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Androgen Signaling in Prostate Cancer

Charles Dai,1,2 Hannelore Heemers,1,2,3,4 and Nima Sharifi1,2,3,4

1Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine, Cleveland, Ohio 441952Department of Cancer Biology, Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio 441953Hematology & Medical Oncology, Taussig Cancer Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio 441954Glickman Urological & Kidney Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio 44195

Correspondence: [email protected]

The androgen-signaling axis plays a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of prostate cancer.Since the landmark discovery by Huggins and Hodges, gonadal depletion of androgenshas remained a mainstay of therapy for advanced disease. However, progression to castra-tion-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) typically follows and is largely the result of restoredandrogen signaling. Efforts to understand the mechanisms behind CRPC have revealed newinsights into dysregulated androgen signaling and intratumoral androgen synthesis, whichhas ultimately led to the development of several novel androgen receptor (AR)-directedtherapies for CRPC. However, emergence of resistance to these newer agents has also gal-vanized new directions in investigations of prereceptor and postreceptor AR regulation.Here, we review our current understanding of AR signaling as it pertains to the biologyand natural history of prostate cancer.

It has now been more than 70 years since Hug-gins and Hodges (1941) first exposed the cen-

tral role of androgen signaling in prostate cancerby showing that orchiectomy induces consider-able tumor regression. Their seminal discoverywas recognized with the Nobel Prize in Medi-cine in 1966 and, to this day, gonadal testoster-one depletion remains a mainstay of therapy foradvanced disease (Mohler et al. 2012). It is nowevident that the majority of prostate cancersexpress the androgen receptor (AR) throughoutthe course of the disease (Sadi et al. 1991; Ruize-veld de Winter et al. 1994; Attard et al. 2009),and, in recent years, deeper interrogation intothe molecular basis of androgen signaling hasoffered a better understanding of how AR spe-

cifically directs cancer cell behavior. Taken to-gether, these findings have solidified the impor-tance of androgen signaling in prostate cancerpathogenesis.

Nevertheless, androgen-deprivation thera-py (ADT) by chemical or surgical castration isinvariably followed by the recurrence of castra-tion-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) within amedian of 14–20 months (Sharifi et al. 2005).Once thought to be an androgen-independentstate, it is now recognized that this is generallynot the case (Mohler 2008). Progression toCRPC is typically heralded by a rising pros-tate-specific antigen (PSA) despite castrateconcentrations of testosterone, suggesting thatinappropriate restoration of the AR signaling

Editors: Michael M. Shen and Mark A. Rubin

Additional Perspectives on Prostate Cancer available at

Copyright # 2017 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved

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axis remains pivotal to this progressive and le-thal form of disease (Scher and Sawyers 2005;Ryan and Tindall 2011). Efforts to identify themechanisms underlying CRPC have revealednew insights into dysregulated androgen signal-ing, including how AR may incur gain-of-func-tion through mutations, splice variants, and ab-errant coregulation (postreceptor regulation),as well as how intracrine steroidogenesis (pre-receptor regulation) critically contributes totumor progression. This has ultimately led tothe development of several novel AR-directedtherapies, which have since clinically validatedmany of these concepts (Sharifi 2010; Changand Sharifi 2012). In this work, we reviewour current understanding of the androgensignaling axis as it directly pertains to thebiology of prostate cancer in its various stages,highlighting aspects of prereceptor and postre-ceptor regulation (Ryan and Tindall 2011;Heemers 2014), as well as emerging AR-directedtherapeutic strategies and ongoing areas ofresearch.


Androgens play an essential role in the develop-ment and maintenance of normal male physi-ology (Griffin 1992). The biosynthesis of allsteroid hormones begins with 27-carbon cho-lesterol, which undergoes stepwise modificationby a small complement of enzymes first to 21-carbon steroids (progestins) and subsequentlyto 19-carbon androgens (Fig. 1). In normalmale physiology, early steps in steroidogenesisoccur efficiently in two tissues—the adrenalcortex and the testes—so that these tissues to-gether play a major role in the synthesis of cir-culating steroids (Sharifi and Auchus 2012).Further downstream reactions in the steroido-genic pathways are then refined by specificisoenzymes in target tissues to meet site-specificrequirements.

The testes are responsible for the biosyn-thesis of the majority of testosterone in circula-tion, with comparatively minor input from the

Pregnenolone Progesterone 5α-pregnane-3,20-dione






Canonical pathway

5α-dione pathway

Backdoor pathway






3β-HSD 3α-HSD

17β-HSD 17β-HSD

















DHEA AD 5α-dione 3α-androsterone

Androstenediol T DHT5α-androstane-

3α, 17β-diol






















Figure 1. Pathways of androgen biosynthesis in normal physiology and prostate cancer. Key enzymes are denotednext to arrows for each reaction. Specific isoenzymes responsible for particular reactions are discussed in themain text. DHEA, dehydroepiandrosterone; AD, androstenedione; T, testosterone; DHT, dihydrotestosterone.

