Download - ANo bELA AT6tiY [email protected]/decisions/22409.pdf · 5,AT~ OF WISCONSIN SUORE THE WISCONSIN iMPl.OYMENT RELATIONS C()MMISSION In tho Matter ,f the P.,titio" of WAUPUN ~DUCATION




In tho Matter ,f the P.,titio" of


Requ*,tiI\8 .. Oedara1:ory RuHne; l'II ...... nt 10 Section llJ.70(4)(b), Wlil. Stat!1t lnvolvin& A Dispute 8.1 ..... n Said Petition., and

Nc. ):~m 01((1>1)·327 Declsi~)n No. 22409



On October 6, ~98'1 the Wauj:un education Assoclstlcn ~JI~d a pt:tition with the Wl:u::on:;in Employment Rehtlons Commlulo~ s:e~ldns a dec:Jaratory rutins pursuant to Sec. l1l.70(4)(b), Stat!;. as to whether It had a :I~ty to bariaJn with the waupun School rustric:t over e,ut.lll'l proPQuh made by the Oi.c:trjc:t dl,lring eoUective barsalnil'lS. Tha parties wahed hearil'lg In t~. m;,tter and !ubmlued !1 factual ," whl<:h i& Inc:orpouhd into the lr'lltaM :='l.l\dln!; af F",ct. The p.rti" therea!ter f110cl wrltun "Iument wlth 'the period for filing ume having .xpired on Auguat 13, 1934. Hav.!',! reviewed t~e recOJrd and tl'wt pi.rtle~' .r,gumenu f the Comrhi""lon mC\~elJ ~nd luues tl"re f()lI~wing

fiNDINgs 01' MCT

, 'that the WIseonsin Education AssDCl.1tlon, 1"ICtUln th. AssocJat'ol'l, is a labor organi2.8tlon WJthJI1 the m ... nln! (If Sec .. 1I1.70(l)(h), St;p,ts.; and t~at the Associ ar:i on', principal repr.sen,ar:ive.s lot" pur pons :)f this pr[)eeedjnlt I!rc: lIAr. Mj<:I1 •• 1 L. Stoll, Staff C(lun(l.J, Wl&c::onsi:n Ed ucat~on AssochtJon Council! 1. 01 Weel BeUlln. Highway, P.O. 80. 2COJ, "".d;son, Il'i.oonoin ;3708 and Mr. Cery L. MHlet', Dlrectort Wlnnebago18nd UnlS~r~ Ur.1t-SQllth, 785 South Main Streett Fond du i.e(;, Wlseon"ln .54935.

2. That the! School District of Waupul"t, "'~reln th~ Djstl'lct~ I: ,;, lT1unir:ipa! employer wIthIn the meanins 01 Sec. llL70(l)(j), Slats., lOC'l.d at 9;0 WJlo~' Street, Waupun, Wheon.dn .sl9&.3r and that the Dls1riet ts prlr}1;:ipal rep~e.~I'I'ta.!i"~ i$ Attornty Mark L. Ol.$on, Mul('ahy and Wherry, S.C., zl.s east Milson Street) S1.Iite 1600, Milwauke., Wisconsin ,.3202.

3. That at all time$: material herein, the AssocJaUon Is and ha.~ bee:"l tt':~ exclus.i.Ye c:cllel:ti't'e barilinin& representatIve of employes of the Distritt in the b'r&aJn1':lt; unit com~o$ed of all full ... tlme- and taBular part .. til'l ... e emplo),C!'$ I:)f the District engiCE~d In tu.ehlng) 1.11eludlng c]a.ufoorn hiil::h.r:s, Title I teacher$, ,IIbrarlan..s, and gUidance couns.lors; .. nd that at all times material herejn~ the Auoc:iatiQn and the District have been partie, to a serle, of coUectj\'e barpihing agrl:emen't5 !;overr'ling' the "fIsges t I"touu .nd g1~her ~ndlttcns ot employment of the employ@s in tlAjci barEoIininc unlt, tbe most recent of whb:h expired by i tiS ~erm" on JI,JI:~ 301 1983.

Ii. That the abovl!'-mentlonad a~U·'3 ccHl!:ctl V',!, bar pi nins agreement provided ~!!l!, the 1011 ewing:

No. 22409

05/3~(2~05 ~2::3 ea82555930 WERe


2. Oltfinaion.~

b. Crievant: A grle\<ant ~ay be a teacher I a group Q: teachers, or the As&ociatjo'1~ subject to the I1mltat!OflS ct Section 4k) and Ie) of this Article.

4, Misc:.lJa,nEl'ous Provlslonu

c. Muhitl10c Gr1evances~ In thO.H: ($ invQlving Irievances Dy""""tea'Chers with Ide"tlc .. : (:Jalm5~ to avoid the f;Hna: of multiple &rlevo!lnce~, on.e'lce- may be flied whic.h Contaln:s the signatures of air grillvirlg 'teachers, COf!'~rrtlllr\cins: =:lit St~p 2.

c:l. The A.s50c:iation may pro-cess a all tt-sehtf~. A mlltter of (;Qntract int~:rpreU.tion the: rj~ht.$ (If one \,"'!dividual .1halt !'lot ~ de.mlld <1.11 As:srlciation irlcvance. The District /\.dmlnlstratcr shaH accopt the abfJve grJev .. anCt! as an AssOCiation grievance i!'l whlch cas~ th~ grit'v .. ance sn.a.ll ~ proel!:ist~ according to Ser:::tior, 3, Step 3 (')~ thls. ArUcle~

5. That the }\ssoclaUcln Crle'Vance language set torth abc)'\le in Section II.~'I Is the res-utt of a proposal made by the Auoclat{on during thll! negotiations which resulted In the !""~IH coHectivt' bargaining agreement; that durin! .uld negotiation!, it was thE! posltlQn of thE: AssCiclatlon that th(r: 1oHowin8 portion of t!1e 1977_19 c(jl1ect~ve l>arsajt)ing aSfet;mtM rtgardin@ Association ,grievan1!~S ~';'$ in,,~qt.l.t~ il'li.NnLlch as A!to<:iatlon r~pr(!:Sl:ntati ... es were experiencing difHcuJty irt cbtaining tht aquisite signature of at le.~'t one tucf1ttr !:-orn ea<:h buildlng:

d. i\§;oci«tjoTl Grievam:e: The Assoclat!on may process a grjevanc~ athctlng al1 teachers as IoHow:s:

1) At leillt one (!) teacher from Il,aer. bl,jildlng shall pr~pare s,ubsUl'lti.QUy idfilr'ltiClill srievancelli j", ,a,e:eQf_ dance wIt"', thh ArticJe .and punnt 1t t(l the Dl,­trlct Adm.! nit~f.ator.

2) '!hI!! Di:Ftrlct Adminhtratcrr shall accept 'he above individ~Hd ,rie'Yance: ae an association crievaoce In which cas!! t~e gT'l~van.c~$ sha.ll be proeess:ed according to Seetion 3; S":ep 3 of thi$ Art~c:l',

that dupit$ expressins con'C4!lrns: over the rT!:t.r-,n.r ill whkh such an I!xpllncr~d rit;ht to tile A$$ociation srievance9 would bt!! utiLzed by th~ AssocIation;! the representativ(;$. 01 t~. Dbtrict agreed to modHy tM~ thle:n.e~sting language of Section If,.d q Assocjatlon Gr~; and that tol! negotiated change resulttd in tnt" eurrent I$i',guaafl! of Section-T.d. ~ A:SS9ciatlcn Grle-.:~. wht~h tla~ beefl. a part 9! the pa:"ties' contracts since that time.

6. That the procedure prollis.l¢n~ ~d Articl~ VHI, $e:t forth abo· ... in. -Finding of Fact ~, .! H.ey relate t~ the A.s30ciaticn's indep~ndel"'tt tilht to 111e and' prQceu arlevanC:rA$; Ntre jnterpret~d anc applilltd by Arbitrator George R. Fhd't;:hli in ah Arbitfatior\ Awar<f, clued 3ul'IC: 24- t 191), whereIn Arbi.trator FJtischll ooncluded that the contractu!! len~IJa.,CI set ford'. in 'Finding Qf Pact or,.

~ir:i prec:lude- thlil AS8cda'tion irem in4eplM1dently fWng ill'ld processin~ ttrievances 11'1 certam (:1 rcumctancts.

No. 22~09

05i3~!2D05 ::::3 5J8::~~5330

7. That a.t ...'l.~ ~.ssion with the Assoclatlon on May 9, 19!3; the DLnrlc'l: proPQse<;' to delete:: the provislorus or Artlc:e VIn, Section I#.d., ~ c.iati~n G!'ievane., 1rom the parties' su'ccessor COlJechve'1ing a@I"~.menti th~t In explaining this; pr,oposal, the District, through i.t$, chi.! Mark 1.. Ohlon·) sUited tha.t thtl, O),strIct proposal wu il'l'ten::l.d to prl!!(h.:c:/e the A~$ocl!!­tion frorl independently fiUng and proe4uing grit!l'Y'.an¢es, wh-tther on i h owr, behalf Dr on behal1 of any merrabtr$ 1)£ the bats:.l~I"1: unit, that 01s:Jr; lurther indicated that since the CI,II~rent IMl8uI5Ige regatdi.tzg AS"$o(.:j-.tion grievances h~d been inCluded in the (!o}Je(:t:ive be.r~e.inif1g agieement, it waS! the f~~1it'lg of the Adl"/1:inisttation and Board that too many lrievances had b~t!n inapPMprl.at4ioly fiLed ~8 Association grievanct:s!1 rnther than &5 lnclvlcl,lal gtievill'1ces undOr the above­cited Janguage; that It 'I,'a$ f1.Jrthei sta:ed that such had been thC!: 1ear of tnt: Oi"triet reprl!seflta.tI~s il,t the tlmlt thp. currtl'lt languagli' regardiJ"!~ As:!Ociatil;ln «rlev""u:a had been ne&otlated by thl!: parties" and that th. District !represent&. .. tive'e: t~·erdore l'-elt the A5SO(:l~ti¢n grievance 16ngilag~ SnQuId be de!et~d ftom the ISlreem ent.


