Download - Annual Accounts 20 - Creditinfo


> Main Indicators 2020Net sales:

Operating profit/loss: 183 900 000 EUR

incl. export sale:

Net profit/loss:



Share capital:

Cash flow:

Staff costs:

Number of employees:

742 100 000 EUR

109 100 000 EUR

171 000 000 EUR

3 087 200 000 EUR

1 698 000 000 EUR

621 600 000 EUR

63 500 000 EUR

130 200 000 EUR

5 696

> Additional Info

Financial Year:


VAT Liability:

VAT payer since:

VAT number:

> Growth Indicators 20/19Net sales growth:

Operating profit growth:

-4.5 %

221.5 %

Net profit growth:

Change of number of employees:

322.2 %

-9.4 %

Ratio 01/01/202031/12/2020

Liquidity and solvency

Working capital (th. EUR) 287 600.0

Current ratio (*) 2.2

Quick ratio (*) 1.9

Cash ratio (*) 0.9

Collection period (days) 61

Capital circulation

Assets turnover(*) 0.2

Capital structure

Debt ratio (*) 0.4


Operating margin (%) 24.8

Profit margin (%) 23.0

ROA (%) 5.7

Cash flow (th. EUR) 63 500.0

Current ratio (*)


0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0

Quick ratio (*)


0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0

Debt ratio (*)


0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Operating margin (%)


0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0

> Main Consolidated Ratios


01/6Report created on: 12/01/2021

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Reg. code: 00000000

Pärnu mnt 5 10148 Tallinn, Harjumaa

Tel: 6000000, Fax: 6000000

[email protected],

Main Field of Activity: Freight transport by road




Anu Audiitor

> Consolidated Balance Sheet (EUR)

ASSETS 31/12/20 (Proportion ,%) 01/01/20 (Proportion, %) Trend,%


Cash 223300000 (7.2) 159800000 (5.4) +39.7

Short term financial investments 1400000 (0.0) 0 (0.0) +100

Short-term receivables and prepayments, incl: 246700000 (8.0) 173600000 (5.9) +42.1

Trade receivables 158500000 (5.1) 88500000 (3.0) +79.1

- accounts receivable 160600000 (5.2) 90600000 (3.1) +77.3

- allowance for doubtful receivables 2100000 (0.1) 2100000 (0.1) 0

Tax prepayments and receivables 0 (0.0)

Receivables from related parties 1600000 (0.1)

Other current receivables 86600000 (2.8) 85100000 (2.9) +1.8

Inventories, incl: 65200000 (2.1) 71900000 (2.4) -9.3

Raw materials 33700000 (1.1) 25900000 (0.9) +30.1

Work in progress 28700000 (0.9) 43700000 (1.5) -34.3

Finished goods 2800000 (0.1) 2200000 (0.1) +27.3

Merchandise 100000 (0.0)

Inventory prepayments 0 (0.0)

Other inventories

Current biological assets 0 (0.0)

CURRENT ASSETS, TOTAL 536600000 (17.4) 405300000 (13.7) +32.4


Non current financial investments, incl: 41100000 (1.3) 4600000 (0.2) +793.5

Investments in subsidiaries and associates 2000000 (0.1) 4600000 (0.2) -56.5

Financial investments 39100000 (1.3) 0 (0.0) +100

Receivables and prepayments 32900000 (1.1)

Investment property 0 (0.0)

Property, plant and equipment, incl: 2469300000 (80.0) 2473900000 (83.6) -0.2

Land (at cost) 43000000 (1.4) 43600000 (1.5) -1.4

Buildings (at cost) 1239000000 (40.1) 256600000 (8.7) +382.9

Machinery and equipment (at cost) 2061700000 (66.8) 2024900000 (68.5) +1.8

Other tangible assets (at cost) 6200000 (0.2) 5900000 (0.2) +5.1

Accumulated depreciation (-) 1484800000 (48.1) 1420600000 (48.0) +4.5

Unfinished Projects 604200000 (19.6) 953500000 (32.2) -36.6

Prepayments 610000000 (20.6)

Long term biological assets 0 (0.0)

