Download - Appendix J – Talison Proposed Expansion …...Rochdale Holdings Pty Ltd A.B.N. 85 009 049 067 trading as: HERRING STORER ACOUSTICS P.O. Box 219, Como, W.A. 6952 (08) 9367 6200 [email protected]

Page 1: Appendix J – Talison Proposed Expansion …...Rochdale Holdings Pty Ltd A.B.N. 85 009 049 067 trading as: HERRING STORER ACOUSTICS P.O. Box 219, Como, W.A. 6952 (08) 9367 6200

GHD | Report for Talison Lithium Australia Pty Ltd - Greenbushes Lithium Mine Expansion, 6136579

Appendix J – Talison Proposed Expansion Greenbushes Acoustic Assessment (Herring Storer Acoustics 2018) and Noise Management Plan (Draft) (Talison Lithium Pty Ltd 2018)

Page 2: Appendix J – Talison Proposed Expansion …...Rochdale Holdings Pty Ltd A.B.N. 85 009 049 067 trading as: HERRING STORER ACOUSTICS P.O. Box 219, Como, W.A. 6952 (08) 9367 6200

Rochdale Holdings Pty Ltd A.B.N. 85 009 049 067 trading as: 

HERRING STORER ACOUSTICS P.O. Box 219, Como, W.A. 6952   (08) 9367 6200  [email protected] 








SEPTEMBER 2018         

OUR REFERENCE: 23211‐3‐18047

Page 3: Appendix J – Talison Proposed Expansion …...Rochdale Holdings Pty Ltd A.B.N. 85 009 049 067 trading as: HERRING STORER ACOUSTICS P.O. Box 219, Como, W.A. 6952 (08) 9367 6200

Herring Storer Acoustics





Job No: 18047  

Document Reference:  23211‐3‐18047  





Author:  Paul Daly  Checked By:  Tim Reynolds 

Date of Issue:  25 June 2018   


Revision  Description  Date  Author  Checked 

1  Inclusion of noise control (Bunds)  21/09/2018  PLD  TR 

2  Clarification Mining Services  26/09/2018  PLD   




Copy No.  Version No.  Destination  Hard Copy  Electronic Copy 

1  Draft 

Talison Lithium Ltd Attn: Lydia Perenzin [email protected] CC: Steve Green [email protected]  


2  1 Talison Lithium Ltd Attn: Steve Green [email protected]  


3  2 Talison Lithium Ltd Attn: Steve Green [email protected]  


4  3 Talison Lithium Ltd Attn: Steve Green [email protected]  



Page 4: Appendix J – Talison Proposed Expansion …...Rochdale Holdings Pty Ltd A.B.N. 85 009 049 067 trading as: HERRING STORER ACOUSTICS P.O. Box 219, Como, W.A. 6952 (08) 9367 6200

Herring Storer Acoustics





2.  SUMMARY  1 

3.  CRITERIA  1 




7.  RESULTS  9 


9.  CONCLUSION  10    


    A  Site Layout/ Reference Locations  

B  Noise Monitoring Graphs   

C  Noise Contours   

D  Noise Control Details   


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Herring Storer Acoustics Our ref: 23211‐3‐18047 1


1. INTRODUCTION  Herring Storer Acoustics was commissioned by Talison Lithium Ltd to undertake noise modelling relating to noise emissions from the proposed new crushing and processing plants.   From information provided, we understand that the expansion consists of the installation of new crushing and processing plants at  the Greenbushes mine. This  is a staged expansion; hence this assessment  considers  the  noise  impact  for multiple  scenarios  between  the  current  and  future (2030) operations.  The objectives of the study were to: 


Confirm by noise level measurement the current operations.  

Determine, by modelling, noise propagation from the current and future operations.  

Relate  the noise  levels predicted with  the previously predicted noise emissions and  the requirements of the 2015 Regulation 17 Variation. 

 For information, a locality plan is shown in Appendix A.    


Assessment of  current mining and processing operations  shows  compliance  is being achieved with the regulatory criteria contained in the Regulation 17 variation of the assigned noise level, for which Talison operates under.  Predictive noise modelling shows that noise levels for the expansion of the mine, including the additional  3  crushers,  the  processing  plants  and  additional mining  fleet,  has  the  potential  to exceed the Regulation 17 criteria however, with the installation of the additional noise bunding (detailed further in this report), compliance is achieved for all future operations. 

 To manage the noise levels to ensure compliance with the 50 dB(A) criteria for night operations, management of operations is required through the development of a revised noise management plan, which has been undertaken in conjunction with this assessment.  

3. CRITERIA  The Talison Greenbushes Operation operates under Regulation 17  variation of  assigned noise level, which was approved in 2009.  The following extract from the Government Gazette No 31, dated Friday 27 February 2015 states the acoustic criteria as allowed under the Regulation 17.  4.   Approval  

 Approval is granted to Talison Lithium Australia to allow the level of noise emitted from the mine site to exceed the standards prescribed under regulations 7 and 11(4)(a)(i) and (6)(a)(i) if —   (a)  for  noise  emissions  other  than  those  resulting  from  blasting,  the  level  of  noise 

emitted from the mine site when received at a premises of a type referred to in column  1  in  the  Table  in  Schedule  1,  at  a  time  of  day  referred  to  in  column  2 

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Herring Storer Acoustics Our ref: 23211‐3‐18047 2

opposite those premises does not exceed the LA 10 approved level referred to in column 3 or the LA max approved level set out in column 4 for those premises at that time; and  

 The  approved  noise  levels  for  noise  emission  other  than  blasting,  as  outlined  in  the approval are listed in the following Table 3.1: 


Premises Receiving Noise  Time of Day Assigned Level (dB) 

LA 10  LA max 

A highly sensitive area 

0700 to 1900 hours all days  53  71 

1900 to 2200 hours all days   51  69 

2200 to 0700 hours all days  50  68 

A noise sensitive premises other than a highly sensitive area 

All hours  60  80 

Commercial premises  All hours  60  80 

Industrial and Utility Premises  All Hours  65  90 

   Notes:  LA10 is the noise level exceeded for 10% of the time.      LAmax is the maximum noise level. 

   A highly sensitive area, means that area (if any) of noise sensitive premises comprising‐  

(a) a building, or a part of a building, on the premises that is used for a noise sensitive purpose; and  

(b)  any other part of the premises within 15 m of that building or that part of the building; 

  Additional to the above, Part (f) of Clause 8 – Noise Management Plan of the approval also states : 

 (g)  procedures to be adopted by Talison Lithium Australia to minimise tonality, 

modulation and impulsiveness in noise emissions;  From the approval, we understand that no penalties for characteristics of noise are applicable.  

4. MONITORED / MEASURED NOISE LEVELS  To enable  the assessment of noise emissions  from  the  current mining operations, noise  level measurements were carried out on the 5th and 22nd April 2018 and continuously from the 5th to the 21st April 2018.  