8. Th.i.t In,l Jetter 10 'WERe <Jeneral CQunsel Peter G. Davis; dated J:,dy I), 19&3, tl19 D1&1:rh:t, by Its c::olJrl'l(!'l and chlef :lego':Jator, Mark L. Olsonl, GtUed its interpretation at the pr'Jvhion~ Qf Artj(:le VnI, Grievance PrQCadlJr~ of the parties

l 19&1 .. 83 cQllectjv'IIi bugainlng aB:reern~nt, set l~ith abovo irf Findins of

F$(.t " to be as !olJows: '

~leBse b~ a.dvised ~1'I1.t the CIJ~ter'lt coJl~et.i.,.e bargaillirl, agretment :foes, it'! het, provide fcr the filing of A.".sgCjatl~1"! griev~nellli', und~r cilrUin 1i1'l'11htioms enUrnl;!ra1.ed In the aarQ.ment. Tl"la. Db~rle"t 1~ .. newere of any authority t~ the effect that the A,uo-eie.tioTl l'UI,1 an ind,=pendent r;g;ht to fIJI! grlevances uhdi!'r the ne:ge:tlahd grlevAllce prtleedure. Tt;. Dbo:riet will, therdQre". c.)nttnue to ~$SUme it!: posture to the effect thu the AssocIatIon mlJ:U I.U,in a nogotiated enlargement of h!: right to file Brievaneluo, 11 5lJ~n ar enlargement of thb. right i~ ;~O OC(;Uf. In the Ab"ence of Board usent, sUlch :1 right C3ilnot be cleem~d tel exL,t.

9. 'thu throi.I!~~hout thtt partie!' ~lJru'nt negotiations; the AssO/!'lBtion has Consistefltly refuud to agrft(! to any O,l"ttict propoub which wouJd limIt ti"!!;l As,soo::iatlon'$ il'ldepend~nt dsht to 'l!:l"l{or-.;;'e Its contract a"1d HIe grievance$, ~nd has p,opc~ed the fOUowing prQ'Yision tor ln~lu!iorl in t/'i.t- plrti!$l SIJ<;:ce!$Or asretment:

The AssocIation ~h.tll have th.;. rIght to ftl~ Al'Id proceu grievances on its own behalf or on behalf 1)£ iny member(s) of the bar,@:ainJns urtit and th!: Itxerc.iu of 5Uct richt shaH not he dep.ndent upon ob1ainir.~ the approv~l or slgnatuI"e of bargalning Ul"lit f'I'liemb",ds) aH~c.t~Q by :ouch grlevanees.

10. That.,t.a. bar~4inin& seulon on August ;t2, 1"Jl.31

the O:stric!iz (:h.i.~f negotiator' ,tated~ 1h.~ u:1der the par'r:.i~sl 1981-82 A8reernent~ the A$,soel .. tiol'l. did l'IIot ;,eve an indep~nd~nt rl~h! to file and prQIQIl'GG gr,ievanc:esl that by pro~c;.31n& io del ~te the provisl DOS ~f Arti cJ e VIII, :Sect; Or"! 4. d.. fro-n t"e plirt; 1:$' SU'-':C;€5.sor

1,:",e~mC'ntj .it wu the Di$t .. l~:t's intentijJn that on!:, giieva"C~5 !Hed and sjgn~d by one Or more ir,.di "idual ,tm;11oyes could be brought under the part'it'$' S!JCceuor coHe-ctiviQI bargainit'l8 ag,rt-ement j and tMU the Alsochltlon wDuld have no indvpe1"ld_ tnt rIght ~o fH~ er proceu grien.m::ui that £t the end ot this bargaining senjQ"'; thl! Ob1rict propo~u:::d to retain .tn 'th:1!! partje$' SI,lC(:!!&~er agreemel'lt the provhjQn,s of Secth,r, 2, 4.c. and lI.d. of Artl,;-'. V!l[. If thf! A:I!ociation would _,ree to dl'T;p Its propon.l to expre.uly reco-gniu the' .-'\.!sCl(:jl!l.tion's rilf'lt to f:J~ and process grievances on Hs tlwn behalf or on behalf of any membl!!rs of thE' bar_ lalning unit wUhout obtainJ:",.s the eppro,,"el or sign .. tlJre of bargaining unit mem_ bers affected by ;uch ~rie'~'ln,::~.; 01:111.:;( that the Assoc:13tion deClined to agre~ to this prop~al.

11. Th.~ tht: Di:strict'ls r;:urrent contrac::t proposal to the Associat:on, with respect to the grievance pral!l!dure pr~\li!:loi'u: r~lE'Yllnt Ht tlii!! PrQo::eo:ding

1 is to

retaln 1 n the !'~ti es' ;uceusor coJJec:ti. ve bar ,ai n,j nl~ egre-em en! those provhi ens of !ec:tlon!> 2, 4.<:. and 4.dl. (I'! ArtiC!" VIfI Stet forth abov~ in Fll'1dlng 01 Ftlc.t 4; and that th~ .,\uoda1ion ha~ filed th~ instant dclc!aratory r'uHng peotltlon contending that tP'to Dinrlce's: propouJ e!l teo Arth:ie vrrr, Sec'tI~1'I 4.c, j~ .il. perminiv. !>Lbject of bargaillinj~.

No. 22<09

12. That -:he OIUl'ict1$ Artic:hl VID, Seetic-n a.,d, prop(l.sal set fonr jl"l Fjndins of Fa.ct 110 precl\Jd~~$ ,zliS:SOClatlc1l'I uu 011h" contf'at::'tual grl~van€;e pr."r.;tdur~ absent an !iIImplc~ grievant and t~u.t dftctjv~!y r~nd~rs the contract une:"licrceable by a part)' !l-tereto .nd l~h.el'~by undj~r!mir-,e$ the:: AuO'eiq.tion'5 statutory rlgh't to barpin as tf'le oex::::lysive repr·ese:ntaHve: of f:m;:rtQye5.

U. That :he Dl!trltt's A.rtlcl~! VnI, Section 4.d. proposal set !Ot'tf'l ir-. finding of Fact iI d08 not pritnal'U:~ reJate t'O \l1'aB~t:~ hQurs and condltll!!l'!;$ ,:~d @:mpjoyment •

Based upon tha above and forego~r'B F'inding~ of Fact, 1h~ C(:Jmmi:l::!iflO makes an1 hsue$ th. fOllowing.


Thet the Dls'trlc;;:'s It,nlcJe VrD:, SectIon 4.d. proposal set i~rth :n t!'le lIi"dlnc of Fact 4 Is a. ~lerrni$She 51Jbject of b.3.!"S2liring within tnt!: ",e~r1ing of s.c. 111.70(.1)(0), St., •.

BaSI!C upon the abQv.~ arid fOl"egolng F'indi".~ of Fact a.nd Coo~l/JsiQr. of law. the Commiulon !'I"Il'lkoel! a..,d b.,ue:J the fQl1tJwlng

~~rORY RUl;.lNG 1/

1/ PunUGnt to Sec. 227 .1t{ 2} t St~lts. ~ tf'l. em rni s~io." her eby oc't/i i~~, tle parties that a petltl(:li'l for rehea.ring may b. filed '.\Iith the Commi.ssilon b)l tol:owlng tn~ proetdures set forth in S~C. 227.12{U and that i5 pet!t~ctn tor judlcla.J rl!l'view r,amil:'!g the Corrlmi~sion a! Re.5plCmdent, may be 'fJ!t'++1 by foll""ing tM~rocedw'" •• t forth in Sec. n7.1~iJ)(.). 5 •• ".

221.11 PetitionJ lor rehe:a.rlrg Iln cCfltf!$ted c:ase~~, (1) A f:etition for rehearin& not be prerequh~te "lor appIII.l or rev!!!'YI. Any p~rs(tfl ,urieved by I llnal erdar may~ wjthj,fl 20 day~ after serviee 01 the ~)rderJ fUe a wrlnec~ P'l'tition :EM r."" •• rlng whl<:h shaH 'petify 1:"1 detilH the &rounds :for the r.ella:f cOliSh! oatHI ,uppor!lns ~uthcritlt's. An agency may order a rth.arJng on ita own motion within 10 days after servIce of a fhal Drder. This lIIubucti,~n does not apply to s. 11.02' (3)(e). ~c agency l; required to c:o"duCt mOfl!; tl1an one: reh@ating bced 01'1 a petltiol\ for' "eh~~arJng filed \lnder thi, :;ybsec:t.ton in any ~or..tesh~d cas.t.

