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Present-day Teaching Methods

It consists in a teaching process, developed with some activites such as: explanation of grammar rule, vocabulary, reading, exercices grammar.

1. Grammar - Translation

Evaluation schema for methods and materials

Requirements for optimal input

a. Comprehensible

b. Interesting/relevant

The goal language learning must focus on form and not meaning

It consists in provide interest topics in order to can be assimilated

c. Not grammatically sequenced It consists in a progressive develop and sequential with respect to language learning

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d. Quantity

e. Affective filter level

f. Provides tools for conversational management

Only a small amount of comprehensible input is necessary to assimilate

Students must be able to develop and produce of way immediately

Grammar-translation no help to students to develop speaking ability

LEARNINGIf we assimilate grammar translation is possible mastery


It consists in develop of skills and abilities of speaking, in order to their strengthen habits

Requirements for optimal input

a. Comprehensible A successful audio lingual methodology, permit a comprehensible input

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b. Interesting/relevant An useful and simple language permit increasing the knowledge level.

c. Not grammatically sequenced

It consists in a progressive and sequential develop of audio lingual teaching based in linguistic simplicity.

d. Quantity Only a small amount time teaching, developing few sentences will permit to have an comprehensible input

e. Affective filter level The performance must be developed of way immediately and error - free

f. Provides tools for conversational management

The performance must be developed using a lot of methods and techniques in which it develop skills and abilities of speaking

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Student must develop a lot of appropiates methods and techniques in order to their can increasing the performance.


Requirements for optimal input

a. Comprehensible Communicative competence provide a comprehensible input

b. Interesting/relevantIt consists in the develop of the communicative competence.

c. Not grammatically sequenced It consists in a progressive and sequential develop with respect to the structure

d. Quantity In order to obtain a comprehensible input is necessary develop a success communicative competence

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e. Affective filter level It consists in determine about certain results obtained by learners in order to their performance

f. Provides tools for Conversational - management

Through communicative competence is possible determine a lot of useful tools in order to incresasing level of performance of learners


a. Comprehensible Through of language learning of way subconscious, learner increase their level of knowledge

b. Interesting/relevantIt consists in the use inductive methods of language learning in order to master grammar teaching

c. Not grammatically sequenced Direct method is progressive and sequential.

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d. Quantity Through direct method is possible to obtain a comprehensible input

e. Affective filter level The analysis of grammatical accuracy can be useful to the learner to determine the level of performance

f. Provides tools for conversational management

With useful tools given by learner will permit increasing their knowledge as well as their performance


a. Comprehensible Through of usage of successful methods and techniques, learner develop a comprehensible input

b. Interesting/relevantThrough of encourage as well as motivational methods of learning , learner will master a grammar teaching

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c. Not grammatically sequenced It consists in the usage of certain structures of way progressive and sequential.

d. Quantity Through of natural approach is possible to obtain a comprehensible input

e. Affective filter level Through natural approach learner can better their performance in language learning

f. Provides tools for conversational management

Through useful tools given into learners such as successful methods and techniques of language learning will permit increasing their knowledge as well as their performance


a. Comprehensible Through of application of Total physical response, learner will develop a effective learning

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b. Interesting/relevantIn the develop of experience interesting, learner can learn better

c. Not grammatically sequencedIt is not necessary develop a grammatical focus , unless usage of practical methods of learning,

d. Quantity Through of TPR is possible obtain a comprehensible input to a lot of learners

e. Affective filter level Through TPR learner can better their performance in language learning

f. Provides tools for conversational management

Tools developed for learners will permit increasing their knowledge as well as their performance


a. Comprehensible Through motivational and effective techniques, learner will develop a comprehensible input.

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b. Interesting/relevant Through of a use of design practical, learner will develop as well as increasing their performance

c. Filter levelEvery feature of Suggestopedia is aimed at relaxing the student, reducing anxieties

f. Provides tools for conversational management

It’s necessary give to the students the tools they need to converse with more competent speakers

d. Quantity The long and varied dialogue dominates the session, both as pure input and as a basis for communicative use

c. Not grammatically sequenced

It is necessary develop a grammatical structure provided by successful communication.

