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  • 8/13/2019 Annointing for Breakthrough



    IntroductionThe subject and person of the Holy p!r!t !s one of the "ost

    "!sunderstood and "!s!nterpreted !n the #hr!st!an fa!th$

    The E%an&el!cals see H!" as the dor"ant' unannounced

    &uest of the (!ns!de$(

    The )entecostals see H!" as the force beh!nd spea*!n& !n

    ton&ues and the "ot!%ator of sp!r!tual +eal$ Often' H!spresence !s heralded ,!th &reat e"ot!onal d!splay$

    Then ca"e the #har!s"at!cs' present!n& the Holy p!r!t to

    the ,orld as the operator of s!&ns and ,onders' and d!%erse

    "an!festat!ons' l!*e (fall!n& under the po,er$(

    Who Is The Holy Spirit?

    He !s not a feel!n& or a fall!n&' nor !s He a cry!n& or a,a!l!n&$ He !s no e"ot!on' He !s a person$

    He !s a personal!ty !n the order of the Godhead- He !s the

    th!rd person of the Tr!n!ty$

    He !s !n char&e of the affa!rs of the *!n&do" of God on

    earth today$

    He !s the #h!ef E.ecut!%e of the d!%!ne pro&ra""e on


    He !s the "ot!%ator' ener&!+er and operator of e%ery

    re%ealed plan /%!s!on0 fro" God$

  • 8/13/2019 Annointing for Breakthrough


    He !s the re%ealer of the h!dden treasures of the *!n&do"

    and holds the *ey to the !nher!tance of the sa!nts$

    The Holy p!r!t !s the "ost %aluable asset to #hr!st!an

    l!%!n&$ He !s the central f!&ure !n any brea*throu&h !n l!fe$

    (But ,hy all the counterfe!ts1(' you "ay as*$ The s!"ple

    ans,er !s th!s2 the presence of the counterfe!t !s a sure

    proof of the e.!stence of the &enu!ne$ No other personal!ty

    of the Godhead !s "ore !"personated than the Holy p!r!t$

    Th!s !s because He !s the real!ty of the hour$

    By %!rtue of "y sal%at!on bac*&round ,!th theE%an&el!cals' I ,as b!ased a&a!nst the Holy p!r!t$ In fact'

    for the f!rst s!. years of "y sal%at!on' I d!d not e%en ,ant to

    hear the subject of the person of the Holy p!r!t preached$

    The E%an&el!cals bel!e%e that all sa%ed people are f!lled

    ,!th the Holy p!r!t$

    I be&an to f!nd faults ,!th those ,ho cla!" to be bapt!+ed,!th the Holy p!r!t$ 3!ttle d!d I *no, that the ene"y ,as

    out to steal "y dest!ny$ Today' that sa"e Holy p!r!t !s "y

    s,eetest co"pan!on and &reatest asset$

    #o"e ,!th "e on an e.c!t!n& ad%enture !nto the person and

    "!ss!on of the Holy p!r!t$

    Chapter 1

    The Holy p!r!t2 H!s )ersonal!ty

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    The B!ble "a*es one th!n& clear2 e%eryone l!%es to fulf!l h!s

    na"e$ 4hen 5esus called the Holy p!r!t the #o"forter' He

    auto"at!cally re%ealed H!s "!ss!on 6 to "a*e "en

    co"fortable$ The Holy p!r!t ,as sent pr!"ar!ly toestabl!sh co"fort for God7s people$ 5esus had so"e le%el of

    co"fort' but He pro"!sed that ,!th the co"!n& of the

    #o"forter' the co"fort they pre%!ously enjoyed ,ould fade

    !nto "ere !ns!&n!f!cance$

    3et us br!efly e.a"!ne so"e na"es !n the B!ble and the!r

    relat!onsh!p ,!th the bearers$

    4hen the an&el appeared unto 5oseph and sa!d' "...Thou

    shalt call his nameJesus...",he re%ealed so"eth!n& about

    the person of 5esus$ The na"e Jesus means Saviour.H!s

    "!ss!on2 to " his people from their sins..." (Matthew


    Bear!n& the na"e "Simon",which means"the reed"

    /one ,ho !s eas!ly sha*en0' affected !"on8 so 5esuschan&ed h!s na"e fro" !"on' toeter, "the roc!"

    sta#le, immova#le$.

    Upon this rock will I build my church and the gates of hell

    shall not prevail against it.

    Matthew 16:18

    Then a&a!n there ,as a "an calledNabal' of ,ho" these,ords ,ere spo*en2

    ...s his name is, so is he! abal is his name, and folly is

    with him...

    1 Samuel 25:25

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    Another "an ,as called Icha#od 6 "the glory is departed"

    (1 Samuel. 4:21).

    And so !t ,as that ,hen the B!ble referred to the Holy

    p!r!t as the #o"forter' !t "eant that the pr!"ary "!ss!onof the Holy p!r!t ,!ll be to "a*e "an co"fortable$

    4hen 5esus ,as to be ta*en a,ay' He &a%e H!s d!sc!ples a

    fare,ell "essa&e' say!n&2

    ...ow I go my way to him that sent me! and none of you

    asketh me, #hither goest thou$ %ut because I have said

    these things unto you, sorrow hath filled your heart.evertheless I tell you the truth! It is e&pedient for you that

    I go away' for if I go not away, the omforter will not

    come unto you! but if I depart, I will send him unto you.

    John 16:5-7

    The ,ord (e.ped!ent( "eans (prof!table$( H!s &o!n& had a

    lot to offer the"' !t ,ould "a*e the #o"forter co"e' to"a*e l!fe "ore co"fortable for the"$ Therefore' !t !s true

    that the d!sc!ples "ourned after He left' but !t ,as only for

    a short t!"e' for after H!" ca"e the One that too* the baton

    fro" the Br!de&roo" 6 the #o"forter-

    9ou "ust re"e"ber that ,h!le 5esus ,as ,!th the"' they

    enjoyed a &ood "easure of co"fort$ 5esus as*ed the"'

    (4hat ,ent ye out !nto the ,!lderness to see1( In essence'other "!n!str!es of H!s day ,ere l!*e a ,!lderness

    co"pared to H!s o,n "!n!stry$ One of 5ohn7s d!sc!ples

    jo!ned H!" after see!n& ,here He slept$

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    The sa"e 5esus pro"!sed H!s d!sc!ples to send the

    #o"forter to ta*e H!s place' "a*!n& the" "ore

    co"fortable than they had been ,!th H!"$ 5esus sa!d to H!s

    d!sc!ples2...The works that I do shall he do also! and greater works

    than these shall he do! because I go unto my ather.

    John 14:12

    His %pproach To His &ission

    The f!rst th!n& the Holy p!r!t d!d ,hen He ca"e ,as to

    br!n& the d!sc!ples out of the!r h!d!n& place !n the upperroo"$ They that ,ere once fu&!t!%es beca"e rulers !n the

    land$ He announced H!s arr!%al' bro*e the ,alls that

    enclosed the" and d!&n!f!ed H!s people$ )eter ,ho den!ed

    h!s :aster /e%en before a l!ttle &!rl0' no, procla!"ed

    boldly' (5esus #hr!st ,ho" your fathers *!lled$(

    The Holy Ghost ca"e to re%eal the"' to br!n& the" out ofdar*ness and cause the!r l!&ht to sh!ne fro" obscur!ty$ In no

    t!"e at all' the d!sc!ples beca"e a concern to the ent!re

    pro%!nce ,here they ,ere l!%!n&$ Author!t!es !n po,er held

    "eet!n&s because of the"$ They beca"e the unbeatable

    ,!nners' spea*!n& and ha%!n& ,hat they spo*e$

    They too* o%er the syna&o&ues as thou&h there ,ere no

    h!&h pr!ests there pre%!ously$ Accord!n& to the B!ble' "agreat company of the priests became obedient to the faith"

    (Acts 6:7).

    The Holy Ghost ca"e to re%eal the sonsh!p of the sons of

    God$ He !s the personal!ty to lean on today' !f ,e ,ant to

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    be acco"pl!shed$ He !s the only One' to th!s hour' that

    "a*es the d!fference$ H!s na"e !s called the #o"forter$

    H!s Attr!butesThe 'il o( Joy

    The Holy p!r!t !s referred to as the o!l of joy$

    To appoint unto them that mourn in *ion, to give unto them

    beauty for ashes, the oil of +oy for mourning, the garment

    of praise for the spirit of heaviness! that they might be

    called trees of righteousness, the planting of the ord, thathe might be glorified.

    Isaiah 61:3

    InPsalm 45:7He !s referred to as the O!l of Gladness2

    Thou lovest righteousness, and hatest wickedness'

    therefore -od, thy -od, hath anointed thee with the oil of

    gladness above thy fellows.

    4hat th!s "eans !s that He !s the ano!nt!n& for joy and

    &ladness$ 3!*e an !nject!on' He !njects joy and &ladness !nto

    the benef!c!ary$

    4hat !s the s!&n!f!cance of joy and &ladness1 The B!ble

    says that "a merry heart doeth good like medicine"

    (P!o"e!#s. 17:22).5oy !s an !nstru"ent that "a*es for ahealthy body$ A bro*en sp!r!t' ho,e%er' !s sa!d to dry the


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    d!seases and pla&ues$ 5oy eas!ly ,ards the" off$ 4hen you

    ha%e th!s joy !n you' people can7t understand ,hat !t !s that

    &ets you so e.c!ted$ It !s "ore co"fortable to be healthy

    than to be s!c*-The )ove o( *od

    nd hope maketh not ashamed! because the love of -od is

    shed abroad in our hearts by the oly -host which is given

    unto us.

    &omans 5:5

    The Holy p!r!t !njects the lo%e of God !nto "en7s hearts$3o%e !s ,hat deter"!nes your access to re%elat!on' as ,ell

    as the le%el you enjoy8 because the B!ble says !n Matthew

    22:37- 4%:

    ...Thou shalt love the ord thy -od with all thy heart, and

    with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and

    great commandment. nd the second is like unto it, Thoushalt love thy neighbour as thyself. /n these two

    commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

    E.cept by an enabl!n& force' !t !s hu"anly !"poss!ble to so

    lo%e$ The lo%e be!n& spo*en about !n the abo%e cr!pture !s

    the proof that you lo%e God 6 "Thou shalt love thy

    neighbour as thyself."3o%e !s the platfor" on ,h!ch the

    la,s and co""and"ents funct!on$ 4hen !t !s out of place'don7t e.pect cr!ptures you ha%e accu"ulated to produce$

    Th!s "eans that the lo%e of God cannot be ac

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    "echan!cal' out of duress' by force and out of necess!ty'

    not ,!ll!n&ly$ By th!s act of the Holy Ghost' you co"e !nto

    the co%enant fulf!l"ent ofMatthew 6:33:

    %ut seek ye first the kingdom of -od, and hisrighteousness! and all these things shall be added unto


    4hat can be "ore co"fortable than to ha%e all the th!n&s

    that "en are stru&&l!n& for added to you just because the

    lo%e of God !s supre"e !n your heart1 It !s th!s *!nd of lo%e

    6 a &!ft fro" the Holy Ghost' that pro"pted )aul to as*'"#hat shall separate us from the love of -od$" There !s a

    ,ay you lo%e God that bl!nds you totally to your needs and


    I "et one of our dau&hters !n #anada so"et!"e a&o'and

    she tr!ed to cast "y "!nd bac* to our early days !n

    "!n!stry$ he sa!d' (I *no, ho, "uch you suffered ,hen

    th!s church ,as start!n&$( It sounded l!*e ne,s to "e'because I d!d not *no, that I suffered at all$ :e suffer1 I

    couldn7t see ,hat I ,ent throu&h as suffer!n&$

    The ,hole church ,as us!n& "y to!let$ I had to ha%e "y

    bath at = a$"$ and "a*e sure "y ,!fe had hers at =2>?'

    other,!se' the church cleaner ,ould soon arr!%e and head

    stra!&ht for the to!let$ The bedroo"s had to be loc*ed'

    other,!se they ,ould be "!sta*en for the off!ce /the off!ce,as d!rectly oppos!te the bedroo" and the passa&e ser%ed

    as the s!tt!n& roo"0$ There ,as no &ate"an' because there

    ,as only one &ate and there ,as no "oney to pay the

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    &ate"an$ o I had to be the &ate"an' ensur!n& that the &ate

    ,as al,ays loc*ed after e%erybody else had left$

    Ho,e%er' I couldn7t see those contrary c!rcu"stances'

    because there ,as so"eth!n& dr!%!n& "e on on the !ns!de$ I,ould so often *neel do,n and than* God for &!%!n& "e

    the pr!%!le&e of ser%!n& as a ,or*er !n H!s %!neyard$ Unt!l

    th!s dau&hter of "!ne "ent!oned !t' I d!dn7t *no, that I

    ,ent throu&h such (hardness($ The 3ord told "e that !t ,as

    because of the lo%e I ha%e for H!"$

    The lo%e of God !n the heart !s a bedroc*8 and !t !s a &!ftfro" the Holy Ghost$ The B!ble tal*s about "faith which

    worketh by love" ('alatians. 5:6).Th!s "eans that

    ,hate%er you spea*' bel!e%e or act' ,!thout lo%e !t !s fut!le8

    and ,hen fa!th fa!ls to ,or*' !t results !n frustrat!on$

    ...e that loveth not his brother abideth in death.

