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1. Explain the significance of the tabernacle built in the wilderness of Sinai, its function, and the operation of the Levitical priesthood, also why the tabernacle was built with those specific divine instructions? Answer:

The tabernacle illustrates and defines Elohim’s Supernal Nature, Body and Purpose. Yahweh has a Supernal Nature composed of three manifestations (Yahweh the Father, Elohim the Word or Son and Yahshua the personification of the Holy Spirit. This Supernal Nature can transform itself into an anthropomorphic human shape and form and then back again into Pure Spirit. This is done through a divine pattern and a set of spirit laws regarding the purpose and operation of the three compartments of the Tabernacle called: Outer Court, Holy Place and Most Holy Place in the book of Exodus. As such, the Tabernacle Pattern shown to Moses in the Vision is a blue print of not only the construction of the Universe and all therein, but it is also a blue print of the human body. Learning the spiritual law and functions of the Tabernacle is what shapes and forms the inner man into the image of Elohim while we still possess this tabernacle. Paul says we will be covered with a more perfect tabernacle in the resurrection. Yahshua resurrects in the heart and mind of a living person, for it is a living teaching.

The Tabernacle functions as ‘measuring rod’ that can be used to line up the three witnesses in the earth: spirit, blood and water and the nine various vessels represent how all the parts work together to form one complete Tabernacle. The Tabernacle provides a dwelling place for Yahweh among the Israelites. The first Tabernacle of the Wilderness period was a type and shadow of the True Sanctuary or Body of Elohim – Yahshua the Messiah the II Adam. The structure of the Tabernacle and the Levitical Priestly duties illustrate how the invisible spirit law of Yahweh operates in Elohim. Yahweh who has no shape and form – takes on shape and form through and in a person’s mind and heart as they begin to learn and understand the purpose of each divine room and the function of the nine vessels in the Tabernacle. All these vessels and their function point out the structure and function of Yahshua our Redeemer.

The Tabernacle was built with specific instructions see Exodus 25:8-9: “And let them make Me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them. According to all that I show you, after the pattern of the tabernacle, and the pattern of all the instruments thereof, even so shall you make it.” No deviations were allowed. The Pattern given to Moses in Mt. Sinai consisted of: The Court Round About, The Holy Place and the Most Holy Place.

1. Most Holy Place Entered through the second veil - Exodus 26:31-35 and it contained: the Ark of the

Covenant with the two Cherubim whose wings overshadowed the Mercy seat, it contained the 10 commandments given to Moses.

2. Holy Place Entered through the first veil and it contained the Golden Altar of Incense, the Seven

Branched Menorah and the Table of showbread. 3. Court Round About Entered through the strait gate it contained the brazen cup of holy anointing oil, the

brazen laver and the brazen altar of sin sacrifice. A thorough knowledge of the operation and an understanding of how these 9 vessels were used in accordance with the divine pattern provide the proof and evidence that Yahweh really

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exists and that there is a plan and divine purpose that continues to function throughout the ages of time. It is possible to understand events in the past, present and future through an understanding of how the Tabernacle – ‘a shadow of things to come’ has been restored in the Sanctuary of the Messiah’s Body. The divine pattern that was shown to Moses on Mt. Sinai in a vision is the Divine Archetype image of Elohim that gives shape and form to us. As we learn its structure and correlation with other branches of knowledge it can literally transform everything back into the Temple and Garden of Eden when all things were in a state of unity. Moses saw three separate rooms, but realized that it represented 1 Tabernacle and not three separate tabernacles. Each of the rooms was separated by a veil to show forth the fact that there is a series of divisions between two things that result in a third thing. The second veil divides the MHP from the HP and it contained blue, purple, and scarlet colors and was decorated with angels and cherubim. The first veil divides the HP and Court round about; but angels were only decorated on the inside of the veil that faced that Holy Place. It is now very important for us to learn how to line up each section of the Tabernacle with a reference to the: blood, water and spirit because these are the three witnesses on earth that correspond to the Heavenly three witnesses. According to 1 John 5:7-8, “For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit: and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness in earth, the spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one.”

The Supernal Nature:



The designation of Priestly duties corresponds to the three witnesses: There was one High Priest and there is one Father. There were two Low Priests that performed all the services needed to maintain and sustain the Tabernacle they correspond to the Word and the Holy Spirit. They also had daily duties such as the offering of sacrifices in the Court round about. They offered incense on the Golden altar of incense in the Holy Place in the morning and the evening. The Levitical priesthood also performed particular daily and annual services in accordance with the divine pattern shown to Moses under the dispensation of the law. The court round about contained the Brazen Laver and Brazen altar of sin sacrifice. The altar had four horns on each of its corners. The priests placed the blood of the sacrifice here for the sin offering. After the sacrificial lamb was skinned and cut up it was then purified or washed in the brazen laver. The priests also washed up in the brazen laver. After this the sacrifice was then burned on the brazen altar. They had to eat everything that night and anything left over was to be burned.

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The three witnesses of the Court Round-About:

Brazen Altar represents the Blood and Death Brazen Laver represents the Water or Burial Cup of Holy Anointing Oil represents the Spirit or Resurrection

These responsibilities were instituted by Joshua under the dispensation of the law; we now live in the Age of Grace and are currently responsible for knowing how the Word or Son is the True High Priest and Sanctuary Yahshua who fulfilled the law. 2. Who was Joshua the son of Nun, Moses’ minister and what role did He play?


Roles of Joshua: Type and Shadow of Yahshua Messiah Cloud by Day & Pillar of Fire by Night Deliverer and Saviour of Israel The Rock The Angel of Yahweh Moses Minister Captain of the Army Sent to survey and capture Promised Land

Yahweh Elohim was in Egypt with Moses and Aaron as the figure named Oshea of the Tribe of Ephraim. Ephraim was the second son of Joseph and the brother of Manasseh (Gen 48:14). The Hebrew word “Ephraim” means ‘very fruitful and productive’ – and also ‘Elohim has made me fruitful in the land of my affliction’ Gen 41:50-52 all point to the role that Oshea would play in delivering the Israelites to Canaan the Promised Land. This figure is mentioned in Numbers 13: 8, 16

“Of the tribe of Ephraim, Oshea the son of Nun.” Numbers 13:8 “These are the names of the men which Moses sent to survey out the land. And Moses called Oshea the son of Nun, Yah-ha-shuah” Numbers 13:16

“Oshea” basically meant Saviour in English, and Moses added the divine letter as a prefix to the root ‘shua’ thus, Yah Ha Shua – Yah the Saviour or ‘I will be the Saviour’. Ayah Asher Ayah is a verb phrase that is usually rendered “I am that I am” in the KJV, but this does not accurately describe the original intention of the word: “I will be what I will be”. The first account of this figure appears in Exodus 17:9-14 where Moses prepares for the war with Amalek. Moses records Joshua as belonging to the tribe of Ephraim, but Yahshua was also recorded as being the son of Joseph of Nazareth for the sake of the genealogical records. Oshea is the second son of Joseph who prophesied that Elohim would deliver Israel from Egypt. Gen 50:24-25 “Joseph said to his brethren, I die: and Elohim will surely visit you, and

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bring you out of this land unto the land which He swore to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob. Joseph took an oath of the children of Israel, saying, Elohim will surely visit you, and you shall carry up my bones from hence”. This was a reference to how Elohim would travel right along side the Israelites every step of the way. Although his identity was hidden from the Israelites at that time, the Apostle Paul confirms who the Rock really is and was. He wrote about this figure in I Corinthians 10:1-4:

“Moreover, brethren, I would not that you should be ignorant, how that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea; and were all immersed unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea; and did all eat the same spiritual food; and did all drink the same spiritual drink; for they drank of that spiritual ROCK that went with them: and that ROCK was the Messiah”