(I'oo,not. 1 contlntJEd or. Pogo ')

No. 2141~9

227.16 Partlt$ ~Ind ?foc<eeding.,; for revl!!;\,. (1) beept as Q':herwisE: speci!Jea.1!y pro\'idt!d by law, anT penCil allgrlev~d by :Il. dttCislo!'l speciHe:d in 3. :2~1.1.1) $~a.1J l>e I!~ntltled to Judit:l~l re"i~ th"'lf&ci ';'$ prQ"'id'E:d .in this C~a::ltef ~

(a) Proceedlngs for review shaH be lnstitutl~d by serving a petit jon tl-Ierator p~t$ol'laHy or b)' c:ertWecl m.all UPOI'! thl; agenc:y IX Oill!' of (B offic:ials t and fHins the plI!tit~lJt] in '!~ Q:f!jc~ d the GJerk .of the eirel,li t COUrt for thl 'County wl'ler9 tl'l-e jljdjc::i~l review prcct!ecHngs al."1I! ttl be held, IJl"Ioltss,t a rehearirlg i~ t"eqtA~.Hed l;nder' $. 227.12, p.etltlons fet re',f'1Q;",' l,Ind~r this pa.ragt"apl'l $hall be 'u:fyed and tiled within )0 day!; after 1:hl! fierv[ce oi t .... dEK:islQI"Io of H1e ag:eonc-y "pon a.ll j;lIBr'ties under ~. 227 .11. If .. rehearlrlg is reql.:ltstcd undi!!t .$, 227.12~ any Dany desiril'fS judi(:ial review !lns11 ,erve Al'\d fHe a pet.ition for revJew wi t"ln 30 d::tyr after setvi-ce of the ordl\!:r fln3l1y di:spo.sing 01 the appllCBtiesn ~or rillhearlr.~!;, l)f witf'tin 30 dan ~fter the Unal dlspo:!li1iOft by operation of law o~ ar.y jUCfl 3pp1ica.tion tor rehearlng~ The 30-dil)' period f(lr serving ."d !lUng i:J petl tlon under ttlis COrfH".nt;eS or. H.e day after persona.] 'e:n'ic:~ or mJl.l1it'l~ of the: decision by tM .lse"ey. [f the petitlonf!r is a !'e~def\1'. ~M proct; .. dings ,"';11 b!' held in the (:LftUit court br the cQunty where ~hQ: !)etitloner resides f txc:ept 'that l! the petitlcner Is an as.ney, t~ pr{lceedli"l!8 snail be In tM. circa!t COllrt ff}r the county whNe the re;pondEu,\! rQ&,ides and ~xcei:)t •• provided in so, 132,70(6) and U<.7H.l)(BJ. Th" p,oc •• din$' 'hall b. In the circuit cotJrt ·lor Oan@ county jf 'Chit pl!!titioner 1! a ncnr~sjdll!r;t. It ,s.H parties stlpuJ81e and the COUrt to wniC:h the parti.~~~ desire tQ transfer HI~ proceeding:!; agrll!!~!I, 'the prO("lu-dln'$ may be held In tnt: cCl,lnty dc:slgnated ~y the parties. If 2 or more ~tihL)na fe>r ie"i~w af the same d~ci.!jion al'e­fUed in dlUer-an1: CQutlties, "'h~ eircutt judge fcr the COUnt)' in which a petition for t'.view 9£ the de<:llion wa., tirst tUed sh8.1~ determln4 ·th<& v~nu@ for Judicial revlt'lli of the dll!!t:l'Ion l and ."i'hall or·:1@t traMf .. or consoUdel­tieR "he-it -,pproprLate ..

(l:)) The pet.ition shalJ state the !latur~ of the ?etitiorler'~ ir.tercH, the facu snowJn.c thu peti'tion.r is a per$Qn asgrieved by the de ci,SJ Oil , ar.d the i::founds speeU~.d in s. 2:27.20 upon wl'!i<:h petlti.Qner cont!;!!l'Ids thaI!: t~,e decision ~nO\lld be rl!!\lflned or ~~dlfle:d.

(e) C(lpJe$ elf the ~t1tlon s.hall ble servl!'d, ~r by ~~rtiflc::.d" rna.U, Of, wh"n :I'~v~ce 15 tJm~ly adrr.jn~d in writlnS

t by 1ir~t <cltlss rftaj;,

not ht~r than jO dG.ys a.fMr the ~1'I$tHl,ltlon of tn~ pro(:~edrr,g, upon a.!! partie! who appt'!'alred before the ag~ne:r In :he p"Q<::~edlng in which the 3rC:C!!~~ sought to be revle-w.f!ld wi.& fYlade.

Not~; For purposes ~f th9 above-noted natl,ltr:n] tlme .. l1mlt~~ !he daU of Commish(ln service cf thi.$ dJ:"chion js the dat@ It Is placed in the lTIii1H (I" this <:Ue the .date appearing L:onme-die.hly above the :tgn.:!tlJres); th. date ~l filing 0.1. ill. rehearlng petition ls the datI'!" d ,u::ru.I!:l rp.ceipt hy the CommJssi('n;: and the service date of a ju,fi,cta,l re"V!ew p~,!jt.h:.n is fP':t date clf aetusl reeeipt by tlit Co"'rt and p!a<:~rr.ellt 1n the mau to th~ CQrnmluiQI'1.

"lo. 22409


The issue before' us is one of q~1;ermjniil, whether a pt"oposa: whIch seeks to c:ondHlQn tht maj~rity representatIve's access to the cnntractlJal 8rie'fanclt prQcedu\~~ on. tne wUlingness 01 a.n aHected ~rnpley~! tc grJeve' i~ a. rtUt'ldilltory subject at b3!'gaJnlnft. Tht!: p,artie:s to this. dJspute hav. filed fHtenslve btit:fs 'torhic:h are 5ummarize<i bel C'.J.I.


The AuoejatiQh

W1:u:;Qn:sl" laO-or ;Jolley vests t.'1e A.s!ociatjofl. \\"itll the e-xclu~ivlt st",tut.ery jJlJthorlty and teul !'esponlibility to fairly repr!!Sf!tt'~ fl'e :Iltqf'~~t~ of its bilr_ gal,lne: unIt me-mber$ ~Q to negotiate a CQatetivte ~argail'lir"lg asr~~mei1t 1)11 the::t behalf. The COUiQocti\l'$ bargaining agrt-emtnt between thp. ,)h:triet am! tr.e A~$c>c~a­Han contains a. ~iev ... nc:e-arbltre:tion ptOCeduf'= whi:::h 1$ th~ ;~arties' joint n'lvcnanbm for 1:'~$O"lv~nl!l ambiguities In. inr.l the prQ'I'lshlnS 01 th~;~· agreement. The grrl::vanl:e proclI!!dure 1:1 a!!() the prl '1It::1 pal forurl'l fOot gl'ljng e:f!<!:ct *0 tt)e f;;ontinuing bar:!tlining relationsMp between :he Dl~Hict and tl1e A!:;to.:~;;\tior) during tht- ter~ d tile aire~ment. A.!II a result e.·f its s~atus an.d r'.1iltpons.ibllltlte~ &$ ex~usive collect!'I'e bargaining repreSl! and ;;.; eo .. part)' to t.M a.g!"tfe­ment j thr.: Assoclatloill ha~ a fundamentaJ interest it'!., ... rtd rntit:~ment ~:;») i~depefld­ent ac:c::'Iss to the con'~ra.L'tu.a.l grievan.ce prl)~~ut".

The grieva"ce pl'ocedure j$ more thilon ;UH Ill. rn~~u1S- for r~dr~H of j·ndlvldua.l '''illr~'~ i.t is ne0s.rri1.,<J itS an e.xtC!:\'\stQI'I (I.~ the coilltetivt b;arglilfllng proce5S~ Accordir':lgly. the ASGI)r:jlll.t..iO\'\1 011.8 majority rept"e~e!"'t'Hive, "'as a ba..~i~ rlght imr:: jnterest in th~ p:-op'l~r and e!')t'I$'i3ter"l;~ eniorc-t'ment ()f all of the ~erMs 01 1~"\(­CQn1.!:'-8ct whic;h 11 hu r,cgotiMed. MOl'cQver. th~ ".$:~oc!atlon h8~ a fur,damen~al rt~h1; to participate: :~f\ grie"ance proc:e:ssing as tl":e !:!~pJoyes' reprQparU:he, in order to insist upon the equable appHcatltlfl of COI'itUt"t IanguaE~~ to new CI" discrete situations .and Ie rnso.lve contr.act!.l=1 arnbiguiti~s w"!.ch giv-e r'l~1It" to grievances in a unUI;:Jr'1"JI mal'lnor ¢:o.'lsi8-tent wltli the int~re:.1'i:! of tnt ::;;:Uel:tive,

The Au·cc:i.ijon also has th4i! oblj~&.~ion t¢ protect ·,t.$ rm:""Y1;:ters j r1~Ms ,ll)d benefa, from beIng er'tuj4d /)y the !aHYn of Indi', to ~rl~ve vlo1a1'l.ons of tP'lCl colJE:ct,ve, .and the stahltory rlght to insulate its membetfl from th4- potll'!":ntial tntetferel1ce or intiml.darion .i;'1h.el"er.t :n dir~ct ~QnfrolltBti¢n::! wHfl the District by hrlrglng the nr~ngtr, of the ~l)!1't:tlvity to b<tOf on the griI': \l'afiai' process. Thus~ th~ AssOC>Hic)n. hoili bot' th~ IriSh:: and the­d\Jt:r to pr>t:ve:i"'It the abrogatjoi"'l or dUutlol'l of c(lJ1~cti-,..ely bergai"ted contr,lct provlsiorw .by grh!Vlng the 10$$ of "indivldual" benefits, even i.n ca:Se"S where 1he aflect@d individual !:b.s not ChOO$Cl to grie"... Moreov .. r~ t~e ASS":3cletlon's member.!; have the "lsnt to act throut'" th~ll" chQse;) r~pres:entatl .... e ' .... nc!"! re-so:vlng e:."tractual dlspcte, and to tl1Ke a~vantale ot the A~:socla.tion's par1':Jcuil.-r expet'tbe in r·o!'!lolvi!'1~ ~rleval'lcn 1n a r:;armer 'I<'h:cJ\ !l~.$t rl!pr~&.ent .. tlifi. <&rrlj;)Joy~.5' collective. interests. F'inalJy, the A!soci.1tlori has the right ~o prQtect 6t'ld el'\torce l-:.s own ~omnlt:tua.l r.ights and to maintaIn it; own £IJt!'tority i!.nd crtdibU:ty by b-eJng a part,.. to ~ny grlev:u.,t. re~olutjon. The effective protection and adv=.:,eement CI~' the9G COore lntcre,u ard func.t: ons 01: 'the AuoeiatlCtn requj~s 11'lcependent Ae.!ocio.~ion 6cc~$.1 to the grIevance procedure~

