Download - April 2015 prayer calendar

Page 1: April 2015 prayer calendar

Connecting with God,

each other,

and the world



23 Heavenly Father, we lift up all those

who are mourning the loss of a loved

one who was travelling on the flight

that crashed in the French Alps.

24 As the C.I.A Project expands in many

directions, please pray that more stor-

age areas will be found to accommo-

date the items so generously given.

25 Pray and five thanks for the Young

Church leaders and the important role

they play in teaching, sup-

porting and building confi-

dence through His Holy Word in our

young people.

26 Give thanks for the families and

individuals who attend Messy Church

and thank God for the leaders

and the helpers.

27 Lord we just come into your

presence and simply say thank you.

28 Pray for those in our Church family who

can no longer attend Church. Pray that

they will always feel God’s nearness.


Luke 24: 45-49

45 Then he opened their minds so they

could understand the Scriptures. 46

He told them, “This is what is written: The Messiah will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day,

47 and repentance for the

forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.

48 You are witnesses of these

things. 49

I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power

Charity Number: SC004271

29 Our Heavenly Father, we just pray for all

those who just see no future, no light at

the end of the tunnel. Lord take their

hand and walk with them till they see the

light at the end of the rocky road.

30 Give thanks and ask God’s richest bless-

ings on Margaret and her team who

faithfully provide food and gra-

ciously welcome each person

entering the Pioneer Café.

Page 2: April 2015 prayer calendar

17 Father we come to you to give thanks

and praise for all the blessings

that you touch in our daily lives.

18 Loving Father, we lift up all those who

have strayed from the path, those whose

faith has been tested. We pray that your

loving hand would take theirs and lead

them back on the wonderful path of life

with you.

19 Pray and give thanks for David and Linda

as they work together in God’s name to

fulfil the tasks they have been given to

move MPN forward. Let nothing hinder

their work.

20 As the General Election approaches, pray

for those leaders entrusted with public

office will act with wisdom and compas-

sion. Pray that they will seek to alleviate

poverty in all it’s forms, remedy inequality

and promote justice.

21 You are the God of healing. So we come

to you and ask that you place a healing

hand on all the members of our church


22 Give thanks and praise for the work of the

Discovery Group. For the things learned,

skills gained and fun shared with our

friends at Sutherland House.

5 Abba Father as we kneel before the cross we are

reminded of the great sacrifice Jesus made for

us. He was crucified so that we would be forgiv-

en. Oh Lord we simply have no words to say, so

take over our lives to do as you will as we want


Holy Holy Holy Lord God Almighty.


6 Pray for hearts to be opened so Christ’s Will can

be discerned and reflected in the choices and

decisions we make every day.

7 Lord we are sorry for all the wrongs that we

have done but thanks to the wonderful sacrifice

that Jesus made, we are forgiven.

8 Oh Lord, there are so many people having to

turn to food banks, so many people who are

struggling. Bless them all and let them feel

your presence and know that You will see them

through the storm.

9 Father we ask that you bless each person

who helps in the C.I.A. food bank, the people

who deliver and donate.

10 Lord we just pray that you would be with all

those who are in a battle with

addiction, Place your armour on them so that

your love would protect and heal.

11 If You remain in me and my word

remains in You, ask whatever it is and it will

be done unto you. In faith and humble

prayer, we ask that premises may be made

available to further the work of the C.I.A Pro-

ject and glorify His name.

12 Lord, Bless “The Gathering” and all the peo-

ple who gather in the café for this special

time to praise your Holy name.

13 Pray for those we know who are ill and facing

difficulties in their lives. May they find hope

in the victory of the Cross and healing in the

knowledge of His Love.

14 We lift up all war torn countries to you Lord.

Breathe your peace across the nations, lay

your hand of calm on them.

15 Father, we ask that you place a hedge of pro-

tection around all your churches around the

world especially those who have to praise

you in secret.

16 Father, we lift up all those who died in the

attack of the Bardo Museum in Tuni-

sia. We ask that you comfort the families

and heal the injured.