 Noise  level  measurements  were  conducted  using  two  methods.  The  first  method  involved utilising three Ngara loggers recording continuous noise levels at three different locations. The noise monitors recorded continuous noise levels from the 5th to 21st April 2018. The three loggers were set to record continuous noise levels for the assessment period and were time synchronised so  that  the  noise  levels  at  each  location  were  comparable.  Weather  conditions  over  the monitoring period were recorded at the Talison met station, with the results used to compare periods of highest noise level propagation. Monitoring locations are shown in Figure 1. 


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Herring Storer Acoustics Our ref: 23211‐3‐18047 3





The second method of measurement was short term hand held noise level measurements using a Svan 948 integrated sound and vibration level meter.   Measurements were conducted in various locations in both the near and far field to the operating mine site. Near field measurements were used for the purpose of calculating sound power levels for various plant and mobile equipment.  The far field noise levels were measured on two different nights after 22:00 hours. The first series of  observed measurements  were  conducted  on  the  5th  April  2018.  During  the measurement period, the mine was in full operation, ie fixed plant and mobile equipment, however the was no hauling to the eastern waste dump (Floyds). The second series of observed measurements were conducted on the night of the 22nd April 2018. During this measurement period as well as the normal operating conditions, haul trucks were hauling to the eastern waste dump (Floyds).  The measurement locations are contained in Figure 2 with the weather data for the two nights of concern shown in Figure 3.  


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Herring Storer Acoustics Our ref: 23211‐3‐18047 4






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Herring Storer Acoustics Our ref: 23211‐3‐18047 5



Based  on  the  analysis  of  the measured  noise  levels  from  the  Talison  operations,  noise  levels  at various locations have been determined. Detailed representation of results in the form of graphical plots are contained in Appendix B. 


 The resultant noise levels from hand held, observed measurements for the two periods are contained in Table 5.1, with the graphical plots detailed in Appendix B. 


Location Thursday 5th April 2018   Sunday 22nd April 2018 

Measured LA10 Noise Level 

Comments  Measured LA10 Noise Level 


Bluesky   ‐  ‐  56 Mine Not Audible (tree 

noise influence) 

Huitson Maranup‐Ford Rd  

‐  ‐  38  Around Background 

South West Logger   36 Haul Truck and Rock 

Fall Audible ‐  ‐ 

Smelter Gate  44 Loader, Crusher and Haul Truck Audible 

‐  ‐ 

Chem Grade Plant (Road) 

60  Opposite Mills  ‐  ‐ 

Town Reference   44 Loader and Haul Truck Audible) Fixed Plant 

Inaudible ‐  ‐ 

Catterick Rd   35  Not Audible  45  Haul Trucks Audible 

Fullerton Rd   ‐  ‐  37  Haul Trucks Audible 

Cemetery   26  Not Audible  39 Haul Trucks and Crusher Audible 

South Logger   24  Not Audible  ‐  ‐ 



Results of the continuous noise monitoring have been summarised in Table 5.2.    

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Herring Storer Acoustics Our ref: 23211‐3‐18047 6



Log A Day 


Log A Evening (1900‐2200) 

Log A Night (2200‐0700) 

Log B Day 


Log B Evening (1900‐2200) 

Log B Night (2200‐0700) 

Log C Day 


Log C Evening (1900‐2200) 

Log C Night (2200‐0700) 

Friday, 6 April 2018 

37  34  38  40  26  36  46  41  43 

Saturday, 7 April 2018 

39  40  35  54  25  35  44  41  41 

Sunday, 8 April 2018 

42  36  32  47  30  28  44  37  42 

Monday, 9 April 2018 

40  34  35  60  33  40  41  37  39 

Tuesday, 10 April 2018 

42  31  33  48  22  ‐  49  41  41 

Wednesday, 11 April 2018 

41  33  31  ‐  ‐  ‐  45  42  40 

Thursday, 12 April 2018 

39  34  39  ‐  ‐  ‐  44  39  40 

Friday, 13 April 2018 

43  34  33  ‐  ‐  ‐  51  38  40 

Saturday, 14 April 2018 

41  33  32  ‐  ‐  ‐  48  39  35 

Sunday, 15 April 2018 

38  35  28  ‐  ‐  ‐  45  40  37 

Monday, 16 April 2018 

39  36  37  ‐  ‐  ‐  43  41  43 

Tuesday, 17 April 2018 

39  36  34  ‐  ‐  ‐  47  42  43 

Wednesday, 18 April 2018 

40  35  31  ‐  ‐  ‐  48  37  43 

Thursday, 19 April 2018 

41  32  30  ‐  ‐  ‐  51  39  38 

Friday, 20 April 2018 

‐  ‐  ‐  ‐  ‐  ‐  46  38  43 


 To determine the noise that would be received from the proposed expansion, modelling of noise emissions was carried out using “SoundPlan”.  The results were then used to determine the noise level that would be received at noise sensitive premises within the Town of Greenbushes and surrounding  areas.  These  calculated noise  levels were  then assessed  for  compliance with  the Regulation 17. Additionally, using the results of previous noise modelling, the resultant overall noise level was determined, which was also compared to the approved noise levels as stated in the Regulation 17 Approval.   Noise modelling was undertaken as per the scenarios outlined in Table 6.1. 


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Herring Storer Acoustics Our ref: 23211‐3‐18047 7


Area  S1 ‐ 2018  S2 ‐ 2019  S3 ‐ 2020  S4 ‐ 2021  S5 ‐ 2022  S6 ‐ 2025  S7 ‐ 2030 

Fixed Plant (Processing) 

GAM Primary Crusher 

Temporary Crusher 

GAM Primary Crusher 

CGP1 Crusher (Ex GAM)

CGP1 Crusher (Ex GAM)

CGP1 Crusher (Ex GAM)

CGP1 Crusher (Ex GAM)

Temporary Crusher 

CGP2 Crusher 

Temporary Crusher 

CGP2 Crusher 

CGP2 Crusher 

CGP2 Crusher 

CGP2 Crusher 

CGP1 Processing 


CGP1 Processing 


CGP2 Crusher 

CGP3 Crusher 

CGP3 Crusher 

CGP3 Crusher 

CGP3 Crusher 


Processing Plant 

CGP1 Processing 


CGP1 Processing 


CGP1 Processing 


CGP1 Processing 


CGP1 Processing 


‐ Mining Services 

CGP2 Processing 


CGP2 Processing 


CGP2 Processing 


CGP2 Processing 


CGP2 Processing 


‐   Mining Services 

CGP3 Processing 


CGP3 Processing 


CGP3 Processing 


CGP3 Processing 


‐  ‐   Mining Services 

CGP4 Process Plant 

CGP4 Process Plant

CGP4 Process Plant

‐  ‐  ‐   Mining Services 

Mining Services 

Mining Services 

Mobile Equipment 


120 t Excavators 

1    ‐  ‐  ‐  ‐  ‐ 

200t excavators 

‐  1  2  3  3  ‐  ‐ 

260t excavators 

‐  ‐  ‐  ‐  ‐  4  4 

777 trucks  5  7  11  17  19     

785 trucks            24  28 

GD 5000  1  2  2  3  3  4  6 

Atlas D65  1  1  2  3  3  7  7 

Dozers  2  2  4  4  4  5  5 

ROM Loaders  2  2  2  3  4  4  4 

ROM Excavators 

2  2  2  0  0  0  0 

Rock breakers (Day Only) 

1  2  2  3  3  3  3 

  Single point calculations were carried out to the monitoring locations and the reference locations within the Town of Greenbushes and surrounding areas.  

