Download - Anatomi-subtopik 2

  • 8/8/2019 Anatomi-subtopik 2




    Alicia Yolandra


    PD-A FKUB 2009


    1. a. The rotator cuff is composed of the tendons of four scapular muscles : the supraspinatus,

    infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis. The rotator cuff reinforces the joint capsule

    and holds the head of the humerus in the glenoid cavity of the scapula during movements

    at the shoulder joint. Therefore they assist in stabilizing the shoulder joint. The cuff lies on

    the anterior, superior, and posterior aspect of the joint. The cuff is deficient inferiorly, andthis is a site of potential weakness




    2.Muscles in the anterior compartement of the arm act mainly to flex the elbow joint, while

    muscles in the posterior compartement to extend the elbow joint

    Muscles in the anterior compartement of the forearm flex the wrist and digits and pronate the

    hand. Muscles in the posterior compartment extend the wrist and digits and supinate the





    6. The location of those arteries that can be palpated or compressed in emergency:

    y A. subclavia : in the root of the posterior triangle, (as it crosses costae I to become a.


    y 3rd part of a.axillaris : in front of m. teres major

    y A. brachialis : as it lies on m. brachialis

    y A. radialis : in front of the distal end of the radius, in the anatomical snuff box

    y A. ulnaris : as it crosses anterior to the flexor retinaculum

  • 8/8/2019 Anatomi-subtopik 2


    7. The axilla, or arm pit is a pyramid shaped space between the upper part of the arm and the

    side of the chest. The apex is directed into the root of the neck and is bounded in front by the

    clavicula, behind by the upper border of the scapula, and medially by the outer border of

    costae I. The base is bounded in front by the anterior axillary fold, behind by posterior axillary

    fold, and medially by the chest wall.

    Walls of the Axilla :

    y Anterior wall : M. pectoralis major, subclavius, pectoralsi minor

    y Posterior wall : M subscapularis, latissimus drosi, teres major (from above down)

    y Medial wall : costae I IV or V, m. serratus anterior

    y Lateral wall : M. coracobrachialis, biceps brachii

    Contens of the axilla :

    y Arteri and axillaris vein

    y Part of vena cephalica

    y Part of plexus brachialis

    y R. cutaneus lateralis nn. intercostalis

    y N. thoracalis longus

    y N. intercostobrachialis

    y Axillaris lymphonode



    10. a. The fossa cubiti is a triangularly shaped depression that lies in front of the elbow and is

    formed by muscles anterior to the elbow joint

    Boundaries :

    y Laterally : m. brachioradialis

    y Medially : m. pronator teres

    y The base : is formed by an imaginary line drawsn between the two epicondyles of the


    y The floor : is formed by the m. supinator (lateral) and m. brachialis (medial)

    y The roof : is formed by skin and fascia and is reinforced by aponeurosis bicipitalis

    Contens : The contents of the fossa cubiti enumerated from the medial to the lateral

    side: n. medianus, the bifurcation of the a. brachialis into a.radialis and a.

    ulnaris, tendon of m. biceps brachii, n. radialis

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    11. The carpal tunnel is a tunnel which is formed by the ossa carpalia and the flexor of

    retinaculum (a thickening of deep fascia that holds the long flexor tendons in position at the

    wirst). It is for the passage of the n. medianus and the flexor tendons of the thumb and


    It is clinical importance because n. medianus lies in a restricted space between the tendons

    of the m. f lexor digitorum superficialis and the m. flexor carpi radialis so it can be

    compressed by arthritic changes in the wrist joint, synovial sheath thickening or oedema.


