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AP US HistoryMurrin CH 14 Study Guide

1) What was the “centerpiece” of the Kansas-Nebraska Act?2) Summarize the Kansas-Nebraska Act for the following:

a) Popular sovereigntyb) Status of the Missouri Compromisec) Division of Nebraska territoryd) Which regional wing of the Democratic Party supported the Act?e) Who was the Senator who sponsored the Act?

3) What position did Lincoln have on slavery for the following:a) constitutionality of slavery in states that already had itb) moral position on slaveryc) whether slavery should be expanded into the territories

4) What impact did the Kansas-Nebraska Act have on the Whig Party?5) How did the Republican Party come into existence in 1854?6) What led many Germans and Irish to immigrate to the United States in the 1840s?7) In which city did Irish immigrants become an active part of the political process?8) How did Catholic or parochial schools come about?9) What was the key issue for the Know-Nothing Party?10) What was Lincoln’s response to those who were against slavery, but promoted anti-Catholic, anti-

foreign positions?11) Why did nativism fade in the 1850s as a dominate issue?12) Which two groups migrated into Kansas after the 1854 Kansas-Nebraska Act and why?13) Generally (don’t have to go into the details) how did Kansas have two different territorial governments

by January 1856?14) Contrast the Northern and Southern reactions to Congressman Brooks’ caning of Senator Sumner?15) What method did John Brown use to try and resolve the crisis in Kansas?16) According to Southern Democratic propaganda who were “Black Republicans?”17) Summarize the Dred Scott case (1857) for the following:

a) Why did Scott’s fate seem bleak if it made it to the Supreme Court?b) What grounds did Dred Scott sue for his freedom?c) According to the Supreme Court, what power did Congress lack?d) According to the Supreme Court, why should Dred Scott’s case not have even been accepted

by the lower court?e) What arguments did two of the dissenting Supreme Court justices make against the ruling?

18) Why did a wild fist fight break out in the House in 1858?19) What impact did the debate over Kansas have on the Democratic Party?20) What region of the US experienced the greatest amount of industrial and urban growth in the 1840s and

1850s?21) Why were literacy rates higher in the North in comparison to the South and Britain and France?22) What was the main problem of the southern economy?23) What did “Cotton is King” mean?24) Summarize the pro-slavery arguments for the following:

a) life of a slave vs. workers in the Northb) what did slaves never suffer from that workers did in the North?

25) Why did 7/8 of immigrants move to the North between 1845-1860?26) Why did the panic of 1857 temporarily revive the tariff debate and heighten northern and southern

tensions?27) According to free-labor ideology, why was social mobility the key to a free society?28) What was the response to the 1857 Impending Crisis of the South in the North and South?29) What bonds kept non-slave holding whites committed to maintaining slavery in the South?30) What was the central theme of Lincoln during the Lincoln-Douglas debates in 1858?31) Despite losing the Senate election, what did Lincoln gain?32) What was John Brown hoping to achieve by raiding Harper’s Ferry in 1859?33) Contrast the Northern and Southern responses to John Brown’s raid on Harper’s Ferry.34) How did the South portray life for workers in the South and North in the visuals on page 507 (3rd

edition) or page 453 (4th edition)