    1 John 3:14

    ooking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of -od!

    lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and

    thereby many be defiled!

    (e#!ews 12:15

    B!tterness br!n&s trouble' hatred !s death8 but the lo%e of

    God !s the ans,er to all$ Th!s !s pro%!ded by the Holy

    p!r!t' 4ho ensures your co"fort$

    E%eryth!n& you say ,ould only ,or* ,hen the lo%e of

    God' ,h!ch !s the platfor" on ,h!ch God operates' !s

    abound!n& !n your heart$ Once !njected ,!th the lo%e of

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    God by the Holy Ghost' you &et e.c!ted and you are

    rela.ed about do!n& H!s ,!ll$

    The Hi+h raises o( *od

    4hen you are ano!nted ,!th the Holy Ghost' your pra!se

    l!fe chan&es$ He enables you ha%e a h!&her d!"ens!on of

    pra!se !n the heart$

    e shall glorify me' for he shall receive of mine, and shall

    show it unto you.

    John 16:14

    At )entecost' the B!ble says that the apostles ,ere spea*!n&

    !n ton&ues and &lor!fy!n& God$ Th!s !s one of the

    #o"forter7s "!ss!ons 6 to &!%e you a supernatural enabl!n&

    to pra!se God

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    et the high praises of -od be in their mouth, and a

    twoedged sword in their hand!

    Psalm 14):6

    H!&h pra!ses are only poss!ble ,!th the Holy Ghost$ 4hen,e ,ere sa%ed' ,e ,ere told that there ,as no Holy Ghost

    any,here$ o' ,e be&an to s!n& our o,n son&s at our o,n

    le%el 6 s!n&!n& and brea*!n& !n bet,een the son&s to share

    sn!ppets and ch!p out !nfor"at!on as thou&h ,e ,ere not !n

    God7s presence-

    There !s no poss!b!l!ty of h!&h pra!ses ,!thout the ano!nt!n&of the Holy p!r!t$ 4hen you enter !nto the Holy Ghost

    d!"ens!on of pra!se' tears so"et!"es roll do,n your chee*s

    as you s!n& of the e.cellency of God7s na"e$ (The Holy

    Ghost shall &lor!fy "e$( 4hen 5esus !s &lor!f!ed throu&h

    you' you end up be!n& &lor!f!ed ,!th H!"$ 4e ha%e

    so"eone to lean on 6 the #o"forter' ,ho !s the present

    #o""ander of the host of hea%en$

    The ano!nt!n& of the Holy Ghost !s not !n fall!n& or feel!n&8

    !t !s an e.per!ence that re%eals !tself !n the hu"an l!fe style$

    9ou can al,ays ,!n ,!thout s,eat and that can only be

    ach!e%ed throu&h the !nstru"ent of pra!se$ )ra!se !s a

    funda"ental re

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    ...Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.

    Psalm 1%5:15

    As you be&!n to pra!se the na"e of the 3ord !n the h!&h

    pra!ses d!"ens!on' the hea%ens co"e to see ,ho !s hurt!n&you and render the r!&ht jud&e"ent upon your ene"!es$

    uch ,as the case ,!th ;a%!d and h!s ,!fe' :!chal' aul7s

    dau&hter$ ;a%!d had just danced before the 3ord ,!th all

    h!s "!&ht and she conde"ned h!" for d!s&rac!n& h!"self$

    he desp!sed h!" !n her heart and God7s jud&e"ent fell

    upon her$ he beca"e barren 6 the only ,o"an ,ho

    re"a!ned barren !n the ent!re cr!ptures /@ a"uel$ 26@>0$

    The h!&h pra!ses of God &et you off the battlef!eld and

    !nstead' you beco"e a reporter of your o,n battle8 ,h!le

    He beco"es the #o"batant' deal!n& ,!th your ene"y$ He

    doesn7t need H!s f!st to &!%e you your %!ctory8 the breath of

    H!s nostr!ls !s "ore than enou&h to ta*e care of any and

    e%ery ene"y-

    9ou are hereby !ntroduced to the personal!ty of all

    personal!t!es' the One that "a*es l!%!n& fulf!ll!n& and

    prof!table 6 the Holy p!r!t$ 4hen 5esus told H!s d!sc!ples

    that !t ,as e.ped!ent for the" that He ,ent a,ay' He ,as

    actually tell!n& the" that the #o"forter ,as &o!n& to "a*e

    l!fe so "uch "ore e.c!t!n& and fulf!ll!n&8 !ndeed' He ,ould

    e%en cause the" to do &reater ,or*s than He d!d /5ohn


    Recently' I ,as !n a c!ty !n N!&er!a for a "eet!n&and a

    spec!ally "ade cha!r ,as presented to "e by a "an' ,hose

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    bus!ness had just ta*en a ne, turn throu&h an encounter he

    had ,!th our "!n!stry$ Th!s "an had so"eho, &ot a copy

    of our 4ee*ly Fa!th ;!&est' read !t and seen "y p!cture on

    !t$ Before then' h!s bus!ness had been on a lon& lea%e ande%eryth!n& see"ed to ha%e co"e to a standst!ll8 all he had

    ,as h!s co"pl!"entary card- That n!&ht' he drea"t and sa,

    "e &!%e h!" a letter$ The follo,!n& day' a contract opened

    up for h!" and before you could say (Hallelujah(' so "any

    others follo,ed-

    4hen th!s "an "et "e !n person' he could not e%en stand

    to tal* to "e8 he ,as on h!s *nees$ Fro" runn!n& anep!lept!c and sabbat!cal bus!ness' a ne, day had da,ned !n

    h!s bus!ness$

    I ,ant you to *no, that so"eth!n& !s happen!n&$ The Holy

    p!r!t !s "o%!n& !n a ne, ,ay today' to open "en up to a

    ne, facet of #hr!st!an l!%!n&$ 9ou are not to be

    sy"path!+ed ,!th$ 9ou are created and dest!ned to be

    co"fortable and beco"e a channel throu&h ,h!ch co"fort!s d!str!buted to others$


    The ano!nt!n& procures fa%our$

    %ecause of the savour of thy good ointments thy name is as

    ointment poured forth, therefore do the virgins love thee.Son*s o+ Solomon 1:3

    The ,ord (%!r&!ns( !s referr!n& to the br!des of #hr!st$

    E%eryone on th!s earth !s a cand!date for sal%at!on' because

    God does not ,!sh for anyone to per!sh$ Thus' potent!ally'

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    e%eryone !s a br!de8 e.cept that e%eryone has the r!&ht of

    cho!ce ,hether to accept the Br!de&roo" or to reject H!"$

    Thy name is as ointment poured forth 4hen you carry the

    ano!nt!n& of the Holy p!r!t' e%en your na"e !s s,eet andcreates an e.pectat!on$ 9ou s"ell &ood and enjoy lo%e

    fro" others$ Th!s ,hole %erse !s tal*!n& about fa%our$ 3o%e

    fro" a second party !s fa%our$ The fa%our you co""and

    depends on the le%el of the ano!nt!n& that operates on your

    l!fe$ That you are lo%ed !s not because of your loo*s' status'

    or educat!onal bac*&round$ The ano!nt!n& upon you !s

    s!"ply ,hat co"pels people to lo%e you !n sp!te ofthe"sel%es$

    4hen aul ,as ano!nted *!n& by a"uel' one of the th!n&s

    the ano!nt!n& d!d for h!" ,as to procure fa%our for h!"$

    nd they will salute thee, and give thee two loaves of

    bread! which thou shalt receive of their hands.

    1 Samuel 1%:4

    The three "en he ,as &o!n& to "eet ,ere &o!n& to salute

    h!" /feel *!ndly d!sposed to,ards h!"0 and &!%e h!" &!fts$

    That !s supernatural fa%our$ Not because he tal*ed to the"

    or as*ed for anyth!n& fro" the"' but because he ,as

    clouded ,!th fa%our by reason of the ano!nt!n&$

    4hen you carry the ano!nt!n&' e%ery,here you turn' youare ,elco"e$ 4hen they don7t see you' they loo* for you$

    )eople ,ere al,ays loo*!n& for 5esus' He ,as the "ost

    s!&n!f!cant personal!ty !n H!s days$ It !s not sonsh!p to be

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    #hec* yourself carefully$ If nobody see"s to ,ant to see

    you' !t !s e!ther because you don7t carry the o!l or because

    the one you are carry!n& !s stale$ It ta*es only fresh o!l to

    release unprecedented fa%our ,!th God and "en$ Freshenup and let the fresh o!l flo,$

    In conclus!on' bear!n& the four outstand!n& funct!ons of the

    #o"forter !n "!nd' I ,ant you to pray and as* your

    hea%enly Father to help you e.per!ence the co"fort!n&

    "!n!stry of the Holy Ghost 6 sp!r!t' soul and body$

    The B!ble says that the p!r!t

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    5oy !s l!*e a "ed!c!ne to the body$ A bro*en heart ,ea*ens

    the syste"' but the joy of the 3ord stren&thens !t$ It

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    The Holy p!r!t2 H!s !&n!f!cance D


    The Holy p!r!t !s a )erson that no #hr!st!an can do,!thout' One that no other e.per!ence can subst!tute$ He !s

    the e%er6ab!d!n& po,er of God a%a!lable to the sa!nt$

    Today' so "any bel!e%ers are out of tune' because e%en

    thou&h they are born a&a!n' bapt!+ed !n the Holy Ghost and

    spea* !n ton&ues' they do not really *no, H!s person$

    4hen a bel!e%er *no,s the Holy Ghost' !t beco"es easy

    ,al*!n& ,!th God' obey!n& H!s co""and"ents'understand!n& H!s plans and pro&ra""es and l!%!n&


    The Holy p!r!t !s God7s seed of po,er !n a bel!e%er$ Th!s

    seed !s planted at bapt!s" /of the Holy p!r!t' not ,ater

    bapt!s"08 and just l!*e any seed' !t &ro,s and br!n&s forth

    fru!ts of po,er$%ut ye shall receive power, after that the oly -host is

    come upon you' and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in

    0erusalem, and in all 0udaea, and in 1amaria, and unto the

    uttermost part of the earth.

