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All of what exists is God the Greats creation. All of what breathes is Gods creation.All of what thinks is Gods creation and What doesn'tt exist is missing God

School of fishIn the trip to the Georgia Aquarium, I was delighted to see this school fast, smooth and slow and swift swimming fish with varied coloration. I observed once in a while among the school of fish, a few one or two are more swift than others analogous to driving in slow traffic, with the above mentioned swift fish tries to ask for way to move out of traffic further and changes directions and overtakes slower ones of its kind. The trait comparison is faster thought/action vs slower action, swimming, or thought process slowed.

School of fish

School of fish. The white, clear fish with 2 to 3 black stripes have a smooth pursuit like saccade eye movement in one direction except once in a while 1 moves in opposite direction from the school of fish. The order of direction of swim is opposite to the rest of the group. Most 90% turn eastward. 10% westward. Also more smooth swimming and same speed for most fish. More homogeneity in movement and less intercommunication.

School of fish. This colored school of fish shows about 1:1 ratio of north VS south direction of swimming. About 10% swift towards east or west direction. Seems like the fish communicate with each other more and are not so strongly decisive and cross talk, some loners but most move in two groups up and down.

California Sea Lions California sea lions live around the rocky outcroppings.Beaches of North Americas coasts.Characterized by VOCALIZATION. Can say HI OR HELLOSounds heard over the salty coastal areas.Fin-Footed like Walruses, seals and Sea lions.

Sea Lions

Sea LionsBelong to suborder Pinnipedia, which means wing or fin footed. All have large streamlined bodies. Well suited to live in water.Flipper like limbs for swimming. Large eyes to swim under water.Well developed whiskers to detect prey.Fur for warmth.Three families:Otariidae(sea lions and fur seals)Ears, Dark Eyes, Sensory whiskers, Closable nostrils, Pointed snout and Thick, short fur. Also wing like fore flippers.Phocidae (Earless seals)Thick, short fur with spots, Hairy fore-flippers with five blunt claws, closable ear with no external flap, thick neck, sensory whiskers and wide hand flippers. Odobenidae (Walrus)

Sea LionsFlexible neck, can bend to obtuse angle, greater than 90 degrees. Vocalization, learning to speak? Tries to speak?. My hypothesis is knows how to speak language at one time now as a form of animal creature cant physically not well developed throat and voice box,, larynx to speak or psychologically the sad emotions and affection needy behavior prevent learnt language recall or vocalization. Can greet with hi. Waves hand. Can understand one step command and respond by being compliant. Simple diet, small fish; bait, opens mouth. Jumps back and forth between water and land to catch and swallow food. Primitive hand like flippers with segmentation into five appendages, wider than human hands but not so muscular and flat. Shows back emotions happy/sad. Needs petting sometimes, quickly obeys commands, needs affection. I notices red blue had a trait of avoidant behavior and quickly leaves the other sea lion and the black sea lion is more attached and bonded to the feeding human.

Bonding and attachmentFemale sea lions and their pups stay together for 6 to 12 months, as long as milk is available.Sea lions produce rich mils; 34%fat and protein 13.6%.Females dont fast.Forage every 2-3 days in the ocean.Listen to pups call when returning to land and locate for their pup and nurse.

Sea Lions Male and female sea lions are dimorphic and polygamous. Males are much larger than females.Sea lions have many mates and breed on land.

Sea Lions Has three kinds of eye patterns; widely spaced brown eyes, inward turned, outward and large grayish eyes pointing upwards and large grayish eyes pointing downwards. Whiskers were sharp or blunt. Red sea lion had avoidant and paranoid behavior. When asked to leave, leaves immediately in the other direction. In contrast black sea lion is more confident of its stay with the feeding person and stay close by showing more bonding and attachment with the surrogate feeding trainer.

African Tiger fish My hypothesis is the fact that African tiger fish is more swift, thin, stretched and moves fast in water . Pink fins with greenish tinge to the body. Seems like camouflaging with greens water plants. Looks for prey and shows aggressive behavior. The name itself hydrocyanic implies water loving and bluish green like cyanosis, not enough blood and restless, pale pink, anemic, seizure like activity of the fish brain makes it appear angry and aggressive, however, seems like more deoxygenated blood or less blood is somehow causing the physical symptoms of fierce anger and swift and spontaneous response to food stimuli.

African Tiger fish from Georgia Aquarium

African Tiger fishIs a fierce fish, feeds on whatever prey is in high supply.Can grow to length of 4 feet.Warm water of large rivers and lakes in Sub-Sahara Africa. Razor sharp protruding teeth are prominent features in parts of Africa.Most priced game fish for ambitious anglers.

African Tiger fish

Turtles Cleary showed group mating activity. With one yellow belly and striped green head turtle signifies male turtle bigger than three lined up female smaller turtles and one moving out back and forth while the other two female turtles sitting silently with the male turtle.


Pure white Alligator

Chichilids Smaller in size but more fast swimmers than medium and large size fish. Thinner swift swimmers.

Sea Otter A social being. Like group interaction.

Penguins Looking at each other in groups of two or three, seems like trying to recall or remember past events. I would suggest that some day modern medicine would treat all creatues with same love and affection and treat psychologically slow creatures with medical management, anti depressants and ECT might be able to reveal the block in thought process and signify the moment in time that caused a major trauma and early memories that may explain the kind of host population from which the biomass separated as a penguins and reveal legal connotations associated with past accident ot trauma, bombing and major world history events and wars etc that led to separation from the main species population.