The determlnD."tiol~ of whether tl';~! DistrIct's 8rievan~ propoSi.a! [$ • mandat~'ry or permiss.ive tJubJect of barga!nJng reQ1Jlres tl'1t! appl.icatiJ)n of a balan.:ing 1~'!! wIth r .. ~pect to the P;090Sa..!~ deit ... ~ 01. inte:rfer~n¢. with tl'l(! A,980:::illtiO'ni, COft" interests and .hmctlornl. ~n employer propou.i mU,1; be removed irQrr the $(::op,= ci I'I'IAndato.y b.arzalnlng it at wl!>uld unduJy iM"'lt.iere With or l!'lldr~~ l.lpor: ti1e IJnlon

ts abillt)' to eftectuI"t4ll Hs barS;1ining a!~nt obllgatlor15; while !'Jrt1erlng

no le8j'!'~:'r1ate coul'1tet:'.aIandna (ntere:.stdi of" the ernployer~ It) ufld~r Wis',;;onJ<in lAW t a union IPropo-ul whi.c!l interfere;! too much wJth manBg!! r.lghts- b.e()me.$, th4lrtb)', it. permiuive ~ubject i)f bargaining, a r!asonabJe ::Il'Id b';lanced ~pplicatl':H" ~f thi.s SoIMt: te:st m .. st rc:nJlt In ~I rulIng 1h~t an ~""p!Qyer p.oPQ9ai W~i'::h lnterf>trts too m1Jcn ·I.,it'" core U:'1i01 :-ight$ and dlJtiaJit is >e'qua.l1>- 0. permb~i'\'"e subject of bar~.lnHt.g.



lndepend~~nt A."Jsoc:iatlOn a.t:::c:eu t<, 7:,<& grjfi!v~nce prQcedure: ior "[he purpc~f:!:!> of enforcing the c01!te"'J'Ye ~ar8:alr,ing a.gre~ment and rcpre;e'lting its own t' Interests and those of its m~m~re il'l',plitl!l.te! fundaml!:l'nai A~~oelatiol'l rishts =I'\.d fune1i,ons. Th.64 previously identlfied Core Associat.:on interest. and fUnction, are the lag .. l and fl.ln(;'I:1onI.1 equivalent of ~he rtr"'l!lnag~rl:at rights" w1'llch the b.w gov.rning tne scope of bArga~nlng has exc!uced :rOm rrand~tory negQtjUJon~. The Oistrlct's adevance proposal would de,ny 't~~ A~sccH.tion ltt indepel'ldent right to flle and pro:::e~ gr.levam::es and wM.!ld euoetivtJy ~Jimln!ite the A$sod atl ':In's statutory roh: as exclusive bargah1jl'llS repreu·r'ttatiYe jn ;)rouet:ng bar-salNng unit employesl· terms and conditions Q1 C!mptoymer,t anc repr~!ientl!1g !:hem j~ t!'i. grIevance pro(~t!dure. On the ot~ler ~I.nd, the Dl!!tric:t !"lOlS idotntified r.o rell!:vaflt or le,)time.te eQ1"mt~vailing employ~r interest! which are adv.nced by ~t~ proposal. Mc:reover, th. District's propos31 is not a propoul ior ',II. A;rie,'a.:"lce procedure,jl but rath"!r il dema.nd' that '!'he As.s:oC:iaMn waive Ih rig~ts to ent'lrce 1:". Qontra.-:t !Ifld to repTI!:Sent l'ti!: Lmit m~mb9r~ tht'Qt.1gl1 t:,\e grievance p~~cedure" Accordingly, since the Ohitrit:'s griSlvan~ prr.?o~a.1 <";:oMtitl.,lt;;:s an uft.warr ... ntec restriction Oli the A,$$oetatloft'a IIdfective im~Jernenta:~i¢l1 of Its l"epr~sent3tiQf) .. J duties aru:1 r!t~pon$jbHi'ti.i, ar.d tmduJy H~ter£erl!S with the m~Anlngfl.'1 e::t~rcit;~ of statutory a.nd (:ont!"~etIJal rl~~t~ Iby bal"glilnil"lg unit C!mployr.-!l, tha~ prQP'::ls;a) iZ' a non .. :Tl andator, $ubject of lnll ~a; ni.nga This r.:on~lu!.Jo!'l Is 111.11 supported 5y reJevanl! ruJiJHl:S Q1 the Commml$si on, the NatIonal labo~ Relat\ons Boe.~et and th~ fed'IIII'ral courts~,

The, pl.tbllc POlicy can.:11det'!lJorls underlying the l~~hlatll"t!:":; ena~rment of the MERA aJs~~ :mpp(zrt the: _'\ssod"tiQI'I'S ".:('If'lhrlttor. that thl!: Dlstrjct~ grj~var.c~ proposal, whlc:h would r~qtJjre a waJlioef tlf the Ani>dadQn':, '!itatlJ~orr n«hU t·? re:preaent its mernbersbip In griev,;.r,ee pr~eusJn.& afld to el'1/orce t~1I':' t~rl'O~ of it .. barga1ned 8gt~,e:nent with th~ District, j, e. non .. rrHllw,joll.tory ~l1bj~c:t of ~al'g."l!

The JtSlslature ~U3S d~tcrrnin!~d !hilt p'JbHc ~~ctor iab/;"I' peac~ and ,ta!;!ility are to be promoted by f~1eriog c;J.llet:·tive ta.rgAi:'ting and the- voltmta~y f~:Ol')lutjon of contractual cli5~UU$ tf:rough r.he pror:edlJre~ Of ,gri~vance Ilrbitratich. The el'lforcement of 4 ntiotl ated a,eree-ment through a c~nt~6.ctU6.J grle-vance-.rbitratlor. procedure b c:onsld!rll!d an I!X-:E!i'll$l.~n of t"& colJt'eth·1:' barg~illlng proc-tss; d; separately prctected by Sec. 111.700Ha}.5, Stat!<.; a.nd h the pnderl'ed IT; for the resolut:on M dJs:putIM: arhlr;s und4!r the eolic;c rlV1! bargaining .agr4lOcm!:'r'.t. 'the 015trH::t)$ .grlev;an,Cet pr-eposaJ l:ontrl.lve:r.I!$ the statutory p\lrpo:e h'l i" and i !"Iud erin3 wah t hit pr~f ;:rred process Dy w!'ltch tr,e Jeghl ~ tl ve goal:: tJnderlylMl! 1he MERA M'e to be achieved, bec:a!J$~ withollt the Inde~ndent ri~ht tCl flle grievaneCll$. the "'\.3~or;::jatil; .. n >,!/ould have tl) r~lorf to ott'lilir me6.~~ to rl!!solve eontraciuaJ di.!lputel~. This re5ul:., wOllld contr;:djl;l t~~ s.~ron~ public po!.!r.y 11":

favor of t"e utilization of conrr"ctuaj @rJovance-arbitrati'O\!'l procedlJrp.":S for t,e reMlJu1iQn of db:PlJt~:s ~!twe~n municipal ernpj~ylHs or).d Im/Onli.

The '-.SSOc:JBtlon's right to l.ndept-ndel'ltJy IjJ~ <!Ind process griev~!"'lc~~ is necessarlJy d@~·lved from both the :.Jt'lit e-mploye.s' statutory rAjI;h'll to bargai'1 through a c~tI:':tn r.lpri!':~Elnt8t.ive .I~.d the A:ssodatlcn's ~li:ie$ :tnd -respo~~sibHitiN af; f!~JU!l:he: bargaJn:L!1S' ~epresentatlve, mandated by the MERA. T"~ A9!wciatiQo'5' richt to grievtai 11 1111$1) cOI:$onarrt with the D:str!c:t'~ stat;Jto!"Y t~bHg~ti?~ "to reeosnJZtt and bar~:aJn with the eml>loy~si exclUJ;.;ve r~pr.asent!i:h·f:" ThU~t the A~t:lationl" dght i:o lndepende:1tly en.force its coH~etl ... e b$q:::~lnif1!: ag:-ce.ment with tht: District h. derJved from the mandates and protections of the MERP" Mor"eOyer~ in addithm t,:t its su.tutory :iol • .in gt";~v5nc:e n:sQlut!or., 8~ an exte:,,~ 5101'1 of the "ct1~Cthre b.a~sajnj":g pr~eu, the- AuocilltlO.:"l clearly has. ;,~ in:;;~~ pend'~nt statutoll'Y rignt to fa!!: cQmipla.int3 :1~)eg!l1e COrltrllct vjOJatlOfW undet'" we:. 111.70(3)(0.'. 5t~t.,

It is WII!:U ~tBhlithtd tnat a c"ntract propOsal whi.:h wOllJ;;i ~U~ct the ws.hEr o~ a ,tatt.atorUr-derJved IU'ld !)fotecte-d right IS a.'a~ory ~uhjt!!c:;t of bar­gaining, perticularJy whrre, as her<1!t, th;!!' ;,pplicatton o;;oi 'th~ watver propo:saJ woulO be re:pc.!&:nant to the basic 'pOlicies of the. MERA. In i!:~~en;:e, tJ:e rights ",hie!'> the District $eela; to requjh~ the "e:8o<::latj~lfj to r~diMrllan p-,nl.lant to tn~ Dlst!"ictls grievance proposal are: th/ill AJisoeiation1'1 .,tatutory rights to r~~teseflt b .. rgl1.l'lll'ig unit employes .;r-,d to tnfcrce the :statutory :.lrot-ib1tior, &tnbod1ed in Sec. 1lJ.700)(a)'~ Stata" ag&.inst br~j!lchln,g 1h~ terms; of a colt"cti.w. barga1nin, a8reenH~nt. Since th~ [)i5trlc:1:~5 propo$.d would nlicl)&~3.tHy lrnoticate tf'le waIver of sh.tutorlly-derJved afi~ protecH~:!~ right!., ;l:nd" j.t!t ~ppH<:II~iol'! w~uld be ;o!P1Jg­nlint 'to the b4~ic pojp;je!; D·l the MfR.A, of,e proposal 1s a non .. m:!ll"ldatory subject of bar gain1r'l.g.