    Acts 1:8

    The po,er that you rece!%e ,!ll "a*e !t poss!ble for you to

    beco"e an e%!dence of the 4ord$ I ,ant to e"phas!+e here

    that the Holy p!r!t !s not just tal*!n& to other people about

    5esus$ That !s not H!s only "!ss!on$ Anybody can tal*

    about 5esus' but ,hat establ!shes you as an e%!dence of the

    4ord !s the Holy p!r!t$ 9ou can only beco"e an ep!stle by

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    p!r!t ha%e a po,er seed planted !n the"$ It !s the!r duty to

    let !t &ro,8 other,!se' ,!thout th!s po,er' #hr!st!an!ty

    beco"es just an ord!nary rel!&!on' one other pr!nc!ple for

    sur%!%al$It !s the Holy p!r!t that "a*es a stone out of a bel!e%er8

    ,hosoe%er co"es a&a!nst !t !s bro*en !nto p!eces and upon

    ,ho" !t falls' !t &r!nds !nto po,der$ :any people'

    ho,e%er' don7t *no, ,hat they ha%e rece!%ed' so they

    allo, the de%!l to toy around ,!th the"$ Not so ,!th )aul$

    He stopped Ely"as7 d!sturbance ,hen he ,as preach!n&'

    by curs!n& h!" ,!th bl!ndness for a season$

    o"e people r!&htly refer to the Holy p!r!t as (f!re$( The

    B!ble says that 5esus ,!ll bapt!+e us both ,!th the "oly

    -host and with fire."It !s no ord!nary f!re' !t !s the

    consu"!n& f!re of God' ,h!ch &!%es ,ay to noth!n&$ It

    rather subdues e%eryth!n& that co"es a&a!nst !t$ It !s the

    presence of th!s f!re on your !ns!de that d!st!n&u!shes you

    fro" those ,ho are ,!thout !t$

    The Holy p!r!t !s NOT opt!onal' !f you des!re a fru!tful

    #hr!st!an!ty$ He suppl!es the sta"!na 6 the endur!n& ab!l!ty 6

    to run the race and obta!n the pr!+e$

    E+e*!el7s e.per!ence at the %alley of dry bones !n chapter

    >26? &!%es a &ood understand!n& of the %!tal role of the

    Holy p!r!t !n a bel!e%er7s l!fe$

    gain he said unto me, 4rophesy upon these bones, and

    say unto them, / ye dry bones, hear the word of the ord.

    Thus saith the ord -od unto these bones! %ehold, I will

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    cause breath to enter into you, and ye shall live' nd I will

    lay sinews upon you, and will bring up flesh upon you, and

    cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and ye shall

    live! and ye shall know that I am the ord.1o I prophesied as I was commanded' and as I prophesied,

    there was a noise, and behold a shaking, and the bones

    came together, bone to his bone. nd when I beheld, lo, the

    sinews and the flesh came up upon them, and the skin

    covered them above' but there was no breath in them.

    Then said he unto me, 4rophesy unto the wind, prophesy,son of man, and say to the wind, Thus saith the ord -od!

    ome from the four winds, / breath, and breathe upon

    these slain, that they may live. 1o I prophesied as he

    commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they

    lived, and stood up upon their feet, an e&ceeding great


    ,eiel 37:4-1%

    3et us e.a"!ne each sta&e of th!s narrat!%e b!t by b!t$

    one %nd Sinew

    The (bone return!n& to h!s bone( sta&e !s the sta&e of

    repentance' ,hen the s!nner real!+es h!s s!nful state and

    returns to h!s :a*er' to "a*e peace ,!th H!"$ That !s ,hat

    happened to the prod!&al son ,hen he repented8 he ca"e toh!"self$

    The flesh and s!ne,s co"!n& upon the bones sta&e stands

    for the body be!n& &!%en a fa!r for" to loo* upon 6 a for"

    !s &!%en to ,hat ,as or!&!nally scattered' so that !t no, has

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    a shape' thou&h !t st!ll lac*s the po,er to "o%e$ uch !s the

    state of so"e of the people !n church today 6 they ha%e a

    for" of &odl!ness ,h!ch !s co"pletely %o!d of the po,er

    that d!st!n&u!shes the sheep fro" the &oats$It ,as so easy for 5esus7 d!sc!ples to for&et e%eryth!n& the!r

    :aster had told the"$ 4hen he ,as deny!n& h!s :aster'

    )eter couldn7t re"e"ber ,hat h!s :aster had told h!" unt!l

    !t ,as fulf!lled$ The sa"e )eter ran to the to"b to f!nd out

    ,hether ,hat he had been told ,as the truth$ That !s ho,

    #hr!stendo" !s suffer!n& today too "any profess!n&

    #hr!st!ans ,!th a for" of rel!&!on but co"pletely %o!d ofthe po,er that transfor"s "ere rel!&!on !nto a relat!onsh!p'

    a l!fe style reflect!n& the l!fe of the :aster$

    % &i+hty /ushin+ Wind

    The ,!nd blo,!n& on the l!feless bod!es7 sta&e !s the sta&e

    ,hen the Holy Ghost ca"e upon the d!sc!ples !n the upper

    roo" on the day of )entecost$ 9ou ,!ll not!ce that ,henthe prophecy ca"e forth' "the breath came into them, and

    they lived, and stood up upon their feet, an e&ceeding great

    army." That ,as ,hat happened on the day of )entecost$

    Here ,ere one hundred and t,enty fearful d!sc!ples'

    huddled to&ether for fear of the author!t!es8 and suddenly' a

    &reat' "!&hty rush!n& ,!nd ble, upon the" and then rose

    up an e.ceed!n& &reat ar"y-

    Only one of the" spo*e and three thousand souls ,ere ,on

    !nto the *!n&do" !n one day- And the follo,!n& day' f!%e

    thousand "ore ,ere added' and so they ,a.ed stron&er

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    each day' unt!l they beca"e a concern to the &o%ern"ent 6

    "en ,ho ,ere turn!n& the ,orld ups!de do,n-

    Be not dece!%ed about th!s th!n& at all8 !t ta*es the breath of

    God to br!n& l!fe !nto a "ortal be!n&$ The Holy p!r!t !nyou and H!s ano!nt!n& upon you ta*es you fro" the le%el of

    the natural to the le%el of the supernatural$ 5esus7 accusers

    ,ere enra&ed at H!s audac!ous cla!" to for&!%e s!ns$ "#ho

    is this man that forgiveth sins$"they ra&ed$ He !s the "an

    that has been e"po,ered and enthroned by God to stand !n

    God7s pos!t!on-

    4hat does that "ean1 It "eans that the Holy Ghost

    enthrones the bel!e%er !n God7s pos!t!on$ I l!*e that- It !s no

    ,onder today that rel!&!ous #hr!st!ans st!ll &et enra&ed at

    the boldness and audac!ty of the &reat ar"y of God that has

    been breathed upon by the Holy p!r!t$ The &reat ar"y of

    God ,as accused of so "any th!n&s at the t!"e of the

    apostles$ It !s st!ll so !n our days and ,!ll cont!nue to be

    unt!l 5esus co"es$

    Noth!n& &ets done by your po,er or "!&ht' but by the

    p!r!t of God$ The *!n&do" of God !s not !n ent!c!n& ,ords

    of "an7s ,!sdo"' but !n de"onstrat!on of the p!r!t and of

    po,er / #or!nth!ans$ @2C0$ 5esus' the on of God' could

    not "an!fest ,!thout po,er$ After He returned fro" the

    5ordan' the B!ble says He ,ent !nto the ,!lderness and

    returned !n the po,er of the Holy p!r!t$

    nd 0esus returned in the power of the 1pirit into -alilee...

    /ue 4:14

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    He entered !nto the syna&o&ue and they handed the boo*s

    o%er to H!"8 and as He read' e%erybody7s eyes ,ere f!.ed

    on H!"$ H!s "!n!stry had be&un$ If 5esus could not perfor"

    ,!thout the Holy p!r!t' ne!ther can you$ He "ay ha%e readthat sa"e passa&e before' but !t only ca"e al!%e after the

    po,er of bapt!s"$ There ,as a f!re burn!n& that set the

    ,ords a&lo,' unt!l they penetrated the sp!r!ts of "en$

    o"e people don7t e%en *no, ,hat the Holy p!r!t !s up to$

    They are so l!"!ted !n the!r understand!n&' that all they

    *no, about H!" !s spea*!n& !n ton&ues' feel!n& &ood and

    be!n& a part of the "o%e"ent called the ()entecostal:o%e"ent$( Far fro" !t$ The !ssue !s the endue"ent of

    po,er' ,!th the ,!nd of God blo,!n& upon "ortal "en

    (and "a*!n& the" parta*ers of H!s d!%!ne nature$(

    The Holy p!r!t !s God7s po,er planted !nto "an*!nd to

    "a*e "en operate !n God7s capac!ty$ 4hen He !s not there'

    there can7t be the "an!festat!on of po,er' just as the &lory

    of a planted seed !s only seen ,hen !ts flo,er blosso"s$

    It !s the ,!nd of God7s #hurch$ It !s ,hat "a*es a "ortal

    be!n& operate d!%!ne ab!l!t!es$ ;on7t &et carr!ed a,ay ,!th

    the ton&ues' lay hold on the po,er$ The Holy Ghost has

    co"e to "a*e you a l!%!n& test!"ony of the 4ord of God$

    That !s ,hat !t "eans to be H!s ,!tness$ He "a*es

    #hr!st!an!ty "ean!n&ful$ 4!thout H!"' !t ,ould appear as !f

    God7s 4ord has no rele%ance to our ,orld$

    After you are born a&a!n' you are ent!tled to the bapt!s" of

    the Holy Ghost' ,h!ch you rece!%e freely ,!th the e%!dence

    of spea*!n& !n other ton&ues$ That sa"e "o"ent' the po,er

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    of God beco"es res!dent ,!th!n you$ 4hen He co"es !n'

    He "a*es !t poss!ble for you to be pure' holy and perfect$

    Those ,ho &ot f!lled ,!th the Holy Ghost as )eter ,as st!ll

    preach!n& !n #ornel!us7 house could not ha%e been pure'holy or perfect' but they all rece!%ed the &!ft of the Holy


    Hindrances To His ree low

    The reason ,hy !t loo*s as !f you don7t ha%e the Holy p!r!t

    !s that you "!&ht ha%e

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    ...riendship of the world is enmity with -od...

    James 4:4

    Thus' you cannot be a fr!end of the ,orld and st!ll e.pect to

    ha%e a s,eet co""un!on ,!th the Holy p!r!t$ It !sdan&erous to &r!e%e the Holy p!r!t' for you "ay e%entually

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    supernaturally al!%e$ That "eans that !t !s !lle&al for any

    for" of s!c*ness to be !n your body 6 you don7t need to

    *eep !t' you can reject !t r!&ht a,ay !f you so des!re$ If you

    are born a&a!n and f!lled ,!th the Holy p!r!t' then youshould be a parta*er of God7s d!%!ne nature !n e%ery ,ay2

    sp!r!t' soul and body$

    Re"e"ber ,e are told that 5esus bapt!+es ,!th the Holy

    Ghost and f!re2

    ...e shall bapti3e you with the oly -host, and with fire'

    #hose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly purge hisfloor...but he will burn up the chaff with un5uenchable fire.

    Matthew 3:11-12

    The Holy Ghost ,!ll therefore' s,eep clean the floor of

    your be!n& ,!th the fan and ,hate%er doesn7t &lor!fy God

    /l!*e s!c*ness and other s!n6related proble"s0 !n your body'

    He ,!ll burn ,!th un

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    The Holy p!r!t re%eals the truth conta!ned !n the 4ord of

    God to the bel!e%er$ He enl!&htens the bel!e%er7s

    understand!n& of the truth$ 4!thout H!" !n your l!fe' God

    cannot effect!%ely co""un!cate ,!th you$ 5esus told H!sd!sc!ples2

    I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear

    them now. owbeit when he, the 1pirit of truth, is come, he

    will guide you into all truth' for he shall not speak of

    himself! but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak'

    and he will show you things to come.