Sea Otters Sea Otters at the Georgia aquarium, are cared for by the nurses and veterinarian doctors with hear beat and listening to heart sounds with stethoscope and because sea otter is a very sensitive creation of God, that is emotionally tied to mother and cant bear the separation from the mother Otter and has to be cared for in the community by doctors and nurses. The need for Sea Otters affection and silent communication explains that maternal and child bonding is not just a human need but also prevalent among other creatures created by God.

Other observationsI notices sea horse. Has a very long body and skinny in contrast to smaller width. The creature shows neural like tissue, analogous to spinal cord element and might have therapeutic role like the jelly fish memory neuron enhancing drug Prevagen. It might contribute to the strength of spinal cord and stronger neural control over reflexes and innervation to limbs, strength of cervical region as the replacement of damaged nerves emerging from the cervical spinal cord and the brachial plexus nerves tissue may strengthens the neural control of head and neck region, upper limb movements; flexion. Extension, abduction, adduction, rotation, arm and forearm reflexes, etc depending on the segment of cord that is disabled or lacks strength and might benefit from the neural tissue therapy.

Other creaturesI observed Sea anemone, starfish, sea Urchin, Whales, Japanese 8 or more legged crab suggesting falling from a height and compression injury of the limbs and not being able to stand against gravity by antigravity muscles. Sea Anemones are very slow static plant like immovable cretures with wide open moth and sucking in fluid with hair like projections emerging from the mouth. I also noticed Ray wish, quadrilateral shape, with spikes from mouth and very flatt , thin body and dorsal fins and seems static in water or slow moving and grayish dorsal and white ventral surface. Spotted Rat fish had a a concave bend in the neck and thoracic region. Presence of spots, white on brown body like the pinto beans. Other slow movable, fixed like creatures; sea Urchin and star fish.

Silver Moony(Monodactylus argentius) and African Moony(Monodactylus Sebae)

Fresh or Salt water.Juvenile lives in brackish tidal creeks and mangrove forests.Eventually these finger fish will adapt to living in salt water of ocean. Maximum length is 8 to 10 inches.

Silver Moony

African Moony

Banded Archer fishAka Toxotes jaculatrix Uses jaw muscles to pump water through a channel in the roof of its mouth.Can shoot steams of water to about five feet. This blast can knock insects into water from low branches where they are quickly devoured. Maximum length is 12 inches.

Branded Archer fish

Mangrove Rhizophora species Use shallow protected habitats as nurseries, where larvae and juveniles can find food and shelter as they grow towards adulthood. Dense aquatic forests act as barriers protecting our coastline from damaging waves and erosion associated with tropical storms and hurricanes.

Lake Tanganyika CichilidsLake Tananyika, is the largest lake in African continent. Second largest lake in terms of volume in world. Most biologically diverse lake of the world, more than 400 fish species and 250 cichilidsMost of these fish are endemic to Lake Tanganyika and not present anywhere else in the world.

South East Asian FishesNatives of fresh water streams. (swamps and bogs) along Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia. Lives in warm, acidic water with heavy vegetation and are sensitive to the treats of habitat loss and agriculture run offs.

Red Pirhana(pygocenrus natteriri)Lives in Amazon liver basin and North Eastern South America. Diet insects, worms and fish. Maximum size is 20 inches. Lean in close to see their teeth. Can inflict serious bites, yet consumed by people.

Asian small-clawed otteraonyx cinareaLives in the wetlands of South East Asia.Slide on mud banks.Chase each other through water.Otters roll and frolic together for bonding. Lives in family group.The smallest are most vocal. They use more than 12 different calls to communicate. Asian otters lose their habitat to coffee and tea foundations. Not yet endangered and people hunt for them.

Beluga WhaleNo dorsal fin which is prone to injury from floarting ice and loss of body heat. Dorsal ridge is an adaptation to living in Arctic and sub-arctic waters. Cold water quest.

African Penguin The lightning sequence stimulates sunrise and sunset in the penguins natural habitat, just off the coast of South Africa.Sunrise and sunset varies with the season.

Sea OtterWhen separated from its mother the chance of survival decreases substantially.Georgia Aquarium has the expertise to rescue these mammals and give them a chance to live full lives in human care.

Sea Otter Keystone species is the one that keeps the ecosystem in balance.The southern sea otter limits sea urchins and other small predators populations. This allows forests to flourish.

Giant pacific octopus Needs a hug. Is flexible.

Rockfish Rocks and rolls.Wide variety of colors.

Sea StarSea star has five appendages.

Beluga Beluga whales in human care held beluga whales in wild. Data combined to help beluga from threats in their natural environments.

Japanese Spider crabHave a leg span of 13 inches. About length of a car and can live up to a 100 years. Largest of all arthropods like shrimp, insects and spiders.

Spotted Ratfish Name is from rat like tail. Incisor like frontal teeth. It has a cartilaginous skeleton like sharks but a gill cover like bony fish.Its common name from characteristics of cartilaginous and bony fish is chimera.

Thanks I am very grateful for providing me with a chance to do my clinical rotation at Atlanta Georgia a big city with convenience of UBER to survey and round the big city. I am very thankful for the memorable trip to the Aquarium and presenting my slides in this presentation.With best regards, Priyanka KalsiParry Kalsi Dilbag