The ‘Rock’ is mentioned several times in Psalms, the letter of Luke, Paul and even is given as a name to Peter. In Numbers there is account of how Moses struck the ‘rock’ and he and Aaron are then forbidden to enter the Promised Land. I believe this reference to the ‘rock’ referred to Joshua or Yahweh Elohim who had been with them the whole way in disguise. Joshua through the will and power of Yahweh Elohim transforms into whatever they needed to sustain them. However, the Israelites are not and were not aware of this great mystery. This was the moment that Yahweh wanted Moses to tell them a little more about the ‘rock’ and thereby ‘sanctify Me’ according to Numbers 20:12: “Yahweh spoke to Moses and Aaron, because you believed me not, to sanctify Me in the eyes of the children of Israel, therefore you shall not bring this congregation into the land which I have given them” Each part of the journey through the Wilderness including the ‘water of Meribah’ are evidence of a migration of movement and a change of consciousness that is reflected in the upward trek from Egypt to the wilderness and finally the Promised Land. All the events of the wilderness are played out in our lives as we go through the wilderness of this material life in the earth plane. We seemed to be ashamed to admit that Yahweh could dwell in a human body among people. That Yahweh can dwell with people is a very natural spiritual reality, but it seems to be blasphemy and this is why Yahshua knew that many would always be offended in him. But if you can hear his voice and see his form then you too can find a way to be healed by the serpent that was raised on a pole and escape the bite of the fiery serpents. Our own fears and doubts create the monsters (fiery serpents) that haunt us, we fear the spiritual reality (unknown symbolized by cloud) coming into our life and yet we must go to the thing we fear most to be saved. I do believe what this teaching indicates about our salvation and I know the method is true. Moses attached the figure of Joshua to Ephraim as Yahshua was attached to Joseph and Luke confirms this fact in Luke 3:23 where he writes: “And Yahshua Himself began to be about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph”, Yahshua only appeared to be Joseph’s son in the same way that Oshea appears to be of the Ephraim tribe. The prophets confirm that Israel did not know the true identity of the Messiah.

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Jeremiah 8:12 states: Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? Nay, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush: therefore shall they fall among them that fall: in the time of their visitation they shall be cast down, says Yahweh.” Isaiah 10:3 states: “And what will you do in the day of visitation, and in the desolation which shall come from far? To whom will you flee for help? And where will you leave your glory?” Hosea 9:7-9 states: “The days of visitation are come, the days of recompense are come; Israel shall know it: the prophet is a fool, the spiritual man is mad, for the multitude of your iniquity, and the greatness of persecution. The watchman of Ephraim was with my Elohim: but the prophet was a snare of a fowler in all his ways, and placed a hateful thing in the house of his Elohim.”

Yahshua also told the Israelites and Sanhedrin that he was before Abraham’s Day. John 8:56-58, “Your father Abraham prayed to see My day: and He saw it, and was glad. Then said the Jews to Him, You are not yet fifty years old, and have you seen Abraham? Yahshua said to them, Verily, verily, I say to you, Before Abraham was, I am.” The Angel of Yahweh appeared to Abraham and warned him and his family to leave Sodom. When Moses went to the top of Mt. Sinai the 2nd time alone it was Joshua his ‘Minister’ that transformed into the Super Incorporeal form of a man with divine limbs and attributes. It was Joshua who went to spy out the land with Caleb and brought back a good report of confidence when the Israelites were complaining and saying that terrible things were waiting for them in Canaan. Joshua was there going into the feared lands and raising their consciousness to continue traveling forward into a ‘land not seen’, but at that time they did not know it was Yahweh Elohim with them. We all must enter the ‘unknown’ in the beginning of our Exodus and journey into the wilderness. The Jewish academies refer to this figure as the ‘Kabod’ and ‘Glory’ that dwells on the Throne of Ezekiel’s Chariot. This figure is the Archetype Original Pattern that was shown to Moses in a vision. Moses saw an anthropomorphic being transform into nine divine vessels or attributes that combined themselves in a three fold sequential process that results in the heavens, creation and all that is contained therein. This happened through the process of transmutation, cell generation, cell division and cell amalgamation that brought forth the production of organs and systems that came together to animate and give life to the entire operation of Universe. This Super Incorporeal Spirit Being is Elohim. Joshua was portrayed as a young man and Yahshua was only 33 years old at his death-burial and resurrection. Joshua was always in the Tabernacle and Yahshua at a young age was usually found in the Temple talking to the Rabbis. After Moses died Joshua leads the Israelites across the Jordan River into Canaan land where he fought and conquered 31 kingdoms after they crossed and 2 before they crossed over for a total of 33. Even though he did all these things they didn’t know his true identity, in the same way that Yahweh has been with us, but we didn’t know his true identity either. This explains why the disciples and most of the Sanhedrin kept asking Yahshua – “Who are you?” Isaiah told them who to look out for when he wrote: “he will be called ‘Immanuel’” which means ‘Our El is with us’. They still didn’t

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recognize him because only Yahshua can perform the actions that will save Adam and his progeny. This was in fulfillment that Israel would not know the time of their visitation, just as they didn’t know their visitation in the Wilderness after departing from Egypt. In Joshua the 24th chapter he reveals his true identity and role, but because they translators have inserted the word “Lord” wherever he refers to himself, it is not readily apparent. Even though Joshua apparently died at 110 years of age to show forth the Jubilee and was buried in the earth he will still able to come through the loins (dust of earth) of the Virgin Mary in fulfillment of Adam being born from the ground of Adamah (a female name for the earth). However, his incorporeal spirit was not buried in the earth because it lives on as the Holy Spirit that continues to dwell and inhabit those that can see through the vision of the Tabernacle pattern and its spirit laws. The New Testament is not written in pen or ink, but by the Finger of Yahweh upon the heart and mind of those that have become ‘epistles’ in the greater ‘Book of Life’. 3. Solve this mystery. “Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the

number of the beast: for it is the number of a man and his number is six hundred threescore and six.” (Revelation 13:18) Answer:

Satan, the Devil, the Adversary are just a few of the descriptions of the Son of Perdition. His attributes are the exact opposite of the Son of Righteousness. He tries to duplicate himself in the creation by imitating the key components of the Kingdom. John wrote about this figure in the above verse, but even though many different traditions arose from within Christendom, none really know how or why this evil spirit has manifested itself down through the ages and dispensations. The Son of Perdition is the original ‘fallen angel’ that was cast out of Heaven (Most Holy Place) and has been reserved in darkness until the great day of judgment when he and all the fallen angels will be cast in the lake of fire. He still continues to manifest himself through the ages and even into our own. He was first in Cain and received the mark in the Ante-Diluvian age, and then he was manifested in Pharaoh and in his soothsayers and council and in Yahshua’s time as Judas Iscariot. He has an appointed mission and will not cease from it until the very last hour. The following explanation of how he has manifested in three ages is taken from the textbook written by Dr. Henry Kinley, ELOHIM: The Archetype Original Pattern Vol IV p. 56

666 and the 3 Ages

Flood Crucifixion Ante Diluvian Age Post Diluvian Age Present Age of Grace Lucifer & Cain Pharaoh & Judas Pagan Rome (Nero) Politics Papal Rome (Pope) Religion

I John 2:19, 4:1-4 is a warning to believers regarding how to identify the true spirit of Elohim. Those that can confess Yahweh is come in the flesh can see the vision and have a chance to gain Eternal life. While those that don’t confess it are still already condemned and dead in their sins and are considered ‘anti-messiah’. John writes about how many ‘anti-messiah’s’ would

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rise in the name and confuse many all over again. Dr. Kinley wrote about how to identify this beast through the number 666, the following is breakdown of his analysis: Rome or Mystery Babylon was originally called “Saturnalia” and the short form is ‘Saturn”

Babylon Pagan Rome Papal Rome S 60 N 50 V 5 A E I 1 T 400 R 200 C 100 U 6 O 6 A R 200 (N) 50 R N 666 K 100 I 1 A U 5 E S S 60 F A I 1 R 200 L 50 666 I 1 I 1 D 500 E I 1 666

The 1st Ecumenical Council of the Roman Catholic Church took place in 325 AD under the Emperor Constantine. Then from Pope Sylvester 1 and on down into our own age there has been a mystery of error repeating itself throughout the various doctrines and heresies posing as ‘ministers of light’. There had been wars between the Protestants and Catholics for years, but no one was ever able to point out just how wrong both these traditions really are until it was proclaimed publicly by the IDMR classes. Now there are many teachings and theories floating around regarding who the ‘Beast’ is or will be and this just gives further testimony that it is not possible to know the truth unless the ‘man of sin’ is first revealed and exposed. The Papal throne imitates the Ark of the Covenant with the 2 Cherubim on each side. Yahweh dwelled in the midst of the 2 Cherubim in the form of the Shekinah. The Pope sits between 2 human priests appointed by human tradition appearing as Elohim on the Throne Life, when in reality he is the Son of Perdition and his Throne is of death and destruction. Paul wrote in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called Elohim, or that is worshipped; so that he as the Almighty sits in the Temple of Yahweh, showing himself that he is Mighty One.”