    John 16:12-13

    (All th!n&s( !s not l!"!ted to sp!r!tual "atters only' but

    co%ers all spheres of l!fe$ I ha%e enjoyed that se%eral t!"es

    !n "y l!fe$ The Holy p!r!t teaches "e ,hat to do ,hen I

    &et to a crossroad and don7t *no, ,hat to do to &o o%er$ He

    just co"es !n l!*e a flash and thro,s l!&ht on "y ,ay and

    thus' sa%es "e fro" stu"bl!n&$

    The B!ble says that God7s people are destroyed for lac* of

    *no,led&e' that !s' !&norance /Hosea$ C20$ The Holy p!r!t

    !s your only !nsurance a&a!nst the deadly and ensla%!n& &r!p

    of !&norance$ 4!thout H!"' all your fast!n& and prayer ,!ll

    a"ount to noth!n& but frustrat!on8 your !nterpretat!on of

    cr!ptures ,!ll be d!storted and "!s&u!ded$

    Th!s e.pla!ns ,hy so "any theolo&!ans and preacherspreach heres!es$ 9ou need to l!sten to so"e fello,s preach

    before they are bapt!+ed !n the Holy p!r!t8 they just p!c*

    one cr!pture and preach off trac* "essa&es' confus!n&

    e%erybody !nclud!n& the"sel%es-

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    But by reason of th!s d!%!ne enabl!n& personal!ty d,ell!n&

    !n you' you al,ays ha%e a solut!on to e%ery proble"$ He

    &u!des you !nto all truth$

    He Shows Thin+s To Come

    He re%eals secrets ahead of t!"e' sho,!n& you th!n&s to

    co"e$ Too "any people today are doubtful about

    to"orro,$ If you ,!ll en&a&e the help of the Holy p!r!t

    and sub"!t yourself under H!s "!&hty hand' He ,!ll sho,

    you th!n&s to co"e$

    He /eminds '( Thin+s Tau+ht

    There !s so "uch !n the 4ord of God' "a*!n& !t d!ff!cult

    for the hu"an bra!n to ade

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    He /eproves '( Jud+ement

    The Holy p!r!t establ!shes the jud&e"ent of the ,orld

    throu&h the bel!e%er$

    He Testi(ies '( The Truth

    He bears test!"ony to 5esus$ He test!f!es of the truth and

    establ!shes !t$ That !s ,hy you decree a th!n& !n the na"e of

    5esus accord!n& to the 4ord of God and !t !s establ!shed$

    Th!s !s because He !s test!fy!n& that ,hat you ha%e spo*en

    !s the truth$ That !s ,hy no s!nner can decree a th!n& and !t

    be establ!shed$ In the f!rst place' ,hat !s he decree!n&,!thout 5esus1 The Holy p!r!t ,!ll only bac* up ,hat the

    carr!er of 5esus says$

    %ut when the omforter is come, whom I will send unto

    you from the ather, even the 1pirit of truth, which

    proceedeth from the ather, he shall testify of me'

    John 15:26By test!fy!n& of 5esus' your ,ords ,!ll no lon&er be

    allo,ed to fall to the &round' but they ,!ll perfor" the

    purpose ,here unto they are sent$ ;on7t "!ss th!s' because

    !t !s so cruc!al2 you can do noth!n& ,!thout the Holy p!r!t-

    He Intercedes or The Saint

    There can be no effectual !ntercess!on ,!thout the help ofthe Holy p!r!t$

    ikewise the 1pirit also helpeth our infirmities' for we

    know not what we should pray for as we ought' but the

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    1pirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings

    which cannot be uttered. nd he that searcheth the hearts

    knoweth what is the mind of the 1pirit, because he maketh

    intercession for the saints according to the will of -od.&omans 8:26-27

    vidence '( aptism In The Holy *host

    The b!bl!cal e%!dence of bapt!s" !n the Holy p!r!t !s

    spea*!n& !n other ton&ues$ 4hen the Holy Ghost f!rst ca"e'

    the B!ble says that the d!sc!ples ,ere all to&ether !n one

    place and !n one accord' ,hen suddenly' ,!th the co"!n&of the "!&hty rush!n& ,!nd' they all &ot f!lled ,!th the Holy

    p!r!t and be&an to spea* ,!th ne, ton&ues as the p!r!t

    &a%e the" utterance /Acts @26C0$ Th!s !s recurrent !n the

    Boo* of Acts$

    #hile 4eter yet spake these words, the oly -host fell on

    all them which heard the word. or they heard them speak

    with tongues, and magnify -od...Acts 1%:4446

    Th!s !s the second e%!dence of the "ass!%e outpour!n& of

    the Holy p!r!t$ The B!ble says that 5esus !s the "chief

    corner stone"and the apostles are the foundat!on$ 3et

    e%eryone therefore' be careful ho, he bu!lds on !t$

    5esus !s our card!nal reference' ,h!le the apostles are ourhu"an references$ 4hate%er you do "ust be based on the

    e.a"ples left for us by 5esus and the apostles' other,!se'

    you ,!ll ha%e a lot of e.planat!ons to do$

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    In Acts 2@6' ,e f!nd )aul as*!n& the bel!e%ers ,hether

    they had rece!%ed the Holy Ghost s!nce they bel!e%ed' to

    ,h!ch they repl!ed that they had ne%er e%en heard about

    H!"$ Thereafter' he la!d hands on the" and they be&an tospea* !n ton&ues and to prophesy$

    Those ,ho cr!t!c!+e spea*!n& !n ton&ues l!*e to refer to

    )aul' ,ho they cla!" sa!d ton&ue tal*!n& !s a prero&at!%e of

    a fe, 6 a &!ft and not a &eneral co""od!ty$ But the abo%e

    cr!pture clearly pro%es that such ar&u"ents ha%e no bas!s$

    The B!ble !s our only reference and ,e l!%e by the 4ord of

    God conta!ned !n !t$

    That )aul as*ed the" ,hether they had rece!%ed the

    bapt!s" !n the Holy p!r!t !s a clear !nd!cat!on of !ts

    !"portance to all bel!e%ers$ o"ebody "!&ht say that )aul

    d!dn7t spea* !n ton&ues at h!s con%ers!on$ )aul spea*s for

    h!"self !n

    1 o!inthians 14:18:

    I thank my -od, I speak with tongues more than ye all'

    Th!s state"ent sho,s that spea*!n& !n ton&ues "ust ha%e

    been a "ajor part of h!s sp!r!tual l!fe$ 4hat he ,as actually

    try!n& to &uard the bel!e%er a&a!nst ,as the "!suse of the!r

    God6&!%en pr!%!le&e' not that he ,as a&a!nst the!r

    !nher!tance$ For you to res!st the &!ft of bapt!s" !n the Holy

    p!r!t !s to forfe!t a %!tal aspect of your !nher!tance$ No,onder the de%!l !s ha%!n& a f!eld day ,!th a &reat nu"ber

    of people' ,ho cla!" they are bel!e%ers and yet ha%e

    noth!n& to sho, for !t-

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    No, then' ,hat a" I say!n&1 The Acts of the Apostles'

    ,h!ch !s supposed to be our foundat!on' has sho,n us

    !nstances ,here the bel!e%ers &ot bapt!+ed !n the Holy

    p!r!t and !n each !nstance' !t ,as e%!denced by the!rspea*!n& !n ton&ues$ No one can cla!" to be f!lled ,!th the

    Holy Ghost !f he doesn7t ha%e the e%!dence of spea*!n& !n


    E%en !n the ,orld' no case !n court !s ,on ,!thout

    e%!dence8 so' !f you ha%e rece!%ed the bapt!s"' pro%e !t-

    4e are !n the acts of the latter days and ,e are "eant to

    bu!ld on the foundat!on la!d8 ,e "ust not destroy !t by ourunbel!ef$

    !ncerely as* the Holy p!r!t H!"self' !n "ee*ness' to

    re%eal the truth to you and I assure you that He ,ould$

    The aptism In The Holy Spirit

    A nu"ber of people ha%e beco"e confused on the subjectof the bapt!s" !n the Holy p!r!t$ They "!&ht ha%e e%en

    concluded that perhaps th!s bapt!s" !s not for the"$ Often'

    !t !s not the!r fault' but rather a result of the unscr!ptural

    teach!n&s the are e.posed to$

    F!rst' !t should be noted that God des!res the Holy Ghost

    bapt!s" for all ,ho are sa%ed$ It !s not a spec!al &!ft for a

    pr!%!le&ed fe,$ It !s ,hat should auto"at!cally acco"panysal%at!on$ Th!s !s perhaps ,hat "ot!%ated the "en !n

    5erusale" to as*' "...6en and brethren, what shall we do$"

    (Acts 2:37.)To ,h!ch )eter repl!ed2

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    ...7epent, and be bapti3ed every one of you in the name of

    0esus hrist for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive

    the gift of the oly -host.

    Acts 2:38

    The &!ft of the Holy p!r!t !s a ready co"pan!on of

    sal%at!on$ 5esus sa!d' "If ye then, being evil, know how to

    give good gifts unto your children' how much more shall

    your heavenly ather give the oly 1pirit to them that ask

    him$" (/ue. 11:13)The &!ft !s read!ly a%a!lable and the

    G!%er !s e

  • 8/13/2019 Annointing for Breakthrough


    told the" to tarry for an endue"ent ,!th po,er$ The effect

    of the endue"ent ,!th po,er ,as e%!dent2 the sha*y reed'

    !"on' suddenly beca"e )eter' the roc*-

    As )eter addressed the 5erusale" aud!ence' ,ho had justrecently cruc!f!ed the 3ord' he spo*e as a thunderbolt'

    challen&!n& the %ery funda"entals of the 5e,!sh rel!&!on$

    Th!s "ust ha%e been supernatural' because as rou&hly as

    )eter spo*e' no one could lay hands on h!"$ Instead' >'???

    an&ry 5e,s surrendered to the 3ordsh!p of 5esus and &ot

    sa%ed$ Of a truth' the po,er had co"e-

    Unfortunately' the po,er d!"ens!on of bapt!s" !n the Holy

    p!r!t has been played do,n o%er the years by #hr!st!ans'

    ,ho ha%e %!rtually replaced po,er ,!th ton&ues$ ee*ers of

    the bapt!s" are ,a!t!n&' not for the po,er' but for the

    ton&ues$ Th!s !s def!n!tely a lops!ded theolo&y$

    I"a&!ne )eter after the death of 5esus #hr!st and before the

    day of )entecost' ,hen he suddenly beca"e the celebr!ty ofthe day$ He had ta*en the seat of the H!&h )r!est$ In case

    the Ro"an #athol!cs are r!&ht' )eter suddenly beca"e the

    )ope- The ne,6ton&ue #hurch had ta*en o%er the

    #athedral8 the pulp!t had jo!ned the pe,s$ 4e are told that

    "any of the pr!ests !n 5erusale" beca"e obed!ent to the

    fa!th and as such lost the!r pulp!ts to the apostles$

    The po,er d!"ens!on of the bapt!s" of the Holy p!r!tshould be the core e.pectat!on' not the ton&ues$ Althou&h

    spea*!n& !n ton&ues !s the b!bl!cal e%!dence of the bapt!s"

    !n the Holy Ghost' the ton&ues should not be "!sta*en for

    po,er$ 9ou "ust stop h!d!n& beh!nd closed doors ,!th

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    heads bo,ed do,n !n sha"e and entan&led ,!th fear and

    fa!lure8 you "ust be bapt!+ed !n the Holy p!r!t$ Th!s !s the

    &!ant step !nto the school of po,er$

    The apti2er

    The ne.t "!sconcept!on !s the source of the bapt!s"$A

    ,o"an %!s!ted "y off!ce !n >and told "e ho, she had

    &one to "any reputable and reno,ned "!n!sters to be

    bapt!+ed !n the Holy p!r!t' but returned ,!thout rece!%!n&

    the &!ft$ he had co"e to "e' !n essence' to "a*e "y o,n

    contr!but!on$4hen I told her that she had %!s!ted the ,ron& people' she

    ,as shoc*ed' because she thou&ht I d!dn7t bel!e%e !n the

    "!n!str!es of those &reat "en of God$ o I told her2 (The

    Holy Ghost has only one source$ E%ery &reat ser%ant of

    God has just enou&h /of the Holy Ghost0 for h!"self8 so no

    one has e.tra to offer$( Ho,e%er' 5ohn the Bapt!st po!nts us

    to the Bapt!+er$ InMatthew 3:115ohn says2

    I indeed bapti3e you with water unto repentance' but he

    that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am

    not worthy to bear' he shall bapti3e you with the oly

    -host, and with fire'

    5esus !s the Bapt!+er$ That !s ,hyMatthew 11:28says2

    ome unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and

    I will give you rest.