 These locations are indicated on the site plan attached in Appendix A.  The calculations used the following input data: 

 a)  Ground contours.  b)  Sound power levels used in the model were based on either file data or acoustic data 

provided by Talison.  The sound power data is summarised in Table 6.3.  c)  Standard night period weather conditions. 


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Herring Storer Acoustics Our ref: 23211‐3‐18047 8

Weather conditions for the modelling were undertaken using the “Default Conditions for Noise Modelling”  as  stipulated within  the  Environmental  Protection Authority’s  “Draft Guidance  for Environmental Noise for Prescribed Premises” for the night period as listed in Table 6.2.  


Condition  Night 

Temperature  15°C 

Relative humidity  50% 

Pasquill Stability Class  F 

Wind speed  3 m/s* 

* From sources, towards receivers. 


Item of Plant / Equipment Sound Power Level  


CAT 988G Loader  113  dB(A) 

Chem Grade Plant East CGP 1  110  dB(A) 

Chem Grade Plant North (Mills) CGP 1  110  dB(A) 

Chem Grade Plant South CGP 1  104  dB(A) 

Chem Grade Plant West CGP 1  109  dB(A) 

Conveyors  100  dB 

Conveyor from ROM  100  dB 

Dozer  120  dB 

Drill Rig  125  dB 

Excavator A (ROM)  98  dB(A) 

Excavator A (PC1200)  126  dB 

Excavator B Pit C2 (PC2000)  126  dB(A) 

Extra Transfer  111  dB 

Final Product Stockpile Conveyor 3  100  dB 

Final Product Transfer Station 1  111  dB 

Final Product Transfer Station 2  111  dB 

Front End Loader  117  dB 

General Plant  118  dB 

HMS Screens  117  dB 

Primary crushing  127  dB 

Processing 2  114  dB 

Processing 3  114  dB 

Processing Mill  111  dB 

Reclaim conveyor to plant  100  dB 

Rockbreaker A (ROM)*  119  dB(A) 

ROM ‐ FEL  117  dB 

Screens  117  dB 

Secondary Crushing  113  dB 

Stacker  104  dB 

Tantalum ‐ East  119  dB 

Tantalum ‐ North  119  dB 

Tantalum ‐ West  118  dB 

Tantalum ‐ Transfer  111  dB 

Tech Grade Plant East CGP 1  109  dB(A) 

Tech Grade Plant North CPG 1  113  dB(A) 

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Herring Storer Acoustics Our ref: 23211‐3‐18047 9

Item of Plant / Equipment Sound Power Level  


Tech Grade Plant South CGP 1  109  dB(A) 

Tech Grade Plant West CPG 1  109  dB(A) 

Temporary Crusher  118  dB(A) 

Thicknesser 2  116  dB 

Transfer Station  111  dB 

Truck (777)  116  dB(A) 

Truck (785)  116  dB(A) 

WHIMS 1 ‐ Processing  114  dB 

Mine Services ‐ Workshop  105  dB(A) 

Mine Services – Service Truck  98  dB(A) 

Mine Services ‐ Generator  85  dB(A) 

*Day only operations 

 Additional  to  the  above  parameters,  noise  bunds  at  two  locations  were  introduced  into  the predictive noise model. The location of the bunds are outlined in Appendix D.  Generally,  the first bund  is  required to the northern end of  the exiting ROM, with the second consisting  of  an  extension  of  the  existing  noise  bund  providing  a  barrier  to  the  north (Greenbushes).  The  height  of  the  bunds  vary  dependant  on  the  topography,  however  are generally around 10m high.  


Calculated LA10 noise levels associated with the various scenarios considered are summarised in following tables.   

TABLE 7.1 – CALCULATED LA10 NOISE LEVELS Area  S1 ‐ 2018  S2 ‐ 2019  S3 ‐ 2020  S4 ‐ 2021  S5 ‐ 2022  S6 ‐ 2025  S7 ‐ 2030 

A  38  41  40  42  44  37  37 

B  46  39  41  49  47  43  36 

C  45  49  48  49  49  43  44 

D  28  38  40  42  42  43  44 

E  34  42  43  45  44  45  46 

F  37  46  47  49  48  49  35 

G  38  40  41  44  43  45  45 

H  38  40  41  45  43  45  45 

I  31  39  42  44  40  43  42 

J  20  27  28  33  30  31  35 

K  32  36  38  41  40  40  41 

L  16  18  20  23  21  22  23 

M  20  22  23  25  24  25  25 

N  30  31  33  35  34  36  35 

Town A  46  46  48  47  48  46  47 

Town B  34  38  41  43  43  39  40 

Town C  33  38  41  41  43  40  39 

Town D  39  45  44  43  43  40  42 

Town E  39  39  48  45  49  43  46 

Town F  42  47  50  46  50  45  47 

 The noise contour plots for the proposed scenarios are attached in Appendix C.  


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Herring Storer Acoustics Our ref: 23211‐3‐18047 10



Based on initial predictive modelling and assessment of the proposed Talison mine expansion, noise received at the neighbouring residential receivers had the potential in the future to exceed the allowable noise level during the night period, under the Regulations 17 criteria.  Analysis of the initial noise emissions identified areas where the potential exceedances may have occurred.  Further predictive noise modelling of various noise control options identified the most efficient  areas  where  the  introduction  of  bunding  would  achieve  the  greatest  impact  on attenuating noise levels for each stage of the expansion.  The two areas identified as being the most effective locations for the noise bunds were as follows:  A. Northern End Existing Rom. B. Existing Noise Bund ‐ Extension East 

 Details of the bund location and the heights is contained in Appendix D. 


9. CONCLUSION  Assessment of  current mining and processing operations  shows  compliance  is being achieved with the regulatory criteria contained in the Regulation 17 variation of the assigned noise level, for which Talison operates under.  Predictive noise modelling shows that noise levels for the expansion of the mine, including the additional  3  crushers,  the  processing  plants  and  additional mining  fleet,  has  the  potential  to exceed the Regulation 17 criteria however, with the installation of the additional noise bunding (detailed further in this report), compliance is achieved for all future operations. 