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Even then they knew who the figure was that would sit in the hearts of the multitudes of the earth and deceive many to damnation and death through doctrines of devils perpetuated from the Greek and Roman paganism from which it rose. This figure still sits on the Throne of those humans that don’t know his true identity. Only by the light and wisdom of the true Tabernacle pattern given to Moses and stipulated throughout the scriptures, can a person learn how to free their mind and heart from the error that perpetuates itself. Paul wrote regarding this figure: “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition” II Thessalonians 2:3-4. Until this ‘man of sin’ is revealed to a person, then he still sits in the Most Holy Place of their consciousness and their house is still full of darkness and ignorance. The ‘mark of the beast’ is in the dead consciousness of those worshipping the Beast and is also seen in the hand gestures used to signify the Cross. Yahshua said call no man Father and yet there are priests and ministers that still call themselves ‘Father’ to their congregations. Many people think they know what the sign means, but they have only developed new superstitious beliefs regarding 666. The number 6 is a sign of incompletion and the number 7 signifies ‘completion or rest’. The Tabernacle has 7 steps or dimensions that mirror the 7 days of creation or Perfection and Righteousness. Satan lives in the incomplete portion of the day and therefore Satan is not really a complete creation he is really empty and not filled. Like the glamour of the material carnal world and all its traps, he only appears to be desirous and complete and this is the great deception that manifests in many ways in the world today.

4. Explain how Yahshua fulfilled the 3 days and 3 nights in Joseph’s new tomb as He

had stated “For as Jonas was 3 days and 3 nights in the fish’s belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.” (Matthew 12:40) Answer:

As we have seen, the signs and prophecies of the Old Testament have their meaning and fulfillment in Yahshua the Messiah who enacts the New Testament (letters of the Apostles) and it is through the comparison and contrasts of the two Covenants that we find out how to stand in the ‘present’ of the Holy Place. Dr. Kinley explains how Daniel’s most mysterious and important prophecy has been fulfilled. Daniel 8:1-2 and 13-14 describes the cleansing of the Sanctuary and how the 2300 Days prophesied by Daniel have been fulfilled in the Death, Burial and Resurrection of Yahshua the Messiah. Volume IV page 45 of the textbook entitled: Philosophy of Elohim the Divine Tabernacle Pattern explains how Matthew refers to the 2300 days written about in Daniel’s book. Matthew explains the 2300 days in relation to the events of the death-burial and resurrection of Yahshua. Matthew 27:50-53 implies that the Body of Messiah is the Sanctuary:

“Yahshua, when He had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the Spirit. And, Behold, the veil of the temple was torn in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks broke; and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, and came out of the graves after His resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.”

The resurrection had an impact on the opening of the graves and it prompted another journey and entrance into the ‘Holy City’ that had been trampled underfoot for 2300 days or 70 Weeks of years.

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This is likened to the migration pattern that Moses demonstrated in the movement from Egypt to the Wilderness and then finally Canaan Land the Promised Land of Rest. When all will ‘rest’ in the Sabbath Day at the end of the week Yahweh will be All in All. The Heavens, Firmament and Earth will declare the Glory of Yahweh. John 2:19-21 is a scriptural reference to the fact that His Body is the Temple. “Yahshua answered and said to them, destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up. Then said the Jews, Forty and six years was this temple in building, and will you rear it up in three days? But he spoke of the temple of his body?” The crowds around him most likely thought he referred to the Temple of Solomon, but he spoke in reference to his own body and person that he declared would be reared up the third day. Now this is where the prophecy of Jonah and the whale fits in as explained by Matthew 12:40 as he compares the experience of Jonah in the belly of the whale with Yahshua being in the ‘heart of the earth’ for three days and three nights. This is not just a symbolical analogy, but is actually the key to calculating the 70 weeks of Daniel’s prophecy. Dr. Kinley states in the same section that Daniel saw the vision B.Y. 555 which is 49 years or 7 weeks before the decree of Cyrus in B.Y. 534. Accordingly we arrive at:

33 years of Yahshua’s Days in the Flesh +457 years before his Birth 490 are the 70 Weeks or 490 years of Daniel’s Vision

The 490 years extended to Pentecost to fulfill the prophecy. There are 7 component pieces to Daniel’s Vision: Daniel 9:24 states, “Seventy weeks are determined upon the people and upon the Holy City to finish the transgression…….

1. Time allotted 70 Weeks 2. Finish the transgression 3. Make an end of sins 4. Make reconciliation for iniquity 5. Bring in Everlasting Righteousness 6. Seal up the Vision and Prophecy 7. Anoint the Most Holy Place

These 7 spiritual commandments have been fulfilled through the sacrificial body of Yahshua the true Sanctuary. It was cleansed in 2300 days and also serves to rectify the fall of the 1st Adam through the restoration of the 2nd Adam.

*1000 years Friday crucifixion 1000 years Saturday the rest in Joseph’s new tomb 300 years The Resurrection from the tomb 2300 Sanctuary of Elohim rose as a gloried spiritual Body

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1000 years = 1 Day with Adam -930 years = Adam total lifespan 70 = 700th part of the solar day or 70 days short of one Eternal Day with Yahweh

*Reference from Elohim Textbook Vol. IV Page 47 1961 Edition Jonah and the 2300 Days can be compared to the same events. See page 48 of the Textbook for a fuller treatment. 1000 = 1 Day in the sea which typifies the Death 1000 = 1 Day Jonah is in the whale which typifies the Burial 300 = 300th part of Day then Jonah was released which typifies the Resurrection 2300 = The 70 Weeks of Daniel’s vision regarding the Messiah The 3 days of Jonah 1:17 is the only sign given in Matthew 12:40 to confirm the fact that the 70 Weeks have been fulfilled.

5. What was the Messiah’s actual birth-date? (prove in one page) Answer:

The Messiah’s actual birth-date is not December 25th and it was not during the winter when everything is in a state of death as typified by the Snow. The actual birth-date can be found by using the references left in the scriptures regarding the month that Mary conceived. The Hebrew calendar is based on the month Yahweh appointed to Moses after they left Egypt. Abib is the Hebrew name of the first month of the Hebrew calendar. This month for appointed to the Israelites see Exodus 12:1-2. IT corresponds to the English calendar 4th month ‘April’. The English calendar does not accurately account for the true astronomical cycle of the Sun’s revolution. March/April is the beginning of the true Solar year, but the people that created the calendar both before and after the Gregorian changes did not base their cycles on science. Because Easter is a ‘moveable’ day in the religious calendar of the church, it was decided that the whole calendar would have to be adjusted to accommodate this ‘moveable’ day. In Christianity the rule is that Easter can never fall in the same week as the Jewish Passover. Thus, it gets moved around based on the traditions of men. This is just one of many alterations and changes that the calendar has been subjected to.

