Download - Annual Program Statement 4

  • 8/9/2019 Annual Program Statement 4



    2. Names Organization : 1) G.R.E.E.N ( Global River Environment EducationNetwork) 2) IMPPALA (Community Ties and the Sea Coast Guards)

    3. Identity Organitation : Local NGO

    4. Contact Person : OKKY TANTRA SANTOSAHp Number : 0812. : 0621-41277Address : Jln.SMA Negeri No.19 Desa Firdaus Sei Rampah 20695

    Serdang Bedagai ,North SumatraIndonesia

    E-mail : [email protected]

    5. Proposal Title : Coastal Community Resilience ProgramMerdeka Beach Village Kuala Bagan Serdang Bedagai

    Regency For The Analysis, Design and Implementation

    6. Total proposed budgeFor the third year : U.S.$ 586,671,00

  • 8/9/2019 Annual Program Statement 4




    2. Names Organization : 1) G.R.E.E.N ( Global River Environment Education Network)2) IMPPALA (Community Ties and the Sea Coast Guards)

    3. Identity Organitation : Local NGO

    4. Contact Person : OKKY TANTRA SANTOSAHp Number : 0812. : 0621-41277Address : Jln.SMA Negeri No.19 Desa Firdaus Sei Rampah 20695

    Serdang Bedagai ,North SumatraIndonesia

    E-mail : [email protected]

    5. Proposal Title : Coastal Community Resilience ProgramMerdeka Beach Village Bagan Kuala Serdang Bedagai

    Regency For The Analysis, Design and Implementation

    6. Total proposed budgeFor the third year : U.S.$ 586,671,00

  • 8/9/2019 Annual Program Statement 4



    One of the weaknesses of integrated coastal zone management is not synergize theeffects of disaster and risk management. Therefore, the concept of regulation on naturalecosystems must be understood. Efforts are most likely to be done is to develop disaster

    mitigation techniques, to minimize the impact of human received. Some important mitigationapproach is resource-based approach to ecosystem management in coastal areas, theinstitutional approach and techniques of human resources. From here the risk is expected tooccur can be minimized if not eliminated


    Coastal erosion can give a very big problem for us, especially if the rate of abrasion issevere, but also the negative impact of environmental degradation and particularly thebalance of ecosystem changes that could trigger acceleration of coastal erosion. Coastalerosion is caused by waves that we can not control, but the absence of protection on the beach

    that really be the cause of coastal erosion. Coastal development undertaken withoutconsideration of experts in the field of development is often sacrificed mangrove trees anderoded beaches and lip bearing waste disposal and polluting ecosystems. Besides the openingof fish farms using ponds as well as illegal sand mining aggravate the situation. Thus was thecase in the Merdeka Beach Bagan Kuala Village Serdang Bedagai Regency, the villageTanjung Beringin Cape District tree located is located at position 20 57 'North Latitude, 30 16'south latitude, 980 33 'eastern longitude, 990 27' West Longitude with an area 298 km2. Witha height of 000-100 meters from the sea surface. With a coastline 17 km


    That the level of abrasion (abrasion) Merdeka Beach has amounted to 38 percent ofthe total, which is 17 kilometers. This is caused by coastal currents quite hard, especiallywhen the northwest winds that occurred in August until December with a large wave was anembankment retaining water, lack of forest lands, mangroves, and remnants of wild sea sandexploration that occurred approximately 10 -20 years ago. With a harbor development that donot pay attention to environmental sustainability has exacerbated coastal erosion, such asshrinkage in the size of the island, where the settlement was the location of the Merdekabeach people most severely affected by abrasion, with the increase of sea level rise is indeeda place rarely vegetation and According to data from the population of the village of Bagan

    Kuala quoted from the year 2009, the abrasion on the Merdeka Beach has reached eightkilometers along the beach .But in this region, due to abrasion of mangrove deforestation(mangrove) into the ponds. According to observations, coastal erosion occurred along a mile,let alone the big wave had swallowed 20-200 meters in Bagan Kuala Village beach. Manyhouses that eventually must be removed. Bagan Kuala Hamlet himself is now occupied by298 head of the family.

    As reported by the village community leaders (11/12/2009) multifarious geniusmangroves white fires and other protective plant uprooted and washed away the wavesbecause the land around constantly hit by waves. Similarly, building Bagan Kuala Jetty Port,threatened retaining wall collapsed because the flow had started close to shore, abrasionresult, the boundary with the river Bedagai is just + 27 meters, and predicted that within

    three years will be lost, if it happens it will separate the Merdeka Beaches become its ownisland and within 10 years the island will be finished shearing waves.

