm comedy. Graeme Garden selects hisavourite shorts rom this period to reveal Chase at his inest and unniest.

    HAROLD LLOYD: DOUBLe BILLAn eASteRn WeSteRneR (U)& GRAnDMA'S BOY(U)WItH BARRY CRYeRLiv musical accompa im by th europ a Sil Scr Vir uosiSAT 28 JAN 2.00pm 8.00/6.00 ConcsBarry Cryer introduces two o Harold Lloyd's inest comedies. AnEastern Westerner - consistently clever and amusing, well-paced andpacked with gags plus a rare chance to see Lloyd's irst eature ilm onthe big screenGrandma's Boy .

    SLAPStICK SPOOFS(U) SUN 29 JAN 9.30am 7.00/5.50 ConcsLong be ore Airplane andNaked Gun there were silent spoo s ocurrent epics like Bending Hur. Be ore Laurel & Hardy, Stan Laurelalmost made a career out o it, and see Buster Keaton parodyingwestern star William S.Hart. Hosted by David Wyatt.

    MY CHAPLInWItH SAnJeeV BHASKARSUN 29 JAN 11.00am7.00/5.50 ConcsKumars at No 42 star SanjeevBhaskar selects avourite shortsand shares his passion or CharlieChaplin with Chaplin historianDavid Robinson.

    With live piano accompaniment.

    tHe GReAt StOne FACe: YOUnG KeAtOn(U) Liv musical accompa imby m mb rs of h europ aSil Scr Vir uosiSUN 29 JAN 2.00pm

    8.00/6.00 ConcsKeaton admirers Bill Oddie,Tim Brooke-Taylor, Barry Cryerand Ian Lavender each selecta avourite short that revealsKeaton at his reshest, mostspontaneous and inventive, ilmsincludeThe Boat (1921) andThe

    Scarecrow (1920).For the ull programme seewww


    B u s t e r

    K e a t o n

  • 7/28/2019 Arnolfini Brochure Dec_jan_feb 2011/2012, 50th anniversary of gallery, Bristol UK


    at aGLaNCe


    eXHIBItIOnSOpen 11am - 6pm, Tue - Sun & Ban Holiday MondaysChec for Christmas opening hours



    tICKeteD PeRFORMAnCeS, FILMS & eVentSBook by ri gi g Box Offic o 0117 917 2300 / 01, mail boxoffic@ar olfi book o li a olfi

    DeCeMBeRDATE EVENT TIME PRICEThu 1 Event:Danny Dorling 6.00pm 7.20/5.60

    Thu 1 Event:Paul Farley, Olivia Laing, Michael Symmons Roberts 7.30pm 7.20/5.60

    Thu 1 Event:Tom Abba 7.30pm Free

    Fri 2 Event:Madge Dresser 6.00pm Free

    Fri 2 Event:Simon Bradley and Andrew Foyle in conversation 6.00pm 5/4

    Fri 2 Film:Urbanized 7.30pm 7.20/5.60

    Sat 3 Event:Geoff Dyer, Anna Mansfield, Ben Rogers and PD Smith 12.00pm 7.20/5.60

    Sat 3 Event:Geoff Dyer 2.00pm 5/4

    Sat 3 Event:Baroness Susan Greenfield 2.00pm 7.20/5.60

    Sat 3 Event:Peter Lord 3.30pm Free

    Sat 3 Event:Iain Sinclair 5.00pm 7.20/5.60

    Sat 3 Event:Julian Baggini 6.30pm 7.20/5.60

    Sat 3 Event:Laura Oldfield Ford 7.35pm 5/4

    Sat 3 Film:Jaffa: The Orange's Clockwork 8.30pm 6.50/5Sun 4 Event:Doug Saunders 1.30pm 7.20/5.60

