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    Ater the maiden Youth Olympic Games recently hosted

    by Singapore which brought together 3600 athletes

    amongst whom were hundreds o Aricans, attention

    is now ocused on yet another great sports event the 19th

    Commonwealth Games billed or New Delhi, India, rom 03

    to 14 October 2010. Arica will be represented here by 19 de-

    legations. Hundreds o Arican youths are thus expected in

    the magnicent Indian city to deend the continents colours

    in 17 sports disciplines that eature on the games schedule.

    I do not in the least doubt the potential o our athletes, or

    many o them are accustomed to high level competition.

    My message to the athletes and the ocials accompanying

    them is that they do Arica proud. Our continent is once more

    expected to be at the centre o a planetary event. Instituted

    in 1930 as the British Empire Games, the Commonwealth

    games bring together many countries that vie or more than

    just medals. Thus, alongside the promising sports compe-

    titions, the various participants meet to showcase diversevalues and cultures through a common language, English.

    Aricas massive participation in this Anglophone estival

    organised by the Commonwealth Games Federation testies

    to the esteem in which the continent is held in the concert

    o Commonwealth member nations. I thereore call on all

    young Aricans taking part in them to hold their heads high

    and do Arica proud both on and of the competition grounds.

    Since June 2010, Arica has been very active either in or-

    ganising or participating in major planetary sports events.

    Be it the 19th edition o the FIFA world cup in South Arica,

    the maiden Arican Youth Games in Morocco, the maiden

    summer Youth Olympic Games in Singapore and the 19th

    Commonwealth games in New Delhi, Arica came under the

    spotlight. New Delhi 2010 is an important sports event or,

    besides glory, it afords our athletes yet another opportunity

    to ully brace up or upcoming events. Lets bear in mind thatLondon 2012 is already around the corner.

    We hope that New Delhi will be a memorable experience or

    all these young Arican athletes; beyond some o the excep-

    tional perormances which we shall surely see, we hope it

    will enable them discover other cultures and diferent cus-

    toms and share the values o sport.

    Presidents Message

    Bound for delhi 2010!

    Sptmb 2010

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    AnoCA act

    ANOCA Update

    September 2010

    Appointment of members of the Women and Sport Commission

    ANOCA ocials recently appointed members o the Women and Sport commission o the governing body o the

    Arican Olympic Movement. It comprises 11 members, all highly experienced sports administrators. An essential link

    in the ANOCA chain, the Women and Sport commission has the daunting task o giving greater exposure to womens

    participation in the promotion o sport and Olympism in Arica. The commission is chaired by IOC member Mrs. Beatrice

    Allen. Here is a comprehensive list o its members:

    Chairlady: Mrs. Beatrice Allen, IOC member (Gambia)

    Rapporteur: Mrs Miriam Moyo (Zambia)

    Members: Mrs Dagmawit Girmay, IOC member and member o the ANOCA Executive Committee (Ethiopia)

    Mrs Teresa Filomena Quarta, member o the ANOCA Executive Committee (Angola)

    Zone 1: Mrs Meriem Mizoui (Tunisia)

    Zone 2: Mrs Aminata Keita Sangare (Mali)

    Zone 3: Mrs Aminata Nah Foana (Cte dIvoire)

    Zone 4: Mrs Moukouri Yvette (Cameroon)Zone 5: Mrs Irene Murasanga (Tanzania)

    Zone 6: Mrs Miriam Moyo (Zambia)

    Zone 7: Mrs Gulrajani Aarti (Mauritius)

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    AnoCA act

    ANOCA Update

    September 2010

    ANOCA present at the celebrations marking the 50th anniversary of the Rome Olympic


    The rst Vice President o ANOCA, Hon. Mustapha Berra, personally represented the President o ANOCA at the

    celebrations marking the 50th anniversary o the Rome Olympics on 10 September 2010. It was a heavily attended event

    which was graced by eminent personalities like the President o the Republic o Italy, Giorgio Napolitano and several

    IOC members. It was an ideal occasion to remember many o the illustrious names that have let indelible ootprints

    at the games. Speaking on the occasion, the President o NOC Italy stressed the symbolic nature and signicance o

    the 50th anniversary, while the President o the Republic expressed the wish that Rome will one day host the Olympic

    Games again: We are all dreaming o it Giorgio Napolitano said emphatically.

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    noC nws

    ANOCA Update

    September 2010

    Ater 11 months in the cold ollowing a controversial IAAF gender probe, 19-year old CasterSemenya o South Arica, world champion in the 800 metres (women), was on 25 August

    2010 included in the South Arican team which will take part in the 2010 Commonwealth

    Games in New Delhi. Caster has, since her readmission, participated in three races in her

    avourite distance, and even clocked 1:59.90 during the Berlin meeting on 22 August 2010.