Finally, the Oi!trl<:tt9 proposai eO:'1ltr~dku the !!,ublic ):Iolic:y underlylrg tle MERA. sInce it con"titutt"s an jnH=~fer'enr:~ with separate statutorHr-proTt'(""t~d rigr.t1 of indivldtlal 'emplOye:!' a.nd n~pre:;ents an !mpermlssible rl'.:plJl"flaU:)'l (:Ii tle Dl.str!ct's $ta.tU.t~f)" oblliation to recognize an.~ harg~h with the ,a.UOC;at:;Q"~ Toe A5soclaticn lriust hao.;e an Indefll~rl'f~nt right to gr:eve 11"1 ordlu' to etf<!cti;'~ly furth!'r the pollc:y Ilf gIving f!mplllyes the shtut~ry right t(l b.a~g .. h and t!) enfQrCf: theIr bar!~a.l~l!!e: agreements ",,'ahout Q' interfof'lr~:"'Io:e (II'" intimidations. It would frustrate the ",,",,ooth func;::tloning ~'f labol>; relatio~!I" lor the emph)yet' cnosen t".pre&ent!ttiv~~ no! to b. in the posititm t~ enforce the ccn<;ract thnjugh the a:rievance-lt'bitration procedurf;. E>:duding ';ne AssOC!.Elt'IQIl from the: grlcvi~ncs procedure is lnc:~n;i.steF)t with the OLstrict's recQ~nltlon of the . .4.u~e:fatLon as: th.. emploYfts' bGf''1jnln~ representative. Since r"ie' District's demand tr"\Qt the Association for!ei:-t It! ability to rel=,T'es.ent elJiploy. contract ir,terest$ during the term 0.1 the a.gre~mel1t undlJly .l.nt.rferel! wit" tht!. meaningful exer'¢i'e Q! the 5tatU­tor), rights sra.nt~d to mynlcipoB1 ernp(.:,ye:t by 1l1.7(](2)~ ShU' 1 the 015-trict's grleya"~1!1 I)rgponl to! 8. n&1'I."mMdabry subj~t Q! bargainIn;.

Distrit:t':t Po~!!l!!:!

The District COl1te:nds thai: the aPfifopriat~ ten !()r d4't~rmjning wheth~t:r a. proposal Is iii maudi\tory or C'ermlul'l,," $Uoject <If bargall"lir:g i'J the: d~1:I!:l""'rdM.tion as to whether 1:hl~ proposal is "prlm~,dty re1atee H to. .. age!;, hour! and cOhdit:oTlS of ~mplQym'€lnt ~.r t.o tl'H! formulation or m."n~~emen.t 01 publk~ po~ky. The dtaignation of a. grievance u an ~nrJhrj4uaJ gr:¢ifanl;e or as [n "Assoc,a:lon srlevaneq" hll!!l .!!!! prImary relationshIp to the e~tabllsl'lment 01 public poli.~y in the Di".trict.. The DIttrict therefore assert! that ~he provision is a m.ll."d .. tory subject of hl,\q~;.il1jni whld'l can only be alt~red tl'JrlJlJgh the COl!.~tivilil' bargainIng process 'Nhkh wa!: thi~ genes,is ot the 1anttl,laSe at issue.

The District c(mtend! r~at the jnterrer~t1on$hip betw-e!!!'r, th¢ gdev •• ncl! procedure and the duty to baraaln has b~e-n eonsistently r~<!::oglliz;etj by courts throughout th1! l,J"ittc' States. Bethl~~,teel Co., ll3 ~LRB 1)41, erL.!. den" on other gNund., no F.2d 61' (CAl. 1.6l); cort. donled, 37' u.s. 9~" (1%4l; Huche.ll ioel Co. v. SU~B, 147 f.2d 69 (c.:.. 5, I91f,); Pee!'t~n FaCia ProdL1':tS. Inc., 23& NLR6 Im1WiT; Turl?odYVle Carp •• Ga'S Turblne t 126 SltRS nzmrn; Crown SdAAh 9<>,.," ~LR8 61' (J%'); !.L..TrQbe 5,..1 CO., 2"" ·'LRB J2S (!~7~J, mgf. granto" In part and den. in porI, 6,0 F.2d 271. i\:A ). 19M). The DIS'l:rlet aSsert! that the Nli:\tional La50r Relationa Board 'h~~ consistentty he.ld that pt'Gvl..clon5 of o)H~cthr¢ barse.inin,g e.~reeml;f1t:J which doeal with grleva,rlcc proceuifl8 9". manda:'t;ory JllhJe~t:; ot ~!Lrgail'ltng. Bethlehem. Steel CO. t ~U::!. The DIstrict I;Qnl'end!l that a. .;,imjll\r c:)!1dL'sIQn W~ reac~ed by ~he Mk:hlgar Sullreme Cour~ trl Po"tl~<; Poib:e OU'iCl!'r¢ AS30c!ation v. POr.tf3C. 94 tRRM ~~j7: (J~7'). ........ '-'-

Beth the Wb,j:~~i1nsin Err.ployment RelataJnS Comml~s1on ~nd Wisconci~ a.pp'!i.Uat0 i;ourt! d~1;erITIln~~d that iil &rleva~,e~ i.tro~edure I!: a. mandatory subj~et of boi\r~ ,ainit'lg due to Iu prlmar)' rel.Ulon!io.Ilp to wases, hi)IJr; and ccmdltion$ of employ­ment. In Raslne "~;r.l1lt!d SChool Oistric1: NQ. i, Dec~ No. lllt.5-B,D (WERe, 4/74) the Commi'Uion cOiiC'iiudod t.hat tl";e Dls:tr:t".::t, by l.milu.nlly establishiog a ne·N grievance ~r6eod!Jr. 'Wi11~!.1 -more narrow:}" deHned those d!jim~ wt1id1 could be grJeved, had fall~~d 1:0, ba: gair. over Ii\ mar,datQ:,"Y ~ubJ~C,[ of harga:ntng. More t"t~c;cntl)'l lr, ~<ha\Vk V" ,Dec. No. 16!$f.C ... A (WERe, 9/30), ~q (C~rCt R&(:\<t 8 S1) .!J£E.... evant art., 11~9 ~!!.2d ~l' (CtAp~, 1'38.2) the ,",ommls~:lon concluded that a I;le in tlCll 0 a grl~Yill'\i:~, contal!'lol!:d' in a cOflHac:tUi\l grievEtnee procedure. whJch was: limited to dhp".Jtt. jr'IV·'}h·;n~ 1htl;, interpre'.tl¢on~ ~ppHcll" don, I)r en1ot"cernlmt l:lt the C"ontract was a tTlandatoq' !I.rbje.:t of ba.rgabinf:* Tht! deflnlt!or. of a gr.l!'\I~u .. e. in the ll":su,nt di~put~ ~.araUeh ~h1:l:t f"lund to b-e !TiClfl­

dAt:ory by the Ccmmt~l'ion 11'1 ~cwl~, and' ha;ljmucn as tr:~ primary !ljundation of a grlfovance proc:o!:~lure, i.e.~ th'l!: definition Qt a grlevOlnct:. \$ a mandi2t"~Y ~ub!$(;t t;jf b8.r~'; herel:!"!, tM- remalnder of the grle'l!.ne:e procedu~~~ whkh r.~~e$$.adly flQW& from the gril~yanc:e .;Iefi,rut!on. rrlU$'i. atn oe O~!l!'m.ed' 10 bt' ~ 1"!"It\,,<latory 'Slihjt':.::t of bar~inlng.

8a.sed upon the barsal!~jn8 hi.story relevant to thi! di'puted ~ro\o'i$h:zr:, it 'Would !.ppear that the Association iJ; willing to. 1'1~go,ide: r~s~rdrn, the grlevanr;e procedure 6nly tQ lon~~ a.$ the ne,otil!l,'!:~d longuag'!': 1.5 ir~tetprl!t~d lr. a m3.fmfr the Auoelatlon flnd, debirable. JI1 the fat:e of 2J! advl!':'rse rulIng, the l&r.gU:;!.j~e a $uddenly Ulerted to be no l;)n~er negotiable by tht.': Associul¢n~ dltspite th~ clear ern uneq'JivQcal hIstory of nt~go!la~!on~ in the District e-on.::e.:r1ing this language. The n::nrt.ct submlU hat the po.;Uicn assumed by the t\s~ot.::ati(ln i,



the !ubjut ease i.e. wholly i!"lCt)"tiHent not 001), wltt-1 ~~!evant CO"'!ir"n[t:o:i(Hl and ~olJrt ruliog~ r~!ardll''!& the negotiability or gril!val1~ pl'occdl,lr.i1 lang;JaBe I but ahC) wIth the ba.r,pining hl.!itl)ry unc!erlyi1"ls the'Ji8" in que~tl(;r. a.nd wit~ the equit)' of a 'j1tIJ&tl,on :ifb whlLh t<inguage M81)tiated by a party becomes "pel"rJ1J:s:she" upon the occa,d~n of an adverse: rulll'Jg int@rpretitt!~ '!H.!C'h 1s.n&L!Ag~.