 To manage the noise levels to ensure compliance with the 50 dB(A) criteria for night operations, management of operations is required through the development of a revised noise management plan, which has been undertaken in conjunction with this assessment. 


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Bund A – ROM Location

Bund B – Extension Location

Existing Noise Bund

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10 to 20m Or Top of bund to

RL 335m

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10m High Bund

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Talison Lithium Pty Ltd

Noise Management Plan


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Talison Lithium Pty Ltd SITE MANAGEMENT PLAN



ENV 1000

Noise Management Plan

Issue No: 9 Page: 2 of 24 Issue Date: 12/18

This Noise Management Plan is developed in accordance with the Clause 8 of the Environmental Protection (Talison Lithium Australia Greenbushes Operation Noise Emissions ) Approval 2015 and the Environmental Protection (Global Advanced Metals Greenbushes Operation Noise Emissions ) Approval 2015.

This Plan Describes:

▪ The site noise monitoring program; ▪ Objectives for minimising noise and noise characteristics; ▪ Noise complaint responding procedure; ▪ Community information programme; and ▪ Reporting requirements and processes.

This Plan is used by: ▪ TLA & GAMG Staff ▪ Manager Mining & Environmental ▪ Operations Manager Global Advanced Metals ▪ Laboratory & Environmental Services Superintendent ▪ Environmental Coordinator

▪ Environmental Officer ▪ Senior Mine Surveyor ▪ Drill & Blast Engineer ▪ Drill & Blast Contractor

Issue No Issue Date Document Author Issue Amendments 1 to 5 Issued for and adapted for the Environmental

Protection (Talison Greenbushes Operation Noise Emissions ) Approval 2009

6 05/15 R Hoes Updated to satisfy new approvals issued to TLA & GAMG on 27 February 2015.Submitted to DER with 2014-15 Noise report

7 3/16 R Hoes Annual review and update status of actions Submitted to DER with 2015-16 Noise report

8 3/17 R Hoes Annual review and update status of actions Submitted to DER with 2015-16 Noise report

9a (draft) 12/18 S Green To address change due to Mine expansion (implementation subject to DWER approval)

Reviewed By Date Authorised By Date

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Issue No: 9 Page: 3 of 24 Issue Date: 12/18


1. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 4

1.1 Details of Approvals .......................................................................................... 5

1.2 Term of Approval .............................................................................................. 7

1.3 Conditions of Approval ...................................................................................... 7

2. DEFINITIONS.......................................................................................................... 10


3.1 Noise Monitoring Program .............................................................................. 12 3.2 Weather Monitoring Program .......................................................................... 15 3.3 Blast Monitoring Program ............................................................................... 16 3.4 Community Information Program .................................................................... 18 3.5 Response to Noise or Airblast Emissions Complaints .................................... 19 3.6 Minimisation of Mining Noise Emissions ......................................................... 20 3.7 Minimisation of Tonality, Modulation & Impulsiveness .................................... 20 3.8 Minimisation of Noise Emissions from Mining Equipment ............................... 21 3.9 Minimisation of Blast Overpressure ................................................................ 21 3.10 Noise Modeling & Verification ......................................................................... 22 3.11 Review of TLA & GAMG Joint Noise Management Plan ................................. 23 3.12 Annual Reporting ............................................................................................ 23 3.13 Application for a Further Approval .................................................................. 25

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Issue No: 9 Page: 4 of 24 Issue Date: 12/18


Talison Lithium Australia Pty Ltd (TLA) and Global Advanced Metals Greenbushes Pty Ltd (GAMG) (each, a Company, and collectively, the Companies) undertake mining and minerals processing activities at the Greenbushes Mine Site in accordance with an environmental management system that is designed to effectively address environmental issues including noise emissions. The system is currently accredited to international standards ISO 14001: 2015 and ISO 9001: 2015.

A Noise Management Plan was developed in 2009 to address the specific requirements of the Environmental Protection (Talison Greenbushes Noise Emissions) Approval 2009 granted to Talison Greenbushes on 25 April 2009 (2009 Approval). During the term of that approval the business was split into two separate businesses, based on mined commodity: lithium (TLA) and tantalum and other minerals (GAMG). At the end of the term of the 2009 Approval, the two companies reassessed their ability to comply with the standards and applied to the Minister for a new approval under regulation 17 of the Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997 (Noise Regulations) to allow noise emissions to exceed the prescribed standards.

The applications were assessed by the Department of Environment Regulation (DER), which recommended that separate variations to the prescribed standard in the noise regulations be granted to TLA & GAMG (see Noise Regulation 17 Application for Greenbushes Mining Operations: Assessment Outcomes, Regulation 17 Report 26, 20 August 2014).

On 27 February 2015, the Minister granted separate approvals to TLA & GAMG (WA Government Gazette, 27 February 2015, No. 31):

• Environmental Protection (Talison Lithium Australia Greenbushes Operation Noise Emissions ) Approval 2015; and

• Environmental Protection (Global Advanced Metals Greenbushes Operation Noise Emissions ) Approval 2015,

(each an Approval, and collectively, the Approvals).

The Companies have agreed to jointly manage noise emissions from the site to enable both parties to meet the requirements of their respective Approvals. This document sets out their Joint Noise Management Plan.

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Issue No: 9 Page: 5 of 24 Issue Date: 12/18

In developing the Joint Noise Management Plan to meet the requirements of the Approvals, appropriate consideration was given to:

• TLA and GAMG’s environmental policies;

• the Greenbushes Operations Application for Variation to Prescribed Noise Standards (Regulation 17) June 2003;

• the environmental risk register for the mine site;

• the incident databases in iSystain (TLA) and MYOSH (GAMG);

• community feedback;

• input from the site’s Environmental Committee;

• the environmental objectives of each Company’s business plan; and

• resources available through the annual budgeting processes of each Company.

• Changes to the site operations

TLA provides environmental services to GAMG pursuant to a Shared Services Agreement between TLA and GAMG dated 6 December 2012, which environmental services include monitoring of compliance with this Noise Management Plan on behalf of TLA and GAMG.

1.1 Details of Approvals

The terms of each Approval are identical.

Approval is granted to each Company to allow the level of noise emitted from the mine site to exceed the standards prescribed under regulations 7 and 11(4)(a)(i) and (6)(a)(i) if —

(a) for noise emissions other than those resulting from blasting, the level of noise emitted from the mine site when received at a premises of a type referred to in column 1 in the Table in Schedule 1, at a time of day referred to in column 2 opposite those premises does not exceed the LA 10 approved level referred to in column 3 or the LA max approved level set out in column 4 for those premises at that time; and

(b) for noise emissions resulting from blasting, the airblast level, when received at a sensitive site, does not exceed the approved airblast level referred to in column 3 or 4 in the Table in Schedule 2 at a time of day referred to in column 2.

