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Ancient River Valley Civilizations


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Ancient River Valley Civilizations

1. River Valley Civilization

2. Social Patterns

3. Hereditary Ruler

4. Dynasty

5. Pharoah

6. Class System

7. Slavery

8. Political Patterns

9. City-States

10. Centralized Government

11. Ten Commandments


Ancient River Valley Civilizations

12. Code of Hammurabi

13. Economic Patterns

14. Agricultural Surplus

15. Irrigation

16. Nubia

17. Polytheism

18. Monotheism

19. Abraham

20. Moses

21. Torah

22. Exile

23. Diaspora

Ancient River Valley Civilizations



24. Pictograms

25. Hieroglyphics

26. Cuneiform

27. Alphabet

Why Did Ancient Civilizations Develop in River Valleys?

During the ___________ Age, permanent settlements appeared in river valleys and around the Fertile Crescent.

River valleys provided rich soil and _________ waters for __________.

Also, river valleys tended to be in locations easily ________ from invasion by ________ people.

Ancient River Valley Civilizations


Where and when did the earliest civilizations exist?

River Valley civilizations were around from about _____ to 500 ______.

__________ Civilization- Tigris and ________ River Valleys (Southwest Asia)

Egyptian civilization- ______ River Valley and ______(Africa)

_______ civilization (Indus River Valley- South Asia)

Chinese civilization- ___________ Valley (East Asia)

Ancient River Valley Civilizations


What were other early civilizations (about 2000 to 500

Hebrews settled between the Mediterranean Sea and the ________ River Valley (part of the _______ ______ in Southwest Asia)

Phoenicians settled along the _____________ coast (part of the Fertile Crescent in Southwest Asia)

Nubia was located on the upper (southern) _____ River (Africa)

Ancient River Valley Civilizations



Cradles of Civilization

What were the social patterns of early civilizations?

River ______ were the “Cradles of Civilization.” Early __________ made major contributions to ______, political, and ________ progress of the world.

Thought Question: Why do historians use the term “cradle?”________________________________________

__________ rulers evolved where many early civilizations had dynasties of ________ or pharaohs.

In each early civilization a ______ class system emerged where ________ was accepted.






Ancient River Valley Civilizations


What were political characteristics of each civilization?

As civilization arose, the world’s first city- states, _________, and _________ emerged.

Eventually rival leaders battled for power and conquered many cities and villages creating an ________.

_________ governments developed as rulers united their kingdom or empire. Many leaders based their rule on ________ authority.

To keep order, some of the first ____________ emerged (Code of ______________ and Ten ______________).

The Code of Hammurabi was published when King Hammurabi brought much of _____________ under his control and tried to unite his empire.

He had artisans carve the _______ on a stone pillar for all to see. Why?_____________________________________

The laws operated under the principle “an eye for an _______.”

Ancient River Valley Civilizations!!!

What were the economic characteristics of each civilization?

As ________ and iron was discovered, ________ tools and weapons were used which helped advance civilization.

________ tools, the invention of the________________ developed which helped create an __________surplus and an increase in ___________.

Increasing trade along _______ and by sea (Ex. __________- sea-going civilization-- Fertile Crescent)

Development of the world’s first ________.

Development of the practice of ________ in the ancient world taking various forms

Increase in ______ along rivers and by sea.

Ex. )The Phoenicians- located in the ________ Crescent were traders of the _________.

Other river valley __________ enjoyed trade along the rivers in which they developed.

Ancient River Valley Civilizations!!


What religious traditions developed in ancient civilizations?

_______ played a major part of life in all early civilizations.

_______ was practiced by ______ early civilizations.

________ was practiced by the _______

Write Social, Political, Religious or Economic in the blanks below:

1. Increased trade along rivers and by sea (Phoenicians). ____________

2. Most early civilizations were polytheistic. ____________

3. Centralized governments developed based on religious authority. ___________

4. Slavery developed taking various forms. ________________

5. Better tools, the invention of the plow and irrigation helped to create an agricultural surplus. _______________

Ancient River Valley Civilizations!!!!



What were the origins of

What are the beliefs, traditions, and customs of Judaism?


The monotheism of _______ became the foundation of ________, Christianity, and _______- religions that changed the world. The _________ (Jews) were the first to become monotheists.

Belief in one ______ (monotheism)

The ______ contains written records and beliefs of _______ in five written books.

The Ten ________ state the moral and _________ conduct.

Ancient River Valley Civilizations!!!


How did Judaism Spread?Almost ______ years ago many Jews were forced to leave their _____ (exiled) in Palestine

This _______, scattering of people, sent Jews to different parts of the world

Ancient River Valley Civilizations!!!



What forms of language and writing existed in early civilizations?


________ were the earliest written symbols that first evolved in ___________.

Cuneiform (________ shaped writing) was developed in __________. In this form of writing, groups of signs stood for spoken sounds. This was much more useful for keeping track of complicated operations of government.

Ancient River Valley Civilizations!!

HieroglyphicsHieroglyphic script developed in _______ and includes _________, but these do not, like pictograms, represent the objects depicted. Instead the pictures __________ words, sounds, and letters.

The Alphabet

The Phoenician ___________ developed which is the ancestor of the alphabet used in many parts of the _______.

The _________ lived off of _____ trading which created a need for ______ and record keeping.