    (#o"e unto "e$$$( Not unto e!ther one of the apostles' but

    unto 5esus alone$

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    e that believeth on me, as the 1cripture hath said, out of

    his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

    John 7:38

    The *ey ,ord !s (:e( 6 5esus8 not bel!e%!n& !n any "an'e.cept 5esus$

    9ou re"e"ber !n Acts ?' ,here )eter ,as spea*!n& !n the

    house of #ornel!us8 the people bel!e%ed' and the Bapt!+er

    ,as at hand to &et H!s job done$ 4e are told that they ,ere

    all f!lled ,!th the Holy p!r!t and they spo*e ,!th ne,

    ton&ues$ o' )eter ,as not the co""ander of that e%ent'but 5esus the Bapt!+er$

    After the abo%e !ssues ,ere clar!f!ed' the ,o"an7s

    countenance chan&ed$ Th!s encoura&ed "e to say

    conf!dently2 (R!&ht no, as you are loo*!n& at "e' you ,!ll

    be f!lled ,!th the Holy p!r!t$( And she !""ed!ately

    bursted !nto ton&ues8 and I thou&ht to "yself' (9es' the

    4ord ,or*s-(

    I also had another e.c!t!n&' yet' hu"bl!n& e.per!ence ,hen

    I &ot a letter fro" a youn& "an' ,ho !s no, a pastor$

    #onta!ned !n h!s "!ss!%e ,as a test!"ony on ho, he &ot

    born a&a!n and f!lled ,!th the Holy Ghost fro" read!n& one

    of our early boo*s2 The :!racle eed$ The a"a+!n& th!n& !s

    that no one ad"!n!stered the bapt!s" of the Holy Ghost to

    h!"$ 5esus' the Bapt!+er' ,as just by h!" and d!d H!s job$

    How To /eceive The aptism '( The Holy *host

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    In case you are not yet bapt!+ed !n the Holy p!r!t and

    ,ould ,ant to rece!%e H!"' the follo,!n& steps ,!ll &u!de


    Be born a&a!n$ Be &enu!nely des!rous of the bapt!s"' th!rst for !t$

    Bel!e%e that the bapt!s" !s for all bel!e%ers' !nclud!n&

    yourself$ The bapt!s" !s for sons' not for bastards$

    Ident!fy the r!&ht source of the bapt!s" of the Holy

    Ghost 5esus$ It !s not the pastor' but 5esus that


    Trust H!" to *eep H!s ,ord$ 5esus sa!d' (He that

    bel!e%eth on "e' as the scr!pture hath sa!d' out of h!s

    belly shall flo, r!%ers of l!%!n& ,ater$(

    As* H!" for the bapt!s"$ If you ,!ll as* r!&ht no,' as

    a see*er' you ,!ll be f!lled ,!th the Holy p!r!t$

    That !s ,hy 5esus sa!d2

    If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto

    your children' how much more shall your heavenly ather

    give the oly 1pirit to them that ask him$

    /ue 11:13

    In conclus!on' let "e e"phas!+e that the Holy p!r!t !s notfor the stron&' but to "a*e the ,ea* stron&$ He !s not for

    the h!&hly placed bel!e%ers8 He !s the !nstru"ent that "a*es

    the lo,ly #hr!st!an r!de h!&h$ He !s not for the (perfect(

    #hr!st!an8 but He !s God7s treat"ent for !"perfect!on$

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    Therefore' as lon& as you are born a&a!n' you are a ,orthy

    cand!date for the bapt!s" of the Holy p!r!t$

    R!&ht no,' I co""and that flo, to co"e upon you$

    Rece!%e the Holy Ghost and be endued ,!th po,er fro" onh!&h' ,!th the e%!dence of spea*!n& !n ton&ues' !n 5esus7


    Chapter 3Understand!n& The Ano!nt!n&

    Ano!nt!n& !s a d!%!ne enabl!n&$ It !s an outflo, of the Holy

    p!r!t throu&h a hu"an %essel$

    There !s a d!fference bet,een the bapt!s" of the Holy p!r!t

    and the ano!nt!n&$ The bapt!s" !s just the be&!nn!n& of therace' !t !s l!*e an !n!t!at!on !nto sp!r!tual depth$ It !s d!fferent

    fro" be!n& ano!nted$ In!t!at!on br!n&s about !dent!f!cat!on$

    It !s !n the course of !dent!f!cat!on that you rece!%e an

    outflo, 6 a h!&her d!"ens!on of the Holy p!r!t$

    Here !s an !llustrat!on to help you understand the d!fferent

    le%els of the Holy p!r!t$

    % Well

    In 5ohn C' 5esus "et a a"ar!tan ,o"an at the ,ell and

    as*ed her to &!%e H!" ,ater to dr!n*$ The ,o"an ,as

    aston!shed' because the 5e,s ,ere not supposed to ha%e

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    anyth!n& to do ,!th the a"ar!tans$ As a result' 5esus tr!ed

    to sho, her that He ,as "ore than just a 5e,8 He had

    so"eth!n& "ore to offer her that she *ne, not of 6 a ,ell of

    l!%!n& ,ater flo,!n& fro" !ns!de her$Th!s !llustrat!on !s tal*!n& about your encounter ,!th the

    Holy p!r!t at ne, b!rth' for no one can say (5esus !s 3ord(

    e.cept by the Holy p!r!t$ Th!s e.per!ence !s co"pared to a

    ,ell of ,ater$ The le%el of the Holy p!r!t !n you at

    con%ers!on !s l!*ened to a ,ell of ,ater$

    % /iverJohn 7:37-3)says that 5esus l!fted up H!s %o!ce on the

    &reat day of the feast and sa!d2

    ...If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. e

    that believeth on me, as the 1cripture hath said, out of his

    belly shall flow rivers of living water. (%ut this spake he of

    the 1pirit, which they that believe on him should receive'for the oly -host was not yet given! because that 0esus

    was not yet glorified.)

    Th!s !s the bapt!s" of the Holy p!r!t' ,h!ch !s rece!%ed by

    those ,ho already bel!e%e$ Th!s e.per!ence !s l!*ened to a

    r!%er of ,ater$

    At con%ers!on you ha%e a ,ell of the p!r!t' ,hereas atbapt!s"' you ha%e r!%ers of the p!r!t$ 4ells are subject to

    cl!"at!c cond!t!ons$ In the dry season' "ost ,ells dry up

    co"pletely$ )eople at th!s le%el are tossed about by the

    pre%a!l!n& sp!r!tual cl!"at!c cond!t!ons$ 4hen the cl!"ate !s

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    sp!r!tually hot' they are hot' and ,hen !t !s cold' they also

    beco"e cold$

    Those bapt!+ed !n the Holy p!r!t ha%e r!%ers of the p!r!t

    flo,!n& !n the"$ A r!%er !s also dependent on the cl!"ate$In the dry season you see ch!ldren and an!"als ,al*!n&

    about on the r!%er bed$ If the cl!"ate !s harsh' a r!%er

    reduces !n %olu"e' and the use to ,h!ch you put !t at th!s

    sta&e !s l!"!ted$ Boats can no lon&er sa!l on !t' lar&er boats

    are stranded and f!sh!n& act!%!t!es are pract!cally brou&ht to

    a standst!ll$ Th!s sho,s that the r!%er le%el of the p!r!t does

    not &uarantee secur!ty$

    Th!s !s ,here people ,ho th!n* that the bapt!s" of the

    Holy Ghost !s the end of the road "!ss !t$ The cl!"ate that

    ,!ll reduce the %olu"e of a r!%er "ust necessar!ly cause the

    ,ell to be co"pletely out of use- Th!s !s ,hy once sa%ed

    does not "ean al,ays sa%ed' and once bapt!+ed !n the

    p!r!t does not "ean al,ays be!n& bapt!+ed$ Both of the"

    are subject to the ,eather$

    There !s another le%el of the Holy p!r!t' ,h!ch supersedes

    these f!rst t,o$ Th!s !s the ano!nt!n& le%el$

    The /ain

    The ano!nt!n& !s l!*ened to ra!n$ Ra!n !s the l!%e ,!re of the

    ,ell and r!%er$ It deter"!nes the!r ,elfare and !s the only,ay by ,h!ch they are f!lled up$ A ,ell "ay al,ays be

    f!lled ,!th ,ater' and at t!"es' to the br!"$ But the funct!on

    to ,h!ch !t can be put !s d!fferent fro" that to ,h!ch you

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    can put a r!%er$ 9ou cannot f!sh !n a ,ell' ne!ther can you

    &o boat!n& !n !t' no "atter ho, full !t !s$

    4!th a r!%er' you can &enerate hydro6electr!c!ty and carry

    out lar&e scale f!sh!n&$ The funct!on to ,h!ch a r!%er !s put!s deter"!ned by the le%el of ,ater !t has and th!s le%el of

    ,ater !s dependent on ra!n$

    sk ye of the ord rain in the time of the latter rain! so the

    ord shall make bright clouds, and give them showers of


    echa!iah 1%:1...or he hath given you the former rain moderately, and he

    will cause to come down for you the rain, the former rain,

    and the latter rain in the first month.

    Joel 2:23

    These cr!ptures clearly refer to the ano!nt!n&$ Th!s !s the

    ra!n of God7s po,er8 the release of po,er fro" abo%e' to!ncrease the ,ater le%el$

    The ano!nt!n& stands for the !ncrease !n the %olu"e of

    ,ater !n your r!%er$ E%en as the %olu"e of ,ater !n a r!%er

    deter"!nes the funct!ons to ,h!ch !t can be put' so also

    does the le%el of ano!nt!n& !n a "an deter"!ne the nu"ber

    of people he can carry alon&$ The le%el of ano!nt!n&

    deter"!nes the product!%!ty of a "an of God$

    The ano!nt!n& !s the !n6f!ll!n& of the Holy p!r!t$ The only

    ,ay you can f!ll up a r!%er !s ,hen !t ra!ns$ The ra!n' the

    ano!nt!n&' be&an to fall ,hen the d!sc!ples prayed !n Acts C'

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    for the !nf!ll!n& of the p!r!t' so they could preach the 4ord

    of God ,!th boldness$

    They had already rece!%ed the Holy p!r!t bapt!s" at

    )entecost' but they prayed for an !nf!ll!n&' and the B!blerecords that "they were all filled with the oly -host, and

    they spake the word of -od with boldness."

    The ano!nt!n& !s subse

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  • 8/13/2019 Annointing for Breakthrough


    ,!tness!n& unt!l they ,ere endued ,!th po,er fro" on

    h!&h$ The *!n&do" of God !s not !n ,ords' but !n the

    de"onstrat!on of the p!r!t and of po,er$ 4!thout the

    ano!nt!n&' the d!sc!ples ,ere !nco"petent to operate !n the!roff!ces' l!*e,!se the *!n&s and prophets of old$

    Ano!nt!n& !s for perfor"ance$ No ano!nted "an can reta!n

    the ano!nt!n& ,!thout putt!n& !t to ,or*$ 3ac* of use results

    !n decay' ,h!le act!%e use results !n "atur!ty$ The ano!nt!n&

    of God upon your l!fe ,!ll only !ncrease as a result of use$

    %ut strong meat belongeth to them...who by reason of usehave their senses e&ercised...

    (e#!ews 5:14

    If you &o to sleep ,!th the ano!nt!n& of the Holy p!r!t' !t

    ,!ll also &o to sleep !n you$ The ano!nt!n& !s &!%en for a

    purpose$ 5esus sa!d2e has anointed me to...