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Issue No: 9 Page: 6 of 24 Issue Date: 12/18

Schedule 1 — Noise emissions other than blasting

Type of premises receiving noise

Time of day LA 10 approved level (dB)

LA max approved level (dB)

A highly sensitive


0700 to 1900 hours

all days

53 71

1900 to 2200 hours

all days

51 69

2200 to 0700 hours

all days

50 68

Type of premises receiving noise

Time of day LA 10 approved level (dB)

LA max approved level (dB)

A noise sensitive

premises other than

a highly sensitive


All hours 60 80



All hours 60 80

Industrial and

utility premises

All hours 65 90

Schedule 2 — Noise emissions for blasting

Type of premises receiving noise

Time of day Approved airblast level (dB LZ peak)

Approved airblast level (dB LZ peak) not to be exceeded for 9 in any 10 consecutive blasts

Sensitive site 0700 to 1800

Monday to


125 120

0700 to 1800

Sunday or a

public holiday

120 115

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Issue No: 9 Page: 7 of 24 Issue Date: 12/18

1.2 Term of Approval

Each Approval has effect for:

(a) 10 years from the start day (i.e. 27 February 2015 to 26 February 2025); or

(b) if a Company applies for a further approval under Regulation 17(1) in relation to noise emissions from the mine site within the first 9 years in which the Approval has effect, then that Company’s Approval will continue to operate until the Minister grants, or refuses to grant, the further approval.

1.3 Conditions of Approval

Each Approval is subject to compliance with the following conditions:

Minimisation of noise emissions and impact of noise

The Company to which the Approval is granted, being TLA or GAMG as the case may be, (Approved Company) is to take all reasonable measures to reduce noise emissions from the mine site.

The Approved Company is to utilise best practices for blasting to minimise airblast levels.

Submission of a Noise Management Plant

The Approved Company is to submit a noise management plan to the CEO of the DER (the CEO) within 3 months of the start day. The plan is to include:

(a) details of a noise and airblast level monitoring programme;

(b) a programme to monitor weather conditions relevant to the assessment of:

(i) noise emissions from the mine site; and

(ii) airblast levels emitted from the mine site;

(c) details of a programme for provision of information to the community about noise emissions from the mine site and airblast levels emitted from the mine site;

(d) procedures to be adopted by the Approved Company in responding to complaints about noise emissions;

(e) procedures to be adopted by the Approved Company to identify major noise emission sources;

(f) procedures to be adopted by the Approved Company for adjusting mining operations or blasting to reduce noise emissions:

(i) based on the noise monitoring programme referred to in paragraph (a); or

(ii) based on responses to complaints about noise emissions;

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Issue No: 9 Page: 8 of 24 Issue Date: 12/18

(g) procedures to be adopted by the Approved Company to minimise tonality, modulation and impulsiveness in noise emissions;

(h) procedures to be adopted by the Approved Company to minimise noise emissions from mining equipment operating at the mine site;

(i) procedures to be adopted by the Approved Company to minimise airblast levels emitted from the mine site;

(j) procedures to be used by the Approved Company for recording details of blasting practices utilised for any blast that exceeds the airblast level set out in Regulation 11; and

(k) any other matter that the CEO may require.

After receiving a noise management plan, the CEO may, by notice in writing, require the Company to provide a revised noise management plan including details of any matter specified in the notice. The revised noise management plan is to be provided within 14 days from the date of the notice or by such other time as the CEO specifies in the notice.

Conduct Noise Monitoring

The Approved Company is to record levels of noise emitted from the mine site and by plant items on the mine site in accordance with the latest revision of the noise management plan submitted to the CEO.

The Approved Company is to record airblast levels emitted from blasting on the mine site in accordance with the latest revision of the noise management plan submitted to the CEO.

The Approved Company is to keep the records of monitoring for at least 2 years.

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Issue No: 9 Page: 9 of 24 Issue Date: 12/18

Submission of Annual Report

The Approved Company is to prepare a written report (Annual Report) for:

(a) the year beginning on the start day; and

(b) each year that begins on the anniversary of that day.

The Annual Report is to provide:

(a) a summary of the levels of noise and blasting recorded; and

(b) a summary of the progress of the implementation of the noise management plan.

The report for a year is to be submitted to the CEO within one month after the end of the year, or by such other time as the CEO approves in writing.

On the request of the CEO, the Company is to give the CEO any assistance or other information necessary to enable the report to be understood by members of the public.

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Issue No: 9 Page: 10 of 24 Issue Date: 12/18


In this Joint Noise Management Plan, the following definitions apply:

dB(A) The level of sound, measured in decibels, A-weighted.

A-weighted An A-weighted sound level includes the “A” frequency weighting in the measurement of a sound, to approximate the frequency response of the normal human ear.

LA 10 The highest sound level that, measured as an LA Slow value, is exceeded for 10% of a specific period.

LA max The peak sound level, measured as an LA Slow value, during a specific period.

LZ peak The peak sound pressure level in decibels (dB) obtained using the “Z” frequency weighting characteristic as specified in AS IEC 61672.1-2004 Electroacoustics-Sound level meters Part 1: Specifications, with sound measuring equipment that complies with the requirements of Schedule 4 of the Noise Regulations.

LA Slow value The reading in decibels (dB) obtained using the “A” frequency weighting characteristic and the “S” time weighting characteristic, as specified in AS IEC 61672.1-2004 Electroacoustics-Sound level meters Part 1: Specifications, for class 1 and class 2 meters, with sound measuring equipment that complies with the requirements of Schedule 4 of the Noise Regulations.

Attenuation Factor An adjustment of 12 dB (A) applied to noise data recorded at the noise monitoring station to model the attenuated noise levels which would be recorded at the closest modelled location within the Greenbushes Town site. ie. LA10(Greenbushes Town Location 1) LA10 (Noise Monitoring Station) - 12dB(A) (Attenuation Factor)

Trigger Levels Four critical trigger levels have been identified:

• Primary LA10 Trigger, and Primary Sensitive Site dBLZ peak Air blast Limit for continuous improvement; and

• Secondary LA 10 Trigger and Secondary Sensitive site dB Lz Peak airblast limits for compliance with the approved levels.

Levels are based on the existing time brackets specified in the Noise Regulations. The trigger levels are based on the approved levels, historical monitoring data and modelling. The time basis for data review and analysis is monthly with the trigger based on the proportion of hours exceeding a selected noise level. The selected noise levels and proportions are based upon:

• exceeding the primary response trigger approximately 6 times per year; and

• only exceeding the approved levels in exceptional circumstances.

