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  • 8/13/2019 Application JMK 2013


  • 8/13/2019 Application JMK 2013


    Jane M. KlausmanWomen in Business Scholarships

    A Zonta International Program, Funded through the Zonta International Foundation

    "eneral In#orma$ionThe Zonta International Foundation awarded the first Jane M. Klausman Women in BusinessScholarships in 199 to women pursuin! de!rees in "usiness leadin! to a "usiness mana!ementcareer. This pro!ram was esta"lished from a "e#uest "$ Jane M. Klausman% a mem"er of the Zonta&lu" of S$racuse% 'ew (or)% *S+% and the 199,-199 Zonta International /arliamentarian. 0urin! hercareer% Ms. Klausman was a professional secretar$% parliamentarian and entrepreneur.

    The ScholarshipThe Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarships are awarded to women underta)in!"usiness studies who ha e demonstrated outstandin! potential in the field. Zonta International offersscholarships of *S21%,,, each at the district3re!ion le el and twel e scholarships in the amount of%S&'(000 each. +n$ woman underta)in! a "usiness and3or "usiness-related pro!ram at an accrediteduni ersit$3colle!e3institute% in at least the second $ear of an under!raduate pro!ram throu!h the final$ear of a Master4s pro!ram at the time the application is su"mitted% is eli!i"le to appl$. The scholarshipma$ "e used at an$ uni ersit$% colle!e or institute offerin! accredited courses and de!rees. /re iousInternational Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarship recipients ma$ not appl$ to renewthe Scholarship for a second $ear.

    Who is )li*i+le,Women pursuin! a "usiness or "usiness-related pro!ram who demonstrate outstandin! potential inthe field and are li in! or stud$in! in a Zonta district3re!ion are eli!i"le. 'ote that applicants from!eo!raphic areas where no clu"s are located will "e considered and also eli!i"le to appl$ for thedistrict3re!ion scholarship. 5n-line students are also eli!i"le. Mem"ers and emplo$ees of ZontaInternational or the Zonta International Foundation are not eli!i"le to appl$ for the Scholarships.

    Wha$ are $he -e uiremen$s, +pplicants must meet the followin! minimum re#uirements6

    Be underta)in! a "usiness and3or "usiness-related pro!ram at an accrediteduni ersit$3colle!e3institute.7nrolled in at least the second $ear of an under!raduate pro!ram throu!h the final $ear of aMaster8s pro!ram at the time the application is su"mitted applicants must still "e attendin!school to recei e this award:.

    +chie ed an outstandin! academic record durin! her academic studies% includin! "usiness-related su";ects.0emonstrated initiati e% am"ition and commitment to pursuin! a career in "usiness.

    /o 1o I Appl ,&omplete an official application in 7n!lish. /lease note that written applications are accepted%howe er% t$ped applications are preferred. +pplications ma$ "e printed or downloaded from the ZontaInternational we"site% www.

  • 8/13/2019 Application JMK 2013


  • 8/13/2019 Application JMK 2013


    Applica$ion #orJane M. Klausman

    Women in Business Scholarship