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AQAID - Table of Contents

Monotheism The Omnipotent Existence

The Attributes of His Glory & Beauty The Infinite Essence of God God Has No Material Body and No Eye Can Ever See

Him Monotheism is The Very Soul of All the Islamic


The Branches of Monotheism

• The Unity of Essence

• The Unity of His Attributes

• The Unity of His Action (Act)

• The Unity of Worship

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Chapter 1: Theism and Monotheism The Omnipotent Existence We believe that the Almighty and Omnipotent God exists as the Creator and Ruler of the universe; and that the traces and signs of His greatness, knowledge, and power is apparent through the different aspects of anything that exists; i.e. in human, animals, vegetation as well as in the planets of the skies and the higher worlds.

We believe that the more we think over and study the secrets of all existing things, the more we shall realize God's greatness, and the extent of His unlimited knowledge and power. The progress of scientific researches will open new doors, extending the dimensions of our thoughts. These dimensions serve to increase our love for Him, and to take us closer to His sacred essence. The approach will draw us to the immense light of God's glorious beauty. We read in the Holy Qur’an:

"On the earth are signs for those of assured faith; as also in your own selves. Will you not then see?" (Holy Qur’an, 51:20).

"Behold! In the creation of the heavens and earth, and the alternation of night and day - there are indeed signs for men of understanding. Men who celebrate the praises of Allah, standing, sitting, and lying down on their sides, who contemplate the wonders of creation in the heavens and the earth; (with that thought:) Our lord! Not for naught have thou created all this! Glory to thee, give us salvation from the penalty of the fire." (Holy Qur’an, 3:190-192).

The Attributes of His Glory & Beauty We believe that His essence is void of any defect, clean of deficiencies, and adorned with all perfection that may exist. He is mere perfection, or in other words: any perfection and beauty that may ever exist, has its source in His Holy Essence.

"Allah is He besides whom there is no other God. The sovereign, the Holy one, the source of peace, the keeper of faith, the Guardian of safety, (the protector) and the exalted in might, the Irresistible, the Supreme. Glory to Allah who is above the partners that they attribute to Him.

He is Allah the creator, the originator, the Bestower of forms. To Him belong the most beautiful names. Whatever is in the heavens and on earth give glory to Him, He is Almighty, the Wise one." (Holy Qur’an, 59:23).

The Infinite Essence of God We believe that He is an infinite existence in all respects, such as knowledge, power, everlasting and pre-existence. Therefore He will not be contained in time and space, while He is everywhere and at any time, because He is above space and time.

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"It is He who is Allah in heavens and Allah on earth, and He is full of wisdom and knowledge." (Holy Qur’an, 43: 84).

"And He is with you where ever you may be, and Allah sees all that you do." (Holy Qur’an, 57: 4).

Yes, He is nearer to us than ourselves. He is through our soul and everywhere, and in the meanwhile, He has not a certain place:

"It was we who created man, and We know the promptings of his soul.... For We are nearer to him than his jugular vein." (Holy Qur’an, 50: 16).

"He is the first and the last, the visible and the invisible, and He has full knowledge of all things." (Holy Qur’an, 85: 15).

Therefore if we read in Holy Qur’an that:

`He is the owner of Arsh' (which means either throne or empyrean) or `He sat upon His throne'; or `His throne does extend over the heaven and earth;' none of these verses mean that He may have a certain place. (these are all metaphors) These are to express His sovereignty over every thing and every place. If we consider Him to have a certain place, we have limited Him by giving Him the attributes of His creatures, while we know that: `nothing is like Him'. (Holy Qur’an, 42:11)


‘…there is none equal to Him!’ (Holy Qur’an, 112:4).

God Has No Material Body and No Eye Can Ever See Him We believe that God can never be seen by the physical eyes; because the object of seeing by the eyes is a material body that has to have place, color, form and direction. These are all the qualifications of the creatures, and not that of the creator. God is quite far from that. Therefore the belief that one may physically see God is a sort of going astray in this field, a sort of polytheism.

"No vision can grasp Him, but He grasps all visions." (Holy Qur’an, 6:103)

This is why when the Israelites objected, asking Moses to let them see God: he took them to the Mount Sinai, and as mentioned in the Holy Qur’an:

"And when Moses came to a place appointed by us, (on the Mount Sinai) his lord addressed him; and Moses said: "O my Lord! Show thyself to me: (let me see you) that I may look upon You! Allah said: " By no means can you see me; but look upon the mountain, if it abides in its place, then you may see me."

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When his lord manifested His glory on the mountain it turned into dust, and Moses fell down into a swoon.

When he recovered his senses, he said: "Glory be to thee! To thee I return and I am the first one to believe in you." (Holy Qur’an, 7:143).

And by such incidents it was proved that God can never be seen.

We believe that our Islamic traditions denoting the observance of God, aim at seeing Him by the mind and by the heart, and not by the sense of vision of the eyes at all. In one of his sermons collected in the famous book ‘Nahjul Balagha’, Imam ‘Ali (a.s) says:

"Eyes cannot see Him, but He can be seen by the realities of Faith".

We believe that the attributes of the creatures, such as: place, direction, material body, and physical observance should not be ascribed to God. If done so, it shall lead to polytheism, and remoteness from the true knowledge of Him, who is above all, and nothing is similar to Him.

Monotheism is The Very Soul of All the Islamic Commandments We believe that one of the most important subjects relating to the knowledge of God is monotheism, i.e. the belief that there is only one God. As a matter of fact monotheism (tawhid) is not only a principle of the religion, but the most important of Islamic tenets. It is the very soul and the base of all the Islamic ideas and beliefs. We can say that the roots, as well as the branches of Islam take their forms from the monotheism.

The ‘Unity’ and ‘Oneness’ is a general topic of conversation everywhere and in every field; unity of God's essence, His attributes and actions. In other words, also the unity of prophets and their teachings, the unity of the law, qiblah and the books, and also the unity of Muslims through their brotherhood and the unity of the resurrection day. From this point of view the Holy Qur’an declares polytheism as an unforgivable sin:

"Allah does not forgive those who set up partners with Him, but He may forgive any sin less than that, of whom he wills. He that sets up co-sharers with Allah is guilty of a sin which is most heinous indeed." (Holy Qur’an, 4:48).

