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Arctic Lowlands

Arctic LowlandsBy: hope

Animals in the Arctic

There are snow white arctic fox.There are snow white arctic owl.There are baby seal that lives in the arctic.There are arctic wolf.There are baby arctic polar bear.There are a lot of animals you can see them and know what they do there.

The Weather In The ArcticIn the arctic it is very cold . But there is a sun in the arctic. The climate of the arctic region varies throughout the year.


Land There are hills around the land and some is flat.On the land there is hills with snow and trees and there is a little grass over the snow.On the land there is sticks coming out of the snow on the land.

How lives in the ArcticIn the arctic there people called first native people.You can know how they live in the arctic and what they do.This is are kids that live in the arctic

Sports and RecreationIn the artic one of the sports is ice fishing, dog sledding, skiing, making snowmen and much more. These actives are played because they are fun. I wish one day I can do one of this sport in the arctic.

Entertainment There is a place called Whitehorse and it is close to a place called Yellowknife they are beside each other but they are far away from each other. This is a picture of a jacket from an a animal they have to do the sometime so the people can have jackets there.

Food in the ArcticIn the arctic the way that they got there food is they go out and ice fish for there food. If you what to try this you can go to the arctic and try it.This is a type of food in the arctic and this is when it is eat a little

Interesting ThingsIn the arctic they can do thing that I didnt know like hunting and making snowmen and dog silting and you can go in a car and drive a car.That is so cool maybe when you are older you can go to the arctic and do them.

Map of the ArcticThis is a map of the arctic and it looks like the arctic is a big places. Here is a map that is of the arctic to.

My favorite pictures

What the Homes look like in the ArcticThey are made out of ice and snow if I live in one I would not like it at all.Here is a picture of a igloos and it is in the arctic region.If I lived in one I would think that is so cool.