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Applications of Educational TechnologyChoosing and Applying Educational Technology

Reporter: Le Chantal Caparas

BSE III- Biological ScienceEducational Technology

1.Elucidate the application of educational technology in teachings

2.Differentiate proper and improper application of educational technology through a short drama presentation.

Applications of Educational Technology

All learning is based on sense perception, claimed Pestalloza

Research findings show that proper application of educational technology can result to improved sensation and perception leading to quality learning.

Sensation and proper Perception



Interpreting Synthesizin



Educational Technology transcends geographical barriers, expose students to experiences beyond classroom.

Disseminate instruction across large areas and make education more accessible to more people (Educational Technology: Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia, 2002)

Proper use and choice of tools in

Educational Technology will leads


Arouse and sustain the interest and attention of the students

Concretize concepts and ideas to promote meaningful learning

Make learning more permanent by providing rich experiences

Provide self-activities for independent learning

Increase one’s vocabulary by eliminating verbalism

Promote continuity of thoughtIncrease the quality of learning while decreasing the time spent

Check student’s preparednessMake learning more interactive

Choosing and Applying Educational Technology

Teachers and students should be very critical in selecting what technology they are going to use.

They should know the merits or strengths and demerits and weaknesses of the technology.

Teachers should also know how to operate the devices.

Purposes or objectives of the lesson and the nature of the subject matter

Questions that will help the teacher to select and

choose technology in education

What instructional material is suited to my objectives and subject matter?

What instructional material is available for my specific lesson? If there is none, shall I develop one?

Shall I use the traditional technology or shall I use computer-based technology? Am I ready and are my students ready?

Shall I use multi-media presentation? Is there a technology-enabled environment to meet my needs?

Shall I use the overhead projector to dramatize my lessons?

Shall I use film? If yes, what film? Is it really necessary to use film?

Shall I use recording or audio-video clip? Why this recording? Why this audio-video clip? What can this recording do better than this audio-video clip?

Why should I bring my class to the rice terraces in Banawe when it is very far, very expensive and very risky? Can I not contrive the experience in one of the corners of the school ground? Or can I not let them view still pictures of the rice terraces and then ask them to write a description?

Planning is important in choosing materials for teaching so that achievement of both the general and specific objectives will be assured.

The principle in the application of educational technology should cater to the general and specific objectives of the lesson.

RubricsCriteria 5 3 1

Teamwork/ Cooperativeness

All members of the group cooperated well

Only Some of the members do not cooperate

There’s no cooperation within the group members

Concept Presentation

Presents the concept very well

Presents the concept better

Presents the concept poorly

Audience Impact

Catch the attention of all the audience attentively

Catch the attention of some audience

No one is paying attention

Why should teachers know how to use technological tools in teaching?

Choose a specific topic in Biological Science then select appropriate tools in educational technology that makes the teaching more effective. Explain.

Evaluation/ Assessment