"It has already been revealed to you as it was revealed to those before you that: "If you join gods with Allah, your deeds shall be fruitless, and you surely will be one of those who loose. (All spiritual goodness).” (Holy Qur’an, 39: 65).

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The Branches of Monotheism We believe that monotheism (tawhid) has many branches among which four are the most important ones:

A) The Unity of Essence

His absolute Holy Essence is one, indivisible, and no one is similar or like unto him.

B) The Unity of His Attributes

Knowledge, power, eternality (everlasting and pre-existence) and all other qualities and attributes of Him are in His Essence and are exactly the very self of His Essence.

This is contrary to His creatures whose qualities are different to that of their bodies, and from each other too. This is a critical point and is to be thought upon with minute care.

C) The Unity of His Action (Act)

Any action, movement, or effect, throughout the existence, have their causes in His will. In other word every thing depends on Him.

"Allah is the creator of all things, and He is the GAURDIAN and Disposer of all affairs." (Holy Qur’an, 39:62).

"To Him belong the keys of the heavens and the earth. He enlarges and restricts the sustenance to whom He wills, for He knows all things well." (Holy Qur’an, 42:12).

Yes! In the world, nothing is effective but Allah. But this does not mean that we are forced in all respects, and all that happens is inevitable; on the contrary, we all have free will in our decisions.

"We showed man the way: whether he be grateful or ungrateful." (Holy Qur’an, 76:3).

"Man can have nothing except that which he strives for, and the results of his striving will soon be seen." (Holy Qur’an, 53:39).

Such verses in the Holy Qur’an will clearly show that man has free will, and that we may refer man's deeds and acts to God without any reduction in his responsibilities for what he does.

God wills that we do what we do, in freedom and by free will, so that He may examine us and lead us forward in the way of perfection, which could be attained through free will and serving the Lord.

Anything done by force majeure is neither a sign of good or bad. Had we not free will, the missions of the prophets would be futile, and the holy books sent down could mean nothing, and

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the reward and punishments of the doomsday would be unjust. These are what we understand from the teachings of our Imams, for they say: "It is neither free will, nor force majeure, but something medium and in-between."

D) The Unity of Worship

God is the only Being that deserves, and is worthy of being worshipped. No one is to be worshipped but Allah. This branch of Monotheism is one of the most important one among the other branches. The prophets have all laid great stress on the unity of worship.

"They are enjoined to worship none but Allah, offering Him sincere devotion, being true in faith, and attend to their prayer, and to pay the alms taxes. That is the religion: right and straight." (Holy Qur’an, 98:5).

To pass over the road to perfection, one has to go deeper in monotheism and withdraw his affections from everything and all, but Allah, his Merciful Lord. He has to seek Him and look for Him everywhere and think of nothing but Allah. Whatever keeps man busy other than Allah, it is an idol for him.

We believe that the branches of monotheism are not restricted to the four as mentioned above. We also know other branches of less importance and yet very important, such as the ‘unity of ownership’:

"Know you not that to Allah alone belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth?" (Holy Qur’an, 5:43),

and also such as the ‘unity of sovereignty’, that only God has the supreme power and authority over all, and upon every thing.

“…and whoever did not judge by what Allah revealed, those are they that are the transgressors.” (Holy Qur’an, 5:47).

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FIQH Table of Contents

SALAA (pl.SALAWAT) ............................................. 1

DAILY SALAWAT .................................................... 4

NAWAFIL OF SALAA............................................... 4

SALATUT TAHAJJUD .............................................. 5

SALATUL AYAT ..................................................... 10

SALATUL JAMA’A ................................................. 13

SALATUL JUMUA’ ................................................ 18

SALATUL EID ........................................................ 21

SALAA ALAL MAYYIT ........................................... 22

SALATUL WAHSHAT ............................................ 30

HADIYA MAYYIT................................................... 31

SALAA HADIYA WALIDAYN .................................. 32

SALATUL GHUFAYLA ............................................ 34






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Salaa is a pillar of religion which connects the soul

to Allah.

In the Qur'an Allah says:

نس ا� ليعبدون وما خلقت الجن و ا�"And I have not created the Jinn and Mankind but

that they may worship Me"

Suratudh Dhariyat 51:56

The purpose of life is therefore worship and salaa

is the best form of worship. It is not merely a few

minutes of rituals but that which concentrates our

attention on the hereafter and Qiyama thus

refraining one from evil. Salaa is a cure for

anxiety, distress and fear.

It is the support of the whole Muslim Umma

(community). Each and every day on hearing the

Adhan, Muslims assemble to pray salaa.

On Friday, whole communities, villages and towns

gather for Salaatul Jumu'a, likewise during Hajj

Muslims from all over the world gather together

for salaa.  


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Salaa is the me'raj (ascension) of the mu'min.

Salaa is like a factory which produces human

beings. It draws out the corruption and evil from a

nation by working through each individual.

Imam Ali (PBUH) has said: "If he/she who offers

salaa knew how much grace Allah bestows upon

him/her during the salaa, he/she would never lift

his head from sajda."

To be able to attain the benefits of salaa it must

be recited correctly and with full presence of

mind. Just like a watch which is only useful if it

shows the correct time. It would still look like a

watch if it did not work but would not serve its


The different types of salawaat are:

1. Daily salawat

2. Nawafil of Salaa

3. Salatut Tahajjud

4. Salatul Ayat

5. Salatul Jama’a

6. *Salatul Jumua’

7. *Salatul Eid  


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8. Salaat alal mayyit

9. Salatul Wahshat

10. Salatul Hadiya Mayyit

11. Salatul Walidayn

12. Salatul Ghufayla

*Wajib only when established by the Imam of the

time but highly recommended in his ghaiba.  