The District iUD'TIiU, that a fjnd:n~ that the langl,lar"e at issue Is permlssi\iE': wouLd be t~"'1t.amoun1: to divesting the :',!ociation of ary r:,ht to We €:~j~V.aI'l~~':L, I:ln.::. the defJr.itiQf1 (If &. grlev.nce i3 so ll't~;lI;tric;abl)'- tied to Doth indhddual and AesociaUM\ arLel{""~~:$. in the Di$tric:t'!l 'fi(!w. thIs 15 so beCa.ll$~, hi thE; abi.nce of ar.y contr:i1ctua' provision whIch speeInr.:aUy a.110'JJ'~ tht A8&Oclati(l1'l tc iU. Al!Isocia.tion gril~lfances~ no !.uch r,ight will tXl&t, and "10 A9!10~i .. tion arievanc!!'s will b!' ~I"lte'l'ta!ned 01' r~<::.ived by r~p"e,e:r!tUi'W'.1'J of the Di~tric:t. Accordhgly. the Co')l'nrni$tion s,hould o(!clare th1!s~ pro'll!'lons to be Mandatory sUbJet::t$ of bn-8~}ninl; and $ho1JJd requir~ t.''=' A!!soc:/,atior: to fulfill Its SU~'Jtory .:IlJty 10 bars-in 011 thh language. ihlt as!J:ertion of :he A!~~c!ation. to the; !IIffect that it$ :!)(lme u",d~fined a. prlorl right to proc:eJ.1 Auoo:iatiol'l gri~v.rh·,:eSf exch.tlve of any neg,o-Uated !Imltation upon such a right, is OQth ludl~roi,l~ and lnconsl.stent Wilh tht~ prlndple~ of ,:cl1~ctifNl bargafnlt'lg which hAve ~yol'led whhl:"l: WisconsIn and other luri~djc:tlons. St.l~t'l a. rl~ht to fHe unIon. grievan!';es, where it exlsts. must be prem!sifd IJPQI1 a\Ullli@,r~t!ment~ and where no :'luch €:ontractual a,greemeM nlB-h, there 1.11 no right for th~ union to tile suel) grieva.nce!¢, nl!)r ,:5 the employer obilsated to pro(:es:!o such grlevances. The District and the A.&8odatlon I h .... ing f'JlfUlee theIr statutory duty to bargain with to the te~rn$ of the grievance pr~::IC:edure, .'!hol.lld 110;V :;:,e bound by 'the term! 1" In l)Mt ngreements, despite th-e ta<:t that -!:he Hal'lk$ award Is .in'Con~btellt with. the A.ssociation's desires 3!'!i t(j the ;n~IjI'l4tr it'! whJC.f, it wO.lid like to see thii!\J.3.,~~ of Artlcle vm~ Section ~~d" lr:tl9rpret~d~

!u ttle ComlTlissil," ha:. prel{iously rul.d that grIevance pro.e(!:d~r~:!i :limHar to that at ISSUE! herein ilre Mandatory s;Jbje~U of b!l!:'sairdng, th~ Oistrlct submits that H Is 1'10'011 irll::lJmb'!!l'l"It upon H:e partie!, and th~ Commi$.5iQn, to adhere to till'!' rl!:iloning of th¢s.e ~arlili1r -;;a,~" ~o d~te:rmtne the 01Jtr:one ct thJ5 Ut:gatfon.


Whl:n determlnl:"18' whether iii. proPQsal is ~ l'J\aor:iatorry .• p'!'!rml.$~lve or prchibit~d st.lbJect of hArgaining, the Corr,rr.is8ion "~amlne, the .:'I.'t"ciflc: langlJagt: be:f!;J,e it. It Is. th~ specIfic cQnttnt of d'.1!" prop('>sal t Mt its general sub] e(;t matter, wh:ch eontroh: our determInl!ltlon. Thu! while ~h~ District acc'Jrately notes t:Jat W't. ,"lave previQusly f()Und Pl"!loPO'381s [nvol ... ing grIevance procedure:> t(l be mand~tor!! sut\J!!-ct~ of bargaIning. such hol-diflg~ a.r~ by flO mean:!i dispo£ltl~ tH'li@!l~ tt~e lp.e-e:ific: 18n~Ua&e hI a prior "oldinr;; b before: us here!.,. O.ur reviolw Qf those prior deC:J$Lom. dem(ll'l,trate:! that w,," hav~ no! preld.,ti~ly n:led t1p¢n thc b8rgai!1abl~ r,a.t:Ure o.f the ! al'lj:u;a"e Defore 1.15 nereln and thus tl';~ !a(;t that this Ji:;;putJ:' ioc:usC'!! upon a "grieval1ce proC':edure~ propoul is nQt (':ontrc.lfing herej\" .•

[t is !.Isdu.! "0 set 1¢of't"J certain relevant .!It.!ltutorr and polic)' r.or.:;,derl­'Hone be10re looking i,~t the specifk prl)po,al oefcre us. A labor organtzarum .nJQylng exeIlJsivt representative status has standing as a 'jp~rty In interest" under Seo::. lJ1.07(2)('1). 5tats, I to fill); a c:ompla!r'lt With the Com t'1"Ii.(i;$ t or. under S~C. Jll.10'))(.!J15 IJf the Munl,=:lpal Employrr,ont Re:atlon1 Ac-t (Qr Sec-. l!1.06(1)(O of the Whcon:!;ln Employment P~ael:l Act) allel311"l~ that Bon ~mployer has vIolated the partl e" C:1~!I .. eti ve b~r g;:tlni /'I~ $lsre.m en!. Cen~ral Dr l'(~r' &; He!pe.:rs Union local 6!i.2 v. 'rE:l~.B;. 21 W;,,2d 242, 251 (1~3-), .. MindQro Jal!1t SshlJlJl b!str1Ct NO.2, Dec. No. 11627 (WE.RC~ 2/7)j. Howe\'er, wh~re thl!: \.;c..bor orgi!njz.a~ tion f'ias. bV'8,Jn.d !In ~!lgr~ement with the ~mpjoyrr wh!eh ~'JfJtal('1! a procedure ~or tiM! Impartial rese,~ution (>1 disputes :;!ver contractlJal comp:I.;!.!'lt'.:e, Hle Cor-rmialoi"i a.nerally will h')t &S5ert its :Jtatutor ,' campJaht juriz,dktion oV~t' br&a(:h ,:)T co"tr.~t chsfms LI b-ee:!luse af the presumo!d ~x,:I~sj'{ity ·,)f th.e (.ontra.<:.tua.l

------,-----2/ E..'Ccep'tion, to thi,~ polJ~f indlJde ;1'I;'ttance:s wh~re (:) 11"1e employe alleges

d.r.ial of faIr r.pic~cntat:'r)ilJ !9ndt::r Rest Corp., Zr:; W·is. 213, (19571; (2) the parths hi:~ve WDlv~ct the srbHratlol'l provl.t.lon, A!l.i5 Ch..1.rner$ M~. Co •• Dec. No. a::27 tWERB. 10/6') a!id 0) 11 plrty igrl()~~ anc. r{j).<::~j': t~ arbitration Drovi~jons in th~ (':ontre.ct j M~w~ R90idy,·Mix Corp'l 29 Wis,2d 4-4 (1'65). .


procf.'dure and a desire te honor tht p;utie~' agree men: . Mahnke \<'. Wl:.,RC, &6 Wi,.2d S2~. 52~.JO (1970)\ Unl •• d S •••• , Mo .... CO\&" 00<. No. :067.,~ (w£I!§, ~l49); HarnischhtS8r Corp " D~. fJo~ 31h .. ij m t .~i";'; Melrose~Mlndoro, .supraJ Chy of Me),'I!uha~ bee~ No. 13283 .. A (W'£R.C, 2/171. W~ere tn~ labor organi:ze.tlon \'Jet be.rpined an .agreement with the- employe!" wnlch does not contain Ii procedu .. e for final imp'lrtiai reloliJtion of dl!putes over contractual' but does contall'1 i. procedure through w1icr. the parties cain bilateraLy attempt tQ resolve slKh dlsputes;~ the Commlulon will .asSer1 its bre~lch 01 eontra.~t jud~ dictlon~ Amel"[!l::an Motors CorD. v. W!Ra II 32 Wil:.2d 231, 24~~ 096·'). WeyaUwegA Joint School Dlst. No.2, b.o. No. 14)7).5 (./771, .11'4, Ooc. No. hJ7J·c (WERe, 7(71), but only if the c:ontrac.tuai proc:edt.l:-e hu bel~n exhBuHed. ~ Mill. Jgint School D;.u. No. It De,.;:. No. 11529-/\ (7ln) , ~, Oee:. N(). Ill29-B (WERe, 81")); fc:)auwega_~. e.)' req'Jiring, exhiuSton a~ 11 condl tion pre<;edent to tne as!iertl~n cf i'Jrisdlction, the Camml!;sIQn respect!!. ,.~t' parti~s' ',roeernent and enhance~ the prospects that SlJch cU!:P:JttS ",till be l"esolv~d through the stat::..rtorlly prderred meam of bll"'ttu; .coHective bar,gainlng without n.e€d for third party interveritio'1. See, Sec!. 111.70Cl:·(sHg) Qlnd iIL7C(6), Sto.u. ThuE , wher~ there: Is e: fa.llure to exhEL!J!it a "on~bb:;iing prl)cedure, a o:';Qmpllilllt alleging br.e-ch Oof t-ont:-act will be di$1'Ii1~:;ed. Lake: MHit! .t!f.i.rj.