    Sun 4 Event:Pauline Black 3.00pm 7.20/5.60

    Sun 4 Event:Sarah Cox 3.00pm Free

    Sun 4 Event:Mike Rawlinson 4.30pm Free

    Sun 4 Event:Make no little plans 4.30pm 5/4

    Sun 4 Event:Sir Roy Strong 6.00pm 7.20/5.60

    Wed 7 Event:Sabine Hornig 6.00pm 6/4

    Thu 8 Event:The Unmasking of Art 5.00pm Free*

    Thu 8 Music:Active Crossover 7.30pm 5Fri 9 Live:David Glowacki 6.00pm Free

    Sat 10 Exhibition Tour:Lena Mohamed 2.00pm Free*

    Sat 10 Music:Full Moon Orchestra 7.00pm Free*

    Sun 11 Film:Zidane: A 21st Century Portrait & The Referees 2.30pm 6.50/5

    Wed 14 Talk:30 Years of Inspiration 7.00pm 12/10

    Thu 15 Exhibition Tour:Twilight Tour for Teachers 4.30pm Free

    Sat 17 Family:Mash Up 1.00pm Free*

    Sat 17 Exhibition Tour:Nav Haq 2.00pm Free*

    Sun 18 Film Club Bristol:My Dinner with Andre 5.00pm 10 for season/4

  • 7/28/2019 Arnolfini Brochure Dec_jan_feb 2011/2012, 50th anniversary of gallery, Bristol UK


    * unticketed event

    JAnUARYDATE EVENT TIME PRICESat 7 Exhibition Tour:Christine Atha 2.00pm Free*

    Mon 9 Music:Full Moon Orchestra 7.00pm Free*

    Tue 10 Dance:Contemporary Dance Classes 10.30am - 12.00pm 5 per class

    Wed 11 Dance:Contemporary Dance Classes 10.30am - 12.00pm 5 per class

    Thu 12 Dance:Contemporary Dance Classes 10.30am - 12.00pm 5 per class

    Thu 12 Event:Reading the Object 6.00pm Free

    Fri 13 Dance:Contemporary Dance Classes 10.30am - 12.00pm 5 per class

    Sat 14 Exhibition Tour:Sacha Waldron 2.00pm Free*

    Sun 15 Film Club Bristol:Les Demoiselles de Rochefort 5.00pm 10 for season/4

    Thu 19 Live:Anniversary - An Act of Memory Workshop 7.00pm Free*

    Thu 19 Event:Tertulia 7.30pm Free*

    Sat 21 Exhibition Tour:Jess Rolls 2.00pm Free*Thu 26 Dance:Lala Diallo Open Rehearsal 3.00pm - 5.00pm Free*

    Fri 27 Film:David Wyatt's Silent Majority 2.00pm 7/5.50

    Sat 28 Film:Charles Chaplin: Bridging Three Centuries 9.30am 7/5.50

    Sat 28 Film:Graeme Garden on Charley Chase 11.00am 7/5.50

    Sat 28 Film:Harold Lloyd: Double Bill 2.00pm 8/6

    Sat 28 Exhibition Tour:YAAC 2.00pm Free*

    Sun 29 Film:Slapstick Spoofs 9.30am 7/5.50

    Sun 29 Film:My Chaplin 11.00am 7/5.50

    Sun 29 Film:The Great Stone Face: Young Keaton 2.00pm 8/6

    FeBRUARYDATE EVENT TIME PRICEThu 2 Talk:David Chipperfield Architects 6.30pm 6/4

    Fri 3 Film:Acts of Memory 11.00am - 6.00pm Free*

    Fri 3 Talk:Citizenship + Class 6.30pm 6/4

    Sat 4 Workshop:Michelene Wandor 11.00am 10

    Sat 4 Exhibition Tour:Christine Atha 2.00pm Free*

    Sat 4 Event:Fluviatile 3.00pm 3.50/2.50

    Tue 7 Music:Full Moon Orchestra 7.00pm Free*

    Thu 9 Event:Reading the Critics 6.00pm Free

    Thu 9 Dance:Darkin Ensemble 2.00pm & 7.30pm 10/8

    Wed 15 Talk:Nathaniel Mellors 6.00pm 6/4

    Fri 17 Live:Monica Ross & Co-Recitors 7.30pm Free*

    Fri 17 Film:Acts of Memory 11.00am - 6.00pm Free*Sat 18 Music/Film:Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde 7.30pm 8/6