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adrenal glands (Nakamura et al. 2009). In boththe zona reticularis of the adrenal cortex andLeydig cells of the testes, steroidogenesis startswith the side-chain cleavage of cholesterol byCYP11A1 (cholesterol side-chain cleavage en-zyme, P450scc) to generate pregnenolone. Preg-nenolone is then converted by CYP17A1 (17-hydroxylase/17,20-lyase, P450c17) to 17-OH-pregnenolone and subsequently to dehydro-epiandrosterone (DHEA). Although much ofthe nascent DHEA in the adrenal cortex is read-ily sulfonated by sulfotransferase (SULT2A1) foreventual secretion into circulation, testicularLeydig cells lack SULT2A1 and abundantly ex-press 3b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 2 (3b-HSD2), which enables further downstream me-tabolism of DHEA to testosterone (Sharifi andAuchus 2012). Two final steps are required forthe generation of testosterone in the testes,primarily mediated by 3b-HSD2 and 17b-hy-droxysteroid dehydrogenase 3 (17b-HSD3). Arequirement for the latter enzyme is shown byloss-of-function mutations that lead to pseu-dohermaphroditism (Geissler et al. 1994). Fol-lowing synthesis, testosterone is secreted intoserum, in which it is mostly bound to sex hor-mone–binding globulin (SHBG) and albumin(Dunn et al. 1981; Rosner et al. 1991). The de-gree of bound and unbound testosterone prob-ably exists at equilibrium, with free testoster-one thought to readily undergo cellular uptakethrough passive diffusion into peripheral tis-sues (Dunn et al. 1981). Intriguingly, somestudies have shown that exogenous administra-tion of testosterone and dihydrotestosterone(DHT) leads to increased levels of serum butnot necessarily intraprostatic androgens (Pageet al. 2011; Thirumalai et al. 2016), indicatingthat currently underappreciated mechanismsmay be at play to tightly regulate intracellu-lar androgens within a narrow concentrationrange.

In prostate cells, testosterone may act direc-tly on AR or be irreversibly converted to DHTby 5a-reductase, of which there are two iso-enzymes (SRD5A1, SRD5A2) (Russell and Wil-son 1994; Zhu and Imperato-McGinley 2009).In particular, SRD5A2 is the predominant en-zyme present in benign prostatic tissue that me-

diates the testosterone!DHT reaction and isnecessary for proper development of the malephenotype (Wilson 2001). A loss-of-functionmutation in SRD5A2 causes 5a-reductase defi-ciency, manifesting in pseudohermaphroditismand failure to develop a normal prostate (Im-perato-McGinley et al. 1974; Andersson et al.1991). The requirement for DHT in prostaticgrowth has also been confirmed through thedevelopment of 5a-reductase inhibitors as aneffective treatment for benign prostatic hyper-plasia (BPH) (Rittmaster 1997; Steers 2001;Marks 2004). Recognizing the potential com-plement of enzymes that can participate inandrogen biosynthesis is essential, becauseprostate cancers may frequently commandeerthis enzymatic machinery to sustain steroido-genesis and fuel tumor growth, particularlyfollowing ADT (Stanbrough et al. 2006; Mont-gomery et al. 2008; Knudsen 2014).


Androgen synthesis is tightly governed by thehypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis. Pulsa-tile release of hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) stimulates luteiniz-ing hormone (LH) secretion from the anteriorpituitary gland, which signals for the produc-tion of testosterone in the testes. Testosteronesubsequently exerts negative feedback on thehypothalamus and pituitary gland. The pulsa-tile nature of GnRH is necessary to sustain con-tinued LH secretion; persistent GnRH stimula-tion leads to ensuing desensitization, which isthe rationale behind administering long-actingGnRH agonists for ADT. Following an initialflare, serum testosterone concentrations are ef-fectively suppressed by GnRH agonists to med-ically castrate levels of ,50 ng/dL (Nishiyama2014).

Although testosterone is a physiologic ARligand sharing a similarly high equilibrium af-finity as DHT (Wilson and French 1976), DHTis the principal androgen found within theprostatic cell nucleus (Bruchovsky and Wilson1968) and is approximately 10-fold more potent

Androgen Signaling in Prostate Cancer

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in the stimulation of AR target genes (Deslypereet al. 1992). This difference is thought to beattributed to the greater hydrophobicity ofDHT, which stabilizes the ligand–receptor statethrough intermolecular interactions and de-creases the ligand dissociation rate (Zhou et al.1995; Askew et al. 2007). Therefore, the princi-pal effect achieved through testosterone deple-tion is likely attributed to the intraprostaticreduction in DHT. However, despite castrateconcentrations of testosterone and an observedtumor response in 80%–90% of patients, in-complete depletion of prostate cancer tissueandrogens occurs following ADT. Residual con-centrations of intratumoral DHT can remainat 10%–40% of pretreatment levels (Fortiet al. 1989; Labrie et al. 1993; Page et al. 2006),even before the development of CRPC (Ni-shiyama et al. 2004). This is substantial becausethis concentration range of typically 1 nM re-mains sufficient to permit AR signaling, ARtarget gene expression, and tumor growthboth in vitro and in vivo (Gregory et al. 1998,2001; Mohler et al. 2004; Mostaghel et al. 2007).Multiple studies have now corroborated thepresence of residual androgens in recurrent tu-mors after castration (Geller et al. 1978; Tituset al. 2005; Montgomery et al. 2008), togethersignifying that the persistence of AR signalinglikely promotes the emergence of CRPC. Thisis perhaps unsurprising, given that the onsetof CRPC is predictably and near universallyaccompanied by an increase in PSA, a widelyused clinical biomarker expressed by an AR-re-sponsive gene (Ryan et al. 2006). Furthermore,recent therapeutic advances in the Food andDrug Administration (FDA) approval of novel,life-prolonging AR-directed therapies, such asthe potent second-generation competitive ARantagonist enzalutamide (Scher et al. 2012;Beer et al. 2014) and the androgen synthesisinhibitor abiraterone acetate (de Bono et al.2011; Ryan et al. 2015), have provided the high-est level of clinical evidence for this evolvingparadigm. A number of similar agents are cur-rently under clinical investigation, which couldsoon add to a growing arsenal of therapeuticoptions for men with metastatic CRPC (Dellisand Papatsoris 2016).