Th..-: policy base:! for the ex.hau!tiQn reql.lirement noted above are. a.ppli":ai*.d-t whenever the pa,ties' ~ontractual procedure is potantiaUy .a v&lla~ie for re:s:;ollj·· tion of tt'le spet:ifJ.r.. type ot dltpute. T'r1u~. e .... en where the I~bor orgat'l.intion hat bargained 8 non .. bJndJng pro~@odl1re u to which :t ha~ 1\0 ac,e:llilu abur.t a. willing ~mploye gri~vant. the Commlaion wi!J Mit assert"di.,:;t;or) over the !)rpnizatlon's brea.::h o)f ~Ol"ltrac:t compla!nt ev/!!l'! though th'~ affected Indlvid,"~1 emplo)"8 has !lot utIlized the contr:.~tU;l.1 ~ro-;;;$dure. J~If'lt S~~h~oI Obtrkt No. 3..l. Plum Cit, et al_. Oee. No. B'26-A H,73)1 ~~, tJ~c, No. t5626-& {WERe, ,179).h.rll! the c:ontn.ctual proce-dure l.ti unilvailable )j tc· eHhoer th~ labor organization or the emplQye u trJ a specifl .. .; type at dlspt;te, t1e Comml!i~lon i.~ an :aVlSiJa"l~ forum for re.\iolutlon of breach of r.:on'::ra~t ciaim!: absoent (I. d~;tr anI! unmistakable waiver 01 that stat~tol'Y r 19t1t. Ci~ of W!t~J~~.!!,. 'Jo~. I 131 Q~ 19312-A (1l/~2), .,ooW.d. Dec. No •. l'}lD.l~12.c: ("'ER~" 4/8'1) !!f!l!eal p.r,d­lM (ClrCt MB w.).

The ~OpbSQj before U~ her'tdl'l does nQt aHow the ,~u~clation to h~ve &cc:e~~ to the p$rtiefl gtjevanc:e}arbitratlon proc,,-;lure in sit.uatiolis where an indivIdual employe elect'S not 10 pursue a contractual cb:pl1te by U! lni a ,grlevan.ce. It t(~e' AUI)c.iatioo were to fUe iI. breach·of contract complaInt 'wi,1,h HH! CommLuicn:. tIJe presumption of eXcliJ5ivity and the de~ire to. hol'l~r ~~Ie partie,! r~ontral!t!J.a.1 procedur~ which pro .... idet tor blndlng :/T-pal'lia,l r(!sohnJon of -cii:s-pytefo: would requLre a. rtfusal to au~rt jlJri.tdi<:ticn and dl~l"r\iual c,f the A:!,oc:1Ati9n l _J

complaLnt. ~I n~ •. '\llscciatj-on wou1d b(! l.-ft unable to errfQre~ the ",·ontrl.ct wrlich it b:;.r,plned r whith i1: iB a pa.rt)' to., aocl In to whkh it wall!;t h~'{e an ur'!dbputtd statutory rlght tc> ovniorce under See. lil~?ODJ(a);t Suts q if IlQ ,dI:! 't'.an.;:r::/ arbitration proeedure: oe"hted.

T~ questiQ1 bef~.Ire U$ 13 whether' tie A,,~oda.t!on car, be ·:om;>eHed tt"l bargalll O-rer II pmponJ which. throug!1 operation of the abcve-rec!t,:~d p(~neip!.F, wOiJld leeve it potentla!ly unabfe· to ~'force the contr2ct. We c:ondude ~hat the t\s~oclatton cannot b~ ~o (:ornpelled.

3/ Wher~ the: pr~~edurc would }-,a'te beel1 ac:.:cuihlrt, 'out ~or '~o'ne h.lhJI'~ to meet a !:ontr\\ctuaJ preroequls!te such as a t:lm~ lirr,it for 6!·:t':v:ane~ £Wn.g~ th0 CommIssIon, due to the exhau$tic.n requi remtn.t previously discUH~d, woul d r.ot ,'u:urt it! juri$dicdon. In ';lJ(;h lnstar,ces, t~e proc-edmc ' b~ c;foee-~ed "avaHaOlt" f¢( the pur-POSII!$ ¢f our ai1aly~i;! herein.

4/ TIv pr.tence of .a grievance pl"oC'cdure hl a cont~a.t::t doe;, rHJt ClepriYI? the munieJp'eJ. employer of ~hl!! 'Ability to enZ.:Irr:e :he o::ontra~t ,hroush I. Sec. 111 • ."0(3){bH I Stats., complaint proceeding IJnless th~ mUI'Ii<::ipai em.:.loyer has acce;l:s tu the procedure. If thl- Ir.unidpal ~rnpl ';)yer hils to a. noo­bInding contraett.lal prootdl,lrt. it mllst e:ttutlJ£t .!lame to Wing a com .. plaint with the CQrnmiuior.. If the mun:cIpa.1 otmplorer has ae!;':'.C!<s tva "r;m .. trac:tual procedure Which provldet for final lmpoilrtl-I!I! r':s;ch.:ti¢to, tljefl th~ Commhsicn wlll not!'t ,(.Jri.$cn>.::tief'i o'l~r thoc S~·c. 11.1..7~()Hb)lt !l::omplaint.

',;': "

In qeerfi.ld ccmmurjlli" SC'~Qol Dtstri(;:t l De\,,:. (\;0. 17."1'0) (WERC~ ~2!7~), affld Dec.. NQ. J5-ev-J~ \ClrC;tane. liS) l. tile Comnl!lslcn ;vat conf:-.,,~t'ild' w1th a propcalJ wbic:h WQu!d h ..... e ii) waived bO'th partie!;' a.biliiy to. b;,tgai.11 1Cir ';oe term ~f th"jr COl'ltr.<=t ov~r Siuojec:t3 slledtlcaH'y' re1erriltd to as <'::o"ered by the contract and s\lbje<::h which wer:: propos~d durIng b~r8ridn[ng OlJt not 8.e're~d wpon and' (2) waived bOoth par tl 1$' right te bargain during the term of the cot1tra<;t 15 to bargainable matters whIch tf'l~ p:ardf!$: may Ilavo been ur::aware of when they bargained 1hetr contract. As j)Qrtliit6 hsve a statutory ~ight to bargain dur1ng the term of the eol'ltrae-:: IJV4I!'f mand(,t.t:Ot"~ ~lJbje:e't$ t;J£ ba~8~lning ;u !c wh1~h they W~l·1i! un.aware dur:ng bQ.:-pining and thus did not rea<ch agr~emen1: on Qr ,h.;\v~ the opportunity til) bargain over, and 4'!: $e;cond portlcn of the [}eiQIrIieLq dau$e would' have constItuted a w.e.j~er of that '5tatu:ory tL8h1 ~ it was found '!otl' b~ l'I.

perrrll.!:.&I,yt sU'bJeet of baq;alning, The .same otonclutio.1 wat r¢a~h~d if':' Sh1c of Wi.con"n. O'C. No, 19341 (Wr:RC, 1/82l u.~.r So<. lJl.91 of Sr.LRA.

The proposal h~fore us herein has th~ prA>:tlc:,;,! e!t~c:t Oil' :l"oe ,\,sotia­tion liS would the O~trfifilid waivtr dau!e found p'e:rrniS5h·~. In both irlsuncoe.s l

t~ (;Qllect!vf: bargainIng reprtHente.r.lvt loses t"e urconditi~nat abiHt)' to elterc::lSifI a $u,tutory r;~t. We are p.ersuaderi ~!'"'.at the pii.~ilI!I~1 eHE"r::t' \.ip~1"\ !1

8tatUtO~')' righ-~ Wl.1'rar'lU. ~ pataBel tlnding :lla1 the iJ')!l:tant FrJoI~o,al ;., parmiuive.

We alSQ find per:Jua.~I~ the rationale 01 th~ Natlond Laber Relatio::1s S:>ard and t~ Court of Apr-~,\h h Sethlehem Steel Co.. ~lpb .. J!ldjnt. ::)lvtsbn). 133 NUts 1347 (1961), supplemental dee~,lon, 136 NLRe 1'00 U9'!52r; er:f\-J Ir:

320 1'.2d 61' rCA 3, 1963) "eft. n" ,7j ~.5. ~&" (lS'm--.n<r 244 NtRS _~2& {1?79)t 'inr eva~t art 630 F.:2d 171

• the 8Qard' and the Court concJudod that a gdl;'ve.n':e ""e •• d,,,. !' aHeeted ~mployel' slgn~h.Jf1;! to l)1j' on rr.! gde ... atl::-!

it would be prt>c:u$ed was a r.on .. m'd.ndatory sublett of b3rgej;,;lng. TI~e Court corn mented:

w~ turn fiOW to rtl! sEc;)nd upec": or th" ernE-,layer'" argl)tl1ent on tl'll$ point, i.'i! •• the proponl lS .I!l mandator,! bargaInIng .!Iubjec:t. In 6ccQrdanei\l! with See-don g(d) Qf the ,1.;::t. 3/ the Supreme COUrt ha:! defined m.s.ndatvry 5ubJect~ as: :hO!e whl'lin the p~ral!e "wase.!!; hour:$;. ~nd other te':"m s at":lc c"n";:itions M emplo),l'I"Ient," ~LRe. 'v. Katz, 36~ U.S. 73-6, SO LRRM 2177 (l9G2}j NL.R8 v. Woo5t~r Divls!on of Borg-Wa.rn~r ;:Qrp •• SUp,d. Jt b dear to U'S that BGtIl~@hf!lrnli!:: propollal d(.'e3 not t:':,}rrH~ within the !l:~pe of th=t phrase. Althov~h at flut 'eli!llcC' It might appear to b. a !feoncUtfon of teomployment ~It ar:tuaHy th~ l'ffeo::t of th(; ()ropi)s.ij! is to limit th~ I,mien's. repr€:'tr!':Mation of th~ 4mpIoyee$ a.nd I\a.t to O:::ondjt!on t~e ern~loyee-s( II!mpJQ')"menL Ct. NLRB v. DavIson. sup:-a.