Therefore, to determine the correct birth-date of Yahshua we must determine that month of conception and then simply count down 9 months which is the time it takes for a woman to deliver the child. Mary conceived in the Hebrew month Elul which is the 9th month in the Hebrew calendar. From Elul to Sivan there are 3 Hebrew months, but in the English calendar it appears to be the 6th month June. Luke 1:26-27 states: “And in the 6th month the angel Gabriel was sent from Yahweh unto a city in Galilee…….” In the English calendar September is the 9th month that corresponds to the Hebrew Elul the month Mary conceived. It takes 40 weeks or 9 months for the sperm to take on shape and form in the womb. 9 months later would give us a birth-date in June according to the English calendar. Adam was created the 6th day and then placed in the Garden of Eden. Since the 1st Adam is a type and shadow of the

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2nd Adam and the 1st Adam was born on the 6th day, then according to his analogy the 2nd Adam or Yahshua the Messiah has to have been born on the 6th day to fulfill the scripture.

However, due to many unwarranted deletions, and additions to the English calendar it appears that it is the 6th month when in reality it is the 3rd month (Sivan) according to the Hebrew calendar. Many people have developed a dependence on Christmas to brighten their year – they feel it is only natural to want a ‘quickening’ of spirit. But only Yahshua the 2nd Adam is the true Light and High Priest that works in the true Sanctuary of the Greater more perfect Tabernacle making the atonement for all who died in the 1st Adam. He is the ‘quickening’ spirit that can cheer the heart and comfort the mind. December 25th is the birthday of Mithras a pagan deity thought to have been born in a cave. This celebration was enacted at the Roman ‘Saturnalia’ a pagan celebration that took place during the winter. Many of the pagan attributes of Mithras were assigned to the figure known in Western Christianity as Jesus. Besides that atrocity they even altered the English calendar to accommodate the pagan festival of Easter. The spring season is thought to represent the resurrection which is the beginning of the Hebrew year. The English calendar is off by two months both astronomically and numerically. September is really the 7th number in Latin, and October is the 8th, November is the 9th and that makes December the 10th. December is really the only the 10th month, January and February were moved to the beginning when it is really spring and the resurrection, but our current calendar has the year beginning in the winter season. This shows that not only religious tradition, scripture and names have been altered, but that even the calendar we still use is not chronologically or astronomically correct. When January was declared the first month those that forgot and used the older calendars were called ‘April fools’. As long we don’t know Yahshua we are still ‘fools’ of the worldly wisdom of the carnal world.

6. Explain what each item of the first pass-over meant and what it pointed to and how it was fulfilled. Answer:

It is stated in Vol. I page 67 of the Textbook that: “After Elohim had poured out (9) plagues upon the Egyptians, He (Elohim) instituted the first Passover with Israel, and simultaneously with the pouring out of the (10th) and last plague in which the 1st born of all the Egyptians were slain when the Angel of Yahweh passed over Egypt.”

The prophetic death of Yahweh’s Son the ‘first fruit’ on the cross foreshadowed the death of the Egyptian 1st born because they refused to listen to Yahweh through Moses. Whereas the Israelites that put blood on the four posts of their doors were saved by the blood. They were saved from death because the blood was a symbolic representation of the blood Yahshua would shed on behalf of Israel the Nation. The Levitical service that would require a slain lamb without blemish to fulfill the law had not been appointed to Moses and the Levites when they were still in Egypt. The paschal lamb slain in Egypt by Moses and Aaron foreshadowed the Levitical service that required a sacrifice on the altar of the Tabernacle. Yahweh told Moses to kill a lamb and then place the blood on the top of the door, and on the two side posts of the door. They had a basin with the blood in it and they carried it with them to put the blood on the 4 posts of the door. The blood or Death protected them from the 10th plague. The High Priest also had to place blood on the four horns of the brazen altar of sin sacrifice. The Spirit is the

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Cloud that accompanied the Israelites through the Red Sea and into the Wilderness. The Water is the Red Sea and the Blood is the blood from the door posts. The 3 witnesses in Heaven and on Earth were all in the events of the Passover. As they emerged from the burial in the Red Sea they were resurrected in the Wilderness of Sinai. All this typifies the death-burial and resurrection of Yahshua the Messiah after the crucifixion. Moses told the Israelites to raise up a serpent on a pole when the fiery serpents were biting the complaining Israelites that pestered Moses all the time. This was a sign that the serpent that was sent to bite and punish them was now also necessary for their salvation. This was a hard saying for them to understand, but it showing the type of death Yahshua would undergo. It was all first acted out in the Wilderness through the actual lives of the Israelites, it is now enacted in the lives of all those that continue to put the blood of Yahshua on the four posts of their heart.

Items of Passover Yahshua’s Passover Slaying of lamb crucifixion of Yahshua makes Him the Passover Lamb Sprinkling of blood of lamb crown of thorns 4 door posts two hands and two feet nailed to cross

It was night when the paschal lamb was killed and it turned dark from the 6th hour to the 9th hour as Yahshua hung on the cross. After the 1st born were slain Pharaoh released the Israelites, and then later he chased them to the Red Sea hoping to overtake them. The Red Sea typifies the brazen laver and Joseph’s new tomb where Yahshua was laid. As the Israelites passed over (Ibri) they were baptized in the waters of the Red Sea and Pharaoh (Man of Sin) and his host was drowned. The baptism in the Red Sea is a reflection of the priest washing in the brazen laver of the Tabernacle. This was fulfilled through Yahshua’s burial or baptism in Joseph’s new tomb. Judas the (Man of Sin) figure in fulfillment of Pharaoh’s demise was slain by his own hands. Pharaoh’s own hardened heart results in his death. The Israelites then journeyed to the Wilderness (Holy Place) from Egypt for 3 days which reflects a resurrection. The Priest’s resumed their duties in the Holy Place of the Tabernacle. This was fulfilled when Yahshua resurrected from the dead on the 3rd day. Yahshua Elohim our Saviour and Redeemer is the true Sanctuary.

Outer Court Body of Messiah Nefesh Holy Place Soul of Messiah Ruach

Most Holy Place Spirit of Messiah Neshamah

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The Tabernacle and all its 9 vessels and three compartments represent Yahshua’s work of salvation:

1. Ark of Covenant signifies how Yahshua Elohim dwells in the midst of the Cherubs as the Shekinah Glory in the pre-incarnate manifestation of Yahshua Messiah. Yahshua All in All

2. The Mercy Seat signifies where Yahshua sits on the right hand of the Father in Heaven as our Defender.

3. Altar of Incense signifies the true Rest of the Rock through faith. Yahshua is worshipped with prayers, psalms and songs.

4. Seven branched Candle-stand signifies Yahshua the source of Light our (spiritual life)

5. Table of Shew-bread signifies Yahshua the bread of life our (physical life)

6. Brazen Altar signifies the purifying fire of the sacrifice and the baptism of Fire and the Holy Spirit

7. Brazen Laver signifies the cleansing water of sanctification from the Rock and Water of life –“Come to me all you that thirst” is something Yahshua always said.

8. Brazen Cup of Anointing Oil signifies the ‘quickening’ of the Holy Spirit in the believer

9. The Door or Straight Gate signifies that there is only 1 way in and it is through Grace we are saved. The Gate with its 4 posts illustrates there is only one way to get into the Tabernacle because there is only one way of salvation.

10. John 14:6 declares: “Yahshua said to him, ‘I am the way, and the doctrine, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through me.” The four posts represent the four races and weakness of Adam, the four gospels and the four colors of the veil.

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7. Individually give a detailed description of Yahweh, Elohim and Yahshua and state the distinctions. Answer:

1 John 5:7 “For there are three that bear witness in Heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit: and these three are one.” John’s witness is proof that the threefold pattern of operation is very important, not only on the earth but in Heaven. More importantly, the threefold pattern itself along with everything that has been created in this pattern proves that Yahweh – the One Spirit is able to manifest in three different conditions. This can be illustrated through the process of condensation, for as the cloud ascends back into the atmosphere it later descends as the many forms of precipitation that occur whenever the cloud releases the water it contains. Water heated up is as a vapour, water cooled down is liquid and able to be consumed, and water that falls below the 32 degree range will freeze into a solid ice cube. The scientific law of energy conservation is very integral to scientists and they have learned to count on the laws they can only see at work. They cannot duplicate the laws they can only learn to see how the laws operate. In order to show forth the invisible operation of the spiritual reality of the divine pattern to humans Yahweh broke his Supernal Nature or ‘self’ down into sections of three and in this way each biblical commandment and event is lined up within a framework called the ‘pattern’ and it as the Incorporeal Word shows forth the hidden gospel of Yahshua. The hidden gospel is the ‘Name’ itself it is the ambassador and representative of the Creator. The Son is the Name and when it is hidden (buried under false names) from us we are in a deathlike state. But when we uncover it and bring it forth out of the darkness then we witness its power of resurrection when we accept its guidance and presence into our lives.