A variety of mechanisms may explain the resto-ration of competent AR signaling in CRPC.These include AR overexpression and amplifi-cation, intracrine androgen synthesis, acquisi-tion of constitutively active AR splice variants,and gain-of-function mutations, deregulatedAR coactivators/corepressors that sensitize ARin response to ligand binding, and ligand-inde-pendent signaling and redundant downstreamcross talk (Sharifi 2013; Ferraldeschi et al. 2015).Of note, these postulated mechanisms are notnecessarily mutually exclusive and may arisetogether under the selective pressure of ADT.Importantly, the persistence of physiologicallysignificant intratumoral androgens despite cas-tration indicates that prereceptor regulation re-mains central to many of these mechanisms tofurther fuel tumor growth (Zhang et al. 2016).To support this are observations that castratetumors often up-regulate key steroidogenic en-zymes to utilize alternative sources of androgensynthesis (Holzbeierlein et al. 2004; Stanbroughet al. 2006; Montgomery et al. 2008).

Several possibilities exist for the origin ofthese intratumoral androgens. The first is thede novo pathway, which begins with cholesteroland requires multiple steps in the synthesis ofDHT. This may occur either via the canonicalroute as described in normal physiology (Sharifiand Auchus 2012), or alternatively via a “back-door” pathway, which involves intratumoralCYP17A1 activity to convert pregnanes to an-drogens that are then 5a- and 3-keto-reduced,with eventual terminal conversion to DHT (Fig.1) (Fiandalo et al. 2014). Whether tumors ex-press the complete repertoire of steroidogenicenzymes required to generate androgens fromcholesterol remains to be fully elucidated (Hof-land et al. 2010). On the other hand, circulatingadrenal androgens, which are abundant in theform of DHEA and a larger depot of sulfatedDHEA-S, are readily interconverted to DHT viaan abbreviated series of steps (Mostaghel 2013).DHT concentrations in prostatic tissues ofcastrate men positively correlate with serumDHEA/DHEA-S levels (Page et al. 2006) and

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treatment with abiraterone acetate markedlyreduces serum DHEA concentrations (Attardet al. 2012; Taplin et al. 2014; Mostaghel2014a), while aptly suppressing intraprostaticandrogen levels (Mostaghel et al. 2014). To gen-erate downstream testosterone and DHT,DHEA must first undergo oxidation of its 3b-hydroxyl group and D5 to D4 isomerization toform androstenedione (AD). This rate-limitingstep is catalyzed by 3b-HSD, for which thereare two human isoenzymes: 3b-HSD1 and3b-HSD2. In peripheral tissues, including theprostate, 3b-HSD1 predominates, whereas 3b-HSD2 is expressed preferentially in the adrenalglands and gonads (Simard et al. 2005). Givenits unique position within the steroidogenicpathway, 3b-HSD1 is likely a critical enzymaticgatekeeper that confers on tumors the ability toharness adrenal androgens (Evaul et al. 2010).In fact, a gain-of-function missense in 3b-HSD1 has recently been described, which re-markably augments the capacity of this enzymeto drive conversion of DHEA!AD, therebypermitting more efficient DHT synthesis(Chang et al. 2013). This missense arises froma single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) at po-sition 1245 (A!C), substituting an asparaginefor threonine at amino acid position 367. Thefunctional consequence of this alteration,which can occur as either a somatic mutationor germline variant, is an enzyme protein prod-uct that is rendered resistant to ubiquitin-mediated degradation, resulting in intracellularaccumulation. Notably, it appears that ADTmay select for this particular mutation; CRPCtumors from patients who are germline hetero-zygous variants will not infrequently show lossof heterozygosity or acquire a second variantallele by way of a somatic mutation (Changet al. 2013). This leads to markedly stable en-zyme expression, detailing yet another adaptivemechanism through which tumors may subvertandrogen deprivation. Furthermore, inheri-tance of the gain-of-function HSD3B1(1245C)SNP is associated with rapid resistance andpoorer survival after ADT in patients with pros-tate cancer (Hearn et al. 2016).

The subsequent conversion from AD toDHT requires two additional reactions. In the

canonical pathway, AD first forms testosteronethrough reduction of its 17-keto moiety me-diated by 17b-HSD, before 5a-reduction toDHT by SRD5A (Fig. 1). In contrast, an alter-native pathway has been described, in which ADcan bypass testosterone as an obligate precursor,instead undergoing 5a-reduction to an inter-mediate 5a-androstanedione (5a-dione), fol-lowed by 17-keto reduction to DHT (Changet al. 2011). In fact, this “5a-dione pathway”appears to be the favored directionality ofadrenal androgen flux in virtually all prostatecancer cell lines as well as in sampled metastaticCRPC biopsies from patients (Chang et al.2011). Furthermore, in contrast to the robustflux of AD!5a-dione, the comparable reactionof testosterone!DHT is relatively inefficient.This paradoxical shift in the preferred precursorfor 5a-reduction from testosterone to AD inCRPC tissues may be explained by the differen-tial expression of 5a-reductase isoenzymes intumors. Expression studies have repeatedly re-vealed that the transition from benign tissue tohigh-grade prostate cancers and CRPC is asso-ciated with stepwise up-regulation of SRD5A1and subtotal loss SRD5A2 (Thomas et al. 2008).Given that the optimal substrate for SRD5A1 isAD rather than testosterone (Thigpen et al.1993), this genotypic switch may specificallyherald an acquired ability of tumors to effi-ciently harness adrenal androgens to circum-vent testosterone depletion. Genetic silencingof SRD5A1 in cell lines effectively abolishesthe conversion of adrenal androgens to DHT(Chang et al. 2011).