    Sun 19 Film Club Bristol:Moloch 5.00pm 10 for season/4

    Wed 22 Talk:Matt Stokes 6.00pm 6/4

    Sat 25 Live:BLOP 11.00am - 8.00pm 6/5 (some free)

    Sat 25 Live:BLOP Party 8.30pm Free*

    Wed 29 Talk:S Mark Gubb 6.00pm 6/4

  • 7/28/2019 Arnolfini Brochure Dec_jan_feb 2011/2012, 50th anniversary of gallery, Bristol UK



    ACtIVe CROSSOVeRBUGBRAnD, SJ eSAU, KAtHY HInDe,eKOPLeKZ, SKJLBROt & SIMOn WHetHAMTHU 8 DEC 7.30pm 5.00 Sound artist Simon Whetham's ongoingcollaborative project, Active Crossover , was irsthosted by Arnol ini in October 2009. A ter touringas an exhibition and series o live events throughout2011, the project returns to Bristol or an eveningo one-o live collaborations between some o thecity's most innovative artists, each o whom havean intriguing and characteristic approach to soundand music production. The event eatures irst-timecollaborations between: Kathy Hinde and SJ Esau,Tom Bugs and Ekoplekz, and Skjlbrot andSimon Whetham.

    Active Crossover 2011 is supported by Arts Council Englandand PRS or Music

    FULL MOOn ORCHeStRASAT 10 DEC, MON 9 JAN & TUE 7 FEB 7.00pmFREEFor those o you with a musical instrument, voiceor dance move, theFull Moo Orch s rawill becoming to Arnol ini. It's a spontaneous public eventopen to everyone which will last or two hours each

    ull moon. Anyone can sign-up to be the conductor

    at the beginning o the session and each conductorleads the group or 10 minutes. Each rehearsal isalso a per ormance open to the public, so you canmingle and join in with the orchestra as you please.

    DR JeKYLL AnD MR HYDeRe-SCOReD BY BLUe ROSeSSAT 18 FEB 7.30pm 8.00/6.00 Concs'In each of us, two natures are at war - the good and the evil... 'Philanthropic scientist Jekyll (John Barrymore) hassomething o a midli e crisis and takes a potion tounleash his darker side - aka Hyde. Barrymore'sextraordinary trans ormation is achieved throughper ormance alone, with shaken hair and expressivelong- ingered hands. This seminal horror silent indsnew li e alongside Blue Roses' (XL records) hauntingscore which received outstanding reaction at GreenMan and Latitude estivals this summer.'Gleamingly melodic and impeccably arranged'The ObserverDir John S. Robertson, Scr. Clara Beranger, USA 1920


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  • 7/28/2019 Arnolfini Brochure Dec_jan_feb 2011/2012, 50th anniversary of gallery, Bristol UK


    LeARnInG GROUP VISItSArnol ini is a space or ideas and a place where everyone can indsomething to see and do. It is a stimulating environment or learning,and a place where people can spend time engaging with art and ideas.We are happy to talk to you about what you'd like to get out o a visitto Arnol ini.

    PRIVAte VIeWS FOR LeARnInG GROUPSSchools and colleges are welcome to view and work in the galleriesbe ore we open to the general public most Tuesday mornings duringthe course o exhibitions. To arrange this please email:nik.slade@arnol


    Arnol ini is currently working with a number o external partners todeliver projects across the City. One such project eatures Magnumphotographer Martin Parr photographing an academic year in the li eo St Mary Redcli e and Temple school, documenting their transitionto a new building and in so doing developing a unique relationshipwith the pupils, sta and their environment. This commission is part oBristol City Councils public art programme.

    The project will showcase Parr's photographs as large scale prints inthe school. Images rom this extraordinary record will also be publishedin a newspaper which will be distributed across the city throughout

    December 2011.