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DAILY SALAWAT Fajr – 2 rakat

Zhuhr – 4 rakat

‘Asr – 4 rakat

Maghrib – 3 rakat

Eisha – 4 rakat


Nafila of Fajr – 2 rakat before salaa

Nafila of Zhuhr – 8 rakat before salaa

Nafila of ‘Asr – 8 rakat before salaa

Nafila of Maghrib – 4 rakat after salaa

Nafila of Eisha – 2 rakat after salaa to be prayed

sitting down (regarded as 1 rakat)  


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It consists of a total of 11 raka’ts, divided into the

following prayers:

1. Nafilah of Layl: 8 rakats (4 x 2 rakats)

2. Salatush Shafa: 2 rakats

3. Salat ul Witr: 1 rakat

The time for Salatut Tahajjud begins after

midnight until the time for Salatul Fajr (morning

prayers). The best time for it is just before Fajr

Salaa. Salatut Tahajjud is so important that even if

you cannot recite all 11 rakats, then recite only

one rakat of Salatul Witr.


1. Nafilah of Layl

The 8 rakats of Nafilah are divided into four units

of two rakats each, just like Salatul Fajr but with

the niyya of Salatul Layl. It is recommended to

recite Suratul Kafirun after Suratul Fatiha in the

first 2 rakats. In the other six recite any small sura

or even leave out the sura after Suratul Fatiha. For

Qunoot you can recite salawat or the

recommended duas.  


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2. Salat al-Shafa

Two rakats with Suratun Naas in the first rakat

after Suratul Fatiha and Suratul Falaq in the

second rakat after Suratul Fatiha. There is no

qunoot in Salatus Shafa.

3 Salatul Witr

One rakat with Suratul Ikhlas 3x, Suratul Falaq 1x,

and Suratun Naas 1x after Suratul Fatiha. Then

raise your hands for qunoot and recite: (You can

hold a book and/or tasbee in a mustahab salaa)

حيم حمن الر بسم هللا الر

% اله ا� هللا الحليم الكريم There is no god except Allah, the Forbearing, the


% اله ا� هللا العلي العظيم There is no god except Allah , the High the



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بع و رب ماوات الس سبحان هللا رب السبع و ما فيھن و ما بينھن و ا�رضين الس

ما فوقھن و ما تحتھن رب العرش العظيم

Glory be to Allah, Rabb of the seven heavens and

Rabb of the seven earths and whatever is in them,

and between them and above them and below

them, Rabb of the Mighty Throne

المرسلين و الحمد = رب و س>م على العالمين

And peace be on the Messengers.

All praise is for Allah Rabb of the worlds.

د و آله الطاھرين و صلى هللا على محمO Allah bless Muhammad and his pure family.

Recite 70 x

استغفر هللا ربي و اتوب اليه  


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I seek forgiveness of Allah my Rabb and I turn to


Ask for the forgiveness of forty believers who

have died or are living, by saying 40x followed by

the name of the person:

……………O’ Allah, forgive اللھم اغفر ل

Or say

اللھم اغفر للمؤمنين و المؤمنات O Allah forgive all believers, male and female

Then say:

استغفر هللا الذي � اله ا� ھو الحي القيوم افي على لجميع ظلمي و جرمي و اسر

نفسي و اتوب اليه I seek forgiveness of Allah, He who there is no god

but He, the Ever living, the subsisting, from all my

oppressions and my sins and my excesses on my

soul, and I turn (repentant) to Him

Repeat 7x:  


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العائذ بك من النار ھذا مقام

This is the position of one who seeks refuge in You

from the fire

Say 300x

العفو (I ask for Your) pardon

Then say:

رب اغفر لي و ارحمني و تب علي حيم اب الر انك انت التو

My Rabb, forgive me and have mercy on me, and

turn to me Surely You are the Oft-returning, the


Complete the rakat with ruku, sujud, tashahhud

and salaam and recite a tasbee of Sayyida Fatima

Zahra (PBUH)  


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Salaatul Ayat becomes wajib when any one of the

following occurs:

1. Lunar or Solar eclipse.

Total or partial, causing fear or not.

2. Earthquake.

Causing fear or not.

3. Any natural disaster which is likely to create

fear in people. e.g. cyclones, storms, etc.

Salatul Ayat is wajib only on those people who

live in the affected area.

During a Lunar or Solar eclipse, the salaa can be

prayed at any time from the beginning of the

eclipse to the end.

If it was a total eclipse and one did not know of

the eclipse till after it was over then it is wajib for

one to should pray with the niyya of qadha.

For a partial eclipse, it is not wajib to recite Salatul

Ayat after its occurrence.

In other natural disasters which create fear in

people, Salatul Ayat should be prayed soon after

the disaster is over.  


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Salatul Ayat is made up of 2 rakat - each rakat has

5 rukoos. There are 5 qunoots (mustahab) in total.

1st Rakat 2nd Rakat

Niyya / Takbeeratul Ihram

Suratul Hamd & 1 other

sura in qiyam

rukoo 1

Suratul Hamd & 1 other

sura in qiyam

Qunoot 1

Rukoo 2

Suratul Hamd & 1 other

sura in qiyam

Rukoo 3

Suratul Hamd & 1 other

sura in qiyam

Qunoot 2

Rukoo 4

Suratul Hamd & 1 other

sura in qiyam

Rukoo 5



Suratul Hamd & 1 other

sura in qiyam

Qunoot 3

Rukoo 6

Suratul Hamd & 1 other

sura in qiyam

Rukoo 7

Suratul Hamd & 1 other

sura in qiyam

Qunoot 4

Rukoo 8

Suratul Hamd & 1 other

sura in qiyam

Rukoo 9

Suratul Hamd & 1 other

sura in qiyam

Qunoot 5

Rukoo 10


Sajadaat / Tashahhud &



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Salatul Ayat may also be prayed using a shorter


After Suratul Hamd in the 1st qiyam, recite part of

another sura. After the 1st rukoo recite a further

section of the other sura and go into the 2nd

rukoo. Continue, completing the other sura

before the 5th rukoo.

Repeat the same procedure in the 2nd rakaat or

pray the longer method.  


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Salatul Jama’a means praying in congregation

with others It is highly recommended and


Wordly benefits

In the congregation - jama’a, rich and poor, high

and low, all stand shoulder to shoulder in

obedience to Allah.

In Salatul Jama’a, all the participants have one

niyya, speak in one language (Arabic) and have

identical actions. It portrays the unity Muslims

should have in all matters, at all times wherever

they may be.

Muslims meet with one another in Salatul Jama’a.

They get to know each others problems and try to

help each other. New ideas are discussed and

relationships are formed; thus a caring close knit

community develops.