Because 3b-HSD1, 17b-HSD, and SRD5Aare all required for the generation of DHT fromadrenal androgens, pharmacologic inhibitionof these enzyme targets has been an active areaof clinical interest. Two 5a-reductase inhibitorsare currently available: finasteride, primarilyan SRD5A2 inhibitor, and dutasteride, a dualSRD5A1/SRD5A2 inhibitor (Schmidt and Tin-dall 2011). These agents have been tested in avariety of settings, including in the preventionof prostate cancer (Azzouni and Mohler 2012;Fleshner et al. 2012; Schroder et al. 2013) and asan adjuvant therapy to additionally suppressresidual androgens following ADT (Xu et al.

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2006; Shah et al. 2009). One challenge toSRD5A inhibition is a concomitant rise in up-stream testosterone following blockade, whichmay rescue AR activity and obscure potentialtherapeutic efficacy (Rittmaster et al. 2008;Chang et al. 2011).

Inhibition of the 17b-HSD family enzymesinstead may potentially overcome this issue.17b-HSD5 (aldo-keto reductase 1C3 [AKR1C3])is one particular member of this family, whichshows a reductive preference for the conversionof AD!testosterone and is broadly implicatedin prostate cancer (Adeniji et al. 2013). Expres-sion levels of AKR1C3 are associated withthe highest increase in CRPC relative to pri-mary cancer among profiled steroidogenic en-zymes; in one study, 58% of CRPC samples werepositively stained for AKR1C3 compared withonly 5.6% of primary cancers (Stanbrough et al.2006). The design of effective AKR1C3 inhibi-tors is an ongoing area of investigation. Impor-tantly, inhibitors must show enzyme specificitygiven multiple closely related aldo-keto reduc-tase isoforms, some of which drive other reac-tions (Byrns et al. 2011; Adeniji et al. 2013).

Further upstream inhibition of 3b-HSDisoenzymes presents as another potentiallyviable opportunity for additional androgensuppression. In preclinical models, treatmentwith abiraterone acetate notably reduces activityof not only CYP17A1 but also 3b-HSD (Evaulet al. 2010). Interestingly, the D5, 3b-hydroxylsteroidal structure of abiraterone is amenable todirect enzymatic conversion by 3b-HSD to aD4,3-keto congener (D4A), which is an activeinhibitor of multiple steroidogenic enzymes,including 3b-HSD, CYP17A1, and SRD5A (Liet al. 2015). Furthermore, D4A antagonizes ARat levels comparable to enzalutamide (Li et al.2015). A subsequent metabolite of D4A alsoshows AR agonist activity; the contributoryeffect of these derivative compounds thereforesuggests that pharmacologic blockade of partic-ular metabolic pathways could be a feasiblemethod to limit the production of AR-promot-ing metabolites, thereby refining the antitumorproperties of abiraterone (Li et al. 2016). Giventhe appreciable role of residual androgenproduction in driving progression to CRPC,

identifying opportunities for intensive and di-rected suppression of intracrine androgen syn-thesis remain paramount.


The AR is a ligand-dependent nuclear tran-scription factor (TF) and member of the steroidhormone receptor superfamily (Nuclear Recep-tors Nomenclature Committee 1999). The genefor AR is located on the X chromosome (q11-12) and expresses a 110-kDa protein that is 919amino acids in length, encoded by eight exons(Chang et al. 1988; Lubahn et al. 1989; Tilleyet al. 1989). Common in resemblance to othernuclear hormone receptors, the structure of ARis comprised of four separate functionally dis-tinct domains: an amino-terminal domain(NTD), a carboxy-terminal ligand-binding do-main (LBD), a DNA-binding domain (DBD),and a flexible hinge region, which joins the LBDand the DBD (Fig. 2) (Gelmann 2002; Claessenset al. 2008).

The main native agonists for AR under nor-mal physiologic conditions are testosterone andDHT. When unoccupied by ligand, AR residesprimarily in the cytoplasm, anchored to cyto-skeletal elements, and associated in a complexwith heat shock proteins (HSP-90, HSP-70,HSP-56) and other chaperone proteins to pro-tect the receptor against degradation (Smithand Toft 2008). Binding of ligand to the cognatereceptor causes dissociation from this complexand initiates a sequence of molecular events thateventually leads to AR nuclear translocationand activation of AR target genes (Fig. 3). TheLBD is vital to directing this response; this iswell illustrated by the fact that a deletion ofthe LBD renders AR completely unresponsiveto androgens (Jenster et al. 1991). Furthermore,the LBD is the target for the most competitive ARantagonists, including enzalutamide (Knudsenand Scher 2009), and is the most frequent site ofgain-of-function point mutations (Buchananet al. 2001). Although AR mutations are rela-tively infrequent in early-stage hormone-naıveprostate cancers, they are detected in approxi-mately 10%–30% of patients previously treated