    He had a tas* to acco"pl!sh ,!th !t$ He ,as ano!nted for a


    Funda"ental Issues Related To The


    The %ct '( /i+hteousness

    Thy throne, / -od, is for ever and ever' the sceptre of thy

    kingdom is a right sceptre. Thou lovest righteousness, andhatest wickedness' therefore -od, thy -od, hath anointed

    thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.

    Psalm 45:6-7

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    5esus lo%ed r!&hteousness and hated ,!c*edness8 that ,as

    ,hy He ne%er ran out of the ano!nt!n&$ He ,as ano!nted

    ,!th the o!l of &ladness abo%e H!s fello,s$ It follo,s

    therefore that anyone ,ho ,!ll rece!%e the ano!nt!n& "ustlo%e r!&hteousness and hate !n!

  • 8/13/2019 Annointing for Breakthrough



    1 hessalonians 2:1%

    )aul had a test!"ony of hol!ness$ The ,ay up !n the journey

    of the ano!nt!n& !s your lo%e for r!&hteousness$ That !s ho,you can be opened up to rece!%!n& the ano!nt!n&$ In h!s

    letter' Apostle 5ohn sa!d2 no man deceive you' he that doeth righteousness is


    1 John 3:7

    The e"phas!s here !s on the ,ord (doeth$( There !s a(do!n&( !n%ol%ed !n r!&hteousness$ )otent!ally' ,e are the

    r!&hteousness of God !n #hr!st 5esus' but that potent!al only

    beco"es dyna"!c ,hen you en&a&e !n the acts of

    r!&hteousness$ Th!s does not ha%e so "uch to do ,!th effort

    as !t has to do ,!th the 4ord$ 9ou ha%e already o%erco"e

    sp!r!tually' so you are to carry out your %!ctory !n the


    a"uel ,as a h!&hly ano!nted "an of God$ The cr!ptures

    tell us2

    nd 1amuel grew, and the ord was with him, and did let

    none of his words fall to the ground.

    1 Samuel 3:1)

    4hate%er he sa!d too* place$ Th!s "ust be by reason of the

    ano!nt!n&' the po,er of God at ,or* !n h!"$ As a result'

    a"uel could as* the ,hole con&re&at!on2

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    %ehold, here I am' witness against me before the ord, and

    before his anointed' whose o& have I taken$ or whose ass

    have I taken$ or whom have I defrauded$ whom have I

    oppressed$ or of whose hand have I received any bribe toblind mine eyes therewith$ and I will restore it you.

    1 Samuel 12:3

    Th!s !s the secret$ To be full of r!&hteousness' !s to be full

    of po,er$ The thr!ce holy God !s the o"n!potent God$

    a"uel could stand boldly' l!*e )aul the Apostle' to &!%e

    the test!"ony of h!s ,al* !n !nte&r!ty ,!th God$ Th!s !s

    ,hat br!n&s about the ano!nt!n&$

    Ano!nt!n& !s not !n the fer%ency of preach!n&' nor !s !t the

    ener&y e.pended !n &est!culat!ons8 !t !s the po,er content$

    E%ery test!"ony of e.plo!ts !n the B!ble !s based upon th!s$

    4hen you are off the trac* of r!&hteousness' then you are

    off the trac* of po,er$

    If you ha%e found yourself be!n& o%erco"e a&a!n and a&a!nby s!n' *no, that there !s a ,ay out$ One of the th!n&s you

    do to ,ea*en the forces of s!n !s to ta*e a dec!s!on a&a!nst

    !t l!*e ;an!el d!d$ He purposed !n h!s heart not to def!le h!s

    body' and !n the a&e of s!n' ;an!el l!%ed a s!nless l!fe$ If

    ;an!el could ta*e a dec!s!on and uphold !t' so can you also'

    because you operate a better co%enant$

    R!&hteousness has !ts pr!ce$ God has pa!d H!s o,n pr!ce bysend!n& H!s dear on to d!e on the cross of cal%ary$ 9ou

    need to play your o,n part too' by sub"!tt!n& fully to H!s

    ,!ll$ Th!s ,!ll cost you so"eth!n&$ It "ay cost you

    pleasure' relat!onsh!p ,!th others' den!al of food' and other

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    such for"s of d!sco"fort$ Ho,e%er' the pr!ce you pay

    cannot be co"pared to the ,e!&ht of &lory that a,a!ts you

    at the end$

    5esus e"phas!+ed that a bel!e%er can be l!*e God$ If he canl!%e l!*e God !n character' so also can he be l!*e H!" !n the

    de"onstrat!on of po,er$ Tune up your l!fe style to God7s

    character' so that H!s l!fe can f!nd!on throu&h you$

    :any bel!e%ers' as a result of carelessness !n the th!n&s of

    the p!r!t' ha%e been dethroned e%en before they could

    real!+e !t$ The lost throne can be secured bac*$ Our God !s a"erc!ful God$ The dethrone"ent of any #hr!st!an "ay be

    caused by "any factors' ran&!n& fro" the lure of "oney'

    ,o"en' dr!n*' self!sh %entures' etc$ 9ou need to f!&ht to

    free yourself' to secure your throne and "a!nta!n !t$ Get r!d

    of the l!ttle l!ttle that spo!l the %!ne' and ha%e a

    pleasant flo, !nto the real" of the p!r!t$

    The de%!l cannot stand your ascend!n& the throne' so he !sbusy loo*!n& for ,ays to trap you$ He can co"e throu&h

    hu"an a&ents or any s!tuat!on$ p!r!tual dethrone"ent !s

    h!s "!n!stry 6 to steal' *!ll and destroy$

    ;o not ,atch your throne be!n& stolen fro" you$ It !s t!"e

    to f!&ht the &ood f!&ht of fa!th and possess your !nher!tance

    !n God$ ;a%!d had to spend so"e t!"e !n the bush after

    be!n& dethroned$ The de%!l dethroned h!" after lur!n& h!"!nto an adulterous relat!onsh!p ,!th Bathsheba$ H!s throne

    ,as ta*en fro" h!" throu&h lust' but he re&a!ned !t throu&h

    the "ercy of God$ There !s a throne for you$ ;on7t d!e !n

    your %!lla&e as a house fello,sh!p leader$

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    The latter ra!n ans,ers to san!ty and pur!ty$ If you are

    ta*!n& a tr!p for the ano!nt!n& 6 the latter ra!n' you ha%e to

    f!rst ha%e your bath and ,ash your clothes$ #lean your

    en%!ron"ent for God to ha%e H!s ,ay$ The ano!nt!n& !s a%!s!tat!on of the presence of God !n "an!festat!on$ If God

    "ust co"e to you' you ha%e to &et ready for H!"$ Ne,

    ,!ne can only be stored !n ne, ,!ne s*!ns$ The ne,

    ano!nt!n&' the latter ra!n' !s for rene,ed "en$

    Wal!in+ In )ove

    All !ssues of l!fe e"anate fro" lo%e8 they all ha%e the!ranchor on !t$ Th!s also &oes ,!th the ano!nt!n&$ Ano!nt!n& !s

    bas!cally for ser%!ce$ (He has ano!nted :e to doJ$$$( 5esus

    sa!d$ 9ou ,!ll a&ree ,!th "e that ,hen you are pray!n& for

    so"eone you really lo%e' there !s a stran&e *!nd of unct!on

    on you$

    On the other hand' ,hen pray!n& for so"eone ,ho !s a

    l!ttle "ore d!stant' the fer%ency of your prayer !s reduced$The lo%e relat!onsh!p bet,een you and the one you are

    pray!n& for deter"!nes the de&ree of ano!nt!n& you

    e.per!ence !n the course of prayer and "!n!strat!on$

    A "an that ,!ll flo, !n the ano!nt!n& and de"onstrate the

    po,er of the p!r!t' "ust be a "an of lo%e$ For your

    "!n!stry to ha%e a pos!t!%e effect on others' you "ust ha%e

    lo%e for the"$ 5ust l!*e you cannot be "ore ano!nted thanthe le%el of your r!&hteousness' so also you cannot be "ore

    ano!nted than ho, lo%!n& you are$ Hatred' ,h!ch !s just as

    bad as unr!&hteousness' places a l!"!t on your ano!nt!n&$

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    E%ery t!"e 5esus ,as "o%ed ,!th co"pass!on' there ,as a

    release of ano!nt!n& ,h!ch &a%e b!rth to s!&ns and ,onders$

    At the &ra%e of 3a+arus' there ,as a cry of lo%e fro" H!s

    heart$ The B!ble tells us He ,ept$ 3o%e flo,ed fro" H!sheart' and the flo, of the ano!nt!n& ,as released and

    3a+arus rose up fro" the dead$

    3o%e &!%es the %!ctory8 !t *no,s no defeat$ It !s the carr!er

    of God7s po,er' e%en as the 4ord of God !s the carr!er of

    fa!th$ E%ery t!"e you are "o%ed ,!th co"pass!on' you set

    the po,er of God !n you !n "ot!on$ A "an ,ho has no

    co"pass!on for the s!c* !s not

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    )ra!se *eeps the ano!nt!n& flo,!n&' ,h!ch !n turn destroys

    the yo*e$ ;eta!ls on th!s ,!ll be d!scussed !n chapter $

    Chapter 4

    The 5ourney Into The Ano!nt!n&

    4e are l!%!n& !n the a&e of po,er' and one ,ay by ,h!ch

    God ,!ll pro%e H!"self !n our "!dst !s by thede"onstrat!on of H!s po,er for2

    The kingdom of -od is not in word, but in power.

    1 o!inthians 4:2%

    The *!n&do" of God !s not !n church attendance' prayer'

    fast!n&' t!th!n& or cell "e"bersh!p$ If all these th!n&s don7t

    cul"!nate !n po,er' then they don7t "ean anyth!n& at all$God offers no &uarantee o%er anybody7s l!fe outs!de the

    "an!festat!on of H!s po,er$

    %ehold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and

    scorpions...and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

    /ue 1%:1)

    Th!s !s poss!ble by po,er only$ It has noth!n& to do ,!thho, rel!&!ous you are or ho, n!ce you loo*$ Th!s po,er !s

    not reser%ed for a fe, !nd!%!duals only8 !t !s for all$

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    ...s many as received him, to them gave he power to

    become the sons of -od...

    John 1:12

    )o,er !s the true !dent!ty of the sa!nt$ Th!s po,er !s'ho,e%er' not l!"!ted to a de"onstrat!on of heal!n&s and

    other "!racles only8 !t !s de"onstrated !n e%ery sphere of


    The pres!dent of a nat!on !s pres!dent ,here%er he &oes and

    ,hate%er he does$ He !s no less the pres!dent' no "atter

    ,here he &oes$ E%en !n h!s sleep' he !s pres!dent- That !se.actly ho, that po,er !s operat!onal' !t could be effectual

    e%ery,here ,!th!n your jur!sd!ct!on$ InPsalm 11%:1-3,e


    The ord said unto my ord, 1it thou at my right hand,

    until I make thine enemies thy footstool. The ord shall

    send the rod of thy strength out of *ion' rule thou in the

    midst of thine enemies. Thy people shall be willing in theday of thy power, in the beauties of holiness from the womb

    of the morning' thou hast the dew of thy youth.

    He ,!ll s!t unt!l all H!s ene"!es ha%e been "ade H!s

    footstool$ The day of God7s po,er ,!ll precede H!s co"!n&

    and th!s ,!ll be "ade *no,n throu&h the #hurch$

    The #hurch !s al,ays referred to as !on$ Th!s cr!pture !sthus say!n& that God7s "!&ht ,!ll f!nd!on out of

    !on' ,h!ch ,!ll "a*e her to rule !n the "!dst of her

    ene"!es$ he ,!ll rule phys!cally' "entally and other,!se$

    That !s you-

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    God has a day !n "!nd and that day !s referred to as (the

    day of h!s po,er$(

    *ateway To ower

    The &ate,ay to po,er !s th!rst$ There has to be a th!rst' a

    cra%!n&' a lon&!n&$ 9ou don7t buy po,er ,!th "oney or

    anyth!n& else$ There has to be a lon&!n&' after the order of


    s the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth

    my soul after thee, / -od.