Whilst praying Salatul Jama’a we stand in rows,

follow the Imam of Jama’a and practise obedience  


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to command. This instils in us all discipline which

is the essential feature of community life.

Our masajid remain alive due to Salatul Jama’a.

Spiritual Benefits (Thawab)

The Prophet (PBUH) and our Aimma (PBUH) have

strongly recommended Salatul Jama’a. The

reward for praying in Jama’a is as below:

e.g. If there are 2 people, the reward for each

rakaat is equal to 150 rakaats prayed alone.

No of people Thawaabs for each rakat

2 150

3 600

4 1,200

5 2,400

6 4,800

7 9,600

8 19,200

9 36,400

10 72,800

More than 10 Only Allah knows  


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Imam - One who leads the salaa. He must

be baligh, sane, Shia Ithna’asheri, aadil (just), of

legitimate birth and able to recite

salaa correctly.

Mamun - One who prays behind an Imam.

Furada - Alone (not praying with Jama’a). A

person may be part of a congregation but

furada in niyya.

It is better to wait for some time and join Salatul

Jama’a then to pray alone at fadhilat time.

Those who do not know the proper pronunciation

or recitations of salaa should join Salatul Jama’a

and learn the proper recitations.

Mamumeen (pl. of mamun) praying behind Imam

should recite all the dhikr except the recitation of

the first and second suwer (pl. of sura) in the 1st

and 2nd rakaat.  


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In every action follow the Imam. The action must

be dome with him/her or after. The action must

never be done before the Imam.

Joining Salatul Jama’a

1. In the 1st and 2nd rakaat, join whilst the Imam

is reciting the first or second sura or join in rukoo.

(Recite the takbeeratul Ihram on joining).

2. In the 3rd or 4th rakaat of Salatul Jama’a, join

when Imam goes to rukoo. If you join in Qiyam,

when the Imam is reciting Tasbihate Arba’a, then

you should at least recite Suratul Hamd, but if you

cannot complete the recitation of Suratul Hamd

and the Imam rises from rukoo then you have to

change your niyya to Furada and complete the

salaa as furada.

3. If you are late and do not know which rakaat of

Jama’a is being recited, then you should wait until

the Imam goes to rukoo.

4. On entering the masjid, if you come to know

that it is the last sijda of the last rakaat, and you  


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want to join Salatul Jama’a to get the thawab, you

should do niyya, recite takbeeratul ihram and join

Imam in sijda, and when Imam completes

tashahhud and salaam*, you should rise for your

first rakaat (remembering not to recite

takbeeratul ihram again).

*When the Imam is reciting tashahhud and

salaam, you should keep your knees off the

ground and place both palms on the ground until

Imam completes the recitation of salaam.  


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“O you who believe! When the call is made for

prayer on Friday, then hasten to the

remembrance of Allah and leave off trading; that

is better for you, if you know”.

Suratul Jumua’ 62:9

Daily prayers are said individually or in the local

mosque. On Jumua’ Muslims within the radius of

about 5 miles attend one congregational prayer.

Twice a year on Eid Muslims of a whole area (city)

meet and once a year the international assembly

of Muslims is at Makka for Hajj.

The call for Friday prayers according to the

Maasumeen (PBUH) is solely the right of 'Sultanil

‘Aadil' -the Just King - in other words the Imam of

our time . In his 'ghayba' the Jumua’ prayers are

optional which is the view of a majority of the

mujtahids .

The first Jumua’ prayers were held at Quba - 3.5

miles from Madina. When the Prophet (PBUH.)

arrived at Quba on his way from Makka (Hijra), he

first arranged for the building of a mosque there.  


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Then he delivered a sermon and offered the

Friday prayers before proceeding to Makka.

Salatul Jumua’ is the same as Salatul Zhuhr on the

day of Friday (Jumua’) - however it has a few

differences from the regular salaa that we

perform. Salatul Zhuhr is four rakat whilst Salatul

Jumua’ is two rakat. It is wajib that it is prayed in

Jama’a and in which ever locality the Salatul

Jumua’ is established, it is not permissible for

another Salatul Jumua’ to be held for a distance of

6 km. It is wajib that before the Salaa, two

speeches are given which are part of the salaa.

Imam Ali (PBUH) has even said: “The khutba

(speech) is salaa.”

The Contents of the Speeches of Jumua’

1. Praise and glorification of Allah.

2. Blessings upon the Prophet (PBUH) and

his progeny.

3. The people must be advised of issues

currently relevant to Muslims. Imam

Sadiq (PBUH) has said: “And also so that

the people would be made aware of what

is good for them in relation to their  


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religion and religious affairs and of the

worldly affairs as well.” He also said: “And

surely the reason why two speeches have

been made wajib is that in one of them,

the praise of Allah and His glorification

should be carried out. However as for the

second speech, the mentioning of the

needs of the people and warning them

and inviting them to that which they need

to know of the commandments and

prohibitions (of Allah) and that which is

righteous and wicked (from amongst

those acts).”

4. A short sura from the Qur’an must be


The Imam who performs the Salatul Jumua’ must

also follow certain manners and etiquette. These

include that he should wear a turban and must

stand to deliver the talks. The Imam must also

lean on or hold in his hand a sword or a stick…  


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1. It is only wajib in the presence of the

Imam of the time. i.e. they were wajib

upto the ghaibat of Imam Muhammad

Mahdi (PBUH). However it is mustahab to

pray Salatul Eid. It is prayed in jama'a or


2. The time is from sunrise to Zhuhr.

3. It is recommended that women should

not go to pray Salaatul Eid in jama'a


4. It consists of two rakats of salaa.

It is recommended that after Suratul Hamd in the

first rakat one should recite Suratul A'ala (sura 87)

and in the second rakaa after Suratul Hamd recite

Suratush Shams (91).

In the first rakaa, after the second Sura, do five

Takbeers and recite Qunoot after each Takbeer.

Do a sixth Takbeer and go to rukoo.

In the second rakaa, after the second Sura do 4

Takbeers and recite recite Qunoot after each

Takbeer. Do fifth Takbeer and go to rukoo.