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with first-generation competitive AR antago-nists (Taplin et al. 1995, 2003; Wallen et al.1999). Acquisition of AR mutations can en-hance receptor promiscuity, broadening therange of potential endogenous steroid ligands(Culig et al. 1993; Mostaghel 2014b) or impart-ing the reversal of AR antagonists to agonists(Veldscholte et al. 1992; Culig et al. 1999; Taplinet al. 1999). The latter is the presumed mecha-nism by which tumors may regress following thewithdrawal of AR antagonist therapy (Scher andKelly 1993; Hara et al. 2003). Furthermore, thismechanism may explain why tumors refractoryto select AR antagonists can show continuedsusceptibility to alternative agents (Tran et al.2009; Balbas et al. 2013).

Ligand binding causes a critical conforma-tional change in AR, which not only facilitatesthe nuclear targeting of AR but also exposestranscriptional activation function 2 (AF-2), afunctionally significant hydrophobic bindingsurface-spanning helices 3, 4, and 12 withinthe LBD. Through recognition of FxxLF motifsembedded in the NTD (He et al. 2000), AF-2mediates protein–protein interactions between

the carboxyl and amino termini that are neces-sary for receptor homodimerization, stabiliza-tion of the ligand within the ligand-bindingpocket, and optimization of AR activity (Does-burg et al. 1997; Berrevoets et al. 1998). AF-2 alsoenables the recruitment of specific AR cofactors,which bear FxxLF and LxxLL motifs to modulatereceptor function (Heery et al. 1997; He et al.2002). Nuclear translocation is mediated by abipartite nuclear localization signal (NLS) locat-ed within the hinge region, which interacts withcytoskeletal proteins (Ozanne et al. 2000; Tha-dani-Mulero et al. 2012) to orchestrate the trans-port of AR via importin-a across the nuclearmembrane (Kaku et al. 2008; Ni et al. 2013).Once in the nucleus, AR generally persists ina homodimer localizing to specific recognitionsequences designated as androgen responseelements (AREs) found within the promoterand enhancer regions of AR target genes (Claes-sens et al. 2001). Following localization, coregu-lators, general TFs, and RNA polymerase II aresuccessively recruited to AR to direct the orga-nization of the preinitiation transcriptionalcomplex (Heemers and Tindall 2009).

X chromosome q11-12

AR gene



AR protein (full-length)



Exon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3′5′









Figure 2. The androgen receptor (AR) gene locus and structure of the AR (full-length and AR-V7). Thetranscript for wild-type AR full-length (FL) includes eight exons, which correspond to the four respectivedomains of the AR protein (as depicted by color scheme). AR-V7 includes a cryptic exon region (CE3b) atthe carboxyl terminus. NTD, Amino-terminal domain; DBD, DNA-binding domain; LBD, ligand-bindingdomain; NLS, nuclear localization signal.

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The DBD of AR is highly conserved andcontains two zinc finger domains, throughwhich specificity for DNA binding is deter-mined (Umesono and Evans 1989; Shafferet al. 2004). The first zinc finger is responsiblefor interacting with nucleotides within the ma-jor groove of DNA, thereby tethering the recep-tor for the assembly of a transcriptional com-plex around AR, whereas the second zinc fingercoordinates homodimer formation (Shafferet al. 2004). Notably, a specific sequence of threeamino acid residues (Gly-Ser-Val) within thefirst zinc finger, known as the P(roximal)-box,is conserved across other steroid receptors, in-cluding glucocorticoid receptor (GR), proges-terone receptor (PR), and mineralocorticoid re-ceptor (MR) (Umesono and Evans 1989). Thishomology enables other steroid receptors to

recognize response elements in common withAR, which bears potentially significant clinicalimplications. Recent investigation into post-enzalutamide resistance in CRPC has revealedthat GR up-regulation may reinstate oncogenicprogramming through the expression of over-lapping, albeit not identical, AR-regulated genes(Arora et al. 2013; Sahu et al. 2013). Around30% of prostate cancers express GR, with thisproportion increased under androgen-deprivedconditions (Szmulewitz et al. 2012). In preclin-ical models, treatment with enzalutamide up-regulates GR expression, which is increasedconsiderably more so following the emergenceof enzalutamide resistance. Furthermore, dexa-methasone can induce enzalutamide resistancein prostate cancer cell lines, which is subse-quently reversed by a glucocorticoid antagonist

Dimerization andnuclear translocation

Nongenomic AR signalingand tyrosine kinase crosstalk

Ligand-binding and releasefrom anchoring proteins

Uptake offree steroidprecursorsfromcirculation

Transcription ofAR target genes





Adrenal glands Testes





Assembly of ARtranscriptional complex

Steroid entry andintracrine steroidogenesis

















Figure 3. Prereceptor and receptor-level modulation of androgen receptor (AR) action within the prostate cancercell. Examples of transcriptional coregulators discussed within the text are depicted but are a limited represen-tation of all potential participating proteins. DHEA, dehydroepiandrosterone; SHBG, sex hormone–bindingglobulin; T, testosterone; DHT, dihydrotestosterone; HSP, heat shock protein; TF, transcription factor; ARE,androgen response element.