LA max Trigger Peak noise events at the noise monitoring station on the sound wall. These levels correspond to the approved levels + 12dB Attenuation Factor. The LA max triggers are as follows:

0700-1900 Hours 83 dB

1900-2200 Hours 81 dB

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Issue No: 9 Page: 11 of 24 Issue Date: 12/18

2200-0700 Hours 80 dB

Primary LA10 Trigger The primary response is triggered by noise levels at the noise monitoring station exceeding the selected levels in greater than 20% of hours for that time period; i.e. 80% of hours will have levels less than the selected value. These levels correspond to a noise level 4dB below the approved levels + 12dB Attenuation Factor.

0700-1900 Hours 61 dB

1900-2200 Hours 59 dB

2200-0700 Hours 58 dB

Secondary LA 10 Trigger Noise levels at the noise monitoring station exceeding the selected levels in greater than 2% of that time period will trigger the secondary response; i.e. 98% of hours will have noise levels less than the selected level. These levels correspond to the approved levels + 12dB Attenuation Factor.

0700-1900 Hours 65 dB

1900-2200 Hours 63 dB

2200-0700 Hours 62 dB

Primary Sensitive Site dBLZ peak Air blast Limit

Approved airblast level (dB Lz Peak) not to be exceed 115dB

Secondary Sensitive site dB Lz Peak air blast limits

Approved airblast level (dB Lz Peak) not to be exceeded

0700-1800 Mon-Sat 125 dB

0700-1800 Sun & Pubic Holidays 120 dB

Approved airblast level (dB Lz Peak) not to be exceeded for 9 in any 10 consecutive blasts

0700-1800 Mon-Sat 120 dB

0700-1800 Sun & Pubic Holidays 115 dB

Blast Schedule Winter : Between the hours of 12:00-12:30 and 16:45 and 17:15

Summer: Between the hours of 12:00-12:30 and 16:45 and 17:15

Start Day (date of Ministerial approval)

27 February 2015

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Talison Lithium Pty Ltd SITE MANAGEMENT PLAN



ENV 1000

Noise Management Plan

Issue No: 9 Page: 12 of 24 Issue Date: 12/18


General objectives have been established for key noise issues, consistent with the requirements of the Approvals. Specific detailed objectives, targets and action plans, designed to achieve the general objectives, are given below.

3.1 Noise Monitoring Program


▪ To monitor noise emitted from the mine site to minimise potential impacts on the community and to ensure adequate reliable noise data is recorded to enable accurate modelling of site noise for both the current & future requirements of the operation.

Action By Whom Target Date

Operate a full time, continuous class 1 environmental noise monitoring system on the mine site, comprising:

Conduct two yearly external calibrations of monitoring equipment to international standard IEC 61672.1.2014 and monthly calibration checks using a Sound Level Meter Calibrator.

Review equipment and upgrade as necessary.

Environmental Coordinator


Maintain a database recording all sound events that exceed 60 dB(A) for greater than 10 seconds duration for at least 5 years .

Environmental Coordinator


Maintain a database of raw noise data for at least 5 years duration.

Environmental Coordinator


Review raw noise data weekly for abnormal events. Review any 60 dB(A) level triggers of greater than 10 seconds duration as follows:

• review recorded sound to identify source(s) of noise;

• at the Company’s discretion, investigate the cause of elevated noise;

• prepare and implement remedial measures as applicable; and

• document the above through site incident reporting system.

Environmental Coordinator


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Issue No: 9 Page: 13 of 24 Issue Date: 12/18

Action By Whom Target Date

Maintain a log of abnormal noise events including:

• any noise events exceeding LA max Trigger on logger data;

• a description of noise events exceeding 60dB(A) for more than 10 seconds based on recorded samples; and

• notes of known events which impact noise levels such as storms, blast warning siren, road construction, etc.

Environmental Coordinator


Exclude from calculations any noise data collected while wind speed exceeds 3 metres/second between the hours of 07:00 and 22:00 and 4 meters/second between the hours of 22:00 & 0700.

(Also see section 3.2)

Environmental Coordinator


Review hourly LA 10 noise data on a monthly basis to determine if any breaches of Primary LA 10 Trigger or Secondary LA 10 Trigger have occurred.

Environmental Coordinator


Respond to Primary LA 10 Trigger as follows:

• review recorded sound to identify source(s) of noise;

• investigate cause of elevated noise;

• prepare and implement remedial measures as applicable; and

• document the above through site incident reporting system.

Environmental Coordinator


Respond to Secondary LA 10 Trigger as follows:

• communicate the event to DWER;

• review recorded sound to identify source(s) of noise;

• investigate cause of elevated noise;

• prepare and implement remedial measures as applicable in consultation with the DWER; and

• document the above through site incident reporting system.

NB. This level of management response is consistent with the treatment of a notifiable incident under each Company’s environmental licence. .

Manager Environment

Environmental Coordinator

Manager Environment

Manager Environment

Environmental Coordinator


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Action By Whom Target Date

Respond to LA max Trigger as follows:

• review timing of noise events to eliminate blasting related noise, weather events, logger calibration or maintenance as a cause;

• review recorded sound to identify source(s) of noise in close proximity to the noise logging equipment that may be reasonably eliminated;

• communicate identifiable mine site noise events to the DWER;

• investigate cause of identifiable mine site noise events;

• prepare and implement remedial measures as applicable in consultation with the DWER; and

• document the above through site incident reporting system.

NB. This level of management response is consistent with the treatment of a notifiable incident under each Company’s environmental licence.

Environmental Coordinator

Environmental Coordinator

Manager Environment

Manager Environment

Manager Environment

Environmental Coordinator


Report monthly noise compliance to Manager Environment in Environmental Period Report, covering:

• performance against Primary LA 10 Tigger, Secondary LA 10 Trigger and LA max Trigger criteria;

• commentary on recorded sound triggers as required; and

• any maintenance issues with noise logging equipment.

Environmental Coordinator


Review of noise compliance by management during quarterly Environmental Management Review Meeting, covering:

• performance against Primary LA 10 Trigger, Secondary LA 10 Trigger and LA max Trigger criteria;

• commentary on recorded sound triggers as required; and

• Any maintenance issues with noise logging equipment

Environmental Coordinator & Manager Environment


Report noise compliance to the DWER and Department of Mines Industry Regulation & Safety (DMIRS) in the Annual Monitoring Report and Annual Environmental Report, covering:

• a description of monitoring strategy;

• performance against LA 10 and LA max Trigger criteria;

• commentary on recorded sound triggers as required; and

• any maintenance issues with noise logging equipment

Environmental Coordinator


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Action By Whom Target Date

Respond to failures of noise logging equipment or integrated weather station by:

• maintaining a log of all failures of noise logging equipment; and

• communicating details of any failure of logging equipment that exceeds 24 hours in any month to the DWER if an alternate logging device has not been activated..