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    UWe FIne ARt / ARt In tHe CItYLeCtURe SeRIeS 6.00pm

    6.00/4.00 ConcsFREE for UWE staff andStudents with IDOrganised by Arnol ini, BristolCity Council, and the Universityo the West o England.Supported by Bristol City Council.Artists hospitality supported by MintHotel. To receive an exclusive MintHotel 10% discount rom the bestavailable lexible room only rate, enterPromotional Code 'NEGARN' whenbooking online

    SABIne HORnIG WED 7 DECSabi Hor igis a German artist based in Berlin who's work exploresthe shi ting relationships between humans and the urban context.Central to her practice is a blurring o the boundaries betweenphotography and sculpture, in the context o architecture, which areall employed in her work to establish an indeterminate zone betweenreality and image. Sabine will talk about her arts practice and her newcommission in Bristol.

    nAtHAnIeL MeLLORSWED 15 FEBThe complex relationship between language and power is a recurringtheme inna ha i l M llors' multi- aceted work, typically mani estingitsel in absurdist, humorous narratives that reveal a penchant orsatire and the grotesque. Parodying the ormats and structures

    through which in ormation is popularly conveyed, Mellors sets uptheatrical rameworks to test the line between meaning ul content andincomprehensibility. At the core o his practice lies a ascination withthe relationship between word and e ect.

    MAtt StOKeSWED 22 FEBMa S ok s' practice stems rom a long-term inquiry into subcultures,particularly ocusing on how music acts as a catalyst or groups to

    orm, shaping and in luencing people's lives and identities. His works

    are o ten made by immersing himsel in a setting through whichcollaborations with in ormal communities arise. A ter collectingin ormation related to their histories and values, Stokes producesartworks that depart rom this research and take on a li e o their own,through ilms, installations and events.

    S MARK GUBBWED 29 FEBS Mark Gubbis a British artist who works across a range o mediaincorporating sculpture, video, sound, installation and per ormance.The subjects or his work are drawn rom the social and political culturehe grew up in; an equal ascination with things he inds so great andso terrible about the world we live in. This o ten takes the orm o are-evaluation and re-interpretation o contemporary culture and history,provoking us to consider our contribution to the world we live in. He willtalk about his practice and new commission in Bristol.


    S a b i n e

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  • 7/28/2019 Arnolfini Brochure Dec_jan_feb 2011/2012, 50th anniversary of gallery, Bristol UK



    MA PeRFORMAnCe WRItInG Develop and deepen your writing practice.

    Work with internationally recognisedpractitioners and academics.

    Draw on the experience o curators, editors andarts pro essionals.

    The MA Per ormance Writing in partnership withUniversity College Falmouth is a cross-art ormMasters degree which investigates 21st centurymodes o writing. It examines how writing collidesor collaborates with other art orms - visual, sonic,

    digital, per ormative, time-based, sited/installed,page-based - in the context o contemporaryculture and new technologies.

    This course is practice-led and lasts one yearull-time or two years part-time. We are currently

    recruiting or the academic year 2012-13.Bursaries are available to students in need ofnancial support. I you are interested in writingthat moves beyond the page, this is the course oryou. FFI contact the course leader


    P h o t o :

    M a u r a

    H a z e l

    d a n

    BOOK YOUR TICKETS ONLINE TalkS/lecTureS/courSeS 17

    tHe GAne LeCtUReDAVID CHIPPeRFIeLD ARCHIteCtS:DeSIGnInG MUSeUMSTHU 2 FEB 6.30pm 6.00/4.00 ConcsThe Gane Trust, in partnership with theArchitecture Centre and Arnol ini present a lecture

    by Rik Nys,senior director o award winning DavidChipper ield Architects. Having worked with DavidChipper ield or the last 20 years, Rik Nys beeninvolved in all o the practice's projects, includingmuseum projects such as the Stirling Prize winningMuseum o Modern Literature in Marbach andmost recently the Museum Folkwang in Essen. Inconjunction withMuseum Show Part 2 this lecturewill ocus on some the key museums designed andcompleted by the practice.