  • 8/9/2019 Annual Program Statement 4


    Destination Observations

    The purpose of this observation was done to analyze the factors that cause anaccelerated erosion in the Merdeka Beach Village Bagan Kuala District TanjungBeringin,Serdang Bedagai Regency and prevention efforts that could lead to widespread

    erosion of natural disasters related to development of economic exclusive zone alternativesand make the Independence Beach Area The Coast Forest Conservation area


    Observations were carried out directly on the beach around the coast north ofMerdeka beach and the District of Tanjung Beringin especially in the area of transfer of landuse which is expected to get swept up in the area of human activity and the construction ofthe pier. Merdeka Beach location selection considering the impact of vulnerability to naturaldisasters that can occur.

    Natural Disaster Mitigation Zone

    Bagan Kuala Jetty Port

    Resettlement Bagan Kuala Village

    Bedagai River by the Merdeka Beach is just +27 Meters


    This observation using a qualitative approach by conducting direct observation inplace that has been determined that the Merdeka Beach and around the North Coast of districtTAnjung Beringin and collect data and facts from various media. And by using a descriptiveapproach that is only illustrate and summarize the various conditions and situations that we

    see directly. We also seek information by way of interviews with 840 people who we metwhen observations started from June 2009

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    After making observations, there was a lot of damage, especially damage tovegetation- many mangrove plants, palm trees and large plants. Northern coast is home to themost receiving heavy waves, due to a flat beach profile, so it is impacted. Unlike the eastern

    coast have no impact, according to local residents of this section the original vegetation at allmeetings and residential development is not so much. In this region the profile of landlessand sandy beaches, this land is very weak to withstand the waves. Seen lots of mangrovetrees are falling around the coast of the remainder had already been dying. Vegetationdamage caused by the construction of the dock by implementers and local residents who usethe local mangrove wood and the immigrant to remember this is a tourist resort island marineand harbor activities. Coastal erosion in the village of Bagan Kuala is causing widespreaddepreciation, in the estimate of not more than 150 2000 square meters. From the dataobtained was approximately 100 ha pond that has become a brunt of the ocean due toabrasion and high waves. Harbor development at a cost of 14.5 billion rupiah in the regionoverride aspects of environmental conservation and ecological value, mangrove deforestation

    in this region is very severe and almost nothing. Besides the construction of the dock port,which is the biggest factor is also the opening of the pond for fish and shrimp aquaculturedevelopment.

    From the results of data in that region in the mangrove forest is gone and replaced byfish ponds, open ponds, which is coincide with the shoreline this is the greatest cause coastalerosion, sea when the waves hit, the barrier between the pond and the shoreline is consideringlimiting the potential damage only sandy soil and a bit of rock. At the time of this barrier islost then the pond will be merged with the ocean so that the land is reduced by so fast andsweeping the area also. This situation is also affecting the shoreline in the Bagan Kualavillage of Tanjung Beringin District, ponds that have been fused with the oceans, about 10years ago the area was a mangrove forest and ponds that are relatively far from shore, butbecause the behavior of businessmen and officials, forest mangrove switching functions intoa palm plantation, because constantly buffeted by waves triggered by the wind and fishingboat traffic, coastal areas have resulted in severe abrasion and increasingly thin line betweenthe ocean and ponds, and now the limit has been sinking into a sea of shallow and .

    Minimize the Impact of Ecosystem-Based

    Minimization and mitigation efforts in the village of Bagan Kuala minimum is bydoing approach is closely related to ecosystem and its role in disaster mitigation is

    mangrove.Model mitigation in the coastal environment / ecology that can be applied in orderto cope with the abrasion is through replanting of mangrove forests in site- the appropriatelocation after considering the environmental conditions Merdeka Beach. Specificallymitigation model Merdeka Beach Bagan Kuala Village by following the following steps:

    1. Determination of bio-physical environmental conditions and determining thelocation Mitigation

    This activity is intended to identify any factors that support or do not support theplanting of mangrove forests and bio-physical condition in Environment.Organisationconduct conservation activities, development and management of mangrove

    ecosystems to protect the value of Bagan Kuala socially and economically sustainablemanner. The project involves nine parts as follows.