    SASOC President, Gideon Sam, signed a release in which he expressed satisaction at the act

    that the young champion would be participating in the Commonwealth Games: I am very

    happy Caster Semenya is back in team South Arica. We have closely ollowed up her progress

    since the IAAF authorised her to run again and it is nice to hear her say that she is concentrating all her eorts on theCommonwealth Games.

    SASOC happy with Caster Semenyas comeback

    NOC Cte dIvoire backs organisation of a training course for fencing trainers

    NOC Senegal gives financial backing to national federations

    NOC Cte dIvoire recently backed the organisation o a reresher course or encing trainers in

    Abidjan. The training, which brought together 25 trainees, was acilitated by an international

    instructor, Mr. M. Pape Toure. At the end o the training, Mr. Toure acknowledged that all the

    trainers were now very qualied to train practitioners o this sports discipline, observing that

    they were quite receptive throughout their training. The practical exam was difcult in the

    beginning due to stress. However, everything returned to normal thereater, he pointed out.

    During the closing ceremony held at the NOC headquarters, the Vice President o NOC Cte dIvoire, Proessor Constant

    Roux, declared that the National Olympic Committee will not hesitate to assist encing whenever the need arises. He

    requested the trainees to be more enduring in the discharge o their duties.

    The ceremony was graced by the Director General o Sports, Mr. Douh Pierre, representative o the Minister o Sports

    and Urban Hygiene. He lauded this initiative, observing that it was time Cte dIvoire paid particular attention to other

    disciplines. Mr. Douh Pierre pointed out that It is disciplines like encing that will do Cte dIvoire proud.

    NOC Senegal recently distributed nancial packages to national ederations in a bid to sustain

    the latters sports development eorts in Senegal. Valued at about CFAF 30,000,000, the

    cheques were handed during a ceremony that took place at the headquarters o NOC Senegal

    in Dakar. In a speech presented on the occasion, Vice President Mr. Issa Mboup, who handed

    the cheques on behal o the President, Mamadou Diagna Ndiaye, pointed out that: It is not

    the rst time that NOC Senegal, which comprises all ederations and all sports movements,

    is doing this. I think this is the third time we are granting subsidies. This annual subsidy ispart o President Ndiayes road map. On behal o all the ederations, the President o the Senegalese Labour Sports

    Federation, Tony Ndoye, expressed satisaction with such an action: We are happy to receive this subsidy which is quite

    timely, since it has come at a time when we are grappling with a lot o nancial diculties, he concluded.

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    noC nws

    ANOCA Update

    September 2010

    Bilateral Cooperation: ZOC partners with SASOC

    Zimbabwe Olympic Committee (ZOC) and the South Arican Sportand Olympic Committee (SASOC) on 18 September signed a bilate-

    ral agreement in Bloemontein, with the objective o joining orces

    to develop sport and Olympism in the two countries. ZOC President,

    Mr. Admire Masenda, signed on behal o Zimbabwe, while Mr Gideon

    Sam, SASCOC President, signed on behal o South Arica. The coope-

    ration shall be based on talent identication, doping control and pre-

    paration or major events like the All Arica Games and the Olympics. Reacting ater the signing o the agreement, the

    Executive Director o ZOC, Mr. Mutsauki, termed it a strategic partnership. The two executive directors were designatedas the ocal points o this agreement.

    NOC Tunisia concerts with national federationsNOC Tunisia held an important meeting with national ederations on 26 August 2010. Themeeting aimed at taking stock o the situation and coming up with concrete proposals to

    enhance sport in the country. At the end o discussions, which also touched on the relations

    between NOC Tunisia and national ederations, NOC President, Mr. Slim Chiboub, underscored

    the need or an exclusive centre or elite sportsmen and women, where national teams will be

    placed under ideal conditions while preparing or competitions. Furthermore, he announced

    the laying o the oundation stone o the new NOC building, observing that the land was a git rom President Zine El

    Abidine Ben Ali.

    The NOC President went on to say that his committee will on 24 and 25 September organise a symposium in Tunis onWomen and Sport, during which the best current and ormer sportswomen, as well as the best emale sports ocials

    will receive prizes. The Elyssa Trophy will thus be awarded in recognition o the progress, actions and outstanding

    contributions o women in the area o sport. It is NOC Tunisias way o rewarding merit, hard work and the untiring

    eorts o the women who have fown high the national fag.