Under S.ection 9($) the u~lon 1!!'. tho!! e'xduslve repres~r)l:a­th'¢ Qf t!')e tmptoy!!~S Ilin r~!\.pe,=t to rat_!> of p~y, wa~.!$f ilO!Jrs of employment~ or other cOr\dlttons of ¢/'!"'j;lh)}'ml!':nt." 2& U.$.C.A. Section. U9(a}. Bethlehem!., pro-po~H\l which would re!trict t~ u!\iQn's role in the p~Q".ecution of grJp.:vMces to tM~e cornp.laints wh1¢h had been. $i;ncd by iOClivh:HJAI employ~e$ clear1}, Hmit~ this lC'pre:umtation. The company 2(:'kn!)I\'ledges the unl'Jn\~ rlShu wIth respN .. t to the prosecution d' grle'Van~~. but ,eek! solace in the prov[SQ of Se.ctiol'l 91'11) the dght to adjwn gdev8fu."'-eS 'tIitoout the i.nter"'<!l'1ti;1n (it !h(" r~pre,senUtIYf'! Sil 10r:8 .as the: Qd.iustment i~ not jn~Ol'Jsi:5tent with the collltl::tive b;ugoldning c...,n!ra~t.

We fJl"ld nothing In tni~ Sf!-(:ti{lr': to HIPport thf;! c;-cmpd:r.y'~ po&itJon. Jnooed. the proviso Itself !"I!Qlilres rhat the unIon be g~yen 0Pf,0t1lJnlty 1(1 be pnserrt at th~ adju!Um~lit, In 8hort~ the fact that indlvldl.1aJ ~mpioyees i1av4 the r:ght 1:(.: adj\.i.5t r.tJ~lr own .grievances do ... not mean that ar. ~rnp.\oY'er <:;:arJ

restrIct ~t:e unIon's statutory rights by requi .. tnS tnat ea.r.'n &rl~y~et b~ si~n..¢'d br the- el")'\ploy~~ i!"l\'¢hed. Sc~h 3 Umlta­Hoi'll ja not ""aM" tn~ !ltatutot)' -d:etJnlttQrJ (l~ f'I.'"le.!'Idatcry blolt'gainll\S 91.1hjcCh. Like the: ;;Ire-strIKe callat d~U!H~ 1[1 Be\"g~\Varner, Ifit :'!Jb'Shr;t:.a.!Iy ;nodHJt!s the eOJU;t::~ive­

bar~~Jning !lj'sterri provided tor In <!:he statut~ ';)y weai<t.:nI1'lg the

.. 11-

0o/3~jr :: jOe

inde:p@ndel'1ce of the 'repr~t.entativf.lf cl~un by the em,ocloY4!:e$, It enables its: employer, !n 'di~¢t, tt; deal with its employees rather than with their !Jt3tutory f'ltpresentative:s.i1 J.:-;t> Lf,$, at 3'0. ~,$ the Board c(lgentir po-irlt:l out in I t:s brld, SU'!:JI !

clause would preel\.ld~ tne union from prosecuting fl.;!grar'lt violattons of tM contraGt merd), because the: en1p!~)'~e involved, due to tear or employer tl!'pri!J.als, or tOl' $lmLar reason.!!, chose- not to !lign 8. g:rie·{~n.:~_ Hm~e, I"edr~~$ f~)r i3.

vlolUl"n. wculd be m • ..:te ~ntinpl1t uPtJf:. !\\e !Mr(!pLdlty (Joj fne !ndht~dUal er-,p'oy/il.~

Thft fll.:t tint tlll5're ar~ Qtht!f LiMr cont(4'1;t5 .in ':hls indu!try reqddng employ*t SI~fl8.tlJr~":5 Oll: gr!eY3n.ce~ h no! .,ignHleant~ Ntm .. manriatoq' .:1-ubje<'B mAy lawfdly be IneJudlid in coJte<:t!'le bargaining contra~u if !!1e ~art!1Hi ag(t"e to them. ~l.R8 v. lI00<;ter Oivii:iQ\"', of Bor~-Wan'l'et c.~r!?! "6 U.S . ., 149

3/ lI~ectton 151L Unblr labor pnu:tkes

'I(d) For tile purposes of HI[s ;eCiion, YO b;Ug,llt; coi1ecrlvt!'ly is 'the pertorm;r'I~ ~~f th.e mutual Qbligati<l'ft ",1 t~ employer and "::ht! tltprt88Flhti'f'e o~ the employee~ to rTH:et at r!!lalJonabll! t{mes ami confer 1"'1 gt'lod hi~h with respp.r:t hi w,asee ~ hours, and i)th~r term! and c.;:;nditions of '.!rT!plovm,~t"!t ..• " 29 U.S.C.A. Seotlon J$S.

The MunicIpal ~mployment Rel.atiQM Act IX)nh!,M prQvj~Jon! ls.r~f'!ty p~~~Jiel In pertinent part to those (If r"-q Labor Ret~thwe Act reH~d ".JPGn t·y '::V! Gourt in the ah¢'\o'.~ql..lchd ~~s~"g.. S-ec!Jon j Ll.70(l Ha.) , Stat.s, , defi~e.s Oieoliectlvl! bare21nins" as:

••. the performance ot 'th~ m'Jtua! obHsaHon of A municipal employer ••• ttf'l.d the rellrese-nut:;ves: of !u (!'YIP!OY"'Sr 10 meet and confer .H r~asonab!,e tim~, in good h.:th~ wi,th respect to wages, !lour's ~t!d (;'o!i(Hticml of emp!Qymt'r"!.! •.. wi.1h the Intll!inHQO of re.:l<::h:J~g 6n agrt.:ement Qr .tQ....!:S!9.!~ question, artsLh8 tJnder such ao AfSr-~t;ment. (empha:ms a.dded I

Section 111.70(4)(6), Stat>. provide"

(d) SelectIon of repr~sci'itQtlves; and d~termirurtl~1"I of a.pproPtiate' units tor cotie('{[v~ bar"ain:ins. j,. ,.0\ reprt'~e:"iia­tivc chosen tor !I')@ purr.>o;;el .of (;o;tecti:v~ batgt\intn~ h'f a majcrIty of 'the employes v:1ting In ~ ~QHe<:tlve bargaining unit S!')QU be tt)t!: exciu!livl! r~pr=l'Ie:r,ta!ive 01 ~lU tmployel .in the unit for t"e p~of t(dlecti:tI'e barg81nIFi:~. Any ;n;;l;,v1.dual emplt))'e; or enl minority group of employes in *n)l colJ.ectl~ bargairJng unit f shaH have the rIght 10 prj~ ... :'lent gr1~\le.nees to thl! mllnkJpal ~"l'Iploy!!' in pfilrsQn Dr throUl~f'I re~~l/!!sen1attves ,of tMir t/WI'I c!;(lfJsing t and the ml,;l1h;ipild emploYf:r .shaH ce.nfQr !Jtlth said .employe if; tlt-Illt!:>n thl!'r¢tl~~ if the lflajQrity fEliptlP.!t:entatiyt": 'M' boten ii7'1orded the CPPOl'·. tunIty to hI! prlt'$ent at !h~ confc!'r~~nee$~ Any adJustment re~ult1ng from tt'leH cQnieren':e.!i shaH not be !nconsisterlt wf(I1 the conditlO<fls {li employm eilt ~stabjj$hed b, tht m,a~odty representathe and th~: !'rllltlic:iv:d ClmplO)'er'. {(p'npha~15 ",docd')

The MERA c:o\,Jnterrart to the 9(a.} pwvl&-:>n lSi the NL.RA Is fQI,md 1M tM abcV€!e quoted !linluaga an4 wa£ In1erprete~ b;' the Cornm;ssbn !r. %h;uJ! DIn. ~6, CH~::. o GU<tn .ld~ D@-c. Nc.~ 1If.02E> .. B ,WERe, !l!n) In. 8\~!' cooe:stent ~'I't~ tM;:, Court s .ana )"s;, in Bethlef14!:m.

'-,," , -;" .-

fn adciidon to the per.$I,,uu:ve B~tb!ehem an-!lysh~ we note that a C'Oll1tl'~("_ tual !r1e v.Q.nQ: procedure Set'V!'.i'$ 85 a me:(:hanisrn 'Nithln w~l:::h the ?:lrti~I' A;IIW{'~,.a:e their duty to bersa1n over que$tlons and Gt.!PUt~s arhing durLC'lS the ten!"! (J,f the ccntrao:::t. Thli5. the Sec. 111.7IHl){a)~ Stat,,!.} lW!inltion of ccll.etiv~ bSJrgaln­inc quoted above tndudl!'! "questiot\S ~ri&lrtg unde~J\ Ii o:olletHve blr8e.jrlil~g .. grte~­ment. We agree wtth the A.noC:iat;or. thG'l,t jf the [eber orga.nIzatIon, «5 the Itexclustve representl'tlvt" (Ule Sec. 111.70(4J{d), Sta.h., above) can be com" pelled 10 1)argajn about' srfmnce prct';eduf¢ -which would cffectlvelr prtller,t r"'e r.~r.s4!lntatlve from tr,iB5erlng the ptllX:edun:: ab!l~!mc s wtl1f'1& ~rnploye S!rl¢I/~d'1t, the'e's statutory rit:ht to b.argain would bl!! impermlss:lbly .r(~d>Cild,

In $ummll'r, we fInd that thl'! DI!U:rictls: 1"ropoill.QJ doliu r"ltlt primediy r~l~te 1.0 wac·" hourl and conditfoM of employmtilot be~"IJU j)f its 1" ... .,tentia,l f<or renderirg: the contract llf1enlorcsoable by a party tl"u!:r@t(t .and underminL1C the AS~(Jdatlon's statutory riSht to b=r!aln at too exc::hudve replI"!'!!otnt:.1tive of ~mplcre:s.

Dated a1 Mediton I