  • 8/9/2019 Annual Program Statement 4


    a. Strategic Plan ,

    for Coastal Bagan Kuala Village; Distribution of mangrove seedlings WorkingGroup creation, dissemination, development of aquaculture, mangrove forest

    infrastructure restructuring, restrictions on fishing gear that endanger theecosystem of the region coastal. Determining the direction of policy, resourcesexploitation

    b. Zoning Plan,to consider; harmony, and balance with the carrying capacity of ecosystems, theuse of functions and protection functions, the dimensions of space and time,technological and socio-cultural dimensions, as well as defense and securityfunctions for determining the utilization of space

    c. Management Plan;on setting policy and administrative procedure that allowed the use of resourcesand are forbidden priority scale exploitation of resources in accordance with thecharacteristics of Coastal Bagan Kuala Village; form of reporting mechanism thatregularly and systematically to ensure the availability of data and information thatis accurate and accessible ; and availability of trained human resources to

    implement policies and proceduresc.1. complexity of the existing problems can be clearly identified throughscientific considerations

    c.2. Adaptive among managers quickly as coordinator in their respective fields, isresponsible for overseeing the work group.

    c.3 Project planning and execution of activities carried out systematically tofacilitate the planning, coordination and implementation of inter-projectmanager.The following decisions regarding finance and budget that must bemade in project appraisal: provision and sources of funding the implementation of the work; anticipation of the provision of funds for things unexpected;

    governmental budgetary constraints that are modified in the budget The annual budget allocation and budget provisions modifications; and

  • 8/9/2019 Annual Program Statement 4


    policy areas of the organization or manager to efficiently return hasin the field of finance and administration for managing funds

    d. Plan of Action; capacity development which includes project management,environmental management, program implementation and maintenance of

    infrastructure projects, and repairs to ensure continuity of the program budget

    d.1. Public Participation.

    Begins with the formation of community groups concerned that thebeach was named Environmental Working Group ConservationCommission (KPK). With the first step to making this group theEstablishment of mangrove seedlings are intended to further optimizethe community's involvement in the program resulted in the formationof Mitigation ekositem . 840 community members who expressed inthe Pact Integrity to conduct coastal environmental conservation.

    d.2. Mangrove SeedlingIn many cases, as local organizations Nowhere are always short ofskilled staff Because of limited organizational resources and givingpriority to Which Humans have the will of a major project to build hisbirth. implementation of the land than this activity is the rebuilding ofdamaged Mangroves. In the early stages, the unit manager needs only asmall number of staff for planning the rehabilitation of mangroveforests Village Kuala Bagan, consultation and preparation

    Photo.1 Activities Conservation Working Group (KPK) in the program

    Mangrove Seedling

    d.3. Mangrove planting.

    Working group was formed immediately after a related field managermust decide, based on the type of mangrove seedlings will be made withaquantity adjusted to the obligations of each working group in mangrove

    seedlings contributed, whether the type of seeds are required to have animportant impact in the expansion of mangroves. Projects with measured

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    seedling will have an impact on forest ecosystems in small quantities or alimited negative impact may not require the planting of mangrove. In thiscase, managers must consider the geographical conditions of breedingpatterns which include among others: mangrove species according to geographic characteristics;

    maintenance and age of seedlings; financial and administrative capabilities of the group on the quantity of


    Photo.2.Activities Conservation Working Group (KPK) Mangrove Planting in the

    program area of disaster-prone village of Kuala Bagan

    e. Technical PlanAt certain locations, the territory of Bagan Kuala village shoreline to

    prevent abrasion broader level it is necessary to appropriate organizationalplanning tool holder waves (APO). Method of coastal erosion mitigation suchas a quarter circle breakwater parallel the coastline (detached beakwater),structure The cutting-parallel-flow perpendicular to the shoreline beaches(groin), and the construction of sea walls (seawall) with bronjong system andplanted a mangrove plant breakwater between the two buildings is neededapply in various cases of coastal erosion in the Bagan Kuala village . Byconsidering the geographical conditions of these villages has complied withthe terms of the stability of the plan, and the three structures above thescientifically proven quite effectively cope with the abrasion.

    However, belonging to the third way 'hard engineering''has a weaknessin terms of beauty of sight. The beach will seem stiff and less natural and mayeven appear "dirty" with the existence of such structures, therefore it is tomake it a natural mangrove is by giving plants between the breakwater side.