Moses saw this Name that was given to him at the burning bush in the form of an Angel transform itself into the great Tabernacle Pattern while he was on Mt. Sinai. A great cloud covered the mountain and when the Tabernacle was finally complete a cloud always appeared over the top of it. The Israelites were guided by this ‘cloud’ which actually represented the invisible state of Yahweh. Then Moses, Aaron, Abihu and the 70 Elders saw the manifestation of Elohim who is visible in visions on Mt. Sinai. So at first only Moses receives the Name and is able to commune with Yahweh through it, then many others are able to commune and have a vision of Elohim because they receive the Name. Finally Yahshua the Rock actually accompanied them in the flesh not just in visions, but they were not allowed to know his hidden identity at that time. So this shows us that even though they thought they knew the name and were able commune with Elohim, they still didn’t realize the identity or person that manifested the third form. It seems that it is easier to think of Yahweh as something that doesn’t dwell with humans and is far away, many people think it is blasphemous to say that Yahweh can dwell in a body as a person. The Sanhedrin that sentenced Yahshua accused him of this very thing. Yet there are numerous pieces of evidence in ancient literature that describes the Angel of Yahweh to make a case for the fact that there are plenty of biblical concepts and extra-biblical doctrines that prove Yahweh could dwell in a human being and appear in a human body at will and for whatever purpose was needed.

Yahweh is symbolized by a cloud, but is not the cloud. The cloud is a symbol how something can cover the entire earth yet have no shape and form, and we live inside it and our atmosphere is composed of it and rain is its gift to the earth. Yahweh exists as a totality of 9

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divine attributes: Intelligence, Knowledge, Wisdom, Beauty, Justice, Love, Foundation, Strength and Power in the form of pure spirit. Yahweh is pure spirit in the abstract form with no form or creative motion. Elohim in the intermediate form manifests these attributes in the operation of the Tabernacle because each of the divine attributes represents one of the 9 vessels or furnishings of the Tabernacle. Elohim embodies the divine attributes in the form of a man or great Heavenly anthropomorphic spirit man that appears in visions and dreams to the prophets and patriarchs and who also appeared as human being named Yahshua Messiah. Elohim is a plural title and a noun therefore it represents a male or female person, place or thing. Yahweh is a name and the third person perfect tense of the Hebrew verb ‘ayah’ which therefore shows forth action or being. When these divine actions or attributes are in a person and the Divine Name is written in the forehead and hand then that person by all intents and purposes has been given a new name – Yahshua. Yahshua represents the solid material manifestation of the presence and attributes of Yahweh Elohim. The spirit of Yahweh Elohim manifested in the flesh as the Holy Spirit and Comforter. The duality of Elohim is also seen in how Joshua the son of Nun whose identity was hidden from them instituted the ordinances of the law, while Yahshua of Nazareth whose identity was revealed fulfilled the laws and moved them out of the way. This was another indication that the time was near, Yahshua actually opened up the scriptures for them and showed them where it was written of Him in the Psalms and the Prophets. This hadn’t happened before- this is why the whole world is without excuse for not knowing more about the Creator and Heavenly Father. Elohim is the true Author and Finisher of law and the prophets; El is the true WORD that embodies within Himself all things of the invisible and visible worlds. Elohim is the Aleph-Tau and the ‘All in All’ see Heb 12:2.

Yahweh Elohim Yahshua 5 Books of Moses Law Prophets (Joshua-Malachi) Biography and letters of “N.T.”

Spiritual Source Substance Theoretical Metaphysics Biological Spirituality The Comforter sent by the Son of Man writes the New Covenant on the heart and mind of all true disciples and believers. Elohim created the angelic host and the physical creation by and through Himself alone. The Tabernacle pattern has a system of operations that show how Yahweh ascends from the solid state back into the pure spirit state or vapour like form in order to illustrate that this operation is what brought all life in the Universe into existence. Elohim’s purpose is to make a new creation and a new creature in the template or pattern known as Yahshua Elohim. When you are in Him you are a new creature in the new creation. 2 Cor. 5:17

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According to the textbook Vol. 1 page 52 the following is a small demonstration of the distinctions: Father Yahweh Vapour Pure Spirit Most Holy Place Abstract Proton Nucleolus Canaan Word Elohim Liquid Incorporeal Holy Place Intermediate Neutron Nucleus Wilderness

Holy Spirit Yahshua Solid Corporeal Outer Court Concrete Electron Cell Body Egypt

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8. Who wrote Genesis and where do these writings chronologically go in the Bible? Answer:

Moses wrote the book of Genesis, but Elohim is the true Author and Finisher of the scripture of testimony. Moses was inspired to write the book of Genesis after he and Israel departed from Egypt, and the account of this event is recorded in the book of Exodus.

a. The 1st time Yahweh Elohim called Moses to the top of Mt. Sinai he gave him precepts and lines and three days to clean up and gather round the Mt. This was before Moses was given the 10 commandment law on the two tablets. See Exodus 19th chapter for the full account.

b. The 2nd time Yahweh Elohim called Moses up to the Mount he entered the midst of the cloud that surrounded it and was given the two tablets with the 10 commandments. It is then that Moses saw the vision of the Tabernacle and the creation of the heavens and earth in a six solar day sequence of events that unfolded in an orderly fashion. See Exodus 24th chapter.

c. The 3rd time Moses cuts out tablets to replace the original tablets that he broke when he learned that Israel had built the golden calf to worship an Egyptian pagan idol. It is during the 3rd trip that Moses saw all the history and lineage of all humans that would ever be born. Moses then sees Eve’s transgression in the Garden of Eden and realizes that evil has a purpose in the divine plan. If he had seen this during the previous vision he would not have gotten angry at Israel and broken the tablets.

This vision is what Moses recorded as Genesis Chapter 2 and Dr. Kinley was shown not only what Moses saw from the beginning of the vision, but he also saw what John witnessed on the Isle of Patmos showing that he contains both of the visions within himself. The book of Genesis is actually a record of the visions Moses saw on Mt. Sinai during the 40 days and nights he stayed on the mount in the cloud. He realized that the creation lives in the Day of Eternity and that all the 63 generations of Adam would be born from the loins of the first Adam, but it is the 2nd Adam that would breathe the breath of live into our clay bodies that constitutes Eternal life.