    CItIZenSHIP AnD CLASS: SOMeFInDInGS FROM tHe BBC GReAtBRItISH CLASS SURVeYFRI 3 FEB 6.30pm 6.00/4.00 ConcsAs social rights and responsibilities are rede inedwe are reminded o the continuing importanceand urther rami ications o the Declarationo Human Rights. Fiona Devine, Pro essor oSociology and Head o the School o SocialSciences at the University o Manchester,leads an exploration o issues surrounding thechanging consciousness o social constructionin the UK and presents her indings romthe Great British Class Survey. Part o the

    Anniversary - An Act of Memory events. Seepage 9 or urther details.


    30 YeARS OF InSPIRAtIOn: AneVenInG OF DeSIGn, IDeAS AnDenteRtAInMentWED 14 DEC 7.00pm 12.00/10.00 ConcsJoin us or an entertaining and inspiring Christmasdesign special with Carol Whitworth, ounderand owner o design agency Home. Celebrating30 years in business, their clients include RoyalMail, Jaguar and BP. Carol will talk about her years

    running an agency, where ideas come rom andwhy she believes "ideas come irst and themoney later".

  • 7/28/2019 Arnolfini Brochure Dec_jan_feb 2011/2012, 50th anniversary of gallery, Bristol UK


    T h e

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    D r a w

    2 0 1 1 , P h o t o

    M a x

    M c C

    l u r e

    BOX OFFICE: 0117 917 2300 / 01 ARNOLFINI.ORG.Uk FamIlY/eveNTS 18


    FAMILY eVentMASH UPSAT 17 DEC 1.00pm - 5.00pm FREECalling all ages! Mash Up is Arnol ini's regular amily riendly activity day. Come and buy unique hand mgi ts - Young Arnol ini Artists Collective will be hosting a Christmas stall - or join our ree snow globe makworkshop and other Christmas activities.

    MICHeLene WAnDOR POetRY/ WRItInG WORKSHOPSAT 4 FEB 11.00am 10.00Mich l Wa dorwill lead a creative poetry/writing workshop based on the per ormance oFluviatile atArnol ini. The workshop will ocus on the content o the newly published bookFluviatile - a collaborationbetween artist Lindsey Adams and the poet and writer Michelene Wandor and will explore the relationshipbetween image and narrative.

    FLUVIAtILeSAT 4 FEB 3.00pm 3.50/2.50 ConcsLi ds y Adams' photographic images o a small Derbyshire brook explore the waters' sur ace and thelayers o underwater currents combine with Michelene Wandors specially written response Ophelia; thepoem in this special event presenting projections, readings and underwater soundscapes that explore thedivisions between word and image to provide a backdrop or multilayered per ormances and live musicas the visual and verbal are reinterpreted by Viola de Gamba, virtuoso Ibi Aziz and Jazz musicians DavidWickins and Liam Noble.

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    Duri g h cours ofMuseum Show Part 2 whav workshops i h R adi g Room, sui ablfor all. tick d bu fr .

    ReADInG tHe OBJeCt THU 12 JAN 6.00pm FREEWhat role can the object play in social ormationand in developing a distinct view o culture?Where is the museum currently situated incontemporary culture? How have museums andgalleries contributed to our understanding oourselves and our histories, through the choicesthey have made about the things they have addedto their collections?This workshop ocuses on handling objects as wellas discussing their potential. We will be examininga wide selection o art and designed objects andinterrogating their place within museum cultureand day to day society.

    teRtULIA THU 19 JAN 7.30pm FREE'Tertulia' comes rom a Spanish word or social

    gatherings with literary, artistic or bohemian

    overtones. A plat orm or new work and ideas,Tertulia is or people working with or interested inlanguage, both vocal and textual. We emphasiseinnovative, experimental practice and cross-

    disciplinary peer learning and debate. Further detailsrom Phil Owen, readingroom@arnol andhttp://tertuliablog.wordpress.comCoordinated by Phil Owen and Megan Wake ield, Tertulia iscurrently co-hosted by Arnol ini and Spike Island.