Environmental Coordinator

As required

3.2 Weather Monitoring Program


▪ To monitor weather conditions relevant to the assessment of mining noise levels emitted from the mine site

Action By Whom Target Date

Operate an integrated wind sensor, measuring and logging wind direction and wind speed at the noise monitoring location.

Environmental Coordinator


Operate an alternate weather station on the mine site, recording rainfall and confirming wind speed and direction

Environmental Coordinator


Exclude from calculations any noise data collected where wind speed exceeds 3 metres/ second between the hours of 07:00 and 22:00 and 4 meters/second between the hours of 22:00 and 0700.

Environmental Coordinator


Review LA max Trigger events that may reasonably be excluded due to weather conditions such as strong winds, heavy rainfall, thunder, etc.

Environmental Coordinator


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3.3 Blast Monitoring Program


▪ To monitor airblast overpressure emissions

Action By Whom Target Date

Monitor 90% of all blasts using a blast monitoring system located in the Greenbushes townsite, comprising:

• a TEXCEL ETM blast monitor with triaxial geophone and linear weighted microphone; and

• direct and remote retrieval system allowing for uninterrupted monitoring.

Conduct two yearly calibrations of blast monitor to international standard IEC 61672.1.2014.

Review and upgrade equipment as necessary.

Manager Mining As per blasting schedule

Review air overpressure measurements and video recording after each blast:

• identify data below threshold triggers (i.e. <0.15mm/sec vibration and <100dBp);

• review times vs microphone outputs to rule our interference from other sources; and

• log any alterations made to data based on interferences.

Senior Mine Surveyor

Drill & Blast Engineer


Maintain a comprehensive record of blast measurements and related data for at least 2 years.

Senior Mine Surveyor

Drill & Blast Engineer


Respond if approved air overpressure level is exceeded more than once in any 10 consecutive blasts as follows:

• review airblast data;

• investigate cause of elevated airblast measurement;

• prepare and implement remedial measures as applicable;

• document the above through site incident reporting system;

• communicate details to DWER; and

• review results from consecutive blasts to ensure that there is no further exceedance.

NB. This level of management response is consistent with the treatment of a notifiable incident under each Company’s environmental licence.

Drill & Blast Engineer

Senior Mine Surveyor

Manager Mining

Environmental Coordinator

Senior Mine Surveyor

As required

Respond to exceedance of approved air overpressure level as follows:

• review air overpressure data;

• investigate cause of elevated airblast measurement;

Drill & Blast Engineer

Senior Mine Surveyor

As required

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Action By Whom Target Date

• prepare and implement remedial measures as applicable;

• document the above through site incident reporting system;

• communicate details to the DWER; and

• review results from consecutive blasts to ensure that there is no further exceedance.

NB. This level of management response is consistent with the treatment a notifiable incident under each Company’s environmental licence.

Manager Mining

Environmental Coordinator

Senior Mine Surveyor

Report monthly blast compliance to management in Environmental Period Report, covering:

• performance against airblast approved levels; and

• any maintenance issues with blast logging equipment.

Environmental Coordinator


Review of blast compliance by management during quarterly Environmental Management Review Meeting, covering:

• performance against air overpressure approved levels; and

• any maintenance issues with noise logging equipment.

Environmental Coordinator

Manager Environment


Report noise and blast compliance to the DWER and DMIRS in the Annual Monitoring Report and the Annual Environmental Report, covering:

• description of monitoring strategy;

• performance against approved levels; and

• any maintenance issues with blast logging equipment.

Environmental Coordinator


Respond to failures of blast logging equipment:

• maintain a log of all failures of noise logging equipment (iSystain);

• communicate details of failure of logging equipment to the DWER.

Drill & Blast Engineer

Senior Mine Surveyor

Environmental Coordinator

As required

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3.4 Community Information Program


▪ Develop a program for provision of information to the community about noise and air overpressure from the mine site.

Action By Whom Target Date

Operate a blast warning siren 15 minutes prior to every blast.

Manager Mining

As per blasting schedule

To ensure that blasts only occur within routine timeframes, blasts are to be carried out in accordance with a seasonal blasting schedule. Ensure that the community is notified of schedule and any changes thereto.

Manager Mining

As per blasting schedule

If Company expects that, due to adverse geological, atmospheric conditions or other impacts, a blast may exceed approved airblast levels, notifies the community via posters in local businesses and the DWER via email.

Manager Mining

As required

Publish a monthly bulletin (information sheet) on mine site noticeboards with information in relation to mine site operations and environmental issues. Table the bulletin at the Grow Greenbushes meeting. Include in the monthly bulletin details of operational changes that may impact on noise or airblast emissions for the local community as required.

GM Operations


Representatives from the Site Management to attend monthly Grow Greenbushes meeting – a public forum specific to the local community – and provide information to the forum about changes to mining operations that may impact on noise or airblast emissions as required and answer any questions from the community about mining operations which pertain to noise or airblast emissions.

GM Operations


Contribute information to Mine News column in the Monthly Greenbushes-Balingup Newsletter, which is mailed out to all residents in Greenbushes, Balingup and Mullalyup town sites. Include information about changes to mining operations that may impact on noise or airblast emissions as required.

GM Operations


Provide a summary of the Annual Report and the Annual Environmental Report to Grow Greenbushes.

Manager Environment


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3.5 Response to Noise or blast Emissions Complaints


▪ Adopt procedures for responding to complaints about noise or air overpressure.

Action By Whom Target Date

Log the complaint according to existing site procedure for Stakeholder Contacts (GEN1001).

Responder As required

Investigate the complaint, which may include:

• reviewing by management of complaint at daily production meetings;

• reviewing noise or airblast data, audio and/or video recordings;

• reviewing logged commentary to recorded sound triggers;

• reviewing of meteorological conditions;

• reviewing of operational activities;

• documenting the above through site incident reporting system (iSystain); and

• assigning actions to site personnel,

as appropriate.

Manager Environment

Environmental Coordinator / Senior Mine Surveyor

Manager Environment

As required

Ensure stake holders are updated on investigations as required.

Manager Environment

As required

Report noise and / or blast complaints monthly to Manager Environment in Environmental Period Report.

Environmental Coordinator


Review of noise and / or blast complaints by management during quarterly Environmental Management Review Meeting.

Environmental Coordinator, Manager Environment


Report noise and / or blast complaints to the DER and DMP in the Annual Report, Annual Monitoring Report and Annual Environmental Report.

Environmental Coordinator, Manager Environment


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3.6 Minimisation of Mining Noise Emissions


▪ Adopt procedures to adapt mining operations to minimise mining noise emissions

Action By Whom Target Date

TLA & GAMG to coordinate operations and works programs so that their cumulative noise emissions do not exceed the levels allowed by their Approvals.