After salaa, recite tasbee of Bibi Fatima Zahra



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It is wajib to acquire permission from the heirs of

the deceased to recite Salaa alal Mayyit. Salaa alal

Mayyit does not require any tahara and is recited

in jama'a. Everyone in the jama'a has to repeat

what is recited.

It is wajib to offer Salaa alal Mayyit for every

Muslim, as well as for a Muslim child, if he/she

has completed 6 years.

The mayyit is placed on its back perpendicular to

the direction of qibla with the head on the right

and the feet to the left.

Before the salaa, it is recommended that instead

of adhan, mu’mineen should be summoned to

pray be calling ‘As-Salaa’ three times.

Those praying should stand as near as possible to

the mayyit.

Other mustahabat of Salaa alal Mayyit  


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• Those who participate in the salaa to perform

wudhoo or ghusl.

• If the mayyit is that of a male, then the Imam

or the person offering the salaa should alone

stand at the middle part of the mayyit.

However, if the mayyit is that of a female

then he should stand at the chest of the


• To pray bare-foot.

• To raise one’s hand (up to the ears) while

reciting every takbeer.

• To pray in jama’a.  


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The shortest way to recite it is as follows:

1st Takbeer followed by Kalimat Shahadatayn

2nd Takbeer followed by Salawaat

3rdTakbeer followed by seeking forgiveness for all

the believers

4th Takbeer followed by seeking forgiveness for

the deceased

5th Takbeer ends the Salaa

The reason why Salaa al Mayyit has five


Imam Ja’fer As-Sadiq (AS) has said:

“Since Islam is built on five strong pillars,

which include Salaa, Zakaa, Sawm, Hajj

and Wilaya of the AhlulBayt, therefore

Allah has designated that one takbeer to

be recited for each of these pillars of



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The full version is as follows:

هللا اكبر

اشھد ان % اله ا�هللا وحده � شريك له

دا عبده و رسوله و اشھد ان محم

اعة ارسله بالحق بشيرا و نذيرا بين يدي الس

I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, He is

alone and has no partners, and I bear witness that

Muhammad is his abd and His messenger. He was

sent with the truth as a giver of good tidings and

as one who warns about the hour (the last day).

هللا اكبر

د د و ال محم اللھم صل على محم

د د و ال محم و سلم على محم

د د و ال محم و بارك على محم

د و ال محم د و ارحم على محم

كافضل ما صليت و سلمت و باركت 



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مت على ابراھيم و ال ابراھيم و ترح

جيد انك حميد مO Allah! Bless Muhammad and his progeny and

grant peace to Muhammad and his progeny and

bless Muhammad and his progeny and send Your

mercy on Muhammad and his progeny The best of

Your blessings, and peace and mercy which you

bestowed upon Ibraheem and his progeny

Indeed You are the Praised worthy and Great.

هللا اكبر

مؤمينت اللھم اغفر للمؤمنين و ال

و المسلمين و المسلمت

ا�حياء منھم و ا�موات

تابع بيننا و بينھم بالخيرات

انك مجيب الدعوات

انك على كل شيء قدير  


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O Allah! Grant forgiveness to all the mu’mineen

and mu’minaat, and to all the Muslims, men and

women, The living among them and the dead,

Link us to them through good deeds, Indeed You

are the One who answers dua

Indeed You have power over everything.

هللا اكبر If the deceased is a male

ان ھذا عبدك وابن عبدك وابن امتك اللھم

نزل بك و انت خير منزول به

اللھم انا � نعلم منه ا� خيرا و انت اعلم به منا

اللھم ان كان محسنا فزد فى احسانه

سيئا فتجاوز عنه و اغفرله و ان كان م

اللھم اجعله عندك فى اعلى عليين

و اخلف على اھله فى الغابرين

احمين و ارحمه برحمتك يا ارحم الر  


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If the deceased is a female

ك وابنة عبدك وابنة امتك اللھم ان ھذه امت

نزل بك و انت خير منزول به

اللھم انا � نعلم منھا ا� خيرا و انت اعلم بھا منا

اللھم ان كانت محسنة فزد فى احسانھا

مسيئة فتجاوز عنھا و اغفرلھاو ان كانت

اللھم اجعلھا عندك فى اعلى عليين

و اخلف على اھلھا فى الغابرين

احمين و ارحمھا برحمتك يا ارحم الر

هللا اكبر

O Allah! This man/woman is Your abd,

daughter/son of Your abd. He/she has come to

You, and You are the best resting place O Allah!  


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We know nothing about him/her except what is

good and You know more about him/her than we

O Allah! If he/she was one who did good, increase

his/her good deeds; If he/she was one who did

evil, then forgive him/her; O Allah! Place him/her

near You in the highest of positions and be a

guardian for his/her family forever

Bestow Your mercy, O the most Merciful of those

who show mercy. The salaa is complete after the

fifth and final takbeer.  


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“A dead person does not bear greater hardships in

his/her grave at any time than the first night.”

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

On the day of burial it is recommended to give

sadaqa, asking for rahma (mercy) for the


In addition as a gift, one should pray Salatul

Wahshat if one is a near relation or Salatul Hadiya

Mayyit with the niyya of pleasing Allah and

seeking forgiveness for the dead person.

Wahshat means loneliness and anxiety. This salaa

can be recited at any time during the first part of

the night of burial, but it is better to pray it at the

beginning of the night after Isha salaa.

It consists of 2 rakaats.

In the 1st

rakaat after Suratul Hamd recite Ayatul

Kursi (2:254, 255, 256)

In the 2nd

rakaat after Suratul Hamd recite 10x

Suratul Qadr  


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Hadiya Mayyit means a gift to the mayyit. The

salaa consists of 2 rakaats.

In the 1st

rakaat after Suratul Hamd recite Suratul


In the 2nd

rakaaat after Suratul Hamd recite

Suratul Kawthar.

After completing the salaa, ask Allah to send the

thawabs of the salaa to the grave of the



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“The deceased ones are pleased and displeased

the same way as we are; when we remember

them with prayers for forgiveness and reward,

they are delighted. These are taken by angels as

special gifts to them, and they in turn pray for the

living ones for their kindness.”

Imam Ja’fer As-Sadiq (PBUH)

Salaa Walidayn is a prayer to be offered for one’s

deceased parents. It can be prayed for one or

both the parents.