    ReADInG tHe CRItICS THU 9 FEB 6.00pm FREEWho decides what is shown in galleries andmuseums? And should we trust their judgement?

    The criteria employed to select what to exhibit tellsus a great deal about whoever is organising theexhibition. Central to the decision making process isthe work o the critic.Join us or an exploration o key texts by critics romthe 19th, 20th and 21st centuries to gain insight in tothe people who decide what we get to see, and howtheir value judgements are cultivated, maintained,and o ten eventually rejected.

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  • 7/28/2019 Arnolfini Brochure Dec_jan_feb 2011/2012, 50th anniversary of gallery, Bristol UK


    eveNTS 20BOX OFFICE: 0117 917 2300 / 01 ARNOLFINI.ORG.Uk


    BRITAIN AND ITS CITIESTHU 1 DEC 6.00pm7.20/5.60 ConcsDanny Dorling is one oBritain's leading geographers- in act Simon Jenkins callshim 'Geographer Royal byAppointment to the Le t'. Hedissects the nation and revealsunexpected truths about the

    way we live today and whyinequality exists.


    7.20/5.60 ConcsPassed through and ignored,the edgelands have becomethe great wild places on ourdoorsteps. Poets Paul Farley andMichael Symmons Roberts allowthis in-between world to speakup or itsel . They are joined byOlivia Laing, who looks at howhistory resides in a landscape.

    SIMOn BRADLeY AnDAnDReW FOYLe InCOnVeRSAtIOnPEVSNER GUIDE TO NORTHSOMERSET AND BRISTOLFRI 2 DEC 6.00pm5.00/4.00 ConcsAuthor Andrew Foyle discussesthe architectural highlights o

    one o England's most rewardingregions with series editor Simon

    Bradley, rom the GeorgianSpa at Bath to some o Brunel'sgreatest designs.

    URBAnIZeDFRI 2 DEC 7.30pm7.20/5.60 ConcsHelvetica director Gary Hustwit'snew documentary on city design,

    ull details on page 10.

    GeOFF DYeR, AnnAMAnSFIeLD,BenROGeRS AnD P D SMItHJANE JACOBS AND THE FUTUREOF THE CITYSAT 3 DEC 12.00pm7.20 /5.60 Concs2011 marks the 50th anniversaryo the publication o probably thebest book ever written about thecity: Jane Jacobs'The Death and Life of Great American Cities .

    This special panel discuss Jacobs,her work and impact and whatshe tells us about today's city andthe uture o the city.

    GeOFF DYeR SAT 3 DEC 2.00pm5.00/4.00 ConcsGeo Dyer is one o Britain'smost exciting and originalwriters. He will be talking abouthis recent work including Jeff inVenice, Death in Varanasi.

    BAROneSS SUSAnGReenFIeLDYOU AND ME: THENEUROSCIENCE OF IDENTITYSAT 3 DEC 2.00pm7.20/5.60 ConcsSusan Green ield looks at howour identities are changing in the21st century rom the uniqueperspective o neuroscience.

    IAIn SInCLAIRGHOST MILK AND OTHER TALESOF WALKINGSAT 3 DEC 5.00pm7.20/5.60 ConcsIain Sinclair is a great walker andwriter o cities and places. Helooks at our possible utures aswell as making his most power ulstatement yet on the throwaway

    impermanence o the present.

    JULIAn BAGGInITHE EGO TRICK: WHAT ITMEANS TO BE YOUSAT 3 DEC 6.30pm7.20/5.60 ConcsWith his usual wit, in ectiouscuriosity and bracing scepticism,Julian Baggini delves into real-li ecases o lost memory, personalitydisorders and personaltrans ormation; and, candidlydescribes his own experiences inhis search.