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or genetic silencing of GR expression. This new-found reliance on GR, however, presents aninherent challenge for any additional signalinginhibition because, unlike AR, GR signaling isessential for life (Nicolaides et al. 2010). A sat-isfactory approach to GR pathway blockade maytherefore necessitate the identification of suit-able downstream targets for inhibition that willnot elicit intolerable or life-threatening toxicities(Sharifi 2014; Li et al. 2017).

The NTD contains transcriptional activa-tion function-1 (AF-1), which commands tran-scriptional activity and is basally suppressed bythe LBD (Jenster et al. 1991; Simental et al.1991). In recent years, a number of truncatedAR splice variants (AR-Vs) have been identifiedand implicated in CRPC (Dehm et al. 2008; Guoet al. 2009; Hu et al. 2009; Sun et al. 2010); thesevariants all harbor an intact NTD and DBD butreveal notable loss of the carboxy-terminal LBD,leading to the uncoupling of transcriptionalcontrol from ligand-dependent induction. It isthought that AR-Vs may emerge through aber-rant alternative splicing (Liu et al. 2014) or ARgene rearrangements (Li et al. 2011, 2012) toescape antiandrogen therapies that target theLBD. Although more than 20 AR-Vs have nowbeen confirmed in prostate cancer specimens(Robinson et al. 2015), which show differentlevels of transcriptional activity and expression(Ware et al. 2014; Lu et al. 2015), AR-V7 is themost commonly detected variant in CRPC(Ware et al. 2014). Truncation of AR-V7 occursafter exon 3 and includes a cryptic exon 3b froman intron into the expressed protein (Fig. 2).AR-V7 is constitutively active, and mRNA levelsin circulating tumor cells (CTCs) have been re-cently found to correlate strikingly with resis-tance to enzalutamide and abiraterone, suggest-ing that AR-Vs may serve as a promisingbiomarker for therapeutic response (Antonara-kis et al. 2014). Several preclinical models inwhich AR-V7 is either expressed endogenouslywith full-length AR (AR-FL) or exogenously inAR-FL-negative cells show an abrogated andro-gen requirement and resistance to antiandro-gens in the presence of AR-V7 (Hu et al. 2009;Mostaghel et al. 2011; Li et al. 2013; Cao et al.2014). Furthermore, exposure to ADT and

AR-directed therapies may reciprocally induceAR-V7 expression (Watson et al. 2010; Mosta-ghel et al. 2011). Although it was originally sug-gested that AR-V7 primarily heterodimerizeswith AR-FL to mediate target gene transcription(Watson et al. 2010; Cao et al. 2014), AR-V7may also alternatively homodimerize to driveAR signaling independently of AR-FL (Chanet al. 2015; Xu et al. 2015). However, in com-parison to AR-FL, AR-V levels are generally low(Watson et al. 2010), particularly in tumorstreated with new generation hormonal thera-pies, and expression of AR-FL nearly alwaysco-occurs with the presence of AR-Vs (Luet al. 2015). Thus, whether AR-Vs are a self-sufficient substitute for AR-FL and whether dif-ferential changes in oncogenic transcriptionalprogramming can occur in the presence ofAR-Vs remains a topic of interest for furtherinvestigation (Lu et al. 2015).

Advances in our knowledge on AR-Vs inprostate cancer progression and the dynamicstructure–function relationships of the differ-ent AR domains have unveiled alternative ap-proaches to achieve therapeutic inhibition ofAR signaling. Among these are AR-directedagents that do not target the LBD. EPI-506 isan NTD inhibitor that can bind both AR-Vsand AR-FL and is currently under evaluationin phase I clinical trials (NCT02606123)(Maughan and Antonarakis 2015). Other po-tentially attractive therapeutic targets includethe DBD (Dalal et al. 2014) and sites of AR co-factor interaction (Ravindranathan et al. 2013).In summary, our progressive understanding ofthe potential molecular mechanisms throughwhich AR may drive transcriptional program-ming continues to guide the development ofnovel strategies to disrupt AR signaling.


Approximately 300 AR coregulators have nowbeen identified (Heemers and Tindall 2007; De-Priest et al. 2016), which can coactivate or co-repress AR transactivation and are increasinglyrecognized to do so in a target-gene-specificmanner (Marshall et al. 2003; Agoulnik andWeigel 2009; Heemers et al. 2009; Ianculescu

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et al. 2012). Within a large class of proteins withdiverse cellular functions and characteristics,these coregulators commonly associate withAR to ensure effective transcription of targetgenes (Fig. 3) (Heemers and Tindall 2007).Coregulators can alter transcriptional activitythrough modulation of a variety of processes,including (1) AR stabilization, homodimeriza-tion, and nuclear translocation, (2) chromatinremodeling and DNA occupancy, (3) recruit-ment of general TFs, and (4) priming and as-sembly of the preinitiation transcriptional com-plex (Heemers and Tindall 2007; Shiota et al.2011). Among the prototypical and most well-studied coregulators is the p160 coactivatorfamily, comprised of three protein members:SRC1, SRC2 (TIF2), and SRC3. These proteinsspecifically bind to the AR NTD, influencingtransactivation through direct histone acetyl-transferase activity, as well as through indirectrecruitment of secondary coactivators to inducechromatin remodeling (Chakravarti et al.1996). A common attribute among many co-regulators is the ability to enzymatically modifyAR and other components within the local mo-lecular environment, such as histones, tran-scriptional proteins, and other coregulators,through acetylation, methylation, phosphory-lation, SUMOylation, and ubiquitination(Heemers and Tindall 2007, 2009). This, inturn, initiates cellular processes such as prolif-eration and invasion, driving tumor progres-sion. An example of this relationship is under-scored by speckle-type POZ protein (SPOP)missense mutations in prostate cancer (Bergeret al. 2011; Barbieri et al. 2012; Grasso et al.2012). SPOP, which is an E3 ubiquitin ligasenormally involved in the degradation and turn-over of AR as well as SRC3, may incur mutationsthat lead to increased AR protein levels and lib-eration of AR-mediated gene transcription (Anet al. 2014; Geng et al. 2014). Interestingly, AR-Vs that lack the hinge region required for inter-action with SPOP are resistant to degradation(An et al. 2014). SPOP mutations are common,occurring in up to 11%–13% of primary pros-tate cancers, and represent a distinct molecularsubtype of disease (The Cancer Genome AtlasResearch Network 2015).