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B. Applied Linguistics Research

There are few difference among some certain methods, in reason that overemphasize conscious learning, but mainly is necessary find sucessful methods.

1. Review of method comparison studies

In the class we can obtain interesting results, which were obtained of use about studies methods, that have incidence in the performance of some certain students

(a) American studies of AL, GT and CC

A lot of comparisons of teaching methods have been performed, with respect to foreign language teaching in the USA, studying audio lingual system with either grammar translation

Students have a successful performance in those areas where teacher has emphasized in the teaching method. According Scherer and Wertheimer (1964)

The performance of students is given at the end of the course than at the beginning 

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(b) The GUME project

According GUME project are focused in language teaching efficacy (1-2 years) and specific structures (shorter time span), wich its aim of compare type teaching with cognitive methods.

According Von Elek and Oskarsson’s study escribed as being lower than the normin "verbal intelligence"

With respect to comparison about explicit and implicit methods , there is a degree of superiority in explicit methods.


Student’s progress no matter what method is used. In the field of language teaching, Method A is the logical contradiction of Method B

IM, consists implicit pattern drilll, performed on the basis structured and graded pattern drills.EX, consists about explicit pattern drill, comparisons were made with the corresponding structure in a certain language

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It consists in studies that involve the newer methis, with better report cards

(a) The TPR series

(b) Other input methods compared

(c) Suggestopedia research

Through a lot of time of instruction, it has developed a successful performance in the skills and abilitiies of language English

According Suggestopedia methods, students have improved their performance in learning language

According studies by Gary (1975), Postovsky (1974), Swaffer and woodruff (1978)) have develped other methods which have had successful results

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C. Alternative to Methods

Some methods are clearly more effective than others


It consists in provide to the learners a lot of tools of study in order to can develop foreign language of way successful.


It consists in provide to the learners many alternatives of communication in certain environments order to develop learning language of way successful.


It consists in develop certain activities such as talk with foreign people, develop an reading habit as well as develop some ideas and programs to learning language

(a) Conversation

It’s necessary develop skills and abilities and speaking in order to communicate with a lot of people, this way there are some requirements for optimal input such as: it must be comprehensible, interesting, not grammatically sequenced, quantity quality in conversation, filter strength, tools for conversational management

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(b) Pleasure reading

It’s necessary develop skills and abilities and reading in order to know a lot of words and this way can analyze and interpret a certain language

(c) Using subject matter for language teaching

It consists learners develop all skills and abilities in learning language

(d) Evidence for subject matter teaching: the immersion programs

It consists in the immersion bilingual programs which have demonstrated what is possible in second language acquisition using subject matter.

(e) Other possibilities in subject matter teaching

Second language is possible be extended in the teaching language in the classroom in order to learner improve their skills and abilities in learning language

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D. Comments on Achievement Testing


It consists in which a good test must be reliable, is say it must give the same results under different conditions



Instructional value consists in which tests have a impact on classroom behavior, and need to be selected to encourage students to engage in activities that will help them acquire more language

Today in certain fields educative there are a lot of requirements about language, however the goal of the classroom is that learner acquire the language using the outside world or resource outside classroom

4. UNIVERSITY LEVEL ESLIt consist in determine the level of knowledge of learners n the learning language, after they have developed a lot of study methods

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There are some fairly gaps in our materials, this way is necessary to provide all tools to the learners in order to help them in language acquisition

E. Some Gaps in Materials

it can be used to supply input in learners for language acquisition, using a lot of useful tools of technological learning


It consists in acquire a lot of knowledge about grammatical structures, is say, in provide a superior basis in order to improve their performance

F. Some Problems

According some analysis developed by some linguistics, there are some problems such as: acquisition is slow and subtle, while learning is fast and for some people, obvius