    WInteR FeStIVAL OF IDeAS AnD BRIStOL IDeAS FORUMBRISTOL, CITIES, IDENTITY AND PLACEBristol Festival o Ideas' irst winter estival looks at identity, the nature o the city and what makes citiespecial and Bristol a special place. Sessions include an exploration o the edgelands o the city, and thelegacy o Jane Jacobs 50 years on rom the publication oThe Death and Life of Great American Cities .

    The winter estival also includes a second series o Bristol Genius events looking in detail at the worko creative people in the city.

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    Savage Messiah collects togetherthe entire set o artist LauraOld ield Ford's anzines to date.Part graphic novel, part artwork,her work is both an angry polemicagainst the marginalization o theworking class and an explorationo urban space. Laura Old ieldFord held a public art exhibitioncommissioned by Arnol ini inFeb 2011. Prints rom theexhibition are available in theBookshop.

    DOUG SAUnDeRSARRIVAL CITIESSUN 4 DEC 1.30pm7.20/5.60 ConcsIt's in cities that the uture o theworld will be decided. JournalistDoug Saunders provides adetailed tour o the key pointsin the Great Migration by theworld's rural populations andconsiders the actions that haveturned this enormous populationshi t into either a success or aviolent ailure.

    PAULIne BLACKBLACK BY DESIGNSUN 4 DEC 3.00pm7.20/5.60 ConcsLead singer orThe Selecte r,Pauline Black was o Anglo-Jewish/Nigerian parents.Adopted by a white, workingclass amily, Pauline was alwaysmade to eel di erent, both

    by the local community andmembers o her extended amily.She re lects on this experienceand what it says about identity.

    MAKe nO LIttLe PLAnSDAnIeL BURnHAM AnD tHeAMeRICAn CItYSUN 4 DEC 4.30pm5.00/4.00 ConcsThe ilm that showed howChicago, and Daniel Burnhamplanned or the uture o the city -cited as one o the greatest plansever created or a city.

    SIR ROY StROnGENGLISH IDENTITY AND THEROOTS OF ENGLISHNESSSUN 4 DEC 6.00pm7.20/5.60 ConcsRoy Strong argues that it isthe rural tradition - combiningaestheticism, pastoralism andpatriotism - that o ers ananswer to the present crisis

    o English identity.

    BRIStOL GenIUSBristol Genius events celebratethe work o creative people inthe city. Events are ree, but mustbe booked on the relevant eventpage on www.ideas

    tOM ABBATHIS ISN'T THE FUTURE OF THEBOOKTHU 1 DEC 7.30pm FREETom Abba will discuss howdigital plat orms change thenature o the book.

    MADGe DReSSeRBRISTOL AS A CITY OF REFUGEESFRI 2 DEC 6.00pm FREEThose who have made Bristoltheir home range rom medievalJews to modern asylum seekers.Madge Dresser o ers newinsights into the experiences othose who came to Bristol.


    orthcomingThe Pirates! In An

    Adventure With Scientists, talksabout the making o the ilm,including sneak previews romthe ilm.

    SARAH COXTHE AARDMAN/TATE PROJECTSUN 4 DEC 3.00pm FREE27,000 children took part inAardman's The Tate Movie Project

    plotting, scripting and drawingthe hal -hour animationTheItch of The Golden Nit , makingit the largest 'crowd-sourced'animation ever. Director SarahCox talks about the project.


    SUN 4 DEC 4.30pm FREEBristol Legible City wonmany awards or design andinnovation. Mike Rawlinsonlooks at what a completelegible city needs.

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    BOOKSHOP SHOWCASe DeC-FeBVISUAL EDITIONSLondon-based publisherVisual edi io s(VE)believes that books should be as interesting as thestories that they tell. Taking their starting rom aconcept o visual writing, where the visual eedsinto and adds to the storytelling as much as thewords on the page. VE is all about a love o booksand the desire to do things di erently so thateverything they do translates into a new experience

    or their readers and or the writers and designersthat they work with.