Androgens have been shown to regulate theexpression of �30% of coregulators (Heemerset al. 2009, 2010). This response is variableacross coregulators and is highly specific to par-ticular AR target genes (Heemers et al. 2009).Furthermore, overexpression of coactivators isassociated with increased clinical aggressiveness(Gnanapragasam et al. 2001; Debes et al. 2003;Zhou et al. 2005). The recent development ofpeptidomimetics (Ravindranathan et al. 2013)and small molecule inhibitors (Wang et al.2011b, 2014; Asangani et al. 2014), which targetthese various coregulators offers a promisingapproach that may yield a new class of thera-peutic agents for CRPC. Prototypical examplesinclude SRC-3 and SRC-1 inhibitors (Wanget al. 2011b, 2014), as well as bromodomainand extraterminal (BET) inhibitors, which dis-rupt target gene activation by preventing thebinding of BET subfamily proteins to acetylatedchromatin (Asangani et al. 2014, 2016). In ad-dition, the use of innovative molecular screen-ing approaches such as “Chem-seq”—in whichbiotin-tagged small molecules are captured byChIP to link candidate compounds to regulatedtarget genes—may increasingly reveal suitableagents to disrupt the transcriptional programof prostate cancer. Overall, efforts to elucidatekey AR coregulators have shown an impressivenumber of potentially actionable proteins in-volved in the intricate, selective, and dynamicinterplay with AR to promote AR signaling (De-Priest et al. 2016).


The classical model of genomic AR signalinginvolves the recruitment of the ligand-boundsteroid receptor to AR-binding sites to activatethe AR transcriptome (Nelson et al. 2002; Dehmand Tindall 2006). A compelling link that un-derpins AR signaling to prostate tumorigenesisis well illustrated through the occurrence ofchromosomal rearrangements that generatenovel fusions between the androgen-regulatoryelements of TMPRSS2 and ETS family of onco-genes (ERG, ETV1) (Tomlins et al. 2005).TMPRSS2-ERG fusions are the most commonmolecular alteration in prostate cancer, occur-

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ring in 40%–50% of tumors (Tomlins et al.2009; The Cancer Genome Atlas Research Net-work 2015). These fusions are also recognizedin isolated high-grade prostatic intraepithelialneoplasia (HGPIN) lesions (Park et al. 2014),lesions associated with cancer (Perner et al.2007), as well as benign prostatic epithelial cellsafter extended exposure to DHT (Berger et al.2011), suggesting that the acquisition ofTMPRSS2-ETS fusions is likely an early carci-nogenic event. Moreover, some evidence sug-gests that androgens themselves can provokenonrandom fusion events (Lin et al. 2009;Mani et al. 2009). However, other instigatorssuch as activation of the PI3K/Akt pathwaymay be required in the presence of fusions tofully induce malignant transformation (Carveret al. 2009; King et al. 2009).

The collective AR cistrome appears to un-dergo extensive reprogramming with malignanttransformation and disease progression (Wanget al. 2009; Sharma et al. 2013; Pomerantz et al.2015a). Large-scale bioinformatics and sys-tems-based initiatives to characterize the geno-mic regions of global AR occupancy have re-vealed an incredible degree of complexity andvariation to AR-responsive gene regulation(Sharma et al. 2013; Mills 2014). In fact, theinterfacing of TF networks may critically dictatea particular AR-binding profile, which isdistinctly different between normal and tumortissue (Pomerantz et al. 2015b) and may be per-turbed by the presence of external signaling fac-tors such as inflammatory cytokines (Sharmaet al. 2013). Considerable differences also existbetween the AR-binding profile of cell lines andthat of primary tissue, indicating that a set ofgenes might be selectively activated through invivo signaling (Sharma et al. 2013). Among TFsmost enriched at AR-binding sites is forkheadbox A1 (FOXA1), a pioneer factor that globallyfacilitates AR action through interaction withAR at the DBD. FOXA1-binding sites are typi-cally found in close proximity to AR-bindingsites, with a large amount of overlap betweentheir respective cistromes (Zhao et al. 2014). Inexperiments, FOXA1 may either augment orantagonize AR signaling depending on the set-ting (Wang et al. 2011a). Homeobox B13

(HOXB13), a highly lineage-specific factor,which is itself regulated by FOXA1 (McMullinet al. 2010), has also emerged through recogni-tion of its role in hereditable prostate cancerdisposition and disease progression (Ewinget al. 2012; Decker and Ostrander 2014). To-gether, FOXA1 and HOXB13 have been shownto be sufficient in reprogramming the AR cis-trome in an immortalized prostate cell line toresemble that of malignancy (Pomerantz et al.2015a). These findings have highlighted the dy-namic and contextually dependent nature of ARbinding (Heemers and Tindall 2009).