Therefore the 2nd and 3rd trips together comprise the account of the book of Genesis known in Hebrew as ‘Bereshit’ ‘which basically means: ‘Beginnings’ and ’Work of 6 Days’. Genesis chapter 1 chronologically belongs in Exodus Chapter 24 verse 16 where it is stated:

‘And the cloud covered it 6 Days: and the seventh day He called to Moses out of the midst of the cloud’’ The 70 Elders wrote the first five books: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers & Deuteronomy under the supervision and guidance of Moses who dictated to them from the vision he saw. The Exodus happened before the vision because Israel had to first depart from the low land of Egypt into a higher ground which was the wilderness where they learned and experienced firsthand what it is to come from death to life and then back to death again. Only those that learned to endure the tribulations and overcome their own sins were able to make it out of the wilderness alive. In our day and age Yahshua is merciful and does not lay all the burdens on us that were on the Hebrews, although we all do have our share of problems and tests. All

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these things were a type of schoolmaster to show the way out of one consciousness into another higher consciousness that only exists in Yahweh the Eternal Existing One. This is why the Exodus has to be before Genesis because there is a kind of going out or journeying into Yahweh that has to take place first –Exodus 24:16 then comes Genesis 1:1-31 and then Genesis 2:1-4. Then the explanation of the events of what had just happened to them in the wilderness was shown to them in the book of Genesis as Moses explained what each day signified in the creation pattern they were able to make more sense out of their wilderness experience. So we see how Time actually exists inside Eternity and all things that have been created (Beriyah), shaped (Yetzirah) and made (Assiyah) really do inhabit the Day of Eternity. The world was not made in Time- Time itself is part of the creation. The record of the creation in the 1st chapter of Genesis is not a depiction of the actual creation, but is a vision that Moses actually saw and then later had recorded in the Book of Genesis. Furthermore, it says that this creation took place in the day, not six days. Moses wrote: ‘’These are the origins of the heavens and the earth when they were created in the Day of Yahweh’’, this Day refers to the realm of Eternity where all things already exist and function in accordance with the true purpose and plan of Yahweh and it has no (End of Beginning) time. 9. Explain 1st Corinthians 6:19 “What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the

Holy Ghost which is in you and are not your own?” and Psalms 82:6 “I have said, Ye [are] Elohim; and all of you [are] children of the Most High which you have of Elohim, How is your body the temple of the Holy Spirit? Answer:

Here Paul is referring to the ignorance regarding how the Temple of our Body has become the Tabernacle of Yahweh. The Levitical functions and services in the Tabernacle have been transferred to the ministration of the Holy Spirit – Yahshua in you the only hope of glory. Paul is furious that the Corinthians who were known for their wisdom and visionary activity didn’t have more knowledge and respect for their own bodies and yet they claimed to be spiritual minded. Their Body the Outer Court, their Mind the Most Holy Place and their Heart the Holy Place was altogether darkened and because the light of Yahshua was not in them their doctrine was in vain. In the verse right before 6:19 he teaches and exhorts them that food is only a substance to maintain the body it is not the source and life of the body. Like the Hebrews in the wilderness the Corinthians were murmuring and complaining and disregarding the fact that Yahshua had resurrected and fulfilled the ceremonial laws and rituals that directed their lives.

Psalms 82:6 opens with Elohim in the Greater Tabernacle judging the ignorance of humanity to discover their role and identity in Yahweh’s purpose and plan. Psalms 82:5 states: ‘’They know not, neither will they understand: they walk in darkness: all the foundations of the earth are out of course.’’

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The ‘’precept upon precept and line upon line’’ in Isaiah 28:7-29 relates to the ‘’foundations’’ in the above verse. The Corinthians are like Isaiah says drunk with wine, the priest and prophet both err regarding the teaching, and they err in prophetic vision and stumble in judgment. Those that can learn how their body is a Temple must be ‘weaned from milk’ and ‘’drawn from the breast’’.

‘’For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line; here a little, and there a little:’’ This was the ‘’rest’’ and refreshing after the darkness but like the Hebrews the Corinthians would not walk in the Light – which is the ability to see Yahweh Elohim manifesting Yahshua the Messiah through the Law and the Prophets. Because of this Isaiah was prompted to write:

So that all vision is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed, which man, deliver to one that is learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee and he says – I cannot for it is sealed……….

The word (precept) comes from the Latin [pracecipere] and it means [to teach]. It is a commandment or instruction that is intended to serve as a mandatory guide of conduct; it also refers to technical instruction of some kind. The Tabernacle pattern and how it compartment operates is the mandatory precept but because people have forgotten the ‘foundations’ and do not know or understand Elohim’s Supernal Nature and Divine pattern. They do not know how it relates to them individually for each person is still literally walking in darkness as long as they don’t know who Elohim is or how they are Elohim themselves. The Psalmist says, ‘You are Elohim as children of the Most High’ but this fact is not seen without an understanding of how the physical body is made in the image of the divine tabernacle pattern. Dr. Kinley revealed this teaching to a Physician Dr. Robert Harris who later helped Dr. Kinley depict the Tabernacle pattern in the human body on charts and visual aids through his own medical and scientific background and understanding of the divine pattern and its three fold spirit law. This can be found in Vol. III of Elohim the Archetype Original pattern – I will briefly outline the main ideas in order to not just repeat verbatim the entire account.

Everything comes from a seed or egg which symbolizes a covering or shell that divides one kind of life or existence from another. The life of everything comes from a small drop (fertilized egg) of what looks like a white misty substance that contains laws and codes (genetic) that are invisible to the naked eye. Yet genes and chromosomes come together to bring about shape and form, but it still can’t be seen and this represents Elohim who can be seen in vision. Later the cells amalgamate and then shape and form can be detected as the embryo which eventually transmutes into a foetus that transforms into a new born baby. This three fold spirit law operate at every level of the human body just as the same three fold law operated in the Tabernacle of Moses. Every human being has been in the three different states [1.having no shape and form, 2. shape and form but invisible and 3. visible material 3 dimensional form) as illustrated through the analogy of the developing fertilized egg. This represents the Beginning stage of life and corresponds to Yahweh the amorphous, gaseous like cloud that is in the beginning of all things before it takes on shape and form. The substance contains

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chromosomes and DNA that replicates itself in accordance with the divine pattern to form every species after its kind. This illustrates how the earth was empty and void in the beginning and without form in the beginning of Moses vision. This is evidence that Yahweh – is the Father who must be worshipped in Spirit because He Is Pure Spirit as typified by the potency of DNA and all the cells that continually reproduce operate a spirit law in accordance with the body’s own metabolism.

Just as the embryo cannot be seen and then the foetus later begins to take on shape and form until it is completed as newborn infant demonstrates that there is a sequential pattern of events and all this is hidden from the naked eye just as Yahweh cannot be seen by man in the abstract state. It takes 40 weeks or 9 months for the egg to develop and finally mature and this corresponds to the Hebrews in the wilderness of Sinai wandering for 40 years. After the child comes through the birth canal it can be visibly seen and this represents a migration from one state to another or from invisibility to visibility. Departure from the Wilderness via the birth canal is likened to the Hebrews entering the Promised Land. The body of the child is covered with three layers of skin that corresponds to the covering of the Tabernacle. The inner cell layer of skin is called the endodermal, the middle cell layer is called the mesodermal and the outer layer is called ectodermal. This illustrates the three fold pattern and the reason for the thickness of the badger skins and other skins used to make the covering of the Tabernacle. The endodermal layer is responsible for forming the stomach and lungs, the mesodermal forms joints, bones, blood and muscles, while the ectodermal forms the skin we touch and the nervous system. Then each cell that the body contains is made up of a nucleolus, a nucleus, and a cell body. These cells then differentiate into a system of sections that lays the foundation for the creation of organs in particular regions. This demonstrates how the divine attributes come together in three sets of threes in the human body and how Elohim can transform into the nine vessels of the Tabernacle. The cells generate tissues that form the endodermal, mesodermal and ectodermal layers of skin this too demonstrates the tissues operate under the three fold spirit law and pattern. The nucleolus, nucleus and cell body demonstrate how there is one part that is contained by two other parts, for example the MHP is actually contained in the center of the Tabernacle and everything moves out from the center. The Universe is continuing to expand outward from the center, all energy in atoms emanate from the center of balance they controls their spin cycle. The nine systems of the human body branched out and begin to give order and unity to the three fold body, soul and spirit which are the three witnesses in Adam.