Intangible assets, incl: 40200000 (1.3) 41100000 (1.4) -2.2

Goodwill 3500000 (0.1) 3500000 (0.1) 0

Development expenditures 800000 (0.0) 0 (0.0) +100

Concessions, patents, licenses, tradem. 35900000 (1.2) 37600000 (1.3) -4.5

Prepayments for intangible assets 0 (0.0)

Other intangible assets 0 (0.0)

NON CURRENT ASSETS, TOTAL 2550600000 (82.6) 2552500000 (86.3) -0.1

ASSETS, TOTAL 3087200000 (100.0) 2957800000 (100.0) +4.4


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EXAMPLE ASReport created on: 12/01/2021

AS CREDITINFO EESTI | Narva mnt 5, 10117 Tallinn | Tel: +372 665 9600 | [email protected]

LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 31/12/20 (Proportion ,%) 01/01/20 (Proportion, %) Trend,%


Current loan liabilities, incl: 35800000 (1.2) 31100000 (1.1) +15.1

Repayment of loans 11800000 (0.4)

Current bonds

Other loan commitments 16500000 (0.5)

incl finance lease obligations

Payables and prepayments, incl: 155400000 (5.0) 179000000 (6.1) -13.2

Trade creditors 84200000 (2.7) 89000000 (3.0) -5.4

Employee-related liabilities 19200000 (0.6) 17800000 (0.6) +7.9

Taxes payable 33900000 (1.1) 50200000 (1.7) -32.5

Other current payables 11500000 (0.4) 15300000 (0.5) -24.8

- incl. interest payable 0 (0.0)

Prepayments received 6600000 (0.2) 6700000 (0.2) -1.5

Government grants 0 (0.0)

Provisions 57800000 (1.9) 39700000 (1.3) +45.6

CURRENT LIABILITIES, TOTAL 249000000 (8.1) 249800000 (8.4) -0.3


Non current loan commitments, total 928500000 (30.1) 932500000 (31.5) -0.4

Loans, notes and financial lease payables 926700000 (30.0) 932500000 (31.5) -0.6

Other non current loan commitments 1800000 (0.1) 0 (0.0) +100

Payables and prepayments 181000000 (5.9) 172600000 (5.8) +4.9

Non current provisions 30700000 (1.0) 31000000 (1.0) -1

Non current government grants 0 (0.0)

NON CURRENT LIABILITIES, TOTAL 1140200000 (36.9) 1136100000 (38.4) +0.4

LIABILITIES, TOTAL 1389200000 (45.0) 1385900000 (46.9) +0.2


Minority shareholding 900000 (0.0) 1100000 (0.0) -18.2

Majority shareholding 1697100000 (55.0) 1570800000 (53.1) +8

Issued capital 621600000 (20.1) 621600000 (21.0) 0

Unregistered equity 0 (0.0)

Share premium 259800000 (8.4) 259800000 (8.8) 0

Treasury shares 0 (0.0)

Statutory reserv capital 62100000 (2.0) 62100000 (2.1) 0

Other reserves -16600000 (0.5) 27800000 (0.9) -159.7

Unpaid capital

Other equity

Retained earnings/loss 599200000 (19.4) 559000000 (18.9) +7.2

Annual period profit/loss 171000000 (5.5) 40500000 (1.4) +322.2

EQUITY, TOTAL 1698000000 (55.0) 1571900000 (53.1) +8

LIABILITIES AND EQUITY, TOTAL 3087200000 (100.0) 2957800000 (100.0) +4.4


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EXAMPLE ASReport created on: 12/01/2021

AS CREDITINFO EESTI | Narva mnt 5, 10117 Tallinn | Tel: +372 665 9600 | [email protected]

> Consolidated Income Statement (EUR)

SCHEME 1 202001/01/20-31/12/20 (Percentage,%)

201901/01/19-31/12/19 (Percentage,%) Trend,%

REVENUE 742100000 (100.0) 776700000 (100.0) -4.5

Other income 89600000 (12.1) 16700000 (2.2) +436.5

Changes in inventories of agricultural production 0 (0.0)

Profit/loss from biological assets 0 (0.0)

Changes in inventories of finished goods -14500000 (2.0) 28000000 (3.6) -151.8

Work performed by entity and capitalised 0 (0.0)