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    ANOCA Update

    September 2010

    Aca spt

    Africa to participate in the 19th Commonwealth Games

    Basketball: The lions of Senegal confirm sub-regional domination

    The 19th edition o the Commonwealth Games will take place in New Delhi, India, rom 03 au 14 Oc-tober 2010. It shall bring together 72 Commonwealth member nations with 17 sports disciplines on

    schedule, including: athletics, badminton, bowling, boxing, cycling, gymnastics, weightliting, hoc-

    key, wrestling, swimming , netball , rugby, squash , table tennis , lawn tennis, shooting and archery.

    The ocial mascot o the 2010 Commonwealth Games is known as Shera , which comes rom sher,

    meaning tiger. Shera symbolises modern India, an executor with a positive attitude, a good citizen who is

    justiably proud o the age-old heritage o his nation, a erce rival with much probity and integrity. With re-

    gard to security measures, India shall deploy a special orce known as Tourist police, which is trained, to-

    gether with the local country police, to help tourists and ensure their saety and security during the games.

    A basketball tournament pitting several Zone 2 countries recently took place in Dakar, Senegal. On 18 August 2010, the

    6th and last day o play, the host country, Senegal, locked horns at the Marius stadium with the ormidable eagles o

    Mali, who were already qualied or the All Arica Games billed or Maputo. Though playing without their playmaker,

    Sy, who sustained a back injury, the Malians put up a sti resistance. However, despite a airly balanced rst quarter,

    the lions o Senegal nally edged them 67 63 to lit the trophy.

    Senegal thus conrms its hegemony on basketball in the sub-region. They will participate in the Aro-basket competi-

    tion with Mali, second team o the tournament.

    The ollowing players and teams received trophies at the end o the tournament:

    MVP : Ivan dAlmeida (Cape Verde)

    Highest scorer : Ivan dAlmeida (128 points)

    Fair play trophy : Guinea Bissau

    Tournament Line-up : Ivan dAlmeida (Cape Verde), Xan Christian Dalmeida (Senegal), Gorgui Sy Dieng ( Senegal),

    Amara Sy ( Mali) Mohamed Faye ( Senegal)

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    ANOCA Update

    September 2010

    Aca spt

    African Swimming Championships: South Africa ranked No. 1The Arican swimming championships recently took place in Casablanca, Morocco, rom 13 to 19 September 2010. The eventbrought together the continents best in the discipline and helped reveal new stars that made a real show o their talent during

    the competition. The South Aricans, who are accustomed to high level competition, literally dominated this 10th edition, which

    brought together 220 swimmers rom 20 countries. 40 events were on schedule, at the end o which South Arica topped the

    charts with 56 medals (27 in gold, 16 in silver and 13 in bronze), ollowed by Tunisia (18 medals) and Algeria (11 medals). The

    host country, Morocco, was ranked 6th with 2 gold medals.

    Medal Chart

    Gold Silver Bronze Total

    1. South Arica 27 16 13 56

    2. Tunisia 3 10 5 18

    3. Algeria 3 4 4 11

    4. Egypt 3 4 12 19

    5. Kenya 3 2 1 6

    6. Morocco 2 3 1 6

    U-17 Commonwealth championships: Cameroon (men) and Nigeria (women) carry the dayThe maiden U-17 Commonwealth championships took place in Cameroon rom 11 to 18 September 2010 at the magnicent new

    Sports Complex located downtown Yaounde. Four countries, Cameroon, Nigeria, Kenya and India, took part in the competition,

    though Kenya participated only in the mens competition. Unbeaten during the initial matches, the dynamic and solid Cameroon

    mens team was dreaded by all, and it once more conrmed this on 18 September 2010 in the nal that pitted them against

    Nigeria. The two teams actually treated the thousands o spectators who made it to the Warda Sports Complex to a thrillingshow worthy o the event. It ended 30 27 in avour o Cameroon. However, Nigeria turned the tides in the womens category,

    avenging their men by beating Cameroon in the nal.

    fa akgs

    Wm : 1st Nigeria, 2nd Cameroon, 3rd India

    M : 1st Cameroon, 2nd Nigeria, 3rd India, 4th Kenya

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    ANOCA Update

    September 2010

    Another tribute to Abebe BikilaOn the occasion o the celebration o the 50th anniversary o the1960 Olympic Games, the entire Italian Olympic amily

    decided to pay a glowing tribute to Abebe Bikile, winner o the gold medal at the hotly contested marathon event o

    the 12th Olympic games. A huge commemorative plaque was thus erected in honour o this great champion, a man

    Italians still remember as a hero and conqueror, a sportsman who went against all odds to shatter myths and place

    himsel at the top.