Crown Divine Intelligence Nervous System Knowledge Wisdom Reproductive System Endocrine System Beauty Respiratory System Love Justice Circulatory System Excretory System Foundation Digestive System Power Strength Muscular System Skeletal System

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The child has a body, soul and spirit and it also has a head cavity, chest cavity and abdominal cavity that makes up the human body. There are organs in each cavity that correspond to the service performed in the Tabernacle. Man is three fold from start to finish and this is evidence that the human body is patterned after the Tabernacle pattern Moses was shown on Mt. Sinai. Yahshua lived in the flesh for 33 years and Moses saw the history of all the generations of flesh as he continued to see the vision that he would later have constructed. Yahshua fulfilled the 33 days and this can also be seen the in the 33 vertebrae that make up the vertebral column in the human body. The vertebral column gives the body its upright position and Yahshua fulfilling the 33 days in the flesh is our righteousness. There were 12 Tribes assigned in groups around the Tabernacle and there were 12 Apostles assigned around Yahshua. John confirmed this in his vision when he describes the twenty four elders surrounding the Throne of Yahweh and the human body must also bear the witness and this can be seen in the 24 ribs that are actually broken into 12 ribs on each side of the vertebral column. The tribes and the apostles are surrounding Yahshua the vertebral column with its 33 vertebrae typifying each day of Yahshua’s life in the world.

The Law and Prophets correspond to the Anatomy and Physiology of the human body and as anatomy represents the law of the body, the physiology and functioning of the nine biological systems correspond to the prophets. A working knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the human body will reveal how the human body is the Temple of Yahweh. Starting from the top of the Tabernacle there is the Most Holy Place with the two Cherubim overshadowing the mercy seat as their wings touch each other and the Shekinah dwells in the midst of them one large eyes peers out which reflect how Yahweh is always present and all seeing or omniscient. The two cherubim or archangels represent Michael who carries out the orders given to him and Gabriel who is sent to deliver the messages. In the human body the cherubim represent the right and left hemispheres of the brain and Michael corresponds to the motor function and while Gabriel corresponds to the sensory function that is responsible for sending and receiving messages from the brain to the rest of the body. The Shekinah was actually a vision of Elohim that would occur on the Day of Atonement and the Shekinah represents the grey and white matter in the brain that is likened to the cloud that led the Israelites through the wilderness of Sinai. The grey and white matter of the brain leads the human temple in its daily operations. The Ark of the Covenant contained the two tablets of the law given to Moses and this corresponds to the two lobes of the pituitary gland because they are placed in a bony like vessel in the base of the brain that has a covering similar to the mercy seat that covered the ark. The 2nd veil of the Tabernacle that divided the MHP from the HP was blue, purple and red to correspond with the neck of the physical body that separates the head cavity from the chest cavity. The blood vessels that make up the veins (blue for impure blood) and arteries (red for cleaned blood) of the neck represent the colors of the veil and the iodine (purple) of the thyroid gland is for the purple in the veil.

The Holy Place contained the altar of incense which the high priests burned to rid the Tabernacle of the stench of the sacrifice and the fragrance of the four ingredients: stacte, onycha, galbanum and frankincense was pleasing to Yahweh. They represent the four ingredients of air which no man knows how to duplicate and which provides the breath of life in the human tabernacle. The seven branched menorah that had to be filled with oil that burned all night, represent that heart and aorta that stems from it and gives light or blood to the human

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tabernacle all night and day. In the human body of the chest cavity the lungs correspond to the altar of incense in its function. The larynx which is just above the windpipe has 4 horns just as the altar had four corners air has four ingredients that burns in our body creating the process of oxidation. The table of showbread corresponds to the four chambers of the heart. The golden candle-stand was located on one side of the Tabernacle and the table of showbread was on the other, and this corresponds to how the heart is placed more the left side of the body and the aorta is positioned closer to the right side. In the Court or the abdominal cavity the two kidneys represent the brazen laver that was used to wash the sacrifice and it also shows how the water of the Red Sea were separated to permit the Israelites to cross over. In the body the two kidneys are separated to show the exodus. The two adrenal glands right above the kidneys contains adrenaline that gives the body a ‘quickening’ when trouble is near and this is represented by the holy anointing oil that points to the resurrection and ‘quickening’ of the Holy Spirit. The brazen altar corresponds to the excretory functions of the body and contains the large intestines and the small intestines where food consumed by humans is finally burned and released at the gate (rectal opening), just as the sacrifice of the altar was left at the gate and the remains was burned outside the gate. The gates and bars of the Tabernacle are the various bones that support the structure of the body with its three layers of skin and muscles and sinews. Furthermore, all these separate vessels or organs bind together with each to maintain the anatomy and physiology functions of the human body in the same way that the divine attributes combine with each other to perform the services of the Greater Tabernacle of the Universe. This is just a very brief discussion of how the human body can be likened to the Tabernacle pattern to show forth how the Temple of Yahweh is the human body. Just as the law and the prophets (2 Witnesses) are necessary to show the source and operation of Yahweh’s invisible spirit law, so the anatomy and physiology (2 Witnesses) of the body shows the cause and effect of human beings.

10. Explain in general (one page), not in detail, what the book of Revelation is about? Answer:

John’s record of the vision he saw on the Isle of Patmos is a confirmation of the vision Moses had on Mt. Sinai. Both received their vision in an elevated state to show the migration from (Egypt) a lower consciousness to the transition into a higher consciousness (Canaan). Which again illustrates how Yahweh manifests from a pure spirit substance and back again into a physical concrete material body. John describes the same Super Incorporeal anthropomorphic shape of a man designed in the pattern of the Tabernacle Moses had built in the Wilderness. However, John brings it up to date and illustrates how Yahshua the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world, has become the gloried Son of Man clothed with a garment (the coverings of Tabernacle) down to his feet which represent the Gate or the ending of the Tabernacle. The feet were said to appear like burnished brass and this was to fulfill the brass and gold of the altar with its fire near the Gate in the Outer Court. John said his head and hair were white like wool which shows forth the Cloud above the mercy seat. His eyes were said to look like ‘flaming fire’ which corresponds to the flickering and shining of the Shekinah Glory as it rested upon the Most Holy Place.

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The Book of Revelation actually constitutes the testimony of John that he also saw Elohim transform from the Tabernacle into the High Priest of Sanctuary – Yahshua Elohim. John experienced and witnessed the complete role and purpose of Yahshua’s ministry 63 years before the experience on Mt. Sinai. In 96 A.D. he was told to ‘bare record of the Word of Yahweh, and the testimony of Yahshua the Messiah, and of all things that he saw’ (Rev 1:2) and this fulfills the fact that there were 63 generations that came out of the creation that Moses saw and John had to wait out the number of years before he could write down what he saw.

Summary of correlations between Moses and John

Moses vision in Exodus 24:9-10 John’s vision in Rev 1:12-16 Exodus 25: 40

John saw the new heaven and earth being drawn out of the old heaven and earth just as the New Testament is drawn out of the Old. Everything shows a continual revealing from one condition into another.

Moses vision in Genesis 1:1-2 John’s Rev 1:9-10, 15

John is told not to write what the 7 Thunders uttered because Moses had already written about them as a representation of the 7 Days of Creation. Because John was witnessing to the vision from the ending back to the beginning he is told to reveal the pertinent facts of how these events related to the Son of Man. Moses tells them how to prepare the paschal lamb that is to be slain from the foundation of the earth (Egypt) is confirmed when John explains how Yahshua the Messiah is the lamb slain from the foundation of the world. See Exodus 12:1-6 and Rev 13:8 for the details. Exodus 25:8-9 corresponds to Rev 21:1-3 in that John confirms that the Tabernacle of Yahweh shall dwell with his people through Yahshua Elohim the true Sanctuary. Moses saw how the Tabernacle was empty of its furnishings in the beginning of the vision and John sees how the Tabernacle is filled and the Sanctuary is transformed into an anthropomorphic form of a human body with all the vessels and operations of the Tabernacle functioning as a completed creation.