Raw materials and consumables used -290000000 (39.1) -326700000 (42.1) -

Other operating expense -69700000 (9.4) -89300000 (11.5) -

Employee expense, incl: -130200000 (17.5) -139600000 (18.0) -

Wages and salaries -105300000 (14.2) 0 (0.0) -

Social security costs 0 (0.0)

Pension expenses 0 (0.0)

Other employee expenses -24900000 (3.4) 0 (0.0) -

Depreciation and impairment loss reversal -143400000 (19.3) -208600000 (26.9) -

Significant impairment of current assets

Other expense 0 (0.0)

TOTAL PROFIT/LOSS 183900000 (24.8) 57200000 (7.4) +221.5

Financial income and expenses, incl: -12800000 (1.7) -1800000 (0.2) -

Profit/Loss from subsidiaries and associates

Profit/Loss from financial investments 2500000 (0.3)

Interest income 300000 (0.0)

Interest expense -14500000 (2.0) -10600000 (1.4) -

Other financial income and expenses 1400000 (0.2) 6300000 (0.8) -77.8

TOTAL PROFIT/LOSS BEFORE TAX 171100000 (23.1) 55400000 (7.1) +208.8

Income tax expense -100000 (0.0) -14900000 (1.9) -

TOTAL ANNUAL PERIOD PROFIT/LOSS, incl: 171000000 (23.0) 40500000 (5.2) +322.2

Parent company's share 170900000 (23.0) 40500000 (5.2) +322

Minority shareholder's share 100000 (0.0) 0 (0.0) +100

Other comprehensive profit/loss -44400000 (6.0) -24900000 (3.2) -

ANNUAL COMPREHENSIVE PROFIT/LOSS 126600000 (17.1) 15600000 (2.0) +711.5


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EXAMPLE ASReport created on: 12/01/2021

AS CREDITINFO EESTI | Narva mnt 5, 10117 Tallinn | Tel: +372 665 9600 | [email protected]

> Consolidated Cash Flow Statement (EUR)2020


01/01/19-31/12/19 Trend, %

indirect method

Operating profit/loss 245300000 351100000 -30.1

Depreciation and impairment of fixed assets

Profit/loss from sale of fixed assets

Changes in receivables and prepayments

Changes in inventories

Changes in payables and prepayments

Interest paid -30300000 -43900000 -

Interest received 200000 500000 -60

Income tax paid -14900000 0 -

Proceeds from grants

Other operating cash flows 0

Dividends received

direct method

Receipts from sales

Other income from operating activities

Payments to suppliers

Payments to employees

CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING, TOTAL 200300000 307700000 -34.9

Purchase and sale of fixed assets -121800000 227900000 -153.4

Purchase and sale of subsidiaries and associates 1900000

Purchase and sale of other financial investments 40000000

Loans given -4300000 -2900000 -

Repayments of loans given 0

Interest received

Dividends received 2000000 0 +100

Purchase and sale of investment property

Proceeds from grants 0

Other cash flows from investments 8300000 -435200000 +100

CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING, TOTAL -115800000 -168300000 -

Loans received 30400000

Repayments of loans received -20000000 -7100000 -

Change in overdraft balance

Repayments of finance lease

Interest paid

Proceeds from grants

Proceeds from issuing shares 0

Proceeds from repurchased treasury shares

Dividends paid -100000 -61900000 -

Income tax paid

Other cash flows from financing -900000 -1200000 -

CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING, TOTAL -21000000 -39800000 -

CASH FLOWS, TOTAL 63500000 99600000 -36.2

Cash and cash equiv. beginning of period 159800000 60200000 +165.4

Change 63500000 99600000 -36.2

Effect of exchange rate changes

Cash and cash equiv. end of period 223300000 159800000 +39.7


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EXAMPLE ASReport created on: 12/01/2021

AS CREDITINFO EESTI | Narva mnt 5, 10117 Tallinn | Tel: +372 665 9600 | [email protected]


The information presented in the report has been gathered from public sources. AS CREDITINFO EESTI makes every effort to ensure that the information in the report is correct and accurate and originates from a reliable source. AS CREDITINFO EESTI does not guarantee the integrity, accuracy and timeliness of the information and is not liable for any possible consequences of using the information, except when required by law.

Report created on: 12/01/2021

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AS CREDITINFO EESTI | Narva mnt 5, 10117 Tallinn | Tel: +372 665 9600 | [email protected]