    Psalm 42:1

    There !s no doubt that ;a%!d sa, and e.per!enced the

    po,er of God for "any days$ Ho, d!d he &et !t1 He ,as

    constantly pant!n& after !t$

    The pr!ce of the release of po,er !s a lon&!n& !n your heart'

    that ,here you are no, !s only &ood enou&h for no,' but !t

    ,!ll be too bad !f you re"a!n there per"anently$ Accord!n&to 5esus' the day7s trouble !s enou&h for the day$ ;a%!d

    *ne, that secret

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    Th!s %erse s!"ply re%eals the secret to God7s release of H!s

    po,er$ 4hen you as* for po,er' He f!rst of all chec*s the

    cond!t!on of your heart' to see ,hether there !s a th!rst or !f

    you are "erely as*!n& out of a rel!&!ous sense' becausee%eryone else !s as*!n&$

    "%uy milk and wine without money." :oney !s not the

    currency for the "!l* and ,!ne8 th!rst !s$"o, everyone

    that thirsteth."Th!rst !s the acceptable tender for the release

    of po,er$ Th!s th!rst !s the *!nd that ,as !n the heart of

    :oses ,ho" God "ade a &od unto )haraoh$ Th!s "an had

    so "any encounters ,!th God and e%en spo*e face to face,!th H!"8 yet' he st!ll cr!ed out to God to sho, h!" H!s

    ,ay' that he "ay *no, H!" /E.odus$ >>2@6>0$

    The proble" ,!th "any of us !s that ,e &et sat!sf!ed so

    soon and allo, the ene"y to rob us of God7s best by

    accept!n& the ord!nary as the ult!"ate$ Thus' th!s po,er ,e

    are tal*!n& about !s a%a!lable only to those ,ho reco&n!+e

    that they need H!" e%eryday$

    )aul' a "an !n h!s o,n class' of ,ho" e%en the de%!l bore

    th!s ,!tness2 "4aul I know,"had a ,ealth of re%elat!ons

    /l!%!n& !n t,o ,orlds at the sa"e t!"e0 by reason of h!s

    encounters and relat!onsh!p ,!th 5esus' yet he ,as not

    sat!sf!ed$ He yearned for "ore2

    That I may know him and the power of his resurrection...Phili00ians 3:1%

    That !s ,hy !n 1 o!inthians 8:2he ad"on!shed us2

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    off po!nt !n the school of po,er' "ar*!n& the day you ,ere

    re&!stered !nto *!n&do" ser%!ce$ Re&!strat!on does not

    "ean &raduat!on8 and "atr!culat!on !n the po,er school !s

    d!fferent fro" con%ocat!on- Therefore' ,hen you ta*ere&!strat!on to "ean &raduat!on' you are say!n& ,elco"e to


    After 5esus ,as bapt!+ed' both by !""ers!on and ,!th the

    Holy Ghost' the B!ble says He ,as led by the p!r!t !nto the

    ,!lderness' ,here He e"pt!ed self and sou&ht after the

    Father$ He thereafter returned !n the po,er of the Holy

    p!r!t$ After the ano!nt!n&' He st!ll ,ent for the !nf!ll!n&$4hen He returned to the syna&o&ue and ,as &!%en a boo*

    to read' He read2 "The 1pirit of the ord is upon me to..."

    (/ue. 4:14-21).

    H!s onsh!p ,as conf!r"ed at the !n!t!al bapt!s"$ But you

    cannot "an!fest sonsh!p ,!thout the ano!nt!n&8 that ,as

    ,hy 5esus ,ent after !t 6 the Holy Ghost led H!" to the

    ,!lderness for forty days$

    No, that you ha%e rece!%ed the bapt!s" of the Holy p!r!t

    and do spea* !n ton&ues' ha%e you &one out for the ra!n that

    co"es fro" hea%en' and ,h!ch alone "a*es the d!fference1

    After )aul7s con%ers!on' for three years he ,as !n the coast

    of Arab!a and ,hen he ca"e out he ,as !n the class of the


    E%eryone has to see*8 for !t !s he that see*s that f!nds$ The

    ano!nt!n& of the Holy Ghost !s the o!l fro" hea%en that

    *eeps the f!re burn!n&$ If !t !s not there' the &lo, of the f!re

    ,!ll ,ane$

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    If the #hurch ,!ll rule !n the "!dst of her ene"!es before

    5esus co"es' !t "eans that there ,!ll be such a terr!f!c

    release of po,er8 for' !t !s only throu&h the use of po,er

    that the ene"y sub"!ts$ That "eans that 5esus !s ,a!t!n&for the unleash!n& of th!s po,er before He co"es$ Out of

    !on /the #hurch0 there shall be such a release of po,er

    and &lory' that the ene"y ,on7t be able to res!st$ 9ou ,!ll

    spea* a ,ord and !t ,!ll stand' because !t !s bac*ed ,!th


    In s!ncer!ty and ,!th a pure "ot!%e to ser%e God' be&!n to

    lon& for the !nf!ll!n& ,!th th!s po,er$ E%eryone needs th!spo,er' not just preachers$ E%eryone needs the !nfluence of

    the ano!nt!n& to atta!n the plan of God for the!r l!%es$ 9ou

    cannot do anyth!n& effect!%ely ,!thout the ano!nt!n&$

    By !t you ,!eld po,er to affect e%ery sphere of l!fe'

    because the B!ble says that the yo*e shall be destroyed by

    the ano!nt!n&$ That "eans' ,here%er a yo*e can be found'

    the ano!nt!n& !s needed$ There are yo*es a&a!nst e%erysphere of l!fe today 6 bus!ness' Fa"!ly' etc$

    9ou e%en need the ano!nt!n& to dr!%e' other,!se you ,!ll be

    run !nto or be ja""ed e%eryday$ There are certa!n traps

    la!d by the ene"y for you !n one ,ay or the other' but the

    ano!nt!n& on you ,!ll destroy e%ery yo*e$

    There !s a place for e%eryth!n& 6 prayer' fast!n&' &!%!n&' etc8but ,hen !t co"es to brea*!n& of yo*es' the ano!nt!n& !s

    ,hat destroys the"$ All other ,ays could help bu!ld !t up'

    but unt!l they result !n the ano!nt!n&' no yo*e ,!ll be


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    The Trans(ormin+ ((ect

    9ou ,!ll d!sco%er that as you ad%ance !n the p!r!t' "ost

    proble"s around you ,!ll be&!n to &!%e ,ay on the!r o,n

    accord and you ,!ll be&!n to ,onder at the &lor!ous chan&e'as you ha%e turned !nto another person$ The ano!nt!n&

    chan&es you re&ularly and fro" t!"e to t!"e !nto another

    "an$ 4hen the ano!nt!n& ca"e upon aul' the son of K!sh'

    he beca"e another "an$

    I ur&e you' don7t fall !nto the &roup of unfortunate people'

    ,ho &et sat!sf!ed too soon' ,ho th!n* they ha%e "ade !t',hen they ha%e only just be&un$ They th!n* they *no, !t

    all' but they *no, so l!ttle$ Rather' see* for &reater depths

    !n #hr!st e%eryday of your l!fe$ The "o"ent you not!ce a

    part!cular burden co"!n& do,n' react to !t by sett!n&

    yourself apart and do!n& so"e spec!al operat!on on

    yourself$ In prayer and fast!n&' set yourself to see* the

    3ord' and as you do that' you ,!ll f!nd the po,er of God

    co"!n& do,n on you afresh$

    I "ust tell you th!s truth2 God !s !nterested !n &ett!n& you

    !nto the fullness of H!s stature$ He ,ants to "a*e a ne,

    person out of you' unt!l e%en you beco"e surpr!sed at

    yourself$ Get th!rsty for the po,er$ Ne%er for&et to &!%e

    H!" than*s for e%ery brea*throu&h and cont!nue !n the

    race$ The t!"e to be&!n to see God7s po,er afresh !s here'

    so that e%eryone can constantly just!fy h!s presence !n the

    body$ If 5esus needed the ano!nt!n&' "uch "ore do you

    need !t no,$

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    ;on7t &et sat!sf!ed ,!th ,here you are no,' asp!re for

    &reater he!&hts$ 4e are !n a race' and the race !s not o%er

    yet8 so' to settle do,n ,here you are no, "!&ht be %ery

    dan&erous$ If you ,ant to st!r yourself up' read of ho,"uch po,er de"onstrat!on ,as !n 5esus7 "!n!stry' and you

    ,!ll see ho, far beh!nd you are$ Th!s ,!ll set you !n

    "ot!on' caus!n& you to reach out for &reater th!n&s$

    Rel!&!on !s %a!n$ 9our encounter ,!th #hr!st !s the only

    th!n& that lasts$ o' I ad"on!sh you to put off the cloa* of

    rel!&!on and put on the cloa* of po,er8 that !s ,hat "ar*s

    you out as a son or dau&hter of God$


    Fast!n& !s !nst!tuted for po,er &enerat!on$ It !s not a "eans

    of obta!n!n&

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    had ne%er felt before !n "y body$ I couldn7t tell ,hether I

    ,as ,al*!n& or float!n&8 !t ,as so &lor!ous$

    Fast!n& also helps your sp!r!t to &a!n speed$ Fast!n& !s a

    ,ay of subdu!n& the body' to e.alt the sp!r!t$ It enablesyour sp!r!t to control your body' &rant!n& !t ascendancy

    o%er the body$ 5esus7 co""ent !nMatthew 17:21

    e"phas!+es the need for fast!n&2 "This kind goeth not out

    but by fasting and prayer."

    I a" not tal*!n& about fast!n& for bread and butter' but

    fast!n& to &et po,er$ 9ou can hardly f!nd a "an ,ho doesnot fast and yet re"a!n a sp!r!tual &!ant$ )aul sa!d' "In

    fastings often" (2 o!inthians. 11:27).:oses ,as a fast!n&


    4hat really "a*es for a fast !s lar&ely deter"!ned by ho,

    "uch encounter you ha%e ,!th God$ Th!s *!nd of fast ta*es

    you out of the body and puts you r!&ht !n God7s presence$

    A fast that does not &o ,!th read!n& the 4ord of God andprayer !s noth!n& but a hun&er str!*e-

    F!nally' be assured of th!s2 no one "an has "ore access

    than another to po,er !n the #hurch of God$ The po,er

    that bac*s up ,hat you are !n%ol%ed !n co"pels !t to

    succeed$ The ano!nt!n& causes you to s"ell &ood and

    co""ands fa%our for you fro" God$ E%ery other contrary

    po,er "ust also respect you for !t$

    I lea%e you ,!th th!s respons!b!l!ty 6 &o further !n your

    search for "ore of God7s po,er$ Keep us!n& !t !n order to

    "ature !n !t' because "atur!ty co"es by reason of use$ God

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    sees you as capable of runn!n& your l!fe' that !s ,hy He

    tells you to "give no place to the devil." 9ou are !n char&e

    of your o,n l!fe$ He !s the o,ner of the bu!ld!n& /your

    body0 and sees you as the careta*er' ,ell capable of*eep!n& the ene"y off your terr!tory$