It consists of 2 rakat. In the first rakat after Suratul

Fatiha raise hand in qunoot and recite the

following 10x:

ربنا اغفرلى و لوالدي و للمؤمنين يوم يقوم الحساب

Our Lord! grant me protection and my parents

and the believers on the day when the reckoning

shall come to pass! (14:41)  


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In the second rakat after Suratul Fatiha raise

hand in qunoot and recite the following 10x:

خل بيتى ى و لمن د رب اغفرلى و لوالد ؤمنا و للمؤمنين و المؤمنات م

My Lord! forgive me and my parents and him who

enters my house believing, and the believing men

and the believing women; (71:28)

Complete salaa then go into sajda and recite the

following 10x:

نى صغيراارب ارحمھما كما ربي

O my Lord! have compassion on them, as they

brought me up (when I was) little. (17:24)  


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“Whoever prays Salatul Ghufayla and asks Allah to

grant his/her wishes, will receive a positive

response from Him.”

Imam Ja’fer As-Sadiq (PBUH)

It is a 2 rakat salaa prayed between Maghrib and

Eisha salaa.

In the first rakat after Suratul Fatiha recite ayat 87

and 88 of Suratul Ambiya

و ذا النون اذ ذھب مغاضبا فظن ان لن اله نقدر ا� عليه فنادى فى الظلمت ان %

لمين اى كنت من الظ انت سبحنك ان

And Yunus, when he went away in wrath, so he

thought that We would not straiten him, so he

called out among afflictions: There is no god but

Thou, glory be to Thee; surely I am of those who

make themselves to suffer loss.  


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ين ه من الغم وكذالك افاستجبنا له و نج ننجى المؤمنين

So We responded to him and delivered him from

the grief and thus do We deliver the believers

In the second rakat after Suratul Fatiha recite aya

59 of Suratul An’am

ھو ويعلم وعنده مفاتح الغيب � يعلمھآ ا�رقة ما فى البر و البحر وما تسقط من و

ا�رض ت اا� يعلمھا و � حبة فى ظلم � يابس ا� فى كت بين او� رطب و ب م

And with Him are the keys of the unseen

treasures-- none knows them but He; and He

knows what is in the land and the sea, and there

falls not a leaf but He knows it, nor a grain in the

darkness of the earth, nor anything green nor dry

but (it is all) in a clear book. Then recite the following in qunoot:  


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اللھم انى اسئلك بمفاتح الغيب التى � آله د و يعلمھآ ا� انت ان تصلى على محم

تفعل بى و ان O Allah! Verily I ask You in the name of the keys of

the unseen about which no one knows anything

except You. Send blessings on Muhammad and his

progeny and fulfil my wishes (mention your

needs). Then recite:

ى و القادر على نعمت ھم انت و لى الل د و طلبتى تعلم حاجتى فا سئلك بحق محم

ا قضيتھا لى آله عليه و عليھم الس>م لمO Allah! You are the Master of every bounty given

to me and You have control over that which I ask

for; You are aware of my desire, therefore I ask

You in the name of Muhammad and his progeny

for the fulfilment (of my wishes). (mention your



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Chapter 9: Salaat: Salaat ul Qasr When traveling, it is obligatory to say salaat in Qasr form; that is, one will recite the noon, afternoon and night prayers in two raka’at instead of the normal four raka’at. Salaat would be Qasr if one travels a total of 14 miles both ways from the boundary of the County in which he/she is living.

9.1 How the 17 Raka’at are reduced:

PRAYER Raka’at recited daily Raka’at recited by traveler

Fajr 2 2 Dhuhr 4 2 Asr 4 2 Maghrib 3 3 Eisha 4 2 TOTAL 17 11

It is recommended that a traveler should recite the following verse 30 times after every salaat. If you recite it 60 times it is even better. “Subhannallahi walhamdu lillahi wa la illaha illallahu wallahu Akbar” It is highly recommended to recite dua after Dhuhr, Asr, and Eisha salaat.

9.2 Seven Conditions should be fulfilled for Salaat-e-Qasr to apply:

1. Traveling Distance: A traveler should shorten their prayers if the total distance covered beginning from the boundary of the county, or city in which they are living is 28 miles or more.

2. Boundary/ Hadde-Taakh- Khus: The traveler should be out of the boundary of the town or county in which they are living.

3. Niyyat: There must be a firm intention (Niyyat) of traveling 28 miles or more. 4. Purpose of Journey: The journey should not be haraam (forbidden by Allah/unlawful)

or conducted for a haraam purpose.

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5. Length of Stay: The intention/Niyyah to stay must be for less than 10 days. The stay of 10 days means staying at least from: Sunrise of the 1st day to sunset of the 10th day or Dhuhr of the first day to Dhuhr of the 11th day.

6. Destination: The destination should not be to a place that is within the home County where you live; for instance, Alameda County, Santa Clara County, San Jose etc. 7. Frequency: The normal journey of a person to work, school, or to run errands is not considered as travel time. In our lesson we will use Alameda County as an example. In Figure 1 we have a map of Alameda County.

Figure 1

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Grade 7 Fiqh 49

If you live in a County, so long as you are within the boundary of the county, salaat –e Qasr does not apply. For instance, Fatemah, a 7th grader, lives in Fremont, which falls in Alameda County. She goes to school in Fremont but has to travel to Union City for Qur’an lessons, and archery classes in Piedmont daily after school. Although the distance from one end of Alameda County to the other is more than 14 miles, she is within her home county and therefore Qasr does not apply. In the following page we have an extended map of the cities and counties surrounding Alameda County. Please note that the area that is highlighted with an X indicates the approximate “Hadde Tarkhus,” which basically refers to the areas that are at a 14- mile radius from the boundary of Alameda County. Let us apply these rules to our daily life by studying the lives of different students and individuals living in the Bay Area. Case 1: Fatemah Fatemah lives in Santa Clara County; she is a student at the University of California Berkeley studying Economics and Sociology. She commutes daily to school; however, she is home on the weekends and holidays. Berkeley falls in Alameda County. Traveling Distance: Approximately 47 miles from her home on Terence Avenue Town/ County Boundary: Santa Clara Niyyat: Both Berkeley and Santa Clara are her home Purpose of Journey: Studying Halaal? Yes Destination: The University is her temporary home Journey Frequency: As and when required Decision: She will pray full salaat Reason: She is studying there to get her degree, which will take 4 years

Case 2: Haider

Haider has just moved with his family to San Jose from San Francisco. Being the head of

the household, he decided to move to San Jose as his two daughters are studying law at San Jose State University. He has rented an apartment in River Oaks. He however works for the Four Seasons Hotel in San Francisco as a General Manager and maintains a penthouse suite at the hotel.