11. What did John mean and where did he get it from when he said “In beginning was

the Word, and the Word was with Yahweh, and the Word was Yahweh.”? John 1:1 Answer:

Yahweh is pure spirit and as such cannot be see by humans except in a vision in the manifestation of Elohim the Word and Son. Moses and all the prophets saw this form of a man they described with anthropomorphic terminology that still eludes most of the Christian world. Many new editors of the scriptures have tried to gain supporters of their plan to do away with all the anthropomorphic references in the scriptures. This is because they are ignorant of the reason and reality of this divine phenomenon and they can only rely on the ‘traditions’ of the Mishnah, Talmud and other Jewish commentary on the scriptures. Isaiah records in 8:20 ‘To the law and the prophets, if they speak not according to this Word, it is because there is no light in them” and Yahshua saw that certain priests and scribes constantly searched the scriptures looking for ‘eternal life’, but the scriptures testified regarding how and why Yahshua

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is the Rock of Eternal Life. The true meaning of the scriptures is hidden in the Word the living Eloah. Therefore, John writes in the 4th Gospel: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Yahweh and the Word was Yahweh” (Elohim appearing in visions to the patriarchs, matriarchs and prophets). This was at first, but then the Word manifested not just in visions anymore for it became a human being (Yahshua) with flesh and bones and walked among humanity. After the death-burial and resurrection the Word is now a quickening spirit that brings all things to our remembrance of the divine pattern and spirit law operating in the entire Universe. It is the Comforter that teaches the invisible inner man that the flesh and blood only cover like a garment. Paul says this tabernacle of the temporary material flesh will be replaced by a more glorious spiritual celestial flesh in the New Earth State or Kingdom. The Word is now appearing in the Greater more perfect Tabernacle of the Universe operating as our High Priest and manifesting in the cloud of man’s mind when the true gospel is taught using the precepts and lines of the law & prophets. When the true name Yahweh is understood and dwells in a person’s heart and mind then they are able to also have a vision and revelation of the Word. This event was initiated at Pentecost, but since then because the true names and this pattern were no longer known or taught, the world continues to lie in the darkness that John describes. Those that can accept that Yahshua has ‘come in the flesh’ in our own day and age will be saved and those that cannot are considered ‘anti-messiah’. The world cannot comprehend the darkness or recognize the light without Yahshua who divides between the two and provides a path to escape the great deception and mysteries of error.

Elohim who is the Son/Sun of Yahweh was and is the beginning of the creation of Yahweh. This WORD or Son is one and the same. This Son was before the physical Sun that was placed in the Heavenly Tabernacle on the 4th day of the creation pattern. This is a type and shadow of the Son /physical that was placed in the flesh in the earth in the 4000th year after Adam is kicked out of the Garden of Eden for the transgression. The sun went down at the end of the day and it is then that Adam has to leave the Garden, just as the sun was going down as Yahshua poured out his own blood and energy to give life to the spiritual Kingdom. John knows that Yahshua is the Word and as such is the Author and Finisher of the law and prophets and all written in the Psalms about his work and purpose. Philo referred to this figure as the LOGOS and it was know to embody many attributes. Justin Martyr and a few other early writers referred to this figure as the Word that appeared to the patriarchs and prophets. This is further proof that many ancient records have been disregarded or discarded that concern the true identity of the Son of Man. Moses saw Elohim as the beginning of the creation and John saw Elohim as the ending in a restored Temple Sanctuary. He realizes that Yahshua the Word is the true Alpha (Aleph) and Omega (Tau) the complete alphabet from 1-22 and how each letter is realized and fulfilled in the Past, Present and Future. John expressed this as: He Who Is, Was and Will Be in order to confirm the three different states of manifestation of the Word in its birth, death and resurrection.

Tabernacle of the Word Yahweh Elohim Yahshua

Idea Thoughts Concept Knower Knowledge Known

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The three fold Tabernacle of the WORD is represented by the Idea that is formless, unknown to others and enclosed in the mind, just as Yahweh is formless, ineffable and is enclosed in the mind’s eye like the tablets are contained in the Ark and the idea of something can cover the consciousness like a cloud. Elohim corresponds to our Thoughts because our form or concept of an idea can be visible or invisible until transformed into words that can be spoken or seen. Yahshua corresponds to the developed concept that contains the idea and the thoughts about the particular thing we meditate upon. This can result in a material concrete manifestation as speech that can be heard with the ears or seen with eyes in a book. The divine Idea (pattern) LOGOS Word first existed as pure spirit or the principles of the divine attributes in potential before anything has been created, shaped or made. Until the Idea (pattern) is thought about and learned in the form of an organized system or living organism, it remains only an idea in potential. Our thoughts must contain the divine pattern of Ideas before the human can articulate, explain or write what the idea (hidden) in the MHP is in earthly material terms in the Outer court (expression of Word as speech or written word). In this way the Word of Yahweh actually enters the human mind and heart and transforms the darkness into light. Showing that He is truly the bread (loaves on the table) and light (7 branched menorah) of the world.

12. What was the Messiah’s name while he walked the earth and where did the name

“Jesus” come from? Answer: There has been a multitude of different groups since the early 80’s that began to incorporate some form of the Hebrew name to their Christian doctrines. Some do more harm than help, and some are the result of outright lies and deception perpetuated by Satan and his ministers of light imitating and insinuating that they are the makers and leaders of the Kingdom. This aggressive onslaught of name research has resulted in a ‘legion’ of idolatry and useless arguments that lead innocent seekers further away. First of all ‘Jesus’ has a Latin male ending ‘us’ and this is just one more thing that has been edited out due to an ignorance of the scriptures and the feminine side of the Creator. Yahshua contains male and female roots, for instance the prefix ‘Yah’ is the masculine portion of the name and ‘Shua’ is the feminine part which also bears the feminine suffix ‘a’. Yahshua actually said ‘I come in my father’s name and you receive me not’ in reference to the ‘Yah’ that was prefixed to ‘Oshea’ by Moses. Elohim is a plural word that also denotes the masculine and feminine reality of the Supernal Nature and the Shekinah is a feminine noun. The feminine element has been totally eradicated by the substitution of ‘us’ for ‘a’ as shown above. The name Jesus comes from two different components: ‘Ie’ the name of a Babylonian pagan god and ‘Zeus’ the name of a Greek god. The Romans attributed this name to the Jupiter deity ‘Ea-zeus’ (healing zeus). Zeus was considered the ‘sky god’ and in Latin this is ‘Deus’. The Greek form of this eventually became ‘Ie-sous’ and the Latinized form became through contraction roughly ‘Iesus’. King James added a further tail to the tale. Instead of having his translators use the letter I he adopts the letter J and this is when the world was introduced to the hybrid Tower of Babel known as ‘Jesus’. The Letter I derived from the letter Y which in Hebrew is ‘Yodh’ which signifies a ‘hand’ in its symbolic expression. There was no ‘J’ in Hebrew it has been derived from adding a ‘tail’ to the letter I to distinguish it from the two

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different sounds that start with a Y ( as in yellow) and one with a J (as in jump). This distinction does not exist in the Hebrew alphabet or the Aramaic alphabet which are the languages most likely spoken. John wrote that not one ‘jot or tittle’ should be removed from the scriptures or all the plagues would be added to man, the ‘jot’ is the letter Y or the Yodh the 10th letter of the Hebrew alphabet. It has been removed from the scriptures by ancient scribes that prohibited the spoken word or even the written word to be uttered or seen it is now known as the Tetragrammaton in most dictionaries and encyclopaedias. The word [‘alpha-bet’] is from the first two letters of the Greek alphabet – alpha and beta. The letter Aleph represents Elohim the beginning of the Creation and the four nations of man: Eagle, Lion, Ox and Him (Man) showing forth that all things are contained within two component units that come together to form a third and final product. The Hebrew letter ‘Sh’ is missing in ‘Jesus’. The Hebrew letter ‘shin’ is made of three yods that are linked together to show the three fold pattern and how the 3 is literally in the middle of (Yah)man and (Weh) womb-man or the heavens and the earth are joined in one in Him. All this is characteristic of the letter ‘shin’ which has also been discarded by many. The material world of the flesh cannot contain all the deep and mysterious things of Yahweh, only the spiritual world can hope to touch the mountain of holiness and not get burned. Only those that enter in at the strait gate (Yahshua) can return to the restored Garden of Eden which is the ‘City’ that all the ancient prophets and saints longed to see and enter. The Name Yahoshua (Yahweh’s Salvation) is the Angel that leads us all out of Egypt if we will only stop and look at the burning bush that is right inside of us.

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