    SUE GREGOR: FOSSILIZED PLASTICBristol based jewellerSu Gr gortakes her interestin the natural world as the starting point or thecreation o her work. She seeks to create a usiono the industrial and organic. Each piece is unique,with the ine detail o the original material, o tenquite ordinary plants and weeds, ' ossilized' on itssur ace using an individual method o dying andembossing . She has sought to create work whichis both intimate and public and which evokes a

    eeling o the celebration between material and thesubject. A selection o Sue's work is now available inthe Bookshop.

    OPentu 11.00am - 6.00pm, W d - Sa 11.00am -8.00pm, Su 11.00am - 7.00pmMo 5, 12 & 19 D c 11.00am - 5.00pmContact bookshop with enquiries or orders on0117 917 2304 or bookshop@arnol

    nUS g 10% off all purchas s o W d sdaysArnol ini is home to one o the UK's leadingspecialist contemporary art bookshops.

    CHRIStMAS GIFtSAs always at this estive time o year Arnol inibookshop is pulling out all the stops to bring youa ine selection o arty and not so arty Christmasgi t ideas. As well as a great range o diaries,

    calendars and Christmas cards you will ind a ineselection o quirky stocking illers like lip books,optical toys, lenticular bookmarks and postcardbooks, plus an excellent choice o books or childrenand adults alike.


    BookSHoP 22BOX OFFICE: 0117 917 2300 / 01 ARNOLFINI.ORG.Uk

    P h o t o :

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    IN DECEMBER6.00pm - 8.00pm

  • 7/28/2019 Arnolfini Brochure Dec_jan_feb 2011/2012, 50th anniversary of gallery, Bristol UK


    Arnol ini is situated by the water at Narrow Quay in Bristol'sHarbourside. A 15 minute walk rom Temple Meads railway station,and Marlborough Street bus station, most buses stop at the citycentre, a short walk rom Arnol ini.

    I travelling by car, ollow brown tourism signs to the nearestcar park, The Grove.

    ACCeSSWe aim to make all visitors welcome. There are parking spaces ordisabled visitors outside our main entrance, access via Farr's Lane.Wheelchairs are available inside the building, and guide dogsare welcome.

    Large printand Braille versions o this brochure are available onrequest, and an MP3 version can be downloaded rom the accesspage o our website. There is an induction loop system within theAuditorium. Please in orm Box O ice o any special requirements.

    Funded by:


    B O N D

    S T


    vISIT uS 23

    Why not stay with SACOApartments? Quote 'Arnol ini' or10% o their best available rate,

    call 0117 927 6722 to book.

    Follow us on:

    Search Arnol ini

    @arnol iniarts

  • 7/28/2019 Arnolfini Brochure Dec_jan_feb 2011/2012, 50th anniversary of gallery, Bristol UK


    T: 0117 917 2300 / 01E: [email protected]



    OPen DAILY FROM10.00am

    Warm up with the Ca Bar'swinter menu - new dishes, newwines, a new range o pizzetteand the welcome return o our

    amous mulled cider. DuringDecember, our turkey- reeChristmas menu is ideal or arelaxed estive knees up at 12

    or two courses or 15 or three.Plus, our own reshly bakedcakes and Extract co ee toenjoy whilst relaxing with our

    newspapers and ree wi- i. Kidsget their own menu, as well ascrayons, books and games.

    Ca Bar managed by MarketQV Ltd

    P h o t o :

    J a m

    i e W o o

    d l e y

    P h o t o :

    B r a d

    B i s h o p


    Arnol ini is a unique venue ando ers contemporary spaces or hire,including a 209 seater auditorium aswell as smaller light illed rooms orcon erences, receptions or meetings.

    'thank you so much for all your help and support in makingour event such a success! Thewhole day ran without a hitchwhich is testament to all your

    professionalism and unending support. The food was deliciousas always too!' Gabrielle Ru le,Aardman Rights

    FFI please emailroomhire@arnol orcontact Kate Robinson on0117 917 2313