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Traveling Distance: 47 miles from their new home in River Oaks Parkway. Town / County Boundary: Outside San Jose County Niyyat: He has made niyyat to make his home in both cities Purpose of Journey: He has moved to be around his daughters Halaal? Yes Destination: San Francisco Journey Frequency: Everyday Decision: He prays full salaat Reason: He has made his home in both towns

Case 3: Sarah Sara and her friends are at a friend’s house in San Jose. They decide on their own to

attend a live performance of “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat” by legendary actors. They are traveling from Alameda County.

Traveling Distance: 34 miles round trip Town/ County Boundary: Alameda Niyyat: To attend a play and be home by the end of the day Halaal? No- their parents do not know of the trip and the play is a musical Length of Stay: 1 day Decision: They will pray full salaat Reason: The journey is for a haraam purpose Case 4: Amina Amina is a policewoman with the Santa Clara Police Department but lives in Alameda County. Travelling Distance: More than 28 miles daily Town/ County Boundary: Outside Alameda County Niyyat: Amina knows that she will travel daily to work Halaal? Yes as it is for work Length of Stay: Daily Destination/ Watan: The destination is not her hometown as she is going there to work Journey Frequency: Daily Decision: She will pray full salaat Reason: She is making her daily journey for work

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Case 5: Abbas Abbas is joining his friends at Sunday school for a weekend camp in the lake Tahoe region. He lives in San Jose Travelling Distance: More than 400 miles total round trip distance Town/ County Boundary: Outside San Jose Niyyat: To go on a leisure outing Halaal: Yes Destination/Watan: He is only visiting Tahoe Journey Frequency: 3 days Decision: Will pray Qasr Reason: The trip is halaal and the total distance and length of stay all support the fact that he should pray Qasr

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9.3 Worksheet: Salaat ul Qasr

1. When traveling a person will offer only _______________ Raka’at instead of ______________________ in one whole day.

2. In order to be a called traveler, the traveling distance should not be less _____________________ miles.

3. If the total of outward journey and return journey is 28 miles and even if the single journey each way does not equal 14 miles, he should shorten his prayers.


4. The traveler should be out of the boundary of the town or city (city limits) HADDE TARAKH-KHUS in order to shorten his prayers.


5. The traveling distance is to be counted, starting from the point one leaves the house.


6. I will be gone overseas for 15 days. I will be staying at three different cities (Paris, London, and Dubai) for 5 days each. Do I pray Salaat-e-Qasr for those 15 days?


7. When you are traveling, and if your stay at the destination is less then 10 days, do you have to offer Salaat-e-Qasr?


8. If a person intends to stay for 10 days in a place, or thinks he will probably stay for 10 days he should pray Salaat in full. The stay of 10 days means staying minimum from:

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Chapter 10: Qadha Salaah

10.1 If a qasr salaah becomes qadha:

In case a Qasr Salaah (the prayer to be recited by a traveler) is made Qadha (omitted), and the person returns to his home, it should be made up as 2 raka’ah, provided that the traveling was for a purpose that is permissible in Islam. If the travel was not an allowed one in Islam, then one should pray 4 raka’ah.

10.2 Other qadha salaah:

If you are uncertain about the number of days for which you have to recite qadha it is sufficient for you to recite qadha for the least number of days for which you believe you owe qadha. You may however decide that as a precaution you should recite qadha for any larger number of days. If there are so many, that you have no clear idea how many qadha you have, then recite as many qadha prayers as you can until you acquire the satisfaction that you owe no more. One can pray Sunnah (mustahab) prayers even if he/she has qadha prayers to be performed. This rule is unlike fasting, in which all wajib qadha fasts must be completed before fasting any Sunnah fasts. It is not wajib to pray a qadha Salaah before you pray the regular Salaah. It is strongly recommended to pray the Qadha of the day on the same day. For example, if it is Dhuhr time and you haven't prayed the Subh Salaah, you can pray the Subh qadha after you pray the Dhuhr and Asr, but it is recommended that you pray the Subh first. Qadha salaah should also be recited in the proper sequence i.e. Subh, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha, but this is not wajib.

10.3 Praying of a Father’s Qadha Salaah

It is wajib on the eldest son to recite the qadha prayers of his deceased father. For other sons (if the eldest has died or is refusing to pray the qadha), it is mustahab (recommended) to recite the qadha. If there are no sons, then again it is mustahab for the daughter to recite - it is not wajib. Also it is mustahab for the eldest son to recite the qadha Salaah for his mother (unlike being wajib for the father).

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In all cases, one can hire or employ somebody else to recite the qadha Salaah for the deceased.

If the person reciting or arranging for the qadha to be recited does not know how many Salaah the deceased missed, an estimate will be made, and that will be sufficient. A person can accept engagement to offer some Mustahab acts like Ziyarat, Umrah, Hajj, on behalf of living persons. Also he can perform some Mustahab acts, and dedicate their thawaab to living or dead persons. However, someone else cannot recite the qadha Salaah of a person that is still alive, even if the person is so ill that he cannot recite it for himself. A person who is hired to offer the qadha prayers of a dead person, should be a Mujtahid, or should know the rules of the prayers correctly according to Taqleed, or should act according to precaution, provided that he knows fully when a precaution is to be observed. At the time for making niyyah, the hired person must specify the dead person, but it is not necessary that he should know his/her name. Hence, it is enough if he intends: “I am offering prayers for the person on whose behalf I am hired.” The hired person should act with the niyyah that he is acting to discharge the obligation of the dead person. It will not be enough if he performs and dedicates its thawaab to the dead person. While hiring somebody one should be satisfied that the hired person will perform the act for which he is hired. If the person hired for offering prayers for a dead person has not performed it, or has performed incorrectly, another person should be hired for the purpose. If a person doubts whether or not the hired person has performed the act, and in spite of the hired person's assurance, he is not satisfied, he must hire another person. But if he doubts whether or not the hired person has performed it correctly, he should presume that it has been correct. A person who has some excuse (for example, if he offers prayers with tayyammum or in a sitting position) should never be hired for offering prayers for a dead person, even if the prayers of the dead person may have become qadha that way.