    Chapter 6

    4ho Lual!f!es For The Ano!nt!n&1

    Out of error' a &reat nu"ber of fol*s th!n* that the

    ano!nt!n& !s a spec!al co""od!ty *ept as!de by God for a

    pr!%!le&ed set of people$ But the cr!ptures tells us clearly

    that God !s no respecter of persons /Acts ?2>C0$ He !s not


    3!*e sal%at!on' the ano!nt!n& !s for anybody ,ho cares for

    !t' as lon& as the cond!t!ons are "et$ For !nstance' ,hatearns a "an sal%at!on !s a repentant heart' coupled ,!th

    fa!th !n God throu&h the acceptance of 5esus #hr!st' H!s

    lo%e &!ft$ al%at!on !s free' but not e%erybody !s sa%ed$ The

    sa"e !s true of the ano!nt!n&$ It !s for e%erybody' but not

    e%eryone can be called ano!nted$

    4hat "atters to God f!rst and fore"ost !s the state of theheart$ H!s ,ays are not our ,ays' and th!s !s ,here our

    proble"s l!e' jud&!n& God7s ,ays by our o,n standards$

    Often' you hear people say' (Naturally' I a" th!s' I a"

    that$( They thus use natural th!n&s to dra, a conclus!on on

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    the sp!r!tual$ The B!ble says that ,hen a "an !s !n #hr!st'

    all th!n&s /old' natural tendenc!es0 are passed a,ay$

    4hen a"uel ,ent to 5esse7s ho"e to ano!nt a second *!n&

    for Israel' he ,as carr!ed a,ay by natural loo*s andab!l!t!es' but God ,arned h!" a&a!nst !t$ "ook not on his

    countenance,"He told a"uel$ 4h!le "an tr!es to assess

    and jud&e th!n&s by ,hat he sees' God loo*s on the heart$ Is

    your heart ready for God7s appra!sal1 4ho then !s

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    "ent!oned$ uch ,as aul$ Thus' ,hen he be&an to

    prophesy' !t beca"e a pro%erb$ Th!s a&rees ,!th ,hat )aul

    sa!d !n 1 o!inthians 1:26-28:

    or ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wisemen after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are

    called' %ut -od hath chosen the foolish things of the world

    to confound the wise! and -od hath chosen the weak things

    of the world to confound the things which are mighty! nd

    base things of the world, and things which are despised,

    hath -od chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to

    nought things that are'

    The ,!se are al,ays ,!se !n the!r o,n eyes8 and as such'

    the ,!ser they th!n* they are' the "ore fool!sh they beco"e

    before God$ #onse

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    then God shall e.alt h!"$ 3et the ,!se also hu"ble h!"self'

    and !n due season he ,!ll be e.alted$

    4ho ,!ll God ano!nt1 9ou- 5esus sa!d' "s the ather hath

    sent 6e, so send I you."And just as the Father could not beconf!dent !n that co""!ss!on unt!l He had ano!nted H!"' so

    also He cannot be conf!dent !n the co""!ss!on He !s

    plac!n& !n your hand ,!thout ano!nt!n& you$

    9ou "!&ht ha%e been tell!n& yourself as you read th!s' that

    you are not presentable enou&h$ )aul ,as the ,orst "an to

    loo* upon' h!s appearance ,as ,ea* and conte"pt!ble$ Helac*ed char!s"a$ E%en ,hen God sa%ed h!"' he ,as not

    eas!ly accepted by the brethren' because of h!s terr!ble

    reputat!on of the past$ By all standards' he ,as the least

    cand!date for appro%al$

    God ,!ll only use those people least e.pect to be used$

    4hat about the set of crude' ra, and unlearned tea" of

    )eter' 5a"es and 5ohn1 4!th the ano!nt!n& upon the"' theyshoo* the %ery foundat!ons of the c!ty of 5erusale" and the

    people "ar%elled at the!r boldness$ They could not res!st

    the ,!sdo" ,!th ,h!ch they preached$ Unlearned "en' yet

    they ,ere turn!n& the!r ,orld (ups!de do,n$(

    9our stature does not ha%e anyth!n& to do ,!th th!s

    ano!nt!n& at all' ne!ther does your educat!onal bac*&round$

    "!th 4!&&les,orth' the accla!"ed Apostle of fa!th' ,as aplu"ber$ ;$ 3$ :oody ,as a shoe"a*er$ 4hat you are no,

    !s not a d!s

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    ;o you th!n* of yourself as fool!sh' a nobody' ,orthless1

    G!deon thou&ht so of h!"self too ,hen the an&el of the

    3ord %!s!ted h!" ,!th h!s co""!ss!on$ He tr!ed us!n& h!s


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    Ano!nt!n& For Battle

    :any people hate to hear the ,ord (battle( "ent!oned for

    any reason$ 4hether you l!*e !t or not' ,hether you areconsc!ous of !t or not' battles are a part of our e.!stence$

    4e are all !n%ol%ed !n ,arfare' ,e are born !nto !t$

    The bel!e%er' ho,e%er' does not ha%e any cause to ,orry$

    Our %!ctory !s assured$ Battles are real' fr!end' but "uch

    "ore real !s our %!ctory and tr!u"ph !n the fa!th$

    ow thanks be unto -od, which always causeth us totriumph in hrist, and maketh manifest the savour of his

    knowledge by us in every place

    2 o!inthians 2:14

    (Al,ays( "eans all ,ays$ That "eans that our %!ctory !n

    e%ery battle !s &uaranteed !n all ,ays and !n e%ery place$

    Interest!n&ly' ,e are not the force beh!nd th!s %!ctory8 God

    !s$ He causes the tr!u"ph$ o' ,e are only !nstru"ents !nH!s hands' that He uses to f!&ht a&a!nst H!s arch6ene"y$

    4e are called !nto ,arfare' and than* God' ,e are at the

    sa"e t!"e' called !nto tr!u"ph$ Battles are real to l!fe'

    sal%at!on not,!thstand!n&$ That you ha%e battles does not

    "ean that you ha%e "!ssed God' !t only "eans you are on

    the path of dest!ny$

    The hea%en that ,e are &o!n& to !s the ho"e of o%erco"ers'

    so !f there are no battles ,e cannot be sure that ,e ha%e a

    place there$ The !dent!ty of e%eryone that ,!ll "a*e hea%en

    !s'"e that overcometh."5esus fou&ht e%ery !nch of the

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    ,ay$ He started f!&ht!n& fro" b!rth' ,hen Herod ,anted to

    *!ll H!" and H!s parents had to flee ,!th H!" to E&ypt$

    4as that a s!&n that 5esus "!ssed God1 No- He ne%er

    "!ssed H!" once' but He fou&ht e%ery !nch of the ,ay$Than* God' He also ,on e%ery !nch of the ,ay-

    Battles are a necessary run& on the ladder lead!n& to ,here

    you are &o!n&$ The B!ble says that' "#hatsoever is born of

    -od overcometh the world."If there are no barr!ers' ,hat !s

    he o%erco"!n&1

    The ,ord (o%erco"e( sho,s that there are obstacles he hasto cross o%er$ Unco"fortable' yes' but una%o!dable' just as

    !n the hurdles race$ Each hurdle the runner ju"ps o%er

    ta*es h!" closer to the "ar*' but he "ust cross all !n order

    to be declared a ,!nner$

    Battles are real to l!fe' but tr!u"phs are e%en "ore real to

    the bel!e%er$ 4hat !s on the !ns!de deter"!nes the de&ree of


    ift up your heads, / ye gates! and be ye lift up, ye

    everlasting doors! and the 9ing of glory shall come in.

    #ho is this 9ing of glory$ The ord strong and mighty, the

    ord mighty in battle.

    Psalm 24:7-8

    It !s that "!&ht that I ,ant to !ntroduce you to here$E%eryone faces battles' but not e%eryone has to ban& on the

    door to ha%e the &ates of the ene"y open for the"$ There !s

    a "!&ht needed !n battle' and ,hen that "!&ht co"es !n a

    "easure' you don7t ha%e to stru&&le8 the barr!ers sense your

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    approach and of the!r o,n accord' they &!%e ,ay$ It !s that

    "!&ht /the ano!nt!n&0 for battle that "a*es the" &!%e ,ay$

    4!th that ano!nt!n&' you ,!ll not need to stru&&le and f!&ht

    any battle to &a!n entrance !nto your possess!on8 the o!l !nyou ,!ll co"pel e%ery closed &ate to open$ The 3ord !s

    stron& and "!&hty !n battle and ,hen He co"es !n H!s

    "!&ht' the earth tre"bles$ He "a*es e%ery oppos!t!on

    beco"e too cheap to cause any concern$

    There !s a s,!tch that turns th!s "!&ht on$ 4e ,ant to f!nd

    out ,hat that s,!tch !s and ho, to operate !t' so that ,e canal,ays ha%e all6round tr!u"ph$

    Th!s !s the day that ,!ll "ar* a turn!n& po!nt !n your

    sp!r!tual l!fe and put you !n char&e of your l!fe' because H!s

    4ord !s settled !n hea%en and He !s the One ,ho causes us

    to tr!u"ph !n all ,ays$ 9ou "ust &et !t deep !nto your

    consc!ousness that all6round tr!u"ph !s a%a!lable and

    obta!nable to ,hosoe%er bel!e%es$ 4!th th!s understand!n&'you ,!ll cease to stru&&le a&a!nst those obstacles that l!ft up

    the!r heads a&a!nst you$

    Ho, To Turn :!&ht 3oose

    3et us e.a"!ne a fe, !ssues that turn God7s stren&th for

    battle loose$

    The 9nowled+e '( The Word '( *od:

    Th!s !s the pr!nc!pal source of stren&th$ )eople ha%e

    thou&ht that the Holy p!r!t on H!s o,n f!&hts the battle'

    but !t !s not so$ The Holy p!r!t rest!n& upon the 4ord of

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    God that !s operat!onal !ns!de you !s ,hat br!n&s your

    ene"y under your feet$

    ...%ut the people that do know their -od shall be strong,

    and do e&ploits.aniel 11:32

    The ,ord (e.plo!ts( "eans that they shall perfor" feats'

    they shall acco"pl!sh the hu"anly unacco"pl!shable and

    obta!n the naturally unobta!nable$ They ,!ll tr!u"ph ,hen

    the "!&hty and stron& collapse$ The Holy p!r!t ca"e to

    re%eal God$...or the 1pirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of


    1 o!inthians 2:1%

    The Holy p!r!t re%eals God' and the re%elat!on of God !s

    ,hat !nduces stren&th' ,h!ch &uarantees tr!u"ph !n battle$

    There are "any p!r!t6f!lled' ton&ue6spea*!n& bel!e%ers,ho ne%er ,!n any battle' because they lac* the 4ord$

    The Holy p!r!t can only act on the 4ord you ha%e !n you

    to effect the "!&ht and stren&th for %!ctory' not outs!de of

    !t$ Ha%e you not heard1

    nd ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you

    free.John 8:32

    The Holy p!r!t !s there' but there !s no e%!dence of H!s

    presence' because they are e!ther not ,!nn!n& or they ha%e

  • 8/13/2019 Annointing for Breakthrough


    part!al freedo"8 for ,hosoe%er the *no,led&e of the truth

    shall "a*e free' shall be free !ndeed$ The 4ord says2

    ow shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation!

    which at the first began to be spoken by the ord, and wasconfirmed unto us by them that heard him!

    (e#!ews 2:3

    4hat th!s "eans !s2 Ho, shall ,e escape' tr!u"ph or

    o%erco"e' !f ,e ne&lect ,hat the 3ord has spo*en1 Th!s

    then establ!shes the fact that our pr!nc!pal ,ay of escape

    has !ts root !n ,hat the 3ord has spo*en$ It !s the 4ord ofGod that re%eals to you that there !s so"eone d,ell!n& !n


    ...-reater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.

    1 John 4:4

    The One that !s !ns!de you !s stron& and "!&hty$ He !s the

    3ord' "!&hty !n battle' a&a!nst ,ho" no &ate of hell canpre%a!l$ Th!s should &!%e you conf!dence on your !ns!de

    ,hen you are confronted !n your e.clus!%e pr!%acy' ,hen

    the ene"y !s say!n& that there !s no ,ay out for you$ That

    *no,led&e causes conf!dence to r!se and as !t r!ses' you &et

    on the offens!%e and confront the ene"y$

    The 4ord says2

    ...o, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.

    Matthew 28:2%

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    It !s t!"e to stop ha%!n& fun and start do!n& the real th!n&$

    The 4ord !s the real th!n& that c