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    An alternative to overcome the weaknesses of functional and does notcontain all of the ways above and has been applied in several Europeancountries, America and Japan, is a coastal drainage systems (coastal drain).Starting in 2002 we conducted the assessment and mitigation of coastalerosion with drain system, which is one form of soft shore protection. The

    basic principle of this method is to increase the stability of coastal sedimentsin order to not be easily transported by wave and current energy. The trick isto lower the ground water table through drainage systems which were plantedin the ground. Under conditions of low ground water, the beach has a higherpermeability to absorb the energy of the wave run-ups, and having a friction-between the larger grains of sediment. The two last-mentioned factor isdominant in increasing the stability of the coast and eventually led to theaccretion . To be protected from fast-growth mangrove waves.

    f. Continuation of Post-Grant Programa. Community-based Project Management / Community-based management

    Foret, (from the Study of MAP-Indonesia and ESP-USAID) is morereliable than continuance management by the government.

    b. Based on the calculation of the economic value of mangroves for thecommunity, the village forest area is only 43.5 acres can not balance theneeds of district residents of Tanjung Beringin number of 35.372inhabitants. Therefore, many residents who wanted to be able to managefor the needs of districts with a population so that, at least 180 hectares ofmangrove land needed, then with a target population of 140 hectares, theeconomic activities of fishing communities which 80% can beaccommodated

    c. Meantime, with the mangrove community management group, fordeparting from the spirit of awareness and self-help groups, activities ofmangrove rehabilitation and equipment continue to run without having towith abundant funds.

    d. Coastal region became independent of Tourism Sectorg. Technical and Financial Feasibility

    a. Social criteria,:The level of support the surrounding community; public health; recreation;

    culture; aesthetics; conflicts of interest; security, Accessibility, researchandeducation, public awareness;

    b. Ecological criteria:Biodiversity; naturalness; dependence; representation; unique;integrity;productivity; important species

    c. Criterion Economics;Fisheries interests threat-Form-Tourism-economic Benefits.

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    h.Environmental Working Group Conservation Commission (KPK)








    Merdeka Beach

    Bagan Kuala


    Serdang Bedagai


    For The Analysis,

    Design and


    Preparation ofCommunityovercome and theimpact meitigasinegatifedevelopment as anindependent coastalZEE areas

    Improving theability ofFacing public aalamcommunity-baseddisasterand informally inthe subdistrict ofBagan Kuala

    Facilitation ofplanning processesspatial structure(Masterplan)Protected ForestArea-based Coastalbeachsociety with areview facilitycoastal protectionforest,tourismproducts andbreakwater


    Potentialsynergiesthrough theCommunityConservationWorking Group

    Master Plan AreaMerdeka Beachprotected forests


    Awareness andMerdeka Beacharea managementsystem

    Improved qualityof TataSpace andEnvironmentMerdeka Beacharea of protectedforests

    Increase VisitorsCoastal areas ofprotected forestsMerdeka Beach

    ImprovedWelfareBagan KualaCoastal


    Participation of the community through Environmental Working Group Conservation

    Commission (KKK)

  • 8/9/2019 Annual Program Statement 4


    i. Budget Plan For 3 Years

    Year Source of Funds Type of Financing (USD)

    Grants Other Sources Total


    Personnel budget 3,343,00 9,833,00 13,177,00Travel 2,960,00 6,167,00 8,263,00

    Program activities 2,493,00 7,333,00 9,827,00

    Training 2,022,00 10,000,00 12,022,00Other 2,778,00 5,000,00 7,778,00

    Budget Environment A program for sustainable

    coastal and marine Management and

    rehabilitation of coastal

    and marine ecosystems Management of

    biological diversity andecosystem (inventory,identification, identity ofplant breeding areas)










    Public Works Field Construction of breaking

    waves Development of Coastal

    Protection Forest




    Total 69,402,00 504,445,00 573,847,00Year SF GO S T


    Personnel budget 2,778,00 10,889,00 13,667,00

    Travel 1,112,00 6,667,00 7,778,00

    Program activities 1,667,00 7,445,00 9,112,00

    Training 2,778,00 11,112,00 13,889,00Other 3,889,00 6,667,00 10,556,00

    Total 12,224,00 42,780,00 55,000,00

    Year SF GO S T


    Personnel budget 2,222,00 1,556,00 3,778,00

    Travel 8,889,00 8,334,00 17,223,00Program activities 1,334,00 8,889,00 10,223,00

    Training 2,778,00 12,889,00 15,667,00Other 5,000,00 7,778,00 12,778,00

    TotalTotal I,II,III