A man can be hired on behalf of a woman, and a woman can be hired on behalf of a man, and in the matter of offering prayers loudly or silently, the hired person should act according to his/her own obligation. If it is not agreed with the hired person how many Mustahab acts he will perform, he should perform as much as is usual.

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10.4 Worksheet: Qadha Salaah

1. You were on a trip and were in one place for more than 10 days, so you had to pray full Salaah. If you happened to miss one set of Dhuhr and Asr Salaah, and returned to your hometown before repaying it. Do you have to recite the full 4 raka’ah, or only 2 for these qadha?

2. If a man only had daughters, is it wajib for them to recite his qadha Salaah when he dies? Describe how this would change if he had sons. If you are the oldest son of your parents what applies to you?

3. If a person is in a coma and cannot pray his Salaah, can his family pray the qadha Salaah for him until he has recovered to the point that he can start to pray on his own?

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4. Does the person that is hired to pray the qadha Salaah of someone, have to be a Mujtahid, or is it enough that he is just knowledgeable about Salaah?

5. Describe two conditions you would have to consider when you hire someone to offer a dead relative’s prayers.

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AN INTRODUCTION TO GHUSL-(Part I) Ghusl is an Arabic word meaning to have a bath in order to wash the body. WAJIB GHUSL = 2 KINDS SUNNAT JANABAT MASE MAYYIT MAYYIT NADHR/QASAM/AHAD Wajib Ghusls = 7 KINDS HAIDH ISTIHADHA NIFAS

• Water must be Tahir, Mutlaq and Mubah (#386) • Place where Ghusl is performed must be Mubah

(#386) • Niyyat should be of Qurbatan ilallah (#364) • It must be performed without help (#386) • All obstructions must be removed (#383)

• To make the body Tahir before starting Ghusl

except removing Ain-e-Najasat. • For the body to be washed downwards from the

head • For Tartib – delay between different actions of

Ghusl is allowed







Conditions of Ghusl

Remember: There Is No Need (356):

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(#366) Ghusl = 2 METHODS IRTEMASI How to Perform Ghusl There are TWO methods Ghusl-e-Tartibi = Ghusl in Stages & Sequence (#367) 1st: NIYYAT 2nd: wash the head running down to the neck 3rd: then wash the rest of the body Or It Is Better To wash the rest of the body in 2 stages 1st: the right half of the body, including your private parts, 2nd: then the left half, again, washing your private parts. Ghusl-e-Irtemasi = Instant or Gradual immersion. (#373) This is by washing the whole body at the same time – and that can only be done by submerging the whole body into the water by diving into a river, sea or swimming pool.

If however, you wish to perform the Ghusl-e-Irtemasi gradually, then it is necessary that:

- The whole body out of the water before starting the Ghusl. - Then you submerge your body gradually into the water with the intention of

Ghusl (#374).


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THERE IS NO NEED:To make the body Pak before starting Ghusl;For the body to be washed downwards from the head; orFor Tartib


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Class 9

Husayni Madrasah – DSM Fiqh 17

Toilet Etiquette The following are rules and guidelines regarding the use of toilets:

It is Wajib to:

1. Hide our private parts in the toilet, and at all other times, from adults, even if they are our parents or siblings.

2. Wash away the najasat first, then wash ourselves twice, and better three times,

after urinating.

3. Clean our selves are relieving bowels – it is better to use water but it can also be made Pak by using Pak and dry paper.

It is Haraam to:

1. Face Qibla OR have your back towards Qibla while relieving yourselves.

2. Use sacred things for cleaning the body after relieving bowels, such as Khaak-e-Shifa, or a paper having the names of Allah (SWT), Masumeen, etc.

3. It is Haraam to relieve yourself in the following 4 places:

On the property of another person, without the permission of the owner

In blind alleys, without the permission of the people who live there

On the grave of Muslims, and in all sacred places, like a Mosque

At a place which is Waqf exclusively for its beneficiaries, like some

Madaris (singular of Madrasah)

It is Mustahab to:

1. To enter the toilet with the left foot forward, and to come out with the right foot forward.

2. Cover your head.

3. Urinate before Salat. 4. Urinate before going to sleep.

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Class 9

Husayni Madrasah – DSM Fiqh 18

It is Makrooh to:

1. Urinate on the road side or under the shade of a fruit tree.

2. Eat while relieving yourself.

3. Take longer than is necessary.

4. Wash yourself with your right hand.

5. Talk while in the toilet.

6. Urinate while standing, or on a hard surface, or in the burrows of animals or in stationery water.

7. Suppress your urge to urinate and if it is harmful to your health to constrain

yourself, then it becomes haraam to do so.

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Class 8

Husayni Madrasah – DSM Fiqh 38

Islamic Terminology JAHRIYA AND IKHFATIYA These rules apply to the Daily 17 rakah of salah: JAHRIYA: To recite the Dhikr in Salah loudly IKHFATIYA: To recite the Dhikr in Salah softly Fajr, Maghrib and Isha

1. It is WAJIB for a man to recite Sura al Hamd and the 2nd Sura in these Salah, LOUDLY. 1001

2. A woman can recite Sura al Hamd and the 2nd Sura, in these Salah, loudly OR

silently. 1003


3. It is WAJIB for men and women to recite Tasbihat al Arba’a, silently. 1016 Dhuhr and Asr It is WAJIB for men and women to recite Sura al Hamd and the 2nd Sura, in these Salah, SILENTLY. 1001 TYPES OF WAJIBAAT 1. WAJIB ul AYNI This is a wajibaat (compulsory act) which is obligatory for each and every individual. An example of this kind is the daily prayers. 2. WAJIB ul FAWRI This is a wajibaat, which becomes obligatory as a result of performing another wajibaat.

If a person intentionally prays loudly when s/he should be praying softly, or vice versa, Salat is BATIL

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