Each Company will ensure its emissions do not exceed a value which is 3dB below the assigned level at the noise sensitive recipients unless they have made arrangements with the other Company to ensure the cumulative noise is below the approved level.

Ops Manager GAMG

Mining Manager TLA


Maintain an earth noise bund at the northern end of the ROM pad. Review and implement changes to western end of the mine sound barrier or ROM pad barrier to control noise emission from site.

Mining Manager

June 2019

Mining in the North Cornwall area is not to occur until the eastern extension of the Sound barrier is built. This does not include operation of auxiliary equipment such as water carts for dust management.

Mining Manager

Mining is this area is currently on hold.

Consider potential noise transfer to Greenbushes when designing haul roads.

Mining Manager


Maintain contract terms and conditions to stipulate maximum sound power levels for Contractor equipment.

Admin Manager

As required

Include topic on environmental noise and Approval requirements in site safety and environment incentive scheme.

Environmental Coordinator


3.7 Minimisation of Tonality, Modulation & Impulsiveness


▪ Adopt procedures to minimise tonality, modulation and impulsiveness in mining noise emissions.

Action By Whom Target Date

Operate rock breaking equipment between 06:00 and 18:00 hours only.

Mining Manager



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3.9 Minimisation of Noise Emissions from Mining Equipment


▪ Adopt Procedures to minimise emissions from mining equipment operating at the mine site

Action By Whom Target Date

Maintain and modify mining equipment (e.g. crusher feed bin) to ensure noise emissions are kept to a minimum.

Production Manager


Carry out an annual survey of mining equipment to monitor for major changes/increases in noise emissions from:

• drill rigs;

• trucks;

• excavator(s); and

• dozers.

Environmental Coordinator

March Annually

Based on output from noise modelling of site emissions, install additional sound barrier to reduce noise levels at sensitive receivers.

Manager Environment

When required.

3.10 Minimisation of Blast Overpressure


▪ Adopt Procedures to minimise emissions from blasting

Action By Whom Target Date

Drill & blast activities to be carried out by reputable contractor(s).




Set maximum blast hole charge mass the drill and blast contractor may use based on noise modelling and design parameters.

Drill & Blast Engineer

Senior Mine Surveyor


Special techniques to be adopted for production blasts including:

• increased stem lengths;

• use of crushed aggregates of particle size 8-12% of blast hole diameter for stemming; and

• detailed practices for loading face holes so as to avoid face burst and cautious loading of any oversize blast.

Drill & Blast Engineer

Drill & Blast Contractor


Set panels size, uncharged collar length, interpanel delay, initiation point/panel sequence and maximum number of presplit blast holes that the drill and blast contractor may fire in one initiation, based on noise modelling and design parameters.

Drill & Blast Engineer

Senior Mine Surveyor


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Action By Whom Target Date

Special techniques to be adopted for presplit blasting including:

• Drill to 20 meter depth

• Use customised product with built in detonation cord.

• Cover initiation holes only with sand.

• Set initiation point at closest presplit hole to sensitive site

• In-hole electronic initiation

• Timing delay between every 3 presplit holes

Drill & Blast Engineer

Drill & Blast Contractor


Initiate a simulated blast sequence ahead of each blast and modify blast pattern to target a maximum instantaneous charge (MIC) of <300 (Subject to hole diameter).

Drill & Blast Engineer

Senior Mine Surveyor

Electronic initiation system to be used for all blast detonations.

Mining Manager


Review current “best practice” in blasting techniques annually for opportunities to reduce airblast emissions.

March Annually

3.11 Noise Modeling & Verification


▪ Define programs to be used for noise modelling and verification

Action By Whom Target Date

Confirm that Trigger Levels are not being exceeded within the Greenbushes townsite and at other sensitive receivers located near the mine site as follows:

• monitor noise levels during a mining cycle at -noise sensitive locations within Greenbushes town site and at surrounding rural sensitive receivers. , using class 1 Monitoring equipment (NB: February to March are the best months for this monitoring to occur in Townsite, as meteorological conditions favour emissions of noise to the town at this time);

• use windspeed data collected at the NMT3639 to correct the data collected on the SLM 2238 for windspeed;

• compare night time LA 10 noise levels logged at the site noise monitoring station with the night time noise levels collected at sites monitored;

• log the results of tests;

• review the need for further modelling in response to any issues raised by this process; and

• document the above in the Annual Report.

Environmental Coordinator


Report modelling tests performed to Manager Environment in Environmental Period Report, covering:




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Action By Whom Target Date

• Monitored sites performance against LA 10 noise data from the noise monitoring station; and.

• Commentary as required.

Review of any tests performed during Environmental Management Review Meeting, covering:

• Sites monitored performance against LA 10 noise data from the noise monitoring station; and

• Commentary as required.


Coordinator, Management


Carry out noise monitoring in town prior to and after any major changes in site operations. Ie Plant expansion or major change in Mining fleet or dump location

As required

3.12 Review of TLA & GAMG Joint Noise Management Plan


▪ Requirements for Review of the Noise Management Plan.

Action By Whom Target Date

Review status and currency of the Joint Noise Management Plan and actions at quarterly Environmental Management Review Meetings.

Environmental Superintendent


Submit any proposed revisions of the Joint Noise Management Plan to the CEO for approval if significant operational changes occur which may require internal review of the Joint Noise Management Plan.

Environmental Superintendent

As requested

Revise the Joint Noise Management Plan as the CEO may require by notice in writing.

Environmental Superintendent

As requested

Submit the revised Joint Noise Management Plan to the CEO within 14 days or by other such time as the CEO specifies.

Environmental Superintendent

As requested by specified date.


3.13 Annual Reporting


▪ Submission of joint Annual Report to the CEO of Environmental Regulation Division, Department of Environmental Regulation

Action By Whom Target Date

Prepare joint Annual Report for each year beginning on the start day for submission to the CEO, including:

• a summary of recorded noise level data for the year as described in section 3.1 (Noise Monitoring) above;

• a summary of recorded airblast data for the year as described in section 3.2 (Blast Monitoring) above; and

Prior to 27th March each year.

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• a summary of the progress of the implementation of the Joint Noise Management Plan.

The report is to be submitted within 1 month after the end of the reporting year, or by such other time as approved in writing by the CEO.

Provide the CEO with assistance or information to clarify the Annual Report as required.

Management As requested

Provide the CEO with a report for any period of the reporting year as may be requested by the CEO by notice in writing.

Environmental Coordinator, Environmental Superintendent

Within 14 days of notice in writing.

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3.14 Application for a Further Approval


▪ Submission of an application requesting further approvals under regulation 17.

Action By Whom Target Date

Prepare and submit a new application for further approval under Regulation 17 prior to 9 years from the start day to the CEO of Environmental Regulation Division, Department of Environmental Regulation.

Environmental Coordinator, Environmental Superintendent

Prior to February 2024