Evidence also indicates that various growth fac-tor, cytokine, and nonreceptor tyrosine kinasepathways are activated in prostate cancer (La-mont and Tindall 2011). A number of cellsurface receptors including epidermal growthfactor receptor (EGFR), interleukin (IL)-6 andIL-8 receptors, insulin-like growth factor 1(IGF-1) receptor, and Her2/neu have been im-plicated in cross talk with AR to drive ligand-independent signaling or to sensitize AR to sub-physiologic androgen concentrations (Mel-linghoff et al. 2004; Guo et al. 2006; Pongutaet al. 2008; Dutt and Gao 2009). Intracellularkinases such as mitogen-activated protein ki-nase (MAPK), as well as its effectors Src andERK1/2, and PI3K/Akt have also been shownto drive prostate cancer progression (Guo et al.2006). Many of these proteins are downstreamelements of nongenomic AR signaling, whichcan mediate a proliferation response typicallywithin minutes of ligand stimulation (Loseland Wehling 2003; Liao et al. 2013) via cytoplas-mic and lipid raft–associated AR (Pedram et al.2007). Although sizable preclinical data exist tosuggest a therapeutic benefit with pharmaco-logically inhibiting these pathways, clinical re-sults have been mostly disappointing to date(Ziada et al. 2004; de Bono et al. 2007; Araujoet al. 2013). Overall, these signaling moleculesmay represent a larger coordinated and possiblyredundant network of signal transduction path-

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ways that act in concert with AR signaling topromote key neoplastic processes.


Since the work of Huggins and Hodges, majoradvances have contributed to our understand-ing of the AR signaling axis in the pathogenesisof prostate cancer. With this also comes a greaterappreciation for the complexity of prereceptorand postreceptor AR regulation. Major mile-stones were achieved with the introduction ofabiraterone and enzalutamide in the treatmentof CRPC, which has resulted in a significantparadigm shift and renewed interest in intratu-moral androgen suppression. However, onset ofresistance to these second-generation agents hasalso galvanized new directions to investigate themechanisms that may promote this escape.Evolving molecular approaches have revealedkey insights into the structural basis of AR func-tion and the dynamic, context-dependent na-ture of AR transcriptional control. The hope isthat these ongoing efforts will translate intogreater precision in AR targeting and novel ther-apeutic options in the near future for men withprostate cancer.


This work is supported by funding from theHoward Hughes Medical Institute MedicalFellows Program (C.D.), National Cancer Insti-tute (CA166440 to H.H. and R01CA168899,R01CA172382, R01CA190289 to N.S.), ProstateCancer Foundation (Young Investigator Awardto H.H. and Challenge Award to N.S.), HowardHughes Medical Institute Physician-ScientistEarly Career Award (N.S.), American CancerSociety Research Scholar Award (12-038-01-CCE to N.S), and Department of DefensePCRP award W81XWH-16-1-0404 (H.H.).


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C. Dai et al.

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on April 29, 2018 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press from

published online April 7, 2017Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med  Charles Dai, Hannelore Heemers and Nima Sharifi Androgen Signaling in Prostate Cancer

Subject Collection Prostate Cancer

ProstateAnatomy and Histology of the Human and Murine

Michael Ittmann

Metastases in Prostate Cancer

Zoni, et al.Federico La Manna, Sofia Karkampouna, Eugenio

Cancer in the Postgenomic EraGenetically Engineered Mouse Models of Prostate

Juan M. Arriaga and Cory Abate-ShenCancerPreclinical and Coclinical Studies in Prostate

Ming Chen and Pier Paolo Pandolfi

Receptor in Prostate CancerNew Opportunities for Targeting the Androgen

Ebrahimie, et al.Margaret M. Centenera, Luke A. Selth, Esmaeil

Transcriptional Regulation in Prostate CancerDavid P. Labbé and Myles Brown

DNA Damage Response in Prostate CancerMatthew J. Schiewer and Karen E. Knudsen Cancer

Anatomic and Molecular Imaging in Prostate

Eric T. Miller, Amirali Salmasi and Robert E. Reiter

of Prostate CancerMolecular Biomarkers in the Clinical Management

Aaron M. Udager and Scott A. Tomlins Explant ModelsPatient-Derived Xenografts, Organoids, and Other Preclinical Models of Prostate Cancer:

A. TaylorGail P. Risbridger, Roxanne Toivanen and Renea

Perspective and Future DirectionsChemoprevention in Prostate Cancer: Current

Michael A. Liss, et al.J. Ricardo Rivero, Jr., Ian M. Thompson, Jr.,

The Epidemiology of Prostate Cancer

Wilson, et al.Claire H. Pernar, Ericka M. Ebot, Kathryn M.

Diagnostic and Therapeutic OpportunitiesMetabolic Vulnerabilities of Prostate Cancer:

Giorgia Zadra and Massimo LodaEthnicity: From Nucleotide to NeighborhoodProstate Cancer Disparities by Race and

Timothy R. RebbeckProstate Organogenesis

Jeffrey C. Francis and Amanda Swain Review of Current Therapies and Future PromiseA−−Treatment of Advanced Prostate Cancer

Semini Sumanasuriya and Johann De Bono For additional articles in this collection, see

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on April 29, 2018 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press from